ashes-writing-corner · 11 months
In the Heart of Winter
Chapter 4
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For a short while after the ceremony, the families mingled, talking about everything under the setting sun. Frost was in no mood to socialize, but he kept his eyes on his future wife as she talked with family and friends. Siobhan was well aware of him watching, like his eyes were burning into the back of her mind. The princess did her best to ignore him.
As the sun went down, the elves began to file out of the Sanctum of the Seasons. The ice wyverns towered over them as they kept watch until their master made his way out. The ice dragon looked over at Neassa and Siobhan as they went to their carriage.
"I'll come for you in three days princess. Be ready" he shifted and took off, his great wings and form casting a shadow over the Autumn royals.
Siobhan couldn't get a word out, feeling the words die in her throat. She felt as though she were going to be sick as she stepped into the carriage. Siobhan's heart sank as they rolled back towards Elisal. The princess couldn't bear the thought of looking at her siblings or her mother, keeping her eyes out the window. Neassa attempted to put a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder but Siobhan pulled away.
"Don't. Just...don't. Please".
The queen drew her hand away with a frown. This wasn't what she had wanted for her daughter either. Neassa wondered what her husband would've done in this situation. He would've hated seeing Siobhan so unhappy. Neassa hated it too.
There had to be a way to get her out of this. Somehow.
Aislinn, Seoc, and Seoras weren't sure what to say either. They were afraid for their sister now that the situation was fully sinking in. The ride back to Elisal was quiet, just as Siobhan had originally hoped it would be...
Elisal was a beautiful kingdom. Full of warm colors and smells, the Autumn elves were proud to call this land home. It was mostly made up of farmland and isolated towns. The harvest was bountiful this year, thankfully. This was the last harvest before the Thousand Year Winter. The Storehouses were full in all the kingdoms, all full of magically preserved food, water, supplies, and materials for each of the kingdoms. For the past three thousand years, the four kingdoms of Iorera had been planning and preparing for the harshest winter.
Siobhan knew she would miss it all. Her home, the sights, the sounds, the smells, all of it. She'd miss the nights of stargazing when the galaxy was visible. She was going to miss bonfires with her family and subjects. Siobhan would miss warm drinks and the overall feeling of community. It was home, and Siobhan had no desire to leave it.
Crowds of citizens gathered in joy as the Lorcains rode into the city of Plaso, the capital of Elisal. Siobhan tried to appear cheerful as she stepped out of the carriage when they arrived at Sella Keep.
Sella Keep was a gorgeous white stoned castle. One of the last structures to be built by the fae, it was always House Lorcain's home and seat. The keep was enormous, almost its own city. It consisted of four high towers, standing majestically over the city of Plaso, which seemed to pool around the keep. The towers were capped in polished navy blue stone that shined whenever the sun hit them
Siobhan sighed as she looked up at the castle, already feeling a sort of loss. It was a feeling that was only briefly alleviated as her uncle, Eideard Bhasa, and her tutor, Maireard Robason, made their way out to greet them.
"How was it?" Eideard asked his sister, Neassa.
The queen hugged her brother. "There's been a rather interesting development. A dragon has taken over the winter kingdom".
Eideard's usually jolly face soured. "Those wretched damn beasts are makin' a comeback?"
"We believe he's the last one" Neassa told him, "But...he destroyed House Eronen, and in adherence to the Four House Accords, Zaigary is his. There's nothing we can do of it".
"I hardly believe that load of shit. There's gotta be something we can do".
"Fate has decided that he should be king. Come, we can discuss these matters inside".
The four Lorcain children went inside. Seoras and Siobhan were to start packing and getting ready to leave for their new kingdoms. Siomon Robason, the son of the family tutor, stood in Siobhan's door way, a concerned look on his face.
"Is it true? That you're to be the next queen of Iorera?" he asked.
In an ideal world, Siobhan would've loved to be married to Siomon. The young elf wasn't much in the looks department; he was rather plain by their standards. He had shoulder length hair that was a golden color, with red-orange highlights under certain lights. He was tall, somewhat lanky, with a kind albeit sharp face and warm red-gold eyes. He worked in Sella Keep as the castle's library keeper. Siomon had grown up with the Lorcain children and he was particularly fond of Princess Siobhan.
She sighed as she got out her travel bags. "Unfortunately" was all she was able to bring herself to say.
"Is...Aleksanteri meant to be king?" he asked.
Siobhan let out a laugh with no humor behind it. "I wish".
Siomon stepped inside, closing the door behind him. The concern was still evident on his face. "Princess, what's happened?"
She was hastily and angrily packing her bags until she heard the door shut behind him. Siobhan stopped and looked at him, her face angry, matching her tone. "House Eronen is gone, compliments of a damn dragon".
"You can't be serious?"
"On the memory of my father, I wish I wasn't".
"And the queen-"
"Is just accepting it! I'm to be married to a damn monster!" her voice cracked, "I'm going to lose everything!"
"Surely there's something she can do".
