#pittsburgh bridge
ultracruz · 11 months
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Taking Over.
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honesteas · 2 months
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pittsburgh is underwater btw
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 days
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Downtown Pittsburgh from the "hot metal" bridge over the Monongahela River. The bridge is now part of the Pittsburgh heritage bike trail. In the past, the Hot Metal Bridge connected parts of the J&L Steel mill, carrying crucibles of molten iron from the blast furnaces in ladle transfer cars to the open hearth furnaces on the opposite bank.
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federer7 · 4 months
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Section around Tenth Street Bridge across Monongahela River. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October, 1950
Photo: Elliott Erwitt
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jinxedgods · 7 months
tlou is such a good game because at first ellie is just kinda there but then, suddenly, you realize you’d fucking die for her — I’m still trying to figure out when I switched between these two emotions
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marysong-mp3 · 1 year
Mr. Perfectly Fine in Pittsburgh, via christybistyy
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plumbogs · 12 days
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i call it pittsburgh
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jarojagr · 2 months
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wip of a spread im doing for art class
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Find a Rainbow Day
Go on a rainbow-hunt, make some rainbow crafts, or simply read about the science and discovery of the beautiful arc that represents so many different things.
Perhaps one of the more interesting and yet lesser-known holidays is an event that is affectionately known as Find a Rainbow Day. As the reader may have already guessed, this celebration occurs during the month of April each year –after all, the early spring is known for its fair share of these beautifully stunning phenomena of refracted light!.
Of course, finding a rainbow is not as easy as it may sound but, if a person is lucky enough to find themselves outside just after a rainstorm in early April, it may just be possible to catch a quick glimpse and even take a snapshot of one of these wonderful natural events. With some extra luck, it may even be possible to spot a double rainbow!
So, in this case, it appears that there are indeed times when a bit of rain is not necessarily a bad thing!
History of Find a Rainbow Day
The science behind rainbows was recorded in 1693. This is when scientists realized that rainbows are caused by light from the sun bending in such a way from the raindrops that it causes a rainbow.
Throughout human history, rainbows have often been a sign of hope and wellness. And, of course, many people know the legend that if one is ever able to find the bottom of the rainbow, they might also find a leprechaun’s pot of gold waiting for them! This legend originates from Ireland and stories of leprechauns have been around since as far back as the 8th century.
While finding the bottom of a rainbow might not actually be possible in terms of science, it’s still a fun legend and story for kids, as well as adults who are kids-at-heart. And a great way to celebrate Find a Rainbow Day!
How to Celebrate Find a Rainbow Day
Quite a few ways to celebrate Find a Rainbow Day can be imagined. It might be fun to grab some friends and try to find a rainbow, although this activity may be dependent on the weather. While rain isn’t usually the kind of weather people prefer, when it comes to Find a Rainbow Day, it sure is!
Host a Rainbow Themed Party
Have some friends over to make rainbow crafts and treats, or decorate the house with all things rainbow-like. Don’t forget to serve rainbow-themed foods. If baking rainbow foods at home isn’t appealing, then colorful candy-like M&M’s or Skittles can be a great snack. On the healthier side, a rainbow-colored tray of fruits and veggies can be a simple, tasty treat that guests will love.
To make a rainbow-themed party even better, have every friend dress in clothes of a different color of the rainbow. Then, line up in color order and take an instant photo that everyone can use to remember the party with!
Make a Rainbow Treat in the Kitchen 
Many people enjoy cooking colorful foods on this day; treats such as jello and cookies might be some of the most common items.
When it comes to rainbows and baking, food coloring can be a great friend. When baking foods like cookies or cakes, food coloring is the easiest way to bring bright, rainbow colors to the baked dessert.
Some other options for making rainbow-themed foods come from more natural ways to color baked goods. Many powdered forms of fruits or vegetables can be purchased at health food stores (like powdered carrot for orange, or strawberry for pink). However, unlike using commercial food coloring, it is important to note that these types of coloring can change the flavor slightly.
Make Projects with Rainbows
Making crafts related to rainbows can be simple or complicated, depending on the type of project chosen. Use some colored paper to cut out and glue together the pieces of a rainbow. Or grab some colored markers to draw fun and easy rainbows on white paper.
Stained glass window kits can be purchased at craft stores for making a rainbow to hang in the sunshine. Or, for those who are really invested in the day, knitting or crocheting a rainbow scarf or socks with many colors of yarn can also be a clever way to bring rainbows into the day!
Watch Reading Rainbow 
A classic show for children of the 80’s and 90’s, Reading Rainbow aired new shows on public television in the United States from 1983 until 1999. Plus, the old episodes were then shown as reruns for another ten years. Now, they can easily be located through various sources online.
This show, hosted by LeVar Burton, was meant to encourage children to read. Every episode focused on a specific topic from a chosen children’s book for that episode, and also recommended new books for children to check out from the library. For some people, watching old episodes of the Reading Rainbow might be a fun activity to bring some nostalgia and, for rainbow lovers, it could be a cool way to see what their parents may have watched when they were children!
Look for Four Leaf Clovers 
Finding the end of a rainbow might not be possible and, even if it was, there’s no way to keep it as a souvenir! But finding a four-leaf clover might be a bit more feasible. It can be a fun little souvenir denoting the search for rainbows, and might even bring some good luck. At the very least, it will provide memories of rainbow-hunting on Find a Rainbow Day.
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coreyscotthill · 10 months
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The Andy Warhol Bridge at night time. In Pittsburgh PA.
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heystephen · 2 months
portland anon here. i was gonna clap back at pittsburg anon and say portland is literally called Bridge City what do you mean but i googled it and uh. pittsburg has us beat. by a LOT (how do you even fit 400 bridges in one city??? how big IS pittsburg???)
400 ????? HELLO???
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grandtreeangel · 2 months
I was squirreling away Get Busy MSG videos yesterday (before they decided to do it again in Pittsburgh) and I think this is my favorite one, surprisingly filmed from the upper deck with some very impressive zooming.
A few highlights (timestamps linked throughout):
1. The crowd is SO LOUD, you can really hear them carrying the song so well and see the floor is so into it. It also makes all Patrick's little stumbles a little more obvious at times. Really not surprising they played it again in Pittsburgh given the reception at MSG. 2. The drumming, I love that there's a few nice shots of Andy crushing it, listening to the studio version I hadn't really appreciated how much the drums really make certain parts of this song, go Andy! 2. The JOECALS! Joe does the echo of "it was meant to" several times and every time Patrick glances over at him and smiles. My favorite is around 3:19 where Patrick looks like he's about to sing the echoed part and then stops himself and smiles over at Joe doing it. Something something about giving each other space to shine. 3. This is HANDS DOWN the best video of Pete walking towards Patrick at the bridge (who would have thought a video filmed from so far away!). Because of the angle it's shot at you can really see Pete's face when he does the "in the dark lying on top of you" line. And....uh....he's really locked in on Patrick.
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magiccheesecube · 10 months
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norrisjm · 3 months
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Spring reflections in the city… 🩷🌸🍃🌸🤍
Dave Dicello Photography
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pittsburghbeautiful · 7 months
The Point Bridges In Pittsburgh
A Historic Perspective of The Point Bridges In Pittsburgh Throughout the course of its history, the city of Pittsburgh has seen an evolution in its infrastructure, notably in its bridge construction. The Point Bridges in Pittsburgh were a significant part of the City’s early growth and transportation, and ultimately led to the construction of the modern bridges over the Allegheny and Monongahela…
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