pinebypine · 5 years
Damned Spot
Short Intimate pincecesty story.
“Are you planning on doing that all day?” Mabel pressed her forehead between Dipper’s shoulder blades. “I’m getting a serious case of the boreds over here.”
Dipper turned the page of the battered old paperback. “Reading is good for you, Mabel. It’s like exercise for your brain.”
She rolled her eyes. “That big ol’ noggin gets plenty of that already.” Her hand glided over his t-shirt, then boxers, and finally down his thigh. “Come on, broham. You’ve gotta bed full of Mabel here.”
No response.
She gave the back of his head a stern look. She’d asked nicely; it was probably time to turn up the heat. She placed a soft kiss against the skin where her forehead had rested a moment before and then another a couple of bumps up his spine. She felt a little wave of a shiver pulse through him and she grinned. Another kiss a little higher up and another shiver down her brother’s back.
“Mabel, stop.” He was using his fed up voice now.
She reasoned that nobody in their right mind would turn down an escalating series of Mabel kisses and so decided that her brother’s reasoning was impaired. Acting in his best interests, she continued. He squirmed a little and she wrapper her arms around him, squeezing him a little. Her lips brushed against his skin just below the hairline.
Dipper let out a yelp and his whole body convulsed like a bucking bull. Mabel’s legs instinctively encircled him and she hooked her ankles together. She could hear him giggling through gritted teeth. She kissed the spot again and felt him jerk again, clamping a hand over his mouth to contain himself.
“My-my Dippertron, how am only just finding this now?”
“St-stop it.” He stammered through quenched laughter.
Her hands occupied just trying to keep ahold of him, she tried poking spot lightly with the tip of her nose, then wiggling it back and forth like an eskimo kiss. He scrambled to grab at her hands, to try and fight her off, but the gales of laughter enfeebled him. Then his breath ran out and although she could feel him still twitching, no more sound game.
She gave him a rest and he collapsed into a pile of spaghetti, heaving with exhausted breath. “I’m gonna-” he gasped, “gonna get you for that.”
She squeezed him tightly, stuck her face  over his shoulder and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Oh Dipper, it’s so cute when you think you can win, but now I know your weak point.”
“It’s not a weak point.”
“Oh, it isn’t? Well then perhaps we’ll see what happens if I just give it a little nibble.” She opened her mouth dramatically and moved back toward his neck.
“Make up your mind, Dip.”
“Just lay off me for a minute.”
“And just what are the terms of your proposed surrender?”
He craned his neck to look back at her coldly with one eye. “What do you want?”
Mabel’s face was awash in innocence. “Just a little quality attention from my bro-bro.”
“OK, I’m done reading for now.”
She released him and bounced up and down on the bed. “Oh my god, can I paint your nails?”
He opened his mouth as if to protest but was shot down with a withering look. “Fine but nothing too weird.”
Mabel pumped a fist in the air. “Yes! Then you’re buying me ice cream and we’re gonna for a hike.”
Dipper deflated. “A hike? Really?”
“Sure thing, broham, gotta work off the ice cream.” She sat back on the bed and tucked her hair behind an ear. “Besides, I like going into the woods with you. It feels like we’re in public but it’s still safe to hold hands and junk. Makes me feel like we’re sorta normal.”
He gave her a quiet sort of smile and squeezed her hand in his. “Alright, that sounds nice.”
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pinesposts · 6 years
pinecesters rejoice!
we’ve managed to gather a bunch of fics by double, needles, fallsintoapit and pinebypine into one handy google doc. big thanks to @adamnemo42 and @dbc-nimblepines, as well as many others who helped gather these together.
long live the cest
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pinebypine · 5 years
Knot the Ty
Direct Sequel to Canis Minor
Dipper roused from sleep to the feeling of a hand stroking the fur of his neck, short nails just scratching at the skin beneath. He rolled onto his back and smiled, letting a happy little sound escape his throat. He felt the body next to him move and in a moment, Ty was over him, her knees planted on either side of his body. He saw pointy ears twitch atop her head in the darkness.
She leant down and kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth to dance over his own. He felt sharp teeth prick his skin as she nibbled on his lip and moaned a little as their mouths parted. Her eyes narrowed at him in the dim light of the tent.
“I’m hungry, brother.”
He swallowed. “You sure about this?”
She buried her nose into the crook of his neck and made small growling noise. “Yes. Can’t help it. Driving me wild.”
Dippers hands rose to grip her hips and draw her closer to him. God damnit, she smelled good. He wasn’t sure he had another go in him, after all the activity earlier in the evening, but that intoxicating perfume of his sister’s body so close to him was doing everything in its power to make him want to give it a go.
His cock seemed optimistic as well and was already sliding from its sheath into the chill night air. She shifted over him and he felt the folds of her vulva slide along the exposed skin of his shaft. She was wet, very wet. She ground her hips into him and he felt her slickness glide along him.
“Please, Dip.” She whispered, her voice cracking piteously. “I need it. Please.”
He found his mouth was on her throat, nibbling at the fine fur there. He hadn’t really remembered doing that. Whatever this wereflu was doing to his head was still very strong. He pulled his lips away and gave a glance to their sister’s sleeping form, so close she was almost on top of them. “Should we….”
His lips were caught up in another deep, devouring kiss and he felt Ty’s nails as pinpricks on his neck. When the kiss broke, her voice was rasped around the edges with heat. “Let her sleep. I know she had you earlier when I was napping. The tent still reeks of it.” She drew in a deep breath through her nose. “But if you’re not up for it, maybe I’ll wake our dear sister.” She rose a little and Dipper could feel the tip of his cock resting between her lips. She was wet, so wet. “Show her the mess she’s made and see if I can get her to clean it up with her tongue.”
An anchor chain couldn’t have stopped Dipper’s hips as he thrust into his sister. She felt hot around him and he could feel her twitch with pleasure. She exhaled like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
“Good boy.”
He moved as slowly as he could. In so little time his worry had moved from being able to perform at all to being able to last long enough to satisfy. The heat of her, her smell, the firm suppleness of her body, and, oh god, the way she was looking at him like he was just the sexiest fucking thing in the world; he wasn’t sure he could hold back.
Ty tapped her sister daintily on the shoulder. “Uh Mabes.”
Her sister didn’t stir.
Ty sighed, grabbed her sister by a furred shoulder, and shook her. “Wake up!”
Mabel rubbed sleep from her eyes. “What the heck Ty? I was having a good dream.”
“I need some help.” Ty pleaded.
Mabel looked her sister over and stifled a giggle behind a hand. Ty still straddled Dipper, who was already so deep into dreamland that a trail of drool was starting to form from the corner of his mouth. “Oh Ty-dye, you didn’t.”
“It wasn’t exactly thinking straight and I’m blaming you. I woke up and smelled what you’d been doing. I got all ramped up and it was fucking hot and...”
Mabel pushed herself into a sitting position and craned her neck to assess the situation. “At least I had it together enough to have him pull out and finish on my chest.” Idle fingers ran through the matted, cowlicked fur of her collarbone.
“Yea well, in hindsight I’d have done the same thing. Then I could lay back down now.”
“I bet it was at least pretty hot when came in you, though.”
“Yes.” Ty knew she would be blushing if her skin was still visible. She chewed a lip. “It was the business.  I came at the same time and another right after. Never got two back to back before. But by the time I calmed down Dip was conked out and I realized I’m stuck. It’s been like ten minutes, my knees are getting sore, and I feel like a stuffed turkey. What am I supposed to do?”
Mabel shrugged. “I guess you just wait for it to shrink back down or you just, you know…” She balled one hand into a fist, grasped the other around the wrist and mimed pulling the former through the latter. She made a popping sound with her lips.
Ty shook her head. “Doesn’t work like that; my junk is holding on to him as much as the other way around.”
The eldest triplet leaned over her brother’s head and poked his face. “Dip’s out like the dead, too.” She glanced back at her sister, then did a double take. “Whoa, I can see the outline.”
Ty startled. “What? No, you can’t!” She took in a sharp breath as Mabel’s hand pressed experimentally against the spot just above where Ty was temporarily fused with her sibling. She reflexively moved at the touch and the swollen member inside her was suddenly quite front and center of her attention.
Mabel rose and straddled Dipper’s chest, facing Ty. Their brother didn’t even stir at the disturbance. “Well, sounds like we’re waiting then. You want me to grab a pack of cards?”
Ty smirked. “I guess just some company will be enough.”
Mabel sniffed the air. “Wow you weren’t lying about the smell in here. It’s like a locker room meets cat house.”
“We should probably air the tent out in the morning.”
Mabel pursed her lips. “Yea and probably get down to that creek.”
“A bath or two all around is probably in order.”
“Oh yea a bath would be a good idea, too.” Mabel winked at Ty, who sighed in return.
“Are you already suggesting more sex?” Ty looked down and realized that Mabel had a hand idly running a finger across herself. “Are you crazy?”
“Um, maybe. Oh, don’t give me that look Ms. Just-had-two-orgasms-like-a-minute-ago. You yourself were blaming the air in here for making you lose control.” Her hips were actually rocking slightly now.
Ty sighed. “Well, I’d offer to eat you out but I don’t think I can work the angle out pinned in place like this.”
“Fuck that, just come here.”
Mabel reached one hand out and pulled her sister close by the neck. She met Ty’s open mouth with hers and rubbed herself firmly with her fingertips. Ty laid her hand flat on Mabel’s breastbone and could immediately feel her heart pounding in her chest.
“Wow,” she whispered as she broke the kiss, pressing her forehead to Mabel’s, “you went from zero to a hundred in nothing flat.”
Mabel nodded a little but only whispered. “Fingers.”
Ty slipped two into her sister and gasped slightly. Were werewolves just extra productive or something? Her sister was actually forming a wet spot in Dipper’s fur. She curled her fingers dutifully and teased at Mabel’s g-spot, feeling her muscles tighten and twitch around her. Mabel cast back her head and howled, waves of pleasure running up and down her taut form. She collapsed forward, resting her head on Ty’s shoulder, clinging to her to stay upright.
They hung like that for a moment, the steamy heat of the tent soaking into them. “Sorry,” Mabel gasped, “I don’t know what it is.”
“Probably a side-effect of the wereflu.” Ty scratched behind her sister’s pointed ear.
“Do you think this is like the chicken pox, where you get it once and then never again, or like a cold, where you can get one every year no matter what you do?”
Ty shrugged.
“I’m not saying I’d exactly mind if it’s like a cold, you know.”
“Yea I get you.” She kissed her sister on the tip of a hernose. Then her eyes went wide and she smacked herself in the forehead.
“What is it?”
Ty pointed at the small bag in the corner. “My toiletry bag, can you grab it? I’m not sure I can reach.”
Mabel swung her leg off her brother, stretched to grab it, and passed it to her sister.
“I can’t believe I didn’t think of this until now.” She rummaged through the bag and pulled out a silvery necklace. She undid the clasp, then leaned carefully down and looped the chain around Dipper’s neck. She held the amulet in one hand and flipped it round to hide the circle and arrow and show the circle and cross.
A moment later she flopped onto her sleeping bag, heaving a sigh of relief. It was a strangely empty feeling all of a sudden, but her legs had been starting to cramp and being able to straighten them was a delight. She grinned broadly.
Mabel smirked at her. “OK, well now that we have an out, I wish I’d let Dip finish like you did. For curiosity’s sake if nothing else.”
Ty shrugged. “We’ve got a couple of days out here still; you can get the knot treatment in the morning if you want.” She shifted slightly and swore inwardly. Helping Mabel out had been her sisterly duty, but it had been a bad idea if she wanted to get to sleep any time soon; her motor was purring again.
“Why wait ‘till morning?” Mabel reach down and flipped the amulet that rested in Dipper’s fur back over, then undid the chain and handed it back to Ty. “Would you be so kind, dear sister? I promise not to be gentle.”
Mere moment later, Ty slammed Mabel against the turf outside the tent and ran her hands up her sister’ sides. Mabel’s legs wrapped around her hips and pulled her in. She felt teeth on her skin at the crook of her neck, not a harsh bite but sharp, just enough pressure to make it clear that more was available if needed. Mabel let out a low growl and twisted her fingers into the hair at the back of Ty’s head.
The middle triplet let out a low rumble of her own, ears flattening back against her head. She narrowed her eyes, gathered her sisters hands up, and pinned them by the wrists to the grass above her head. “I hope you’re ready, sis.”
“Do your worst.”
Ty angled her hips and drove herself home into Mabel, letting out a small moan of pleasure. Goddamn, fucking a pussy felt good. She dug her toes into the grass behind her for leverage and thrusted hard, pleased at the way each brought a small gasp from her sister’s throat. She planted her lips on Mabels and let her tongue dance through there other’s mouth, feeling the lithe body arch and squirm beneath her.
Mabel unhooked her ankles and spread her legs wider, arching her back to adjust the angle of attack. Ty felt the swirling compulsions of her animalistic nature driving her forward like whip cracks. She gave it her all, fucking with furious intent feeling more and more consumed by it until she pulled her mouth from the kiss, threw her head back and howled. Another voice joined her, forming a rising harmony that sailed and twisted through the moonlit night to rebound of hillsides and mountains. Tonight everyone would know there were wolves in Oregon.
She hooked her elbows under Mabel’s knees, leaned forward, and pressed their foreheads together. Eyes met in a steady, fierce gaze and Ty felt some part of her hind brain go wild. She growled again, low, certain. “Mine.”
Mabel whimpered and her muscles went stiff. Ty could feel her sister orgasm around her, could feel the slickness of her pussy around Ty’s cock tighten and twitch, trying to bring forth the…
Hands slammed to the ground on either side of Ty’s shoulders, the sudden heat of a body pressed into her back. Teeth nipped at her ear. Ty’s hindbrain worked on its own, uninterested in what the more civilized parts of her had to say. There was an order to these things, a natural way of the world and at this moment Ty was beta to her core.
The alpha was here now.
She froze and turned to look at him, swallowing dryly. Their eyes met and Ty was amazed to understand her brother’s intentions. She and Mabel would communicate so well by facial expressions alone but that had never been her way with Dipper. Under this waning moon, though, she read him loud and clear.
Proceed with your fucking, beta. I have plans of my own.
Ty turned back to Mabel, who was ready to catch her mouth in a kiss. She resumed her thrusts but the intensity was gone. She drew slowly in and out, careful to keep her own excitement contained. She wasn’t going to let herself climax until the alpha had approved.
She gasped when a slippery hand cupped her balls as she fucked. She found herself making a happy little noise as the sensation ran up her body. The parts of Ty’s brain not otherwise overtaken by thoughts of animal lust and the pack thanked heaven; his palm and fingers were unmistakably slick with lube and she could guess why.
He teased her for a while while she fucked their sister, but took his time to carefully get her properly lubricated and prepped. Then he entered her. This was not the first time, but it was the first time she’d both fucked and been fucked at once. She felt the alpha’s teeth on her shoulder as he drove himself home into her, using his grip on her to give him leverage. Her head was swimming. She heard her sister howl again and felt the unmistakable feeling of a partner climaxing beneath her.
A sort of tingling sensation was building in her lower body. She turned back to look at the alpha and received a slight nod. She finally completely buried herself in Mabel’s warmth, feeling her sister squirm as she was stretched. She felt cock twitch and as she emptied herself into that warmth. Moments later, the alpha’s back arched, he pulled himself from her, and she felt ropes of sticky heat fall into the fur of her back.
They collapsed into a wet heap on the grass. Ty flipped the little amulet around and slumped off of her sister. A hand found hers and they let their fingers intertwine. Then she found another with her other hand and did the same. They looked up at the moon for a while, trying to catch their breaths.
“Sorry if we woke you up, bro. We came out here to let you get some sleep.” Ty reach over and mussed his ears.
“I’m not sure the other side of the mountain was far enough to keep me out of all that.” He panted. “Fuck me, that was hot.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Ty saw Mabel’s ears flick forward. “Choose your words carefully, Dippinstuff.”
“What? Again? You girls are insatiable.”
Mabel rose and rested her chin on Dipper’s chest. “Anything for our alpha.”
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pinebypine · 5 years
Canis Minor
Triplet AU fic. After the events of The New Toy with some reference to it.
Ty lead the crowd into the next room, grabbed hold of the silk pull cord and turned to address the gaping yokels behind her. “Ladies and Gentleman, be astounded by the horrible teen wolf-boy!” With a tug, the old velvet curtains parted to reveal a large wood and iron cage, with a sulking figure inside. Dipper Pines had grown since the last time they’d tried this gag and the wolf-boy costume was probably too small now. Ty gave her brother a surreptitious wink and continued with her spiel. “Look at his terrifying visage! All that awkward body hair and gangly limbs!”
