#pete maverick Mitchell imagine
worldofheroes · 4 months
It Was You
pete “maverick” mitchell x reader
summary: when maverick knocks on your door, your true feelings emerge.
warnings: friends with benefits, student/instructor dynamic, age gap (not mentioned), language, drunkenness, make-out session
wc: 823
a/n: based on this request! not necessarily exactly like the song but there’s angst. hope you enjoy!
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It had been almost two months since you broke things off with Maverick.
Not that the two of you were really dating, it was more of a friends with benefits type relationship, but after a month you realized how bad of an idea it was to fuck your instructor.
You were doing well, but whenever you passed Maverick in the halls on base, he would give you puppy eyes, like he was trying to apologize for something.
One Friday night, you’re at home watching a movie with your new fling. He’s nothing to write home about, but you needed someone to get your mind off of Maverick.
Suddenly, there’s a knock on your door.
“I’ll get it,” you say, standing up from the couch and heading to the front door.
When you open the door, your smile fades.
“What are you doing here?”
“I miss you,” Maverick mumbles. You can smell whiskey faintly on his breath.
“Maverick,” you sigh. “You’re drunk. Please go home.”
“Not drunk,” he continued to mumble.
“Mav, this is embarrassing, please go.”
Ryan walks up behind you. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, he was just leaving, right, Pete?”
The use of his name over his call sign stings not just Maverick, but also you.
Maverick nods, and stumbles off your porch.
“Wait,” you call out. Maverick stops, back still to you.
You turn to Ryan. “I need to get him home before he does anything he’s gonna regret in the morning. I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“How do I know you’re not gonna do anything?” Ryan asks.
“Trust me, nothing’s going to happen.”
Ryan stares at you for a moment.
“I’ll be right back,” you mutter, stepping across the threshold.
Maverick is still waiting at the bottom of your steps.
“Why did you come here?” you hiss.
“I miss you,” he repeats, looking at the ground.
You grab his arm and start to lead him to his house.
“Mav, I told you.”
“You don’t look happy with him,” Maverick frowns.
“This is not your place to tell me who I can and can’t date,” you quip.
“Gimme another chance,” he pleads.
“We can’t, Pete. You’re my instructor. There are rules.”
“Fuck the rules.”
“Not these rules. You can do whatever the fuck you want up in the air but we have to follow these rules, Mav.”
You guide him up the steps to his house.
“We were good together,” he mumbles.
“Don’t do this, Pete,” you say, feeling your throat close up and tears forming in your eyes.
Maverick looks up at you with sadness in his eyes.
“I won’t, I’m sorry for knocking on your door,” he says, suddenly stone cold sober.
“I need to go before I do something stupid,” you say, turning away. “Goodnight, Mav.”
“Goodnight, y/n,” Maverick whispers.
You go back to your place, where Ryan is still waiting.
Later that night, as you lay in bed with Ryan, you can’t stop thinking about how you’d rather be next to Maverick.
You spend the weekend with Ryan, but your mind is filled with Maverick. As Ryan walks you to your door Sunday night, you find some courage.
“Ryan, I don’t think this is working for me,” you say.
“What?” he asks you.
“I wanted to make this work, but I just don’t have the same feelings that you do for me.”
“It’s Maverick, isn’t it?”
“Ryan, I…”
“No, I get it. Goodnight.”
Ryan turns on his heel and walks away. You watch him walk out of sight and you walk to Maverick’s house.
You knock on his door, and he answers almost immediately.
“Y/n,” he says softly.
“You were right, Mav,” you say, on the verge of tears.
“I miss you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you after Friday night.”
Maverick doesn’t say anything.
“If you changed your mind and don’t feel the same anymore, I get it and I’ll leave if you tell me,” you say, rambling.
Maverick leans in and kisses you, hard. Your arms wrap around his neck instinctively, and you push him back inside his house, kicking the door shut behind you.
He pushes you up against the door with a thud. Maverick’s tongue eagerly swipes against your lips, wanting in.
Of course, without any hesitation, you part your lips for him, his tongue moving in and swiping against yours.
A moan slips out of your mouth and into his, and he sighs happily.
“You’re the best thing that’s happened to me,” Maverick tells you.
“You’re the worst thing that’s happened to me,” you tease.
He smiles. “I know you don’t mean that.”
You giggle and kiss him again, happy to be back in his arms.
“I’m sorry I walked away, I was scared,” you say softly.
“Don’t be, y/n,” Maverick reassures you, pulling you in for a hug. He kisses the top of your head.
“Mav,” you sigh, squeezing him tighter, never wanting to let go ever again.
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Based on this idea with the ring from Purple Hearts.
The one where rooster can’t find the perfect ring
Hangman version Young Maverick version
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“Woah!” Maverick yelled being pulled into an empty classroom, “Rooster?” He asked seeing the pilot start to pace once the door shut. “I need your help Mav.” Since Bradley could tie his shoes he hasn’t asked maverick for help so this spiked his stress levels. “It's Y/N.” Rooster mumbled out. “What happened to Y/N?” If Bradley was the son he never had you were the daughter he was incredibly protective over you.
“Something happened to Y/N!” Rooster froze worry overcoming his entire body as he quickly looked out the window where he knew your jet would be soaring through the air. “That’s what you said!” Maverick yelled, making Rooster throw his arms in the air. “No, I didn’t, you did.” The men quieted down the stress of something happening you calming. “What did you need help with?”
“I want to marry her.”
“Kid that’s great but why’d you have to stress me out first come here,” Maverick said pulling the other man into him for a hug wishing that Goose was here to see his boy all grown up. Rooster rolled his eyes at the last comment.
“Will you help me pick out a ring?” Maverick had never been so happy to be invited to a jewelry store before but for the two kids coming together he couldn’t wait. Until they got there, then he slightly regretted it he should’ve known really. Goose was the same way when he went shopping for Carols.
“Do you like any of these?” Maverick asked glancing down at the glass cases of engagement rings. Rooster looked silently. He knew for sure he wanted to marry you, but he had no idea what type of ring you wanted. Thinking back on it he really should’ve asked Phoenix.
“No, they’re just not right.” He sighed, shaking his head, he knew if his mom and dad were there they’d know exactly what to do. maverick who had never been married was just as lost as Bradley, but he tried his best, “just, Just look at the rings, and when you see one that makes you feel the way you do when you look at Y/N that’s the one.”
“That’s actually not a bad idea.” With his newfound outlook, he spent probably another two hours looking from ring to ring, and nothing felt right. “Can I see the last one again?” He sheepishly asked, he know that the poor saleswoman hated him even Mav, who was resting his head on his hands. His mom loved the ring his dad gave her wore it long after he died, and Rooster wanted you to love yours just as much. Setting the rings down he groaned rubbing his hands down his face.
“Kid you could give her a paper ring and shed say yes.” Rooster paused at his words an idea popping into his head. “ Thank you!” He yelled, pushing the rings back and pulling Maverick behind him out the door. “Am I missing something?” Mav wondered aloud watching Rooster run to the back of his bronco and pull out a toolbox.
“I don’t need to buy her something I need to give her something.” He mumbled paying half attention to what Maverick was saying. “You’re going to give her your dog tags?” He asked, Watching the young pilot put them out of his shirt and off his neck. Separating the smaller chain from the longer one. “Part of them.” Cutting the chain to the length he measured next to a ring he took from your nightstand. Smacking Maverick's hand away when he went to reach for it. “Don’t touch.” Of course, Maverick ignored him and picked it up anyways when Rooster was done with it.
“You stole her ring?” Rooster huffed cutting him a glance from what he was doing. “I borrowed it.” Mav nodded along. “Stole it.” He whispered, making the pilot huff
“It’s temporarily misappropriated!” Rooster barked going back to the task at hand, connecting the chain back together he slid the small loop onto his finger showing Maverick.
“What do you think?” Bradley felt more nervous now than he did in the jewelry store. Watching for any look that may come over his unofficial uncles face. A proud smile slid on his face looking from the makeshift ring and the other pilot shifting on his feet. “Y/n will love it.” Passing the ring back Rooster immediately started fiteling with it.
“Are you sure? I know it's basic but we can pick out the other ring together so she really likes it you know, and I always wished I had my dads tags, thanks for that by the way.” Maverick cringed,
“so maybe even when I’m away she still has a little piece of me to carry around.” He rambles making Mav grab him by both arms to get him to take a breath. “Kid it's perfect.”
“Are you sure, because she definitely deserves perfect.”
“There’s only one way to find out.”
“Are you okay babe?” You asked seeing your boyfriend shift in his seat for the thousandth time nice he picked you up. Not to mention his hand white-knuckling the steering wheel. His head snapped over to you, quickly going back and forth between you and the road. “What? Yeah, I’m fine just looking forward to tonight.” Patting your knee than going straight back to the wheel. Normally his hands never left you so his behavior was confusing you a bit.
What you didn't notice was rooster had changed his shirt five times before driving to get you, he even had his second choice in the back in case he changed his mind. Maverick had brought Penny over during his spiral for a pep talk thinking shed help the young pilot better than he could. It slightly helped.
“We’re going to follow them right?” Penny whispered watching rooster pull off. “Of course we are I’m not missing this.”
Pulling up to the beach Rooster pulled you back when you went to step out of the car, pressing a kiss to your empty ring finger he asked you to wait while he set up.
Watching him running with arms full of baskets and bags made you giggle when he tripped a bit, sand and running not really mixing well.
Spreading out the blanket and fighting against the ocean breeze he managed to get all the candles lit, surrounding it with the flowers he hid there earlier. He had all your favorite foods there too. So you could celebrate if you said yes, or could drown his sorrows if you said no. Taking a few steps back and looking at his set up he nodded “talk to me dad.” He whispered, taking a breath before going back to get you.
“My lady.” He spoke in a playful British accent helping you out of the car. Making you let out that laugh he fell in love with hearing. “What do you have planned this evening Sir Bradshaw?” You asked playing along as you walked hand and hand down the path. His set up still out of view. “Picnic on the beach and watching the sunset sound good to you?”
“Perfect.” You leaned up to press a soft kiss against his jaw. God, he really hopes you think so. Before you both got any closer he pulled you to a stop. “You mind?” Holding up a bandana he didn't need to explain what he wanted. ‘Must be some picnic huh.”
With the bandana secured he carefully led you farther on the beach stopping you once you stood in the middle of the blanket. Not releasing your hand as he knelt on one knee in front of you. “You can take it off now.” You gasped seeing him on one knee. Looking up at you with the most love you’ve ever seen come from a person.
“Y/n, I said I fell in love with you at first sigh the night we met, but know all this time I spent with you I realized that’s not true.” He paused to collect himself seeing the tears start shimmering in your eyes, “every second I see you I fall more in love its love at every sight, every thought, every moment I spend with you makes me fall deeper and deeper in love with you and I want to love you for the rest of my life, will you give me that chance and marry me?”
pulling the chain ring out of his pocket he held it between you, you quickly nodded your head the second he asked, “Yes, yes yes!” Excitement flooded his entire body at your words and he stood to pull you into him and spun you around. “She said yes!” He shouted to no one in particular. Caressing his face you pressed your lips together a little awkwardly since neither of you could wipe the smiles off your faces.
Setting you back on your feet, he shakily slid the ring on your finger. “We will get you a diamond obviously but I didn’t want to pick it out without you.” You breathlessly laughed shaking your head fondly at your new fiancé. “It’s perfect I love it!”
Your moment of staring into each other's eyes broke as you both heard clapping.
“Oh god.” Rooster groaned hiding his face in your neck as you laughed, watching Maverick's eyes widened realizing they’ve been caught giving a shy wave as Penny beamed. You felt Rooster chuckle against you before he straightened up holding your left hand in his raising it. “We’re getting married!”
Hi!! Hope you guys liked it let me know in the comments and check out my TopGun masterlist for more. And let me know who’s version you want next in the comments Hangman or Young Mav
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crazyk-imagine · 3 months
Hotel: Spin Off
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Pairing: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x Fem!reader
Characters: Fem!reader, Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood, Carole Bradshaw, Bradley Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, Ron "Slider" Kerner, Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe (Henry "Wolfman" Ruth)
Warnings: Crack, apart of the crack au, the boys are in left field, no one knows how to protect themselves from the supernatural, this has been in my docs for a bit and finally found the words to finish it, chaotic goose and maverick, we love these crackheads as crackheads, am I posting this before work? Yes
Word Count: 735
You, Charlotte, and Carole weren't expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen today; it's Tuesday, a plain old Tuesday but- of course, Charlotte spoke too soon.
You walk out of the living room to work on getting started with dinner while Carole and Bradley work on getting the tv set up leaving Charlotte to quickly clean up the toys (since she's the one who brought them out [wanting to teach the youngest Bradshaw a life lesson]).
You brought up the idea of watching movies while you all wait for the guys to come home.
Her phone rings, her ringtone "great balls of fire", echoes throughout the living room, letting you all know it's her hubby calling.
You enter the kitchen in time to hear her tell Nick, "don't come home-"
You hear the instructor's laughter as you walk past the wall, unable to hear anything else; part of you can't help but wonder what she's talking about since they haven't had any issues lately.
You and Charlotte are the first and only ones she talks to if she needs advice, whether it be because of a relationship issue or how to make her hair look more fluffy and less messy, which is how lots of your conversations go.
Charlotte wanders around the kitchen making drinks (feeling you girls deserve them) while you work on the food, something you already planned on doing and not just because they all love your food.
You're in the cooking zone by the time you realize your phone is ringing) and not just because the blonde taps your shoulder, informing you otherwise.
You nod and walk towards the dining table to grab the hand towel, so you can wipe your hands and get rid of the vegetable juice to answer the phone.
You pick it up and hold it to your ear and resume chopping. You tap the speaker button and leave the phone close to you "Mav?"
"Who else would be calling you?"
The blonde chuckles.
"I don't know, a murderer."
The blonde behind you scoffs at the two of you.
"I want to murder that-" A scream cuts him off. "I hate them. I really do," he mumbles.
"Who the hell are you talking about, Pete?" You ask with amusement present in your tone. You pause, listening to the background noises, "Why does it sound like you're at a sketchy motel?"
"He's where?" She mutters, coming closer behind you so she can listen in.
He sighs, knowing he can't hide anything from you (or your extra set of ears). "We are."
"What the hell happened while I was at work?"
