#phayu was wrong for this
wahgifs · 2 years
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you musn't enjoy this, rain. struggle! love in the air episode 1
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theyellowhue · 2 years
Do you think it pained Phayu to break Rain's car just to talk to him??? Isnt there like a mechanic's version of a Hippocratic Oath where they promise to do no harm to any engine or vehicle???
Best mechanic in the illegal strip, tampered with a car to hit on a boy he found cute!!!??? Peak comedy. I love that for him.
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braceletofteeth · 7 months
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Cut version viewers that were only shown a short version of this song (30 SECONDS?!?) never got to experience what it is to watch Payu singing a capella for two whole minutes, thinking he's done every other verse and being wrong every time
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the-wayside · 2 years
I think we need to think back to what Payu said, Pai is falling in love for the first time and that kinda...gets missed.
Yes, Sky has a horrific trauma and his fears feel justified because everything that happened to him previously. But at the same time, his worldview is corrupted by his trauma. Pai isn't his ex. Pai isn't one step away from leaving, he's all in.
Pai isn't in this with a full deck of cards. He doesn't understand why Sky would pull away at the first sign of anything rather than talking to him. Just that he's falling in love, he's happy, he thinks they're happy together and then...he's being ghosted and then he's broken up with.
It isn't a far off assumption to think that Sky was mocking him but Pai has faith but he needs Sky to confirm it, that his instincts, as new and fumbling as they are, are right. They're in love, not just him.
The thing about trauma no one likes to admit is that you develop maladaptive coping mechanisms. You act rashly and without cause to protect yourself which feels safe but isn't beneficial in the long run because Sky loves Pai. He's consistently self-inflicting pain because how he copes is all jumbled up.
Sky, in his own way, has always wanted and needed Pai to read between his lines and to push him. His journal proved that. He didn't want to allow himself to love Pai, not that he didn't. He didn't admit it until he thought he lost him and even then he still was telling him the inverse. Sky is trapped in his trauma and he needs Pai to make the steps inside his circle.
What I'm saying is there are no right answers when humans hurt each other like this because humans are humans. Messy, illogical and self-preserving. But they were both hurt. They both did things and said things and received pain. They ended it with honesty and finally breaking the cycle of Sky's maladaptive but protective coping strategy.
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pharawee · 1 year
I saw someone ask this on one of your posts earlier (it was @angie-the-doll), and I don’t know what part of the novel you’re on, but it’s been eating at me. So, whenever you can answer, can you tell us ifLue wears gloves in the novel? And if he does, does ANYONE point them out??? Like, I need to know for the sole purpose of my sanity…
Yes, Lue wears his gloves in the novel, but they don't come up very often (so far). There's this bit when Ken and Lue meet in Korea (in the novel, Phayu wants to investigate the cosmetic surgery angle and he takes everyone Ken with him so he'll feel better after Din's funeral):
“Even when eating seafood you have to wear gloves? Take them off, the fishy smell will stick to the leather. You won't be able to remove it." The young man hesitated for a long time before he slowly took off his gloves. His skin showed criss-crossing lines of scar tissue. Although not disfiguring, it could be seen with the naked eye. All Ken could think about was how serious an accident it must have been, and how severely Lue must have been injured. He watched as Lue's fingers bent to start peeling the crab, prompting him to reach out to stop him. “Let me help. Thank you for bringing me here to eat. Besides, did you forget I'm a chef? I'm really good at this kind of thing." Ken placed a leaf of lettuce in his hand and coated one side in gochujang sauce. He added a little bit of kimchi, followed by the crab meat that he had just peeled, then he rolled it up and extended it towards Lue's mouth. “Try it,” he said, causing Lue to slowly open his mouth to eat what was in the other person's hand. He tried holding back his tears. He wasn't Din anymore. He was Cheng Talu now. He had to be patient and hold himself back at all times. The more Ken acted like this, the more he wanted to tell him about who he was.
But tbh I never really found it weird that no one mentioned Lue's gloves, especially not to his face. He's not exactly close to anyone and the gloves stand out so much that it's immediately clear they're not just a fashion statement. Asking him about it could be considered impolite and insensitive - especially in Thailand where saving face is incredibly important.
Plus, I think they go out of their way in the series to show everyone's reaction to the gloves. Judging from their expressions (and negl I found those kind of rude too lmao), everyone thinks it's weird and out of place. They just choose to leave it uncommented.
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sunshinechay · 2 years
Sometimes I think both Phayu and Prapai went to the same school for picking up guys
How to be inappropriate and do the worst things and still get your man to fall for you
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istanchan · 5 months
Pit Babe Ep. 9 thoughts
Before starting Pitbabe I was hesitant because I thought that Babe would be a stereotypical toxic masculine tough ML. I mean I was still very excited because I’ve loved Pavel since 2Moons era and I will honestly watch whatever he’s in but I just expected a very toxic male lead. Many male leads in Thai shows are to be honest, and although I did enjoy LITA, I assumed Babe and Charlie’s relationship would be similar to Rain and Phayu.
I definitely feel like the writers of the show wanted us to believe that Babe and Charlie’s relationship would be like that too. That’s why the very first episode was whiplash. I didn’t expect it at all and neither did most BL watchers.
Pitbabe is so unique as a show even if you cut out the fact that it is the first live action Omegaverse-alpha4alpha-mpreg?? live action series. Babe and Charlie’s dynamic, and their love for one another make the show unique.
I will never ever shut up about their dynamic by the way. ITS JUST SO GOOD.
First off Babe is everything you would never expect him to be. It’s in his name but he is possibly one of the biggest babygirls in all of Thai BL. But he’s tattooed and he’s a car racing champion. He appears closed off and cocky on the outside but really all he’s ever wanted is love and affection.