The crowd gabbled a little and several camera flashes filled the room with blinding light. In the cage, Dipper winced a little at the flashes. Ty inched closer to the cage and whispered low. “Everything going all right in there, Dip? This is the last batch for today.”
All she got in response was a low growling noise. “So you’ve finally decided to take the role seriously? That’s the spirit; have some fun with it.” She returned her attention to the punters and raised her voice again. “Captured years ago in the New Jersey Pine Barrens the wolf-boy’s only known weaknesses are silver and talking to la…”
She was cut off mid word by a pair of furry hands shooting from between the bars on either side of her. One wrapped around her midsection and the other clamped firmly over her mouth. She was drawn back against the bars of the cage. She felt pressure on her neck and a furry cloth ear was rubbing against her cheek.
Screams erupted from the crowd, who drew back away from the grrapple girl. “It’s gonna eat her!” A woman screamed.
“Ah! Somebody help!”
“Oh this is gonna be good.” A camera flash went off from someone in the front row of people.
Ty froze in shock. Dipper’s teeth were pressed gently against the skin of her neck, near the hairline. The hand over her mouth was firm but not holding her tight enough to hurt. The pinky finger of this other hand had just slipped under the hem of her shirt and she could feel as he started to slide the hand up toward more sensitive spots. Dipper’s breath, hot as a hair dryer, washed over her throat and collarbone.
The head of a broom smacked against the cage bars next to Ty’s head, startling Dipper into releasing his grip. Ty fell away from the cage and managed to keep her balance. Mabel shoved the broom into the cage’s interior and poked at Dipper to herd him back. “Nothing to worry about folks; he does this about once a week.” She glowered at Dipper dramatically. “And he’s lucky it was the broom this time.”
Ty breathed heavily, trying to get her heart-rate back down. She felt her sister’s hand on her shoulder. Mabel caught her eye, an unspoken question, and Ty nodded that she was fine. Then the oldest triplet addressed the stunned crowd of tourists. “Welp. Since it looks like you all are done with the tour, I bet you wanna see our amazing gift shop! We’ve got piles of awesome stuff for you to buy.”
She herded the people away, leaving the younger two alone. Ty walked up to the cage and flipped the latch to open it. “What earth did you think you were doing, Dipper?” She raised a hand to her cheek where she could feel the heat of a blush in full swell.
Dipper hung his head and stared at his hands. “I’m sorry, Ty. I don’t know what came over me. You were just so close and you-” he inhaled deeply through his nose”-you smell so good. I was just… Sorry.” He gave her a sheepish look and rubbed his bare shoulder with a furry hand. “I almost blew our cover there, huh?”
Ty sighed. “I think they bought it as an ‘attack’ but that was the penultimate entry on your  ‘stupidest moves of all time’ list. Are you feeling okay? I remember you sneezing some this morning.”
He shook his head as if trying to clear it. “I’m just feeling a little cloudy; like its hard to focus.” He shivered a little in the cage. “Is it cold in here?”
The temperature outside was only two degrees off for a record high and the shack didn’t have air conditioning; Ty was in a tank top and shorts and was still perspiring. Even though Dipper’s costume was shirtless, she was having a hard time imagining him being actually cold in here. She reached up and pushed away his shaggy hair to lay her palm over his forehead.
“That’s a fever, Dip; you should probably go to bed.” Ty wrinkled her nose and pulled back. “And probably take a shower first. You reek.”
Dipper rolled his eyes and made a face. “It’s not me. I just stepped in a pile of some sort of ‘droppings’ in the woods this morning when I was looking around.”
“Well, a shower wouldn’t kill you anyway. Just go and have one and then lay down. Mabel or I will bring you something to eat later.”
He conceded and headed upstairs. Ty had to take a few minutes to calm down before getting back to work.
We have got to come up with someplace around to get some real privacy, Ty thought, or else I’m going to explode.
“Dipper, how my favorite brother?” Mabel burst through the door andstarted to launch herself onto the comforter lump that was her brother when a pair of arms caught her about the waist and pulled her back.
“Shh! He’s probably still sleeping.” Ty whispered, trying to restrain her sister.
“Poot,” Mabel pouted, “he’s been asleep since dinner. Was he really that sick?”
“He seemed out of it and was sporting a fever.” Ty released her and went over to cautiously check on her brother. “Must have been feeling really bad, he didn’t even take off the wolf costume.” She reached down and touched a furry pointed ear.
“He didn’t?” Mabel picked up a wadded pile of cloth from the floor, a headband with cloth ears set on top. “Then what’s this?”
Ty froze.
She gingerly pinched the furry thing between her fingers. It had the consistency of fur, skin, and cartilage. “Um, Mabel darling. Could you be a dear and come over here for second?” She released whatever it was she was holding and stepped back from the bed.
Mabel sauntered over and peered into the bed linen. Her eyes went wide. “Puppy?” In one smooth motion, she whipped the blanket back from the pointy ears. Surprised by the sudden temperature change, Dipper yelled himself awake and shot upright in bed.
“Ahh! What the heck are you doing?”
Ty’s hand went to her mouth in surprise and she took a step back. Mabel stood stock still for a moment, staring at her brother’s face. After a moment, he noticed the looks on their faces. “What did I drool on all over myself or something?” He started furiously wiping at his chin and cheeks with one hand.
Mabel seemed transfixed. “So scruffy.” She reached out slowly with both hands and touched the triangular ears sprouting from Dippers head They were very soft; instinct took over and she gently rubbed them.
Dipper’s eyelids fluttered closed and he leaned in toward her. “Oh damn that feels good.”
Ty darted to the pile of books at Dipper’s bedside and she started to rummage through them rapidly.
As Dipper’s face came closer to Mabel’s body, he inhaled sharply. In a flash, his arms wrapped around Mabel’s waist and he pulled her down onto the bed. His lips pressed against her’s and she felt him grind his body into her. From somewhere deep inside Dipper, a hungry sort of sound began to thrum.
Ty found the book she was looking for, a heavy leather tome with a six fingered hand embossed on the cover. She began flipping through the pages as Mabel started to rake her nails down her brother’s back.
Dipper broke the kiss and began to nibble down Mabel’s neck, making her whimper softly.
Without taking her eyes off the pages she was reading, Ty rose, book in hand, and deftly grabbed a furry ear between thumb and forefinger. She pinched hard and began to drag Dipper off the bed.
“Ow ow ow ow ow ow. What  -ow- are you  -ow- doing?”
Mabel groaned frustratedly. “Geez sis, why you got to Dipper-block me like that?”
In response, Ty began reading aloud. “Those suffering from the condition known as Gerulphus Transcursorius develop many symptoms such as, but not limited to, sensory hypersensitivity, impulse control impairment, and most notably, extensive canid physiological transformation.”
Dipper’s stopped struggling as she spoke. “Gerulphus Transwhaticus?” He reached up with a hand and touched the ear that Ty still held painfully. “What they heck is that!?” He was nearly screaming.
Ty released him and resumed reading as Dipper scrambled to his feet and over to the mirror mounted on the wall of the bedroom.  “Also known as Transitory Lycanthropy or the wereflu,  Gerulphus Transcursorius is a paranormal viral affliction that can inflect humans who come in close contact with a true lycanthrope, lycanthrope excreta, or other carriers of the disease. It causes behavioral changes and a physical transformation very much like that of a true lycanthrope.”
Dipper had reached the mirror and at this point yelped in horror and surprise at seeing his appearance. Along with the ears, he was also quite a bit more hirsute than normal. Shaggy brown hair reached down his cheeks and neck, far longer and fuller than he was ever able to grow on his own. “I’m turning into a werewolf?”
Mabel hopped up from the bed and hugged him from behind. “Yeah but so far a totes adorable one. You’re like a big fluffy puppy!”
His sister’s scent filled Dipper’s nose and he nearly staggered as it seemed to occupy his whole brain. Mabel’s fingers wriggled into the thick hair that was growing on his torso, sending shivers of electricity up and down his body. He banged a hand on the table in an effort to keep a hold on himself. “What does the journal say about a cure?”
Ty raised an eyebrow at him. “Would you like the good news or the bad news first?”
“Ugh, good news, I guess.”
“The good news is that it’s not permanent. The wereflu runs its course over three to four days and then everything goes back to normal.”
Dipper let out a sigh of relief. “And the bad news?”
“You’re in the beginning stages right now, so there’s lots more to come.”
Mabel started to giggle behind her brother’s back. She reached an inquisitive hand up and felt Dipper’s bottom. “Is that a tail in your PJs or are you just happy to see me?”
Dipper struggled out her arms and pulled down the back of his pajama pants. Sure enough, a short little tail was sprouting from his backside. He tried to peer closer at it and ended up walking in a couple of circles before Mabel grabbed him by the shoulders and pointed his butt at the mirror.
“Oh jeeze. How am I going to keep everybody from noticing this?”
“Least of your problems, Dipbutt.” Ty flipped the journal around to show them the relevant pages. There was a series of transitional drawings, showing a  human figure morphing into a form indistinguishable from a wolf.
Mabel proffered an idea. “We put a collar on him and pretend we found this dog in the woods.”
“How does that explain where I’ve gone in the meantime?”
“Ok. Fair point.” Ty shrugged. “If you just stay in here for a couple days, and stay ‘sick,’  nobody would have to see you.”
“If one of us stayed locked up here for four days, even Grunkle Stan would get worried and come to check.” Dipper put a finger to his chin and thought for a second. “Do you think he and Soos could manage without us for a few days?”
“Probably, we’re really only here for the busy part of the season next month. Other than that I think it’s mostly so Stan doesn’t have actually pay anybody to work here.”
Dipper looked from one sister to the other. “How would you two feel about a little triplet camping trip?”
“Man, so you think that was werewolf poo?” Mabel adjusted her pack as they walked.
Her brother was pretty much his normal shape still, a few paces ahead and sometimes teetering under the weight of his own pack. “It’s the only explanation I can come up with. And where else you expect a wolf man to go? That can’t just walk into a gas station and ask for the bathroom key.”
“I suppose,” Ty said from the rear of their little group, “that means we’ll need to be on the look out for one while we’re out here.”
“That’s why we headed out from the shack in the exact opposite direction from where I went yesterday.”
They spotted a promising looking level spot on the mountainside for their campsite, protected on the side toward the peak by an outcropping of rock and a stream not far away. After they’d reach it, they deposited their packs on the ground and started to extract their equipment from them.
“Hey Ty,” Mabel’s voice rose to her usual, telling-a-joke sing-song, “wanna know the easiest way to pitch a tent?”
Ty dutifully obliged. “Of course, I would.”
Mabel sidled up to her brother, tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned toward her, threw her arms around him. She leaned heavily against his chest, and buried her face into the fur of his shoulder and neck. After lingering moment of time, she separated from him and gestured at his pelvis with one hand. “Ta-da!” She cried triumphantly.
Dipper spun away from them and frantically tried to rectify the situation in his pants. Mabel threw her head back laughter and Ty giggled a little.
“I don’t know why you’re so embarrassed, Dip.” Ty tried to sound comforting. “We’ve both seen you excited before. A lot actually. There’s nothing to hide.”
“I just feel kind of exposed out here.”
“Well that’s dumb.” Mabel made a dismissive gesture with one hand. “There isn’t anybody out here for miles!” As if to reinforce her assertion, the last word echoed off into the distance for a long time. “Heck if it’s as hot tomorrow as it was today, than we’re going skinny dipping in that stream over there.”
By the time the sun was setting and they were preparing an evening meal of hotdogs and s’mores. Dipper was shifting nervously whenever he sat in one place or pacing around the camp. The girls huddled together against the growing chill and watch him for a while before finally Mabel broke down and had to speak.
“Are you gonna do that all night or do you want to come over here and cuddle with two hot little pieces of booty?”
Ty bumped her sister’s shoulder with her own. “Speak for yourself, I’m a refined lady that just happens to have a hot little booty.”
Dipper scratched at the collar of his shirt with one hand and tried to adjust his pants to a more comfortable position with the other. The bulge of his tail was visible down one pant leg, straining against the fabric. “Sorry, I’m just a bit uncomfortable. Getting kind of itchy and hot.”
Mabel cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled. “Take it off!”
Dipper laughed nervously but actually tugged down on the hem of his t-shirt as if to make sure it was more on than ever. “Look, stuff is probably already pretty weird under here and I don’t think it’s gonna get less weird any time soon. I don’t think you guys really want to see me.”
“Are you kidding?” Mabel jumped to her feet. “I’ve never been more curious about anything in my life!”
Ty rose as well, took her sister’s hand and went over to take Dipper’s as well. “The three of us have a very skewed scale for weird, bro. You really don’t have anything to be scared of.”
Dipper breathed in a deep lungful of air and then took a sharp step away. “Ok, ok but keep back, will ya? When you two get close its really overpowering.” The girls shared a look at that comment. Dipper pulled off his t-shirt and kicked his tennis shoes off his feet. Finally he dropped trou and stretched naked in the fire light. Then as if it were the easiest thing in the world, he gave his entire body a huge shake, like a dog that’s just come out of a lake.
“Wow,” Mabel side. “That’s bizarro.”
Dipper’s ears went back and he looked away at her comment.
“Oh I mean good bizarro.” She back pedalled furiously. “Really cool looking and not like ‘yuck’ or anything.”
Ty was taking a careful visual survey of her brother. “You look a bit like a wookie at this stage, cept for the ears and tail, of course. It’s really cool that your fur’s the same color as your hair is.” She almost took a step toward him and then stopped herself, remembering his request.
Dipper smiled wanly and then actually chuckled. Then he stuck his fists in the air and imitated Chewbacca’s roaring growl noise. All three of them laughed heartily; the tension starting to ease out of the air a little. The girls went to sit back by the fire. Dipper paused for a moment, then crouched, almost sitting on his haunches.
They sat for a while, not saying much. The fire crackled and collapsed slightly. Ty leant over and placed a kiss on her sister’s temple, who in kind turned back toward her so they were face to face. They kissed deeply. When Ty came back up for air she glanced over as if just now remembering that Dipper was there too. Her eyes when a little wide.
“Ok, that’s new. Well, not new but you know-” she was very obviously trying not to stare at what was now sticking up between Dipper’s legs, “-not what I’m used to.”
Dipper looked down and then jumped in surprise.
Mabel turned to see and laughed. “Achievement unlocked: Red Rocket!”
Their brother started grasping around for something to put over his lap and found his discarded t-shirt. “Sorry about that.”
Ty sighed. “We’re not trying to embarrass you, Dippin-sauce. I’m sorry I even mentioned it; it was very-” she paused to think of the right word, “-high contrast.”
“It looked like a tube of lipstick.” Mabel tried to stifle her giggle.
“Not helping.” Ty said through clenched teeth.
“Can we just change the subject off my weird looking junk for now?” Dipper sat crosslegged by the fire, adjusting the t-shirt to minimize the visual effect his excitement.
“Well,” Ty asked, “then will you tell us what it is with you and smell since all this started.”
“Oh that.” Dipper scratched behind one ear with the fingers of his hand. “It’s like my nose is on overdrive right now. I mean, I normally really like the way you two smell, but since yesterday it’s really overpowering.”
“But it’s only when we’re close?” Mabel leaned forward and dropped another log on their fire.
“I can smell you even over here, with the smoke and fire between us. I can tell you both used the same bug spray but different sunscreen. Mabel, you still smell of that cherry lime lip gloss even though you haven’t put any on since we left the shack this morning. Ty, you’ve still got some gum in your shorts pocket. We’re actually burning two different kinds of wood in this fire and I can even still smell the juice that dripped onto the logs when we were cooking dinner. But if one of you gets close enough, god damn, it’s like my whole brain gets taken over by it and some part of me wakes up and it wants nothing more than to just be close to that wonderful smell.”
“Do we smell different?” Ty asked.
“Oh yea,” Dipper nodded, “that’s not new. Mabel is a little fruitier, more sweet, and it’s not your bath products cause you’re kind of more sugary when you’re just a little sweaty. Ty, you’re more herbal or rich; like a really well made leather purse filled with fresh cut flowers.”
Mabel looked like she considered this for a moment, then leaned over and sniffed the side of Ty’s face. “Yea ok. I could get behind a flowery purse.”
Ty gave Dipper a look tinged with longing. “Bro, would it be ok if I got close for a minute? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable but…”
“No it’s ok; thanks for the warning.”
