linyarguilera · 2 years
Corpos jogados de uma torrem caem sob a mesma aceleração gravitacional (≈9,80 m/s² ou 10m/s²), Galileu contrariou Aristóteles que dizia que corpos com uma maior massa cairia primeiro, mas se provou um mito.
Além da força peso existe a questão da resistência do ar, ao jogar um copo e uma folha aberta no mesmo instante, provavelmente o copo cairá primeiro, já que a folha aberta irá ser barrada ou planada pelo ar.
Aviões mesmo, planam-se nas deliciosas correntes de ar, e voam como pássaros de aço por aí.
By: Celiny Arguilera
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notasdevivi · 3 months
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El departamento del Tolima y la ciudad de Ibagué, ofrecerán a los visitantes de la Vitrina Turística de Anato 2024 la oportunidad de adentrarse en el corazón del Tolima, un destino que cautiva los sentidos y el corazón de quienes lo visitan.
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La Zona de Realidad Virtual transportará a los asistentes a lugares emblemáticos del departamento a través de gafas de realidad 360, mientras que la pantalla LED y la tarima central mostrarán paisajes y expresiones artísticas del Tolima. Mientras la Zona de Experiencia e Interactividad ofrecerá aventuras únicas, sumergiendo a los visitantes en la esencia del Tolima.
La Zona de Interacción Gastronómica permitirá degustar los sabores de la gastronomía tolimense, incluyendo su majestad la "Lechona Tolimense", reconocida mundialmente. También podrán disfrutar de las mejores tazas de café especial en un espectacular show de barismo, una oportunidad única para disfrutar del incomparable sabor de los granos de café de Planadas.
Bajo este concepto audiovisual se busca captar la atención de importantes prospectos de negocio y aliados en la comercialización y promoción del destino
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berto1017 · 4 months
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Planada, CA January 10, 2023
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candacehughesworld · 5 months
candace marie hughes appling rd. memphis tenneessee earth la sucre recinto (el tonglo #2) la planada ecuador country earth card. on. paid. must mail card, kiy, key, device mobile to candace marie hughes. on. paid. must remove cover. on. paid. fire station alarm buttons voiceings voiced lands buttons cccfdxxxsz voiceings voiced appling rd. memphis tn earth on paid. voiceings voiced on paid. on. paid. la sucre recinto on. paid. la sucre recinto (el tonglo #2) on paid. la planada ecuador country earth on paid. on paid. on. paid. must remove cover on paid.
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thenewsart · 6 months
Who got hit hardest in 2023's epic floods? The people who grow your food
PLANADA, Calif. —  It’s been nearly a year since Erica Lopez Bedolla and her children fled their home as dangerous floodwaters rose around them, washing through neighborhood houses, drowning family pets and rendering much of her town of 4,000 uninhabitable. The Lopez family is back home now, albeit living amid a construction zone, showering at a neighbor’s house and having anxiety attacks at the…
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noticiasdelcanar · 6 months
Inauguraron obras complementarias en Aguilán, Guapán
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La obra se ejecutó por la Prefectura del Cañar y contó con una inversión de $139,434.83 (ciento treinta y nueve mil cuatrocientos treinta y cuatro dólares con 83/100). Contando con las siguientes especificaciones: - Construcción de 2.32 km de cunetas y bordillos. - Edificación de 2 muros de hormigón ciclópeo y 3 muros de gavión. - Tareas de pintura de tráfico y señalización. En este sentido, el prefecto Marcelo Jaramillo, expresó: “Con gran satisfacción inauguramos esta importante obra, es parte de nuestro compromiso continuo con el desarrollo y la mejora de la infraestructura vial en la provincia…. En nuestra administración las puertas de la prefectura siempre estarán abiertas para escuchar sus solicitudes y llegar con soluciones al territorio” El alcalde Javier Serrano aseveró: “Es vital que exista esta unidad entre el prefecto provincial, entre el alcalde de azogues, el presidente de la Junta parroquial y sus dos concejales de Guapán. El trabajo en equipo contribuye a la mejor planificación y ejecución de obras, optimizando los recursos”. Boris Santos, vicepresidente de la comunidad, mencionó: “Esta obra es una bendición para nosotros como bien saben, estamos en una zona, donde existen muchas precipitaciones, agradecemos a la prefectura por colaborarnos con las cunetas y bordillos para proteger la vía y las propiedades aledañas. Cuando no existía esta obra, la lluvia realmente corría con mucha fuerza. En las planadas había inundaciones al lado de los terrenos y eso se arrastraba sedimentos a las viviendas de las partes bajas, ahorita ese problema con esta obra está solucionado”. Al finalizar el evento se pudo sentir la alegría y la esperanza de un futuro de desarrollo entre los ciudadanos de la comunidad de Aguilán, que por medio de sus autoridades locales, agradecieron por esta obra que sin duda mejora las condiciones de vida de los moradores del sector. Read the full article
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thegreenler · 7 months
Canada? Uhhhh i think I'll PLANADA leave and never come back LOL!!!
