#please listen to The Penny Song by Stephan Nance this is the vibe i want
gallifreyanwriter · 3 years
Don't you know that I love you? Don't you know that I adore you?
Happy September 18th.
“Hello, Dean.”
Dean awoke with a start, sleepy and nap-disoriented, and groaned at the sight of his husband.
“You’ve been sleeping too long,” Cas said, matter-of-factly, “You’ll miss dinner.”
Dean blearily felt for his glasses, putting them to his face after a couple tries, and squinting at the bedside clock.
“Ohh, shit, have I really slept past seven?” he asked, with a yawn, “God damn it, insomnia’s a bitch-”
“The sun has gone down,” Cas interrupted loudly, fiddling with his hands, “It’s...it’s officially the night we met.”
That gave Dean pause.
Cas turned heel and walked, rather briskly, out of the room.
Dean chuckled. As a human, Cas could no longer whisk himself away from awkward conversations in a rush of wings. This was his usual substitute.
“Cas, Cas, come back, c’mere, c’mere,” Dean called, beckoning with a hand.
Cas hesitated, right outside the doorway, and looked back.
“Would you uh…” Dean said, words still unable to roll off his tongue without effort, “L-lay with me?”
Cas visibly softened.
“Of course,” he said, crossing to the other side of the bed.
The mattress creaked with Cas’ weight, shifting around as he did, before he settled in with a sigh and threw an arm over Dean’s chest.
Cas pressed his forehead against the nape of Dean’s neck. Dean leaned back to give him some pressure.
“You must think it silly of me, to pay attention to dates like this," Cas mumbled, the words a warm breath down Dean’s upper back, “Generally it is accepted for a couple to have a single anniversary.”
“Cas, buddy,” Dean said, turning over with some difficulty under the covers, “I think it's adorable."
He reached out and clapped a hand on Cas’ cheek, stroking the newest wrinkles that had formed near the eyes, gently touching the slightly overgrown hair. There was a streak of silver forming, just at Cas’ temple, and Dean really shouldn’t find that prospect as exciting (or hot) as he did.
“Plus, the night we finally met was pretty unforgettable,” he continued, voice more hushed inside the bubble of their attention toward each other, “Guns blazing, sparks flying, you knocked Bobby RIGHT the fuck out-”
“No,” Cas said, uncomfortably, “That was not...the night we met for the first time.”
Dean couldn’t help a small gasp sneaking out of him as he comprehended what Cas was getting at.
“This is my get-outta-hell-iversary?” Dean asked, breath hitching just slightly.
Cas nodded, sliding his cheek along the sheet.
Dean blew out a breath. “Whew. That feels...well it feels weird.”
Unconsciously, his hand found Cas’.
“What was our real first meeting like?” Dean asked, lacing their fingers together.
Cas was quiet for a long while, fingers moving along Dean's skin.
"The metaphysical experience was indescribable," he finally murmured, "In any human language. But suffice to say, you left a mark on me, more significant than I you."
Dean sighed, leaning against the pillow. “I wish I remembered that,” Dean mumbled.
“I’m glad you don’t,” Cas said, pressing a kiss to his temple, his jaw, his chin, “Your soul, it was...tortured. Frightened. Hellish. It was like a feral animal.”
Cas sighed. “But still beautiful. Still you.”
Dean racked his brain, relieved to find no hidden memory resurfacing.
“O-okay then,” Dean said, grounding himself back into the moment with a squeeze to Cas’ palm, “I’ll...I’ll take your word for it.”
Cas hummed, and went back to kissing him. The forehead. The cheek. The neck.
"H-how long's it been?" Dean asked, closing his eyes from the pleasure.
Thirteen years," Cas said.
Dean let out a short exhale, and pushed his forehead into Cas' shoulder. "Whew. Our friendship could be a teenager.”
Cas pressed a kiss into his hair. “Yes, if you would like to think of it that way.”
They laid together, just breathing in each other’s space, legs and fingers tangled up in each other.
“It’s just weird, man,” Dean finally croaked out into the silence, letting go of Cas’ hand to grip a firm hand on his waist, “And now...now we’re here.”
“Now we’re here,” Cas nodded. He used his freed hand to run his hand through Dean’s hair, as if he couldn’t bear not to feel him under his fingertips.
“I can see why it’s important to you,” Dean mumbled, leaning into the hand scratching at his scalp, “And if it’s important to you, it’s important to me. If you wanna celebrate, you can be damn sure we’ll celebrate. All of ‘em.”
Cas smiled, small at first, but then treating Dean to a full view of those pearly whites, happiness bubbling out of him in the dark of their room, their bed, their life.
“I love you,” Cas said, the intensity of it washing over him just as overwhelmingly as the very first time.
Dean took a moment to take it in, eyes closed, letting it settle and rest in the center of his chest.
“I love you too,” Dean said back, leaning in to kiss Cas on the lips.
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