hoohoobeanie · 4 months
pretty like the sun - a spommy college au
as a little birthday gift to the rest of you, here's a sneak peak into the plts universe!! (the fic will be dropping later, probably february due to exam season) but here's an edit with the song that inspired some of it!!
spencer agnew is a struggling college student, pushing to make his way through his junior year of his film program. when he gets an assignment worth a big part of his final grade, he looks to tommy bowe, star theatre student, for help.
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baliportalnews · 5 months
Dukung Mobilitas yang Berkelanjutan, Bluebird Perluas Instalasi Solar Panel di Bali
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BADUNG - Sejak memperkenalkan agenda Visi Keberlanjutan di tahun 2022 dengan agenda pengurangan 50 persen emisi pada tahun 2030, atau yang dikenal dengan Komitmen 50:30, PT Blue Bird Tbk sebagai penyedia solusi mobilitas, kembali menjalankan inisiatif transisi energi hijau. Berkolaborasi dengan PT Empat Mitra Indika Tenaga Surya (EMITS), Bluebird Bali siap membangun ekosistem operasional mobilitas yang didukung energi hijau di wilayah operasional Bali. Pelaksanaan inisiatif ini ditandai dengan penandatanganan komitmen kesepahaman pada acara Kick-off instalasi PLTS Atap yang turut disaksikan oleh Ida Bagus Setiawan selaku Kepala Dinas Ketenagakerjaan dan Energi Sumberdaya Mineral Provinsi Bali, yang berlangsung di Pool Bluebird Jimbaran, Sabtu (25/11/2023). Inisiatif ini merupakan kelanjutan dari kesuksesan transisi energi bersih di Jakarta. Bluebird sebelumnya telah mengadopsi panel surya berkapasitas 215,6 kWp untuk mendukung pemanfaatan energi bersih, yang berpotensi menghemat energi hingga 180.000 kWh. Kepala Dinas Ketenagakerjaan dan Energi Sumberdaya Mineral Provinsi Bali, Ida Bagus Setiawan menyampaikan apresiasi kepada Bluebird dan EMITS dalam mendukung transisi energi terbarukan. “Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk mengembangkan energi terbarukan, khususnya tenaga surya. Potensi tenaga surya di Indonesia mencapai 2.898 GW, tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kolaborasi ini merupakan langkah nyata untuk mengoptimalkan potensi tersebut dan mengurangi emisi GRK. Selain itu, kolaborasi ini juga akan mendukung pariwisata hijau di Bali, yang merupakan destinasi wisata unggulan Indonesia dengan sekitar 7,5 juta wisatawan domestik dan mancanegara pada tahun lalu,” jelasnya. Direktur Utama PT Blue Bird Tbk, Adrianto (Andre) D jokosoetono mengungkapkan, dengan mulainya instalasi panel surya, Bluebird Bali telah melengkapi operasional mobilitas ramah lingkungan dari hulu ke hilir sehingga menciptakan ekosistem mobilitas yang berkelanjutan sejalan dengan komitmen 50:30. “Bluebird Bali telah berhasil menjadikan pengemudi sebagai agen perbaikan lingkungan dengan berhenti menggunakan botol plastik sekali pakai serta  tergabung sebagai anggota Blues Allies WWF sebagai perusahaan mobilitas yang mendukung pariwisata yang berkelanjutan.  Bluebird Bali juga telah mengadopsi kendaraan listrik dan membangun infrastruktur pengisian daya,” tuturnya. Direktur Utama PT Empat Mitra Indika Tenaga Surya (EMITS), Yovie Priadi menyatakan bahwa pihaknya turut bangga dapat mendukung Bluebird untuk mewujudkan visi berkelanjutan Bluebird. “Mobilitas merupakan salah satu penopang utama ekonomi dan pariwisata. Kami sangat senang dapat menjadi bagian dari gerakan positif Bluebird untuk mereduksi emisi dengan melakukan transisi energi hijau,” jelasnya.(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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publikkaltim · 1 year
ESDM Kaltim Sebut Fokus Transisi Energi Terbarukan Usai Kewenangan Pertambangan Ditarik Pusat
PUBLIKKALTIM.COM – Sejak ditarik ke pusat 2020 lalu, Dinas ESDM Kaltim tidak lagi memiliki kewenangan terkait pertambangan batu bara. Meski begitu, selanjutnya Dinas ESDM Kaltim, memfokuskan program terkait transisi energi dari fosil ke energi baru terbarukan. Munawwar, Kepala Dinas ESDM Kaltim, kewenangan daerah terkait transisi energi itu termuat dalam Perpres 11 Tahun 2023. “Kewenangan ESDM…
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xprojectrpg · 1 year
Thanks for compiling, Isa!