"Mother cares more about stupid traditions and protocols than she does about me".
"That's not true and you know it".
"It is true!" she yelled and sobbed, all the dust in the room flying upwards at her anger and frustration.
Siomon waved his hand and used his own aerokinesis to move the dust out of the now opened window.
"There has to be something we can do" he said in disbelief.
"There is no "we" or "us" in this Siomon. I wish there was. But this isn't your responsibility or your problem" Siobhan came over and took his hands in hers, "And I won't risk your safety just because I don't want this".
Siomon looked determined. "I'm coming with you".
"Absolutely not!"
"I absolutely am. That beast isn't going to put a single claw on you if I can help it".
Siobhan shook her head. "We both know you're a thinker, not a fighter".
"I'll learn. I'll talk to the queen myself if I must".
"Your mother would never, ever let you. We know that" she was trying so hard to deter him.
Stubborn as he was tall, Siomon shook his head with a smirk. "I won't leave my best friend behind. You didn't leave me when I needed you".
As children, Siomon had a terrible, poisoning like reaction to a plant he had consumed when he and Siobhan had been out playing in the woods. Allergies weren't at all common for elves, but they could have devastating events. It was the first time Siomon had been in the so called "In-Between", a state of dormancy between true death and brain death. Siobhan had helped bring him back to Sella Keep, and never left him. She was the first elf he saw when he returned. Siomon had been devoted to the princess ever since.
If ever one asked Siomon if he loved her, the young elf would lie. It wasn't his place to love the princess in the eyes of society. Sure he was of noble blood and breeding, but princesses didn't marry library keepers. That didn't mean however that he could stop his heart. If he could not love her as the man he was, he was cursed, or perhaps gifted, to love her in his devotion. Siobhan wouldn't lose him so easily.
The princess smiled and shook her head through her tears. "You're not about to let this go are you?"
Siomon grinned playfully. "Let you go? I'd never dream of it".
Siobhan sighed a little. "Alright. We'll talk to my mother" she let go of his hands in haste as a servant girl came to the door.
"Your grace...your mother has requested your presence in the great council room".
Siomon glanced at his friend. "Perfect timing. Shall we, your highness?" he offered his arm this time.
Siobhan grinned. "Bet I can beat you there".
Before anything more could be said, the princess took off. The servant girl let out a surprised sound as Siomon took off after her. They both used their aerokinesis to glide through the halls, surprising and scaring the servants and other denizens of Sella Keep.
When Siobhan's hand touched the door to the great council room, she felt her friend pull her away and playfully pinned her against the solid stone wall. Siobhan was a laughing mess, and Siomon raised a brow.
"Cheater!" she playfully accused.
"Don't you think you're getting a little old for these games?" he asked.
Siobhan only stopped laughing a moment before she blew cold air into his face. This only gave the princess a few seconds to open the door and go in.
"I win!" she said, a bright smile on her face.
It died however when she turned and saw her mother standing at the great black stone table. She held in her hands a rolled up note, and on either side of the queen was Eideard and lady Maireard. Neassa's look as cold as ice as she raised a brow behind her veil.
"Does something amuse you, Siobhan?" she asked.
"Um...uh..." she started to speak before Siomon opened the door and came in.
"Now THAT was cheating" he said as he closed the door.
"Siomon" Maireard looked at her son, "What in the world are you doing here?'
"I beg her majesty's pardon. I was going to escort the princess" his tone shifted from playful to serious like the flip of a coin, "But she..blew me away". Siomon was trying not to laugh at that.
Siobhan snorted before erupting into a laughing fit. Siomon couldn't help but do the same. It was a corny joke but an obviously appreciated one. The friends laughed for a few moments before Neassa snapped.
"Enough! Siomon, go back to the library, please. This doesn't concern you".
Siomon bowed his head. "With all due respect your majesty it does. I...I wish to accompany the princess to Zaigary".
"No!" Maireard instaantly rejected it.
Neassa shook her head. "This is a royal matter Siomon. Your request is denied. Now please, return to the library".
Siomon frowned, his whole demeanor seeming to deflate. Siobhan looked at him, frowning.
"I'm sorry" she told him.
"Don't fret princess. I'll be there...in spirit of course" he replied, his tone a little icy as he left. The door slammed behind him.
Siobhan clenched her fist. "Am I to suffer alone in this?!".
"Siobhan Lorcain! Quit with the dramatics" Neassa commanded, "There is a way out of this for you".
Siobhan looked at her mother. "A way out?"
The veiled queen unrolled the note. "House Seiya has an idea. It's risky, but if played well, you'll be married to the dragon for not even an entire day".
The princess raised a brow. "How?'
"King Daimon believes the beast can be killed. You marry him, and on the wedding night the last dragon shall breathe HIS last".
"They expect me to kill him?"
"Ya won't have much in the ways of a choice, lass. It's gotta be you. Anyone else does tha deed, well...Zaigary goes to 'em instead" Eideard explained, " We don't wanna lose the winter kingdom, as wretched as it is".
