#pinescone secret santa 2017
pinesconessecrets · 6 years
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Merry Christmas, @lyeox !!
They asked for ‘werewolf au’ so have big bad wolf Dip with his boyfriend who’s more than happy to stay and comfort him during a transformation
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nour386 · 7 years
It’s here!
And Tumblr won’t let me share it, so I’ll make another post!
“it” being the Pinescone secret Santa for 2017!
check out @pinesconesecret2k17 for all the details!
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
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Good morning hun, I hope you slept well last night. Don’t worry about your tea, it’s already sitting on the counter. ❤
MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS @relative-purity !!! I am so sorry this is late, but I hope you like your gift!
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
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Sorry for the Quality and thx to my scanner that refuse to give credit to the golden ink!  But here it iiiiis ! Happy holidays and Christmas everyone ! 
For @rymyanna
Prompt: cuddles
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
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And here’s the last one! I really hope a walk in the park after school with the boyfriend fits the high-school au prompt
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
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Merry Christmas to the one that asked for art/writing with the 60’s greaser!dipper, nerd!wirt/high school au prompts.
Dipper walking alongside Wirt down this school hallway has not been uneventful since they officially got together.
The stares from faceless others, whose opinion matters so little to the both of them, still bothers Dipper more so than his other half (who placates him effortlessly.)
Aside from those glances and murmurs, the one who really took their union to the next level came from an unmistakeable shriek coming from the side of them.
All they heard before they saw a bright flash of light were long, brown locks and the toothy grin of a madwoman.
for @nour386
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
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Gift for @cae-des aka Mazu, for the prompts Christmas and Fluff!!! I hope you like it!!!
- From @lilymanzo (but I had to send this from my main)
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
Here’s the fic for @spacegreaser who requested a college au. Sorry it took a while but I hope you enjoy it 😊
Dipper sighed, pushing his hands through the hair falling along his forehead. As he did this he closed his eyes, forcing the laptop sitting in front of him out of his eyesight as if it had been personally attacking him. As he flicked his eyes back opened he glanced to the lower corner of the screen and read “8:56.” He breathed out in frustration only to prompt the boy sitting on Dippers twin sized bed to speak up from his book, “Dip, just breathe. It’s going to be fine,” he spoke. “And you still have like, three hours. I know you can finish it that fast. It's just editing at this point, right?" Dipper had been sitting in front of his desk for hours. Today happened to be a day off which he was forever grateful for but it never seemed like enough time. "Besides," Wirt added, "I've seen you bullshit a paper two hours before it was due." How Dipper did that Wirt will never know.
“Yeah,” Dipper spoke without turning around from his desk, hands still gripping his hair. “But I got a C+ on that, Wirt. I have to get an A on this paper.”
“No,” Wirt slid off the bed. “You already have an A in English Lit. I’m pretty sure you could bomb this essay and still pass with one of the highest grades in your class.” As Wirt spoke he strode over to stand behind Dippers desk chair. Gently he removed Dippers hands and replaced them with his own. Wirt let his fingers feel the soft of Dippers brown waves and the tension he held in his scalp after hours of anxiously staring at his screen.
Dipper breathed out, "Okay, fine. I don’t need an A. I want one though." As he felt Wirt's fingers run through his hair, Dipper already found himself calming down slightly. "I love this class, Wirt. I want to prove that I'm good at it too. I can't just hand in anything."
Despite Dipper knowing that Wirt was most likely right about his work being good enough he couldn’t help but let the worry consume him. He couldn’t help but feel increasingly worried as he considered the possible consequences of a poor or even failing grade. He prided himself on his writing so he couldn’t just hand in garbage.
As Dipper felt the dread burrow inside his mind Wirt leaned in closer to Dipper and rested his head in the crook of Dipper’s neck. It was as if Wirt could feel the stress building up within him. The heat of Wirt's breath wrapped around Dipper's neck almost forcibly making his shoulders relax.
"You've been working on this for too long, Dipper." Wirt moved to kiss Dipper's neck gently in an attempt to calm him down but instead caused Dipper's cheeks to flush red. Somehow, even after a year, Dipper would get flustered from any little act of affection from Wirt, and of course, this just enticed Wirt to express his affection as often as possible.