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antonio-velardo · 11 months
Antonio Velardo shares: California to Provide $20 Million to Flooded Central Valley Farm Town by Soumya Karlamangla
By Soumya Karlamangla The undocumented status of many residents of Planada, east of Merced, meant they were ineligible for federal aid after winter storms ravaged their town. Published: July 10, 2023 at 09:00AM from NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/ZfXCt5V via IFTTT
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newstodayjournal · 11 months
California to Provide $20 Million to Flooded Central Valley Farm Town
When an “atmospheric river” dumped torrents of rain over the Central Valley in January, the small rural town of Planada was devastated. Hundreds of houses swelled with muddy floodwaters more than a foot deep. Cars were wrecked. Many residents couldn’t work because the fields where they were employed as farmworkers were drenched. Dozens of families lost most of their possessions and had to move…
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occupyhades · 1 year
Communities Devastated By Flooding Seek More Help From State - KQED.org
When a levee burst in a January rainstorm in the Central Valley town of Planada, floodwaters wrecked the homes of hundreds of farmworker families.
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portlandnet · 1 year
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mwhajr · 1 year
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I was in Greenville, SC this past weekend so I couldn’t miss the opportunity to stop by Methodical Coffee. Today I brewed a nice cup of coffee with their Colombia, Frontera De Planadas on the Orea V3 Basalt brewer. Cheers, friends. (at Augusta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDJSCtOIbo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sataniccapitalist · 1 year
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newstfionline · 1 year
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
What Layoffs? Many Employers Are Eager to Hang On to Workers. (NYT) During the height of the pandemic, hungry and housebound customers clamored for Home Run Inn Pizza’s frozen thin-crust pies. The company did everything to oblige. More recently, demand has eased, and Home Run Inn Pizza, based in suburban Chicago, has reversed some of those measures. But it does not plan to lay off any full-time manufacturing employees—even if that means having a few more workers than it needs during its second shift. “We have really good people,” said Nick Perrino, the chief operating officer and a great-grandson of the company’s founder. “And we don’t want to let any of our team members go.” Despite a year of aggressive interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve aimed at taming inflation, and signs that the red-hot labor market is cooling off, most companies have not taken the step of cutting jobs. Outside of some high-profile companies mostly in the tech sector, such as Google’s parent Alphabet, Meta and Microsoft, layoffs in the economy as a whole remain remarkably, even historically, rare. There were fewer layoffs in December than in any month during the two decades before the pandemic, government data show. Filings for unemployment insurance have barely increased. And the unemployment rate, at 3.4 percent, is the lowest since 1969.
In a California Town, Farmworkers Start From Scratch After Surprise Flood (NYT) Until the floodwaters came, until they rushed in and destroyed nearly everything, the little white house had been Cecilia Birrueta’s dream. She and her husband bought the two-bedroom fixer-upper 13 years ago, their reward for decades of working minimum wage jobs. The couple replaced the weathered wooden floors, installed a new stove and kitchen sink and repainted the living room walls a warm burgundy. Here, they raised their three children. Ms. Birrueta and her husband felt content. Until last month. Until the floodwaters came. A brutal set of atmospheric rivers in California unleashed a disaster in Planada, an agricultural community of 4,000 mostly poor residents in the flatlands about an hour west of Yosemite National Park. For several days, the entire town looked like a lagoon. Weeks after record-breaking storms wreaked havoc across California and killed at least 21 people, some of the hardest hit communities are still struggling to recover. “We came as immigrants, we started with nothing,” said Ms. Birrueta, 40, who was born in Mexico. “We bought a place of our own that we thought would be safe for our kids, and then we lost it. We lost everything.”
Tens of thousands protest Mexico’s electoral law changes (Washington Post) Tens of thousands of people in Mexico demonstrated against a law that would weaken the National Electoral Institute (INE). Many Mexicans consider the 33-year-old INE to be a crucial institution in the country’s transition from seven decades of one-party rule. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador charges that the electoral institute has turned into a bloated bureaucracy and plans to slash its budget and staff.
