sssssssim · 9 years
@pinklipstick-and-greenarrows asked: I need Felicity saying this: “Let me get this straight. You think that your client, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante who spends his nights arrowing criminals, and your plan, is to blackmail this person? [Pauses with a significant look.] Good luck.”
Good luck!, 500 words
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doctorwilliamrush · 10 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
for pinklipstick-and-greenarrows
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olicityalways · 10 years
Happy birthday!!! 😘
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holysmoaksoliver · 10 years
pinklipstick-and-greenarrows replied to your post:Olicity Theory Time!!!!
YEAH it’s possible, maybe our babies haven’t done things the old fashioned way… but I would really like to see olicity first kiss and they first time on screen I wouldn’t enjoy finding out we missed those things.. but if it happens im happy too..
I know what you mean.  I'm just trying to think of another scenario in which they kiss before their date that makes sense... and I can't really think of anything.  Especially considering the tweets from Marc yesterday.
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pinklipstick-and-greenarrows replied to your post: 
I'll definitely tag you in that one! I'm gonna watch a few episodes of Property Brothers before I write it since I'm not actually familiar with that show. Maybe I'll be able to write it tomorrow! Either way, I'll tag you! :D
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sssssssim · 10 years
@pinklipstick-and-greenarrows asked:  Someone ask’s Oliver (maybe Laurel or Roy idk your call) “You’re telling me that you would do it all again, those 5 years on the island.. why?” and he answering “Because of Felicity, because without the island I would have her, and I wouldn’t deserve her..” preferably Stablished Olicity.. thank you I will love you to the end of times!! thanks!!!:)
Guilty, 2400 words
I love your username, If I do say so myself! Teeheehee!
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bettsgarden · 10 years
Meme of Happiness
I was tagged by relevanttosomeone - thank you! :)
Rules: Write 15 things that make you happy and then tag 15 people.
rain storms (◕‿◕✿)
buying books
my sister live-texting me whatever show she's watching. she clearly missed her calling as a comedian
spontaneous late night movie nights with my best friend
my sisters homemade brownies
winning at mario kart, ngl
my pets
movie marathons with my sister
driving around town blasting music
just blasting music in my room tbh
good episodes of my favorite tv shows
analyzing things (especially characters)
playing around with my makeup and trying new things with it
creating fictional characters (I barely manage plot or physical writing, but I love character writing)
visiting new york/my sister
I’m tagging: pinklipstick-and-greenarrows, xxyourlastchancexx, barrry-alllen, a-red-e, demons-in-the-impala, adarlansassasssin, andnoneisdestroyed, raven-mcbain, and the tags thing is no longer working and my brain is too fried to think of anyone else, but if anyone wants to do this, go ahead! It's super sweet :)
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april-dwyerr-blog · 10 years
That 11 Questions Game #2
Always post the rules
Answer the questions the person who tagged you came up with and write 11 new ones
Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Actually tell them you tagged them
Tell the person who tagged you you answered the questions
Tagged by my beautiful new Tumblr bestie - a-winchester-by-choice, go check her blog out because it is amazeballs. (Thank you by the way, I would totally tag you again but then we'd be going in circles)
Question Time!
Who is your favorite Supernatural/Arrow character, and why?
Another killer question. I love everyone from both shows to itsy bitsy pieces, but if I had to choose one then it would be Dean because he is such an amazing brother and he reminds me of my own brothers and Felicity because she's beautiful, smart and totally badass. 
If your house was on fire, and you could only take three things. (Let’s say the people have been rescued.) What would the items be and why?
(You see I’m a bit of a hoarder - my room is proof of that, so if this were to happen in real life I’d probably die trying to carry everything in my arms)
My phone – because that’s where I keep my soul.
My scrapbook – It has a lot of good memories immortalized as photos, tickets and other little souvenirs.
Annnnnnnnnnnnd my purple blanket because I can’t live without it (it's my other half)  
Pancakes or waffles? Justify your decision.
Omg this sounds like an exam question hahaha. 
