#poor mako my bb
linnorabeifong · 5 months
Best Dialogue
You guys I’ve already written the snappiest and most random one liner my brain can conjure up. I think this is the best thing I will write in 2024.
“Chief, I’m going to call for backup”. 
“Like Sozin’s asshole you are, Mako” Beifong growled 
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dnash-moved · 4 years
Lastly, to our Rock'n'sock merman shipper- I think it's adorable! Rocky as a big mako boi with his cute sluggy boyfriend! The drama! The development! The excitement! I imagine Mick would get bullied a lot by bigger fish men, poor bb. Godspeed my dude :)
i almost forgot to post this ask but!! a message for you, meranon, from hades anon :)
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byvenomssweetsting · 7 years
🌗 Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
                                               Acts XLV - XLVI
So this is where they finally learn about Mina's illness?
Just "fatigue"???
They are downplaying it for Usagi's sake right??
Jadeite is at the piano.
He got the last wish/message then?
They all heard it then.
Mamoru's heartburn has returned but he is thinking about the pain of his generals.
All those empty seats...
Those poor kids are so scared.
Usagi is all alone.
Artemis seems a bit distressed.
Damn she's teling Artemis to leave.
Mako knows she's dying now.
So now Ami and Luna know about Mina's approaching death.
Rei says that you don't see your past life only your mission from your past life. So has Mina been full of shit this whole time then? She's devoted to following what her previous life ditacts but has no idea what that life was like beyond the purpose she was reacarnated for.
Aw Mako is crying.
Mako really believes she's only here to fulfill her mission :(
Did Nephrite get some of his powers back? Is that why he's so strong rn?
Motoki is gonna buy something for Mako isn't he?
Lol he even has a turtle wallet.
Damn he's gone.
Lol he's giving Ami some horns.
Oh shit Paint Pal's mom fell out.
Fucking Mio.
I guess she decided to do this since she was so board?
Oh fuck can she not transform?
She's to weak to transform then?
Damn the monster is still going.
Did he just obsorb the energy or somehting?
omg is Metallia finally waking up???!!
Usagi felt it.
Now the monster is super charged thanks to Metallia giving it a boost.
Luna says Metallia is posessing the monster.
Mina still can't trnasform.
They de-transformed upon getting hit.
Jupiter is determined.
Oh shit she's holding the monster so it will get hit.
Don't die girl.
Fuck she got blown up?!
Aw the charm broke :(
That's ominous.
Usagi arrives late to the scene.
Rei is with crying children.
Lol @ Artemis making eggs.
Oh wait so Rei stepped out then.
Poor crying bbs.
Mamoru with his heartburn.
Rei is there???!!!!!!!!
"Who are you?" Does he not know Rei? Did they never meet? Does he only know mako out of Usagi's friends then?
Of course Mio is the one who brought her there. At first my mind thought Rei had astral projected herself to Mamoru for help or something but this makes more sense.
Is Rei some sort of gift for Mamoru??
Lol @ Luna's little sick bed.
Oh good Mako is okay :)
Damn so that attack only bruised it?
Damn @ Rei just telling him straight out to get the fuck out of the dark kingdom for Usagi's sake. I agree with Mio, Rei is bold as fuck.
Lol @ her being all "Oh your like that too, huh?" to Mamoru.
So Mako believes even if she fails in this life she still has a chance to succeed in the next.
Mina is getting a taste of her own medicine.
Artemis is clearly asking Mina for help with Rei and those kids.
Lol fucking Mio so excited over being caught with Rei.
Okie so now Mamoru is saying he trusts Usagi not to blow up the planet and Rei is pleased with that response.
Mamoru's heartburn is back and he's shown up in a portrait too???
Rei is back in the normal world to fight monsters with Ami.
Mina has gone with Artemis to help the children.
Lol of course they are singing her song.
Now she will know the importance of being Minako.
Poor Motoki he's energy drained.
Aw she now thinks her powers awakend because hse wasn't alone anymore.
Aw Artemis says he loves Mina.
And he thinks Mina loves being Mina and that's why she kept singing.