"I know," Dipper sighed. He was aware of how dramatic he was sounding but he couldn't stop it. The longer he stared at the page the less confident he felt about the hours he had spent earlier on it. A small piece of him nagged at him to just delete the work he had done and just start from scratch but he supressed it knowing it would just make the next few hours that much worse.
Wirt brushed his fingers through the hair near the bottom of Dipper's neck as he continued leaning on him, staying silent as he thought to himself. "Here," he spoke up, "how about we go for a coffee?" He said this hoping that Dipper could get outside just long enough to clear his head. It was getting very cold out seen as winter was coming in full force, but Wirt decided he could manage if it would make tonight easier on Dipper. When they come back Dipper can look at the essay one more time and the two of them can worry about the paper together and hopefully recognise all the good work he has done. For now though, he would just worry about getting Dipper out of their dorm.
"I don't have that kind of time, Wirt."
"It doesn't have to be for long," Wirt said. "We can just run over to the campus café and then, once we get back I can help you edit to your hearts content," Wirt laughed as he said this but he really did mean it. If Dipper still felt unconfident about his work then he would do everything in his power to help him finish it in time. He did suspect though that all he needed was to step away from the essay.
"Fine," Dipper said simply. I devilish smile crept onto Dipper's face as he shot back at Wirt, "You shouldn’t have said that, though. You'll be up all night working on an essay that isn't even yours." As he spoke, Dipper stood from his store, stretching. As the two of them moved towards the door he shrugged on an old jacket and wrapped his face and neck in a little bit too large scarf Mabel had knit for him as a going away gift. It was the gift he was most grateful for especially during the cold days leading up to Christmas. It held a sence of warmth that could only be held by something made with so much love.
Once the two of them left the comfort of the warm building containing Dipper and Wirt’s dorm they found themselves in the snow. The flakes of snow spiral from the sky decorating both of their hair. The snow covering the sidewalk is light and powdery, completely free of foot prints. It puffs like smoke around their feet as they walk causing Dipper to giggle to himself as he turns to kick the snow around him onto Wirt. As they slowly work their way to the café the two of them kick wildly trying to cover the other with more snow. Each time Wirt kicks the snow he, more often than not, misses and sends the snow back onto himself causing Dipper to fall into a fit of laughter. As Dipper finally pulls himself back together he slips his hand into Wirt's, leaning in closely, partially because of the chill forcing its way past his scarf, biting at his cheeks, and partially because he already is beginning to feel a wave of relief just by stepping outside and away from his work.
After they calmed down slightly, Dipper and Wirt make their way more quickly to the campus coffee shop, only around a ten minute walk from their shared dorm. Inside it has been decorated with various different types of decorations. It looks surprisingly comforting for a university building. The windows are laced with gold coloured stringed lights and along the window sill sits fake snow as well as porcelain houses and shops making a simple village. In the corner sits a small tree adorned with yellow and blue ornaments themed around the university. Underneath sits small piles of presents which admittedly where probably empty but it filled the small room with a sense of warmth and homeliness. Dipper lets out a breath of relief as he enters without even registering it causing Wirt to smile as Dipper’s mood clearly was already improving.
Wirt buys himself and Dipper each a peppermint mocha that are criminally sweet but delicious in spite of that while Dipper puts there things at a table in the corner. Together they sit and Dipper takes the moment to discuss his work away from the project. It feels oddly relaxing to talk about the good and the bad without being able to do anything about it. Suddenly, Dipper hops up from his seat after finishing his drink. Wirt has been sitting across from him in a booth style bench pressed up against the wall and Dipper slips into the empty space on the bench next to Wirt. Pressing up so closely that they could feel each other's warmth, Dipper leaned into Wirt once again. To the right of their table, there is a large window allowing Dipper an Wirt watch the snow fall slowly and carelessly. As the sun begins to set in a swirl of blues and purples and reds and oranges the two students watch with an unspoken feeling of love and comfort leaning over them. A swell of warmth burst through Dipper's chest so strong he can barely bare it. The moment is simply too perfect. And this moment was too close to being lost. If Dipper had let his anxiety spiral out of control he would have lost this beautiful moment to the pressure of a perfect score. Dipper shifts and finds himself starring into Wirt's eyes and smiling. He leans in quickly but purposefully into Wirt's lips and kisses him. The world feels small and as if it only contained the two of them and the breath-taking sunset. There was no barista glancing away as if she didn't see them. There was no coffee shop at all. And there was no paper and no score. It was just them and contents of this moment.