So truth be told, I’ve never had waffles before. So I guess waffles because they look absolutely delicious (sorry pancakes) and I’m curious to find out what they taste like. And I supposed if we were in a post apocalyptic situation and I had to choose to eat either pancakes and waffles for the rest of my life then waffles because a) I could use them to bribe other people into giving me stuff  and b) They look like they'd give me more sustenance than pancakes. 
If you could marry one fictional character, who would it be and why?
Fine. Peeta or Barry Allen.
Why? Well Peeta because he's hot (Josh Hutcherson is a babe), he's a real cutie, he's really sweet and caring annnnd he can cook/bake really amazing food - I can't cook and I have a massive sweet tooth so I need a life partner who can satisfy my culinary needs ;)
Barry because um Grant Gustin is my bae. And he's such an adorkable and cute bundle of everything I like in a guy. Not to mention he's a hero who can get stuff for me real fast (like food from the kitchen) And his smile makes me melt into a pathetic puddle. Enough said. 
List your favorite movie, favorite song, and favorite book.
Movie - Tuck Everlasting.
Song -  This changes every other day but currently it's I Want You Back - The Warblers (Glee)
Book - The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
Would you rather a world where you would live forever where Supernatural/Arrow doesn’t exist, or a world where you would only live for a year where everything was about Supernatural/Arrow?
I'd rather live for a year because those two shows are literally my life. And besides living forever would suck and get boring especially with no Arrow and Supernatural. 
If you could travel anything where in the world, where would you go and why?
Do I have to choose one place? If so, then England because its been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. If I could choose more than one place then I'd like to tour Europe and road trip through the US because both have some amazing places, people, culture and food. 
Do you believe in ghosts?
I don't believe but then I don't not believe - I'd like to leave the door open and not put myself in a category. 
Biggest fear?
Heights. I'm deathly afraid of heights. And spiders. A tall tower of spiders is my worst nightmare.
Describe your perfect partner.
Besides the standard (kind, gentle, sweet, funny) my ideal partner would be someone who is also my bestest friend in the entire world. He would be someone who sees and likes me for who I am, faults and all, and makes me feel safe. I don't care what he looks like, he could be blonde or ginger, tall or short - he just as to be someone who never fails to make me smile :)
Would you rather give up Tumblr or Television?
TV of course. Tumblr is love, Tumblr is life. 
The chosen ones are (I'm sorry if I've tagged you twice, I have horrible memory): 
pinklipstick-and-greenarrows, iriswestallenn, felicitysm0ak, olicitytruelove, mr-cutie-pie-sam-winchester, ohmygettingcrazy, smoakingxqueen, ilawaitforit, game-of-smoak-and-arrows, meghanqueen and captainswan-and-outlawqueen
The questions I pose to you are:
1. What's one of the scariest things you've ever done?
2. If you could transform into any animal of your choice (mythical animals are included) what would you be and why?
3. If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
4. Describe your ideal date.
5. If you could bring back someone famous back from the grave who would you choose and why?
6. Favorite saying/piece of advice? Explain your choice. 
7. Favorite childhood game? 
8. What is your favorite store to shop at?
9. If someone were to offer you a lifetime supply of one thing (besides money) what would it be and why?
10. What was the last thing you ate?
11. What's one movie you think deserves a sequel?
Have fun! :) xx
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doctorwilliamrush · 10 years
hi! so big Rush fan here.. and I was actually wondering if you did the gifs on the page and if you do do you think you could do the one when BOSANOVA's wife hits him with the stilleto heel.. I'm been dying for it :) thank you!
wow, my first ask, very exciting. 
i do make the gifs, and i'd be more than happy to do that for you. i'll try to get it up tomorrow or the next day. c:
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adubbs47 · 10 years
Hello! I got another prompt for you.. If you are up for it. ❤️ How about, QC investors meeting.. In the board room before it starts a guy flirts with felicity and because she does not show interest he demands rudely to her to bring him coffe.. And Oliver goes all Grrrr or something like it!
AN: Here you are! Better late than never ;-) I hope you like it, I tweaked a little bit. I wanted to make it a little different and once the casting news hit I just couldn’t help myself. Happy Reading!