The middle triplet rose and strode over to where he sat, then bent down over him. Dipper’s muscles tensed as her long hair started to brush against his shoulders. He felt her hand rest on the back of his head and her face come very close to his scalp. She inhaled deeply. Her voice was warm when she spoke. “Yep, still Dipper. Kinda musky and dark.”
Mabel’s face rose in excitement. “Oh! Are you talking when he’s in that sweat zone between hasn’t showered recently but isn’t full of boy stink yet?” Ty nodded to her. “That is the best.” She caught Dipper’s eyes. “Can I? Please.” He nodded and she sprinted over to him. She looked for a moment like she was going to tackle him but stopped short. Instead,s he knelt by him and brought her face near to his fur.
Dipper’s heart was pounding in his chest; his head was swimming. He hadn’t felt like this since before last Thanksgiving, before he’d known how open to his advances his sisters would be. He was terrified again, because he wanted so badly to touch them, be with them in all ways, but right now it seemed like the worst possible thing.
A slender hand slid along his cheek; another scratched under the fur on the back of his neck. He thought he ought to rise, to remove himself from a situation he thought was getting out of hand before he lost control and did something that might upset them.
“It’s late.” A voice said near by him and it was one of the few times in his life when he’d been unable to identify which sister was speaking. “I think it’s time we all got in that tent.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t.” He managed to stammer; his brain was so full of their smells, swirling together and driving him crazy.
A finger tapped forcefully against the side of Dipper’s head. He started to focus again a little and was able to make out his sister’s faces only a few inches from his. “Look, dweeb.” Mabel’s voice was full of affection. “We know what we’re asking.” She waggled her eyebrows at him. “Lets let the animal out a little.”
Dipper was awake long before sunrise, but he lay amid the tangle of bodies and limbs for a very long time, just soaking in the pleasure. Camping was something they were going to need to add to their regular list of activities. It was probably one of the few ways in the world that three people their age could be really alone without having to worry too much. They might need to start bringing a couple of tents, though, just to keep up appearances.
Eventually the call of nature started to tug at Dipper and despite wanting very much to continue his tradition of being a late riser, he gave up and left the tent. He was in the open of the campsite before he realized that he was on all fours and that it felt more natural than walking on two normally did.
Well, he thought, this was to be expected. Just a couple of days and I can go back to being me.
He paused on the way to the stream near their camp to hike a leg against a tree, laughing internally at himself as he did so. Then he continued down to the water and looked himself over in the makeshift mirror of the surface. If he hadn’t known any better, Dipper would never have guessed he wasn’t looking at a real wolf, or at least a big wolf-like dog. He tamped down the worry inside himself and tried his hardest to enjoy it. He’d had such a good night that he had to let some of that spill over into today.
He raised his head and sniffed the air; it was so amazing what this new nose could do. He could count the species of trees and could catch hints of rabbits and other small creatures up wind of him. There was something else, too, a smell he wasn’t sure about. It was meaty and harsh, like a two day old steak that had been rubbed with a bar of tallow soap. It was almost familiar
Dipper’s ears twitched as he heard a sound. Some dark instinct inside him said that that was a large paw being placed very carefully among the underbrush. A low growl escaped Dipper’s throat before he even realized he was doing it. The long fur on his neck and shoulders was rising on its own and a loud, wordless voice was screaming in Dipper’s brain.
Protect. Protect. Protect.
This was his territory. His family was here. His mates were here. He’d peed on it. It was his. He spotted the source of the smell and sound a dozen yards or so away on the opposite banks of the stream. A tawny wolf that looked to be the size of a horse was carefully pacing through the trees, keeping one of its yellow eyes on Dipper at all times. Dipper finally put two and two together and he recognized the smell. Yesterday, when he’d been swearing and cleaning his shoe, this smell had been underneath all the stink, the lowest undercurrent of a river. This was the werewolf.
Wolfs don’t have a spoken language of any kind. Even howling is more about location than meaning. But two wolves face to face can make their intentions known to one another. Dipper and the werewolf stared each other in the eye for a long time, and the bigger one’s intentions were not subtle.
You have something I want, pup. I am just deciding the easiest way to take it.
Dipper was obviously new to all of this, but he was pretty sure he was making himself clear as well.
If you take so much as one step closer, I’ll make you wish you’d never been born.
The bigger wolf’s posture changed very subtly. He ceased its pacing and sat on his haunches. He didn’t growl or posture and he could not have been more easy to understand.
You can try all you want but I’ll be standing over your corpse in about thirty seconds no matter what you do, little boy.
Dipper’s brain worked furiously. He’d never been in a dogfight before. The way his body was moving so naturally told him that at least some instinctual part of him had pulled out this body’s manual and could be relied on. Still, the other wolf was twice his size and had certainly been at this longer than he. He needed an advantage, something that would level the playing field.
Dipper threw his head back and howled.
The tawny wolf actually looked surprised at this and his stunned expression lasted the full length of Dipper’s howl. The moment the descending note from Dipper ended, though, he sprang into action. The sudden movement triggered reflexes on both sides and in an instant two furry bodies hurtled through the space between them and collided in a crash.
They were a ball of flashing teeth and fur. Dipper was relying on his instincts but he wasn’t letting them rule him. He didn’t go for the throat; he didn’t take openings on his opponent’s vulnerables. Dipper dodged absolutely everything he could and what few bites he attempted were to harry and slow the bigger animal. To that effect, he did manage some success; he scored a hit on the rear leg just above the ankle that immediately began to flow with blood.
But his luck couldn’t hold out forever and in their maneuvering, they had neared the water’s edge. One of Dipper’s paws tried to take hold on a slick wet rock and flew up from under his weight. The dark little wolf took a sprawling tumble into the stream and his head bounced off tree root, stunning him. Dipper felt teeth at the back of his neck.
He thought dryly, this is going to be hard death to explain if anyone askes.
A sound like an overfilled car tire being stabbed rang through the forest, followed briefly by a whistling noise and unwinding cable. Then the pressure on Dipper’s neck released and he heard the werewolf cry out in pain. He managed to raise his head above the water and saw his sisters at the top of the stream bank, naked, sleep ruffled, and looking like valkyries.
Mabel was braced against a tree, straining to hold the force being put on her grappling hook as it hauled the werewolf toward them. As it neared, Ty stepped forward to meet it and held a bright orange pistol at arm’s length. She put the flare gun against the creature’s cheek and pulled the trigger.
Dipper hauled himself to his paws and trudged over to the limp form of the werewolf. It wasn’t dead, but the side of its head looked like a war zone. He stood over the bigger creature, growled low, and knew he was understood.
I told you, dumbass. Now crawl away and never come back.
A few hours later Dipper lay with his head on Ty’s lap while she read by the midmorning sun. They’d managed to clean themselves up and, although Dipper had a lump growing on the side of his head, they’d reasoned that they’d come out of this about as well as could be expected.
The sun felt good and Dipper was seriously considering a doggy nap when he heard Mabel’s footsteps as she returned from a little exploration. “Man, is it colder today than it was yesterday?” She asked as she rummaged in her pack for a long sleeved shirt.
Dipper’s ears perked. They’d checked the weather forecast before leaving the shack and it was supposed to be even hotter today. Then Ty sneezed and Dipper wanted to smack his own forehead; which was currently more trouble than it was worth.
Other carriers of the disease, of course, Dipper thought. At least we told Grunkle Stan we’d be gone a week. That should be enough time for everything to be back to normal.
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pinebypine · 5 years
The New Toy
Triplet AU Fic. The trips get a hold of a gender swapping toy.
Dipper brushed the dust off his hands and looked around the cave, just to be sure that the ghosts really were gone. “I don’t want to sound cocky, but I think we’re getting better at this.”
Mabel pumped her fist in the air. “Booyah! Don’t nobody mess with the Mystery Triplets!”
Ty knelt by the pile of dust where the spectre had disintegrated and brushed some away with her hand. “I feel a little bad for them; we don’t even know why there were trying to possess people.” Her fingers wrapped around a glint of silver and she lifted it to reveal a pendant on a black silk cord. “What the heck is this?” She held it up for her siblings to view.
Mabel reached out and cupped the pendant, running her thumb over the surface. “It’s pretty.”
“Girls, that’s probably cursed.” Dipper gave them a worried look. “Mysterious amulet, left behind by a departing spirit, totally prime curse material.”
The eldest triplet made a raspberry noise. “Even if it is, who better to deal with a cursed amulet than us? We’re badasses.” She gingerly extracted the chord from Ty’s grip and held the item up. The pendant spun in the air.
“Huh,” Ty peered at it, “why would it have a male symbol on one side and a female on the other?”
“Only one way to find out!” Mabel pulled the loop of the cord open and stuck her head through.
Both Ty and Dipper started to yell in surprise and reach out for her, but were startled into silence when nothing happened. Mabel stuck out her chest and grinned. “See? It looks good on me.”
Dipper’s brow furrowed. “Could be a trick, maybe it took over her mind or something. Quick, what’s something that only the real Mabel would know?”
Ty considered this for a second, then glanced cautiously at her brother before turning to Mabel and whispering something in her ear. Mabel’s face screwed up in disgust but she gave the answer back into Ty’s ear. The middle triplet then nodded to Dipper. “Nope, it’s the real Mabel.”
“Wait, what did you ask her?”
Both girls crossed their arms at him and glowered. “You really don’t want to know the answer to that question.” Ty added.
Dipper conceded and they began the trek back to the Mystery Shack, Mabel playing with the pendant the whole way. After about twenty minutes of walking, Ty caught up with Dipper and snatched his hand in hers. Dipper glanced around nervously, instinctively checking to see if there was anyone in sight. They were, of course, completely alone.
Ty smiled and stopped walking. As Dipper continued, she tugged his arm, causing him to spin around and she drew herself up to him, her free hand going to cup the side of his face. She had to rise on her tip toes just a little so their lips could come close. On her mouth, she could feel his breath suddenly go quick and shallow. Dipper’s hands went to her hips. His head started to tilt as they both leaned in.
Ty’s face became a scene of shock as she looked over Dipper’s shoulder. “Who the hell is that?!”
Dipper spun on his feet, hands suddenly clenched and arms ramrod straight down the sides of his body, trying to do his best impression of someone who wasn’t just about to do anything, no matter what anyone saw. He looked for the unseen witness but his eyes found only empty woodlands.
Then he heard his sister laughing. “Oh man, you are so easy, Dip.” She managed to say between gales of laughter. “I don’t think that will ever get old.”
He fumed for a moment then his face resolved into a wry grin. He raised his hands, winding the fingers menacingly in the air. “Oh you want to laugh, do you?”
Ty tried to defend herself, but Dipper’s tickling hands were quick and well practiced. She turned to try and flee, but he caught her up in his arms and worked his hands down to her sides, tickling furiously. Her giggling was unceasing and after a moment the actual sound of laughter stopped altogether, her breath gone.
“Oh sweet,” Mabel said from a few yards behind them. “So that’s what it does.”
Dipper gave Ty a break and helped her regain her balance on the leaf littered ground. They both turned to their sister to see her, arms wide, giving them a huge proud grin. Dipper couldn’t immediately recognize what had happened, but something about Mabel looked off, like a slight funhouse mirror effect that he couldn’t put his finger on.
Ty’s mouth fell slack and her eyes wide. She finally managed to stammer. “What the… Where are the girls?”
“Ruth Boobie Ginsberg and the Funtime Gang have left the building.” She puffed her chest out even more. Mabel hadn’t changed much over all, same build, same height, same hair, but there had been a slight shift of her features and some of her curvy places were no longer so curved. For example, she was certainly flat as a pancake now. Dipper watched as his sister reached down and lifted the hem of her skirt. “But on that note: Dipper, Ty, meet Mr. Pickle.”
Dipper felt like a sledgehammer had hit him in the gut. Whatever the amulet had done had not been a wholly subtractive process. Dipper was no longer, technically, looking at his sister.
Ty rushed past him, over to Mabel and gave her a toe to head once over while Dipper was still reeling. She pointed down at Mabel’s crotch. “May I?”
Mabel nodded and Ty reached down, hooked a finger in the hem of Mabel’s kitty adorned panties and pulled them out away from the skin. She peered in and immediately clapped her hand over her mouth in astonishment. She looked back up to Mabel’s face, then suddenly flashed with worry. “This isn’t permanent, is it?”
Mabel responded by reaching up with one hand and flipping the little amulet, currently showing the circle and arrow, around to show the circle and cross. There was a sort of wobbly distortion in the air and then Mabel was back to normal.
Dipper finally managed to break through the shock. “What the hell were two ghosts doing with something like that?”
“Ohhhh,” Ty smacked her forehead with one hand, “it was one ghost switching around, not two ghosts. That explains a lot.”
“No it doesn’t!” Dipper was almost yelling. His sister’s turned to consider him carefully and saw that his whole body was tensioned tighter than a snare drum. His face had already reached a shade of deep red and he was pointedly avoiding looking at them.
“Is everything alright, Big D?” Mabel asked.
“It’s fine!” The muscles of his jaw work furiously as he ground his teeth.
“Ok,” Ty tried to sound reassuring, “well, since everything is fine. We’re just going to sit down for a minute and catch our breath.” She turned and found a handy rock to rest on. As she got Mabel to sit as well, she discreetly kept her attention on Dipper.
After a minute or so, some of the anxiety seemed to have bled off him; he stepped over and plopped on the ground in front of his sisters, leaning his back against their knees. Mabel reached a hand out and ran her fingers through the hair on the back of her brother’s head.
Another few minutes of silence passed before Mabel leaned over and gave him a peck on the temple. “You wanna talk about it, broseph?”
He took a deep breath. “Ok, first off, you scared me. Fucking around with magical shit is dangerous; you both should know that better than anybody else.”
“Noted.” Ty slid from the stone to the ground next to him and put her arm around his shoulders.
“Second,” he continued, “it’s not nice to fuck with a guy like that.”
Ty glanced back over her shoulder to exchange a look with Mabel, who shrugged. She turned to Dipper. “What do you mean, Dip?”
“I mean, you two doing that look down the panties thing right in front of me.” He hunched his shoulders as if trying to hide. “Trying to turn me on while Mabel’s a dude.”
The sounds of the wind in the treetops was the only thing audible for a few seconds. Mabel gave her brother’s head an extra scratch. “Sorry, Dippin-sauce. We weren’t trying to do anything like that.”
There was another pause before Ty spoke. “Would you like us to?”
She immediately felt his shoulder muscles stiffen. His reply was almost mumbled. “I’m not gay.”
Ty felt her heart sink a little with realization. “Yea,” she proceeded carefully, “neither am I. Neither is Mabel, last I checked. Mabes dear, have you become gay anytime recently?”
Mabel tapped a finger to her chin and stared up at the trees for a moment as if seriously wracking her memory. Then she flopped down on the other side of Dipper. “Nope, still just a big ol’ pinesexual here.” She propped her head on his thigh.
Dipper snickered and some of the tension went out of air around them.
Ty’s eyebrows knitted together as she thought for a moment. “We never have talked about this. Even me and you, Mabel.”
“Talked about what?”
“Our sexualities. I know I’ve given it a lot of thought but I realized I have no idea what you two consider yourselves.”
Mabel shrugged hugely. “I dunno. Pinesexual sounds good to me.”
“You don’t find other people attractive? Really?”
Her sister avoided her gaze for a moment, then blushed. “Ok, you promise not to be mad?”
Dipper gave her a quizzical look. “Why would we be mad?”
Mabel put her hands over her face. “Cause people get all jealous when their girlfriends admit they think other people are sexy. It doesn’t mean anything. Blargh! I just sometimes get these thoughts.”
Ty made a cross-my-heart movement with her free hand. “No punishment for the truth here. That’s our motto.”
Mabel peeped out between her fingers. “I thought our motto was ‘Triple scoop cones or nothing.’”
Dipper chimed in. “I’m still voting for ‘Nos elucidare tenebris’.”
Ty groaned. “Ok, motto discussion tabled until the next meeting. I’d still like to know whom Mabel finds sexy.”
“Buttercup and Westley.” She bit her lower lip and shrank a little as if expecting an explosion.
“Oh yea? Both?” Dipper cocked an eyebrow at her and she nodded.
“They’re both just so cute and they way they look at each other: sploosh!”
Ty nodded and made an acquiescent expression. “I see what you mean.”
“Ok, what ‘bout you, Ty-dye?”
“I’d say I’m not gender discriminatory. If I was inclined to admit I was predisposed to one or the other, I probably lean a little toward men.” She shifted and her voice suddenly urged correction. “Not that that means I’m anything but equally attracted to you two. I’m just talking sort of statistically.”