And he gets that from Charlie, his sweetheart, his younger boyfriend who takes care of him and treats him like he’s the only thing that matters.
And that’s why I love Charlie so much. He is so self sacrificing. I wish we saw more of his inner monologue and thought process and all of his trauma more on screen. But Charlie is so loving. He loves with every fiber of his entire being.
Episode 9 really showcased the extent of their love for one another. Sometimes while watching shows, a relationship can appear very one sided. Again not to compare because I love LITA, but for both PhayuRain and PrapaiSky, I feel like all of the caring and comforting was done by one side. There’s honestly nothing wrong with that, however personally I like it when both characters have something they struggle with. When both of the people in a relationship care and comfort each other, the relationship feels so much more realistic.
Babe and Charlie are both there for one another. This is something we see in episode 9. Charlie is obviously there for babe after the horrible things Way did. And Babe is there for Charlie before the big race. They both give each other advice. They love one other so wholly. It’s so devastating to me.
I have so much to say but it’s 2 am and my fingers hurt from typing
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Rewatching Love in the Air and I can’t with this scene
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Like obvs I love Rain knowing what he did wrong, saying sorry, etc. BUT ALSO
If we didn’t know Sky is a Dom/power bottom before, we damn well know now. He’s literally punishing Rain by making him kneel
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Look at Rain. Knowing he did wrong. And then Sky gives him a look like.
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He is in charge. Like omg, imagine Prapai learning about this. Imagine Phayu learning someone else was punishing his sub. 
Idk this scene always kills me bc damn, Sky already knew what he was about and it needs to be talked about more. I love their friendship and now I’m just imagining all the times Sky accidentally acted like a Dom to Rain out of instinct. Do I need to write a fic? I may need to write a fic...
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youdontnohme · 6 months
Ok but if…
Phayu and Saifah are Vegas and Pete’s kids
Pai is Kinn and Porsche’s kid
Then obviously…
Babe is Kim and Chay’s kid!!
No one can convince me I’m wrong about this.
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 3
Ok so I have literally watched this part 37 times all the way through for the purposes of this rewatch thread. People needs years of training to reach the single-minded peaceful state I reach when I see these two kiss, but it also means when the scene started I kept forgetting to take screenshots. Here we go!
Starting off, I love how slow they took this. It wasn't an immediate "ok we're together now, let's kiss so hard we knock teeth!" - every move is so deliberate and so gentle. If it's possible to have a comfort kiss, it's this set of ones.
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I continue to see triangle imagery that may not even be real. Let's take a close look at these kisses. This one looks a lot like their first one, where their mouths are closed and their lips just fit together. So very sweet!
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They let go for a beat, and then press together again with their mouths slightly open. This kiss has a bit more force.
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Rain pushes forward for the third one (and who can blame that eagerness?) - to be honest I'm mostly looking at the way Phayu's hands fit so completely around Rain's neck here.
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Someone REALLY wants more kisses right now - he's gotta wait, Phayu's stroking his face first.
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Phayu then delivers the "you can be my wife or I'll be your husband" line, and then we get this absolutely adorable and besotted expression on Rain.
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This is just so aesthetic okay? I love the where it started, where it is now we're getting with the triangle glass case in the blurry foreground and them peacefully kissing in the background, along with an abundance of yellow+navy blue imagery..
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Yeah I'm honestly melting rn I don't have a lot more to say here. I continue to love the microphone placement because you can really hear when they separate from this kiss.
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Rain calls Phayu out on his choices that aren't really choices (I'm just saying, if someone like Phayu wanted to give me these options I wouldn't have a hard time picking). RainPhayu have such lovely hand-related imagery when it comes to their relationship. Whenever Phayu wants to apologize to or assuage Rain, he does the hand kiss, and when whenever Rain wants to calm Phayu down he does the forearm grab plus adorable look up at him.
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Look at his face
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This is the face of the man who is planning future mischief already
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I can think of other, more positive reasons he might cry Phayu, why did you go with embarrassment?
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... We all saw the word cum in there and did a double take, right? My head wasn't even in the gutter at this point but it was so unexpected.
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Hi, universe? Can I have one of these please?? I could use some help on my future thesis, just saying...
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Yas Rain, own that man! Rain is probably good at riddles, huh? Idk I just feel proud of him rn
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The way Phayu/Boss says laina (cunning - i'm sure I spelt the Thai romanization wrong but that's what I heard) the sheer fondness in his voice and on his face hit me so hard. Literally am a puddle rn please look at this brain altering shot. Phayu just wrapped his arms around and pulled Rain almost into his lap. That must be so warm and cozy ahhhh
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Tell him Rain!!
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Ok the little aaa sound Phayu makes to draw out the affection in this sentence will live rent-free in my list of most favorite sounds forever. It's so important to me (and Rain). Rain's besotted again
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Their faces are making a heart - I'm not coping well
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Rain's little intake of breath when Phayu starts whispering in his ear and the slow blinks are also so important to me. I don't think I understood the term molasses-like atmosphere until I watched this scene.
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They are so close to each other right now, emotionally and physically. The little nod of agreement Phayu gives when Rain asks if he really means what he just said is so lovely.
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One other thing I love about EulBoss' depiction of PhayuRain is how happy they are to be together - you can see Phayu clearly smiling as he goes in to kiss Rain, who is smiling himself.
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The tentativeness of this kiss that comes right after the important thing that Phayu just told Rain (we don't officially find out what he says until later but we can assume it was a confession of some sort based on Rain's question and obvious happiness right after it was said) is a beautiful indicator of how vulnerable they're being with each other rn.
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After a few seconds they start pushing a little harder against each other - the amount of movement is super pleasant to watch!