"You mean other than the fact that I'm dealing with idiots, not much."
You chuckle, swiping the chopped veggies into the pot on the stove. "Are you going to be home for dinner?"
He blows out a puff of air. "I don't know."
You purse your lips, knowing how idiotic the crew can be and can't entirely blame him for coming home late. "Be sure to call me when you know more."
"Trust me I-"
"Mayday, Mav, mayday! Wolf's pulling out the salt." There's a brief pause, "on the bright side, Slider's met his future wife."
He groans, "Jesus, I'm gonna go before they burn the place down."
You open your phone and check the post Carole sent you. "Hey Mav?"
"What the hell were you guys doing with a ouija board?" You can sense the cogs in his mind turning as he tries to come up with a lie.
"Just- I'll be home soon. This is connected to anything that's happened, we paid the electrical bill on the beach house, right?"
You glance at Charlotte. "We did."
She leans in, "if anything sounds sketchy, hangup."
"So now?" You roll your eyes. "Mav, don't stay out late. We paid the bill and don't wind up in the hospital this time, okay?"
"I make no promises," Nick shouts into the phone. "Let me speak to my, lady love. I need to say some things before I meet my maker."
"No, bye," she hangs up the phone.
"What? He was going on and on for so long."
"That doesn't mean you hang up on him."
She shrugs, "oh well." She walks back into the living room. "Care, your husband's going to come home possessed."
You hear her laughter from the living room and poor Bradley being confused.
Continue to the series - Top Gun: Crack
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@kmc1989 @blueoorchid
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callsign-phoenix · 6 months
I wrote this as a part of my 12 days of ficmas, I hope you like it!
It is a young!Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x female!reader imagine.
The prompt is Santa Baby.
Warnings: this is super short but sweet
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Madonna’s new song ‘Santa Baby’ was everywhere this Christmas season, and it really made the Christmas spirit.
In great Maverick-fashion Pete had started singing the song to you when you had still contemplated going out with him and his strange stunt had worked.
A year later the song was becoming popular again around that time of year.
It brought memories back that made your eyes gleam like the ring on your finger.
The Christmas movie night you had planned with Pete was going beautifully.
Pete had come home from work early, with a bag of candy canes and some popcorn kernels to make the best snacks to eat while watching tv.
You worked on the popcorn while Pete got comfortable.
When you saw him sitting on the couch wearing Santa’s hat you had to stifle a laugh, setting the bowl of popcorn down and straddling his lap.
You let your hand run through his hair as you listened to the radio that was softly playing in the background.
Pete’s arms wrapped around your waist and he pressed a kiss to your nose, smiling up at you.
Madonna was softly serenading you as you leaned down, your lips grazing his cheek for a kiss before they settled by his ear.
“Well, Santa, we’re going to have a baby soon,” you whispered.
Pete’s eyes shot up to meet yours and an incredulous look ghosted over his face.
You weren’t sure what he was feeling because a million expressions seemed to follow each other closely in his eyes, until excitement and utter joy prevailed.
His eyes were searching yours to see how you felt, but your wide grin was indication enough.
“Fuck me,” Pete replied, a surprised but thoroughly excited laugh falling from his lips.
You had to laugh as well as you moved to press a kiss to his lips, your eyes gleaming with excitement.
“I think I already did that,” you joked, pulling his hat off of his head and his shirt over it.
You were excited for movie night, but it could wait a few minutes.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @bespinnn @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus
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Just saw this and I’m gonna need someone to write a fic with either Rooster, Hangman, Bob or Mav ( could be Icemav) with this :
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The Tiny One
A/N: I’m doing it!! @sweetheartlizzie07 @onebigfangirlworld @blackcat2907 you all fully endorsed this! Goose will NOT die. Also I may or may not write the portions mentioned in more detail later on... Like the cuddles and dates. Okay, I know I will write the one date in more detail.
Warning: Soulmate au, shorter reader, 80′s time period, extremely protective IceMav
Pairings: Tom Iceman Kazansky x F! Reader x Pete Maverick Mitchell
Summary: Meeting your soulmates Pete Mitchell and Tom Kazansky. Then a glimpse of your life with them in the 80's
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It had been by pure coincidence that you met your first soulmate, Pete Maverick Mitchell. You were a high school U.S. History teacher, it was your first year teaching them. You had gone to the local bar where a bunch of sailors were at with a coworker who wanted to relax. It was a year before Maverick would be going to Top Gun.
You literally bumped into him, “Oh geez! I am so sorry!” You laughed, looking up at the attractive man, his green eyes looking deep into yours. “Pete Mitchell, everyone calls me Maverick” he said, feeling a connection to you immediately. You gasped as his name burned into your wrist as it became a bright red. “Y/n L/n” you told him in awe, a bright grin lighting up both of your faces.
You both spent that year getting to know each other, you got along well with his best friend, Goose. You both often snuggled together, you would both stare at the name Tom Kazansky that was tattooed on your wrists. You threw around ideas on what he was like, you both knew he would be the one to balance you both out.
When Pete got the news he was going to Top Gun, you were ecstatic for him. You even transferred to a teaching job at a high school near Top Gun. Luckily, they had a spot open for a history teacher. You fell in love with the area immediately and as a soulmate, you got to stay with Maverick in housing on base.
You had told him to go out with Goose to the bar since you were finished prepping your class plans. You didn't want him to miss out on getting to know his classmates because of you, you were also secure enough in your relationship to know he wouldn't do anything.
Your boyfriend rushed into the house that night, “Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! I met him! I met Tom! He’s a pilot too! Don't worry, I made a great first impression” he told you, collapsing on the couch and putting his head in your lap. He was breathless and didn't bother to get out of his white uniform before coming over. You stared in shock before running your fingers through his short hair, “Really? What is he like?” you asked, looking at the colored name on his wrist. You were doubtful about the first impression because you know how cocky he is. “Perfect, really perfect. He is tall, has to be six foot. Blonde” he told you, “Ice cold, no mistakes. His call sign is Iceman. He was in my class but I never had time for introductions, you’ll love him sweetheart!” he told you happily, talking quickly as he tried to get everything out. "I really couldn't stop staring, he is so hot sweetheart! He's probably going to fall in love with you right away" Mav finished. You leaned down and kissed his nose, "If you say so baby," you grinned and rolled your eyes. You listened to him babble on the rest of the night as you two cuddled.
It was the next night that you got to meet him and everything was perfect from there. It had been at the bar again and Pete was tugging you right to him, he sat in a both alone. "Kazansky," Pete said with a massive grin, "Mitchell," he said, a smile on his face. His eyes landed on you and you held out your hand, "Y/n L/n," you told him with a blush. Instead of shaking your hand, he brought it to his lips, "Tom Kazansky" he said, kissing your knuckles. In that moment it was like your brain short circuited and Pete laughed, "Tom, I forgot to warn you. She flusters easy" he grinned. "Shut up, Pete!" You pouted but grinned at the laugh Tom let out.
Then you were introduced to their other friends after a few days of getting to know each other more. Tom introduced you to his RIO, Slider. As soon as you saw him, a grin formed and his eyes widened. "No! You can not date my pilot and Maverick!" He told you. "And why not?" You asked, your soulmates watching you both confused, "Because I said so! You're like my little sister!" He huffed. "Sorry, I don't speak nor understand bitch" you shrugged. Tom laughed and pulled you into his arms, happily letting you snuggle into him. "Childhood best friends" you explained to them both and they nodded, Slider gave them both looks "She is like my little sister. Hurt her and I break you" he told them seriously and both nodded quickly.
From that point, your relationship fell together easily. You learned a lot about each other even though it felt like you all knew each other your whole lives. There were little things that others wouldn't notice but you did, such as:
There was always the competition between them as they were both very cocky, of course you knew that would happen as they were pilots. Somehow, they always seemed to settle down when you appeared too frustrated. If they were constantly trying to one up the other while you were busy and you looked ready to snap, they stopped.
Often you and Pete would be wrapped up in blankets, tucking yourselves into Tom's sides as you guys watched movies and he would kiss the tops of your heads. In private, the three of you were very soft together and no one would believe it if you told them. It was mostly you who would be laying on them on the couch randomly as they worked on paperwork and you did the same. They learned you were basically touch starved so they never minded, you weren't obnoxious about it.
You were shorter then both of them which made Pete happy since you first met, he finally wasn't the shortest. You would always have Pete's arm around your waist and Tom's arm around your shoulders as you walked.
You would also get lots of forehead kisses.
The best part was Tom would often pick you up and carry you on his back with Pete pouting because the last time Pete kneed Tom.
"You wiggle too much Mitchell!" "You scared me Kazansk!"
There was once in a date to a carnival and you were exhausted so Tom put you on his back as you fell asleep because you weren't used to going as much as they did, it had been a full day for your date, since 04:00 actually.
There were also random head pats for you and Pete, joking about your heights compared to Toms. He would also wrap his arms around you both from behind and lean is head on your heads.
The final part you noticed the most was how protective they were of you. They were always close but after being harassed by an abusive ex and Tom held you while Pete took care of them, you knew that they would always be there to protect you no matter what. Other people would have left you to seem macho but Tom stepped back to let Pete get rid of him because of how terrified you were. Then neither of them left you for a while.
They were perfect for you and you all balances each other out perfectly.
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Living Up To The Legacy P.6 ✈️ | Top Gun Maverick Series
Contains major spoilers for TGM
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Catch up on the series -> Series Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Lt. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Lt. Barbara ‘Legacy’ Mitchell!OC (past/eventual romance), Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x daughter!OC (platonic). Lt. Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace (platonic/best friend), every other character in this is a platonic pairing
Content Warnings: profanity, smoking, light angst, fluff, allusions to smut and suggestive content— Minors DNI!! | Female OC (She/her) | wc: 5k+
Premise: The day has come for the special detachment to embark on their mission of blowing up a uranium plant before it is operational. After weeks of denying re-emerging feelings, Barbara and Bradley have found their way back into each other’s arms and have to come to terms with the reality they face moving forward. And their future isn’t the only one at stake on this mission for Barbara may lose the chance to reignite the bond between her and her once estranged father, Pete Mitchell.
Note: this is shorter than the previous chapters and probably will be the shortest of all (except maybe the epilogue). I’m debating on making the last 30 min of the movie one long ass chapter or splitting it up please. I originally had this story as 6 chapters, but then decided on 7 and may do 8 unless you guys are okay with waiting for the last chapter. I am a grad student and currently have a lot of important assignments this month that may put this story on the back burner. I’ll still work on it a little day by day, but may not be able to pump out three thousand words a day like I normally have. I’ll keep you guys updated and I hope you enjoy this chapter ♥️
“Talk to me, Goose.”
The words that stuck with him even thirty years after he was gone. Maverick stood alone on the carrier below the deck as the breeze from the ocean before him kissed his face. The memory of him throwing Goose’s tags into the sea as a final send off. Gone, but never forgotten.
“Captain Mitchell,” her voice called to him seconds later, and Maverick slowly turned to see Barbara standing in her flight suit free of gear with tears in her eyes. “Dad,” she corrected, which sent a wave of emotion through him. “You’re where you belong.”
Mav was holding his own tears which he was sure spilled once Barbara approached and launched into his arms. They held each other tightly, Barbara pushing her face against Mav’s chest as his one hand cradled the back of her head. “Make us proud,” she whimpered out, letting the emotion overtake as she tightened the hold around his waist. “And come home. Please.”
A tear dropped from his eye, “I promise.” At that moment the overhead tarmac dropped down and together the two Mitchell’s walked onto it with Mavericks arm around Barbara’s shoulder while hers rested on his waist. As it brought them onto the deck Barbara thought back to the past 48 hours leading to that moment.
When Rooster shamelessly admitted he already had his stuff packed in his Bronco following a much needed second round, he cleared her up and brought her into his arms for some much needed sleep. It was just before midnight when they knocked out—neither wanting to discuss the future—and awoke just after 4 am. To save time they showered together with both having to face away from each other for fear it would lead to something more.
They didn’t have time for that and Barbara would rather sit naked on a hot grill than explain why both she and Rooster were late to the docks.
Her plan was to have him leave before her to avoid suspicion from the others, but Bradley just shook his head and said, “Are you seriously going to ride your bike when you have a backpack and duffle? Just throw it in the Bronco, we’ll go together.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea….”
“What, are you worried about what they may think?” He scoffed, snapping his belt and making sure it was lined with the seam of his uniform. When Barbara went to start a pot of coffee before their shower he had gone to get his stuff. “Hate to break it to you, baby, but they already know.”
“And how exactly do they know?” Barbara questioned with suspicion, lightly coating her eyelashes with mascara before moving to grab her blow dryer. Now she was definitely not looking forward to being on the carrier.
Rooster just smirked at her through the mirror, adjusting his collar. “Wasn’t really hiding my intentions when I asked Phoenix for your address, Barb.”
“Oh,” she hummed, taking her wet brush and running it through the wet strands of hair. “Your intentions were to seduce your ex-wife back into bed. I see.” A gasp escapes her mouth when Rooster’s arms suddenly go around her waist and pull her back to his chest. She nearly drops the brush when he leans down to nip her earlobe.
“My intentions were to win back the woman I love who I made the mistake of walking away from. The sex was a plus.” He pressed a kiss to her jaw, meeting her eye in the mirror. The flush of her face brought Rooster satisfaction, lips curling up as he pressed into her. “Let’s not forget, you’re the one who wanted to dance for me.”
Fuck he got her there. Barbara did initiate round two because to be fucking honest their sex life was never just one and done. Neither were satisfied until at least three orgasms unless they were exhausted from the day. And as a switch, Barbara loved dancing on Rooster to the point he was a babbling mess for her.
His kisses along her jaw and neck brought her out of the lustful thoughts, Barbara gently breaking away with a playful expression. “Now, now, Bardshaw. You know the rules when in uniform. Best to not disrespect it any further.” He groaned, adjusting his pants before checking his watch to see it was already pushing 4:30. Thank God Barbara lived just down the street from the docks.
“Like we haven't done worse,” he snickers when she yelps as he lands a light slap to her ass before walking out of the bathroom to move their bags to the Bronco. While he’s out Barbara quickly dries her (thankfully) short hair in record time and straightens it lightly to give it a cropped effect. With a ‘Hmm’ she realizes she could easily pull off a Mia Wallace look for Halloween.