As Dipper moved away he lay his head on Wirt's shoulder, focusing back on the colours dancing in the sky and whispered, "Thank you, Wirt."
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
For @astronycto! Have some fluffy pinescone goodness to keep you warm during these cold winter months ;)
According to Greg, Wirt is a habitual procrastinator. If Wirt had argued when that inaccurate assessment of his character was announced- Which he didn’t, because he’s recently been trying to let small things slide. He’s been practicing this so that when something big happens, his reaction can be taken at least somewhat seriously. Unfortunately, in this attempt of escaping his dramatic label, his pushover one has been rewritten in bolded lettering.
But, if he had argued, he would have pointed out that he has not procrastinated once in his entire lifetime, ever. Does Wirt sometimes spend more time planning and fleshing out a project than he does actually doing said project? Yes. Always, in fact.
This is because meticulously perfecting every little detail of an assignment, or a task, or- or a proposal , if you will, is by absolutely no means on the same level as procrastinating. It’s on the opposite end of the scale, really; A commendable pastime rather than a pathetic one.
It’s this exact line of logic that has led Wirt to devoting over six months of his life devising the right way to ask Dipper Pines to go on a date with him.
The door to his room abruptly starts to open, sending Wirt into an unproductive spiral of full blown panic.
He should be trying to make a lightspeed decision of whether or not to attempt to hide the countless papers covered in humiliating plans of romantic seduction that surround him on his bed. Or grab his wand, in case of the rare event of him remembering a useful spell. Jump out the window, maybe. Instead, he hyperventilates and sits paralyzed atop of his comforter.
“Woof,” Sarah expresses upon her rebellious and uninvited entry into his dorm, “Getting an early start on your homework? That’s not like you.”
Wirt suavely wheezes in response.
“Yeah, yeah. You’ve given me the speech before,” She rolls her eyes, plopping down on the bed across from him and sending parchment flying, “ No girls in the boys dormitories, it’s against the school rules, blah blah, I don’t want people to think things. I hate to be the one to break this to you dude, but in order for people to assume that we’re hooking up, they’d have to believe that you’re straight. No one’s thought that since we were eleven.”
Wirt’s temples grow damp as Sarah’s gaze lands on one of the now crumpled papers by her crossed legs, “I could love a woman.”
She thankfully looks up at that, eyebrows waggling, “But could you love her right ?”
He swallows, fidgeting with the quill between his fingers, “Was… Was that innuendo?”
“You’re starting to catch on,” She grins, leaning in Wirt’s direction to deliver what he guesses to be a pat on his knee or some sort of friendly gesture to that effect.
He guesses wrong, of course, because Lady Luck has never sided with him once and he should really have learned that lesson by now-
Sarah stealthily snatches up one of the papers closest to him and darts over to the far side of his room, eyes scanning the page with a fierce quickness.
With his face ablaze, Wirt emits a short cry of outrage, jumping to his feet and chasing her down with long strides that are the one positive thing his gangly legs are dependable for. He tears the paper out of her villainous clutches, manners be damned, and aims an affronted look her way.
“Are they on the quidditch team?” She questions, her words stumbling over each other in their rush to get out before Wirt can admonish the unspeakably rude behavior.
“What?” He blurts, voice reaching an embarrassingly high pitch that he will never admit to being capable of.
“Quidditch,” She repeats, expression so suddenly somber that Wirt can’t help but momentarily forget his anger, “Do they play?”