Dipper put his own arm around her waist. “Yea, we get it.”
“Well, what about you, Dipster?”
He frowned. “I already said; I’m not gay.”
Ty rolled her eyes. “So we know what you’re not. What sort of people do you like?”
“I like girls.” He refused to look at either of them.
“Alright then.” Ty sprung to her feet and started to dust off her butt. “We should probably be getting back before Grunkle Stan starts to actually wonder where we’ve gone.” She reached down and helped Mabel to her feet.
Dipper rose slowly, as if cautious. “That’s it?”
Ty patted his cheek. “If that’s what you’d like.” She turned to her sister and grabbed her hand, starting back on the way toward home. “So, after dinner we’re digging out your copy of The Princess Bride and we’re gonna swoon all over it.”
Mabel giggled. “Yes! Swoon-city, here we come.”
The air in the attic was perfectly still and suffocatingly hot. All of the warmth from the whole shack rose into this small room and just hung there like a huge spider. Dipper wiped his forehead and stared at the dark ceiling for a while, unable to let his mind rest. Eventually, he felt compelled to rise and open the small window. Cool Oregon night air washed over his face and shoulders. He breathed in a huge lungful of it.
Dipper turned, leaned his butt against the window sill, and looked at his sisters curled up together in other bed. Ostensibly, one of the three of them was using the old air mattress every night, but that hadn’t happened all summer. He wished they’d had a properly big bed up here and could all pile in together, but trying to arrange for that sounded like the kind of thing that Dipper worried would arouse suspicion.
Slowly, he slid down the wall until he landed on the wood plank floor. He ran both hands through his shaggy hair and sighed.
What is up with me? He thought. I haven’t felt this stressed since before me, Ty, and Mabel took things to the next level.
Every time he closed his eyes, he was back in the woods again, watching as his sister looked coquettishly down at the contents of Mabel’s panties. Except in that moment, Mabel hadn’t really been Mabel. Had she? Mabel was the girliest girl Dipper could think of. She’d still been wearing a skirt and makeup, still had her long hair and feminine hips. If Dipper had been ten yards farther away or Mabel hadn’t lifted her damn skirt, he wouldn’t even had realized what was different. Did the actual equipment so freak him out that even the implication of another dick being near was enough to send him into panic mode?
And that infuriatingly knowing look on Ty’s face while they’d been talking about it after irked Dipper. Their middle triplet always thought she knew him better than he knew himself and it drove him crazy. He knew she had some notion about him, some fool idea that she was harboring away in that head of hers, smugly enjoying how right she thought she was about something he didn’t agree with. And then she’d refused to push him on it so he could actually argue back and convince her.
Dipper recognized that he’d gotten himself worked up by now and that sleep was probably farther off than it had been before. He pushed himself off the floor and headed downstairs to get something to drink. He returned, half a glass of milk later, to find the girls awake. Ty was sitting against the wall with Mabel’s head in her lap.
“Trouble sleeping, bromancer?”
He nodded and took another gulp of milk, set the glass on the table, and sat heavily on their bed. Mabel lifted her feet out of the way as he dropped then placing them on his knees. Dipper reached out in the pale light of their attic window and rubbed the soul of one, causing her toes to curl in her socks.
After a few minutes of quiet between them, Mabel rose from Ty’s lap, put a knee on either side of one of Dipper’s legs and leaned in to kiss him deeply. Her nails lightly dug into his shoulders as she gripped him hard, the passion of her lips on his growing in intensity. When they parted, both where breathing heavily. Dipper looked up into Mabel’s face and she smiled at him, brown eyes shining in the dark of the room.
Ty slid down the bed until she was next to Dipper and Mabel readjusted to straddle one leg of theirs each, her knees in the spaces between. Ty’s hand rose to run her fingertips lightly along the skin of Mabel’s arm and Dipper felt her other hand find his to intertwine their fingers.
Dipper’s eyes fell to glint of silver that fell nearly between Mabel’s breasts and he felt his heart almost stop. He actually felt compelled to check that the female symbol was showing, despite the obvious curvy nature of its surroundings. And then something, Dipper told himself it was the same feeling one gets when standing near a railing by a high fall, made him reach up and touch the silvery metal.
The three of them were as still as glass for a moment before Mabel spoke. “Go ahead, if you want.”
Dipper tried to swallow and found his throat was as dry as old parchment. He could hear the blood pounding in his ears. Ty squeezed his hand with hers. He felt so confused. Did he want this? If he did, then why?
With a small movement of his thumb, Dipper turned the little amulet over.
“I can’t decide if this is weird or not,” he struggled to articulate, “being this intimate with a guy.”
Mabel put hands on hips and cocked a smile. “Ha!” She derided. “It takes more than a weiner to make Mabel Pines anything but a lady.” She leaned down and kissed him again, and it was just like kissing Mabel always had. It was, at least, until he felt her excitement growing stiff against his thigh.
Dipper felt Ty grasp the bottom  hem of the oversized t-shirt Mabel wore a PJs and pull it up. He broke the kiss to allow the garment to pass over Mabel’s head and be cast aside. The oldest triplet knelt between their legs and stretched her arms languorously above her. He gazed up at her and put a hand against her stomach, pulled taut by her arching spine. His hand fell, gliding over the smooth skin of her hip until he could reach around and squeeze one cheek of her bottom.
Mabel finished her stretch and gazed down at them with half-lidded eyes, smiling. Then in a flash she had Ty’s own shirt off and tossed across the room. She sat back on their legs and licked her lips, then leaned forward a took her sister’s nipple into her mouth. As her body moved forward, Dipper caught a glimpse of the tip of her dick poking up out of the waistband of her panties.
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pinebypine · 5 years
Mind over Mabel
Tripet AU fiv. Mabel finds another amulet and gets up to some sexy fun.
“Blargh, root cellar, more like root smeller.” Mabel pinched her nose and swept the beam of her flashlight through the darkness ahead. Truth be told: Grunkle Stan’s cellar was pretty bare of actual roots. Over the years it had become something of a dumping ground for whatever junk didn’t have a proper place, but wasn’t quite ready to be sold or thrown out yet. There were stacks of slowly molding cardboard boxes, a couple of old bicycles, and even what appeared to be a car’s engine block.
She just needed to find the old tool box Stan was sure was down here, then she could get it to Soos and he could fix the cart. Mabel stalked slowly through the dank space, wary where she put her feet; this seemed like just the sort of place where all sorts of gross vermin would hang out. She peered carefully behind stacks and crouched to look under and old bedframe that was rusting in one corner.
Her quarry turned out to be in the farthest reached of the cellar, of course, mostly buried under a pile of damp lumber. Mabel tried to pull it out but wasn’t able to budge it with the weight on top of it. She sighed; she was either going to have to pull each of those chunks of wood of one by one or she was going to need help.
Something rattled in the darkness behind her, a clink of glass on metal. Mabel spun, sweeping her light over the piles of junk. She couldn’t see anything moving. It must have been something settling in one of the piles. As she turned back toward the cellar door, a faint glow caught the corner of her eye. She cast the flashlight beam in that direction, but couldn’t see anything. On a whim, she thumbed off the light and let herself fall into darkness.
High up on top of a stack of boxes, something was definitely giving off a pale aqua light. She had to turn the light back on to navigate over to it, but once she was close enough she could make out the strange light above her. It was too high to reach and Mabel really didn’t like the idea of climbing up that rickety stack. As she was considering her best course of action, there was another metallic clink and the light shifted jerkily. Mabel’s eyes widened as the source of the glow bounced a little and came over the edge of the boxtop it rested on, falling in a slow arc in front of her face.
Instinctively, she put up a hand and the little amulet fell into her palm. It felt warm against her skin and made little tingly waves run up her arm.
This seemed very familiar.
She had used something like this before, years ago. She could still picture the bodies going through the window, over the drop, and those terrifying frozen seconds before she’d snatched the bolo tie from the floor and used its power to stop three falling, struggling people. And then, she’d smashed it against a rock, hadn’t she? There was no way it could be here now.
She brought the dimly glowing amulet close to look closely at it. No, this was definitely not the same amulet she’d stolen from Gideon Gleeful and destroyed. This one  still hung on a chain, had never been modified to act as the clasp for a bolo tie, and the layer of dust and grime on it was so heavy she couldn’t imagine it had been touched in decades. She closed her fist around the little charm and glanced back at the toolbox, still stubbornly stuck under the planks of wood.
“Well,” she said with a shrug, “it wasn’t the help I was expecting, but who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth?”
Ty sat on the thin cot in their little attic room and started the song from the top. She’d gotten so little time to practice this summer that the callouses she’d worked so hard to develop were already starting to soften. She plucked her way through the arpeggio of “Oh My Sweet” and then played the chords of “You and Me All Night” in double time. Had to make the most of this time when both of her siblings were occupied; it was impossible to get anything done with them around.
Her hands on autopilot, Ty closed her eyes and found herself thinking about Dipper as he was doing dishes this morning, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his hair still mussed from sleep. She remembered seeing Mabel walk closely behind him, her hand reaching out to brush along the small of his back in an intimate little touch. The painful twang of a discordant chord yanked her from her little fantasy. Ty cursed and readjusted her fingers, depressing all the right strings this time
Geeze, she thought, not even here and they’re still distracting me.
She leaned back against the attic wall and started to idly pick her way through “Come Back to Us” which was probably the only thing she’d ever written that she actually liked. Humming the vocal part along with her playing, she remembered that she really needed to finish writing the lyrics.
A feeling like a pair of lips teased at Ty’s earlobe, causing her to smile. That was the spot that Mabel always liked to nibble on and it drove Ty wild. She shifted on the bed, then her eyes shot open wide. She looked around; had there been someone else in the room? No, she was definitely alone.
She could have sworn someone had just been touching her. Ty shivered a little and put her guitar back in its case, resolving to spend a little less time alone.
“What are you doing up there, sis?” Dipper called up.
Mabel was perched, cross legged, on the peak of the Mystery Shack’s roof. She giggle a little, but didn’t move. “I’m just communing with the universe, bro-ham; trying to open up my inner eye and all that junk.”
Dipper sighed. “Well are you planning on coming down and actually helping out around here today?”
“I already got that toolbox for Soos. What else does a girl gotta do around here?”
“Somebody needs to muck out Waddle’s pen and seeing as he’s your pig…”
Mabel groaned. “Fine, consider it done.”
After nearly a minute, she still hadn’t moved. Her brother tapped his foot impatiently. “Are you coming down to do it or what?”
“I said consider it done, Dipper. So just consider it done.”
He cast his arms up in frustration and trudged in the direction of the pig pen, resolving that he’d be stuck doing it himself. When he arrived though, the straw had already been cleared of droppings and respread. Waddle had his enormous face happily buried in a trough nearly overflowing with kitchen scraps and feed. Dipper scratched his head; he could have sworn it had looked awful just a little while ago.
As the walked back toward the house, he jumped suddenly; it felt like somebody had goosed him.
Ty steadied herself on the towel rod, breath heavy on her lips. It was like a dozen hands were running up and down her body. She could feel them all over, hitting every sensitive patch of skin, prodding every pressure point she had. Either she was going mental or something deep into weird territory was going on here. Ty looked in the mirror and saw a few patches of greenish light flash and slither underneath the surface of her clothes.
A set of invisible fingers dug greedily into the flesh of her butt and an ephemeral mouth found one of her nipples. Ty reached up and stifled a moan behind a hand. She started to lose her balance again, her knees having gone completely wobbly, and with a little luck and guidance, she landed on the closed toilet lid.
Ty reached down toward her crotch, not sure what she was going to even do down there, but something seized around her wrist and yanked her hand away, pinning her arm against the nearby countertop. She watched as her skirt was pushed up around her hips and her panties pulled aside. She wasn’t even trying to close her legs, but pressure on her knees told her they were new being held apart. She felt exposed, vulnerable, even out of control, and as much as she liked it a big knot of fear was swelling in her stomach.
She pulled her hand away from her mouth and grit her teeth. The forces holding her were strong, far stronger than her. There was only one thing she could think of and it seemed like a really stupid idea. But as the sensation of real danger grew, it started to seem like the only one she had left.
“Six-pack O' Lope” she gasped breathlessly, then repeated it again more clearly.
Everything hung still for a moment, the invisible hands that had glided over her skin all stopped in their tracks. In rapid succession, each one disappeared, gone from a solid force that she could feel into a poof of nothingness without a trace. At last, her underwear was righted and her skirt draped back in a modest fashion. Then it felt like someone cupped her cheek in a soft hand and placed a kiss on her forehead.
Ty let out a long breath of relief. If the safeword had worked, then the source of all that weirdness wasn’t hard to work out.
“Dipper Pines, I thought I might find you here.”
Dipper turned from pouring himself a cup of coffee in the shack’s little kitchen and felt his pulse quicken. “Wendy? I didn’t know you were back in town.”
The redhead shrugged. “I’m not really, just passing through on my way south. Thought I’d stop in at the ol’ shack and see how things were doing. I let myself in; hope that’s OK.”
Dipper grinned; he hadn’t seen Wendy in the flesh in years, just the occasional phone call or text since she went off to college. He realized with a start that his growth spurt two summer ago had given him a couple of inches on the girl who used to seem so tall to him. “Well, you’re timing is good. I’m just on break from your old job at the register.”
“Stan finally got away with paying even less people to work for him, eh?” Wendy brushed a long strand of fiery red hair behind her ear and leaned against the wall of the little kitchen.
Dipper shrugged. “With me, Soos, and the girls, we can pretty much handle the place. Grunkle Stan doesn’t get around so well anymore; I’m happy we can help.”
Wendy smiled at him. “That’s pretty cool of you, dude.”
Dipper glance around the otherwise empty kitchen; it felt like someone was staring at the back of his head. Something jostled his elbow, causing some of the coffee in his mug to slosh onto his pant leg. Dipper swore and grabbed a towel to dab at it.
“Say,” Wendy chuckled and gave him a mischievous grin, “how long do you think you could ditch the register for? Ya wanna grab something to eat at Greasy’s? It’s about all I have time for before I hit the road and I’d love to catch up.”
Dipper wrung the coffee soaked towel out over the sink and considered this. “You know what? I think this place will get along without me for an hour. Let me close up the gift shop and I’ll meet you outside.”
Wendy’s face split into a big smile and she headed out the front door. Dipper went into the shop, double checked the register was locked up tight, and flipped the open sign to closed. He figured he had better tell his sisters that he was heading out and went looking for them. They were both on the roof now.
"Hey girls!" He yelled up. "Wendy just showed up; she's passing through town."
No response.
Geez, he thought, they must be really meditating up there.
“Anyway, we’re going to go grab a bite to eat so I closed up; the shop was dead anyway.”
“Have fun.” Ty gave him a little wave.
He pulled on his old blue and white cap and headed toward Wendy’s pickup.
“Can you believe that guy?” Mabel cast an arm at the cloud of dust that was settling back into the dirt road to the shack. “He’s stepping out on us!”
Ty took a deep breath and let her head slowly fall back until it rested against the back of Mabel’s. “Dip’s been over Wendy for an exceedingly long time, Mabes. I don’t think we’ve got anything to be worried about.”
Mabel’s lips tightened into a line. “I could’ve stopped them.”
“I suppose, but that’s doesn’t show much faith in Dipper, does it?”
The older triplet sighed. “Yea, you’re probably right, Ty.” She felt her sister’s hand reach back and grip her own.
“Thanks for stopping earlier, by the way.”
Mabel shrugged. “That’s how the system works; what else would I do?”
“Well, I still appreciate it.”Ty squeezed her sister’s fingers. “Think of it this way: if the Dipster is off misbehaving, then when he gets back he’ll deserve a little punishment, whereas if he’s a good boy and up to nothing untoward, he’ll deserve a little reward. Right?”
“I like the way your brain works, Ty-flyer.”
It was edging toward sundown now and Dipper was feeling in a pretty good mood for just having had a pretty mediocre meal. He hopped from the truck’s cab and laughed. “Man, the look on that thing’s face when we pushed it into that tube. Still gets me.”
Wendy chuckled and got out as well. “That was a pretty wild time, dude”
He turned to the redheaded girl and gave her a grin. “It was really nice seeing you, Wendy.”
The start of a blush tinged her cheeks. “Yea, well, I’m sorry about saying all that junk about you and me and…” She trailed off. “You’re probably right; it’s not like we ever see each other.”