Siobhan put her arms behind her back, fidgeting with the back of her dress. "Im assuming there's a catch".
"Yes. You will marry Seiya Motoaki" Neassa told her, "Without complaint".
"He's been promised to Iris Nevrakis" Siobhan objected.
"For now. But if you were to suddenly come up widowed, the spring prince would be the most logical choice".
Siobhan looked thoughtful. "And what about Zoilos Nevrakis? Couldn't I wed him instead?"
"I love the Nevrakis. And I know you do too. But they didn't propose this-".
"This is a set up, you do realize that right? King Daimon wants a hand in every kingdom, in every royal house".
"This is the way of our people, and has been since the time of the rebellion. I understand Prince Motoaki isn't at all who you wish to be wed, but the balance of the seasons must be maintained for the good of all Iorera. You will be the queen of winter, and taking over Iorera. He will be merely a consort, being a second husband".
"So he...won't have any real power? Not over me or my subjects?' Siobhan asked.
Eideard shook his head. "None unless ya give him any. That's a part of the House Accords that he seems to have forgotten".
"So...they were trying to use the Accords against us-" Siobhan caught on.
"But we can throw it back in their faces. Seiya Motoaki will not be truly king unless you declare it so. If not, then he's nothing more than a consort, meant to give you heirs and nothing else. Affairs of the kingdom, and authority, will be yours alone" Neassa confirmed.
Siobhan looked thoughtful a moment. If she could play her cards right, maybe she could win in this arrangement. Perhaps she could be rid of two husbands...
"Send to King Daimon that I agree to his terms. But he's to tell House Nevrakis of his intentions. I don't want any secrecy between our families".
Her uncle looked at her. "He hates the Nevrakis. Daimon ain't gonna tell 'em shit".
"Tell him either he can do it or I will, and then he risks offending House Nevrakis even further. He's already on thin ice with them. The last thing Iorera needs is war on top of the long winter ahead" Siobhan glanced between him and Neassa.
The queen nodded. "I believe this sounds fair".
Siobhan nodded as well and turned but stopped when she saw Maireard. She addressed her lifelong teacher.
"Lady Maireard, I believe your son could be very useful in my court. I wish for him to accompany me to Zaigary, so he can serve as both Book Master and a spy. The dragon may expect treachery from me, but he doesn't know Siomon".
"My son is not your shield, princess".
"No, but he's my closest friend and I trust him. If anyone is good at hiding their intentions and is easy to get along with, it's him. Frost wouln't be able to figure him out before it was too late".
Neassa shook her head with a sigh. "You just want your friend at your side, don't you?".
"A queen needs friends. I don't want to go into this completely alone. I'll ask for nothing else if I'm granted this".
There was a moment of silent deliberation between them. Behind her veil, Neassa rolled her eyes.
"Very well, Master Siomon is to accompany the princess to Zaigary".
Siobhan bowed her head. "Thank you mother".
She turned to leave, happy that she'd have someone come with her in the face of all this misery.
Siobhan was back to packing, certain Siomon had heard the news. She was beyond relieved to know she wasn't about to go into this completely alone, when a knock was heard on her door. The princess stood and got up to answer the door, but was surprised when Seoc poked his head in.
"Knock, knock" her older brother said playfully.
Siobhan folded her arms and shook her head, despite her amused grin. "As you can see big brother I'm rather busy".
Seoc shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Shut up. I'm here with a gift" he stepped in and closed her door behind him.
"A gift?" Siobhan cocked her head.
Seoc nodded and let out a light sigh. "Mother popped me in on the plan".
"Of course she did".
"I'm assuming this is something you definitely don't want".
"I'm not a killer, Seoc. Even if he deserves it".
Seoc nodded in understanding. "I understand that. But it's gotta be you".
"She wants me to be a traitor. Sure, I don't want to marry a dragon, but I don't want to kill anyone either".
Her brother gave her a sympathetic look. "It's not going to be easy, but I feel you can do this" Seoc took something off of his belt: The Dagger of Ualan. With a grin, he handed her the sheathed sheathed blade.
Beyond surprised, Siobhan carefully took it. "Papa's dagger...you really want me to take this?".
Her brother nodded. "What better weapon to take down the last dragon than in the hands of Ualan's last descendants?"
"Can I give it a different name? The best weapons have names" Siobhan smiled a little.
Seoc raised a brow. "You've thought of this a while, haven't you?"
"A little" she answered.
"What'd you have in mind?"
She took the blade from the sheath, glancing over the beautiful craftwork of it. Siobhan then looked at him.
"Dragon Seeker" she told him.
"Seeker?" Seoc wondered aloud, "Not slayer?"
Siobhan shrugged her shoulders a little. "Slayer seems a bit overrated to me".
Her brother chuckled. "I'm a little inclined to agree".