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letmusicspeaks · 2 years
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borobudurnews · 2 years
Ganjar Hadirkan PLTS untuk Ponpes di Banjarnegara, Bantu Menghemat Biaya Listrik
Ganjar Hadirkan PLTS untuk Ponpes di Banjarnegara, Bantu Menghemat Biaya Listrik
BNews—JATENG— Bantuan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo mulai dapat dirasakan manfaatnya. Salah satunya adalah Pondok Pesantren Tanbihul Ghofilin, Desa Mantrianom, Kecamatan Bawang, Banjarnegara. Bantuan PLTS yang mulai dikerjakan September 2022 itu sudah bisa beroperasi. Sehingga Ponpes yang diasuh oleh KH Muhammad Hamzah Hasan itu kini mampu berhemat 40…
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barometerjatim · 2 years
Buka PJB Connect 2022, Khofifah Tegaskan Pemprov Jatim Masif Kembangkan EBT
Buka PJB Connect 2022, Khofifah Tegaskan Pemprov Jatim Masif Kembangkan EBT
TERBARUKAN: Khofifah tinjau stan usai buka PJB Connect 2022 di Jatim International Expo. | Foto: Barometerjatim.com/IST SURABAYA, Barometerjatim.com – Gubernur Jatim, Khofifah Indar Parawansa menegaskan Pemprov tengah gencar melakukan pengembangan energi baru terbarukan (EBT). Hal itu seiring dengan upaya mewujudkan target Indonesia Net Zero Emission (NZE) pada 2060. Menurut Khofifah, Berbagai…
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kapol-id · 2 years
AQUA Mekarsari Terima Penghargaan, Bangun PLTS
AQUA Mekarsari Terima Penghargaan, Bangun PLTS
KAPOL.ID – Gubernur Jabar, Ridwan Kamil memberikan penghargaan kepada Pabrik AQUA Mekarsari. Karena, telah mengembangkan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) atap sebagai sumber energi baru terbarukan. Penghargaan tersebut diterima langsung Kepala Pabrik AQUA Mekarsari Novan Julianto pada acara West Java Investment Summit 2022 sebagai Rangkaian Presidensi G20 dengan tema “Green Investment: Food…
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oh-biwan · 3 days
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Touch my lungs, take my breath
Inspired by @predator-padawan's pleasure, little treasure 🖤 The thought of using the Force to touch the insides, the utter invasion, nowhere to recoil from it, and instead just taking it... this fucked with my brain on so many levels and snugly rooted itself in a dark corner of my mind.
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slaughtermonroe · 10 months
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Miss the 🌞 & channelling my inner luxury babe✨
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hoohoobeanie · 3 months
this goes out to @tommybones bcos arthur said he wants a little plts lore drop (and hes right it will help me get the ball rolling on writing again)
so here are little details abt pretty like the sun (spommy college au) to entice you guys and help me with writing again:
spencer is a film major and tommy is a theatre major. they run in different social circles but have lots of mutual friends
spencer has been friends with courtney since high school and they ended up at the same college
courtney and arasha have been dating since the first month of college. arasha and spencer become the most terribly annoying and judgmental duo ever (courtney apologises to every person they torture)
spencer dormed with shayne in their first year and became inseparable after that. they become a little group with alex t, trevor and every now and again kiana (someone has to keep the idiots in check)
tommy shares an apartment with amanda and angela, and suffers through their old married couple bickering
tommy is the president of the theatre student association, which is why he gets to direct the musical. he's the first ever junior to direct instead of a senior.