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To the next part for more sweetness!
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theyellowhue · 2 years
Saifah being twinsies with Phayu is the most hilarious thing ever.
Why and how Saifah isnt constantly on screen to sht on Phayu while he was trying to get on with Rain is beyond me because if my twin was being embarrassing i would have been front and center with a bucket of freshly made popcorn but maybe thats just me.
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lutawolf · 2 years
LITA Special
I honestly hadn't planned on doing a review. You wouldn't believe the amount of ASKS I got about it though.
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This episode should have been titled Possessive.
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With the D/s element of the show we saw it from both couples. Rain let his freak flag fly but so did Phayu. He led Rain right to calling him Daddy. Something they both had been wanting but Rain just hadn't done. Which thank you because I know we all enjoyed it.
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gif brought to you by liyazaki
We clearly saw Pai and Sky as switches. If I had any doubts, they are gone now. Sky immediately was on the defensive when Pai came in on him with his brother. Not because of his concern that Pai would think he was doing anything wrong but instead because he hadn't called Pai right away. Then when they went on the date. Pai told Sky what to wear which Sky did indeed do. Outside of the bedroom, Pai is Dom but inside of it he lets Sky make the decisions. If Sky doesn't want to be consumed he won't be and if Sky wants to punish him for no reason at all, so be it. For Pai it's about giving Sky what he needs to feel secure and confident in their relationship.
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Speaking of Sky and having confidence. It speaks volumes to their relationship that Sky felt confident in confronting the woman flirting with his man. He not only felt the solid foundation of his relationship but knew that Pai would support and have his back. The amount of self-esteem that we are now seeing in their relationship.
One of the things that helps with this is how loved and supported Sky is by Pai's family. I loved when Pai went down the list of people who had not stolen Sky. There were a lot of people there. It sounded like Pai had that list memorized too. Sky is clearly getting blanketed in love and attention. By one and all, not just his boyfriend.
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There is no part of me that believes Rain was not planning on Phayu showing up. He is a white crayon but some of that shit is for show. He is no dummy dummy or he wouldn't have gotten into engineering and have the friends he has. He knows Sig, he knew that he would get ratted out. He just hand to hold on hanging out with is friend until his man could show up to cosplay.
Speaking of hanging out with friends. I absolutely adore this even closer look into Sky and Rain's friendship. It clearly show cased why these two are such good friends. They clearly love each other.
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Both those boys just wanted some away time with their men. What does it say that both were confident that they would show up. Love It!! This was such a fun and fuzzy episode that we all needed after that last one.
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The future looks pretty bright for these couples. Hope everyone enjoyed the special as much as me. 💜💜💜
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ohanny · 15 days
today the gif of destiny landed on "something sweet" so...
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a canon divergence where phayu is still the department god-architect-mechanic and rain is still the loveable himbo except instead of meeting on the roadside, they meet in the bedroom.
and it's not what you think. the prompt was sweet, remember?!?!?!
see, rain has a side hustle as a professional, platonic cuddler. sure, the money is nice but he also genuinely likes doing it. he's a bit of a clinger by nature, gets lonely easily, enjoys helping people and the physical contact calms him down as well. he's never had any trouble with staying professional and platonic but he's impeccable record is about to be broken and he's about to get the biggest "i told you so" from his best friend sky.
(phayu would personally never hire a professional cuddler but, after a particularly stressful project that drove him up the wall, he receives a gift card for 3 sessions from prapai. he might have thrown it into a drawer to be forgotten about except prapai is a little shit and phayu is not above doing something just to prove him wrong.)
anygays, rain shows up to the appointment as his perky sunshine self and finds phayu... rude, actually? sure he's hot and all but also very bossy, telling rain how it's going to go as if rain isn't the professional here. his 4.8 star rating is the only thing that keeps him in check (somewhat). he's even considering using his contractual right to cut the session short but then phayu sighs and wraps his arms around rain and rain's brain short circuits and fills with champagne fizz.
(rain loses the track of time and it's only phayu's alarm that rouses him from his haze. at the door phayu smiles, calls him a "good boy" and says he's lookin forward to their next session. rain bolts like a startled rabbit and runs straight to sky's dorm to freak out. meanwhile phayu texts prapai a concise "it was fine" to which prapai responds to with approximately 87 laughing stickers)
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peachyrayne · 1 year
Safe (Phayu/Rain Fanfic)
Title: Safe
Summary: "Rain," Phayu demands, switching to that tone he uses when they scene, the hard, demanding one that makes Rain ache inside, and Rain shudders, the tears forcing themselves past Rain's eyes. "Talk to me, baby. Be a good boy and tell Daddy what's wrong,” he says sternly.
Rain whimpers. It’s that tone, the good boy, the reassurance that Phayu wants Rain to tell him that breaks Rain’s resolve. How can he not, when Phayu talks to him like this? How can he not, when Phayu is being Daddy right now. The comfort overwhelms the desire to stay quiet, and Rain gives in.
"Red," he gasps, a sob wrenching past his throat. His body feels like it's on fire as he squirms under Phayu, finally giving in to the need to get away.
Tags: Safe Word Use; non-sexual safeword use; not a scene but technically a scene; its okay to safeword anytime; Hurt/Comfort; Sensory Deprivation; Sensory Overload; rain is not okay but phayu knows how to take care of him; Trust; trust building
(Ao3 Link)
Notes: I've had this fic idea in my head for a while. I could just imagine Phayu would be very good at after care and knowing what to do when his sub safe words, so I wrote it <3
I cannot express all of my love and gratitude to everyone who helped me with this. Thank you to the discord for all of their support, to Khashana for beta'ing the original draft and helping to kick start my brain into solving the ending problem, and of course to imnotinclinedtomaturity for helping beta the final draft, and honestly kicking my ass. You always make me so much better.