He blinks, rapidly, “ Um. They- No-”
Sarah screams, the joyous tone of the shout not doing a thing to help Wirt feel less horrified. On the contrary, dread and terror are seeping into his bones quite spectacularly.
“What? What? What ? What are- Are you-?!”
She grabs both of his shoulders with her talon-like fingers and squeezes, hard enough that Wirt both shuts up and winces. A second cry of delight is released directly into his face.
“Pines?” She squeals, pointedly shaking the paper in Wirt’s grip while simultaneously draining all color from his face, “I’ve been the Hufflepuff mascot for years; I know all of the players on every team by name- Mabel Pines is a Gryffindor chaser, and she has a brother! ‘I could love a woman’ my ass- Oh my god, is this what you’ve been obsessing over forever? I can’t believe you have a real crush-!”
He claps a trembling, probably sweaty hand over her mouth, uncaring of the potential grossness in that moment, “Sorry, but can you speak up a little please? There might be a few people in Hogsmeade who missed that.”
Practically vibrating with elation, Sarah peels the hand off of her mouth to beam at him.
“Sorry,” She whispers, looking everything but, “You should tell him.”
Wirt scoffs, hands awkwardly fumbling in midair before landing in the intended gesture to the parchment littering his bedspread and the floor around the area, “Yes, well, what do you think I’m doing?”
The smile drops from her face, replaced with a look of something resembling pinched pity, “Oh no. You’re doing… that thing you do.”
“Uh,” He takes an unsure step away from her, scrabbling for a response, “Wh- What thing? I don’t have a thing.”
“You do. This thing,” Sarah frowns, crossing her arms and then chewing her lip, “… I’ll have to take action. You understand.”
He shakes his head, desperately, mouth going dry, “No, I don’t. I really, really-”
Her horribly stubborn mind made up, she snatches the paper yet again and sprints out of the room, ignoring the several squawks of protest that follow her out the door.
Wirt doesn’t go after her, simply out of fear of what gossip could come from someone seeing him chasing down a girl running out of his dorm. Sarah, the cunning hellion, probably knows this.
With a final, unsatisfying noise of annoyance/agony, he throws himself on both his mattress and the incriminating parchment, bemoaning every choice he’s made that’s led him up to this point. In doing so, his dramatic label returns in an even louder font than before.
Sarah expertly avoids him for almost two weeks. Not an easy feat, considering how many class periods they share.
He would like to report that the issue has completely slipped from his mind and that he’s occupied himself with schoolwork and the like. He would love to.
As it is, with each day that passes by without incident, Wirt’s anxiety over the matter unhelpfully and unhealthily multiplies. He’s little more than a low-functioning skin sack overflowing with crippling angst at this point.
Today is hopefully going to pour out at least a portion of the potent unease filling his- him- He’s lost the metaphor, but he has not lost the cautious optimism brought on by the Quidditch match starting in mere minutes.
He is not a sports man himself, true. It is also true that he’s not at all excited by the prospect of idly standing around, watching balls flying through the air and being chased around in a repetitive, violent game that can last for hours .
No, he’s more so looking forward to ogling the Gryffindor team’s unofficial head cheerleader. His binoculars dangle cheerfully from his neck in preparation as he climbs the stairs to claim his usual spot in the towering Hufflepuff bleachers.
This has been going on since, well, since the first match Mabel Pines played in Wirt’s fifth year. He had been dragged to the game by an overenthusiastic Greg, who couldn’t contain his delight over watching his first school quidditch match with his first sibling in his first year- It was as insufferable and adorable as it sounded.
Accompanying the Gryffindor’s team new chaser was a twin brother so supportive it surpassed extra and so sweet it made Wirt’s chest ache. Watching the cute brunet in the tower across from him scream and flail and jump had been… endearing. And Wirt had envied his confidence. That was all it had been. For months .
It escalated, obviously, because Wirt’s hobbies include reading flowery poetry and overthinking all of his relationships with people, no matter the status; Friend, family, classmate, stranger that he’s been staring at for a wildly inappropriate duration of time, professor.
After his admittedly nonsensical crush on the boy fully developed, Wirt began his action plan. Began planning his action plan, he means. Of course.