Before either of them could say anything else, they heard another knock on the door. Seoc opened the door to see Aislinn and Seoras. Aislinn had a solemn expression and Seoras also looked saddened. Ronan was perched on the younger prince's shoulder, his Jack-O-Lantern face a little dim. It was a sad sight to be honest. Siobhan looked at them.
"Are we interrupting?" Aislinn asked, her tone sad.
Siobhan shook her head. She hadn't even thought they'd be coming to her door, but a part of her was happy to see them. Aislinn came in and hugged her sister. Siobhan was hesitant but hugged her back.
"You're going to be a great queen" Aislinn told her.
"So are you" she responded, "Elisal will be so lucky to have you. And...I think papa would be proud".
Aislinn let out a soft sob. "A part of me doubts that very much".
"Why?" Siobhan looked at her puzzled, "Papa loved you more than anything".
"I haven't thought of him in so long...I miss him, but I feel I can't miss him openly".
Her sister frowned. "You deserve to grieve openly. It's been too long".
Aislinn looked unsure but nodded. "Thank you, Siobhan".
She nodded and let go, moving to Seoras and Ronan. Siobhan was doing her best not to cry as she hugged her younger brother. Ronan gave her a hug as best he could, really just hugging her cheek. Seoras surprised her by hugging her back.
"You'll be missed" Seoras told her.
"I'll miss you too. Reah's gonna have herself a good husband".
"And the draqgon a good wife".
Siobhan smiled a bit sadly. "I hope so. It's not going to be easy, but I have to try".
"Iorera will be lucky to have you" Seoc told her, putting a hand on his sister's shoulder, "You'll be a great queen. I know it".
Siobhan let go of Seoras and turned to hug her older brother tightly. This all ony mae her more determined to go through with this plot, and to be the best queen Iorera could ask for...
Siomon was preparing to lock up the palace library when his mother, Maireard, came to him. She didn't look at all pleased and he got the idea that something happened.
"Is everything alright?" Siomon asked.
"The princess has requested that you go with her to Zaigary" Maireard took his arms, "A request that's been approved".
Siomon kept his features stoic, despite his inner excitement. "I would be proud to do it".
She shook her head and urged him back into the library so they could talk. "I love the Lorcain children, I do. However I have no desire to lose my son. I've already lost your father, Siomon...You're all I have left. If you go up there, I'll never see you again" her gold eyes welled with tears.
"Don't talk like that. I'll come back, I promise. Siobhan won't keep me from you or our home".
"You won't be the same. The cold of Zaigary changes elves. Siomon, please-"
"If the queen has commanded it, then it's my job to do it mum. It's my duty".
"Your father did his so called duty and got him killed-".
"Papa was the king's most trusted lieutenant. He fought and died to give us all better lives, and to keep the humans from taking over Iorera. I will go, and I will do my best to keep princess Siobhan safe. He did his duty, and I have every intention to do mine".
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Also thank you @unfilteredaj for the follow ^.^
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noxoire · 1 year
* additional information for all muses can be found HERE.
SIGNY FRONA VOGEL, THE PIRATE. 28, innox, chaotic neutral. girl who was kidnapped from a raided village, grew up among pirates only to then become captain of her own ship known as the silver tide. fc: nadia hilker.
DOLKAR NAMGAY, THE ROGUE. 35, noxir with the ability to kill by touch, chaotic evil. a woman with a god complex, once aligned with an extremist faction of the renegades and now runs rogue after becoming a wanted criminal due to her sadistic methods of justice. fc: dichen lachman.
NIRAN SITWAT (SOM), THE SPECIAL UNIT RENEGADE. 24, noxir with the ability to wipe memories, neutral good. a boy in search for his missing mother learns his father's rage, among street brawls he's scouted by a unit of the renegades responsible for cleaning up the mess of noxir, now a faithful albeit reckless mage renegade. fc: ohm pawat.
BARAM SEOL, THE CURATOR GENERAL. 42, innox, neutral / lawful good. born into a military family, she only knew war and war tactics which led her to train young and develop a ruthlessness that hardened her. now the general of all curators and a respected member of the crievero high court / council. fc: kim heesun.
NIRAV ACHARI, THE TAINTED HEALER. 27, noxir with the ability to wield blood magic, lawful good. with a grandmother that had been crucial in forming the glamour that hides vedred, the crown had already been heavy. even more so when said ancestor had betrayed their people for greed and left a dark stain on their past. now his mother and himself work as healers to rid their family name of their history and help their people. fc: anirush pisharody.
FELICIA HOLDER, THE ENGINEER. 38, innox, lawful / true neutral. made her name in plaso with an instrument that helped tame their unpredictable climate. her work caught the council's eye and she was offered a position working at their lab in stranta where she would help create the machines needed to drain and harness noxir magic. after the explosion, she helped rebuild the lab that now drains magic from the quelled. fc: meagan good.
LAVIKA BALASUBRAMANIAN, THE SHELTER. 28, innox, neutral good. a well-known designer in asoron, lavika uses her riches and large estate to harbour noxir refugee after her own noxir lover had been killed by the curators after being deemed a danger and traitor to their country. fc: simone ashley.