Dipper grabbed her around the shoulders and gave her a bear hug that lifted her boots off the ground. “No worries; it was kind of a nice having the tables turned like that.”
When he set her down she gave him a punch in the shoulder and started back towards the truck. “I’ll catch you later, Dip, and don’t hesitate to call if you wanna talk.”
He gave her a little wave and headed towards the shack’s front door, feeling very warm inside. As he approached, Ty was sitting on the front porch drinking a bottle of water, a satisfied smirk on her face.
“Hey there, Dip. How’d your date go?”
Dipper felt himself flush a little. “It wasn’t a date. At least it wasn’t supposed to be.”
His sister winked at him. “You’ve never been too good at reading a lady’s intentions. Mabel and I practically had to hit you over the head with a club.”
Dipper glanced around instinctively, looking for anyone who might overhear. Ty jumped up and grabbed his arm.
“Soos left already and Grunkle Stan took his hearing aids out and conked out in front the of the TV; so you can relax. Come on, Mabel has something to show you.”
She started to drag him around the back of the little complex of buildings. As they closed on it, Dipper saw the door to the old root cellar was wide open. The eldest Pines triplet stood there, a faint aqua light coming from a pendant at her throat, and the wickedest grin Dipper had ever seen across her face.
“OK, OK. I give up; you’re the alpha triplet.”
The greenish glow that encircled Dipper’s body writhed and pulsed like a living thing. His hands were pinned together at the small of his back; his feet dangled a few feet from the old air mattress that lay on cellar floor.
Mabel smiled. “Told you I could get you to say it!” She planted her fists on her hips in a pose of victory.
Dipper bit down on his lower lip and groaned, the feeling of fifty pairs of hands rolling and stroking his body overcoming him. They were everywhere, running through his hair, stroking his things, running nails down his back, cupping, massaging, stroking him. He was suspended by them, held by them, completely immobile and helpless. He could feel Ty’s gaze from behind on him and hear her own pleasure on her lips.
“Fuck!” He cried. He felt so unprotected, laid bare before these two women who, at the moment, held every bit of power over him. “Are you gonna keep this up all day?”
Mabel faux pouted. “Does our good little boy think he deserves something special?” Dipper didn’t respond, his heavy breathes rasping in and out with little noises of pleasure. “What do you say, my lil’ Dip?”
“Please,” he gasped. “Please let me come.”
Mabel held a teasing hand to one ear, as if having trouble hearing.
Dipper relented “Please let me come, Lady Mabel the Alpha Triplet.”
She stepped forward and caused Dipper to float forward and angle down, bringing his head on level with hers. She dug her fingers into his sweat soaked hair and pulled him in for a deep, long kiss. Some part of the green glow intensified and a low noise came from Dipper’s throat. A moment later, he hung limply in the air, on the verge of passing out.
Mabel stared at him, points of green light glowing in her eyes, but made no move to let him down. Ty rose from her chair and moved to check on Dipper, but suddenly felt a band of force pin a wrist to a point in the air. Dipper raised his head, vision blurring and looked into his sister’s eyes. A chill ran through him, sobering him from his reverie; it was no longer Mabel looking back at him.
He tried his best anyway. “Sascrotch? Sascrotch, Mabel.”
There was a long pause, pregnant with terrible possibilities, before the light in Mabel’s eyes began to fade, and Dipper dropped slowly and gently to the air mattress. The moment he was safe on the ground, Mabel ripped the amulet from her neck and tossed it against a pile of junk where it clattered to a resting spot on the floor.
She sunk to her knees, face suddenly stricken. In a flash both her siblings were on her in a triplet embrace. Dipper ran his hand along her back and held her face against his shoulder as Ty squeezed them both around the middle and kissed Mabel’s bare shoulder.
It took them a little while to compose themselves. Mabel was the first to speak. “That was a terrible idea.” She smacked her head. “Stupid Mabel!”
Ty’s arm tightened around her sister’s shoulder. “You pulled out of it for Dip just like you did for me. That’s what safewords are for.”
Mabel shook her head. “There was a moment there when I really honestly didn’t want to stop; I didn’t care that he was done and called it. That thing,” she pointed accusingly at the amulet, “was janking with my brain. Pushing me.” She shuddered.
Dipper stepped over and picked up the little charm on its chain. He sighed. “It’s like the one Gideon Gleeful had. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised if it messes with the user’s brain.”
He tossed it to Ty, who plucked it out of the air and held it in front of Mabel. “Well, at least you resisted it before anything serious happened.” She kissed her sister’s cheek. “That took a lot of effort, I bet. Way to go, Mabes.”
Mabel gave her siblings an unconvinced smile.
Dipper picked up one of his clunky hiking boots in one hand. “I suppose that thing’s proven to be a bad idea to keep around. Do you want me to take care of it?”
The eldest triplet squared her shoulders and took the boot from her brother’s hand. “I destroyed the last one; I’ll do this one too.”
Ty dropped the amulet on the ground and Mabel slammed the heel of the boot down on it with all the force she could muster. A puff of iridescent green smoke disappeared into the air and there was a sound like a far off scream.
She sighed in relief, rose, and put an arm around her fellow triplets. “OK, we’re sticking to regular stuff like ropes and leather straps from now on.”
Dipper gave a sardonic salute/ “Anything you say, Alpha Triplet.” Then he wrinkled his nose and made a face.
Mabel winced. “Oh yea, I was keeping that at bay with the amulet. You’ll probably want to hold your nose as you get dressed.”
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pinebypine · 5 years
Early Risers
Triplet AU, Ty and Mabel wake Dipper up early.
Dipper groggily rolled over and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to not hear his sisters by sheer force of willpower; it was the middle of the night and some people just wanted to sleep. He folded his pillow over his head to muffle the noises. A sharp moan slipped through his barrier, followed by some low, but not low enough, whispers.
“If you’re gonna do that, grab some lube.”
“We’re out.”
“Since when? There’s still a bottle in the camping bag.”
“One sec.”
Dipper heard some shuffling and then a zipper being drawn. “Score, it’s strawberry flavored!”
“I know what you like. Now get back over here.”
The tired old springs of the other cot creaked and groaned as someone climbed back on. Dipper opened his eyes and waited for his vision to focus enough to read the clock at his bedside. It was half past six; if he resigned himself to being actually awake now, then he was up for the day and all his hopes for a lovely morning sleeping in were dashed. He shut his eyes and tried to close out the world around him, hoping for a return to dreamland.
“Oh fuck, Mabel. Right there!” Ty wasn’t even whispering now.
Dipper sighed heavily and gave up any hope of getting back to sleep. He rolled back to face the other bed. His sister's eyes were closed, head thrown back in ecstasy. Her back strained into a deep arch by Mabel's expert minister atop, her pale skin a swath of white in the milky predawn light. She reached down and dug her fingers into Mabel's hair as her legs twitched a little.
Dipper let his own hand move down as well, pulling his boxers down and out of the way. Try opened her eyes and locked gazes with him, smiled sweetly, then winked. Her free hand rose and squeezed her own small breast. A small moan escaped Dipper's mouth as he played with himself while watching them and he saw the glint of light as Mabel's eyes flitted in his direction.
The eldest triplet brought her face away from Ty just far enough to speak and grinned at him. "If you get a show, Dippinsauce, then at least return the favor." Her mouth went back to her work.
Dipper pulled his blanket down to expose himself to them and was pleased to see Ty’s gaze glide over him. She locked eyes with him against and brought her hand to her mouth to lightly bite one of her fingers, moaning slightly. He smiled at her and  continued to stroke himself.
Mabel’s attention appeared to be getting the better of her sister, who threw her head back again and hand her hand through her own hair, breath coming in huge heaves. She cried out and Dipper could see muscles tensing all over her body.  When the fireworks had died down, Mabel slip up and laid her head in the hollow between Ty’s breasts. They both watched Dipper and he could see Mabel’s hand moving under her body, stuffed down the front of her panties.
A familiar feeling started to well up in the lower part of Dipper’s body, and he  felt himself hitting the point of no return. He quickened his pace a little and  bit down on his lower lip to keep himself quiet. A pale arc formed in the air above him and splattered across the old t-shirt he’d been sleeping in. He collapsed back against the mattress and caught his breath.
It took his addled brain a moment to recognized the sound of soft clapping coming from the other side of the room, and he looked over to see his sister’s quietly applauding him. Dipper felt his face big to redden at the attention.
Mabel propped herself up  on an elbow and ran a light touch over the  curving landscape of Ty’s body. She gave him a sly smile. “You going back to sleep, broseph?”
Dipper considered this, then shrugged. “Guess I’m up now.”
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pinebypine · 5 years
Theatre of Competition
Triplet AU fic. Ty and Mabel are bored by Dipper’s choice of film
Since Dipper insisted on seeing the movie he bought the tickets, but since Ty and Mabel were the ones with the sugar cravings they bought the snacks. The triplets sat in the back row of the theater so they could push up the armrests between their seats and get a little cuddly. The girls maneuvered Dipper into the middle and each grabbed a hand, intertwining their fingers and laying their heads on his shoulders. The first twenty minutes of the movie passed pretty pleasantly for Dipper, until Ty broke the silence.
"I'm bored. Mabel, aren't you bored?"
"Oh god yes." Her sister opined. "This movie is the snoozeville."
Dipper felt offended. "Hey it’s got dragons and sword fights and junk."
Mabel stuck her tongue out and made a raspberry noise. "The trailer does but so far its been wall to wall talking."
“It’s obviously going to start…” Ty’s fingertip pressed to Dippers lips, effectively interrupting him.
“While Dipper gets to enjoy his boring movie, I would like to propose an activity that will also keep the two of us entertained.”
“Do go on, dear sister. I’m all ears.”
“Well, you know how-” Ty made a conspiratorial throat clearing noise, “loud Dipper gets.”
Mabel giggled and nodded. They had recently been forced to enact a very strict never-when-the-parents-are-home-no-not-even-if-we-think-we-can-keep-it-under-control rule on account of Dipper’s volume and his apparent complete inability to control said volume when suitably stimulated.
“I propose that you and I enter into a good natured bet. First one to make Dipper make an embarrassing noise wins.”
Mabel’s grin shone in the reflected light of the movie screen. “Usual stakes?”
Ty shrugged. “Sounds good to me. Would you like to set any ground rules or does a free for all sound good to you?”
Mabel tapped her chin with one finger and looked at the subject of their little competition. Dipper was wild-eye and probably about to break into a sweat. “No tickling. No biting. No under the clothing.”
Ty’s eyebrows rose. “Well if that’s how it’s going to be then we better make sure the playing field is set up properly.” She reached over, grabbed the zipper pull on Dipper’s hooded sweatshirt, and pulled it all the way down.
Dipper gulped nervously. He had just realized that neither one of them were releasing their grips on his hands. “Uh girls. Don’t I get some say in this?”
Mabel shot him a glance and patted his shoulder. “Shh, Dipper. Grownups are talking. Are we playing until the end of the movie?”
“Yep. Terms accepted?” She offered her free hand and they shook on it.
“For crying out loud,” Dipper grumbled, “you are five and ten minutes older than me and I just want to watch the damned movie.”
Ty leaned in and placed a lingering kiss on the corner of her brother’s jawline and felt him clench his jaw muscles in response. “It’s so cute when you think you get a say in these things.”
Mabel placed a hand flat against his chest and let out a little giggle. “My my, somebody is all a pitter patter.”
“Because what you two are proposing is likely as hell to get us caught.”
Ty scanned the movie theater. It was a tuesday afternoon in the middle of summer. Apparently everyone else had read the reviews for this movie and had decided to pass on it. There were three other groups of patrons; a couple of women in the middle row, a group of three indistinguishable people farther forward, and, closest to the triplets, a man who was so obviously asleep a few rows in front and far off to one side, his head limply flopped backward over his seat, mouth agape..
“I think we’ll be ok, scaredy-cat. You just enjoy your boring movie and Mabel and I will enjoy our game.”
It took about four minutes before Dipper had to actually bite the inside of his lip to keep from letting a moan escape his mouth. Mabel noticed this and paused in her light touches, catching Ty’s eye meaningfully. Which was when Dipper realized that while they were ostensibly “playing” against each other, they were going to drag this out for as much of the whole two remaining hours as they could. When one of them won, they no longer got to have their fun.
They let him cool off for about five minutes, but it seemed like only seconds after they resumed that rivulets of sweat were running down Dipper’s back, despite how cold the air conditioning was making it in here. He was straining with all his effort to keep his trap shut; the fear of the disastrous consequences of them being found out by someone giving him extra reserves of willpower.
“Hey, we said no biting.”
“I was nibbling, not biting.”
“Don’t push the line, Pines, or I’ll take this to the next level.”
Ty snickered and ceased running her lips along Dipper’s neck. She leaned across his lap toward her sister, then made a quick “come here” motion, indicating as if she wished to whisper something to her. Mabel responded by leaning over as well and turning her head for her ear to be spoken in to surreptitiously. Ty made a quick glance to be sure Dipper was watching, and like he had a choice; they were inches away and right in front of his face. Then she reached up with her free hand and in one swift motion, she’d pulled Mabel’s face back round and drew her in for a deep, long kiss.
Dipper was about to explode. He was practically vibrating with tension in his seat, hands pinned in his sisters’ laps, unable to do anything to mitigate the situation. He was starting to worry that if he bit his lower lip any harder, he was going to actually draw blood.
The girls took their time with the kiss but when they separated, and Mabel looked at the straining expression on Dipper’s face, she tut-tutted her sister. “If that had been the winning move, you so totally shouldn’t have been allowed to call it in your favor; team effort as it was.”
Ty attempted an innocent expression. “Never would have occurred to me to even try to claim victory is such a scenario. I was just feeling a little bad at how much attention we were lavishing dear Dipper and none on ourselves.” As she whispered her hand dropped casually to Dipper’s knee and he nearly bolted up out his seat.
“Look girls,” he spoke very carefully through gritted teeth, “I know you’re having fun and all but is there anything I can do to get you to just postpone all this until we’re, you know, alone? I’ll do your chores for a week. I’ll take you shopping. Anything.”
His sisters giggled in response and then they both snuggled up closer to him. Dipper was on the edge of breaking down.
“You said embarrassing noise, right?” He bargained. “How ‘bout this, then?” Dipper scrunched up his face, opened his mouse, and made the loudest and most convincing series of pig squeals either of his sisters had ever heard out of him; the man on the other side of the theater even woke up and looked around, apparently startled and confused. “There. Game over. Winner: Dipper Pines.”
The girls had shifted back from him in surprised at his sudden porcine imitation. They looked around and saw that the few other watchers in the theater had all turned to look at them. Ty reached up with her free hand and gently smacked the side of Dipper’s head in reprimand.
“Seriously,” she shook her head in disapproval, “we can’t take you anywhere.”
“It was either that or you two get what you wanted and we all get kicked out of the theatre for- you know.”
Mabel rolled her eyes, released Dipper’s hand, and slumped into her seat. “You worry too much, bro. Besides, it’s not like you weren’t having fun too.” She pointed at her brother’s lap, which was having a serious tenting problem. Dipper swore under his breath and performed a quick tucking maneuver to at least reduce the problem.
Ty reached up and scruffed Dipper’s shaggy hair. “You don’t have to be such a spoil sport about it. We were just winding you up; we don’t want to get caught either. You’re just so much fun to tease.”
Dipper made a small huffing noise and pouted in his seat. “Well neither of you are the one going home with blue balls at the end of the night.”
“Oh poor Dipper’s little nuts.” Mabel reached over and patted him on the top of the head. “Why would you think we’d be so cruel to our little brother, Big D? Ty and I were gonna help you out.”
His other sister flung her arm around Dipper’s shoulders and and squeezed. “Of course; sisterly duty and all.”
Dipper’s brow furrowed. “But what about the never-when-the-parents-are-home-no-not-even-if-we-think-we-can-keep-it-under-control rule?”
“Oh, mom and dad aren’t home.” Mabel leaned on Dipper’s shoulder and he felt Ty’s hand start to play with her hair. “They have that dinner party for dad’s work; they’ll be out late.”
They silently watched the movie; the sword fighting bit had started up, but even Dipper’s heart wasn’t in it. After a few minutes, Ty felt Dipper’s hand on her leg; he gave her a gentle squeeze. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Look who’s not too reluctant to play now.”
“Actually this movie did turn out to be pretty lackluster and it’s not like I was able to pay much attention to the first part. So I’ve sort of lost the plot and…”
“Dipper Pines!” Mabel scolded in a whisper. “Are you proposing that we skip the end of the movie you so generously paid for?”