Putting on some simple studs and giving one last look over to make sure her uniform was polished, Barbara takes her phone, cigarette tin, and any last minute items she forgot before leaving her room. She doesn’t bother making the bed after much debate….the sheets would have to be washed when she returned. Dumping out any leftover coffee and hand washing it, Barbara locks up her home and meets Rooster outside in the already running Bronco. It was still dark out, the horizon just barely starting to light up in the distance.
The second she’s closing the door his lips are on her before she could even buckle up. “What was that for?” She asks with an exhale, surprised by the gesture. Rooster just smiles and replies, “I doubt being on the carrier we’ll be able to be together much. Just in case that was the last time I got to kiss you, I wanted it to be where it felt like home.”
Water lined her eyes, Barbara sniffing as emotion coursed through her. Without warning her hand goes to the back of his neck and pulls him to her again. The kiss is much like the one they shared at the tarmac the day before. Slow and full of love. It would have gone on longer if her phone alarm hadn’t scared the shit out of them.
“Fuck—sorry,” she hits the dismiss, reading the time at 4:40. She mentally patted herself on the back at the fact she managed to shower, dress, do her hair and get out of the house in an impressive amount of time. All with her…ex? Boyfriend? Undecided partnership? They’ll figure it out after the mission.
The golden rule of being in the military: if you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late.
The docks were only a short drive down the street and a left turn into the parking lot, but they couldn’t risk being late. “We should get going.”
“Yeah,” Rooster agreed, kissing her blushing cheek and leaning back into his seat. Barbara buckled in as he reversed in the driveway before starting down the road out of her small neighborhood which consisted mostly of beach houses. The entire drive Rooster held Barbara's hand, bringing it to rest on his right thigh. The music was at a low volume, Barbara had her window down to let the cool breeze from the ocean saunter in.
When they arrived at the docks, most of the team had already arrived. It looked like most had the same idea of carpooling. Harvard and Yale were with Omaha. Phoenix, and Halo caught a ride with Bob while Fanboy hitched one with Payback. Lastly Hangman was pulling in at the same time as them with Coyote.
“You ready?” Rooster softly asked as he shut off the engine and unlocked the doors. The answer didn’t come in words but a simple nod, Barbara giving him a small smile as he grabbed her hand again to gently squeeze it.
As they got out of the Bronco and moved to the back to retrieve their bags. Neither turned to face their fellow aviators who were all pretty much gawking at the sight before them—which they expected. Phoenix was the only one with a genuine smile, happy and relieved to see the two together. Hangman and Coyote expressions were more of, ‘well I’ll be damn.’ The others were a mix of both though they couldn’t help but be surprised at the timing.
Thanking Rooster as he handed her the backpack and duffle, Barbara pulled it around her shoulders and slung the duffle strap onto one. Once Rooster was ready and the car was locked, they walked side by side to meet with Phoenix and Bob who were kind enough to wait on them. There was no mistaking the knowing look Phoenix was sending the two, brows raised to silently say, ‘Lovers quarrel has been settled?’
“Phoenix, Bob,” Barbara nods, removing the cigarette from behind her ear to place it between her lips.
“Morning you two,” Nat smiles, watching Barbara light the tobacco as she comes to her side. Bob and Bradley share a bro handshake, but not before the latter sends a look of disapproval to Barbara.
“This is my last one for a while, okay Bradshaw? Get off my ass.”
Rooster clicks his tongue, trying to stop the smirk from forming, “Wasn’t gonna say anything, but glad to hear it.” Barbara rolls her eyes, walking ahead of the men with Phoenix and leans in to whisper, “He secretly finds it hot, but won’t admit it.”
With a laugh Phoenix nudges her fellow aviator while wiggling her eyebrows, “I take it you two made up?” A huff is her reply, but make no mistake the expression gives Barbara away.
“We’re working on it.”
“I’m happy for you. Really, you two are like Yin and Yang.”
Barbara lets her gaze flicker to the ground briefly after blowing the smoke in the opposite direction, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Phee. We’ve got more pressing matters to focus on.” That has the Lieutenant tilt her head, remembering a certain topic of discussion she’d been dying to ask Barbara about.
“You think Cyclone will really fall through? I mean court-martialing when all you did was prove he was wrong about changing—.”
“I stole a multi million dollar jet, Phee. I quite literally broke the law,” Barbara was aware the two men were more than likely listening to their conversation for their own had fallen silent. She could feel Rooster’s eyes on her. “He can’t go after Maverick just yet, but he can punish me right now. Trust me, the worst thing that could come out of it is a dishonorable discharge.” In the corner of her eye she saw Phoenix draw in a sharp breath. “But maybe the judge or whoever decides my fate will see it was necessary and demote me or hell I don’t know. All I know is I made my bed, now it’s time for me to lay in it.”
“Still I don’t think it’s fair,” Phoenix comments, watching Barbara finish the bud before discarding it in the ashtray on the trash can. “With what Cyclone was planning, none of us would have a chance. It would have put us in harm's way. I mean, yeah we knew the risks and accepted them by doing this job, but still I don’t think anyone is truly ready to lay down their life. And when their superior sees it like that it drops their confidence.”
“I know,” Barbara mutters, pinning a glance to her friend with solemn eyes. “That’s why Mav and I did what we did. He wouldn’t forgive himself if anything happened to you guys out there.” Pain filled her heart at the thought of Maverick losing his wingman. The man has seen more death than the average human and though he acts like it doesn't bother him, Barbara can see the toll it takes on him daily.
Once on the carrier they were issued their rooms with Barbara bunking with Phoenix and Halo. She and Rooster exchanged one last glance before they were separated. Mav had yet to be seen, and Barbara assumed it was because he was doing last minute briefings with Cyclone and Warlock.
Throwing her duffle on the bottom bunk to claim it, much to the annoyance of Phoenix who Barbara just sent a cheeky look to since Halo had already claimed the second bottom bunk, Barbara unpacked her portable memory foam cushion, pillow and thick blanket to lay on the bed. “God, I’m always reminded why I hate being offshore with these damn back breaking mattresses.” The two women make sounds of agreement.
“Hey,” Phoenix sticks her head over from the top bunk, “I just wanna make sure we’re on the same page. We—,” she waves a finger between her and Cali, “won’t have to deal with the possibility of walking in on something between you and Rooster—.”
“Trace, do not finish that sentence!”
“I just want to make sure I don’t see anything I’m not supposed to, C.”
“For God's sake, I am not that shallow. You know the rules.”
“Oh, now you care about rules. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard those words come out of your mouth.” Barbara flipped her off, making the brunette giggle.
“Gotta keep on my P’s and Q’s if I wanna keep my job,” she mumbles under her breath. Last thing she needed was Cyclone adding more shit to his case against her.
“So you two are back together?” Halo wonders with a smile. Barbara groans, putting a hand to her face while the other flips off Phoenix again. Her laughter has the woman tilt her head back with closed eyes like she was praying to a higher power to give her the strength.
She could only imagine what Rooster was dealing with.
Barbara brings her hands together with a deep exhale, “It’s complicated. He came over last night. We…..talked—.”
“Yeah right,” Phoenix snorted. “I saw the look in that man’s eyes last night when he asked for your address. He was on a mission.”
“Look, you two are grown ups—once married—and the past week has been filled with suffocating sexual tension.” At Barbara’s mortified look, Phoenix chuckles and goes back to sorting her stuff. “You don’t have to hide the fact y’all hooked up. I mean, we can all put it together since you carpooled.”
Halo agrees, “Yeah, C. Everyone knows—no need to be shy about it. Plus when was the last time you got laid?” Barbara refuses to answer the question, a light blush coating her cheeks. It was embarrassing for the woman to admit the previous night was the first in over two years. Even Rooster had commented how tight she was which made her more flustered. The truth was she tried to have casual hookups a year after the divorce, but the poor guys could not satisfy her. There was no one like Rooster and it was obvious he ruined her for any other man.
They all had poor stamina, couldn’t make her finish, or just overall were bad. It wasn’t like she had a lot of partners—quite frankly it was only three. And she wasn’t going to ask Rooster if he had been with anyone at that time. It wouldn’t be surprising and she had no right to judge. Humans have needs—sexual attraction is part of nature.
Once the three finished up they reported to the mess hall for breakfast. A glare was sent to Rooster when he sat his happy ass down beside Barbara, aware the others were staring at them with mixed expressions. Most of them were amused. “Seriously?” She hissed, stabbing the eggs with a fork.
“What?” He shrugged like he didn’t know what she was talking about. But she knew him better than that.
“Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing, Bradshaw.” The fork waved in his face to emphasize her point. All he did was smirk in return, turning his head away as he brought his coffee to his lips. Phoenix was loving it much to Barbara’s annoyance. So was Payback who was seated next to Rooster.
Breakfast went by fast and soon they were ushered into a room to be debriefed on the day's plans. It would be at least another 24 hours before they were close to the desired location. The time went fast before they knew it. As the hours passed nerves surfaced from everyone on board the carrier. The Dagger Squad were often called away for private briefings and Barbara managed to run into her father at one point which led to the man finding out what happened between her and Rooster.
“I didn’t see your bike or car in the parking lot,” he casually said, noticing the way her body stiffened. “Did you catch a ride with someone?”
“Yeah,” she coughed, hand coming up to block it when really she was trying to hide the blush forming on her cheeks. Without looking at Mav, she admitted, “Bradley and I actually rode together.”
“Oh,” His voice went low, mouth forming an ‘o’ shape. Though he was tempted to question the details, the awkward shuffle from his daughter plus the avoidance of looking him in the eye was enough to at least imply something happened. A red color appeared on his own cheeks and Maverick looked away to clear his throat. He decided not to say a word in the end and instead give a curt nod.
Talk about awkward.
Something else that could have had that same feeling came when Barbara was walking to her room late that night and was suddenly pulled from the side into a storage closet. “What the fuck—!” A hand clamped over her mouth as she was brought to a hard chest. The light was off with little light emitting from the window on the door, but the musky scent of familiar cologne had the pilot push away the hand and playfully smack his chest. “Jesus Christ, Bradshaw. Are you out of your mind?”
Rooster lifted her up, securing her legs around his waist with his hands resting on her ass to hold her up. “Sorry, baby.” The apology was flat because in all honesty he wasn’t sorry. Barely could she make out the smug expression on his face.
Barbara tightened her arms that hung around his neck, “What are we teenagers? You can get demoted if we’re caught.” A shudder coursed through her when Rooster started to leave a trail of kisses from her ear to her jaw. “Dammit, Bradshaw, now is not the time to be reckless like me,” she groaned, biting her lip to stop the smile peeking out.
“I missed you,” he whined against her skin, walking a bit so they were pressed against the wall and away from the door. Pleasure filled him when he felt Barbara run her fingers through his hair, aiming for the curls that rested on the nape of his neck.
“You’re a menace,” her lips brushed over his, feeling his smile against her own. “You’ve seen me all day—except for maybe three hours when you were called for a meeting.”
“Still, I missed being close to you,” he presses into her more, “Been waiting all day to get you alone.”
“Oh so you just so happened to know I would be coming down the hallway at that given moment and waited for your chance?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged like it was the most obvious answer. “Baby, now that I have you back in my arms I don’t ever wanna let you go. I’ll take whatever time I can get to be touching and kissing you even if it means sneaking like kids and fooling around in a closet.” With that he leaned in and sealed their lips together. After the sweet kiss that morning, Rooster was counting down the minutes until he could taste Barbara again.
It was like a spark had reignited between the two. While the stance of their relationship was sorta on the fence with no official title, there was no doubt in question they loved each other. Longing looks and light touches as they passed became a habit throughout the day. Unfortunately the addiction Rooster had for Barbara and vice versa was difficult in their situation. Neither had rooms to themselves where they could sneak off to and the carrier had their friends, Maverick, and the Admirals. If they were to get caught in a frisky position word would spread like wildfire.
“You better calm that boner I feel against me, Lieutenant. There’s no way I’m letting you fuck me against this wall when anyone could pass by at any given second.” His groan made her chuckle, pressing a kiss to his pouty lips. “I’m in enough hot water as it is. I’m not gonna let you be in the same boat when you’ve got something big in less than a day.”
“Can we at least make out for a bit?” The question was so expected of Rooster and the tone in which he said it had Barbara slapping a hand to her mouth to muffle her laughter. Rooster giggled with her, adjusting her in his arms when she slid a bit. One calm, Barbara put her hand to his cheek, “Sure, pretty boy. You’ve got fifteen minutes—better make it worthwhile.”
That was a day ago. Now Barbara was walking across the runway of the carrier with Maverick. Cyclone had called a meeting with everyone on board to go over the plan of action one last time just before she found him alone muttering the words, “Talk to me, Goose.”
The jets were lined up, pre-flight checks in order as the pilots arrived. Barbara and Mav walked together with his arm over her shoulder. Several glances were sent their way but Barbara kept her eyes forward as they approached his F-18. Squeezing his hand, Barbara said, “I’ll be right back,” and left for Phoenix and Bob. Jogging over just before they could climb in, Barbara pulled the dark-haired woman into a hug. “You better kick ass out there, Phee.” This mission was personal to Barbara on so many levels.
It has the lives of her father, lover, and friends on the line.
“When have I ever not, C?” She teased back, tightening the hug before releasing so Barbara could do the same to Bob.
“When you get back we’re going dancing like old times.” Back when she and Rooster were married, they had been stationed together with Nat and the two women made it a tradition to have a girls night whenever one returned from an assignment. When Pheonix agreed with a ‘hell yeah’, Barb patted Bob's arm, “Bob here can even join in.”
“Uhh-I-I uh don’t really dance.”
“We’ll teach you,” the wink she sent caused a blush to his cheeks. It reminded her of when they first met just a few short weeks ago. With one last good luck, Barbara departed and went to Fanboy and Payback. She made it quick with a hug and threatening to kick their ass if they didn’t come back in one piece. Spinning on her heel, she made her way back to Mav while looking around for Bradley. When she caught sight of him he wasn’t alone.
Hangman was with him.
It appeared that no words were exchanged with the two men just staring at each other. Then as Barbara got closer she faintly heard over the noise Jake shouting, “you give em’ hell!” Rooster looked stunned, not expecting the words from his rival. As Hangman passed him he remained still, head slightly turning but gaze on the ground. He hadn’t noticed Baraba approaching from the side, who gave a nod to Jake when they caught eyes, but soon lifted his head to find her staring back at him with a nervous expression.