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kikotapasando · 14 days
Minister Javier Silvania KOMUNIKADO DI PRENSA (PAP/NL) ASERKAMENTU DI MAN DURU PA INKUMPLIMENTU RIBA LARGU PLASO For di momentu ku Minister Silvania a asumí su funshon komo Minister, Servisio di Impuesto a invertí hopi energia den oumentá e kumplimentu fiskal. E enfoke ta riba empresarionan ku mester paga impuesto riba benta i impuesto riba salario mensualmente. Na yüli 2021, Servisio di…
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kiboufashion · 8 months
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YAZU Lifestyle Women's Georgette Straight Kurta
Top Fabric: Faux Georgette with heavy embroidery and 5 mm sequence work with sleeves
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Dupatta Fabric: Faux Georgette with embroidery work and embroidered lace border
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plasogreen · 1 year
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Some benefits of UPVC Windows are mentioned below:
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Plaso Green, one of the best uPVC windows dealers in Bhubaneswar offers a variety of these windows of different styles and designs such as casement windows, sliding windows, tilt and turn, bay and bow, etc, that enhance the look of your home. Hence, if you are seeking UPVC traders in Bhubaneswar or are puzzled about selecting the best UPVC window and door store, then contact Plaso Green, which offers a variety of these products at affordable prices. For details visit, https://www.plasogreen.in/
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levered · 2 years
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IF IT HADN’T BEEN THE NOISY CLATTER OF PANS THAT HAD WOKEN HIM UP,   it would have been the howling wind colliding against the shutters of the rickety shack.   she hadn’t bothered to ask him where he’d come up with   the poor excuse   of a shelter they slept in,  instead,   in repayment   she woke up early to make breakfast.   when the sun rose,  a fiery red across the horizon,  it made Plaso seem   almost bearable.   the peace was short lived before the unpredictable windstorm that had aklla scrambling to close all their windows and doors with a lock and bolt.   just barely dawn and she had strapped herself into their protective gear,  bracing herself for the worst.   rugau held one surprise after another,  and she wouldn’t be caught unprepared.   unpreparedness led to death,  she’d learned that many years ago.
she doesn’t acknowledge Tyl for a handful of minutes,  hunched over the open flame with great concentration.   when she’s satisfied,  she flicks the stove off and ungracefully drops the single pancake on the table in front of him.   without taking her eyes off him,  she settles herself down on the chair across from him,  leaning forward to rest   a sharp chin in her palm.   ❝   go ahead,   ❞   dark eyes hone in on her teammate,  giving little away with   the uncharacteristic grin   on her lips.   ❝   a little birdy told me you liked to indulge in   decadent   breakfasts.   ❞       
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karyperez · 3 years
Que difícil
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Es muy díficil lo sé pero no queda de otra xq si siges así con esa persona tú puedes salir lastimad@ y pues en donde no hay amor no hay un futuro a largo plaso 🙃
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un-sucre · 4 years
Para ti, unico seguidor, te dibujo cualquier pendejada que se te ocurra de los countryhumans
(nada obseno) (no tengo nada mejor que hacer)(va a ser a lapiz y papel o en el teléfono dibujando con los dedos) se feliz (pude ser cuantas veces quieras)(plaso asta 5 de abril).
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gheirati7075 · 4 years
The city of Neishabour is one of the cities that houses the Bozhan fence and is also known as one of the historic cities of Iran. This city, which is one of the oldest cities in Iran, has many tourist attractions.
Parastoha Valley is one of the spectacular valleys in Hesar Bozhan village of Neishabour. This valley is one of the cozy and clean places that is now of special importance to tourists. This valley is also known by many names, including Pre-Su and Plaso, but because there are many swallows in this valley, its name became known as Swallow Valley.
Swallow Valley Residence and facilities offered in it
If you are planning to travel to a quiet and beautiful place and also away from the hustle and bustle of the city, make this valley a priority of your choices, because there is a residence in this valley that you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest. In addition to being located in a cozy and unique place, this accommodation also has all the facilities that a traveler may need during the trip. Among the facilities that can be seen in this rural house, we can mention the kitchen and all the equipment, Iranian and foreign toilets, cooling and heating systems, and so on.
The best time to travel
To go to this relaxing area, be sure to have mountaineering equipment with you. You also do not need vehicles to visit the Swallows Valley and you can reach this pristine and scenic area with only about an hour and a half walk.
It should be noted that the best time to go to Swallow Valley is the tourist area in summer.
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ashes-writing-corner · 11 months
In the Heart of Winter
Chapter 5
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The wait felt like neverending torture. Three days of anticipation, fear, and anxiety felt like three centuries. Time itself seeemed to slow, almost as though it pitied Siobhan. Or perhaps it wanted to make the wait feel as long as possible. Every passing hour, the princess seemed to uncover a new curse for it.