hes v well known around campus, and depending on who you talk to, people say he's kind of a bitch
the musical they're putting up this year is legally blonde (tommy personally campaigns for it). if anyone wants a full cast list i will give it, but for now know that Jackie is Elle, Damien is Emmett and Tommy is Callahan (ofc my king would direct AND take part, he is so talented)
tommy spends the majority of his time with the theatre people, (jackie, damien, amanda, angela, chanse and kimmy) not just because of all of the rehearsals, but because he loves them
these are bits of information that i feel would be a little extra to mention in the text themselves? ill probably still end up referencing some in there anyway :D
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baliportalnews · 6 months
Dukung Tercapainya NZE 2060, PLN Kolaborasi dengan DJK Sosialisasikan Prosedur Pengajuan PLTS Atap
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - PT PLN (Persero) berkomitmen mendukung upaya pemerintah dalam mencapai Net Zero Emission (NZE) 2060, salah satunya dengan memberikan kemudahan layanan bagi pelanggan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) atap. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 26 Tahun 2021 tentang PLTS atap yang Terhubung pada Jaringan Tenaga Listrik Pemegang Izin Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik untuk Kepentingan Umum (IUPTLU), PLN sebagai pemegang IUPTLU memiliki prosedur yang harus dipenuhi pelanggan PLTS atap yang ingin terhubung dengan jaringan listrik PLN. Prosedur pengajuan pemasangan PLTS atap ini terus disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat serta asosiasi pemilik usaha energi surya untuk menjamin keamanan dan keandalan operasi jaringan tenaga listrik sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang–undangan di bidang ketenagalistrikan. Hal ini disampaikan General Manager PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Distribusi (UID) Bali, I Wayan Udayana saat membuka kegiatan Workshop Prosedur Permohonan & Ketentuan SLO PLTS atap, di Kantor PLN UID Bali, Selasa (14/11/2023). Ia mengatakan penting bagi PLN untuk mendukung transisi energi dalam mencapai NZE 2060 namun dengan tetap menjaga kualitas layanan agar tetap andal bagi pelanggan umum. “PLN mendukung adanya PLTS rooftop karena merupakan bagian dari transformasi green yakni penggunaan energi hijau disisi hilir, namun dengan tetap memastikan kualitas listrik bagi pelanggan umum tidak terganggu,” jelasnya. Antusiasme masyarakat di Bali untuk menggunakan PLTS Atap cukup tinggi, tercatat saat ini pengguna PLTS atap di Bali telah mencapai 415 pelanggan dengan total kapasitas terpasang sebesar 6,9 Mega Watt peak (MWp). Udayana mengatakan saat ini PLN melalui subholdingnya PLN Icon Plus turut berkecimpung dalam penyediaan PLTS atap. “PLN Icon Plus mengembangkan layanan PLTS atap guna memberikan opsi dan solusi energi terbarukan kepada masyarakat dengan layanan yang andal dan berkualitas,” tambahnya. Dirinya berharap dengan adanya pemain baru ini, kompetisi dan kolaborasi dalam menghadirkan layanan energi baru terbarukan bagi masyarakat semakin optimal dan efisien. Dalam kegiatan ini, PLN menghadirkan narasumber dari Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan (DJK) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) untuk berbagi pengetahuan terkait pengurusan Sertifikat Laik Operasi (SLO) untuk pelanggan PLTS atap. Koordinator DJK, Wahyudi Joko Santoso beserta tim yang hadir mengatakan bahwa pemenuhan SLO menjadi wajib karena untuk memenuhi keselamatan ketenagalistrikan dan hal ini tak terbatas pada PLTS atap saja namun di sisi pembangkit, transmisi, distribusi, sampai pada instalasi milik pelanggan wajib melengkapi. Dalam kegiatan yang dihadiri oleh Asosiasi PLTS Atap (APSA) dan perusahaan pemasang PLTS atap (EPC) Bali ini dipaparkan mengenai berbagai prosedur baik pengajuan pemasangan PLTS atap serta pengajuan SLO. Pengajuan oleh pelanggan kepada PLN diperlukan pemenuhan berbagai syarat dan dokumen antara lain dokumen kelengkapan PLTS yakni Sertifikat Laik Operasi (SLO) atau dokumen pemenuhan wajib SLO, laporan pembangunan dan pemasangan PLTS Atap untuk kapasitas sampai dengan 500 kWp ke Dinas yang menangani Ketenagalistrikan atau apabila kapasitas di atas 500 kWp pelanggan wajib mengurus Ijin Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik Untuk Kepentingan Sendiri (IUPTLS) melalui oss.go.id, serta berkas kelengkapan lainnya sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Diharapkan melalui kegiatan ini, masyarakat, asosiasi, unit–unit PLN serta pelaku usaha di bidang penyediaan PLTS atap dapat memiliki pemahaman yang sama untuk pemasangan PLTS atap guna mewujudkan NZE 2060.(bpn) Read the full article
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apastrek · 7 months
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bones: “yeah, he kinda just grows on you.”
jim: “awww—“
bones: “like fucking kudzu.”
jim: “you’re just jealous you don’t get invited to rosé night…”
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samueldrxkes · 3 months
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trying on outfits for next weekend WHAT WE THINK
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martyrmystik · 2 months
I think Tumblr needs to know about my dumbass Poppy Playtime AU I literally JUST made today so uhm... Here's the AU I've been hyperfixating on-
More information under the cut!