The tension in his posture disappeared, legs moving at a fast rate to close the distance between them. Rooster didn’t care they were out in the open, in uniform, and should be climbing into his jet at that very second. No, he stormed right up to Barbara, free hand not holding his helmet cupping her jaw and bending down to bring her into a searing kiss. The gasp she emitted has his tongue sliding past her lips, deepening the kiss for all eyes to see.
Which all eyes did see. Maverick was trying not to intrude but there was a small smile on his lips. It brought him great joy the two were together again in each other’s arms despite the inner conflict at what they were about to face. On the opposite side the foxtrot teams were exchanging knowing looks, happy while also worried. Hell even Hangman was reacting the same, not ruining the moment with some snide comment.
“I love you,” Barbara stood on her tippy toes, thumb tracing over the scars on Roosters face as tears watered her eyes. “I love you so much, Bradley.”
“I love you too, baby,” he kissed all over her face, holding back his own emotion to not worry her further. God how much he missed hearing those words.
“You got this. As much as I believe in you, you have to believe in yourself more than anything. Trust your instincts. You better—,” she sniffed, pushing a hand against his chest where his heart lay, “—You better fucking come back to me. Or I swear to God, Bradley, I’ll never forgive you. I’ll kick your ass in the afterlife if I have to.” She feels him press his lips to her forehead, lingering there for a second while her eyes close.
“I have to come back, so I can take you to the chapel and wife you up again.”
All the air leaves Barbara, eyes snapping wide open to stare at him in disbelief, “W-what? Are you serious right now?” Did she really hear that right or was she daydreaming? It had to have been a joke.
But it wasn’t a joke.
His face was serious, the sweat bedding along his hairline slowly dripping down as he stared into her soul. “Marry me, Barbara Mitchell. Be my wife again, please. I know I fucked up once—my biggest regret that will haunt me forever—and I will spend the rest of my life making it up if you have me again.” His lips curl up a bit at her look of bewilderment, “Hell we can even get the Chaplin on board to officiate right now—.”
“O-oh my God, no—,” she stuttered out with a watery laugh, her heart literally pounding out of her chest. Leave it to Rooster to want to elope minutes before he’s about to embark on a life or death mission. “We are not shotgunning this again like last time.”
“So is that a yes then?” He smiles at her, eyes full of love and adoration which she mirrors.
Instead of answering yes or no, Barbara simply kisses him and says, “Come back to me and you’ll get your answer.” He kisses her back passionately, knowing damn well it was a yes. Her previous sentence had sealed the deal for him. But, because of the situation Barbara couldn’t bring herself to say the word. There was still that fear something could go wrong.
Together hand in hand they approach his plane but instead of Bradley climbing in they move toward Maverick. “Sir.” Maverick turns around to see the two, Rooster addressing him. Barbara squeezes his hand before letting go and stepping back to give the two space. “I…I just wanna say—,” the sound of the flight crew announcing orders interrupts the pilot. Several crew members run past them, the clock ticking down till go time.
“We’ll talk,” Mav tells him with a nod, “when we get back.” It was a promise. One that sent a wave of anxiety through Barbara as she took in Roosters distressed expression. There was something about the way Maverick said the words that, although assuring, felt worrisome.
A moment passes, then Bradley gives the Captain a nod before spinning around. Placing one last kiss to Barbara’s lips, the two holding each other’s gaze to convey the unspoken words they wished to say, Rooster moves to his jet while she watches on.
“B-Bradley!” Maverick suddenly shouts, causing Rooster to halt his movements. “You got this.” The simple phrase had Barbara’s tears resurface. It was all Rooster wanted to hear from Maverick. Yeah she told him the same thing just moments ago, but it was impactful to hear it from the person he’s trained his entire career to prove himself to.
Barbara could tell the words cut deeply into Rooster, the man releasing a shaky breath as he nodded. When he meets her eye Barbara mouths, ‘I love you,’ which he returns before saluting, shaking the hand of the crew member, and climbing into the F-18. It’s then that Barbara goes to Maverick, arms already open to embrace him. It was no doubt her eyes were rimmed with red after crying so much in the span of just twenty minutes. Her reputation of being an ice cold, nearly emotionless aviator was about to tarnish.
But who could really blame Barbara Mitchell? They’d probably be in the same shoes.
And for Pete Mitchell, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d hug his daughter so much. Their strained relationship and her avoidance of his physical touch as a teen and young adult made him realize how precious moments like this were. How he missed out on so much by putting his career first.
He missed her first steps. Her first words. Her first birthday. The first day of school. Her first recital. The first time she broke a bone playing soccer. Her first heartbreak. Her high school prom.
Her college graduation.
Her commission.
Her wedding day.
Pete Maverick Mitchell hardly had regrets for he believed the path one takes was meant to be walked. But in that moment, if he could turn back time and choose a new one, without hesitation he’d choose the one that would have him be the father Barbara deserved, even if it meant giving up the piece of his life he was devoted to. To be a better man for her. For Barbara Caroline ‘Legacy’ Mitchell is who he should have been devoted to from the very beginning the second she was brought into the world. His legacy.
“I love you, dad.”
“I love you too, my darling girl.”
Tag List: @multiple-fandoms-girl, @maverick-wingman, @sgt-huntersupremacy, @the-winter-marvel33, @calicokel, @justanothermagicalsara, @lydia-demarek, @alanadetigy, @shrimping-for-all, @chaoticassidy, @nemtodd-barnes1923, @bradleysgirl, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @mak-32
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the in between (pete “maverick” mitchell)
a/n: i will be caught dead before i write maverick x reader. but i will do anything to write about Maverick as a Dad. you can pry the same mistakes universe from my cold dead hands, idc idc
summary: moments from what happened between landing back on the aircraft carrier with Rooster alive to reconvening back at the Miramar base leading the Iron Daggers. Maverick learns that he’s missed out out a lot more of his daughter’s life then he would’ve liked
part of the same mistakes-verse
main masterlist | top gun: masterlist
warnings: i tailor the Navy to fit my fics not the other way around idc, food mentions, yes i do have a couch in my childhood bedroom what about it, i often imagine Rebel as like being a flamingo who would stick the head in their sand rather than deal with their feelings and problems, i don’t even know if this is good 
word count: 4,532
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Maverick blinked awake, taking in the darkness of the room in the med bay, the barely noticeable shifting of the carrier bringing a small bit of comfort. A quick glance around the room showed him Phoenix was passed out in the chair next to Rooster’s bed, the man snoring softly. Bob’s lanky figure was laid out uncomfortably on the opposite of his bed. Fanboy and Payback were curled up into a bunch of chairs at the foot of the bed and he chuckled to himself. They must’ve all fell asleep at some point after he did. The moon shown through as he glanced over, catching Coyote looking at his phone from a chair at the foot of his bed. No (Y/N), he noted. Looking up from his phone, Coyote realized he was awake and quickly put the phone away. Coyote moved closer, very conscious of the sleeping figures of his team mates. “Hey Mav.” He whispered.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” He asked. Here, with Coyote, he knew it was safe to use her real name. Coyote nodded his head to the door. 
“It’s late, why is she out there?” Coyote shrugged. 
“Just thinking, I think. I’ll probably go join her later but, uhm...” Coyote hesitated and Maverick cocked his head curiously. “No, it’s not my place.”
“Coyote.” He said carefully, taking in his reaction. 
“Well, sir, it’s just that-”
“Coyote, forget for a moment that I’m your instructor. You’re my daughter’s best friend, it’s just you and me.” Coyote nodded, still very obviously nervous. 
“Sir, you really scared her today.” His heart sank, hated hearing Coyote confirm what he had already known. “Um, but-” Coyote swallowed, clearly trying to find words. “I’m also worried about your decision to select Rooster as your wingman is gonna do.” Maverick shook his head, uncertain by what the younger pilot meant. 
“Coyote, how long have you known my daughter now?” 
“Two years, sir.” 
“And how close are the two of you actually?” Coyote nodded slowly, thinking about it.
“We had an, uh, rocky start, but I’d give my life for her. She’s my best friend.”
“Then you know her well.”
“Yes sir, I’d say so, sir.”
“Then how would my decision to select Rooster as wingman affect her?” Coyote shifted uncomfortably, clearly weighing which route to take. Maverick felt his breath catch in his throat. His daughter had been through a lot. He also wouldn’t pretend that he didn’t see the world weigh on her, a certain familiar loneliness appearing in her eyes every time the two of them talked. Coyote finally sighed. 
“Sir, I don’t really know if it’s my place-”
“Coyote.” Coyote sighed. 
“All I feel I should say is that, well- you should be prepared for your relationship with your daughter to change.” A beat. “If not end entirely.” Maverick felt like his world was spinning as he took in the pilot’s words. “Sir, I don’t know what happened between you and Rooster or her and Rooster. But I do know that she carries the weight of everything on her shoulders and I don’t know if she’ll walk away from this one the same.” Coyote let out a deep breath. “I- I should go check on her.” He said, standing up slowly, glancing at the still restful figures of his teammates. 
“Coyote.” The man turned to look at Maverick and it was the first time Maverick had really seen Coyote. He had to admit that Coyote had not ever been one of his first choices for this mission, but his daughter cared for the man, that much was clear. He saw the friendship that existed between the two of him, reminding him of his own with Goose back in the day. He swallowed, pushing that thought away. 
“Thank you for looking out for my daughter.” 
“Hangman, don’t wake them up.” Bob. 
“I don’t care about Pops or Rebel, but man, I wanna talk to Coyote.” Hangman. 
“I’m sleeping.” Coyote.
“Are not.” Hangman. 
“Would you shut up? You’re gonna wake them.” Rooster. 
“Lil’ princess looks so peaceful.” Payback.
“She won’t be if you don’t shut the fuck up.” His daughter. 
He slowly shifted, blinking awake for the second time. He took in the figures of the squadron crammed into their section of the med bay. His sight fell onto his daughter who was leaned on his bed, holding on to his hand. He tapped her hand with his finger and she looked up, rubbing her eyes. He nodded his head and scooted over. Without hesitation, his half-asleep daughter climbed up on to the bed and into the spot he had patted, almost as if she was 5 again. She all but collapsed into his chest, and he winced slightly. Emergency ejection had not been kind to his old body. He was really getting too old for this. She clutched on to his arm as if he might disappear if she didn’t and promptly fell back asleep. 
“Aw, this is so cute.” Phoenix commented from her post next to Rooster’s bed.
“Someone tell me they’re taking a picture of this for later use.” Hangman taunted and Coyote kicked his shin. Maverick looked over at Coyote who was clearly awake but had his head leaned up against the wall, eyes closed. 
“Coyote.” Maverick said and Coyote opened an eye. 
“How late were you up with her?” He shrugged and closed his eye.
“Like, dawn? I don’t know, the sun was up when we made our way back in here.” Maverick blinked. His daughter had spent the entire night on the tarmac of an aircraft carrier, awake, talking to her best friend. He wasn’t sure if he should be glad she had someone to sit with her or concerned she hadn’t gone to bed. 
“Where were the two of you last night?” Hangman asked and Coyote didn’t respond. “You know, sometimes I really doubt that the two of you are as platonic as you tell everyone you are.”
“Hangman, when you and your wingman almost die together, you’re kinda bonded for life dude.” Came Coyote’s response. 
“Wait, when did this happen?” Rooster asked. Maverick vaguely knew what incident he was referring to but it’d happened while he was still in Afghanistan before he’d gotten transferred to the Mojave Desert. He hadn’t been around for the aftermath, not nearly as much as Ice had. Coyote waved a hand, brushing Rooster off. 
“Long time ago. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Maverick?” Rooster asked curiously. He shrugged in response. The door opened and in walked Cyclone, Warlock not far behind him. 
“Admiral Simpson.” Bob said hurriedly, and those not sleeping (Coyote, Rebel) quickly stood up. Maverick and Rooster couldn’t, seeing as they were still bed-bound and Maverick had the problem of his daughter clutching to his arm. Cyclone took in the forms of a sleeping Coyote and Rebel clutched to her Dad and a hint of a smile appeared on his face. 
“At ease. I wanted to let you know about a few changes regarding your postings and debriefings schedule, but uh...” Cyclone concluded, looking at Rebel. Coyote at this point was awake and half-paying attention, if still slumped down in the chair. Maverick nudged Rebel. 
“Hey, wake up.”
“I’m awake.” Came the muffled reply and Maverick sighed. he looked over at the two and half-shrugged. Cyclone shook his head and turned back to the rest of the group. 
“Someone can fill her in later. I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be docking at 1700 hours. You’ll all have three weeks leave, starting tomorrow.” A collective murmur of excitment rippled through the group. “At the end of which, you’ll reconvene in Miramar for debriefings and then you’ll be joined together as an official squadron, the Iron Daggers, should you choose to accept the post. Captain Mitchell here will be your instructor, should he choose to accept the post.”
“He better.” Rebel stated and he glanced down at his daughter. “I’m still pissed off about him emergency ejecting from Mach 10.”
“He what?” Rooster asked and she shifted up, looking over at him. 
“You didn’t know that? Yeah, he emergency ejected and landed in the middle of nowhere in the desert. Right before we all got called back for the special detachment.”
“How do you know about that?” Maverick asked curiously. He had kept that from her on purpose, knowing she’d worry about him. 
“Ice told me. Because you fly like you don’t have anyone to come home for.” He flinched slightly at that comment.  She let go of his arm and shifted off the bed. He was little disappointed she elected to take a seat next to Coyote, but he figured he probably had a lot to answer for with how much he made her worry. 
“Anyways, I just wanted to give you all that update. Hopefully, I will see you all back in three weeks. Have a good rest of your day aviators.” Cyclone finished with a smile and exited the room with Warlock. Chatter picked up in the room as the team discussed their plans for leave and what had just happened. He assumed he’d spend the three weeks in the desert, Rebel in tow, and hopefully Rooster would join them. 
“How do the two of you do that?” Hangman exclaimed and Maverick looked over. Coyote and Rebel were looking at each other, clearly having a silent conversation. “You guys like, communicate telepathically.” 
Coyote finally groaned, stretching out and standing up. “We’re gonna go get food.” He said to no one in particular and his daughter followed suit and then disappeared out the door at the same time the medical staff reappeared to clear him and Rooster for discharge. Hangman was still looking around baffled. 