Plaso was in full excitement mode, as the citizens were anticipating the arrival of the two Seiya heirs and the departure of the two younger Lorcains. Word had spread about Frost taking over Zaigary, and Iorera with it, like wildfire. Some were fearful, a lot were angry, refusing to to acknowledge a dragon as the future king. The calls to arms within the last three days alone had been loud and numerous. Neassa of course tried her best to calm the citizens, sending word that, as problematic as it was, the dragon's blood was approved. There was nothing that could be done, at least not for the time being.
Akio and Rika arrived on the morning of that third day, close to around dawn. The Lorcains were already awake and ready for their arrival, quarters and other living arrangements settled for them. Neassa stood in front of her children to greet them as the House Seiya carriages rolled in. Daimon had come with them, partly to make sure they made it, and partly to confirm with Neassa the plan they made. Siobhan couldn't bring herself to look at the spring lord, but felt his ever piercing eye on her.
"Plaso welcomes you, King Daimon of the royal house Seiya, and of course Prince Akio and Princess Rika" Neassa welcomed them with formality.
The trio of spring royals bowed, and Neassa did in kind. Upon standing, the lord of spring came over to shake her hand. He leaned over to whisper something in the queen's ear, something Siobhan couldn't quite pick up. Neassa nodded and moved to address Akio and Rika once again.
"Quarters have been set aside for the both of you. We're more than excited for you to join our family" the veiled queen told them.
"And we're honored to be received by you and your family, your grace" Akio replied in a pleasant, formal tone.
They all bowed and the siblings went inside with their betrothals as well as the few servants that came with them. It was so that they still had some parts of their home kingdom with them as they adjusted to their new home. Siobhan and Seoras were left with the lord of spring and their mother. Neassa smiled pleasantly as she looked at her youngest.
"Wait inside in the great hall my dear. Soon it will be time for you to begin your own journey".
"Yeah, but when's king dragon breath gonna show up?! Don't wanna miss Siobhan leaving" Ronan replied.
"I believe he'll be coming last" Neassa shook her head, "Please go inside, as your sister, king Daimon, and I have something important to discuss".
"Whatever his lordship has to say, he can say in front of my brother" Siobhan objected.
"He's engaged to the younger Nevrakis girl. This has nothing to do with him" Daimon looked at her.
"I'd rather have a witness for this discussion, if it's about what I think it is. I'll let Siomon in on the details later".
"He'll throw our entire plans off-"
"My brother is half mute" Siobhan fought back, "And loyal to his family. Anything you, my lord, have to say can be said in front of him".
Daimon flicked his gaze to Neassa. "Have you never taught your daughter to hold her tongue?"
Neassa raised a brow. "Many a time, your grace. Seoras, by order of the queen, please go inside".
"Ah pullin' rank huh...that's low" Ronan said but Seoras turned to go inside.
When he was gone, Siobhan turned to Daimon. "Hold my tongue? This is not your kingdom, sir, where women are mostly seen and not heard. I am to be your queen!"
"And you are to be my daughter by law with my son as your king. If you were my daughter by blood, your head would be banged against one of those trees until it was soft like one of your precious boiled apples-"
"Threaten my daughter again and the plot is off sir" Neassa glared, "You will show proper respect for the future queen".
"Respect is given, your majesty, once it's earned. Not simply by title".
"The same could be said for you, sir" Siobhan replied before her mother could object.
"Enough!" Neassa looked at her sharply, "Now you wanted to discuss something involving the plot".
Daimon sighed. "These are...unprecedented times, my queen. Due to this whole dragon situation, I believe changes are in order".
Neassa looked at the spring lord with concern. "Changes, my lord?"
Daimon nodded. "Yes major changes. I believe the House Accords should be changed to better suit these times".
"Changes to the House Accords must be discussed among the four heads of the houses. Whatever you propose I can't approve of alone".
"I understand, but I would appreciate it if you were simply to hear me".
Siobhan stayed quiet. She had a feeling she knew where this discussion was going. Neassa did too, but needed confirmation.
"Go on" the queen said.
"I wish for my son to be on equal footing with your daughter when they wed. Although he would be her grace's second husband, from what I understand, her marriage to the dragon will not be validated without consummation-"
"Who says that won't happen?" Siobhan spoke out, "What better time to slay him than when the deed is done?".
Daimon went almost slack jawed. "You're not serious. You'd give your maidenhead to a monster before my son?!"
Siobhan shrugged a shoulder. "If it means to keep your son in his rightful place AND uphold the House Accords, I'd call that a victory rather than a total loss. Especially given the rumors of your son's...outside activities".
"Only hideous rumors and slander, your grace. My son is a good man and would be a good king to stand at your side" Daimon argued.
Siobhan looked doubtful. "We'll see about that I suppose".
Daimon glared. "I can assure you, he'll be an ideal husband, better suited for you then some wretched beast".
"As I said my lord, we shall see...".
"I will discuss it with King Demetrius. I'm quite cetain he'll see your logic behind this" Neassa stepped in to take the conversation back, "I'm sure were he in either of our positions he'd want the same".