In heart of Haiti’s gang war, one hospital stands its ground (AP) When machine gun fire erupts outside the barbed-wire fences surrounding Fontaine Hospital Center, the noise washes over a cafeteria full of tired, scrub-clad medical staff. And no one bats an eye. Gunfire is part of daily life here in Cité Soleil—the most densely populated part of the Haitian capital and the heart of Port-au-Prince’s gang wars. As gangs tighten their grip on Haiti, many medical facilities in the Caribbean nation’s most violent areas have closed, leaving Fontaine as one of the last hospitals and social institutions in one of the world’s most lawless places. “We’ve been left all alone,” said Loubents Jean Baptiste, the hospital’s medical director. The danger in the streets complicates everything: When gangsters with bullet wounds show up at the gates, doctors ask them to check their automatic weapons at the door as if they were coats. Doctors cannot return safely to homes in areas controlled by rival gangs and must live in hospital dormitories. Patients who are too scared to seek basic care due to the violence arrive in increasingly dire condition. The hospital possesses a certain level of protection because it accepts all patients. “We don’t pick sides. If the two groups face off, and they arrive at the hospital like any other person, we treat them,” Jean Baptiste said.
Dozens of Migrants Killed Off Coast of Italy (Foreign Policy) Almost 60 people were killed after a wooden boat carrying migrants crashed into reefs off the coast of Italy, authorities said. Dozens more were missing. The boat is believed to have had up to 200 passengers, and over 100 could have been killed, officials fear. At least 80 people were found alive. A local priest said he blessed the bodies that were lying on the beach. Pope Francis mourned the children among the victims. A Red Cross volunteer has said that all survivors were adults. The crash reignited debates about Italy’s new restrictions on migrant rescue charities. While the country’s far-right government claims that such charities are encouraging migrants to come to Italy while also working with traffickers, those charities reject the claims. “Stopping, blocking and hindering the work of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) will have only one effect: the death of vulnerable people left without help,” tweeted one Spanish NGO in response to the incident.
New quake hits Turkey, toppling more buildings: 1 killed (AP) A magnitude 5.6 earthquake shook southern Turkey on Monday, three weeks after a catastrophic temblor devastated the region, causing some already damaged buildings to collapse and killing at least one person, authorities said. More than 100 people were injured as a result of Monday’s quake which was centered in the town of Yesilyurt in Malatya province, Yunus Sezer, the chief of the country’s disaster management agency, AFAD, told reporters. More than two dozen buildings collapsed. AFAD’s chief urged people not to enter damaged buildings, saying strong aftershocks continue to pose a risk. More than 10,000 aftershocks have hit the region since Feb. 6. The World Bank said Monday it estimates that the massive earthquake caused $34.2 billion in “direct damages”—an equivalent of 4% of the country’s GDP in 2021. The recovery and reconstruction cost could be potentially twice as large, the World Bank said, adding that GDP losses would also add to the earthquake’s cost.
In Ukraine War, Talking About Peace Is a Fight of Its Own (NYT) As the fight in Ukraine has dragged on for the past year, another battle has unfolded in parallel: a war of words between Russia and the West over who is more interested in ending the conflict peacefully. For now, analysts and Western officials say, serious peace talks are extremely difficult to envision. Both sides have set conditions for negotiations that cannot be met anytime soon, and have vowed to fight until victory. And Ukraine’s president has ruled out dealing directly with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin because of atrocities committed by his military forces. At the same time, both sides also have a keen interest in showing an openness to negotiations. But far from pointing to a peaceful end, such talk is largely strategic. It is intended to placate allies, cast the opposition as unreasonable and, especially on the Ukrainian side, tamp down a growing desire within Western countries to find an end to the costly war.
India’s sinking holy town faces grim future (AP) Inside a shrine overlooking snow-capped mountains, Hindu priests heaped spoonfuls of puffed rice and ghee into a crackling fire. They closed their eyes and chanted in Sanskrit, hoping their prayers would somehow turn back time and save their holy—and sinking—town. For months, the roughly 20,000 residents in Joshimath, burrowed in the Himalayas and revered by Hindu and Sikh pilgrims, have watched the earth slowly swallow their community. They pleaded for help that never arrived, and in January their desperate plight made it into the international spotlight. But by then, Joshimath was already a disaster zone. Multistoried hotels slumped to one side; cracked roads gaped open. More than 860 homes were uninhabitable, splayed by deep fissures that snaked through ceilings, floors and walls. And instead of saviors they got bulldozers that razed whole lopsided swaths of the town. The holy town was built on piles of debris left behind by years of landslides and earthquakes. Scientists have warned for decades, including in a 1976 report, that Joshimath could not withstand the level of heavy construction that has recently been taking place.