But he has done some rather daring things aside from formulating a few risque, hypothetical situations for the wooing process. He- He had inconspicuously asked around until he got the guy’s name and- and- and continued to regularly make eyes through binoculars at Dipper . Whom he has never actually seen up close.
“Progress ,” He weakly lies to himself under his breath as he finds a good place to sit.
His hands wrap around the binoculars and hold them over his eyes, guiding the object in different directions to assist him in his hunt for the place where Dipper can typically be found. The spot is almost immediately discovered (what with his unsavory amount of practice), but there doesn’t appear to be an exuberant ball of eye candy anywhere near the area.
Wirt lowers his binoculars in confusion. The puzzlement he feels quickly shifts into crushing disappointment as potential scenarios for Dipper’s absence flood his head; Each speculative train of thought growing more devastating than the last.
Mourning the loss of his possibly busy/sick/lost/evil/murdered soul mate, Wirt’s circumspect optimism slumps along with his posture. This month is shaping up to be one of unadulterated suck.
“Hi,” Wirt drones, feeling miserable and doubtlessly looking even worse as his head turns in the direction of the person who’s sat beside him.
Shock shoves despair out of the spotlight with inhumane force as Wirt locks eyes with- with- with-
“Dipper,” Dipper sticks an unsure hand out at Wirt, face pink, “We, uh… I sit behind you? In History Of Magic.”
Wirt stares. This is news to him. But it would be, bearing in mind that it’s Wirts first class of the day and he tends to sleep through it rather soundly.
What a fucking mistake that was; For both his love life and his grades. Kill him.
Self hatred striking him like a brick to the skull, he nods, “Yeah. Yes. Be- Behind me. I know.”
He didn’t. He super did not, in fact, but he would bet every single Knut in his vault that Sarah super did . They will be having words. Whenever he’s able to hunt her down, that is.
“Yeah,” Dipper is smiling, an image that Wirt should be very used to, but the uncertainty in his expression is very different from what he’s used to being audience to, “So… your name…?”
Wirt almost dives off of the bleachers when he remembers the hand that Dipper’s been holding out for a while now is meant to be shaken, “Sorry. I- Wirt. Me. I’m Wirt.”
Bury him in the dirt. He still hasn’t grabbed the guy’s hand, for the love of everything-
“Wirt,” Dipper repeats, taking the initiative to grab Wirt’s horribly limp hand and pump their joined hands up and down a few awkward times, “Nice to meet you.”
His skin is soft, so soft, dear lord , “Same.”
It has to be illegal to be this socially inept, someone should just take him the hell out-
“So, uh,” Dipper’s voice cracks and he doesn’t release Wirt’s hand after the uncomfortable handshake, “I want to take you out.”
Good god, a volunteer- Oh. Oh .
“Oh,” Wirt is nothing if not an eloquent man.
“I know,” Dipper is no longer pink, but a vibrant red as his words per minute rate charges into warp speed, “This seems kind of out of nowhere doesn’t it? W- Well, it’s not. Sort of. Sure, uh, we’ve never talked before. So, this is definitely weird. I get that, but not really, because I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this since the start of the semester. I actually wrote a script for this, but my sister found it and- and it is now destroyed. Which is probably for the best, but whatever thick layer of cheese was on that paper has to be better than this. This is a mess. I am a mess. And I’m going to go. Sorry about… Me.”
Dipper’s hand slides out of his own as he stands from the bleachers and turns to leave with a quickness that has Wirt scrambling. He has to think fast and that is by no means a strong suit of his.
“Kay,” Is the first thing to loudly and stupidly slip from his mouth.
Dipper shuffles his feet, turning his neck to look back with distress clearly written on his face, “What?”
Wirt, appearing equally woeful, doesn’t know, “Earlier. I- I was trying to say okay. Oh. Kay. To taking me out. Okay. Okay?”
A broad grin that Wirt is much more accustomed to seeing slowly stretches Dipper’s mouth, “Okay.”
