aeliplex · 9 months
Some idaelius terms I coined!
Archa - short term for archaelius (an aelius not based off of anything)
Vera - short term for veraelius (an aelius based off a real person)
Poeta - short term for poetaelius (an aelius based off a fictional character)
Prima - short term for primaelius (aelius the person identifies as the most)
Xenoaelius / Xenoa - an aelius that is based off of something, but it is not a person nor a fictional character
Monocon - short term for monoconsciousness (later realized this was alr a term)
Demidaelius - someone who is partially an idaelius; one of the definitions could be one half of the identity is stable and static, while the other half is idaelius.
https://idaelius.carrd.co/ for more info on what idaelius is!
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yapsterpup · 7 months
Small Announcement
So I've found out that I'm a median in my system! I also identify as a partial Primaelius* Natalie Scatorccio Poetaelius*! This pretty much means that I am partially Milo & partially Natalie. I ask that you still call me Milo or Graves and use my pronoun set thats in my pinned but now you can also call me Nat or Natalie! I'm still the same dog, I've just found out who I am.
Have a nice day!
*More info
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aeliplex · 9 months
Idaelius color meanings and alt flag!
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NOTE: The color meanings were made by me. This may or may not be coined as official meanings for the colors. The original Idaelius flag had the three bars to represent ‘Identity’ in math and this one has the bow tie symbol to also represent Idaelius people.
Original term made by @faerielogy and carrd for idaelius is https://idaelius.carrd.co/ (tap here) !
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