He wasn’t sure when the decision was made to come to his house for dinner but there everyone was, piling into his house. He laughed at them. “(Y/N), go give everyone the tour. I’m gonna order pizza.” She groaned, flopping down on the couch. 
“I’ll do it, I’ve been here before.” Coyote volunteered, laughing. 
“When have you been in my house?” He asked, turning to Coyote. He shrugged looking at (Y/N). 
“We got three days leave a few months after I got assigned to the Green Vipers. It wasn’t enough time for Coyote to go home and I figured it was silly to make Coyote get a hotel when he could stay here. He just likes to pretend that he doesn’t remember I’m from here, because he’s annoying.” She explained as Coyote laughed at her, dodging her foot that was trying to kick him off the couch. 
“C’mon, I’ll show y’all the house.” Coyote said and Maverick chuckled to himself as he went into he kitchen, ordering the pizza. He was slightly embarrassed about the amount they were ordering but knowing these kids, it’d be nothing. The group came back around as he came out into the living room. His daughter was still on the couch, feet dangling off as Coyote slid in easily next to her. 
“Who's Switch?” Fanboy asked. 
“Mine.” (Y/N) responded. “You think ol’ Mav over here knows how to work any gaming system from this century?” He scoffed at that, shaking his head. It was true, he didn’t understand how to work his daughter’s gaming console and didn’t totally understand why she’d bought it in the first place. He wasn’t going to tell her that though. “You wanna play?” Fanboy nodded and she sat up. “Okay, let me go get changed. “
“Hey, pizza should be here soon. I’m gonna go to the store and get drinks and stuff. Anybody want anything in particular?” He asked and there were a few requests he took. He watched out of the corner of his eye as (Y/N) grabbed her car keys off the hook in the kitchen and tossed them to him. 
“Don’t crash my car.” She warned and he laughed. 
“Hey Pops, do you think I could come with?” Hangman asked and he nodded. 
“I’ll go too!” Coyote volunteered. 
“Okay, here’s the money for the delivery guy.” He said, handing the money out of his wallet to his daughter, who promptly turned around and gave it to Bob, making it his problem. He rolled his eyes and turned to the two men who were joining him. “Alright, let’s go. We’ll be back soon.”
“You’re doing it again!” Hangman exclaimed and startled, Maverick looked over from Rooster to Coyote and Rebel. The squadron had been discussing their plans and flight details for their leave. The idea had been raised earlier in the night about spending the night at the Mitchell residence and apparently that had been the decision the team had made. They turned and Coyote and rebel turned towards them. “You’re doing the thing, where you talk to each other, without ever saying anything. It’s all... in your faces!” Hangman exclaimed and Maverick glanced curiously at the blond man. He had a feeling Hangman wasn’t used to having to share Coyote. 
“We don’t do that.” Coyote defended and Hangman spluttered. (Y/N) grabbed her keys from the counter.
“We’re going to the grocery store.” She said and without explaining, turned for the front door. Maverick shook his head after the pair left. 
“She’s so weird.” He muttered. Rooster gave half a laugh.
“She’s your kid.” 
He watched with laughter at the way his daughter ran around the house, delegating sleeping arrangement’s and blankets and pillows to the crew. He puttered around in the kitchen cleaning when she finally walked in. “The children are tucked in.” She joked as she stood opposite from him, leaning up against the counter. 
“Where’s everyone sleeping?” She sighed, trying to think. 
“Coyote and me in my bed. No.” She protested, seeing the look on his face. “Fanboy and Payback on the big air mattress on the floor of my room. Halo’s on the couch in my room. Phoenix and Rooster are on the bed in the guest room. Bob’s on the other air mattress in the guest room. Yale and Harvard are on the floor of the guest room in the sleeping bags and Omaha decided to sleep in the hallway. Hangman’s on the recliner in the living room, I think.” 
“I still can’t believe I let you put a couch in your room when you were 15.” He said, shaking his head. 
“Oh, it’s a loveseat anyways, let it go.” He laughed at that as he settled against the counter as well. 
“Anyways, listen, I’m gonna head out to the hangar for the next few weeks. I think Rooster is gonna join us as well. So, unless you’ve got some grand plans for leave I don’t know about...” His daughter shook her head.
“Can I just meet you out there? I promised Coyote I’d take him to the airport.” Maverick nodded.
“Sure, sounds good kiddo. Speaking of-”
“No, I already know where you’re going with this. There’s nothing going on between me and Coyote.” Mav narrowed his eyes at his daughter. 
“I wouldn’t get you in trouble if you were. He’s a good kid.” 
“Dad, I swear on Iceman’s life that Coyote and I have not nor ever will be romantically or sexually involved. We are just good ol’ platonic besties.” He cringed slightly at the implication of the words but nodded. 
“I just wouldn’t be mad, that’s all. I like him, and you could do worse.” She shook her head. 
“No, we’ve been tight since The Incident, but just friends.” She gave a half laugh and shook her head. “I never told him this, not that it would mean much to him, but I realized a couple days before we got the re-assignment order that he was my Goose.” He took in a sharp breath at her words, flashing back to the memories of the days he flew with his best friend. 
“I’m glad you have a Goose.” He whispered and she nodded, a faraway look in her eyes. 
“Yeah, me too.” A silence settled between them as they took in the quietness of the house. He cleared his throat finally.
“Anyways, what’s going on with you and Rooster these days?” She shrugged. 
“Hell if I know.” She said and he smirked at her. “What?”
“You have a thing for him.” She spluttered, gaping at him. 
“No, I don’t! You come off that because Coyote won’t let it go either.” Maverick shrugged. 
“Whatever you say kiddo. But you should probably talk to him while we’re at the hangar. The two of you have a lot to discuss.”
“No, the two of you have a lot to discuss. I’ve got nothing left to say to him.”
“I’m going to bed.” 
He woke up to chatter and music coming from the kitchen and... was that bacon? He shifted up slightly, groaning once again at the ache of his injuries. They could’ve been worse but he was getting too old to keep doing this. He rolled out of the bed and opened the door, realizing it was in fact bacon he’d smelled. He wandered out to the kitchen, silently laughing at the figure of Hangman still sleeping. And then- 
He took in the sight of the kitchen counter covered in fruit, cinnamon rolls, pastries, donuts, different beverages and the squadron crowded around. His gaze moved along to Coyote and (Y/N), who were cooking. He took in the eggs, bacon, two types of sausage, three different kids of potatoes, pancakes and waffles, that were all being cooked. “What in the world?” He muttered and Bob looked up at him. 
“I don’t know, we all woke up to them cooking and they wouldn’t let us help.” Rebel caught sight of him and smiled. 
“Hey Dad, you woke up just in time. Food’s just about ready and then we were going to take it out to the patio and sit out there.” He nodded dumbly, trying to take in the fact that his kid was now some sort of chef. Or at least, Coyote was. He wasn’t sure how much she’d helped. 
“The hell’s this?” Hangman sleepily mumbled from behind him. “This what the two of you were doing at the store last night?” The pair nodded as they finished plating everything. He watched as his daughter began again delegating people to taking things outside to their patio area. She wasn’t a natural-born leader, but Ice had done a pretty good job of turning her into one. 
“In the kitchen.” He called back, hearing his daughter come through the front door. Rooster paused slightly while eating, hearing (Y/N) too. She appeared in the doorway. 
“Mmm, smells good.” She said, and he looked down at the pasta he had made. It had actually been a dish she opted for a lot during high school and it was simple, but he was tired and feeling nostalgic for the days when his kids were much younger. 
“How was the drive?” He asked as she grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet. He was surprised she remembered her way around this place with such ease, not sure when the last time she’d been here had been. He glanced over at Rooster, who looked mildly nervous. “It’ll be fine.” He mouthed and Rooster nodded slowly, looking back down at his food.
“Good. Quiet. I realized on the drive out here this is the longest in two years Coyote and I will have gone without seeing each other. Just a tad weird.” She said, emotion coloring her tone as she grabbed food and sat down in the chair next to Rooster, opposite him. 
“You and Coyote are pretty close huh?” Rooster asked, an awkward attempt at making conversation. She nodded. 
“Yeah, kind of the equivalent of you and Phoenix.” 
“But you’ve been getting to fly together for the last two years.” She nodded. Maverick had to admit that this sight in front of him was odd. For the time in years, his kids were together and things were awkward. They’d never been awkward between Bradley and (Y/N). 
“How’s the Golden Warriors?” She asked and Rooster half-shrugged.
“Not too bad.” She nodded again, clearly at a loss for continuing the conversation. Mav cleared his throat and they both looked at him. 
“Why don’t you both come out to the hangar? I’ve got some stuff I want to show the both of you.” Rooster nodded and (Y/N) sighed. 
“Fine, but I’m bringing my dinner.” Rooster chuckled and he laughed. 
“I’d expect nothing less from you kiddo.” They walked the short distance out to the hangar and he held open the side door as the two walked in. He gestured to the small side table as he moved further back to some boxes. He heard the scraping of chairs and he went for the box he knew had the things he’d been looking for. He pulled out two envelopes and turned back to Bradley and (Y/N). He set the respective letters down in front of their owners, each name in a different set of handwriting. Bradley’s name was in Carole’s, (Y/N)’s was in Natalie’s. They both looked up at him and he cleared his throat. “Bradley, your Mom left that for you when she died. She said I’d know when was the right time to give it to you and I guess that’s now. (Y/N), the night your Mom left, she handed me that. I think she had it written for a while before she did finally leave. I’ve debated all these years on giving it to you but I don’t see why you shouldn’t have it.” The pair cautiously picked up the envelopes and then glanced at each other. They opened the envelopes and slowly began reading. He wasn’t sure what Natalie’s said, but he watched as his daughter became very more visibly upset. Not more than two minutes later, she was dropping the letter on the table, turning on her heel and headed back towards the house, dinner long forgotten. 
He and Rooster had had a long conversation in the hangar, a necessary one. The one they’d been avoiding for years and one that had mended their relationship and brought them both closure. He was very aware his daughter was somewhere in the house upset, but he’d also known his daughter to need to be alone when she was like this. It wasn’t often the subject of her mother got brought up and she was always very quick to shut it down. He paused in the hallway, seeing Rooster wander over to the couch where she was sitting, lights completely off. He elected to turn to his bedroom instead, letting them have a much needed talk.
He awoke this next morning and meandered out to the kitchen in search of food. He was greeted with the sight of Rooster sitting alone at the kitchen counter, quietly eating cereal. “Hey Brad.”
“Hey Maverick.” There was something in his voice that caused him to turn, mildly concerned. He took Roster in and he sighed, setting his spoon down. “She’s gone.”
The sound of keys opening the door to the house in San Diego alerted him that his daughter was back, from where, he wasn’t sure. It was almost 10 pm, this being their last day of leave, and he hadn’t seen her since she’d left the hangar the first night. He had been back a few hours but had elected to stay in the living room, waiting for her to come home. To ensure she was okay. He turned from the TV show he wasn’t really watching to take her in. She seemed to be doing okay. “Hey kiddo.” He said and she turned from where she was trying to disappear down the hallway. 
“Oh, hey.”
“Where’ve you been?” 
“Picking Coyote up from the airport. His flight was late.” He nodded, muting the TV and nodding his head towards the seat next to him on the couch. 
“Sit down, we need to talk.” She didn’t move from her position, leaned up against the frame of the hallway. 
“You gonna lecture your grown adult daughter for leaving?” Her voice was slightly hostile and he took a deep breath, knowing she was looking for an argument. He wasn’t sure what she was angry about but he could guess. 
“No, but I would like to know why.” She huffed.
“You and Rooster had some stuff to figure out. Didn’t me there for that.”
“Yes, but you and Rooster also have some things you need to figure out as well.” She rolled her eyes.
“No, we don’t.” He gave his daughter a careful look. 
“This has nothing to do with Rooster and everything to do with the mission, doesn’t it?” She shook her head. 
“Just let it go Dad.”
“No, I won’t let it go.”
“Dad, you can’t fix everything!”
“I know that, but I’ll be damned if I don’t try to fix what happened between my kids.”
“And why should I fix anything with him? Huh, he’s the one who-”
“Carole is the one who asked me to pull Bradley’s papers.” She stopped, staring at him. She blinked once, and then twice. “And I made a mistake by not telling you what I did and by not telling him why I did what I did. So, please let me fix this.” She turned away from him that, slamming her bedroom door behind her. 
He wandered into the classroom, trying to discreetly search for his kid. Bradley was already here with Phoenix and Bob. “Hey Mav.” Phoenix called and he raised a hand in greeting. 
“Hey Mav, is Rebel with you?” Bradley asked and he shook his head. 
“No, she was gone this morning when I got up.” Bradley nodded, seemingly lost in thought. He didn’t miss the way Bob and Phoenix exchanged a look. He stood at the front of the classroom, patiently waiting as the rest of the team filtered in. Finally a few minutes before they were due to start, he heard Coyote’s voice coming down the hallway. He felt relieved knowing his kid was just with her best friend. But as the door opened, he realized it was only Coyote and Hangman, no (Y/N). 
“Hey Coyote. Hangman.” Payback greeted. “Rebel with you?” Coyote shook his head. 
“Maybe she got so sick of your shit Hangman, that she went back to the Green Vipers.” Fanboy teased and Coyote snorted in disbelief. 
“That’ll be a cold day in hell.” Maverick glanced curiously at Coyote, wondering why his daughter disliked her squadron so much, she wouldn’t want to go back that bad. Coyote and Hangman took their seats, all too aware that their debriefing would start in matter of moments. And then, there was the sound of boots hurrying on the tile and his daughter slipping into her seat next to Coyote. He watched as different members of her squadron threw her varying glances as Cyclone called everyone to attention. He shook off the annoyance and concern directed at his daughter, and mustered up a smile. These were his kids now, and they were all his priority. Bring them home alive, remember? 
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sailorsolar12 · 2 years
Beach Days Part 3 - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x FemMitchellOC
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Here is Part 3 of Beach Days. I am not sure how many parts this is going to be, but I know based on how I write, I will make it at least three.
Part 1, Part 2
Rating: T+
Words: 2.0k
Warning: Some agnst, fluff, screaming, swearing, tears, overprotective fathers, little bit of an age gap (11 years), and Hangman being Hangman.