This is the first half of the Smiling Critters references (I loved making their designs omg)
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Basically to summarize why they are a significant part in this AU:
This is an AU where the Smiling Critters survive, using anything and everything they can to continue to do so. It's a small resistance group (hence the AU name, "RESISTANCE") trying to fight against The Prototype! They still have their dynamics and everything else but they have more freedom to express themselves (hence, the clothes and accessories. And how Kickin' Chicken is wearing two bandana's because yes, he is extra.) AFTER the events of The Hour of Joy. By that time they were like what? 1st-2nd graders considering the experiments that were done? Now they are more like teenagers in this AU since I still follow the plot-line of the actual Poppy Playtime story taking place 10 years later-.
As for how the group works, everybody has their own little role and is in charge of something, they aren't made useless as it is a group based off of teamwork and friendship (despite the casualties.) Here's some of the roles they fall into:
(IF I SEE ANYBODY SEXUALIZE THESE CHARACTERS ISTG. THATS ICKY AND GROSS and I will make sure you get smited by lightning, because even if these guys are aged up THEY ARE STILL MINORS!!!)
Kickin Chicken: The vice president if you will, the leaders right hand man. (Because Dogday is the leader.) He's kind of full of himself but the confidence and pep talks help the team keep motivated, even if he is a bit self-centered
Bobby Bearhug: Assistant to Kickin Chicken (although they have a rivalry.) and also the medic. Is also the one who helps Dogday with anything considering in this AU he still has half of him torn off. (More on Dogday in his own section sometime later)
Hoppy Hopscotch: Basically explores the facility in any area at any time to gather new information on ways to try and get out (all of them are actively looking to escape btw!)
Craftycorn: Maps out stuff (maps, plans, other things) using her drawing abilities, although she also acts as the therapist friend because her art is soothing to others.
Bubba Bubbaphant: THE LITERAL. EMBODIMENT. OF. THE NERD EMOJI. He is a actual know-it-all which can come in handy but that makes him seem like a dick sometimes because of his knowledge.
Picky Piggy: I don't really have anything important to add to her, since I want to keep some of her lore a secret [might be revealed through the ask page I just set up for the AU on my page] HOWEVER she is the chef of the group and is literally the only one that can cook, if anybody else tried they'd all get food poisoning LMAO.
Here's some extra things in this AU that won't go in my other posts about this AU (maybe):
(So take notes if you want.)
- Catnap is redeemed, but it takes a VERY long time for him to get out of "old habits" as I'm going to word it. (Without spoiling too much of what I have planned.)
- I don't know what to plan for The Prototype yet but I'm talking with a couple of my mutuals on discord so maybe I'll figure it out eventually
- Dogday can normally stand and do other things because of the belts he has, however he can't put them on for too long (for like at max, more than 4 hours a day.) because they will wear into the plush, and he needs to put the belts on tight or they will come loose. He only uses such method when the group goes to hunt for food or similar activities, otherwise, he just uses a wheelchair when in the groups safe environment (the Playhouse!)
- This is going to be a shock to some people, but there is NO player character in this AU, not only is this a what if the Smiling Critters survived, but it's also a what if the player character never returned to Playtime Co.! This does come with some issues, like on how the asks are going to work, but trust me, I got everything taken care of when it comes to that!
- There also isn't really any shipping in this AU at all, I'm focusing on the story/friendship dynamics more than that, so if somehow you were looking for Dogday X Catnap this is, unfortunately not the place for that.
- This AU also has the personal interpretation of Dogday being part of the experiments some of the orphanage kids faced, as I don't really vibe with the idea that Dogday might be a Playtime Co. worker??? I don't know, I'm sticking with my idea for now but I will be keeping a close eye on canon if anything confirms or denies it, and I may adjust the AU accordingly if that's the case.
- Future posts may or may not contain other Poppy Playtime characters but the main focus is the Smiling Critters and The Prototype.
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References of Dogday and Catnap are already done but I may wait a bit on Tumblr to see how well this AU is being received :)
(I spent 6 hours on all references in total 😭😭😭)
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augustinestears · 2 months
oops. i made a duncney high school au fic
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