paigemathews · 2 years
@plutoconjunctascendant replied to your post “I still standby that a lot of people’s responses...”:
wait elaborate please ik the charmed sons theory which is just like. 😷 but like i really haven't dug at all into the old fandom
​Okay, so like. General disclaimer in that basically all of this is my own perspective from Fanfiction Net, and that most of this was me 2013-2016 and basically reading all the next gen or Chris fic on the site so I have no actual authority, just my own conviction. Also, like usual, there will be no coherency to this.
But yeah, like. Focusing on Mel and the next gen specifically, obviously, everything was very Wyatt and Chris-centered. I’m going to assume that the charmed sons theory is the one that Wyatt and Chris are Piper’s only kids and that the little girl in the flashforward was “a cousin or a neighbor’s kid” which. Over a decade and a half afterwards, I’m still sitting here like “they didn’t explicitly name her as Piper’s kid bc they made the mistake of assuming that y’all could pick up context clearly” like c’mon. (Also it was kind of weird with how people responded to Henry Jr, with one author being like weirdly insistent that Chris and Wyatt were the only biological sons to the extent that she said that Henry Jr being adopted was an answer to that dilemma. (She did in fact use dilemma, but misspelled it.))
More specifically though, people got annoyed when Melinda would be in fics! For context, I was thinking about this because I was going through my old FFN profile to delete/update/move some stuff around and read some old reviews on older fics. 
One of them was posted in February 2015 and someone outright said that they stopped reading when they saw that Mel was in the story. She wasn’t even really in the story, tbh, I just mentioned her in my author’s note when I was mentioning my names for the other next gen kids bc I don’t use the comic names and giving a rough timeline for ages bc it jumped through the timeline a lot. This was a 7k story and they literally scrolled to the bottom just to be upset Mel was mentioned.
Another was actually a oneshot collection posted in January 2016, focusing on weird conversations and shit that happened in Chris and Wyatt’s apartment at night. (It was super niche, I don’t know my thought process behind it or how I pulled eight chapters out of that.) On the first chapter, someone made sure to tell me that they were happy that it was just Wyatt and Chris, without a sister. (We had an entire mini-argument on whether Mel canonically existed bc 2016!me was. an Interesting Time.)
Even in fics where Mel does exist, it was almost always written so that she wasn’t a major player, usually by having her be dramatically younger than the boys.  (If she was around, she did not get to have a role in the narrative about her brothers, forget her own story. There were very few people who apparently saw the story potential in this girl.) Frankly, a lot of people did it with the other next gen girls, too. They were rarely a big presence in the story or in Wyatt and Chris’s lives. In fics about stuff like the unchanged future, they died relatively soon and weren’t really addressed. In changed future fics or outright spin-offs, they were largely skipped over as “being too young” with the idea that Chris and Wyatt were in college and the cousins were in high school. 
Of course, this pretty much entirely ignores that a) you can be an adult and still have relationships with your younger siblings/cousins b) that Mel didn’t have an extremely noticeable age gap from her brothers in the flashforward and c) Phoebe’s premonition had her daughter be in the same age range as Chris and Wyatt. Just everything possible to minimize the next gen girls. (Of course, these fics also never had Chris or Wyatt have platonic female friends either, just love interests that were always women.)
This is already very long, and I don’t know if you wanted elaboration on Bianca as well so like. I would gleefully leap at the chance to talk about how absolutely misogynistic Bianca’s treatment is, but I managed to basically spend nearly 700 words to say “Mel gets ignored” so. 
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paigemathews · 2 years
@plutoconjunctascendant replied to your post “The Charmed wikia is like. a really cool resource...”:
okay and here's the thing: it's literally not stated in tdmd that paige is a gemini, phoebe just says there's a cluster of planets in gemini, meaning wyatt was born with a gemini stellium & this has Nothing to do with paige >:/
I don’t know shit about horoscopes or astrology, nor what a stellium even is so I bow to your superior wisdom on that one (​the only thing I know is that I’m an Aries :) )
I think that the Gemini thing is based off of this conversation, which sounds like Paige was supposed to be a Gemini if you don’t know anything about astrology (aka me)
Phoebe: Have you been experiencing uncontrollable emotional mood swings in the last week?
Paige: Am I that transparent?
Phoebe: No, but read your horoscope. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are all in Gemini.
But also that is my point exactly!! They just casually have that "In the episode The Day the Magic Died, Phoebe stated that Paige is a Gemini.“ when a) she’s not b) this isn’t a source despite being referenced as one and c) they outright have her first trivia point that she’s a Leo!! Pick a continuity please!!
SPEAKING of birthdays though, would y’all like to know where they got the date for Piper and Phoebe’s birthdays? The Warren Family Tree. Which casually has Penny give birth to Patty before she turns 14, like no!! Don’t reference that!!
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