It was only nine o’clock and Felicity already felt like she needed a massive aspirin to ease the headache that was forming behind her eyes. It was only a week ago that Oliver learned from his lawyers that Queen Consolidated was being sold to a young billionaire turned entrepreneur named Ray Palmer. While Oliver had had her research everything she could find on Mr. Palmer (Bachelor’s degree in Physics from MIT in 2006, went on to receive his MBA from Harvard in 2009, then dropped off the grid with only a few news articles providing limited information on his research and work) he worked furiously to expel his agitation at having lost his company once again to someone with deeper pockets.
What made matters worse were when Mr. Palmer contacted Oliver and informed him that he would be keeping Queen Consolidated’s staff on board while they eased into the “merger.” Mr. Palmer wanted Oliver to stay on as well, as a figure head of course. So when Monday morning rolled around, Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle all entered Queen Consolidated for their first meeting with the elusive Ray Palmer. Felicity assumed that if Oliver still had a job, then so did she.
They waited in the CEO’s lobby area, their old office lobby, staring at their old desks and workspaces for thirty minutes before the temporary EA announced Mr. Palmer’s presence. Felicity mused how everything looked the same as it did when they were last there, the night of Slade’s attack, and how odd it was to be a visitor in their own offices.
Mr. Palmer was tall, and handsome, and Felicity would be remiss if she didn’t appreciate a good looking man such as him. His dark hair and confident stride caught Felicity’s eyes initially, but it was the way in which his eyes seemed to size up the three of them that made her curious.
“Mr. Queen, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I do hope that there is no bad blood between us. I fully intend to utilize your strengths as former CEO to benefit Queen Consolidated and ensure that your family’s legacy remain intact.” He stepped up to Oliver first to do the customary shaking of the hand. She could see Mr. Palmer set his jaw as Oliver squeezed a little tighter than he probably should have.
“Please,” Felicity tipped her head at the tone of Oliver’s voice, not quite billionaire playboy, but not Arrow-y either. “Call me Oliver.”
Mr. Palmer gave Oliver a warm smile; one that she believed was honest. He didn’t seem sinister or evil like Isabel had but there was still something off about him. It was almost like the façade Oliver would put on when they first met with all those stupid stories of coffee shops in bad neighborhoods and sports drinks in syringes.
“Oliver,” Mr. Palmer said in a satisfied tone before bypassing her and moving to Diggle who stood on her other side. “Mr. Diggle, I am acquainted with your service record and it is an honor to meet you.”
Mr. Palmer then turned to direct his attention to Felicity, which caused Oliver to shift enough that Felicity could feel his demeanor change.
“And Ms. Smoak,” His warm smile changed to one that she couldn’t quite place. “I was quite amazed that a woman with your intelligence and reputation had settled for work as a CEO’s executive assistant.”
“Reputation?” She asked with a tilt of her head.
“I believe we share the same mentor, Lucius Fox.” Mr. Palmer informed her. “I attended some of his classes while he taught at MIT during my time there and we have remained in touch. When he heard that I was acquiring Queen Consolidated your name came up. He warned me to keep an eye on you, that with intelligence like yours, you’ll be sure to be running your own company one day.” He said with a wink.
Felicity felt her cheeks blush but quickly reminded herself that Oliver and Diggle were standing right beside her. She also remembered that this man, no matter how charming, was the enemy for the time being-not in the literal Malcolm Merlyn, Slade Wilson, Isabel Rochev sense, but she still didn’t trust him.
“Thank you, but Lucius always did like to brag.” She did her best to keep her tone sickly sweet, but not rude, while making it clear that she was not interested in him being all charming and wink-y. He was her boss after all.
Oliver shifted on his feet while Diggle trained his gaze on Mr. Palmer, both men clearly uncomfortable with the attention that he was giving to Felicity.
Mr. Palmer’s smile faltered but was quickly replaced as he turned to Oliver again.
“Shall we take this to my office and continue our discussion?” Mr. Palmer gestured to Oliver’s old office.
