#please fictionkin community y'all need to hear this
malicious-devourer · 1 month
something that's been on my mind a lot because it isn't talked about enough- here are my three personal rules for those who have "problematic" fictionkins
1. being kin of a villain/morally wrong character, being from an problematic media or creator, etc, does NOT mean we support or condone any of their actions. we shouldn't have to "prove" to you that we're good people. you don't control who you're kin of. if any of you mfs start condoning illegal or unethical shit your kins have done though, this rule doesn't apply- go fuck yourself
2. you can still be happy about being kin of the characters. villain characters often have so much more to them than just "being evil". this goes to an extent, of course, but you deserve to feel comfortable with your kins and talk about them to people who will listen. DON'T TALK ABOUT TRIGGERING THINGS YOUR KIN HAS DONE AROUND OTHERS!! GIVE TRIGGER WARNINGS‼️ just as a general rule of thumb be wary of common triggers and be mindful of others. use your common sense
3. lastly, just be nice to others. there are going to be people who still view you negatively because of your kins no matter what you say or do. just leave them be, and don't let them get you down. if someone doesn't want to interact with you, just respect their wishes for christ's sake.
yeah there it is folks ;p just got tired of all the bs surrounding this topic and felt like it should be addressed
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