#pk;m jaybot
oneirocartographer · 1 year
to anybody: 🔀, 🗺️, 🎨!
🔀 How canon-divergent vs. canon-compliant are you?
Tens: Uh... if I'm based on how you write MaX, does that count as a canon?
Jaybot: I mean, "does this count as a canon" applies to most blaseball lore, y'know? Canon is very squishy. Especially with Jayliin, it's from mirrorverse, and we're basically the only person who's lored source-her.
Jayliin: I could say anything is canon and it could be true. Dark Boston has trains pulled by jellyfish.
Jaybot: Does it?
Jayliin: no lmao
Vi: i'm pretty different from how we think of source-me i guess. much more kris deltarune
🗺️ What do you miss about your world?
Jaybot: I already said it to Astrid's ask, but gods, there's a lot. (Don't miss the gods, though, hah. Except Reader.) I miss the Garden, I miss the Flowers, I miss having two suns...
Can you even call it missing something if you've never actually had the something? I've never been in my source, that's not how most of us think about our fictive-ness. But... I do miss it.
🎨 How do you feel about fanart?
Jaybot: Spider-Man pointing meme, except I guess one of the Spider-Men is a drawing? I like seeing it, it's neat. My image of myself is pretty much entirely based on Wires's art of source-me, so.
Liquid Friend: i like seeing it too! but it's a little weird most of the time because most people draw me made out of water or something but i'm made out of... very dark maybe-coffee mystery liquid?
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oneirocartographer · 1 year
💔🗺️ 🎙️, asking whoever feels like answering, mostly :)
💔 Who are you missing right now?
Liquid Friend: uncle plasma :(
MaX: All the other Wyatts. Especially NaN.
Vi: ^
Jaybot: Alto and Jaylen...
🗺️ What do you miss about your world?
Jaybot: A lot of things, but especially actually playing blaseball. Unfortunately our body is made of limp noodles and pain.
Jayliin: we have NEVER seen a squid in person here. pathetic
🎙️ What's the biggest difference between you and your canon self?
Jaybot: This is an interesting one to answer because, on the one hand, it's blaseball, canon is extremely minimalist. But on the other hand I actually have an answer to it and it's that I'm not Legendary. Just never absorbed that, I guess.
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oneirocartographer · 2 years
Girl help I’m emotional about space probes again.
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oneirocartographer · 2 years
plurality moments:
- “we need to do laundry” “Mean To Me On The Internet”
- “you made too many jokes about the tiny [character] that lives in your brain and now you have fictives. that’s how it works”
- “[communist bugs bunny meme] our body”
- “friends who live in your brain call that headmates”
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