“Let’s.” Oliver replied, putting an arm out for Felicity to go first.
“Actually,” Mr. Palmer stopped short. “Ms. Smoak, can you get my guests and me some coffee?”
Felicity did a double take on Mr. Palmer before replying. “I don’t fetch coffee.”
“Are you not the executive assistant?” Mr. Palmer asked in confusion.
Felicity gave a short laugh.
“Yes but, isn’t that what your executive assistant is for?” Felicity cursed herself for not getting the woman’s name who sat behind her old desk.
“Ms. Dunn is only a temporary worker, and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you began to fulfill your duties before you officially re-claimed your position.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Palmer,” Oliver interrupted with a hand on Felicity’s shoulder.
“Please, Oliver, call me Ray.” Ray offered in a polite manner.
“Ray, Ms. Smoak’s job description does not include getting you coffee.” Oliver said in a polite yet threatening tone. She was going to have to learn how to do that. “And besides, Ms. Smoak is my assistant.” And she was going to have to have a conversation about his use of the word ‘my.’
“Oliver, I mean no disrespect when I say this,” Ray’s demeanor changed and Felicity felt the urge to take a step back. It was like a lighter version of the Arrow. “Ms. Smoak’s job title is Executive Assistant to the CEO. I am the CEO, ergo, Ms. Smoak works for me now-not you-and I make the decisions about what is and what is not in her job description.”
Felicity tensed as she watched Oliver step forward so that he was toe to toe with Ray. Getting into a fight with the new CEO of his family’s former company on their first day back was probably not the best impression or how to effectively build staff morale.
“You know what,” She interrupted with a shriek, causing both men to break their staring match. “I would love to get those coffees.”
Turning quickly so that she didn’t have to look at Oliver or Diggle’s reactions, or Ray’s smug one, she made her way to the executive kitchen to make those coffees. Thankfully she knew exactly how Oliver and Dig took their coffees having experience being with them while they ordered. However she had not had the pleasure of knowing her new supervisor’s order style yet.
So she gave him the Felicity Smoak special- two creams, two hearty helpings of table salt. She figured, why not? It wasn’t like she didn’t have other job offers that would be less taxing than this one.
“Here you go, Mr. Queen, Mr. Diggle,” She said as she handed each man their mugs, not missing the look of confusion they both gave her. She had fought Oliver and absolutely refused to get him coffee while he was her boss, and now she down right pleasant. “Mr. Palmer, I hope you excuse me, but I didn’t know how you took your coffee so I just guessed.”
Ray gave her a pleasant smile, obviously pleased with himself at the turn of events. Felicity gave both Oliver and Dig a wink as they each took sips of their coffee. It only took one taste of his for Mr. Palmer to spit it out and across the desk.
“Oh I’m sorry, sir.” Felicity had the grace to look displeased with herself. “Did I add too much cream? You know for all my intelligence that you raved about earlier, I never did quite manage the art of making coffee.”
While Ray looked a mixture of shock and amusement, Oliver and Diggle both hid their laughs in their mugs as Felicity excused herself to go to her desk.
Ray Palmer never did ask Felicity for another cup of coffee. 
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sophie1973 · 10 years
pinklipstick-and-greenarrows replied to your post “Every Night is another story - An Olicity fic”
❤️ me encanta! Love it!!
Thank you :)
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So I changed my url guys.. more olicity related <3
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bettsgarden · 10 years
The 11 Question Game
Always post the rules
Answer the questions the person who tagged you came up with and write 11 new ones
Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Actually tell them you tagged them
Tell the person who tagged you you answered the questions
I was tagged by barrry-alllen - thank you lovely! This was so fun to do! :)
The Questions:
1. What’s your favorite quote from a movie and why? 
"The ones that love us never really leave us, you can always find them here [in your heart]." - Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This quote just means a lot to me, as someone who’s lost their dad. To hear that they’re always with you, no matter what - it’s comforting. And Sirius is so much like my dad, so it’s like my own dad telling me that.