It's been a bad day.
Rain's brain has been on overdrive since he went to bed last night. He hadn't slept well, waking up more times than he could count and never really managing to fall into deep sleep. His thoughts had been chaotic even in his dreams, and he'd woken up feeling like he hadn't slept at all.
He hadn't been able to focus in class all day either, instead tapping his pen against his desk erratically every few minutes until he caught himself and made himself stop, only to start up again moments later. Sky kept sending him irritated looks, but his touch was sympathetic the few times he reached out in an attempt to ground Rain.
By mid-afternoon, Rain's brain was a mix of muddled exhaustion and wired energy, making him even more restless. He could hear everything, and it grated against his nerves. His skin felt tight, unreal and unmanageable, until Rain wanted to rip it off of himself. He knows that by the time he gets home, he won’t have it in him to work on any of his assignments, but that he also won’t be able to rest with the weight of due dates hanging over his head.
He's nearly in tears by the time he climbs into his car at the end of the day, and can't remember the drive to Phayu's house, but the next thing he's aware of, he’s face down on their bed with Phayu sitting down next to him, a soothing hand rubbing circles into the small of his back.
"What's wrong, good boy?" Phayu murmurs softly, voice low.
Normally, Phayu's voice works as a soothing balm to Rain's frantic mind, but today the quiet timber just adds to the overwhelming noise in his head.
Rain whines in response, unable to manage words.
Humming, Phayu shifts on the bed, swinging a leg over Rain's back until he's straddling him, and gets to work massaging Rain's shoulders without a word. Rain wants so badly to melt into the touch, but he can't, and he doesn't know how to tell Phayu that his touch — any touch — hurts today. So instead, he keeps his mouth shut.
Phayu is doing him a favor, after all, something sweet that he doesn't often do outside of a scene, and even then, usually only after he's worked Rain hard. Rain should be appreciating the effort, whether it's helping or not, rather than complaining and asking Phayu to stop.
"You're so tense," Phayu murmurs, his voice still low, and digs the palms of his hands into Rain's shoulders harder, in a way that on a different day would probably melt the tension right out of Rain’s muscles. Rain lets out a groan, but it isn't from pleasure, and he's glad that he's laying face down when he grimaces into the pillow.
"My darling must have had a hard day," Phayu continues, leaning in close and whispering the words into Rain's ear. Rain shivers, and tenses even more, even as he tries to will his body to go pliant. "Let Phi take care of you now," he says, and presses a kiss to the sensitive spot behind Rain's ear. The spot normally sends sparks down his spine, but today it does nothing but make Rain feel on fire, and not in a good way.
Phayu's hands shift lower, still pressing hard into sore muscle, until he reaches the hem of Rain's shirt and pushes it up. His hands are cold to the touch on Rain's bare skin, clammy and not at all relaxing. Rain grits his teeth, willing himself to breathe through the sensation.
"Phi…" he mumbles, biting his lip the moment the word passes his lips. He can feel his safe word pressing against the back of his teeth, aching to get out, but he doesn't want to say it. He's never said it before, and besides, they aren't even sceneing. Safe words have no business in everyday life, after all. Rain doesn't know a lot about BDSM yet, but he knows that much at least.
He should ask Phayu to stop. He knows he should, but he doesn't want to disappoint him, especially not when Phayu is being sweet on him. Besides, it’s not that Rain doesn’t want Phayu’s sweetness, it just hurts right now, when Rain can’t so much as handle the lightest of touches. So Rain lays under Phayu and tries to take it.
The massage continues for a few moments more before Phayu shifts up and reaches for the bedside drawer where they keep some of their toys. Rain flinches at the sound of the drawer opening, something that Phayu doesn't miss.
"Rain?" Phayu asks, obviously concerned, but Rain just shakes his head and slowly unclenches his muscles. Phayu places his palm softly against Rain's side and waits a long moment. "Rain," he repeats again, more firmly this time. "Use your words. What's wrong?" he asks, his tone one of admonishment and command.
Rain whimpers. "Nothing," he croaks out, willing himself to sound calm, but even he can hear that his voice is shaking. He feels tears pricking at the back of his eyes, feels a lump forming in his throat, and holds his breath.
"Rain," Phayu demands, switching to that tone he uses when they scene, the hard, demanding one that makes Rain ache inside, and Rain shudders, the tears forcing themselves past Rain's eyes. "Talk to me, baby. Be a good boy and tell Daddy what's wrong,” he says sternly.
Rain whimpers. It’s that tone, the good boy, the reassurance that Phayu wants Rain to tell him that breaks Rain’s resolve. How can he not, when Phayu talks to him like this? How can he not, when Phayu is being Daddy right now. The comfort overwhelms the desire to stay quiet, and Rain gives in.
"Red," he gasps, a sob wrenching past his throat. His body feels like it's on fire as he squirms under Phayu, finally giving in to the need to get away.
Instantly, Phayu swings himself off of Rain, and climbs off of the bed. Rain feels blessed relief as Phayu's weight disappears, which only makes him cry harder because he's never wanted to be away from Phayu before. Phayu grounds him in his worst moments, but not today. Today, Rain feels like he's going to vibrate out of his skin if anyone touches him again.
Rain curls into himself the moment he's free, rolling onto his side and tucking his knees up into his chest until he’s as small as he can make himself. He wants to disappear as the sobs choke his throat, wants to erase this entire day, wants to go back in time and stop himself from spitting out “red”. he doesn’t want to disappoint Phayu. He wants to want Phayu on top of him, but he can’t. He just can’t, and it’s the worst feeling in the world.