Ty snatched a hand of each of her siblings and leapt to her feet. “Oh thank god, I thought you were actually going to make us finish this awful thing.” She started dragging them toward the exit door. They were in the parking lot in record time and Mabel started to strip from sweater down to just her pony adorned T-shirt.
“Jeez, it was getting hot in there.” She tossed the garment at her brother and turned to walk backward a couple of paces ahead of the other two. “Now, I think Dipper was very patient with us, Ty; so he definitely deserves a little something.”
Ty’s eyebrows raised. “You thinking of our patented Triple-Double-Trouble?”
Mabel shot her some finger guns. “Read my mind, Tee.” Then her smile grew playfully sly. “Plus that’ll pretty much hit the reset switch on our favorite brother here, and you and I can get back to our bet.” She winked at Ty.
“You are so on, Mabel Pines.”
“Um girls, I think you’re expecting a bit too…” And then Dipper did the math and decided that with a Triple-Double-Trouble and a whole evening with the house to themselves, he was probably getting a bargain.
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pinebypine · 5 years
Point of Order
Triplet AU fic. The Trips talk it out.
It was Thanksgiving break; so the triplets had the day off and the house to themselves. They’d pushed the girls’ beds together and made a sort of nest of the bedlinens, now a complete mess after all of the activity of the morning. Dipper lay with his head on Ty’s stomach, catching his breath and waiting for his brain to clear a little.
He felt something disturbing the bed behind him, but couldn’t be bothered to crane his neck to look. A pair of fingers touched the back of one of his calves; he heard Mabel’s voice as the points of pressure began to move.
“Days without water.” Mabel squeaked, as if voicing a tiny person trudging along Dipper’s leg. “Weeks without food. So lost. So alone. I think I’ll probably die out here, in these desolate leg hair forest. I’ll never see my family again, never tell my poor ailing wife that I love her.” The she gasped and Dipper felt her fingers bounce on his skin as if startled. “But that’s that ahead? I can see something over the horizon. It looks like it could be my salvation if only it were... Wait, it is! Oh saint’s be praised for I have found-” both of Mabel’s hands grabbed Dipper’s backside and squeezed it. “-the cutest tushy in the world!”
Dipper sprang to his feet in surprise, clunking his head on the ceiling fan and swearing.
Mabel looked stricken and her fingers clawed at the air before her. She looked at the empty hands in disbelief. “But, where did it go? No! I’m doomed!” She flopped onto the bed and covered her eyes in despair. “After seeing the golden glow of that tush, I cannot hope to survive without it.”
Dipper rolled his eyes and dropped back to the surface of the bed, sitting crosslegged among the tangled piles of sheets and comforters. He sighed and looked to his other sibling; he was hoping to share a little “look what we put up with” moment with her, but Ty was unreliable on that front. Right now she was grinning at him.
“You’d better give that thing back to her, Dipstick.” She said in a tone of caution. “Before she starts going through withdrawal symptoms.”
“Girls,” Dipper groaned in frustrations, “can we serious for once? We really ought to talk about all of this.”
“Bring back the tush, Dip.” Mabel pleaded. “I need the tush.”
Dipper felt his ire rising; he’d wanted to talk things over with his sisters for days now.
Ty rose and crawled over to the sprawling Mabel and kissed her forehead. “Since boy tush appears to be momentarily off the menu, I humbly submit my own as sacrifice.”
The oldest triplet wrapped herself around the younger in a swoop, spooning her and pulling their bodies together. “Sacrifice accepted but I’ve dining on Ty tonight then I’m feeling like much more of a breast-girl.” Her hands crept to Ty’s chest and kneaded the small mounds there.
Ty caught her brother’s eye and raised her eyebrows. “We’re listening if something is on your mind, Deepee.”
“Well,” he started, “it’s just… What are we doing here?”
Ty gave him a beneficent smile. “At his very moment, we’re all taking a break after round two, and I don’t know about you two but I’m seriously weighing the pros and cons of lunch versus round three.”
“I say both.” Mabel’s hand shot into the air.
Ty giggled and raised her hand as well. “Motion seconded. All opposed?”
Dipper squeezed the bridge of his nose between two fingers “No, I mean that…” he groped for the words. “I don’t want to sound unappreciative or anything. I like whatever all of this is.” He motioned to the three of them and the bed around. “But I am sort of l wondered how to define it all. What are we?”
In a flash, Mabel was on her knees, fisted held high. “We are the chosen ones!”
Dipper sighed and slumped in resignation. Ty saw the look on his face and tapped her sister on the hip, then motioned at him with her head. A few unspoken words passed between the girls and Mabel lowered herself and sat on her feet. “You mean, are we serious with all this-” her hands made a complicated series of motions and pantomimes, “-stuff?”
Her brother looked up at her. “Yeah, are we like a couple now or… Well I guess not a couple but you know. Or is this all just fooling around until we each find other people? Are we exclusive?”
Mabel’s fists went to her hips. “Is there someone else or something?” Her voice was a suddenly harsh.
“I have a confession.” Ty interjected. She sat up and struck a worried look. “Mabel, I’ve been seeing this guy behind your back. I didn’t mean for it to happen but I just can’t help myself around him. If it makes you feel any better I’m pretty sure he’s also sleeping with this foxy little brunette.” She winked at Dipper, who couldn’t help but smile.
Mabel cooled a little. “Fine. If we’re being honest, I’ve kinda got a thing going on the side with this dork I know.”
“You think you two have problems,” Dipper smirked, “I’ve got two girls whom I think are interested in me, but they’re both so great I can’t imagine how I could pick. It’s really tearing me up thinking how I could possibly decide.”
“If only there was some sort of solution to our problems.” Mabel opined dramatically and fell across her sibling’s laps. “I think we’re all totally boned.”
They all laughed a little. Ty was the one to finally give Dipper the answer he was seeking. “Whatever all this is, it’s a real relationship or three real relationships or something. I know the two of you are just this side of more than I can handle; I’m not looking for anything else.”
Mabel shot Dipper a faux-serious look. “Yes, buster. We’re exclusive. So think about how much damage a single jilted lady can be and then square that before your eyes wander.”
Dipper rubbed the back of his neck with a hand. “You girls have nothing to worry about; nobody would be stupid enough to think they could do better than either of you. And both together, forget about it.”
Mabel had to kiss him at that. Then she gave her siblings a slightly worried look. “And we don’t have anything to worry about within this little trio, right? Ty, I know I was going on about the Dipper-butt but you know I really love yours too. My love for your fine booty is in no way lessened by what I feel for our dear brother’s dear tush.”
“I think am particularly qualified to know how you feel, Mabes.” Ty reached out a hand, drew her sister in and kissed her. “And you both know that I’m really insatiable about each of you, so I’m not worried about inter-triplet jealousy.” She leaned over and gave Dipper a lingering kiss.
Dipper nodded. “Ok, well that seems like a good place to start. We’re going to have to talk about how we keep this all a secret and come up with some cover stories and figure out a long term plan for…”
Mabel’s finger stopped Dipper’s mouth. “Point of order! I just remembered that we have a motion on the floor. Does anyone object to my proposal of both round three and lunch?”
“Show of hands.” Ty counted the votes. “Motion passes unopposed.”
“Thank you, madam chairwoman. Next order of business: lunch first, round three first, or both at the same time.”
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pinebypine · 5 years
The Predicament
Triplet AU fic. Mabel and Ty have a problem brewing with their brother.
Dipper had attempted to knock on his sisters’ door but it wasn’t latched and had swung open instead. Ty was at the desk and Mabel propped up on her elbows on the bed, both were now giving him quizzical looks.
“You need something, broseph?”
Dipper tightened his grip on the towel around his waist, making doubly sure it was secure. “Uh yea, sorry. I just wanted to let you know the shower was free.”
Mabel rolled her eyes dramatically. “We’ve been up for like four hours already. Not everybody sleeps till noon every chance they get.”
Ty gave her brother an easy smile. “Thanks, but we’re good, Dip. Get the door, will you?”
“Oh, sure.” Dipper reached in and pulled the door shut behind him.
“I don’t think he’s realized,” Mabel smirked as she returned to reading the latest issue of Sexy Vampire Weekly, “that we’ve been showering early ever since he started with the whole ‘ungodly long showers’ thing. The amount of hot water that dude uses is bonkers.”
Her sister shifted in her chair and returned to her calculus homework, punching keys into the calculator on the desk and scratching at the numbers in her notebook.
Mabel tapped a finger against her chin and looked up at the ceiling for a moment, trying to recall something. “Did Dipper actually take two showers yesterday?”
With a sudden motion, Ty flipped her notebook closed, flung herself from her chair, and flopped face down onto her own bed. “Can’t take it anymore.” She declared. “Too distracted for homework.”
Mabel closed her magazine and rested her chin on a palm. “Distracted, eh?” She played innocent. “What on earth could have my little sister so distracted?”
Ty lifted her face from the bed and gave her sister a grave look. “Are we actually talking about this or are you just being cute?”
The older girl pushed herself up from the bed. She started to count off on her fingers. “First off, I’m always cute. Second, you and I already agreed to be honest about this and third…” She grabbed her sister by the shoulders and pulled their faces level. “Oh my god did you see that freaking happy trail?! I couldn’t not look; it was like it was calling to me, girl!”
Ty’s cheeks reddened at her sister’s words and she tried to hide behind her hands. “I know. I know. It was all I could do to keep my cool. How are we supposed to act normal with all that cheesecake just walking around the house?”
“Do you think he knows? I was a total train wreck. ‘Not everybody sleeps till noon every blah blah blah.’” She mocked her own voice. “I would totally sleep until noon if I could! Sleeping-in is the business!”
“You!?” Ty boggled at her sister. “What about me? There was no way he didn’t notice me staring at him. God I was so obvious.” She smacked her forehead. “Learn some subtlety, Ty!”
Mabel cast herself back onto the bed, flailing her arms. “What are we going to do?” She despaired. “We can’t keep this up! We’re gonna get caught and then KA-BOOM,” she make a dramatic sweep of both her arms to add visual emphasis, “everybody figures out what horrible perverts we are.”
“We need those blinders they put on horses.”
“Or blindfolds.”
“Ooh!” Ty enthused. “Or we just wear mirrored sunglasses all the time. Everybody thinks were just being cool and stuff but really we’re spending all our time just taking in eyefuls.”
Her sister giggled. “Oh, that is the best of both worlds. It doesn’t just solve the Dipper-problem, either. You, little missy,” Mabel elbowed her sister in the ribs, “have been driving me batty for weeks. You leaned over the table at dinner last night and I'm 'dang girl' and trying by best not to look down your shirt.”
Ty gave her a shove. “Like you’re one to talk with those shorts you’ve been wearing lately. I’m surprised I’m not in the shower more often than Dipper.” She got a mischievous grin. “And I’m doubly glad that mom or dad haven’t figured out why we wanted that detachable showerhead.”
Mabel got a dreamy look in her eyes. “Mr. Squeaky-Clean™, you’re the best boyfriend.” Then her eyebrows scrunched together. “Wait, do you think that’s what’s been dragging out Dipper’s shower time? Is Squeaky cheating on us?”
Ty eyed her incredulously. “Really? You’re just now figuring this out?”
Mabel’s jaw dropped. “You’re saying you knew?!”
“I figure it was something like that.” The other girl shrugged. “Although probably not Mr. Squeaky-Clean™, considering the rather copious and conspicuously unexplained bottle of lotion that has appeared in the bathroom.”
“Oh,” recognition spread across Mabel’s face, “ohhhhhhh. Dipper, you perv.”
“I just figured it was pretty typical teenage-boy behavior. Harper Robinson always used to complain about her brother leaving dirty tissues all over the place.”
Mabel made a face of disgust at that. “What? Like he just - you know. Then wipes up the stuff and litters the house with it?”
Mabel clapped her hands over her eyes. “Ugh, at least the Dipster isn’t making a mess.”
“Well, if you’re anything like me,” Ty sighed, “and I have many reasons to expect that you are, then you’re probably going to wish you didn’t know about what our dear brother was up to during his daily ablutions.”
“Why? It’s just Dipper taking things into his own hands. If it weren’t awkward, I’d give the dude a high five on the way out.”
The blush that had started on Ty’s cheeks earlier hadn’t stopped it’s march across her skin and now had officially bridged her nose, forming one large red splotch across the middle of her face. “Because now that you know, when you notice him go in there…”
Mabel waited for her sister to continue and the pause grew longer and longer.
The middle triplet made frustrated growling now. “When I know he’s in there and what he’s probably doing I can’t freaking stop myself from picturing it and it gets really frustrating. Like really frustrating.”
Mabel considered this and, since she was indeed very much like her sister, started picturing it as well. “Oh. Yes.” It was Mabel’s turn to blush now. “Yeah, you’re right, sis; we’re totes screwed.”
They both sat in silence for a while, thoughts no longer exactly in the present.
“Wait a sec.” Mabel finally broke the silence.
“Yeah, Mabes?” Ty rose and propped her head up with one arm. “Have you happened upon some solution to our little predicament?”
“Just a thought.”
“Well don’t keep it to yourself.”
“So you and I, we’re both like both going on overdrive lately. And the sort of junk that makes us go all…” she voiced and mimed an imitation of starting a motor with a pull cord and then throttling it all the way up. “It’s not exactly got the normal set of ‘no, not that’ filters going on.”
“Agreed, thus our current situation.”
Mabel sat for a second. “How different do you figure Dipper is from us?”
“Well, he’s a dork. And he get’s all introspective and freezes up. And he’s probably the least athletic...”
“I meant on the” insert motor revving noise, “thing, dummy.”
Ty’s eye went a little wide. “Oh, ohhhhh. I don’t know; I just thought that you and I were weird. No reason to suppose that Dipper shares are peculiarities.”
Mabel got up and sat cross-legged. “And up until you and I had our heart-to-heart, I thought I was the only one going all crazy, but now it’s two out of three and the odds are in our favor.”
“I don’t think that’s how statistics works, Mabel.”
The older triplet made a dismissive motion with her hand. “Pshhh. Dipper’s an odd duck but he’s still a Pines triplet, through and through, and if this is what it means to be a Pines triplet, he’ll be right here with us. It’s worth trying.”
Ty considered for a moment before answering. “It’s a big risk, but on the other hand it was a big risk opening up to you. And that’s turned out pretty well. At least we can talk freely now and help each other out.” To this Mabel winked in response and Ty blurt out a laugh. “Yes, fine. Double entendre intended.”
“And think about poor Dipper out there.” Mabel indicated toward the door. “Living in a house with the two hottest girls on the planet. Can’t talk about it. Can’t act.” Her eyes were as big a saucers, filled with pathos. “He’s struggling all the time, and you and me, Ty Pines, we’re the only ones who can help him.”
Her sister raised an eyebrow conspiratorially. “And help ourselves while we’re at it?”
“If we’re going to approach this, we’re going to have to go about it delicately. We can’t just ambush him the next time mom and dad are out of the house. We need to set this up so he has an out and that if it turns out you’re wrong and we’re just weirdos, we’ve got something ready to cover for us.”
“My sister the pessimist.” Mabel scoffed.
“Dipper’s the pessimist; I’m the realist.”
“Does that make me the optimist?”
Ty wrapped her arms around Mabel and dragged her down to the bed. “You’re the surrealist, Mabes.”
They kissed.
“That’s it!” Ty declared with a start, jumping up to flip the lock on their door. “I can’t take it; we’re going to have to risk a daylight session.”
Mabel was already whipping off her shirt and laughing. “Yes! I’ve been hoping you’d break down since before Dipper came in here.”
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pinebypine · 5 years
Lesson One
Identical AU fic where Dipper teaches Mabel about going down on a lady.
“Look, it’s fine. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, Dippinstuff. It’s the freakin’ performance pressure”
“What pressure? It’s just a vagina; it’s not a studio audience.”
Mabel flopped dramatically against the pillow. “Blargh!”
“Sorry I brought it up, Mabes. I didn’t mean to touch a sore spot.”
“It’s not a sore spot, you dork. It’s just…” She growled in frustration. “How do I put this? You’ve done for that for me already and it was great.”
Dipper smiled, “I’m glad you liked it.”
Mabel rolled, threw a leg over her sister’s lap, and grabbed her face in both hands; smooshing Dipper’s cheeks together. “You don’t understand. It was fantastic. It was amazing. You are the absolute best. I literally didn’t think anything could be that good ever and now you’ve proven you can do it over and over again. I am in big O paradise over here.”
