lifeinbooks · 2 years
Da znaš, kol'ko suza sam isplakala
da znaš i da nisam se pokajala
da znaš kako tužna sam bez tebe
da znaš uvijek bio bi tu u mome sjećanju
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de-dijon · 1 year
i sve bih dala da si sa mnom
da te dotaknem samo, na tren ✨
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limetameta · 10 months
🎶✨when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Aj fala bogu vise i ja da odgovorim na ask.
Parada ti vani - Krankšvester (basically the singer is singing (making fun of) those dudes that go to pride parades to beat up gay people where he's like don't worry baby (the dude who beats up gay's gf) i'm a real man, i'll fuck you while he's away trying to beat on other dudes)
Read Between the Lines - Tom Cardy (i think this one might be on my spotify wrapped as my most listened to song, because i latched onto the melody and i can't let it go)
Happy Screaming Night Businessman - Nero's day at disneyland
ANYTHING by Junie and the hut friends (ANY SONG, LITERALLY ANY SONG)
Dolje na koljena - Vesna Pisarovic (it's a nice song :) )
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mmckenna · 4 months
Positives of Autonomous Vehicles
When we think of autonomous vehicles, we tend to think they are futuristic as if they only belong in sci-fi movies. However they are already being tried and tested to be the next gamechanger in the sustainability industry. Autonomous vehicles are only getting spoken about more now, with 84% of the papers around the topic from 2016. This then shows the broadening of research done in this topic and therefore increases the desire for them to be implemented on the roads.
Human error
Human error is one of the biggest causes of death on the roads with thousands of people dying each year across the world with no exception on money or class. However, in the recent years we are now seeing a solution to this deadly problem; autonomous cars, this means no human error can affect driving. This then means this technology is likely to be safer than the human brain as the information is from a computer and using sensors and radars for its information. (Sagar, V.D., 2019). 
Environmental impact 
Autonomous cars are said to be not only safer but also more sustainable and better for the environment as they are electric. It also means there are no toxic chemicals being put out ones that regular vehicles do such as nitrogen and carbon monoxide, meaning autonomous vehicles can be better human health too. It is believed that autonomous vehicles are a massive movement in the force to try and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Igliński, H., et al., 2017) as right now, transportation is around a quarter to a third of all greenhouse gases (Faisal, A., 2019)
Public transport
If automated vehicles are integrated into public transportation this could mean more reliable services and less wages to pay. Automated vehicles in public transport have already been tried and tested in some countries such as Germany where they developed the first autonomous tram. This was a success as various tests were done on the tram to tests its ability to sense objects in the middle of the tack, in these tests the tram stopped very successfully due to its algorithms. This then means the tram would stop quickly for anything else that would get in the way of the track e.g. pedestrians or cyclists. In Finland an autonomous minibus was in use for around 6 months, where it was driving people to areas closer to where they lived as a final mode of transportation. Finland had created this bus to see if the trial would lead to a rise in the use of the locals using public transport rather than taking their own car. Which was in an effort to try minimising use of fossil fuels and carbon dioxide, showing automated vehicles in public transport could be a step in the right direction in terms of sustainability.  (Pisarov, J.L. and Mester, G., 2021)
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Reducing drink driving 
The use of autonomous vehicles also could have an impact of drink driving. It is said that if autonomous vehicles were mainstream it could potentially cause a decrease in the rates of drink driving due to accessible and convenient transport. As stated earlier many accidents come from human error with 22% from drink driving, reinforcing just how much a huge problem the issue is. In a study it showed that just over 70% of people would consider using an autonomous vehicle if they had alcohol or medication in their system, showing once people are aware of the benefits of autonomous vehicles, they are much more willing and accepting of the idea. Ride-hailing services such as uber suggest that there could be a reduced rate of alcohol- related traffic fatalities as with autonomous vehicles are also convenient. However, it is said that shared autonomous vehicles could be an even better way of travel than ride-hailing services because it would be cheaper as there is no driver. (Booth, L., et al, 2020). 
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Overall autonomous cars are a massive gamechanger in so many aspects such as potentially reducing the number of deaths with less risk of drink driving and to help slow down climate change due to autonomous cars have no carbon emissions. In my opinion people need to look at autonomous cars with a more open mind and see the amazing benefits they have to offer.