N. Korea food shortage worsens amid COVID, but no famine yet (AP) There’s little doubt that North Korea’s chronic food shortages worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and speculation about the country’s food insecurity has flared as its top leaders prepare to discuss the “very important and urgent task” of formulating a correct agricultural policy. Unconfirmed reports say an unspecified number of North Koreans have been dying of hunger. But experts say there is no sign of mass deaths or famine. They say the upcoming ruling Workers’ Party meeting is likely intended to shore up support for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he pushes ahead with his nuclear weapons program in defiance of intense U.S.-led pressure and sanctions. It is difficult to know the exact situation in the North, which kept its borders virtually closed during the pandemic. Food shortages and economic hardships have persisted since a famine killed an estimated hundreds of thousands of people in the mid-1990s.
Taiwan 2027? (AP) U.S. intelligence shows that China’s President Xi Jinping has instructed his country’s military to “be ready by 2027” to invade Taiwan though he may be currently harboring doubts about his ability to do so given Russia’s experience in its war with Ukraine, CIA Director William Burns said. Burns, in a television interview that aired Sunday, stressed that the United States must take “very seriously” Xi’s desire to ultimately control Taiwan even if military conflict is not inevitable. “We do know, as has been made public, that President Xi has instructed the PLA, the Chinese military leadership, to be ready by 2027 to invade Taiwan, but that doesn’t mean that he’s decided to invade in 2027 or any other year as well,” Burns told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” Burns said the support from the U.S. and European allies for Ukraine following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of that country may be acting as a potential deterrent to Chinese officials for now but said the risks of a possible attack on Taiwan will only grow stronger.
Israel beefs up troops after unprecedented settler rampage (AP) Israel sent hundreds more troops to the occupied West Bank on Monday, a day after a Palestinian gunman killed two Israelis and settlers rampaged through a Palestinian town, torching homes and vehicles in the worst such violence in decades. The responses to the rampage laid bare some rifts in Israel’s new right-wing government, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appealing for calm while a member of his ruling coalition praised the rampage as deterrence against Palestinian attacks. The events also underscored the limitations of the traditional U.S. approach to the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Washington has been trying to prevent escalation while staying away from the politically costly task of pushing for a resolution of the core disputes.
Young doctors are leaving Egypt in droves for better jobs abroad (Washington Post) When a hospital in Britain offered Mohamed a new job in 2020, he didn’t have to think twice: The proposed salary was 40 times higher than what he was making at home. Like other young doctors in Egypt, 34-year-old Mohamed had spent years in school and specialized training, only to be placed in a government hospital where he earned around $300 a month—barely enough to scrape by. By moving to the U.K., he joined more than 11,500 doctors who left Egypt’s public health sector between 2019 and 2022, according to the Egyptian Medical Syndicate, many of them seeking better prospects abroad. Last year, more than 4,300 government-employed Egyptian doctors submitted their resignations, an average of 13.5 per working day. The rapid exodus is fueling a shortage of qualified doctors in the country. The World Health Organization puts Egypt’s doctor-to-population ratio at 7.09 for every 10,000 people, well below its minimum recommendation of 10. The figure is 35 in the United States and double that in Sweden. But Egypt also lags behind some poorer nations, like Algeria (17) and Bolivia (10).
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denverworksheet · 1 year
Can Planada recover from January storms? 'You have a community that is angry'
After the town flooded and about half its homes were damaged, residents of this farming community struggle to find temporary housing and rebuild.
from California https://ift.tt/a1JvZW3
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apwmagazine · 2 years
Billie Jean Hicks Cause Of Death, Wiki & Biography
Billie Jean Hicks Cause Of Death, Wiki & Biography
Billie Jean Hicks  10 June 1936 – 5 November 2022 Wiki & Biography In her 86 years, she touched the lives of countless individuals by always giving of herself to those around her. On June 10, 1936, in Oklahoma, Eugene and Sally Tucker welcomed their first of seven children. The family relocated west during the Dust Bowl and settled in Planada, California. She married her true love and gave birth…
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