Wirt might’ve smiled back, he’s not positive. And he really doesn’t think to check, once the quite demanding distraction of the entirety of the Gryffindor Quidditch tower rhythmically stomping and clapping starts up.
“ Okay! ” An amplified, horribly familiar voice joins the stomping.
Whatever mood the two had been close to finding immediately darts back into expert hiding.
A honey badger on a broomstick confirms Wirt’s fears, showboating around the Gryffindor bleachers before zooming to the middle of the Quidditch field.
Wirt turns to Dipper, not too far away from bursting into tears, “I sincerely apologize for whatever is about to happen.”
Dipper’s eyebrows raise, “Wha- Oh my god.”
A second broomstick is in the air, this one not holding up an intrusive girl in a fursuit, but a brunette in a Gryffindor Quidditch uniform.
“Same to you,” Dipper meekly continues.
They brace themselves, the both of them fighting the urge to interchangeably dive or enthusiastically flip off of the tower.
The stomping and clapping continue, joined with a horrible vocal parody of Queen’s We Will Rock You , the traditional words replaced with a foreboding, You Should Go Out. Sarah and who Wirt assumes to be Dipper’s twin sister Mabel begin to fly through the air again, puffs of thick white smoke trailing behind their brooms in true Elphaba fashion.
Dipper and Wirt emit noises of intense emotional suffering in unison.
In no time at all the chanting in the Gryffindor bleachers reaches a crescendo and ends. As this happens, the writing in the air can be very clearly read as ‘ Dipper and Wirt Should Totally Date ’. With over five exclamation points. Fireworks go off. Wirt cries.
Sarah and Mabel begin to head in their direction at a frightening speed. Running would be futile.
“Wirt!” Sarah giddily screeches before the pair of girls come to a stopping point directly in front of him, “Ask him!”
The crowd whoops their support as the furry lightly touches Wirt’s throat with the tip of her wand. Wirt coughs, the sound echoing nerve-wrackingly as everyone quiets. The silence huffs down his neck, expectation on its breath.
He swallows, glancing over at Dipper’s shocked/horrified/pretty face before croaking, “He already asked me.”
Dipper clears his throat, and Mabel’s wand is pressed against his neck.
“He said yes,” Dipper mumbles, running a nervous hand through his mass of fluff parading as hair.
“Yeah,” Wirt lamely confirms.
The pathetic smattering of applause the finale of the overly dramatic display earns is almost as humiliating as the display itself. Almost.
Mabel and Sarah flee before revenge can strike. And make no mistake, Wirt is planning on a hefty amount of revenge and it is guaranteed to be cruel. Whenever he gets around to exacting it, of course.
The game announcer thankfully takes pity on them and changes the subject by beginning to introduce the players. Everyone moves on in an attempt to smother the cringe they all feel, but this specific brand of mortification is comparable only to a particularly out of control internal forest fire.
Wirt knows this, because he himself is currently trying to let the flames consume him.
“… Hogsmeade trip this weekend,” Dipper mentions, his voice trembling with chagrin.
“Yes,” He responds, voice quaking similarly.
“We could meet at The Three Broomsticks?” Dipper smiles, wryly, “If you still want-”
“I want. I do. Uh. Yes,” Wirt hatefully rubs at his face, “Sounds good.”
“Good,” Dipper nods, and jerks a thumb over his shoulder, “So, I’m gonna head back to my dorm and… maybe cast a memory charm on myself.”
“Understandable,” Wirt’s lips twitch, “See you this weekend- Or, w- well, in History Of Magic tomorrow, I guess.”
“Looking forward to it,” Dipper grins.
And it is inarguably awkward, but it also sweet , so Wirt has to fake no sincerity whatsoever when he replies, “Me too.”
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
A Chapter’s End
This is a gift for @lilymanzo , happy Christmas! And I want to thank @pinesconess2k17 for organising this, y'all rock.
Honey coloured sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a golden glow on the remaining people and white chairs below. It was a sunny, spring day, and quite a fine day it was for a graduation ceremony. With the many loitering people and the scent of spring still lingering around him, Wirt was reminded of the quickly approaching Summer. He should’ve been excited, ecstatic even, but to be quite honest with himself, Wirt was terrified. He was terrified of applying for colleges, he was terrified of moving away, he was terrified of time flying by way too fast.
