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localnavy433-blog · 1 year
Three tricks to improve your Photos
Hello and how the hell are you?  If this is your first time here thanks for stopping by.  In this blog I am going to give you three tricks to improve your photography no matter what genre you shoot in.  I am a landscape and portrait photographer and I was needing to work on my compositional skills more.  I did a few jobs and it paid for me to get a new to me camera that I am going to be using as…
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localnavy433-blog · 2 years
Exposure Triangle for Beginners
Exposure Triangle for Beginners
Hello how the hell are you and if this is your first time here thanks for stopping by y’all.  In this blog we are going to talk about the exposure triangle and how it will help you understand your camera better.  The hardest thing that I had to figure out when I first started shooting was how to get that perfect exposure. This started with me going to Google and YouTube to try and figure it out. …
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localnavy433-blog · 2 years
Why is a Computer a Key Tool in Photography
Why is a Computer a Key Tool in Photography
Hello all thank you for stopping by and if this is your first time here how the hell are you?  This blog is going to be about computers for photography.  The one tool that is mostly overlooked when you first get started in photography.  Heck I even overlooked it and I have two degrees in IT.  You would think that I personally would not have overlooked this aspect in photography.  The main reason…
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localnavy433-blog · 2 years
The only time that Gear matters for Photography
The only time that Gear matters for Photography
Hello how the hell are you and if this is your first time here thanks for stopping by.  I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything but life has had me to the point that I was not able to mentally take the time to sit down and write.  I am back and here is the first blog post going over the topic of does gear really matter.  There is a phrase that is in the photographic community…
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localnavy433-blog · 2 years
Photography is more about the Experience not the Photo
Photography is more about the Experience not the Photo
Hello and thanks for stopping by and if this is your first visit how the hell are you?  We all love taking photos with our cellphones and our cameras, but what makes a photo something to remember.  The experience of what is happening during the photo is what makes the images so special to us.  Let’s look at old photos that we take all the time.  How do they give you something to remember for all…
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localnavy433-blog · 2 years
How to become the best photographer you can be
How to become the best photographer you can be
Hello and thank you for stopping by to read my blog and if this is your first time visiting how the hell are you?  I have been asking myself this question on how to become the best photographer that you can be?  This question is something I would like to address with this post.  Covering what it is that makes you the best photographer that you can be.   Trying to put all the pieces together for…
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localnavy433-blog · 2 years
How Photography can help with Mental Health
How Photography can help with Mental Health
Hello all and thank you for stopping by and if this is your first time here how the hell are you?  I have been using photography for clearing my mind to get to a better place in my life.  You see when I started down this adventure I was needing to get to a better place mentally.  I used the fact that I work so hard at focusing while out in the field shooting that I am in another place while…
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localnavy433-blog · 2 years
To have control is to lose control
To have control is to lose control
Hello and thank you for stopping by to read this blog and if this is your first time visiting how the hell are you?  I started this Blog to share my experiences when out shooting and what I feel during those experiences.  Words can only give you a small insight into who I am as a person and each and every image is a part of my soul.  I have been shooting for four years now and I have grown as a…
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localnavy433-blog · 2 years
What I have learned from photography
What I have learned from photography
Hello and thank you for stopping by and if this is your first time visiting my blog how the hell are you?  I have been shooting for four years now and I have taken so many lessons from learning photography.  I have also learned so much about myself.  The biggest lesson that I have learned is to be humble with the praise that you get from being a photographer.  You see once your images start to…
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