The smooshed cheeks under Mabel’s palms started to turn a light pink color and Dipper looked a little nervous.
“What I am saying is: how the heck am I supposed to follow that?” A look of confusing flashed across Dipper’s face. Mabel released her grip, rolled off of her, and buried her face in the pillow. “You set the bar so high! I’m never going to clear it.”
Dipper gave her a sweet little smile. “Well you don’t exactly get good at something by never trying.”
“Say that when you’re looking a hoo-hah in the face and trying to figure out what to do with it.”
“It’s not like you’re unfamiliar with the lay of the land down there. Just, you know, dive in. I’ll let you know what works and what doesn’t.”
Mabel made another frustrated noise, muffled by the pillow. Dipper leaned over, brushed some hair away from her sister’s shoulder, and kissed the smooth skin there a few times. “Look at it this way: if I’m so good, don’t you think I could be a good teacher?”
The older girl rose on her elbows and gave her a sharp look. “You’ll reveal your secrets?”
“It’s in my best interest to tell you everything I know.” She drew in and kissed Mabel’s lips, lingering there. She put a hand to the back of her sister’s head and lay back against the bed, pulling her along for the ride. Dipper’s bare legs wrapped around Mabel’s body and instinctively Mabel arched her back against her.
Mabel broke the kiss and planted another on the line of Dipper’s jaw, then on her neck, throat, collarbone all the way down until she put her lips on a nipple, standing brazenly on the small mound of Dipper’s breast. She flicked her tongue over it, then drew it into her mouth and was pleased by the small moan that escaped her sister’s lips. She slid a hand down along Dipper’s ribs and stomach, past her hip to run fingertips over the creamy skin of her thigh.
“Yep,” Dipper said breathlessly, “that’s right on the money.”
Mabel continued her trajectory down, leaving a trail of kisses across Dipper’s stomach. With a gentle hand, she kept her sister’s legs apart, took a steadying breath, and looked over her foe. As an owner of one of these, she was in theory pretty familiar with the anatomy, but it wasn’t like she’d seen one from this direction very often. Dipper was a long time waxer, so the image presented to Mabel was not unlike the diagrams in her old health textbooks.
“Um, Mabel. Is everything ok? You’ve been staring for a little while.”
Mabel shook her head and realized that she had frozen up for an indeterminate period of time. She blushed, embarrassed. “Yea, sorry. Just not sure where to start.”
“You don’t have to go right in; you can sneak up on it.”
She leaned down and put her lips to the inside of Dipper’s thigh, then kissed that transitional area between stomach and thigh. She worked her way around the area, kissing, nibbling, growing closer slowly until her lips were grazing against the exposed lips of her sister’s vulva. She heard a sharp intake of breath from above and looked up to see Dipper holding her hand over her own mouth, eyes shut tightly.
“That’s good. Slow, light at first.” She said through the fingers of her hand.
Mabel placed her open mouth against the sweet skin of Dipper’s nethers. She went slow; her touch was light.
“You can vary it up and escalate, but if you find something I really like hold that tempo and what you’re doing. It’ll be tempting to ramp it up but just hold steady.”
The older twin pulled back a little to speak. “And just how am I supposed to know when to do that?”
“I’ll…” Dipper’s squirmed at the break in contact. “It’s on me to let you know, but I hope it’ll be obvious. You’re pretty obvious.”
Mabel smiled and went back to the task at hand. She moved focus from her lips to her tongue and increased the pressure a little. The response from her sister grew in intensity to match. She made a series of little moans and actually bucked her hips a little against Mabel’s mouth.
“You can…” Dipper spoke between noises of pleasure. “You can use your fingers too. I’ve got some lube somewhere if you need it.” She didn’t need it; Dipper was so wet that Mabel’s finger slipped in easily. She felt the softness around her finger and found she still hand enough room to put her lips and tongue back to work. “If you kind-” heavy breath “-kind of curve your finger toward you-” a sort of convulsive moan, “-you should feel a sort of spongy spot.”
Mabel followed her sister’s guidance and felt the spot in question. She felt a shiver run through Dipper’s body and saw her take in a fist full of bedsheets in between clenched fingers. “Yes, just like that. God damn you’re sexy, Mabes.”
She did her best to keep her ministrations steady as Dipper’s expressions of bliss rose in a steady climb. She wriggled a little and managed to snake her free hand beneath her own body and down the front of her panties. Mouth, tongue and both hands thus engaged was a bit like trying to rub her stomach and pat her head at the same time, but the noises Dipper was making and the uncontrolled, writhing way she was moving was just more than Mabel could stand.
“Oh my god, fuck fuck fuck…” Dipper’s words became an unintelligible mumble. Mabel felt a hand on the back of her head, fingers digging through her thick hair and fingernails lightly scratching her scalp. Her sister made an animalistic scream and every muscle in her body went stiff, actually pushing her pelvis up off the bed. Mabel stuck with her and had to abandon her own pleasure to use that hand to steady herself. Overcome with excitement, she sped up and pressed a little harder, turning everything she was doing up by just a little. Dipper’s climax lasted for a long time before she collapses, panting and sweating, back to the surface of the bed.
Mabel slunk back up and curled around her sister’s suddenly limp form. Her wet lips brushed over Dipper’s ear. “Ok, so I guess you’re not a half bad teacher for a nerd.”
Dipper let out a huge sigh. “Mabel, you’re a natural; that was the best.”
Mabel pumped her fist in the air. “Woot woot! I am the Queen of Sex!”
The younger twin rolled over to lie face to face and kissed her. “What does that make me? You had some very flattering things to say earlier.”
Mabel considered it. “Well, that was before you’d unleashed my full potential on the world.” She crept her hands down to cup Dipper’s cute little butt. “Tell you what, I’m ready for my turn; do good job and I’ll name you the Duchess of Orgasms.”
Dipper rolled on top of her sister and pinned her to the bed, smiling wickedly. “Oh no, that’s won’t do; I’m coming for your crown, missy.”
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pinebypine · 5 years
Decision Tree
CONTENT WARNING: This is was pretty much exclusively for suggestive and explicit stories. Everything linked here may contain some stuff you may not want to read.
Regular ol' Pinecest
Damned Spot -  Mable finds Dipper's ticklish spot.
For the Sake of Art - Mabel needs a model and Dipper's her only option.
Help a Brother Out - Dipper's never touched a boob before. Adorably awkward.
One Good Fucking - Adult twins do what comes natural: sensuous pegging.
Second Date - After a terrible night out, Mabel needs some cheering up.
The Rule of Three - Pacifica and evil!Twins, a dark ritual and some tentacle sex.
WenSatyrDip - Unfinished, an accident turns Dipper into a Satyr; Wendy helps him out. I never even got to the steamy bits on this one.
Identical AU
Both Pines twins are girls so we can get some lesbian!pinecest. A bit mopey but fun.
Fraily, Thy Name is Pines - Very dramaful After rereading this one, I think this one’s staying in the bank. It’s not that it’s bad, but some of the stuff addressed in it needs an author with a better POV than mine to write it.
Lesson One - Dip teaches Mabel about going down on a lady.
Triplet AU (MFF)
A lot like the MMF Triplet AU that some other writers/artists have worked in, 'cept the third sibling is a girl. There's some mundane stuff and some weird shenanigans in here and plenty of sex.
The Predicament - Mabel and Ty have already figured their shit out, but there's still the question of their brother.
Point of Order - The triplets talk out their relationship.
Theatre of Competition - When Dipper drags his sister's to a boring movie, they find other ways to entertain themselves.
Early Risers - Ty and Mabel wake Dipper up a bit too early.
Mind Over Mabel - Mabel finds another mystic amulet, uses it for some fun.
The New Toy - The triplets find a gender changing necklace which brings up some insecurities in Dipper.
Canis Minor - Dipper catches a case of werewolfism.
Knot the Ty - Their camping trip to wait out a case of the wereflu continues.
The Longest Night of the Year - The triplets have been captured by a cult in the middle of winter and Mabel is gonna freeze her tuckus off.
Midnight on Midwinter - The triplets open their presents.
Never Listen to Strangers - Dipper's been abducted and his family is freaking out.
Court Date - The triplets are invited to attend the Court of Summer in the land of the Fae.
One Place to Another - Unfinished. With Mabel at one college and Dipper at another, the triplets have to make time for each other where they can.
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pinebypine · 5 years
Unfinished Wendy/Dipper fic where he’s been turned into a Satyr.
The sound of the Mystery Shack’s Kitchen door slamming made Wendy nearly jump out of her skin. This was a quiet Saturday, off season. Mr. Pines and Soos had gone into the city; she hadn’t had a customer all day. She’d finished most of the essay that was due when classes resumed in a few weeks.
She heard what sounded like high heels hitting the floorboards in the kitchen, then drawers opening and things rattling around. Nobody was dumb enough to try to rob the shack. Were they? It’s not like there was anything valuable here and with all the other stuff that when on, anybody half familiar with Gravity Falls lore knew it wasn’t worth the risk.
“Hel-Hello?” She tried to keep the fear out of her voice.
The sounds from the kitchen stopped suddenly. After a long silence, a familiar voice called back. “Wendy?”
“Dipper? What are you doing here?” She rose and headed from the shop toward him. “You scared the crap out of me, dude. I didn’t think you and Mabel were in town.”
“Strictly speaking, we’re not or we weren’t. It’s a bit complicated. You would not believe the day I’ve had so far.”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s not like much surprises me any…” She turned the corner from the hall to the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks, jaw falling slack.
Dipper turned and saw her, looked down at himself and panicked. He grabbed the nearest thing to hand to cover himself and wound up with the apron Mabel had given Grunkle Stan three christmases ago. “Uh, sorry. Didn’t realize you were coming in here.”
“Dipper, when did you grow horns?”
He sighed heavily. “Last night.”
“And the furry pants?”
A nervous laugh. “Nope, just my legs.”
She looked down further. “And you’ve got—” the gears in her head cranked for a second to process, “hooves.”
“Yeah, there was a sort of magic explosion thing.”
She leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms, eyes fixed on him. “What’s the whole story, Dip?”
He scratched a furry thigh with his free hand. His face shifted to an embarrassed grimace. “It was the Junior-Senior Winter Formal last night and I sort of had this date and there were sort of these expectations. I didn’t want to let my date down and I took one of the journals back home at the end of this summer. So I looked up this sort of performance enhancing potion thing. Then Mabel stuck her nose in and things got all sideways. Then boom!”
“And you got turn into a goat boy.”
“Satyr, I think. Half our high school was there and they’re all varying degrees of messed up. I drove all night back up here so I could check the other two journals and see if there was something to reverse it.”
“So where’s Mabel?”
“School swimming pool with the other mermaids. They were playing water polo when I left.”
Wendy couldn’t hold back the laughter anymore and by the time she got herself under control again, Dipper’s face had gone red. She walked over and tousled his hair between the curled horns sprouting from his temples. “Dipper, I think  you’re the only dude I know who can end up in these sorts of situations.”
He smiled faintly. “Yeah, probably.”
“I’ve got one last question for you.”
“Why aren’t you wearing pants?”
His blush turned crimson. “I think your average run-of-the-mill pants aren’t really designed with this sort of anatomy in mind. I ended up ditching them in the car. Didn’t think anybody would be home.”
Curiosity was tweaking Wendy’s metaphorical tail. She thought, in that moment before Dipper had grabbed the apron, that she’d seen something of particular interest.
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pinebypine · 5 years
Rule of Three
Dark Erotica from beyond the veil. Pacifica has been the twins’ toy, but they’re up to something new.
Pacifica slid her feet back and forth, letting the silk of the sheets run along her skin until the sensation became an almost tingling feeling. She smiled to herself and rolled onto her back, staring up at the vast canopy above the bed. Idly, she wondered if she should call for more champagne or something to snack on, but decided against it.
This was the life.
So relaxing. So much pampering. So much attention devoted solely to her. Well, at least when the twins weren't working, or performing, or in their lab, or having their special twin time together. And there were caveats to this life. One might even call them downsides.
She missed clothes. Naked was nice; she knew she looked damned good but somewhere, when it was quiet like this, she missed putting together a cute outfit. Shopping used to be nice too. How long had it been since she’d been in a store? She’d probably missed a couple of new seasons of new fashions.
She rather missed her smooth, unmarked skin. The tattoos had been the work of many painful days to complete and they had evolved as the twins’ work had progressed, become layered and more intricate. They were a kind of beautiful, she thought, and beyond mysterious. She could finder herself entranced before one of the many mirrors of her rooms, staring at her back or the side of her ribcage, finding new details, patterns, or designs, that she’d never noticed before. But, although they were beautiful, she rather thought they did not make her beautiful. She felt a bit like the canvas more than the art.
And this new life she lived was somehow beyond her. In some ways, she lived such a small life now, but it seemed that just beyond it, beyond the walls of her painted cage or behind the implacable walls of the twins’ eyes, that some greater part of her life was happening, far from her understanding. If she wondered about that too long, she found it hard to sleep at night.
Still, there was no time to be morose; the twins would be returning anytime now and it would not do for them to find her like this, still sweaty from a day spent in bed. She rose and ran a shower, lavishing herself in the heat of it. She washed with the soaps and conditioner Mabel had so generously chosen for her. The chill air pricked at her skin as she left the showed, but that was nothing new. The house was always cold these days and she grew increasingly used to it.  She dried hair and styled it the way that she knew Dipper liked. A long time passed as she carefully considered her vast choices of makeup and decided at last on a striking turquoise eyeshadow, that would make the twins’ eyes.
At last, she opened the polished wooden box by the bed and retrieved the brushed steel circlet and the padlock from within. After months of practice, it was easy to place the collar around her neck and hinge it closed without accidentally tugging errant hairs. Then the padlock went into place with a lovely little click. Her heart raced every time she locked the collar on. The feeling of being possessed, valuable, and desired, still thrilled her. Little shivers of anticipatory pleasure ran down her spine as she went back into the bedroom to wait.
Like always, someone had slipped in while she was gone and tidied. The mussed sheets of the bed were smoothed and tucked. The tossed clothes, toys, and other detritus of the fun the twins had had with her last night was gone. There was even a fresh bottle of champagne in a silver bucket of ice by the door, glasses already poured. It always amazed Pacifica how the servants managed that; she’d never seen even a glimpse of them.
She went to her place at the foot of the bed and knelt on the cushion on the floor. Head bowed, hands just so, she held the pose the twins had taught her all those months ago. It was like second nature now and she knew she could hold it for hours if need be, almost as comfortable as lying down, but her timing had been good tonight. She barely waited at all.
“They she is, sister dear,” Dipper’s smoke smooth voice made her heart jump, “the girl of the hour.”
The clack-clack-clack of heels approached Pacifica and she felt a hand on the back of her head. Mabel’s voice was like dark honey.  “Such a good pet you are, Pacifica.”
Pacifica couldn’t control herself; her chest swelled with happiness. Mabel’s hand dug into her hair and the point of a finger dug into the flesh just below her chin, forcing her head back, to turn upward and look at her owner. Mabel smiled down at her, then bent gracefully and pressed their lips together.
Pacifica felt herself drawn upward, pulled standing by the other girl. She wanted to reach out, to embrace her mistress, but she knew better by now. She clutched her hands together and let herself be kissed, felt Mabel’s hands stroke down her body, tracing the black lines of the tattoos, until both hands grasped her bottom. Her mistress drew her in digging short nails into the skin and a delightful way. Then Dipper was there, his tall form pressed against her back, scarred hands running up the flat of her stomach toward her breasts. Between them, towered over by them, Pacifica felt so loved.
Dippers whisper tickled Pacfica’s ear, but he did not speak to her. “Should we play in earnest before tonight’s main event?”
Mabel broke the kiss and flicked her aqua gaze up to her brother, a pout on her lips. “Is it really ready, Dipper dear?”
“There will never be another time, sister of mine.” He bit the lobe of Pacifica’s ear eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her. “The old stars are in their places tonight and the gaze of the unknown is upon us. Besides, as much as I like our little pet now, aren’t you eager for what comes next?”
Mabel pulled Pacifica high onto the balls of her feet and let one hand slide down, fingertips grazing over the shaved smooth skin of her pet’s nethers. “She’s very wet, you know. It would be a shame not to have one last play with her.”
Her mistress’ words sent a feeling like cold water down Pacfica’s whole body. What could that mean ‘one last time’? Was she to be discarded? Sent away? She looked at Mabel with a plaintive expression but knew better than to voice her concerns. Her mistress met her gaze, narrowed her eyes and the corners of her mouth rose into a sly, evil smile.