Booth, L., Norman, R. and Pettigrew, S., 2020. The potential effects of autonomous vehicles on alcohol consumption and drink‐driving behaviours. Drug and alcohol review, 39(5), pp.604-607.
Faisal, A., Kamruzzaman, M., Yigitcanlar, T. and Currie, G., 2019. Understanding autonomous vehicles. Journal of transport and land use, 12(1), pp.45-72.‌
Igliński, H. and Babiak, M., 2017. Analysis of the potential of autonomous vehicles in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases in road transport. Procedia engineering, 192, pp.353-358.
Pisarov, J.L. and Mester, G., 2021. The use of autonomous vehicles in transportation. Tehnika, 76(2), pp.171-177.
Sagar, V.D. and Nanjundeswaraswamy, T.S., 2019. Artificial intelligence in autonomous vehicles-a literature review. i-Manager's Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 14(3), p.56.
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eurovision-revisited · 5 months
Eurovision 2002: The Scoreboard
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Pop quiz. Just from the above scoreboard, can you tell who Cyprus gave their 12 points to this year? They clearly knew the password.
Along with the rest of this year's graphics, ETV have made the scoreboard a lot more curvy and a lot less like a presentation to a chief financial officer. It has the air of a cute spreadsheet template that doesn't see much use in business contexts. The picture-in-picture is still there with the spokesperson initially appearing as the map zooms in on their country. There are more cutaways to the green room, possibly because the scoring is tense again
Here begin the spoilers for the real results of the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest.
Yes, it's another two-horse race going down to the wire. In this case heading towards the final votes from Vilinius, Malta were three points behind Latvia. Lithuania gave Malta...three points. A tie - but what were the odds of Lithuania not giving their neighbours any points? Latvia duly got 12 and Latvia were crowned winners of Eurovision for the first time to set up a Baltic celebration in Tallinn.
Further down the table, there was a creditable performance by the hosts and a three way tie for 13th on 33 points.
The full final table:
Latvia - Marie N - "I Wanna"
Malta - Ira Losco - "7th Wonder"
United Kingdom - Jessica Garlick - "Come Back"
Estonia - Sahléne - "Runaway"
France - Sandrine François - "Il Faut Du Temps"
Cyprus - One - "Gimme"
Spain - Rosa - "Europe's Living A Celebration"
Sweden - Afro-dite - "Never Let It Go"
Romania - Monica Anghel & Marcel Pavel - "Tell Me Why"
Russia - Prime Minister - "Northern Girl"
Croatia - Vesna Pisarovic - "Everything I Want"
Israel - Sarit Hadad - "Light A Candle"
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Maja - "Na Jastuku Za Dvoje"
(joint 13th) Belgium - Sergio & the Ladies - "Sister"
(joint 13th) Slovenia - Sestre - "Samo Ljubezen"
Türkiye - Buket Bengisu & Saphire - "Leylaklar Soldu Kalbinde"
Greece - Michalis Rakintzis - "S.A.G.A.P.O."
Austria - Manuel Ortega - "Say A Word"
North Macedonia - Karolina - "Od Nas Zavisi"
Finland - Laura - "Addicted to You"
Germany - Corinna May - "I Can't Live Without Music"
Switzerland - Francine Jordi - "Dans Le Jardin De Mon Âme"
Lithuania - Aivaras - "Happy You"
Denmark - Malene - "Tell Me Who You Are"
One final thing - this little fellow pops up at the most tense point of the scoring on the recording of the final that I viewed. I think this is probably a broadcast artefact from the recording it is from, but if not, is there an unanticipated mascot that I've not heard of before?
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baptizam · 2 years
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helter--skelterrr · 5 years
Kak upoznat nove prijatelje ako si ankciozan?
Ja bi ti preporucila da izađes u prvu birtiju, nalijes se ko Mladen Grdovic, pocastis par ljudi, i do jutra ces bit vjencani kum nekome, knjigovođa vlasniku, i najbolji prijatelj svima ❤
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approaching-rain · 6 years
znam da vecinu vjerovatno nije briga, ali prekosutra je koncert vesne pisarovic i petogodisnjakinji u meni je napokon ostvarena zelja da ode na njen koncert jednog dana, ou em dzi
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eurovisionopinions · 7 years
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skitna · 2 years
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 years
JULIA HOLTER - I SHALL LOVE 2 [7.17] And we shall reciproc8.
