somesecretpie · 3 months
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Another dream comic. Had a dream where I was tied to a chair in a dark room and some hooded figures killed me after I begged for my life—but then I got caught in a time loop and so I kept trying to figure out what I could say to get them to not shoot me but they killed me no matter what I said. Started just shouting random stuff eventually.
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somesecretpie · 3 months
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This was a dream I had. Maybe you can tell me what it means
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somesecretpie · 3 months
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Dream comic
Dream description below:
This was a dream I had fairly recently. I found a weird old man who turned out to be a shapeshifter who stole people's lifeforce by tricking them into giving it water. In the end of the dream, the other me (wave pool man) asked my dad for some water and I freaked out, thinking it would steal my dad's life force, and I punched little me in the face. Little me turned into a weird demon bat and flew away.
Weirdly the dream continued long after that. My parents called the cops on me and I was arrested. I went to prison. Every night I went to sleep in my cell thinking I would wake up and it would all be a dream but it wasn't. I was old. And I would probably die very soon. I remember there was this nice lady who was in prison for weed who I told my story. I told her "I'm not supposed to be old. I'm actually twelve" and she just pat my head and was like "I feel like that too sometimes."
Most of my dreams are pretty meaningless, and I don't generally try to interpret them in terms of my own feelings/psychology, but I do think I am afraid of getting older.
Anyway here’s wonderwall
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somesecretpie · 3 months
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Dream comic
Description: In this dream I went to an ice cream shop that was like that froyo shop from The Good Place with wacky nonsense flavors. I Chocolate potato and money was like the forbidden best flavor combination and it was so good that it broke my fragile human mind. As I woke from my sleep, I still felt like maybe I could taste it--but couldn't quite remember.
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somesecretpie · 3 months
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Dream comic
Dream description: Woke up in my apartment but all my furniture was replaced with lamps of various sizes. The only non lamp items in the room were my bed and a desk with a single radio in the center of the room. The radio was playing some lo-fi song that I tried to recreate when I woke up
Also everything in the room was glitchy (I knew it was the radio's fault.) I got up to try and turn down the music/stop the radio, but the dial toggled the brightness of the lamps instead.
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somesecretpie · 3 months
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Dream comic
Dream explanation below
I had this dream when I was 14. I was on vacation with my parents somewhere (I don’t remember) and stayed up really late each night reading Anne Rice’s vampire books (which I definitely SHOULDN’T have read at that age Jesus) and I had a nightmare that Lestat broke into my house to kill me. I had a few seconds to plead for my life, and the best reason I could think of him to not kill me was that I hadn’t actually finished the book he was from. In the book “The Vampire Lestat”, there actually WAS a book written about him in universe, but I definitely was not referring to that one. I was referring to the literal book he was from.
Anyway, Lestat seemed kind of offended that I hadn’t finished it, and demanded that I read it immediately. Lestat then went into my kitchen to make me matcha tea
Instead of trying to escape or call the police or anything, I just immediately got comfy (Lestat was making me tea what a nice boy!) I cracked open that book, which had no words and was full of television static but I remember thinking “wow, this is a good book!”. When I got to the last page, he teleported behind me (like in anime) And he was like “did you finish yet?” And I (lying) was like “Nope, I’m still absorbing the last paragraph.” And he proceeded to drink me like a Capri Sun. I decided not to draw that part.
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somesecretpie · 3 months
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Another dream comic.
Description below:
I’m an entomology student who likes to keep plants around my house, so a lot of my dreams are honestly just me checking on my plants or looking for bugs.
In this dream, I noticed that my basil had bolted (grown flowers)—when you let basil flower, it begins to taste bitter. You are supposed to cut flowers as soon as they begin to form to encourage basil to put it's energy into growing tasty leaves and not seeds.
So I cut the flowers, and then noticed that the flowers looked more like little orbs. And I thought "oh no, it's already made seeds, I'm too late." And then the orbs uncurled into isopods and fell off the plant and then became, like, baseball sized. Dream me thought this was because they were some kind of seed-gall forming insect that had eaten the seed, and that they all grew bigger because of chemicals in the water (I used to give my plants compost tea sometimes—I don't do that anymore.)
In the next part of the dream I tried taking pictures of the giant isopods with my iphone camera and them they crumpled to chalk dust. Don't remember how dream me justified that one.
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