But most importantly, he was terrified of drifting apart from his friends.
Dipper, on the other hand, was not that much different. Usually, it was Mabel who was scared of these kinds of things happening, but this time it was him. Ironic, isn’t it? Looking at the navy cap in his lap, he wondered if he will end up staying just as close to his sister, or if his relationship with her will end up like Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford’s failed relationship. He let out a sigh, out of all things, this was making him panic the most. Mabel, noticing her brother’s quickened breath, held his hand to ground him. She herself was no stranger to this, having gone through a similar experience in their childhood. Dipper had comforted and helped her through that, now it’s time for her to return the favour.
Still holding his hand, she looked around the field. It wasn’t as crowded now, most of the people had gone home, but there were still quite a multitude of faculty and parents left. Mabel hoped that Wirt and Greg hadn’t gone home yet, there was a purikura photo-booth near the food; she wanted them to take some pictures with her and Dipper for memories sake.
Just as she was about to give up searching, she spotted a short boy dressed in red and yellow talking to another taller boy dressed in the same graduation gowns as she was. There they were! No wonder she couldn’t spot them, they were by the buffet table, and to no one’s surprise, it was still crowded.
“Dipper, Dipper, Wirt and Greg are over at the buffet tables,” Mabel whisper-yelled to her twin, eager to get him out of his moody state, “let’s go talk to ‘em!”
“What? Oh, ok sure.” Dipper replied, mood improving rapidly with the dread of summer disappearing almost instantaneously.
So they got up and quickly set off to meet the brothers. Wirt noticed them earlier, but dared not approach them. They looked like they were having a moment, which was not a bad thing as he got to hear what Greg had to say about the ceremony. He said that it was like Wirt was a superhero or when they were in the Unknown where Wirt wore his great-grandmother’s cape -he winced internally to the later comparison, he’d rather not be reminded of the time in what was basically purgatory-.
In the end, neither he nor Greg had to go to them as they came to he and Greg. Mabel with her sunny and joyful grin, and Dipper with his more subdued but equally happy one. Greg stopped talking to his older brother in favour of hugging and talking to his honourary older sister. Wirt could feel everything fade into the background as he saw Dipper approaching him with open arms. They were both high school graduates now, and they would soon go their different paths unless he and Dipper both ended up in Harvard. So he would rather savour what would be the last moments he would have with his boyfriend until the new school year starts up again.
Time seemed to slow around them as they drew close to each other. Voices and colours started to grow blurry and it soon faded into a soft buzz. Wirt could feel Dipper wrapping his arms around him like a koala, it was a bit tight, but comforting nevertheless.
“Hey,” a muffled voice greeted him.
“Hey to you too.”
They spent quite a while hugging each other, it was getting a bit warm. But the warmer the better, Wirt thought. He never did like the cold, bad things tended to happen in the cold (this was totally not based off his own experiences, totally not). Dipper on the other hand, quite welcomed Wirt’s hug. It was soft and warm, just how he liked it; though he could shed the robe, it was getting really hot.
Wirt looked over to their respective siblings. Greg and Mabel were having quite the time of their lives just talking to each other, it would be rude to just interrupt them like that. Turning back, Dipper had let go and was starting to shed his robe. It was getting rather warm, with the spring fading into summer and all that.
“You know,” Dipper mumbled, “things are going to be really different.”
“Hm? Could you repeat that, love?” Wirt responded, looking over to him. Wirt hadn’t been paying much attention to his surroundings, but he knows somethings up when he starts mumbling to him.
“I said that things are going to change a lot. I’ll be going to college and you’ll be in college too.”
“Go on,” Wirt encouraged, quirking an eyebrow.
“Well, it’s college. You and I will be in different courses learning different things in different states with different schedules.”