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Nearly a decade ago, Julia Holter released an album of quotidian but surprisingly intimate field recordings, one of which was an interpretation of a score by Michael Pisarov--vthe greatest composer of the 21st century, and someone who Holter studied under while attending CalArts. While she has collaborated with him on his records, Holter has never recorded music that felt obviously aligned with the post-Cagean philosophy and aesthetics of the Wandelweiser collective. She has, however, elucidated the importance of Pisaro's lessons and experimental music workshops in providing a space for "listening and focus." Holter described hber upcoming album, Aviary, as a reflection on "how one responds to [the cacophony they experience daily] as a person -- how one behaves, how one looks for love, for solace." This song accomplishes exactly that through language reminiscent of classical texts and a delivery that demands listeners to consider its utility. The song is simply prefaced: "That is all, that is all. There is nothing else." A matter-of-fact decree that renders the following statement as irrefutable truth: "I am in love." Appropriately, the song spends most of its runtime in a calming trance-like meditation. There's a thoughtfulness to the arrangement -- the soft bed of synth pads, the otherworldly vocoder harmony, the soothing string section -- and it helps to capture the subtle flutter and comforting security of finding a partner. The song eventually swells into a beautiful wall of noise that finds the titular line transforming in meaning and tone. "In all the humans there is something true/But do the angels say, do the angels say/I shall love?" she sings. What begins as an elevation of self beyond that of celestial beings becomes a therapeutic mantra of self-assurance -- not "I shall love?" but "I shall love." I'm drawn to Holter's music because her compositions and voice are always conduits for intentional listening. The result is deep contemplation, an invitation for listeners to see how the material used can lead to a better understanding of the material itself, or even one's self. More than simple platitudes, "I Shall Love 2" calls for people to truly understand that they deserve love, even if it requires constant reminding. She models how to do just that, but gives another piece of sound advice: "Who cares what people say." [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Julia Holter's music often feels like it holds you at a distance, intentionally breaking from expectations and forms to artificialize its sound. On "I Shall Love 2," she takes a simple concept -- the overwhelming and universal nature of love -- and treats it in a way that almost feels like an alien's view of the concept, talking and singing through these questions and declarations of love as if it the first time she is handling them. But as the baroque-ish instrumentation of "I Shall Love 2" builds from a simple, almost-childlike ambient soundscape to a full, crashing chant of a song, Holter's inhuman facade begins to melt away, leaving the song feeling like a personal revelation of a sort. [7]
Kat Stevens: I've got a lot of admiration for Julia's queasy strings but, with one or two exceptions, I've always found her songs hard to love. "I Shall Love 2" doesn't have the immediate menace of "Horns Surrounding Me" or the feeling of stumbling around a maze where everyone is dressed as a Versailles courtier of "Feel You." What it does conjure up is this image: a woman has escaped to a secluded forest glade for some peace and quiet, when a bird sets alight on her shoulder to tweet a little. Fine, she says. You can stay. But then a steady stream of bunnies and baby deer and pixies arrive to bother her with flowers and schmaltz until the woman finally cracks, crams her hands over her ears and tells them all to either shut up or fuck off. I sympathise, Julia, but I ain't getting involved with your Bambi beef. [6]
Alfred Soto: As a sonic experience, "I Shall Love 2" is a trip: a string arrangement accumulating power, cello, backup vocals shouting from a mountain peak to the heavens. I wish Julia Holter had chosen a less discreet vocal approach in the first minute, but she knows her track has surprises. [7]
Tim de Reuse: Delightfully off-kilter, a little out of tune, unpredictable -- It's delighful to see an ocean of reverb put to use actually meshing together points of interest rather than filling space in its own right! A chant as direct like "I Shall Love" just wouldn't have worked under a totally clean delivery; here, the finale achieves cathartic impact through the sweeping force of an awkward clutter. [7]