Rain expects Phayu to admonish him, maybe tell him off for using his safeword outside of a scene, but that’s not what happens. Instead, Phayu says “Good boy, using your words for me.” He sounds strong and sure of himself, in control the way that Rain is not right now, and for the first time all day, Rain starts to feel soothed.
He whines at the praise, a mix of happy and confused, but his tears flow faster and he hiccups out a breath rather than respond. The inability to speak sparks more anxiety inside of Rain, and he squirms on the bed, terrified that Phayu will get mad at him after all.
He doesn’t.
“Can you be a little more specific for me, darling? Can you tell me what’s hurting the most?” Phayu asks instead, calm and most importantly — not touching Rain. Somehow, Phayu seems to instinctively know that touching Rain was the trigger, the way that Phayu always seems to know what's going on inside of Rain’s head, even before Rain knows it himself.
But when Rain tries to open his mouth to tell Phayu what hurts… he can’t.
He shakes his head.
“Okay,” Phayu acknowledges, and it doesn’t sound like a reprimand. He doesn’t press for more either, which Rain is grateful for, and for a long moment, Phayu doesn’t say anything else. Rain’s breathing is loud in his own ears, quiet sobs still escaping his lips as he tries to get himself back under control, but it feels impossible. Rain’s entire body is lit up in all the wrong ways, and despite Phayu’s calmness, there’s still fear sitting in the pit of Rain’s stomach that he’s done something wrong.
Gentle pressure on his knee startles Rain enough that he gasps, and he flings himself away from the touch as if he’d been burned. Over the sound of his own breathing, Rain manages to make out Phayu shushing him softly. “I know baby. You’re overwhelmed right now, aren’t you,” he says, and it isn’t a question. “I’m going to have to touch you a little bit to help you though, so I need you to trust me, okay, baby?” he says, and this time it is a question.
Shuddering at the thought of being touched, Rain almost shakes his head no, but then Phayu’s words catch up with him — trust and help and baby?. Rain feels relief swarm through him at the sheer knowledge of being known. Of being understood, even without words. And he does trust Phayu, more than he trusts anyone else in the world, even himself, so he nods his head instead.
Phayu hums. “Good boy,” he says sweetly. “I know that was hard, and I am so, so proud of you. I’m going to roll you over onto your back now, and then we’re going to settle down and I’m going to make you feel better.” The total confidence in Phayu’s voice works like a balm, and he finally starts to settle. He feels his body relaxing automatically, so attuned to Phayu and that specific tone of his that he just can’t resist.
Phayu makes a sound of satisfaction at the way Rain’s body has surrendered, and touches Rain’s knee again, this time more firmly and with purpose. Phayu grips Rain’s knee, and leads his body into a prone position on Rain’s back with the least amount of touch possible, and Rain is so incredibly grateful for it. His body follows Phayu’s direction without hesitation, and Rain feels his breathing start to slow down, just from that simple action.
His eyes are squeezed shut, and have been since he started crying, so it comes as a surprise when something heavy settles over Rain’s body. He inhales sharply on an aborted hiccup, and opens his eyes. Phayu is hovering over him, tucking a blanket in around Rain’s body with a look of absolute concentration on his face, and Rain realizes belatedly that it’s their weighted blanket. Instantly, he feels safer, his body relaxing further into the bed as the weight and warmth of the blanket seeps into his bones. While every other touch today has felt like nails against his skin, this feels like safety, and Rain feels soothed.
“Phi…” he mumbles, his voice coming out all stuffed up as he lets his eyes drift back shut. He wants to cry with how good this feels, and it’s easy to do when he hasn’t stopped crying from earlier, so he just lets himself go. The sobs are thankfully quieter now; less filled with fear, moreso of relief. It feels good to let go of the tension he’s been holding all day.
Rain doesn’t know why he hadn’t thought of the weighted blanket, but that’s what he has Phayu for, and he’s so eternally grateful as the blanket seems to settle right into his bones.
“Lift your head,” Phayu commands after another moment, and Rain does so without hesitation. Something soft settles against Rain’s eyes, the familiar presence of a blindfold, and Phayu ties it firmly against the back of Rain’s head. Rain lets his head drop uselessly the moment Phayu is done, and realizes that the white noise in the back of his head has started to recede. He lets out a shuddery breath, his eyes relaxing, and calms.
“There we go,” Phayu murmurs in satisfaction. That tone of voice is usually followed by the gentle sweep of Phayu’s hand against Rain’s cheek, or along his bottom lip, but Phayu doesn’t touch him this time, and Rain is so, so grateful.
“Last thing,” Phayu says after a moment, his voice low, so so low, and then the soft clasp of noise-canceling headphones presses against Rain’s ear.
The world goes silent, and Rain lets out a long, shuddery sigh. His body goes lax as his mind goes quiet, and he just drifts. For a long, long time, Rain just drifts. He can feel that he’s crying, tears leaking down his face from relief, but eventually that stops as well, and Rain is left with nothing but the peace of being calmed.
Rain should have known Phayu would know exactly what to do to help settle him. They’ve done similar things before with the headphones, something Phayu experimented with the first time Rain got overwhelmed with him – albeit in a different way. The blindfold usually works to amplify Rain’s feelings, but somehow Phayu knew that tonight it was going to help to reduce the sensations running rampant through Rain’s body. And the weighted blanket was so, so perfect.
Rain feels so good laying there, senses completely cut off, that he doesn’t want to leave the safety of this wonderful bubble. Rain doesn’t know how long he sits in total silence — the room dark around his eyes, and his body weighed down — before he finally starts to feel more like himself, but when he does, he finds it in himself to stretch lazily under the blanket.
