#people dont see how theyre replicating harmful rhetoric when they pull this shit
atthebell · 6 months
#The man talks about how hot everyone is all the time and yall are like whatttt no hes joking #no hes not!!!! hes attracted to men!!! this should not be surprising! #sorry to harp on this like all day but like. this is my biggest pet peeve of all time and ive had a shit fucking week #im allowed to lampoon people who think queerness is a little bubble you have to put a stamp on your forehead to enter
You're so right and I never get tired of seeing your takes on this. Even now I still see people on twt saying "it could be a joke so don't take it too seriously" 😭
yeah to me it's like. if someone repeatedly implies to you that they are queer (or outright says it!!! ffs!) then you ought to believe them. stop assuming straight is the default. don't be a freak about it and expect a bunch of shit from them, roier is pretty tight-lipped about super personal stuff, but don't just assume he can't be queer unless he makes a multiparagraph statement on twitter or a whole coming out video.
i took this out of another post because i didn't want to go on too much about it, but personally ive always been bothered by the importance placed on coming out as a one-time hugely revealing event. it has never been the case for me, i think it muddies the waters of how queerness actually operates, and in terms of treating public figures with respect while still acknowledging their identities, it feels really shitty to insist that a bisexual man isn't actually bisexual unless you have a laundry list of proof, at which point he will still be doubted because people hate bisexuals. if a guy repeatedly talks about being into men and women and that's not enough for you, i don't know what to tell you. go hang out with more bisexuals, i guess.
but yeah like. idk i don't love the pressure people put on coming out, especially for public figures. and considering how many bi men in particular in the public eye have to continuously come out/get rewritten as anything else, it's just frustrating. hank green has come out like ten times since 2013!!! and only this year did people actually believe it and talk about it! and bi women get treated as a fetish or as secretly straight, because people cannot imagine bisexuality as anything beyond a phase or a transition point between being straight and monosexually gay. in the words of lani kaʻahumanu, bisexual and feminist activist, "bisexual is a whole, fluid identity" ("The Bisexual Manifesto," Anything That Moves, 1990). [if you're interested, you can find archives of Anything That Moves here]
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