2. What was the last picture you took on your phone?
A picture of the rain... 1 of like 80 I took today, hahaha
3. Describe your favorite outfit.
Uh… I don’t really have one? Well, there’s this outfit: It’s just a dropped waist skirt with layers, a plain black tank top, and nude heels. It looks like a short, cute dress on, and I look good in it, so probably that.
4. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
Um...It'd definitely be a girl, and someone who does adventurous things... So maybe like Hermione Granger, or Felicity Smoak? I don't really know.
5. Describe your dream job.
Right now, screenwriter. For television, specifically. Movies possibly, though I'm not very good at summing myself up in a timely matter (as you can tell).
6. Best childhood memory?
Hmmm... Probably laying in bed with my dad while he told me stories (I always loved his war stories, even though he hated thinking about them). I don't remember the stories specifically, but I do remember some details.
7. Biggest fear?
Spiders and cockroaches. Throw me snakes, scorpions, other creepies, fine, I got it. But spiders and cockroaches? Uh uh, not happening, I’m jumping ship.
8. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
Ok, can't find my iPod so I'm using my phone, and it is... "Pompeii" by Bastille.
9. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
Probably the Harry Potter books I got for my birthday years ago?
10. If you could spend an entire day with a celebrity of your choice who would you choose and what what do with him/her?
I don't really have anyone in mind? Like, I'd just choose someone who's chill and down to Earth, and doesn't mind just hanging out and talking, or going to the movies and lunch, or something. Basically what I do with my friends.
11. Where’s Waldo/Wally?
Trying to hide in plain sight, despite his clothing choices. I mean, really Waldo, who wears a bright striped shirt when they’re trying to blend in?
Alright, all done! Now I’m tagging: pinklipstick-and-greenarrows, demons-in-the-impala, xxyourlastchancexx, castiel-is-at-221b-baker-street, calamity-annie, lokidarklordofall, vordlordemort, myspiritanimalisagiraffe, adarlansassasssin, notoneoftheangels, and mybuckystar
And now, for my questions:
What are your top 3 favorite tv shows? (or movies, if you prefer)
What’s your favorite family tradition?
What fictional place would you like to live in?
What is the greatest pick-up line you’ve ever heard?
Dream pet?
Favorite fictional villain?
You get to spend the weekend hanging out with two fictional characters of your choice - who do you choose?
What is the funniest way someone has ever misspelled you name?
What is your favorite dessert?
Who is your favorite superhero?
You can visit any place, anywhere in the world, for 24 hours - where do you go?
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harnessthe-light-blog · 10 years
Hi! My Name is Elisa, I'm 23. My URL is pinklipstickandgreenarrows, and the meaning it's just, a little part that characterizes my OTP.. I'm actually an interior designer and I study architecture, I'm doing my thesis, and on my free time I dance, ballet and flamenco since I was 4 I also love to read.. I follow you cause I think you are an amazing writer and a great person, random fact about me: fave color is purple, question: what was the first thing you wrote.. And what inspires you to write?
Well helloooo Elisa :) 
The first thing I wrote… Fanfiction-wise? Was a Tom Daley one shot. It wasn’t very good. And honestly, other writers inspire me to write. Especially here, in the Arrow fandom, where there are so many brilliant writers and artists and just amazing people. I love that we can bounce ideas off of each other and that we’re (mostly) supportive of each other. 
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adubbs47 · 10 years
Ok I got q prompt for you.. Married Olicity, very pregnant felicity - Oliver and her go to a gala but things get out of hand when men with guns take over the party..
Thank you pinklipstick-and-greenarrows for the prompt! I really enjoyed writing this one so I hope you like it. I’m still working on my fluff which is why this one is a little on the softer side. I’m sorry if the action seems a little off; I’m still working on my action sequences- so thank you for the practice!!
This hadn’t been either of their idea for how to spend their evening. Oliver could say with one hundred percent certainty that is Felicity could have found being raked over hot coals more enjoyable than being forced to come to this charity event while eight and a half months pregnant. Oliver would have preferred neither the hot coals nor the charity event, but here they were. Felicity looked beautiful, although when he tried to tell her so she would either cry or tell him he ‘obviously was mistaken.’ Even though she didn’t feel beautiful, pregnancy definitely became her.