He’s tucked in securely enough that Rain knows it will be difficult to unwind himself in the state he’s in, so he whines softly instead. He knows, deep in his bones, that Phayu is nearby. He wouldn’t leave Rain in a state like this on his own.
His trust is proven correct when a firm touch lands on his knee, and squeezes in what is obviously a question.
“Green,” Rain whispers on instinct, turning his head in the direction he thinks Phayu is and smiling lazily. He can’t hear it, but he imagines Phayu is chuckling indulgently at him, and it makes Rain squirm happily.
There’s another squeeze on his knee, and then the weight of the blanket starts to shift off of Rain’s body. He misses it in a distant part of his brain, but he’s also pleased to be able to move freely again when the blanket fully peels away from him, so he rolls over in search of the warmth of Phayu’s body. He misses Phayu’s touch, now that he’s calm, and he craves it deep within his soul.
Phayu’s hands find Rain’s shoulder, and he helps to urge Rain into more of a sitting position, re-shuffling them until he can press himself to Rain’s body, like he knows exactly what Rian had been looking for. Rain is confident that he did.
The blindfold comes off next, slowly but surely, until Rain is blinking into the dim lighting of the bedroom. It takes a long moment for his eyes to adjust to being able to see again, but when they do, the first thing Rain sees is Phayu leaning over him, eyes dark and warm, lips curved in a pleased smile.
Warmth courses through Rain’s body. He can’t quite grasp why he was worried earlier, but a hidden nugget of anxiety has been soothed by the look on Phayu’s face. He chooses not to fixate on it, instead reaching up to curl his fingers into Phayu’s shirt, just to anchor himself. Phayu’s mouth opens with an unheard laugh.
Phayu’s hands find the headphones next, but he doesn’t remove them immediately the way he had the blindfold. Instead, he taps on them lightly, another question. Rain nods, ready to be back in the real world, ready to curl up with his Phayu, and drift that way instead.
He wants to be touched, so unlike earlier, wants the reassurances that Phayu is with him and that – that –
Oh god. Rain safeworded earlier. He’d safeworded.
Anxiety slams full force into him, and he feels his eyes go wide as Phayu removes the headphones. Rain can feel his heart starting to beat faster, and some of that sense of calmness beginning to leave him at the idea of Phayu being mad, of being disappointed. He squeezes his fingers a little together in Phayu’s shirt, and stares up at him cautiously, the noise of the normal world just beginning to filter back into his head.
But Phayu just looks calm, not upset, or disappointed, as he stares back at Rain. Rain feels himself settle a little bit at that.
Phayu isn’t one to hide how he’s feeling. Phayu is always upfront with Rain. Phayu will tell him if something is wrong, he knows it.
“Hey, my good boy,” Phayu murmurs, leaning in close to nuzzle at Rain’s nose. Rain preens under the praise, and lets out a soft sigh. Yes, he’s still a good boy. Phayu’s good boy. He always wants to be Phayu’s good boy.
“I’m so proud of you today, darling. You did so well,” Phayu murmurs, breath hot against Rain’s face. Rain wiggles in pleasure, pleased that he did good. Yes, he’d safeworded today, outside of a scene no less, but Phayu doesn’t seem mad at him. Rain feels like the luckiest boy in the world.
It feels good to have Phayu near again, feels good to not want to rip his skin from his body. It feels good to know that Phayu isn’t going to yell at him, that Rain didn’t completely fuck up. It feels so good that Rain pulls on Phayu’s shirt, welcoming it when Phayu seems to pick up on what Rain is looking for and drapes his entire body over Rain’s. The sensation is similar to the blanket, but so much better now because it’s Phayu.
Phayu wraps his arms around Rain, and shifts them around until they’re settled more comfortably, with Rain still pressed underneath Phayu’s body but their limbs more settled against each other. The movement forces Rain to let go of Phayu’s shirt, but it’s okay now because Phayu is surrounding him completely, his scent in Rain’s nose, and his touch grounding.
“Better?” Phayu asks him, indulgent. Rain nods against his shoulder. He feels safe and secure in Phayu’s arms. “Good,” Phayu murmurs close to Rain’s ear, and leaves a kiss there. It lights Rain up on the inside, and he snuggles in closer to Phayu, wishing he’d do it again.
Phayu doesn’t kiss him again, but he does rub a soothing hand up and down Rain’s arm, and he does breathe quietly into the crook of Rain’s neck, a reassuring presence that reminds him Phayu isn’t going anywhere.
They sit in silence for a long time. Rain doesn’t need the silence anymore, but he’s basking in Phayu’s affection and doesn’t feel like he needs to say anything. His mouth feels a little bit cottony still from earlier anyway, so words wouldn’t come easily even if he tried.
Eventually, however, Phayu shifts slightly, moving so that he can look more clearly at Rain’s face, and Rain tenses at his expression. He looks serious now, somber almost, and Rain feels terror crash into him.
Is this it? Is this the moment that Phayu tells Rain that he screwed up, that he used his safe word wrong? Or that Phayu really is disappointed in him, and doesn’t understand why Rain would safeword at all?
“Shh, sweet boy,” Phayu murmurs, immediately recognizing the way Rain has tensed up, and reaching out to stroke Rain’s cheek. “You’re okay,” he says firmly. “But I’d like to talk about today.” Rain knows without Phayu even having to say it that it’s important they do, knows that if they don’t talk about it now, Rain won’t be able to think of anything else until they do, so Rain sags against Phayu’s body and nods his head, willing himself not to start crying again.
Phayu sits up, pulling Rain along with him before settling Rain into his lap so that they’re facing each other. Ran can’t quite manage to make himself look Phayu in the eye, though, so he stares at his hands instead, where he clasped them on Phayu’s shoulder when he moved them.