"I want you to live"
Makoto is on the scene and ready to fight.
This monster is hella strong.
Damn he can even suck the life out of plants.
Yaaaasssss Venus's full powers have awakened.
Rolling Heart Vibration is a new attack.
Sailor Moon has arrived. Time for a joint attack.
The harp?
Motoki awakes like sleeping beauty.
Everyone is healed and awake.
Naru and Usagi are reunited.
Aw Mina is gonna get the surgery?!
"I've decided I like Aino Minako" <3
Makoto has got her charm in hand.
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linnorabeifong · 4 months
That fic! Mako totally buys the whole series and Asami is like “Mako… why are you reading the Bride of the Dark of Night series ?”
And suddenly Mako understands why Lin’s book covers are blacked out.
I love this so much. Asami: 🤨 why is Mako reading a bodice ripper novel ?
He definitely blacks out the covers after that . His secret is safe with Asami though.
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linnorabeifong · 5 months
“Happy New Year To Me…I Guess”
“He returned back to the precinct out of pure habit. As he mounted the stairs all he could think of was how this past year had been truly the worst he’d ever had. His exes getting together, having to escort that bratty prince, Beifong breathing down his neck,  the battle with Kuvira, months of physical therapy after the burns he endured. Now here he was on New Year's Eve alone, at work, single.”
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This image sums up the fic pretty well
My mildly nsfw Linzolt, Weilin, Mako torture fic to start 2024 on the right note, enjoy. Love y’all. This is a late Christmas gift for @wilcze-kudly
Here have some “Art”
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linnorabeifong · 5 months
no context
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linnorabeifong · 3 months
Wu in season Four 🫣
Deleted scene of Wu seducing Mako at Kwong’s Cuisine.
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byvenomssweetsting · 7 years
🌖 Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
                                           Acts XXXIII - XXXIV
Ami is so supportive.
Rei is not.
She thinks it's too dangerous given all the monsters and the dark moon and shit.
Lol damn that whole thing was a fake out.
Jadeite is not here for Endymion.
Aw they leave each other notes. How sweet.
Rei's mom was really pretty.
A pollen monster?
Sailor Mars is on the scene.
Ami arrives late.
A cop.
They can use flowers to eaves drop now? Or was that just a clever scene transition.
Metallia is still cooking but is nearly done it seems.
Kunzite has to prep for her awakening.
Are these their summer uniforms? How cute.
Mio saw the Mamoru pic.
Motoki's reaction to them being a couple lol
Mio be creepin'
So she's def a spy for Beryl at least then?
Oh shit more trouble with the police.
Now Rei's dad is circling.
They suspicious.
Damn Ami missed school too.
Oh shit @ change schools.
Now Rei's dad wants them to live together.
Rei values a direct approach.
Luna hears about food and instantly becomes human to go eats some.
Rei's dad in the flesh for the first time.
She really hates him.
Fuck he hit her.
I hate him.
The flowers again.
Pollen monster is back.
Come on Rei fight against the bad thought and beat this monster.
Other senshi arrive and the monster disappears.
So is the monster disigned for Rei?
Ami's mom.
My poor bbs are suffering :(
Is she running away?
They think Ami might was run away but it's actually Rei who did the running?
So Beryl is targeting Endymion now.
Zoicite gives a warning to Mamoru about Beryl.
So she's making sure to keep an eye on Rei and/or cheer her up.
Ami has arrived at the Corwn.
I suck at confrontations too Ami.
Ami wants to have a little party.
Lol they dressed each other.
They're having so much fun.
Aw so Rei cute him out of the picture she has.
Ami's mom didn't even realize she had friends more than likely.
Motoki brought Mako some food.
I guess they're confronting their parents now.
So he's pretending to care?
Time for a monster attack.
This is a lackluster confession since the reason is the one I assumed it was the whole time.
Well this plotline was a waste.
Her mom found her.
She finally let her feelings be known.
"Just come home safe"
Well Ami's storyline def ending on a better note than Rei's.
Everyone is happy because Ami isn't switching schools.
Oh shit.
Is that Mio?
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