#pls dont let this flop i spent 2h of my fic reading time after a long day to write this
b0nie-studies · 6 years
useful college tips
requested by @cl0udlessdays ☁️
i’ve wanted to do a big college help post for a while so hopefully this helps !
a small note that this is from my personal experience from studying in college in sg ! studying methods varies for people so you could add on to it if something helps you !
🌱 reframing your mindset
this is probably the most important part because if you dont have the proper attitude to study, its hard to do well. everyone can say they want to do well but not everyone can set their mind to do so. be that person !
i told myself i would cut down on social media and hang out sessions so that i can really focus on schooling. this step is really important for people like me that gets distracted easily.
⏰ as soon as possible
do your work and revise asap!! try to review your content within 3 days from your lectures !
when work piles up, you would feel even more stressed and defeated so DO THAT WORK !
✏️ do your hw but dont do everything !
honestly, the workload from college is crazy and if you try to do everything, you are going to burn out really quickly. definitely try your best to do your work, at least the most important bits if you are really struggling.
🗣 be vocal in class
try to answer questions when your tutor poses a question. it might be embarrassing if you get it wrong but at least it will result in a mental note to go over that detail in revision ! it helps you stay focused and engaged in class which helps to cut so much extra revision time !
ask your tutor questions asap ! it’s always hard when starting out and i always thought “what is there to ask??” but the more you try to generate questions, the more natural it is.
📖 revision breakdown
focus on your weaker subjects and topics from the beginning of the year because you will need more time with them to improve. ( dont neglect revision for the rest though ) make sure you have gone through your content at least two to three times before exams !!
content revision should be mostly completed by prelims before study break definitely !! make time for practice papers !
📒start a bujo
if you fail to plan, you plan to fail
i used mine to plan my study schedule ! i struggled a lot with studying in the past because i relied on my mood to study. if im feeling depressed, i just feel bad for a day and do nothing which makes me feel even worse. i relied on periodic spurts of productivity that comes like once in a while.
when i started planning my study schedule, i am able to study more consistently instead and make enough time for every subject
📕keep a journal
this is to write all your goals and aspirations.
to chart your improvement in school, after every test or study session.
to sort your feelings out so that you can clear your mind to study.
to write in when you feel like you are distracted from your original path so that you can note it down and try to focus again. ( usually me after fic binging days )
🏝 sacrifices will be made
in college, i really didnt have much of a social life so i had enough for revision. i still indulged in things i liked once in a while as a tried but your focus should be on studying if you want to do well !!!
😴 sleep is important
some of us may say sleep is for the weak but not true ! having enough sleep is important to recharge you so that you can have productive study sessions !
@educatier | how to sleep
📵 lay low on social media
on my second year, i had all my social media ( other than studyblr ) deleted. its really disrupting to see other friends having a life when you are mugging and trust me, that time feeling terrible can be used on something more productive.
🍃 have a study buddy
if u dont trust yourself that much in staying focused throughout a whole study day, study with a good study buddy !! 
usually more productive with only one person but groups might work out with the right people
🖋 practice

taking the time to consolidate is important but solely reading ur notes wont necessarily get you good grades ( esp in college ) !!
practice writing out the content with syllabus, practice papers etc and review to see what you need to improve on !!
🧘🏻‍♀️take breaks

this is actually so important but quite overlooked !! you need to satisfy yourself to stay motivated !! you need rest and energy to feel functional enough to study !!
try to not take phone breaks because its hard to go back to studying.
i find exercising as a break really nice !!
💦 discipline over motivation
this is a valuable lesson that studyblr has taught me. motivation is less sustainable as a reward must be present and in the case you do not have enough self control, this method will cease to be useful. discipline, however, can help you to remain productive and on task consistently
@a-disciplined-life | how to be more disciplined
thank you for reading ! i know this is really long but i wanted to list everything that helped me ❣️cheers to all the kids in college, you can do this ! 🌟
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