#plus Ppl are ‘fine with it ‘ until pronouns need to be respected
If anyone accepts drabble ideas for Steddie
Modern au where Eddie is a bar tender at a gay club and Steve is there trying to wingman Robin. Steve rejects drink after drink from guys who wants to smash him because he’s looking for a deeper connection.
‘What’s wrong sweetheart? Why is a pretty thing like you rejecting everyone who dares come near you?’
Normally Steve would shrug that kind of comment off and he’s about to when he looks up and notices the hottest guy he’s seen in a while. Steve instantly blushes but finds it hard to speak. Usually he’s good at this kind of stuff.
‘No one here’s really my type. Plus i’m trying to help my Friend get some’ he says and points to Robin flirting with a brunette in the crowd of people.
He knows he’s conventionally attractive but his hopeless romantic heart longs for more.
Everyone wants to fuck him but no one wants to date him.
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