Summary: As the daughter of Pete Mitchell and Penny Benjamin, Lily - nicknamed Sunshine by the pilots of Top Gun- had grown up with Bradley Bradshaw. She had admired him when she was a child, but now she didn’t know if she hated him or loved him after blaming her for what her father did when he pulled Bradley’s papers. A day at the beach changes the perspective of a lot of people while Lily’s father tries to train the pilots called back to Top Gun to be a team.
Sunshine sat nervously in Bradley's Bronco and kept looking out of the window and not at him. She didn't know how to talk to him anymore. They had spent so much time apart and not speaking to each other that she had no idea if he still liked the same things, had the same hobbies, etc. The brown haired, green eyed woman looked up as Bradley parked in front of her small house. She swallowed feeling her nerves twist her inside to knots and make her hands sweaty. Why was she so nervous? Could her mother have been right? Could the crush she had had on Bradley as a child turned into something she never realized before? She slowly got out and took her house keys out of her purse. She needed to have this conversation with him to make him understand he can't just apologize to her and expect everything to be okay.
Sunshine turned to Bradley as they arrived at her front door. She motioned to the shoe rack. "Put your shoes there. There are new slippers inside the closet to the right as soon as you walk in. Are you still a size 9?" The brunette watched Bradley for a moment as he went wide eyed before nodding and taking off his shoes like she asked him too. Sunshine opened the front door and the closet door getting her slippers out and putting her jacket away before letting Bradley do the same. A soft curse left her lips as she heard the sound of small patters. Within seconds, a beautiful white and light tan husky ran around the corner with a derpy smile on its face while its blue eyes shined in excitement at seeing her. "Uh oh," Sunshine said as she was tackled and covered in kisses and licks and slobber.
Bradley blinked and looked down seeing Lily on the floor with a husky on top of her. He bit the inside of his cheek trying to hold back his laughter but failed miserably as he snorted before it turned into full blown laughter at what was happening. He held his stomach and leaned against the closed front door trying to keep himself upright before a sudden yelp escaped his throat, and Lily's husky set their sights on him and tackled him...jumping up whining and kissing him cause the dog was excited to see a new person in its owner's home. He narrowed his eyes hearing Lily giggle at his misfortune.
Lily smiled seeing her husky - whom she had affectionately named Ahsoka Tano - not have a care in the world as she gave Bradley kisses and affection. The brunette smiled and got up off the floor and went to where the sliding glass door was to the small backyard she had and opened it to keep an eye on Ahsoka even though the pup used the built in doggy door to go to the bathroom throughout the day. She turned and busied herself with making sure the self feeding bowl and the water containers were filled. Once she finished, the brunette looked at Bradley and murmured, "Are you...um are you hungry? Or thirsty? I think I have some leftover wine or beers." Lily sounded as if she was trying to stall even if she was being a good hostess. She stopped talking as Bradley caught her hands to calm her down...which was a habit he had done for her since they were younger.
Bradley smiled gently as he caught Lily's hands to stop her from rambling and to stop her hands from shaking. "You don't have to make me anything Lily. I meant what I said earlier. I am so sorry for blaming you for what Mav did," he said softly, gazing down at her. She was still much shorter than him, and he found it amusing. His green eyes gazed into her own before he looked down at her hands and lightly let them go feeling sad at the loss of contact. The Pilot saw an unknown emotion in her eyes and could tell she seemed a little skeptical at his apology after all these years. "He told me not to blame you. He told me about the hell you put him through once you had found out about what he did with my papers. I...God I was just so angry at what he did to me and took all of it out on you because...because you were an easier target than going after Mav," he gushed, spilling his heart out to her as he turned away while closing his eyes and sighing.
Lily's eyes quickly filled with tears as her face twisted slightly. "I was an easier target?! I was easier to take your anger out on than my father - who was the one who wronged you in the first place!! That is unacceptable Bradley. You-you can't just apologize after all these years and expect me to fall at your feet! I am not a little girl anymore Bradshaw-!"
"What else am I supposed to fucking say?!" Bradley exclaimed as he turned to her, blowing up on her just like he had all those years ago. "What could I possibly fucking say or even do, Lils! I know you aren't a little girl anymore. God knows that I just now fucking realized how gorgeous you really fucking are!!" He panted softly, gazing down at her before going wide eyed as the words he said sunk into his brain. He stepped closer to her, lowering his voice. "I didn't mean to say all that shit, Lily. I never wanted to hurt you the way I did. You know full well, I never intentionally hurt you like some kind of damn idiot. I was blinded by my anger and rage and hurt like a fool." Bradley brought his hand up and lightly stroked one of Lily's cheeks with his index finger. "I missed you so damn much, Lily. I miss all the nights we would stay up without Mav knowing and watching movies. I miss talking to you. I want to have that again with you. I want my best friend back," he murmured gently.
Lily felt her throat tighten as she tried her best not to let her tears slip from her eyes. She looked up at him processing everything that he was saying to her and knew he wasn't lying, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to open her walls. She had heard his comment about her looks and felt slightly giddy at the thought of him liking her the same way she just realized she liked him. The brunette leaned into his finger lightly and murmured, "You hurt me so much Bradley. I cried almost every night for two years before I finally became numb to the pain. I...I want my best friend back too, Brad...We have both changed so much since you left, and I don't know how we would even be able to be best friends. A-And what's worse is I am almost one hundred percent positive that I don't just want you as my best friend anymore, Brad, because I...I..." Her green eyes widened for a moment in shock as Bradley leaned his head down closer to hers, and she felt a soft pressure on her lips almost as if he was hesitant and not knowing if she was okay with this. Lily felt a soft sound at the back of her throat form as she let her eyes flutter shut while she slowly returned the kiss. Time seemed to stand still for them as they kissed for the first time, and Lily had never felt happier. In fact, she - for some reason - felt like a giddy school girl confessing to her crush.
Bradley relished in the long moment as he kissed her before slowly pulling away and gazing down at her. A soft smile crossed his lips as he watched her pout at the loss of warmth. She tasted exactly like he had imagined...cherries, the sun, and a hint of motor oil from her working on planes with her father. "I care about you," he whispered lightly.
Lily giggled suddenly as she smiled and nuzzled his hand that had come up to hold her face. He was warm and calming to her. "I care about you too, Bradshaw," she whispered lightly in a teasing manner. She pulled away and pulled out the wine that she had while using her phone to turn her TV on. A smirk crossed her lips as she motioned to the cabinet with her popcorn in it. "Disney movies?" she asked lightly as they used to watch Disney Movies so often when they were younger. At his nod, they started a Disney Movie marathon well into the night while falling asleep and cuddling on the couch.
*The Next Morning*
Lily woke up in her bed confused and slightly disoriented. She swallowed thickly while looking around and saw a note next to a glass of water. The brunette opened the note seeing Bradley's familiar handwriting.
Good Morning Beautiful,
Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I had to report early for another day of training. I am not sure what time we are going to be done, but would it be okay if we maybe took a walk on the beach tonight just the two of us?
P.S. Sorry Lils, but you are out of milk now...and cereal.
Lily smiled and shook her head at the note while rolling her eyes. Bradley was always like that with food. She bit her lip before getting out of bed and lightly scratched Ahsoka's head when her dog perked up from her spot on the bed. The 27 year old bit her lip as she went to her kitchen to make sure her dog's food and water were full before starting on her own breakfast of yogurt, granola, and fruit.
*Meanwhile on Base*
Bradley's head snapped to Jake's as he heard what the pilot said about Lily. "What the fuck did you just say?" he snapped interrupting the lesson Maverick was giving them.
Jake smirked and raised an eyebrow at Rooster. "What? Sunshine is single and quite beautiful. I highly doubt she'd go for someone who apparently broke her heart. What'd you do, huh? Was she an easy lay?" He was very clearly trying egg Bradley on. "I mean it must not help that your old man flew with our great Captain," he quipped.
Bradley's eyes widened as rage coursed through him and he bolted from his seat lunging at Hangman with the intent to kill. He vaguely felt Maverick, Phoenix, and Bob grabbing him to pull him away. He had a slightly wild look in his eye as he stared at Hangman. His green eyes went to Maverick who looked about ready to rip Hangman a new one because he spoke about Lily in a way that a father would never appreciate. He pointed at Jake. "Don't ever talk about Lily like that," he snapped and pulled away from Maverick, phoenix, and Bob before storming away and out of the classroom. He panted heavily trying to calm himself down. The pilot felt his phone vibrate suddenly, and when he pulled his phone out, he saw a text message from Lily.
*Thank you for last night, Brad. Plus, a walk sounds lovely.*
Bradley felt his shoulders relax slightly as he looked at his phone. A small smile crossed his lips as he chuckled to himself.
*Sorry again about the cereal and the milk.*
*You owe me for those.*
*I'll buy you more tonight.*
*I'll hold you to that Roose*
Bradley smiled at his phone feeling a lot better than he had a minute ago. He looked up seeing Mav with an eyebrow raised. "What?" he asked lightly.
"Is that Lily?" Pete asked softly.
"Yeah...We um...things went well last night. We were able to work through a lot of things," Bradley said lightly. "We were going to be meeting up again tonight," he whispered.
Pete watched him and frowned slightly. "Don't hurt her again, Bradley. Please. That is all I ask."
"I won't."
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worldofheroes · 8 months
pete “maverick” mitchell x fem!reader
summary: you take a shower in Maverick’s office bathroom and something unexpected (but welcomed) happens.
warnings: 18+, language, unprotected sex
wc: 968
a/n: based on this request! oh my this is… something else 😅🥵😍
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“Okay, y/c/s, that’s enough. It’s late. Head back to the tarmac,” Maverick says over comms.
“One more run?” you ask.
“No, Lieutenant. Land your plane, that’s an order.”
“Yes sir,” you mutter, turning your plane around.
After you land, you go through your post-flight checklist.
“Y/c/s,” Maverick calls out.
You stop and slightly turn your head.
“You’re doing great, you know that, right?” Maverick asks.
“I can do better.”
“Stop being so hard on yourself, y/n,” Maverick whispers.
“No promises,” you mutter.
Silence falls between the two of you.
“Listen, I just want to shower and head home,” you say. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“The showers are on the other side of base,” Maverick states.
“Yeah, I know?” You furrow your brow.
“My office is right over here. Has its own bathroom. I’d rather you use that one than head across base at this hour.”
“Mav, it’s a military base, I’ll be fine.”
“Please,” Maverick says.
You pause, weighing your options. If you just go with him to his office, you’ll get home faster.
“Fine,” you sigh. “Lead the way.”
Maverick nods and heads towards his office. You follow a few yards behind him.
“The bathroom’s through there,” Maverick says awkwardly, motioning towards the door.
“Thanks,” you mumble.
You push the door closed, but it doesn’t close all the way, which you don’t notice.
You start to get ready for your shower, taking your hair down, brushing it, turning the shower on, and you start to undress.
After you pull your shirt off, you look in the mirror and make eye contact with Maverick, who’s watching you.
He looks away. You open the door a couple inches more.
His eyes meet yours again in the mirror. You pull your sports bra off, leaving you now topless in front of your instructor.
Maverick steps inside the bathroom, closing the door completely behind him. He moves closer to you.
Your breath hitches in your chest. Maverick pushes your hair back out of your face.
You start to pull his shirt off, and he helps you, tossing it on the floor.
His hands slide down the sides of your body, and start to undo your pants. Your hands also make their way down his body, doing the same.
The two of you pause there, studying each other.
You step out of your underwear, and Maverick follows your lead.
A whimper escapes you. Maverick closes the space between you, and his lips land on yours. A hand caresses your face.
“Maverick,” you whisper.
“You’re beautiful,” he tells you, kissing you again.
“I need to shower,” you tell him softly.
He nods, moving his hand away from you.
You step in the shower, and shortly after, Maverick joins you.
Without realizing, you move closer to Maverick and wrap your arms around him, letting the water fall on the two of you.
You think you hear Maverick moan.
He kisses you again, pressing himself against you, and you can feel his hardening cock.
“Mav,” you whisper.
“You can’t blame me,” he says with a small smirk.
You smile slightly at the light-hearted comment. Your hand slides down his torso, and you wrap your fingers around his cock.
There’s no guessing that a moan comes from Maverick this time.
“Shit,” he mumbles.
“Do you want..?” You trail off of your sentence.
Maverick nods. “Can I?”
You nod.
Maverick gently pushes you against the tile of the shower. You gasp at the sudden coldness against your bare back.
He grabs one of your legs and lifts it up, holding on. Maverick presses the head of his cock against your center.
“Oh,” you moan. “Please,” you beg.
Maverick pushes into you.
You both moan in pleasure as he works you open.
“Fuck, Pete,” you say, throwing your head back.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he says, kissing your neck.
“You like it when I call you Pete?” you ask in a slightly teasing tone.
“Fuck yes,” he groans, burying his face into your neck.
“Then fuck me harder, Pete,” you say.
“Shit, yes ma’am,” Maverick practically growls as he thrusts harder into you.
You try to keep your moans quiet, but Maverick’s cock is hitting you just right.
“That’s it,” he encourages you.
“Oh, Mav,” you cry. “I’m gonna.. I’m gonna come.”
“Shit,” he mutters. “Where can I?”
“Fuck,” you moan. “I want your cum filling me.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, Pete, I want you to fill me.”
“Shit,” he mutters again.
His pace quickens even further, and you feel yourself reaching that edge.
A few more thrusts and you come undone, moaning in pleasure as Maverick reaches his orgasm moments later, cursing and saying your name.
When you both come down from your highs, Maverick kisses you, hard. He releases your leg from his grasp and you push your body against his.
“What are we going to do now?” you whisper.
“Haven’t thought about it yet,” Maverick replies, sucking on your neck.
“Mav,” you lightly scold him. “I don’t want any marks.”
“Mm,” he hums against you, now kissing your collarbone.
“Mav, seriously,” you tell him, pushing him away.
Maverick sighs. “I don’t know, y/n,” he mutters, not making eye contact.
The two of you stand in the shower in silence, the only noise being the running water.
“I still need to shower,” you mumble, looking away from your instructor.
“I’ll leave you be and try to think of something,” he says.
You nod.
Maverick leans in and pauses for just a moment before he kisses you again, this time softer and more delicate.