"He doesn't tend to think with his mind. His wife seems to do all the thinking for him, that damn fool" Daimon nearly spat.
"At least he loves his wife" Siobhan said before she could fully think it through.
Daimon glared at her and the Autumn Princess raised a brow as she looked back at him. Neassa felt as though she was caught between two warring factions.
Daimon huffed after a moment. "May the ancestors make me forget you made such a comment, princess. You already know what your fate would be were you my daughter".
"Then I will thank whatever higher powers there are that I am not...and maybe send prayrers of protection for the ones you do have".
"You're not married to a dragon and you're already roasting folks. I'm so proud" Ronan comented when Siobhan told him and Seoras.
Siobhan gave a little shrug. "He deserved it. I don't take disrespect".
"He wants you...to marry Motoaki?" Seoras cocked his head.
His sister nodded. "Unfortunately".
"Are you going to?"
Siobhan sighed. "I don't know. I don't want to, but my only other option is to stay married to Frost".
"What about Siomon?"
Siobhan went a bit quiet. "Maybe in a better world...".
"And what's wrong with our world?" Ronan asked.
"Lots of things" Siobhan answered pointedly.
Siomon stepped into the hall with a packed bag. Siobhan hoped that he hadn't heard anything. He had a look of concern with a hint of sadness. Siobhan sighed lightly.
"Are you ready?" she asked him.
Siomon nodded. "I don't need a lot so I'm ready as soon as he comes".
"What if Frost tells you no to coming with?" Ronan asked.
"I'll find a way up there" Siomon asked, "Somehow or other".
"What about the Reapers?" Seoras looked at him.
Siomon looked uncertain. "I'll find a way. I'm not about to let her grace go alone".
Seoras smiled a little and shook his head. The man was hopeless. The prince was young but he was by no means stupid or entirely oblivious. Nobody survived the Reapers when they attacked. Still he found Siomon's dedication admirable.
A servant came in and looked at the young prince. "Your grace, the king and queen of Thilux are here with Princess Reah".
They all looked at each other before Seoras stood. Siobhan struggled to fight back tears as she and Siomon followed him out to the courtyard. Outside were the rest of the Lorcain family as well as one of the luxurious carriages of House Nevrakis. Neassa held an envelope in her hands. The queen turned to her son, tears in her eyes.
"Your time has come, my sweet boy" She put her hands on his shoulders, "Just know that no matter what happens, you will have a very proud mother".
Seoras bowed his head. "Thank you, mother".
"Your father wrote this before he passed" Neassa handed him an envelope "He wrote letters for each of his children to read on the night of their wedding. He didn't know if you'd be a boy or a girl, so I imagine that there may be a lot of speculation in it, but I know that papa is very proud of you. You and Reah will be very happy and strong together".
The prince took it with a soft, grateful smile. "Thank you. I...I'll read it. The night of...I promise".
Maia and Demetrius had stepped out to help bring his stuff to the carriage. The summer royals didn't want to interrupt the moment. Maia held a sweet smile, adoring the prince's interactions with his family.
Aislinn came over and hugged her brother. "You'll love Thilux, I know it. As sure as I know I love you, little brother. Even if I find your little be-Construct" Aislinn caught herself, "annoying, I'll miss hearing or seeing you both".
"Hey! Not a beast! But...I guess we'll miss you too" Ronan said, his tiny shoulders slumping a bit.
"We will...I love you, Aislinn" Seoras let her go before Seoc came over.
His older brother took his arm and the pair knocked shoulders. "You're gonna thrive. Reah's a sweet girl from what I can tell".
"You think so?"
"I know so. Good luck out there little brother. Ronan, keep an eye out for him".
"Well I don't exactly have eyes, but I'll keep one lit for him" Ronan grinned.
Seoras smiled. "Thank you".
The two let go and Siobhan couldn't hold back tears as she and her brother hugged. Seoras patted her back.
"You're going to be an amazing queen. I promise you".
"I hope so...I'm just glad that...that you'll be okay".
"You will be too".
"How do you know?" Siobhan asked.
"Brotherly instinct" Seoras answered and released her.
"Hey...you stay outta trouble missy" Ronan told her.
Siobhan chuckled a little and sniffed. "Or...I could get into enough trouble for all of us?"
The jack-o-lantern construct looked thoughtful. "Hm...Okay I think I can agree to that. For once, I won't be the one causing problems".
Seoras shook his head and turned to Maia and Demetrius. "I'm ready".
Neassa struggled not to sob as her youngest went into the carriage. Maia approached the queen and offered a hug, which was gratefully accepted. Neassa took a shaking breath and handed the summer queen another envelope.
"Please make sure he's okay. In this...I have a message for yours and your husband's eyes only. Read it well, once you've returned to Bellesea Palace".
Maia carefully took it. "I swear on both accounts it will be done. Thilux will be good to him" Maia nodded, "Stay strong, your grace".