At this point, Dipper was starting to breathe a bit more heavily, he was panicking and it was getting worse. Wirt could see where he was going. That thought made him scared too. It wasn’t an uncommon sight for Wirt to see him like this, the first time he met him was literally a few days after weirdmageddon. And he was the one to make him panic due to him talking about the Beast in detail, it was too similar to Bill. He was surprised that it wasn’t worse. The Unknown left him and Greg a nasty reminder of what happened there, and they couldn’t get over it for years. Wirt slowly inched his hand closer to hold Dipper’s clenched one to help ground him, but he hesitated. Was it ok to touch him? What if he freaks out? What if Wirt just made everything worse?
“Dipper, Dipper!” that didn’t catch his attention, oh no. “It’s okay, take your time,” Wirt whispered, his hands moving to clasp the other set of hands. He nodded and continued.
“Point is, you and I will end up in different places with busy schedules and not enough time to see each other, and that’s just us! What if Mabel and I become so busy that we don’t even talk anymore? I’m scared that we’ll end up drifting apart, and,” there was a pause, but then he spoke in a quieter voice, “and I don’t think I can handle that.”
Wirt sighed and tightened his grip on Dipper. They really were two peas in a pod, weren’t they? Wirt smiled and shook his head. It was natural to think this way, he too often worried about these things.
“Well, you don’t have to, Dipper.” Wirt reassured him, he needed to know that he wasn’t going to go through this alone, they both did. “We’re not going to drift apart or not have enough time for each other, that’s what communication is for.”
“But what if we do?” Dipper asked, voice filled with worry.
“Then we fix it. You said it yourself, communication is key to any relationship, so that’s why we need keep the flow going.” Wirt bit his cheek, “and, if we ever drift apart, you can count on your pilgrim to come back to you.”
At this, Dipper grinned. It wasn’t a bright grin, but more a tired and relieved one. It was as if he was fighting an internal battle prior to this talk, Wirt noted to himself, it’s good that he got it out of his system. Dipper leaned up to peck Wirt on the lips as a thank you, he really thought that he was being ridiculous for awhile.
“Thanks, I needed that.”
“I know, the next time you need to talk to someone, don’t hesitate to shoot a message to me, Greg or your sister, okay?”
“Okay, but what if I send you a pigeon? How would you reply?”
“I’ll come to you by moonlight on a talking and formerly thieving horse with Greg, Mabel and a bluebird by my side to fight off whatever is bothering you.”
“What, with your poetry and sass?”
“Yes, with my poetry and sass.”
“Fair enough, thank you Wirt, that helped me a lot,” Dipper replied softly but with feeling, he felt lighter now, like the world wasn’t on his shoulders, “say, how about we go and see what our siblings are up to? We haven’t heard from them in awhile.”
“Hm, good idea.”
With that, our two waffles have gone on to talk to their siblings and go home. Thus marks the end of their time in highschool and of spring, at least for Mabel, Dipper and Wirt. Soon summer has arrived and so do the plans for the upcoming seasons. But, that’s a story for another day.
A bonus accidental line I wrote and erased:
“You know,” Dipper mumbled, picking up a crunchy boi from the buffet. The boi was so crunchy, it needed some moisturiser.
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
Deadline coming up!
Hey guys! Just a reminder that the deadline is coming up in two days! All submissions must be in by December 20th at Midnight central time! This goes for everyone who entered the secret santa unless one of the mods say you have an extension.
Good luck everyone! 💖
~Mod Waddles
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
Deadline extension!
So because the mods did not know what date it was today (it’s mostly my fault sorry guys!),Everyone will have until Tomorrow (December 21st) to submit their gifts! The time will still be until Midnight US central time. After that the inbox will close! Thank you,and sorry for the inconvience! ✨
~Mod waddles
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
The pairs have been sent out!
I have messaged everyone their pairs for ‘Santas’ and ‘Good children’! Everyone has until December 5th to exchange their partners,December 10th to withdraw from the secret santa,and December 20th to write and draw their gifts.
~Mod Waddles
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
it has been done
all the gifts currently in our inbox have been scheduled to be posted over the next couple of days. 
With Christmas day having a gift posted up every hour from 8 am to 9 pm.
we hope you enjoy what’s to come!
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