Her skin radiated happiness, she claimed it was the pre-natal vitamins, and while her center of gravity was off she carried the baby well. From certain angles you couldn’t even tell that she was pregnant, which Roy found out the hard way that saying that to a pregnant Felicity wasn’t exactly a compliment. There had been crying, groveling, and ice-cold stares all around the lair that night.
When the charity event came up on their joint agenda, Felicity had outright refused to go. Then Queen Consolidated’s new PR team found out and swooped in faster than he had ever seen. They ran the same, tired line that they had chanted the past eight and a half months, which was “you didn’t let the public see you get married, you owe them this. Seeing you and Felicity as a happy married couple helps the image of the company. Stocks are going up-Do you really want to chance that?”
Honestly, Oliver didn’t think he and Felicity owed them anything, but the income was nice and helped keep Team Arrow in business. They married in a public with park with Diggle officiating and Roy, Lyla, and little Diggle as witnesses-it was perfect.
With Felicity’s frustrated nod of approval, they found themselves dressed up in uncomfortable clothing and ready to plaster on their fake “We’re the Queens” smile that was reserved for the adoring public. The only thing about this night that made it any easier was the fact that Felicity had clearly stated that if he wore those suspenders she liked that she would do that thing that he liked once they got home.
"Have you seen Felicity?" Oliver turned to Diggle, who was also in a tuxedo with a firm bodyguard stance.
"She went to the bathroom with Roy two minutes ago." He replied in a bored tone.
Oliver nodded his head as he glanced back from the table where Felicity had situated herself for the duration of the evening. PR could make her get dressed up, but they couldn’t make her flit around the room all night-or at least they wouldn’t if they liked their jobs.
"Wait, how long have they been gone?" Oliver asked in confusion as he turned to look at the entre way to the room. When they had big events like this they always preferred to have two bodyguards in the event that they were separated. One would guard Felicity, Samuel Thompson who was an old army buddy of Diggle’s who Diggle handpicked, and Diggle would stay with Oliver if the Arrow needed to make an appearance.
When Samuel couldn’t make it to the event, they called on Roy, who begrudgingly put on a tux and stood behind Felicity all evening long while women approached Felicity and asked to touch her stomach as if it had some magical property to it.
"Two minutes." Diggle told him slowly and with a smile on his face. It amused Diggle to see Oliver on the cusp of fatherhood and in hyper awareness all the time. It was as though Oliver was afraid that at any moment Felicity would go into labor.
"Do you think we should go check on them?" Oliver asked as he glanced down at his watch.
"I think they are fine, sir." Diggle nodded as Roy and Felicity walked back into the main room.
Diggle shook his head as Oliver began moving towards their team members, ignoring the couple he had spoken with.
"Are you ok?" Oliver asked once he reached them. He raised his hands to grasp Felicity’s arm and cup her cheek.
"Your child has been using my bladder as a trampoline, but otherwise I’m fine.” Felicity responded with a shake of her head. “Can we go yet? I’m tired, my feet hurt, and this dress itches”
Oliver gave her a warm smile before squeezing her arm lightly. They walked the carpet, posed for pictures, answered invasive questions about their personal lives, had dinner and handed off their donation-he didn’t see why not.
"Let me go get our coats." He kissed her cheek and began moving her towards the nearest table. "Will you be ok while I go?”
Felicity laughed while Diggle rolled his eyes.
"You mean in the three minutes it is going to take you to get to the coat room and then turn around to come back here?" She asked with light sarcasm in her voice, at least she had learned to smile during Oliver’s protective mode. "Roy and I will be fine."
"I just worry about you, and the little monkey." Oliver told her.
"And we appreciate that," She told him while placing her hands on her rounded belly. "But honestly, what could happen in that amount of time that would require you to worry?”
As Oliver opened his mouth with a response he heard the familiar sound of gun shots and screaming break out from the entre way. Without thinking he grabbed hold of Felicity’s arm and pulled her to floor behind him. Luckily they were close enough to the table where he could push her safely underneath, his body shielding her from any errant bullets.