“I don’t think we made a mistake,” Maverick says as he steps out of the shower.
“I don’t know, Mav.”
“We’ll figure it out.”
You close your eyes, letting the water run down your body as you try to think of what to do next.
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Perfect rings
Based on this idea with the ring from Purple Hearts.
The one where Hangman makes sure everyone knows you’re his with the perfect rings.
Roosters version Young Maverick versio
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There were three things Jake Seresin was sure of
1. He was the best damn aviator in the navy
2. He was hot shit
3. You were his
No ifs and or buts about it, if you were at home he’d leave out one of his shirts from his top gun graduation for you to wear. He’d moan and dramatically fall back on the couch pulling you with him everytime he saw his last name sitting proudly against your chest.
It was a busy Saturday night at the hard deck Jake kept you tucked closely to his side rubbing his thumb against your hip. everyone knew not to approach Hangman’s girl at last they face his wrath. Nothing set him off like a man touching what was his.
“I’m going to go get another drink.” You spoke leaning up pressing a quick kiss to his jaw. Immediately taking his attention away from the game off pool. “I’ll get it darlin, stay here.” Phoenix rolled her eyes at his antics, with a fond smile loving seeing the cocky pilot turn into a softy for you. Pushing yourself out of his grip before he could leave. “I think I’ll survive for a few minutes.” Laughing at his pout you made your way to the bar, Jake watching from the corner of his eye, flipping off the laughing pilots behind him.
You hadn’t been at the bar waiting for more than two minutes before someone took the barstool next to you, shooting you a what was probably an attempt at a charming smile. “Hello beautiful, the names Rick.” You politely smiled shaping his outstretched hand mentally hurrying Penny. You know the saying ‘going from zero to a hundred’ well Your pilot counterpart idles at 70, and you knew if he saw the young sailor he’d flip.
Hangman who was indeed watching the overly confident sailor put a hand on your back moved to take a step in your direction. Getting pulled back by Rooster.
“She’s got it man look.” Nodding his head back In your direction, hangman’s eyes followed. He saw you shake your head and point over your shoulder to where you left Jake, who was glaring daggers at the man. You couldnt help but shake your head fondly as you made your way back over to your bristled boyfriend.
“Easy soldier, at ease.” You laughed wrapping your arms around his neck directing his attention back to you. His green eyes lit up at your laugh. “You make a friend?” The caveman in him spoke before he could stop it. You ran your fringes through the short hair ay the nape of his neck. “No, I told him i had a very scary boyfriend that could drop a missel on his house from his fighter jet.”
“Good girl” Jake calmed, chuckling as he took one hand from your hip and pulled off his dogtags and draped them around your neck, something he did everytime he felt someone got to close. “Rooster watch my girl, I’ll be back.” Whispering that last part against the your forehead giving it a peck before he walked off. Rooster swooped in before you could see where he was heading.
“Come on, its your turn.” You took the outstretched pool cue and quickly got distracted with Bob and Phoenix, while Rooster shook his head watching Hangman and a few other pilots throwing out the sailor. “Softy.”
Not to long after you felt arms wrap around your waist pulling you back into a warm chest. “Ready to get out of here?”
“Honey I’m home!” Jakes southern accent echoed throughout the house his smile widening finding you in the kitchen. “Hey, honey.” You mocked his earlier words. Pulling him down to meet your lips by the chain around his neck. He hummed against your lips pulling you closer into him.
“Just put dinner in the oven go take a shower and we can watch a movie while we wait.” You breathed noses rubbing against each others. As he nodded, pulling your left hand to his mouth pressing one last kiss your ring, “Yes ma’am, love ya.” He winked before following orders.
And that’s why when he knew he wanted to marry you he went and got the biggest diamond they had in the store, makes a statement on your pretty little hand that your taken care of, but even then he felt it wasn’t enough didn’t scream His like he wanted. Then it hit him, stumbling out of the shower, barley having time to pull on grey sweats in his haste to the garage, rushing right past you.
Taking the necessary tools from his took set he stripped the still dripping chain off his neck. If anything would scream you belonged to him it was this. Quickly connecting the chain back together making a small loop he wondered back into the living room head held high.
“Uh hi?” You laughed despite your confusion seeing a damp shirtless Jake standing over you, a cocky smile on his face as he dropped down on one knee, grabbing your hand. “Still wanna be my forever girl?” He asked.
You wordlessly nodded not knowing where he was going with this until he pushed the chain ring on you finger settling it righ next to the diamond. Jumping up to join you on the couch, man handling you to lay in front of him as he pulled you close mindlessly playing with your ring finger loving his new addition.
“You are the most possessive man I’ve ever met.” You laughed feeling his chest rumble behind you, “And you’re stuck with me forever sweetness.”
Hey hope you guys liked it hangman was one of my favorites from the movie I’d you liked it check our Roosters version young Mavericks version is coming soon
Top gun Masterlist REQUEST ARE OPEN
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crazyk-imagine · 4 months
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Master List
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I Wish... You Nothing but the Best // Ao3: I Wish... You Nothing but the Best
Summary: You knew the way he was, how he is with relationships but, there was some part of you that wished this one, yours would be different. Only, seeing the truth before your eyes makes you realize that this relationship was coming to an unfortunate end. You’re so lucky to have the friends that you do and to know you have their support makes this a little... easier? Pete never wanted for your relationship to end like this, but he also shouldn’t have slept with his Top Gun instructor if he liked you so much. And the years went by, friends sadly passed; yet somehow, you still managed to find that damn familiar smirk at a bar your godson enjoys. As they say, time goes on, hearts heal but they never mention anything about closure. 
Hotel: Spin Off // Ao3: Hotel: Spin Off
Summary: A snippet from the Top Gun: Crack series. Goes further and farther from the first short fic in the series titled, "Hotel". You, Charlotte, and Carole were not expecting a normal day to turn into a chaotic one all because of a phone call from your husband.
You die while they’re Working // Ao3: You die while they’re Working
Summary: This is a brief headcanon about how they feel, who told them, and could include the aftermath of how they feel. Includes all of the Maverick generation kids. 
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callsign-phoenix · 6 months
I wrote this as a part of my 12 days of ficmas, I hope you like it!
It is a Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x gn!reader imagine.
The prompt is Snow.
Warnings: cursing
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Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell had always been a player, and you didn’t take him seriously because of it.
He was so gorgeous and fun and entirely daring, but sadly too freedom-loving for your taste.
You were crushing on Pete and you were upset about it, because Pete didn’t do relationships.
It made you so sad to see Pete go from one night stand to one night stand without even beating an eye, while you were pining after him in secret.
After a while of being friends Pete slowly started to behave peculiarly, his hands lingering on your body more and more often and as well as his gaze, and once in a while throwing a flirty comment in your direction.
It wasn’t exactly what you expected from your friendship, so you simply ignored the approaches you deemed a joke.
He was flirty with almost every person he met so as much as you wanted him to be honest about his flirtations you didn’t think he was, as much as it pained you.
Over time your friendship blossomed and you saw each other more and more often.
He seemed to be spending less time on nights out with different people.
You didn’t want to get your hopes up so you ignored your feelings, even when he asked you to go to a Navy ball with him.
You agreed happily but had to talk yourself into actually going, believing that he couldn’t feel the way about you that you were feeling about him.
The ball was gorgeous, the environment beautiful and Pete looked so handsome in his suit.
Your breath caught the moment he asked you to dance and you followed him onto the dance floor, your heart beating quicker than ever before.
His hands on your body made heat rise in your cheeks and you were too mesmerized by him to realize he was leaning, not until his lips were not even an inch away from your face.
The second realization struck you you pulled away as if you had been burnt, a shocked expression settling on your features before you turned around and hurriedly left the venue.
You heard Pete call after you but you continued to run until the cold winter air engulfed you, settling a comforting numbness inside you.
You were too emotional to realize Pete was coming up behind you, feeling his grip on your shoulder and pulling away, bringing a safe distance between you.
You were angry and hurt and just entirely dumbfounded that he was willing to risk your friendship for a short fling, and you knew your face said as much.
Nevertheless you felt the need to say so as well.
“Please Pete, just leave me the fuck alone! I’m not the type to just have a one night stand and be friends after, and if you respected me as a person and a friend you’d know that!” You exclaimed, shivering from the cold.
Pete’s grip on the coat he’d retrieved for you from the lobby tightened, and he took a few steps towards you.
You didn’t move away.
“I do respect you. I just don’t want to be just friends,” he replied softly.
You were entirely confused and angry, thinking that he hadn’t listened to a word you had said.
“I want to be with you, fully. I know I haven’t been the most reliable friend and most trustworthy person, but I want to be your partner and show you that I can change that. I just… I love you, which is really new for me,” he exclaimed, effectively shocking you to the core.
You were entirely speechless and in the silence that followed snow started to slowly fall from the sky.
It was like a fairytale, a love confession followed by something that was too romantic to seem real, and the first snow of the year held such a power.
You were so speechless and so utterly happy about it that you really needed a second, your eyes going up to the sky to marvel.
Pete’s did the same, so he didn’t notice when you stepped closer, until you were standing right in front of him.
When he looked back at you his eyes immediately got caught on your lips, and a small smile appeared on them.
He started smiling as well, and his eyelids fluttered in anticipation.
You were as breathless as him when he finally leaned in and connected your lips.
It was your Christmas miracle, having tamed Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell enough to want to be in a proper, monogamous relationship.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @bespinnn @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus
(please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist, or use this link)
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frost-queen · 3 months
It comes with perks (Reader x Jake 'Hangman' Seresin)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: When you need someone to be your fake boyfriend to get you out of a situation with your ex, Hangman is the closest guy you find. What needed to be a one time thing, turned out into a long term act of fake dating. Certainly now that your dad Iceman is involved in as well. Slowly the lines of fake dating fade as Hangman becomes obessed with you, a ray of sunshine. When your ex tries to get back in your life, Jake becomes protective, finally ending those unclear lines of fake dating.
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Phoenix and you entered Penny’s bar when your phone suddenly rang. Taking it out, the nametag on it made your eyes widen. You touched Phoenix on her shoulder, letting her know you needed a moment. She simply smiled, heading further into the bar to the booth were Bob, Coyote and Fanboy already were. The phone kept buzzing as you weren’t sure what to do. Panicking a bit as to say. You knew not picking up, would do nothing as he would just keep calling you.
Answering was even terrible, as you knew he’d say anything to get you to yield. Like a collective caller, kept he calling you. Looking around frantically, you spotted the first person at Penny’s bar. You rushed over to the bar, pulling Hangman back by his shoulder. – “Emergency, you’re my boyfriend.” – you breathed out, holding the phone out to him. Hangman smiled cocky. – “Well, well. If you were desperate for a kiss, you’d just had to ask Y/n.” – Hangman replied all smug to your annoyance.
“No. No! You’re not actually my boyfriend.” – you informed him hastily. Hangman furrowed his brows, frowning. – “Make up your mind girl.” – he let out confused to what was happening. You moved your phone higher up for him to notice. – “I need you to be my boyfriend and make him stop calling me!” – you called out almost frantically at how slow he was catching up.
“Right.” – He simply said, setting a beer down and taking your phone in his hand. He answered the phone, giving you a cheeky eyebrow wiggle. Hangman didn’t even listen to what the other person was saying on the phone. – “Listen bud, stop calling my girlfriend.” – he spoke through. He heard an immediate response. – “Uhm her boyfriend.” – Hangman answered, showing you a goofy look at how obvious it was who he was talking to.
The man kept blabbing in his ear as Hangman had little interest in keeping him on the phone. – “Stop calling us, bye.” – he spoke in such a manufactured voice, he could work in sales and be dealing with a terrible customer but still upholding his work voice. Hangman hung up, giving you the phone back. – “Thank you!” – you let out relieved, bending a bit through your knees out of gratitude. – “So what do I get in return?” – Hangman asked.
“This beer?” – you suggested, placing your hand on the counter by it. Hangman tsked his tongue. – “Already paid for it sunshine.” – he said with a chuckle. – “Fine.” – you breathed out. – “I’ll clean your locker.” – you took out another suggestion as Hangman thought. – “How about wash my clothes?” – he responded. – “Deal.” – you agreed it was just that. Hangman shook hands with you to seal the deal.
He picked up his beer, throwing his arm over your shoulder. – “Who was the dude anyways?” – he asked, leading you to the others. – “My ex.” – you sighed out. Hangman looked half in shock at you. – “I didn’t know you dated someone.” – he called out as you had to shush his loud voice. – “It was like 6 months ago.” – you informed him.
“And he’s still calling you?” – Hangman blurted out as you hummed with a nod as response. – “I can’t shake him off.” – you sighed out nearing the booth with your friends. – “Well good thing your boyfriend saved the day.” – Hangman winked with a ridiculous smile. – “Not my boyfriend.” – you reminded him before sitting down.
Back in the locker room, you were washing Hangman’s attire. Washing them by hand as he called them delicate and needed to be handled with care. – “Uhm what are you doing?” – Phoenix asked seeing you in the locker room as she had walked by. – “Are those Hangman’s clothing?” – she pointed out when you had pulled it up to see if it was clean enough, revealing his nametag. – “Phoenix!” – you called out startled, splashing some water as your arms lowered immediately. – “Why are you washing his clothes?” – she wanted to know. – “I owe it to him.” – you responded, scrubbing his pilot gear.
“You dared to bet with Hangman. Bold.” – she answered impressed. – “It’s not that.” – you told her with a soft sigh. – “He did something for me, so I have to return the favour.” – you explained. – “Right.” – Phoenix widened her eyes briefly in delight. – “If your dad could see you know.” – she chuckled a bit. – “He’d flip that you fell so low.” You grunted soft. – “Good thing my dad.” – you emphasized. – “Can’t see me.” – you replied bitsy. – “Ohh cold touch.” – Phoenix teased touching her own shoulder. You scooped up some water, splashing it at her to wipe that smile off her face.
Phoenix screamed, dodging away when the water came her way. Half laughing, you teasing her with another scoop as she already darted away. When you were finished up with Hangman’s uniforms, you hung them neatly to dry. You came out of the lockers, making your way out of the hangar when you got pulled aside by Rooster. He pushed you firm up against the wall. – “Are you dating Hangman?” – called out at the brink of losing his mind. – “What?” – you responded confused.