Josh Love: Holter is a brilliant pop composer and it's great to have the focus be on her music again after she bravely went public last year with the abuse she suffered while dating former Real Estate guitarist Matthew Mondanile. Admittedly, it's hard not to hear elliptical lines like "I'm in love / What can I do...Who cares what people say?" without reflecting on Holter's personal traumas but in the end what buoys this song are its wonderfully unorthodox orchestral melodies and the Velvet Underground-esque sense of spiritual deliverance embedded in the closing refrain, "I shall love." [7]
Vikram Joseph: The magical realist dreamscapes of Julia Holter's songs are always compellingly strange. "I Shall Love 2" feels like waking up on a tropical shore, surrounded by fallen fruit and parakeets, but with the colour of the sky just odd enough to make you wonder if you might, in fact, still be dreaming. It's a fitting space for a love song, delivered without irony or trepidation; maybe this is what it's meant to feel like? Julia, dazed and blinded by the sun, wonders "what do the angels say?" and is answered by a celestial chorus; the song builds to a Deserter's Songs-ish climax of swirling, entwining vocal parts, strings and brass, strands of the entire galaxy uniting in imperfect synchrony to celebrate her newfound love. I mean, sorry Julia, there's no way this isn't a dream. [8]
Ramzi Awn: Listening to "I Shall Love 2" is a bit like discovering a new painting. Julia Holter pairs humor with sincerity in a dizzying arrangement that employs instruments as brushstrokes on a fresh canvas, ripe with possibility. Holter plays with the idea of voice as conductor, threading the different elements together with short, deliberate phrases and just the right timing. [7]
Edward Okulicz: After listening to this on a loop, I really enjoy the "that is all, that is all" spoken intro as an outro before the song repeats. In fact, I might just edit the audio to make that change. Otherwise, "I Shall Love 2" is so meticulously arranged that I feel like there's something wrong with me that it can't hold my attention the whole of its running time, but the layering of vocals and strings -- which are lovely but less involving by themselves at first -- in the second half is impressive. [6]
Ryo Miyauchi: Julia Holter's left looking pale upon facing the song's central epiphany, and what really pushes "I Shall Love 2" is her follow-up question: "what do I do?" It peels back how truly daunting it can be to get hit by the feeling when you least expect it, and how you're never prepared to respond to love's arrival. The creaking music, too, sighs and crashes on its knees as powerless as Holter. The final swirling of voices that declare her breakthrough to choose love despite its known terror, then, echoes with bravery. [7]
Cédric Le Merrer: They sound like falling in love, these thousand voices pulling and pushing chaotically towards the same direction. The stomach dwelling butterflies. The social pressure of a million amatonormative songs and films and friends. Your feelings going so much faster than your thoughts. Your will drowned out. Your self tractor beamed like a cow by a flying saucer. [8]
Rebecca A. Gowns: One layer isn't enough, but as the song builds, it becomes more and more satisfying, like piling on thin sheets of butter and baking it until it becomes a croissant. What seems thin and threadbare at the beginning becomes transcendent. (Again, like a fresh croissant.) [9]
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beskrajna-prica · 2 years
Road to Valentinovo - III dio: Idi. Bježi. Odlazi.
Kad prekipi voda, kap prelije čašu i pantalone okraćaju - na red dolazi distanciranje. U ovim se pjesmama uglavnom radi o nekom tjeranju, udaljavanju, izgonjenju. Tako da, ako trebate otjerati partnera, a nemate prave riječi - pustite da muzika odradi posao za vas. Znate kako kažu: daleko od očiju - daleko od srca.
** početak liste pjesama sa briši da te ne gledam štihom **
Elvira Rahić i Tifa - Baraba
Severina i Leo - Kreni
Vesna Pisarovic i Giuliano - Bježi od mene
Goca Tržan i Toše Proeski - 1200 milja - Moram priznati da cijenim egzaktnost i preciznost, koja se ovdje prožima kroz cijelu pjesmu. Nego, šteta je što Tošeta više nema, ali ne bih imao ništa protiv ni da se vrati Goca iz 2000-tih.
** kraj liste pjesama sa briši da te ne gledam štihom **
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legalien · 7 years
sanjala sam da je frendica upoznala vesnu pisarovic i da joj se vesna kasnije javila na whatsappu i ako to nije najbolji san ikad onda fakat ne znam.
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psihodelija27-blog · 7 years
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jedimolivolicom · 7 years
VESNA PISAROVIĆ godinama je bila jedna od najpoznatijih pjevačica u Hrvatskoj, a onda se odlučila povući. http://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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