sakew-region · 11 months
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#90: Piglettel- Despite being several times smaller than more common housepets such Eevee or Rockruff, Piglettel makes up for it with its cheerful enthusiasm and extreme friendliness. It is covered in a very thin layer of fine, velvety fur, even though it looks hairless. This lumpy Pokémon is mostly made up of a type of specialized blubber that conserves heat to help it survive in even the harshest of climates. Piglettel can live in the hottest and coldest places on earth, withstand huge amounts of radiation, and even survive for months in space. In the wild, Piglettel live in tight-knit packs of up to ten members and forage for edible goodies underneath logs and leaf litter. When it’s pet on the top of its fluffy head, Piglettel purrs loudly. (Name from “pig” and “little”)
#91: Tardigoo- Evolves from Piglettel at level 29. Tardigoo maintains most of the properties of Piglettel. It is a tiny companion Pokémon that shows its affection by curling its heart-shaped tail around people’s legs. In spite of its name, Tardigoo isn’t actually very gooey, except in situations of extreme heat or cold. The heart-shaped patterns on Tardigoo’s back turn slightly more pink if it really loves its trainer. Due to its six pink eyes, Tardigoo has almost a full 360 degree field of vision. Tardigoo is extremely light, with the heaviest weighing up to 0.5 pounds. Tardigoo gets along with other members of its species, so it’s recommended to pet owners to have more than one in their household. It is quite intelligent and easily litter box trained. (Name from “tardigrade” and “goo”)
#92: Minibity- Evolves from Tardigoo when leveled up holding a heart scale. Even though it evolves, Minibity isn’t much bigger than Piglettel. This is great news for pet owners, who can give their Tardigoo a heart scale without worrying about it outgrowing their house or apartment. Minibity is incredibly resilient and can be found in some of the harshest environments on the planet. With its six malleable legs, Minibity can swim, run, dig, and even jump. In water, it is a filter feeder, eating various types of zooplankton and other small creatures floating around. On land, Minibity roots through the mud or snow, searching for roots and small bug-types. Minibity is the perfect pet for small children, taking no damage from being accidentally dropped or squeezed and able to eat almost anything kids might give it. (Name from “mini” and “itty bitty”)
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