Phayu makes a noise of displeasure. “Look at me, baby boy,” he murmurs, but his voice carries command, so Rain does. Phayu’s eyes are soft as he asks “Are you afraid?”
Slowly, Rain nods his head.
“What are you afraid of?” Phayu asks patiently, but there’s something in his eyes that tells Rain he already knows. Rain wants to call him out on playing games, wants to pout and whine and beg Phayu not to make him say, but he knows from experience that that won’t work, so instead he swallows thickly and tries to make his voice work.
“I safeworded,” Rain eventually whispers.
Phayu nods. “You did,” he agrees patiently.
Rain swallows again. He should have known Phayu wasn’t going to let him off that easily. His fingers tighten against Phayu’s shoulders as he tries to force himself to say more. “But we weren’t scening,” he adds slowly, bottom lip starting to quiver. “And – and – you were doing something nice for me,” he manages to get out around the lump forming in his throat. His eyes sting with unshed tears, and he feels horrible, saying the words out loud.
Phayu seems to understand this, because he rests one of his hands on Rain’s waist, and reaches up to cup Rain’s face. His expression is gentle as he asks, “But why are you afraid, my darling boy?”
A sob wrenches its way past Rain’s throat at the term of endearment, and he lets out a pitiful little moan as he tries to get himself under control. “P’Phayu,” he cries, “I don’t want to disah-disapoint you!” he gasps, and tries to hide his face, but Phayu’s grip on him doesn’t allow for it, and Rain only cries harder. “Please don’t be disappointed,” he gasps around another little sob. “Please don’t be disappointed in Rain!”
Rain thought he’d run out of tears, but as he grips at Phayu’s shirt, he feels the sobs keep rising up in his throat.
Phayu’s touch on his face tightens as his thumb shifts to wipe away Rain’s tears. Phayu’s other hand rubs soothing circles into Rain’s hip as he sighs and leans in close. His forehead finds Rain’s, and he rubs them together gently. “Phi isn’t disappointed,” he murmurs very seriously. “Phi could never be disappointed in Rain for using his safeword,” he continues firmly, and tilts Rain’s head just enough for their eyes to meet.
There’s no mistaking the sincerity in his gaze. It makes Rain’s chest tremble with trust, but the fear sits heavy there anyway, and Rain doesn’t know how to make it go away. His bottom lip trembles as he gasps out another little cry.
“But – but –” Rain gasps. “We weren’t even doing anything,” Rain manages to get out, hiccuping at the end.
“Rain,” Phayu hushes him, stroking his cheek and wiping more tears away with his thumb. “I need you to listen to me now, okay?” he urges Rain. Rain does his best to nod, vision going blurry from tears.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Phayu explains soothingly. Rain starts to cry harder still, so Phayu releases Rain’s hip to instead cup both cheeks in his hands and wipe away his tears. “You were so good, Rain, telling me that you weren’t okay. You did everything exactly right,” he reiterates. For the briefest of moments, Phayu pulls back to press a kiss to Rain’s forehead, and then he’s back, foreheads pressed together, his eyes warm and sincere.
“Phi,” Rain whines. “Shh,” Phayu hushes him instantly. “All you have to do is listen. Can you do that for me, sweet boy?” Phayu asks. Still feeling completely unmoored, and more than a little bit confused, all Rain can do is nod.
“I think maybe I made a few assumptions about your understanding of safe words, and I shouldn’t have,” Phayu admits apologetically. “The most important thing I can ever teach you about safe words is that they’re made to be used.”
There is no question in Phayu’s tone, no hesitation or uncertainty that Rain can latch onto. He stares at Phayu with wide, confused eyes as he tries to understand what that means.
Rain doesn’t understand. He thought safe words were only meant for the most extreme of circumstances – for when Rain couldn’t take it anymore, and he needed Phayu to stop. He’d thought safe words were for bad doms who didn’t know what they were doing, not for doms like Phayu.
Phayu smiles at him, eyes soft, and presses one thumb to Rain’s bottom lip, smoothing over it gently. Rain shivers at the touch, and the sobs fighting to get out finally start to calm down.
“Safe words are about articulating that something is wrong in a quick and efficient way,” Phayu continues, his voice taking on the tone of a teacher. It’s familiar, and soothing, and Rain only hiccups one more time before he starts to calm. “Scening is all about communication, Rain. You tell me how you’re feeling all the time – in the way you move, in the way you touch me, in the words you say. But nothing is more effective a communication tool than using your safe word when you aren’t sure how to tell me what you need,” Phayu explains.
Rain’s brow furrows.
“But… we weren’t scening,” he protests quietly, his voice hoarse. Phayu nods, and reaches up to nestle one hand in Rain’s hair, rubbing it gently.
“No, we weren’t,” Phayu agrees. “But that’s the beauty of safe words, Rain. You can use them anywhere, anytime, for any reason, and I’ll understand that you don’t know how else to tell me that something isn’t working for you.”
Rain sits with that for a long moment. Phayu has always been so good at knowing exactly what Rain needs, exactly what he wants, and where to touch to make Rain feel so, so good. Rain hadn’t really thought about the fact that he’d been doing something special to give that information away. Phayu had always just seemed to know.
“But,” Rain starts, hesitating as he contemplates what Phayu is saying. He bites his bottom lip, and Phayu automatically reaches up with his thumb to pull it free.
“But?” Phayu repeats.
“But if safe wording means stop… and I told you to stop, today… and you did,” Rain says, trying to make the words make sense in his head. “It’s not that I don’t want you to never give me a massage again,” Rain eventually manages, pouting. Phayu smiles, and tussles his hair again.
