#point is an important little creachure to fukase i like to think... ik in official art he mostly seems to get ignored but
sundial-bee-scribbles Β· 1 year
Actually the chicory thing could be a thingy with James?? The flowers are obviously not a specific breed but it's a neat parallel!! Also I was intending for James to stay with Ollie lmao, maybe he could be a distraction of sorts? Either if Ollie has to Fuck Off post haste or to distract the person the flower is stalking. Also. I didn't actually realise point was the flower fukase was holding bxfsgtrfvcz rip them ig -🌟
oli can go thru hell and back but as long as he still has james w/ him it will be okay 😌
yes distraction bird 😩✌️ slay. honestly i get distracted by birds all the time so i FEEL that
and kjhHSDKJGN YEAH ITS NOT SUPER NOTICEABLE BUT YE... rip pillsbury dough boy lookin creachure πŸ˜”πŸ™ if anything maybe flowerized!fuka just lets point walk around and, given the flower attached and covering their face, if anyone picks this little creachure up you're gonna get sprayed with spores or smthn, rip
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