The two queens released one another as she looked at Demetrius. Neassa bowed her head to the summer king, who did the same for her in kind. The royals soon re-entered their carriage and began to roll away as Neassa couldn't hold herself together anymore. She nearly collapsed before Seoc caught her and hugged her close. Seeing their mother so torn apart, the girls also hugged the queen. They didn't always agree, but they all loved Seoras.
Siomon felt like the odd one out, but he wasn't a part of the royal family. He could only imagine how hard it was for the queen to let her youngest go. The only time he had seen something close to it was when he watched his father go to war alongside the king.
Frost would be coming soon, coming after everyone else had come and gone. Siobhan was a nervous wreck, pacing the great hall. Siomon stayed close by to support the pricness, trying to ease her anxiety. Siobhan coudn't be calmed as she felt it was difficult to even breathe. Neassa stood from her chair and took her hand.
"Siobhan...I promise you, it'll be just fine-".
"Mother, stop. If anyone would've just listened to me, none of this would be happening" Siobhan fought back, her tone sharp.
"We talked about this. Our freedom isn't free, my dear. It never has been".
"A price that, may I say again, you are not paying!"
"Not paying?! I lost my husband. I've now lost my son, and now I'm losing you! Don't tell me I'm not paying for it. Me and all the leaders that send their children away are paying. It is a price that one day your own grandchildren may have to pay".
"Not unless it changes..." Siobhan sighed.
The queen opened her mouth to speak but the argument was cut short as Frost flew down to the Sella Keep courtyard with his wyverns. The trio landed and Frost shifted to his human like form as Neassa, Siobhan, and Siomon made their way out. Aislinn and Seoc followed behind them. Siobhan felt her legs almost give out from her nervousness radiating off of her.
Frost seemed to pick up on it as he looked down at her. "Are you alright?"
The princess nodded. "As well as I can be in all of this".
Neassa approached the winter king. "My daughter won't be coming to you alone".
Frost raised a brow. "Excuse you?"
Siomon stepped forward. "I'm coming with her grace".
The dragon growled low in his throat. "And who are you?"
"Siomon Robason, your majesty. I'm a friend of the future queen".
"You're not a part of this. You're to stay by order of the future king".
Neassa raised a brow. So he was pulling rank now? Well then...
"By order of the queen, Siomon Robason is permitted to accompany Princess Siobhan and serve as her advisor and companion".
Frost snarled. "You can't be serious...".
"Completely" Neassa smirked a little.
Siobhan stifled the urge to laugh. At least her mother had her back somewhat. Presently, Frost calmed himself.
"Very well. I will not debate this for now. The hour is getting late and we need to get going. Catalina, Cosmina...decide between you which of you shall take Lord Robason to Zaigary. I'll take princess Siobhan myself" Frost shifted to his dragon form, offering a large claw.
Siobhan turned to her mother, her stomach sinking. Neassa hugged her daughter tightly, even though Siobhan didn't return it.
"You can do this. I know it".
Siobhan nodded. "I'll try".
Aislinn hugged her too. "I meant it, you're going to be amazing as queen".
Siobhan found herself hugging her sister back. "So will you. Elisal couldn't ask for better".
The sisters released each other and Seoc cam over and hugged her too. "I believe inyou. Don't be afraid".
"I'm not afraid" She told him, but it wasn't entirely truthful.
Seoc gave a half hearted smile. "I love you, Siobhan".
"I love you too Seoc. Watch your back".
"Same with you".
One of the ice wyverns, Cosmina, held Siomon in one of her claws while her twin, Catalina, held their stuff. Siobhan was appalled.
"He should be on her back!" Siobhan looked at Frost.
"My wyverns aren't your mounts. Come, we need to leave. On my claw...now".
"I'm not to go on your back?"
He snarled. "I'm not your mount either".
The princess sighed. "Well aren't you sweet...". She climbed on to his claw and he closed her in.
"Keep talking and I may leave your friend to the reapers".
Frost spread his wings and took off. Chilled from the dragon's claws and the cold air, Siobhan trembled. She hadn't expected everything to be so cold, but it made sense. It got harder to breathe as Frost and the wyverns went higher. The air was rather thin and Siobhan felt a distinct pain in her ears.
The princess closed her eyes and calmed her racing heart. Siobhan took a deep breath, slowing her breathing. She could handle this, she was aerokinetic.
Autumn elves weren't exactly suited to fly, but with their control over wind and air, they could handle it to an extent. Of course, she could control and glide under certain air pressures, but that had to be done at her own pace. Frost had ascended far too quickly for her to keep up and thus the air had thinned too far out. Her powers were of some help but hardly any. The dragon took notice and flew a little lower so the elf princess could breathe. Frost peered down at her.
"I forgot that your people aren't entirely suitable for flight. My apologies".
Well, at least he was sorry, even if Siobhan didn't entirely believe it. She made herself as comfortable as she could in Frost's claws and closed her eyes, hoping this was all nothing more than a terrible dream
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