"Oh, I know. We both know how much you love it when I take care of you," Phayu teases with his shark grin. Rain whines, and pulls back to slap Phayu on the shoulder, embarrassed. Phayu laughs, and finally releases Rain's face to instead wrap his arms around Rain's waist and haul him in, until their chests are fully flush and their noses are touching.
Rain's heart does a little flip.
Phayu’s smile slips away easily, replaced with a much more focused, serious look. “You know how I told you we needed to talk about today?” Phayu asks him, drawing both of their attention back to the matter at hand.
Rain nods his head.
“Anytime you safe word, we’ll talk about it afterwards. Could be immediately afterwards, or once we’ve got you settled down, or once we’ve got you somewhere safe, but we will talk about it,” Phayu stresses. “First and foremost, your safe word is about communication. Just because something wasn’t working today, doesn’t mean it won’t work tomorrow, while other things might just not work ever. That’s why we’ll talk about it, so that we can both better understand what you need, whether that varies from moment to moment, or day to day.”
Rain nods his head contemplatively. The tears have all dried up, and his head hurts, but he knows this conversation is important. He’d spent so long cluelessly leading Phayu around blindly through his own desires, and Phayu had done such a good job, but Rain understands now that he can’t keep doing that. They can’t keep doing that.
Phayu is always telling Rain to use his words, but he’s not sure he ever really understood before now.
“So…” Rain trails off, tilting his head down to avoid Phayu’s eyes, and then stealing a peek up at him from under his eyelashes. “You’ll still give me massages?” Rain asks coyly.
And Phayu laughs, jerking Rain into him and pressing sniff kisses all over his face and head. “Yes, silly boy,” he teases. Rain smiles, and curls his head into the crook of Phayu’s neck.
There’s relief, then, and it’s… good. Rain finds himself finally able to relax into Phayu’s hold, and he sighs as he realizes just how worn out he really is.
“I’m sorry, Phi,” Rain says almost as an afterthought – almost an afterthought, because it’s not really, not when Rain can’t help feeling bad for misunderstanding things so badly all this time.
“For what?” Phayu asks him, pulling Rain away from his shoulder to look at him with confusion on his face.
“Not understanding safewords,” Rain mutters in embarrassment. Phayu frowns.
“No, Rain. You shouldn’t be sorry for something I should have explained better in the first place. That’s my responsibility,” he insists
Rain pouts, not happy with that answer. “Well,” he pushes, “I’m still sorry!” It feels like he should be sorry, when he’d caused this whole mess in the first place, but Phayu just frowns again, and shakes his head at him.
“Rain,” he warns, the low tenure of his voice a shock to Rain’s already exhausted system, and he perks up, eyes wide. “It was my mistake. Not yours,” he presses, and Rain relents.
“Okay,” he agrees softly.
Phayu smiles at him, pleased, and leans in to press his lips slowly to Rain’s. The touch is warm, so warm, and it makes Rain want nothing more than to melt.
“Good,” Phayu praises, the words like a purr. He nuzzles Rain’s nose one last time, and then starts to shift Rain out of his lap. “Come on, up we go,” Phayu directs him, standing the moment his lap is free and offering a hand for Rain to take. Rain does, enjoying the way Phayu pulls him up off the bed. Phayu’s hand is warm in his as he starts to lead him from the room. “Let's get you some aspirin and some water. You’re dehydrated,” he explains, and he sounds like Phayu again, his domineering boyfriend who likes to take care of him.
Rain follows Phayu easily, already thinking about how good the water will taste on his parched throat. He imagines Phayu will get him something sweet, too, because Phayu always gives Rain something sweet as aftercare, and it’s always made Rain feel so cared for.
“How about hot chocolate?” Rain wheedles sweetly.
Phayu doesn’t so much as look at him, but Rain can see the hint of a smile pulling at his lips.
“Water first,” he orders, and Rain just grins.
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love in the air thoughts
Okay, but I really like how they wrote Rain’s character. They first introduced this bratty, irrespectful and ‘see no wrong in his doing’ person and uploaded him into a good one, and a really lovely one. And they did it very well. Because it wasn’t like Rain only changed because he wanted to be with Phayu. He didn’t even know that was one of the reasons for changing. He changed because he realized what he was doing wrong, with the help of the people around him. That’s why I also love his relationship with Sky. Sky knew that Rain was wrong and he acted badly, and let him do his things waiting for him to realize how those actions were not working. Instead of saying in episode 2 “Hey, act nicely and be polite”, he agreed to his plan and gave him the answers the Rain thought were going to work just to see him fail. Also, the guy from the mechanic shop also gave him hints on how to win Phayu but they weren’t specific to Phayu; like the standard was so low at that moment and he still delivered. And that’s why I love Rain so much: he didn’t change to fit Phayu’ standards or wants. 
Also, I love that Phayu wanted Rain to focus first on him and then focus on their relationship. Like saying “get your priorities straight; this is a relationship, but is not only who we are only, you need to become a good person first so we can be good to each other and enjoy ourselves”. LIKE WTF WHEN, IN DRAMAS, DID ANOTHER CHARACTER ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE RELATIONSHIP WAS NOT THEIR ENTIRE PERSONALITY? absolutely blind blowing. the writer is actually stepping out of the game with these characters. Like, it took two whole seasons and a special episode for Type to change his way of being and actually being a good partner to Tharn. 
Lastly, I don’t know why but I also really like that Rain is a “normal” character without an unnecessary dark past that only works for the narrative of them being together. It feels so good to watch normal people fall in love and actually focus on them as a person and their dynamics. Idk, maybe is just me that is sick and tired of the same old dramas and fucked up stories that don’t do anything to the story
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sunflowerbls · 2 years
phayu definitely seems like the type to like his hair pulled
if not, convince me i’m wrong
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