“You’re right, of course.” One of her master’s hands ran down the front of her body and spread the lips of her vulva. “Mmm you weren’t wrong about this either. Would you like to go first, or shall I?”
Mabel kissed her brother. “Why, both of course. Put her on the bed.”
Pacifica found herself pressed down against the silk sheets, legs being spread by a pair of strong hands as her mistress hiked up her skirt and crawled up over her. Holding to a handful of Pacifica’s hair, her mistress ground into her face and months of experience took over. She worked her lips and tongue against her mistress as she felt her master’s cock pressed into her.
The semen running down Pacifica’s thing was still warm, the sensation standing out white hot in the chill of the ritual chamber. She knew this place, it had been where the tattoos had been done. The stone floor was etched so deeply with characters and sigils that they felt like ruts in a dried mud road beneath her bare feet. Dipper’s grip on her shoulder was firm, steady; it almost made her feel better.
Mabel was crouched before them, facing away, in the center of the largest symbol of the room. Pacifica couldn’t see what she was doing, but heard the clink of metal on metal. The twins moved in concert; it was a swift, almost disconcerting, synchronicity. Mabel moved aside and Pacifica was pushed to her knees in the same spot. She stared in horror as Dipper reached into a pocket and retrieved a small silver key, her key.
She could hold her tongue no longer. “No, master! Please!”
His hands froze. His eyes turned to Pacifica. She could feel tears in her eyes.
“Please don’t send me away.” She cried. “Please don’t stop being my master and mistress.”
The twins exchanged a look. Then Mabel peered down her nose at the kneeling girl. “Pacifica, my pet. You will do anything for us, correct?”
She couldn’t speak, but managed to nod.
“Then stop crying.”
She took a huge breath and struggled to regain control. She just managed it.
Dipper dropped and rested his elbows on his knees. His green gaze pierced her. “This is not the end; this is the transition. Don’t you want to see what happens next?”
It was an effort, but she spoke, glancing from master to mistress. “Yes. If it’s for you two.”
They spoke in unison. “It is.”
The chain that had been fed through an eye-bolt in the floor was brought to Pacifica’s collar. The padlock was undone and then secured through both the chain and her fastenings. She felt so much better when it had been set back into place. Whatever was to come, she wanted to know her place.
The twins stepped back from her, eyes glowing in the dim light of the room. They smiled at her and the warmth of their desire could be felt. She took solace in it. The chant began so low it was almost inaudible, just a murmur on the edge of hearing. The resonances of the chamber amplified it, rebounded it, tossing the sounds back forth as it rose. The light from the twins grew with the chant, the jewel in Mabel’s hair and the one at Dipper’s throat burning like arc lights.
Pacifica gasped as the air grew cloudy around her. A thick, grey fog condensed out of nowhere, clinging to her skin and blocking her vision. Within a moment, her mistress and master were only visible as sources of bright azure light on either side of her. Some dark form flitted in the corner of her vision and Pacifica whipped her head to see, but found only more fog.
Her equilibrium shifted as if the very world turned around her and she fell to the carved stone floor. The cold of it grew deeper, as though the heat was being sucked away into some void. Something grazed her arm, hot and wet like a tongue. She recoiled from it, finding her wrist slick with something. The skin tingled beneath the thick liquid; she felt her breath grow quick and ragged. A black tendril, as thick as her forearm, whipped from the mist and swiped at her.
She screamed.
And then her master and mistress were there, stepping out of the fog and kneeling by her.  Four azure eyes held her. Four hands held her, spread her down against the stone. She could not hear the words they chanted; they were unknowable, inhuman, beyond this world or anything like it, but she could understand the desires of her loves, her owners. They called to it; they wanted it here. They wanted her to accept it.
The tendril came again, slithering toward her, and she welcomed it. She felt its slick form, muscled like a great snake, travel along her body from armpit to hip, and the skin there burst into a fiery sensation. It felt strange; it felt good. It made her feel the way she did when her master and mistress deigned to please her, to give her the great gift of their love.
A tendril wrapped around her shoulder, another caught up one ankle. Old strength coursed through these serpentine arms, strength that had known the death of stars and the birth of universes. They held her. Her masters, all three, held her.
Cold energy, the power of another plane, seeped into her, drew her breath out like a rasp and eat away at her. She was starting to understand, to see beyond the walls of her painted cage. This was the transition, the coming and the going. Cerulean light flickered beneath her skin, running through and along the patterns drawn into her pale skin. She welcomed it.
She could feel so many of the tendrils now, wrapping around her limbs, her body, her neck. That strange tingle was all over her now, overtaking her, kissing her flesh. One of her otherworldly lover’s arms pressed at the lips of her vulva, still sick with the sex from earlier, and entered her. Waves of pleasure radiated out from it, wracking her body, causing her to struggle against her restraint. It plunged into her, deeper and deeper, as though she had no bottom to reach. Miles of it came. Another joined the first, stretching her wide, and still another slid into her ass. Then more and more, in defiance of reality, hundreds of them, all pushing into her.
Her eyes snapped open in astonishment and she looked up into the faces of her mistress and master. They smiled at her. They loved her. Each leaned down in turn and kissed her lips, longingly, with deep affection. The slick tentacle at her neck shifted and pressed its tip against her mouth. She smiled and kissed it, taking it in.
Dipper undid the padlock and rose, helping each of siblings to rise in turn. He smiled at one then the other. The light of their power flowed through the air around them, intermingled and blended as they each felt outward with it. He leaned over and kissed Mabel; they both turned to the newcomer. Three sets of azure eyes looked back and forth.
“We’ve been waiting for you.” Mabel said.
“I see that now.” Their new sibling turned in circled and peered down at the new body. “I like these markings, very powerful.” A flash of light passed through the complex markings.
“We did everything we could to prepare you.”
“Yes I know. The memories in here are very enlightening.” Golden brows furrowed. “Pacifica? Seems a fine enough name. I think I’ll keep it.” Pacifica scanned up and down her siblings. “Yes, the memories too, even the Id seems useful. Yes, I’ll keep it all. What did you say, brother dear? This is not the end, this is the transition. Very apt of you.”
“I try my best, sister dear.”
Pacifica smiled, eyes sparkling in the dark. “Of course, now that I’m the new me, I think there no reason not to start on you two.”
Mabel and Dipper exchanged a glance. “So soon?”
“All the prep work is done now. The time is right. If you want markings like these, we can do them later. Shall we?”
She did not wait for an answer, in one swift motion she pulled her brother into a deep kiss, pushing her tongue roughly into his mouth. Her free hand grasped her sister’s hand and pulled her in. She dragged them both to floor.
“You’ll love this; I’ve learned some new tricks.”
A pair of slick black tendrils slid from behind her and wrapped around her siblings bodies.
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pinebypine · 5 years
Second Date
After a crappy night out, Dipper cheers Mabel up.
After all this, she couldn’t find her keys.
Mabel let out a long, wailing whimper and smacked her forehead against her own apartment door. She repeated this a couple more times before just leaning heavily against the white painted wood, her arms dangling before her. It was late, she was tired, and just about nothing had gone even the littlest bit right today.
When the door swung inward sharply, she didn’t even try to right herself and merely tumbled forward limply, nearly bowling Dipper over. Hands caught her around the waist and her face came to rest against the soft material of his t-shirt. She felt him strain to keep their combined weight upright and let out a muffled groan.
“You OK, Mabes?”
“Can’t do it anymore.”
She could feel the confusion on his face without even looking up at him. “Can’t do what?”
“It!” She barked. “Anything. All of it. Can’t handle it anymore.”
“Do you want to not handle it out here on the doorstep or inside?”
“You want to walk or…”
“Can’t walk. Can’t anything.”
She felt as he readjusted his grip on her, strong arms wrapping around her torso and lifting her a little of the ground. He half-dragged her inside and deposited her seemingly boneless form on their threadbare couch, then went back to retrieve her shoes, which had been abandoned on the welcome mat.
“I take it the date went well.” He gave her a lopsided grin as he set the low heels neatly side by side near the reckless pile containing the rest of Mabel’s footwear.
She groaned. “Why do I torture myself like this?”
Dipper disappeared into the small kitchen and the sound of him bustling about filtered back as he called his response. ”Because mom gave us all that crap about never going out.”
“Oh shit, almost forgot.” Mabel rolled onto her back, dug into her purse for her phone, and logged into her facebook account. She called to Dipper as her thumbs poked at the screen in a rapid, practiced rhythm. “How specific should I be about how bad it was?”
Dipper returned from the kitchen and placed a glass of cheap white wine in her hand. “I don’t know. How bad was it?”
“Ugh! The worst date in the history of dates. Check this: he’s twenty minutes late, so I order a glass of wine while I’m twiddling my thumbs. I haven’t even had any when he shows up and tackles me from behind in this cold sweaty hug! I’ve seen this guy once before in my life and he’s grabbing on me without any warning.” A shiver of disgust ran up and down her body. “And, worst yet, he knocked over my drink when he did it, wasted the whole thing.”
He winced and glanced at the stain on her skirt. “Is that what that is?”
Mabel scoffed. “Not even! That’s from the drunk guy who spilled beer on me in the bathroom!”
“There was a guy in the bathroom?”
“He was peeing in the sink.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust then glared at her brother when he chuckled at what she’d said. A throw pillow hit Dipper in the face.
“OK, sorry. Do want me to try putting that in the wash? I’ve got a load ready to go.”
Mabel shrugged. “It’s probably ruined but worth a shot.” She undid the zipper and pulled the skirt down, tossing it at him. ‘Ugh, I didn’t even get anything to eat. All they had were peanuts and pork rinds.”
He replied from their small laundry room. “I’ve got some leftover spaghetti. I can heat some up if it sounds good.”
“Oh my god, please.” Mabel took a sip of wine and set her head back against the hard arm of the couch, letting herself unwind.
Dipper called her to the table a few minutes later. She hauled herself off the couch and brought her glass with her, then stopped dead as she turned the corner to their dining area. It was a modest spread: spaghetti with sauce she knew was from a jar and the some of the garlic bread they hadn’t finished off yesterday, but he’d set it on one of their table mats and folded a napkin into a little fan for her. A tall candle had been lit and stuck into the neck of a bottle in the middle of the table.
He was holding her chair out for her and pushed it in as she sat.
Mabel felt a thrill run up her chest and smiled at him as he rounded the table to sit across from her.
“I’m sorry your date didn’t go so well, Mabel.”
“Well, the first one didn’t, but the second guy is doing pretty good for himself.”
“That sounds promising.” He grinned at her and leaned on his elbows, eyes locked with hers. “Do you think you like this second guy?”
She sipped her wine and set her napkin on her lap. “I think I could be convinced, especially if he planned desert.”
Her brother rubbed his chin thoughtfully then frowned. “Supplies are limited. The only things in the apartment I can think of are a can of whipped cream topping and one fudge pop.”
Mabel’s smile became sly. “In that case, maybe I’ll have to improvise something.” She winked at him.
The night was definitely looking a lot better all of a sudden.
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pinebypine · 5 years
Help a Brother Out
Pinecesty exploration
Mabel squeezed her hands together in her lap and licked her lips, getting a reassuring taste of bubblegum lip gloss. Dipper sat on her bed, almost close enough for their knees to touch, but very obviously and purposefully not actually making contact. He gave her an embarrassed side-long glance and scratched his elbow. She smiled back as reassuringly as she could.
This was all probably a really dumb idea, but what else were twins for? When there was no one else to ask for help, they had each other. Mabel wasn’t sure anybody else would exactly approve of the assistance she was planning to provide her brother, but then, who would any of them be to know what was appropriate for two siblings as close as she and the Dipstick were?
“So,” she stammered a little, “you just want to go over the clothes or…” She looked down at her adorable but admittedly bulky star patterned sweater and sighed. “Poot. I guess if we’re doing this it’s worth doing right. Gimme a sec.” She reached down, grabbed the hem of the sweater and lifted both it and the t-shirt beneath. The woolly mass of the garments bunched as she pulled up, then something somewhere bound up, and Mabel found herself without the leverage to actually get the dang thing off.
Head completely swaddled cloth, Mabel let out a muffled groan. “Little help?”
“Oh, sure.” Dipper startled and she felt his weight shift on the mattress. Fingers hooked under the cloth and forced it upwards. There was a slight popping sensation as the clothing suddenly released its grip on her and Mabel was free. A tumble of brown hair fell over her eyes as it settled back under the effects of gravity and she had to brush it away with her fingers. She looked at Dipper sitting there holding her shirt and sweater like a shield in front of him, his cheeks already starting to turn pink.
Mabel gave him a punch on the shoulder. “You are such a hopeless dork, Dip. There isn’t anything new to see. You’ve seen me bathing suits loads already.”
“Well, yea but that’s just a bra; it’s kind of different. It’s like about context, right?”
Rolling her eyes at his hopelessness, she started to reach back to undo the clasp of her bra but paused. If this was all about teaching Dipper something, might as well make the most of it. Instead, she turned her back on him and pulled her long hair out of the way. “Get that, will ya?”
She felt tentative fingers fumble with the strap and, after a couple of attempts, undo the hooks. While she waited, Mable found herself thinking about the way Dipper had been looking at her just now. It had been a very intense stare and it was pretty obviously different from how he normally looked at her. Her bra fell slack. As she shrugged it off, it occurred to her that he was certainly still looking at her like that, and now she was in pretty much unfamiliar territory in terms of nakedness with a boy present. Even if that boy was her brother.
She took a deep steadying breath and turned back around to face him. She’d been right about the looking; if anything, he was about four times more intense about it now. Something the way all of his attention was wrapped up in just her, just her bare skin, nothing but pure Mabel, it sort of sent a thrill through her.
“So,’ she said trying to sound as instructive as possible, “these are breasts.”
Dipper bit his lower lip for a moment and then pulled his eyes away from her chest to look her in the eye. “Um, yes. Thanks. They’re very…” She saw his eyes flick back down for a moment, almost reflexively. “I mean…” He looked like the hamster had come off its wheel in his head.
Some part of Mabel’s big sister nature thrilled at seeing Dipper squirm like that and she smiled. Another part admitted to herself that she felt a bit smug that her girls were having such an effect on a boy.
Her brother took in a deep breath and another eyeful, scratched the side of his head with one hand, and looked back into her eyes. “Sorry if I’m being kind of a dork, Mabes, You’re just really pretty.”
Suddenly her heart was going a mile a minute and other, less selfless, thoughts were starting to creep around the edge of Mabel’s head. Cautiously, she reached down and took Dipper’s hand in her own, guiding him up to her chest. This was what they were here for, wasn’t it?
His hand felt a little cold on her skin and she convinced herself that was why she had to hold back a shiver. Dipper held as still as a statue for a surprisingly long time, staring down at his hand and its contents, before finally giving it an experimental sort of bounce. He actually giggled at the response, then looked stricken and glanced up at her, as if looking for approval or reprimand.
Mabel could feel herself growing a bit self conscious under all this unfamiliar scrutiny and it was getting harder and harder to ignore just what an effect this was having on her own excitement as well. She adjusted herself nervously and pushed a length of chestnut brown hair over her shoulder.
“Are we…” Her throat seemed suddenly dry. “Are you feeling a bit more at ease, bro? Mission accomplished?”
He sharply straighten himself and pulled his hand back, gripping it tightly in his lap. “Uh sure. Yeah. That was really helpful, sis.”
She eyed him a little; he looked far less at ease as they had when they’d started. Then she shrugged internally; hopefully she’d be helpful. She turned, grabbed her bra, and began replacing it. As she looped the straps over her shoulders, she gave Dipper a sidelong glance.
Her heart pounded in her chest. “Was there something else you wanted?”
Dipper leapt to his feet. “Ye- No! Of course not. That was it, of course!”
He laughed a forced little laugh, started to move toward her bedroom door and stopped suddenly. Then he moved his arms as though he was going to hug her, stopped again, and offered a handshake. Mabel looked at the presented appendage and cocked an eyebrow at him. She had a little pity, pulled him in for a firm embrace, and was surprised at how warm his body felt through his t-shirt on her bare skin.
When Dipper had gone, Mabel finished redressing and ran the whole strange little episode over in her head. She was glad she could help him out; hopefully now he’d be able to get over himself and make a move on a girl sometime. She smiled to herself and rummaged on her desk for the latest issue of “Sexy Vampire Weekly”. It was good to know that they were there for each other for this kind of thing. A dark little part of Mabel reminded the rest of her that, as a matter of fact, she had some anatomical questions that perhaps Dipper might be just the person to help her with.
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