Diggle and Roy had already moved into place, flanking both his sides, in effort to keep Felicity obstructed.
"You have got to be kidding me…” Felicity trailed off behind him. “That almost never happens.”
He heard Diggle snort beside him and saw him give a subtle head shake.
"Yeah, but it almost always happens to us." Roy muttered. "Ok, any idea how to get out of here?"
Diggle shook his head while they each scanned the rooms for exits and potential threats.
"I got two at nine o’clock and eight o’clock, both are blocking the emergency exits." Diggle relayed.
"I’m seeing one blocking the kitchen." Roy told them as he shifted in his crouch.
"We would need a distraction, something to draw their fire." Oliver stated as he eyed the three men in masks ahead of him, blocking the main entrance. "Roy…"
"No, why Roy? I mean me." Roy huffed.
"I’m sorry did you miss this part of the bodyguard handbook?" Diggle asked sarcastically. “You draw their fire so Oliver can make his move. While they are busy with the two of you, I’ll get Felicity out.”
Roy and Oliver turned to look at Diggle. The mean surrounding them were moving from table to table and clearing out the expensive jewelry and pocket books of Starling City’s wealthy population in attendance. Oliver had been watching them, and they seemed to be looking for something in particular. He also noted that at least two of the men seemed to have itchy trigger fingers. Five guests were injured so far either by gunshot or by the masked gunmen hitting them with the butts of their weapons.
"No," Oliver stated, his jaw clenched. "I’ll take Felicity, you help Roy."
"You’re the best in hand to hand combat," Diggle stated as if it were obvious.
"And Felicity is my wife." Oliver returned. "I am not leaving her."
"Guys," Felicity whispered. "Hey, remember me, the brains of the operation?"
All three men turned to look at Felicity who had a small smile on her face.
"I’ve already called in for backup, so why don’t we just hang tight and wait for the cavalry to arrive." She told them.
"Who exactly is the ‘cavalry’?" Roy asked. "We’re all here."
"Let’s just say that I’ve looked into help for when Oliver and I are on hero maternity and paternity leave." She shrugged.
"How are you so calm right now?” Roy asked incredulously.
Felicity didn’t have the opportunity to respond when two of the glass windows lining the wall to the garden shattered. Diggle and Oliver tensed in front of Felicity as they noticed two bodies swing through before landing on their feet in front of two of the masked gun men. By way of the entrance way, they heard yelling and more gunshots. Roy pulled in tighter to Felicity, blocking her from that part of the room as SWAT team and SCPD moved aggressively into the room.
The two fighters that came in by window moved to rush one of the men who had tried to get away now that the police were there, and were able to subdue him. It was as one of the fighter’s was pushing the masked man into a police officer’s arms and the other approached their table that Oliver realized who Felicity had called.
"You guys ok?" The woman with the bright, blonde wig asked as she held a hand out for Diggle.
"Sara?" Roy whispered in shock. "How did you get here?"
Oliver moved to help Felicity to her feet.
"Felicity got in touch a month ago about needed help in Starling City. With you all at your little event tonight, Nyssa and I patrolled the city. Luckily we weren’t too far away when Felicity sent us the message." Sara gave Felicity a warm smile. "You ok, mom?"
Felicity gave a laugh and curled further into Oliver’s side.
"I’m just tired…that was a lot of excitement."
"You called them?" Oliver asked, shocked that Felicity had contacted two international assassins behind his back.
"I got in touch with Sara; Nyssa being here is just an added bonus." Felicity smirked. "I knew you wouldn’t want to leave me and the baby as we got closer to my due date, and that leaves a lot of responsibility on John and Roy. A couple extra hands aren’t a bad thing."
Oliver shook his head as he moved to kiss Felicity’s forehead. While he loved Sara, Nyssa was another story that they would have to deal with later.
"Now can we go home?" She asked with hope in her voice.
Oliver sighed in wonder at his wife.
"Yeah, let’s go home."
AN: Thank you for reading!!
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