“Are you dating him?” – Rooster wanted to know with a stern look. – “What, no, no…” – you replied waving your hands across. Rooster exhaled deep moving his fingers through his hair. – “Who told you this?” – you asked curious. – “Hangman has been bragging to everyone he’s dating you.” – Rooster let you know. Your eyes widened with shock.
You pushed Rooster a bit back, to make some room for you to leave. You needed to find Hangman and you needed to find him now. Jogging out of the hangar into the open. You saw a group of people near the F16’s going over to them. The closer you got, the clearer you saw Hangman amongst them.
“Hangman!” – you shouted drawing his attention. – “Looks like my girlfriend needs me.” – he said to Fanboy and Coyote all smug. Coyote rolled with his eyes as Fanboy shook his head. Hangman turned round to you, welcoming you with a warm smile. – “Yes my love.” – he said as you grabbed him firmly by the arm, dragging him away from the others. – “So eager.” – Hangman whispered to his friends with a chuckle. You came to a stop, letting harshly go of him.
“What are you doing?” – you called out giving him a little shove. – “Au.” – Jake mouthed pretending to be hurt from your shove. – “Jake!” – you called out wanting an answer out of him. – “What?” – he replied loud, making himself taller. – “Why are you telling everyone we are dating?” – you freaked out. Jake scoffed loud, turning his head away. – “Are we not?” – he answered cocky, wanting to slip his arm over your shoulder. It made you puff annoyed, crossing your arms.
“Oh come on Y/n, don’t be such a baby about it.” – Jake said taking you by the elbow, wanting you to uncross your arms. – “It’s a joke, sunshine.” – he kept tugging at your arm, trying to be smooth and cool at the same time. – “Sunshine!” – you suddenly heard loud, making you straighten your back. Hangman’s back straightened as well. Cyclone appeared coming to you. – “Iceman wants to speak to you.” – he said firmly, making your shoulders slouch. Jake was snickering quietly at you with a little point. – “He asked for both of you!” – Cyclone made clear, making Jake’s smile drop.
You tugged on his elbow, pulling him with you. Following Cyclone inside and up the stairs to Iceman’s desk. Cyclone knocked on the door, before popping his head inside. – “They are present.” – he said to Iceman. Cyclone stepped aside, expression flat as he allowed you to walk in. – “Tell me, am I hanging?” – Jake whispered to Cyclone wanting to know his outcome. Cyclone ignored him, giving him an extra shove into the room. – “Dad!” – you said with mixed expectations, opening your arms to a hug.
Iceman got up from behind his desk, coming to hug you. – “How is my little girl?” – he asked. – “Flying and thriving.” – you told him, making him form a smile on his lips. His gaze then shifted to Jake, who swallowed nervously. Iceman got all serious. He went to sit again, gesturing for you to sit as well. Jake and you sat down, unsure what to expect. – “So you are the one dating my daughter.” – Iceman spoke. – “Dad no…” – you blurted out, waving your hands across.
Iceman observed Hangman closely as it made him move uncomfortable in the chair. – “How’s his flying?” – he asked. – “Superb… sir.” – Jake replied loudly, humbling himself immediately. Iceman glanced your way. You could only smile sheepishly at him. – “I’m a bit saddened you didn’t tell me Y/n.” – Iceman began. – “But he looks decent enough. As long as he doesn’t hurt you… or else…” – Iceman gave Hangman his death stare.
Jake swallowed again. – “Dad we’re not…” – you began wanting to explain as Jake grabbed your hand out of the blue. – “No, no sunshine, it’s okay. He knows now.” – Jake spoke upholding the image of dating. You stared confused at him, why he would even want to go on with his stupid joke. – “Jake, this is my dad.” – you said between clenched teeth to him. Making it clear that he didn’t need to mess around. – “I’m so happy for you Y/n.” – Iceman said cheery.
“The man’s happy Y/n, let him be.” – Jake said to guilt trip you. You sighed soft letting yourself fall back in the chair. Jake got up. – “Well it was nice of you to call us in, sir.” – Jake said, nudging you to get up as well. Your dad chuckled happily at his manners as you could only roll your eyes. Jake extended his hand out to Iceman. Iceman took it to shake. – “I’m not one for favours, but if you ever need one for my daughter.” – he whispered to Jake with a wink.
Jake breathed out a laugh of surprise, glancing your way. Just to rub his it more in your face. – “Now we must really go.” – Hangman spoke tapping your elbow, to get you to follow. – “Give her a kiss.” – Iceman replied. Jake’s expression dropped. – “S’cuse me?” – he blurted out. – “Give her a kiss.” – he repeated gesturing at you.
Jake looked sheepishly at you, chuckling nervously. – “Sir truly…” – Jake began wanting to talk his way out of it. – “I want to see just how much you care for my daughter.” – Iceman persisted. Hangman took your hand, pulling you closer to give a kiss on the cheek. – “Give her a real kiss!” – Iceman shouted out of good sports. Jake sighed loud with a soft drop of his gaze. You raised your eyebrow at him, curious to see what he would do. He took you by the elbow, pulling you even closer.
“Just a quick one.” – he whispered to you. – “One second.” – you responded. Hangman held his finger up to his lips, looking all smug. He lowered his finger, giving you a quick nod before he’d kiss you. Your lips touched for a split second, pulling away quick. Iceman shook his head with disappointment. – “We have to go dad!” – you called out, opening the door. Dragging Jake with you out of his office. Downstairs, you let go of Jake.
“Your joke just escalated Hangman. Now my dad knows!” – you called out panicking. – “Hey you asked me to be your boyfriend.” – Jake replied loud. – “For like a few seconds.” – you shouted back. – “You asked for this Y/n.” -  Jake answered loud taking off. – “Where are you going?” – you called out to him. Jake turned around, pulling his shoulders up. It made you groan loud.  
Phoenix and you were stretching before exercise. – “Boyfriend coming over.” – she pointed out, turning her torso, holding her arm by her elbow. You looked up seeing Hangman come over with the other boys. It made you look at her with a certain glance. Phoenix stopped, walking off when Hangman came near. She joined the others behind him. – “You know for a sunshine, you frown a lot.” – he pointed out, touching your forehead.
You slapped his hand away. He grabbed you by the shoulders, moving his head closer to you. – “Smile, your dad is going to watch.” – he whispered making you widen your eyes. Jake moved aside from you, throwing his arm over you as he led you to the others. Maverick, Cyclone and Iceman neared. You all followed Maverick to the beach for a match of rugby. A good team exercise Maverick would call it. Cyclone and Iceman sat down, watching the pathetic play of rugby.
Hangman and you were on opposite teams. Fanboy had the ball, throwing it at Coyote. Hangman jumped in front of him, catching the football before his eyes. He then ran with it to your side, throwing his hard on the ground. He called it out in victory, pointing towards Iceman. Iceman clapped for Hangman’s score. He then looked all smug at you. Phoenix nudged you as you rolled your eyes at him. Trying not to find it sweet. Rooster caught the ball wanting to throw it at you. You caught it, wanting to run when you got picked up from the ground. 
Hangman had picked you up, making you squeal loud out of surprise. Your feet hit the ground again, as he kept his arms around you. – “Try getting out of this now, sunshine.” – he breathed out. You wriggled in his grip for freedom. When you weren’t getting any, you tried running. Hangman laughed loud, squeezing his arms tighter around you. – “Where are you going sunshine?” – he laughed out. You tried so hard not to laugh as well, not to enjoy it too, but you failed.
You stopped trying to run, laughing loud. You tossed the football over to Bob. You showed him your empty hands, showing him his attempt to stop you failed. Hangman picked you up in response, making you squeal again. He then pressed a kiss on your cheek so quick, he barely caught himself doing it. You turned round in his embrace, staring a bit at him. Jake stared back at you.
Swallowing, he let go of you, scratching his neck sheepishly. You looked blissful away. The two of you hesitantly got back into the game, questioning whether you were actually starting to like each other or that it was the drive of fake dating for a while now.
After practise, you were all exhausted. Having been playing till the sun had set. Worn out, you all decided to grab a few drinks at Penny’s bar. You went up to her bar as Jake followed. Almost instinctively. You held four fingers up to Penny, ordering beer. Jake leaned with his elbows on the counter, throwing you a smug smile. Your phone vibrated in your pocket. Confused, you pulled it out holding it to the front. Jake’s eye fell on the caller, taking the phone from your hand before you could react.
He picked up, turning around to lean against the counter with his back. – “What do you want?” – he said bothered. Your ex didn’t even have to finish his sentence when Jake spoke again. – “Listen asshole, if you call her one more time. I’ll make sure you’ll never see daylight again. You won’t see me coming. I’ll fly above your house, aiming for your pathetic bedroom and you’ll be burned to crisps in a matter of seconds.” – Jake threatened making you stare in shock at him.
“She doesn’t want you cause I’m her boyfriend. She’s mine and let me tell you ass, I don’t like sharing.” – Jake said over the phone. – “This was your last call or you’re dead!” – he angrily hung up the phone. – “Thank… thank you…” – you said astonished by how hot that was. Jake tugged your phone in his pocket.
Penny arrived with the drinks as he took them, motioning with his head for you to follow. You slid into a booth with him as the others were waiting. Hangman threw an arm over your shoulder, pushing you closer to him. It made you feel like squealing. The lines of pretend and real blurring away. Jake caught you staring at him, melting as he saw you smile like the sun back at him. He moved his head closer to you, wanting to kiss you in that moment, but caught himself just in time.
He shifted his head to the side, kissing your cheek instead. It didn’t feel satisfying, but he wouldn’t dare himself to kiss you out of the blue with everyone around. Your friends were so used to the two of you dating, they hardly had any eye for it. Not clear it was all an act, started from a joke. After an hour or two, checked Jake his watch. – “I’m taking Y/n home.” – he said removing his arm from you. He got out of the booth, taking you with him.
You said goodbye to the others. Jake grabbed your hand, walking out of Penny’s bar with you. Outside he was still holding your hand as it made you snicker soft. – “No one’s watching Hangman.” – you told him. Hangman looked at you with eyes full of affection. – “I know.” – he responded, pausing you. – “Are we still faking it?” – he asked catching you by surprise. Unsure, you pulled your shoulders up. That seemed to answer Hangman enough as he cupped your cheeks, kissing your lips.
The kiss was long, anticipating the moment till he could finally kiss you. His tender kiss moved to longing and desperation as his hands grabbed you tightly. You kissed him back, fully surrendering under his spell. The lines of fake dating having been shattered long ago.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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IceMav x Reader
Reader is a pilot at Top Gun, the only female pilot and is putting up with a lot of bullying and teasing to the point where she wants to quit, but Ice and Mav stand by her and help her through the hard times.
A/n: I really do love this!!! I'm definitely going to need some pilot comfort today! NOTE: I'm sure most of these guys definitely weren't assholes like this and I love fics where they aren't but for the purpose of this fic, they have to be!!
Warnings: Misogyny, cursing
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You sat down to do your work, grinding your teeth as Wolfman chuckled. "Still trying to play with the big boys, Sparks?" He asked. You looked up at him and gave him a mocking smile, "I don't have to try. At least I made it as a pilot, Wolfman. Someone got stuck as a RIO, remember how much you wanted to be a pilot? Fell a little short huh?" You spit. He looked ready to kill you in that moment when Maverick and Iceman walked in. He walked away while glaring at you and you just went back to your work.
Tom and Pete sat next to you while Goose and Slider sat behind you three. "What was that about?" Tom asked. "Me "playing with the big boys" again. Fucking misogynistic males" you hissed under your breath. Pete placed a hand on your thigh to remind you where you were, if you flipped you could get kicked out of the program. You took a deep breath and squeezed his hand, "Sorry. I'm just going to go for a run. I finished my work" you told them. They nodded, that was the hint to join you in fifteen minutes to talk. It was hard enough to be a female in Top Gun in 1986, but even harder when your best friends are trying to hide a relationship with each other and you.
Times were changing but they were going too slow for your liking. All anyone at Top Gun knew was Tom and Pete were protective of you because you were their close/best friend with their RIOs, people thought they couldn't stand each other but it was more just competitiveness they had. Three pilots in a relationship would cause that.
You walked past Hollywood, he stick out his foot and tripped you but you caught yourself. He smirked at you and you leaned close, acting like you were about to say something before making it look like you would be sick, "God you stink, Hollywood! Maybe if you got laid for once, some feminine touch would rub off on you and you wouldn't stink up the room on everyone!" You laughed and walked away. You ducked the paper ball thrown at you and listened to everyone laugh at Hollywood, agreeing he stunk. Your chest was tight as you went through another round of bullying that was always looked over, after all many still believed women couldn't make it in the service.
You went back to your room, changed, and went for a run. You grabbed your walkman and favorite cassette tape before going out. You ran you favorite area, losing track of time as two people joined you, dressed appropriately for once. You took off the headphones and went to a secluded area. "I'm going to quit" you whispered, looking down at your hands. "What?" Pete asked you in shock. "I-" you started, feeling the tears you've been keeping down make there way up, "I'm so sick of being picked on, tripped, sabotaged, and watching my back" you said, you voice wavering with unshed tears. "I can't do it anymore, I feel like I am drowning!" You said, clasping your hands in your lap as you forced yourself to not cry.
"You can't quit sweetheart, you're so close. Think of all the woman you're patching the path for" Tom said, pulling you into a hug. "We're going to be here for you the whole time but please don't quit" Pete said. You nodded, knowing you had them and you could push through.
Over the next two weeks, Tom and Pete stood with you and you pushed harder then ever as the bullying increased and you began to pass them in numbers. You, Tom, and Pete were all tied and little did you know when Hollywood and Wolfman took the bullying too far one day, Iceman and Maverick had them pinned in the locker room while Goose and Slider stood watch. "Back off of Sparky. You'll regret it one day if you don't" Tom promised.
Although you didn't know it, your boyfriends were always going to protect you even when you could protect yourself.
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maybe you can write a little something about the dagger squad asking rockstar!reader what it was like being friends with Elvis Presley and meeting other legends within the music industry and what type of advice they gave her to help with her career.
You want more rockstar!reader, I’ll give you more rockstar!reader 🫡
Daughter Of Rock ‘N’ Roll | Pete Mitchell/TGM Imagine
I love writing for this pairing 🥹🫶🏼 thank you for your request and so sorry it’s taken me awhile to get this done!
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