#peaches geldof
mary-maud · 3 months
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Peaches Geldof and Alexa Chung
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thatbitchsimone · 10 months
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(2009) Pixie Geldof & Peaches Geldof
the pics are from Glastonbury 2009
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fashioinjunkiee · 1 year
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epellucid · 1 year
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marymccartneyphotos · 11 months
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Peaches Geldof
Photographed by Mary McCartney
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fauxreveur-young · 2 years
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noelsfielding · 9 months
I am so sorry to come to you with this but I am honestly lost and you are the closest reference I have about Noel Fielding, I am a BIG fan of Noel, have been for years, and with the Russell stuff comming up I have started getting a bunch of Tik Toks and some post about Noel also being a predator and dating minors, this is hugelly distressing for me as I have a deep an fixated Interest (I am hoping you undestand how that is) Do you know anything about this? Do any of the acusations hold water? I am so scared and worried, he has been a confort for me in very hard times and I must admit I am finding all of this very difficult to navegante
I have had to take a few days to digest all this information myself and I can't and won't tell anyone the right or wrong way to feel about this but I will say, here is where I am at...
I believe the victims of assault, whomever they accuse.
I have not seen any accusations of misconduct against Noel specifically, I have only seen his questionable relationship with Peaches Geldof resurface. This transpired over a decade ago.
I believe that people are capable of change and growth.
I believe that people who make mistakes should be held accountable for their mistakes.
I believe that Noel has had more than one friend who was and still is inappropriate with women, I am not under the impression Noel is that person any longer. I have no idea the extent of his knowledge of the inappropriate behaviour of the others.
Some might try to say OF COURSE he knew, but I had a friend in a band with a VERY BAD person and the whole band had ZERO idea because MOST people like that go to extensive lengths to hide their bad behaviour.
I can't comment on Russell at this time, I have not watched the expose myself but again, my instinct is to believe the victims first. I am disappointed to say the bare minimum.
I have also been recently disappointed with Richard Ayoade throwing his support for someone who is anti-trans. I understand some feel they can separate a person from their morality, but I struggle with that the older I get.
I want everyone to know that their complex feelings on this matter are valid. I am not a big subscriber to the concept of cancel culture, but I am a big proponent of accepting and owning responsibility and accountability and knowing that it is possible to love someone while also recognizing and not excusing their lesser behaviours.
We can talk more on this as things unfold, everyone is welcome to come into this post or inbox and share how they feel, all the feelings are valid and I don't want to see a single person attacking another for feeling differently. Everyone is going to have a myriad of feelings regarding this no matter what happens from this point on and even if we disagree, we should RESPECT.
At this time, the time of me penning this reply, I believe that Noel is a decent person. I think he's a grown man, partner and father and has moved away from a lot of the debauchery of his past, including his times with Russell. I think it's possible that as a 'friend' he turned a blind eye to things and may have even engaged in some inappropriate relationships in the past, but I don't believe that is who he is now. While I am of course disappointed in those things, I can also say there are many things from my life 10+ years ago I am disappointed in too, so I don't feel like I have the right to judge too harshly. I also know that what the press reports and what happens behind closed doors are not always the same and things can easily be blown out of proportion. But at the same time I also know if it walks and talks like a duck....
Feelings are complex, opinions as well. I hold many in my head at a time and I feel like, ultimately what I am trying to say is... I want to believe in the Noel I have come to adore over all these years. The one with great imagination, compassion for the underdogs, and the childlike spirit that makes us all feel so comfortable and safe.
I am very interested to see if he makes any comments in the coming weeks and I hope that I can stand by this statement as time passes. I love all my fieldmice and am here for you while you navigate your own feelings at this time.
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daydreamtofiction · 6 months
Hi ddtf! So i was wondering.. if you could cast anyone to play the characters in your fics who would you choose? I have completely fancasted TSNC and the feature in my head and would love to see how close I am to what you envision
Love you and your writing 🩵
Oh I love this question and am 100% about to give way more info than anyone wants or asked for.
F. Ben - BC obviously. But specifically for me it’s Sherlock era Ben (s2 to get even more specific). But I know there’s readers who imagine him completely differently which is really interesting.
Ellis - Margaret Qualley is who I’ve been picturing a lot while writing. But I could also see someone like Laura Harrier, Victoria Pedretti or Marine Vecth. They all have Ellis vibes to me.
Mara - Kate Beckinsale. Or maybe Emily blunt, or Zawe Ashton. Oooh imagine Zawe Ashton and Laura Harrier playing sisters *chef’s kiss*
Alfie - James Norton
Gina - Suki Waterhouse, but with that rich party girl aesthetic of a 2012 Peaches Geldof
I haven’t really put much thought into any characters beyond these 5.
The feature
Ben - sexy QUEUE photoshoot Ben obv
Quinn - totally undecided, but I do find myself picturing Mara Lafontan a lot when writing Quinn (even though she’s not an actor). Only difference is I imagine Quinn having collarbone length hair with lots of layers, very 90s inspired.
Nick - Robert Sheehan
Lacey - Simone Ashley
Faye - Elizabeth Mitchell
Dan - Iwan Rheon
Ellen Ford - Helen Mirren
But honestly when it comes to the main characters in these fics (the reader), I purposely try to avoid physical descriptions as much as possible. Though I don’t doubt I probably haven’t done it perfectly, my main goal is for anyone to be able to read my stories and identify in some way or another with the reader, regardless of physical features, race, ethnicity, size, body type, hair colour/texture/style etc.
Whatever you picture my characters to look like, you’re correct. Lmao.
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scavengedluxury · 1 year
Did Noel Fielding ever apologise for his “unwise, but not illegal” relationship with 16 year old Peaches Geldof?
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dyingenigma · 8 months
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a very heartbreaking quote by Bob Geldof talking about the passing of his daughter, Peaches who died aged 25 of a heroine overdose.
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thatbitchsimone · 1 year
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nessa007 · 9 months
The allegations against Russell Brand are some of the most vile things I’ve ever heard.
i’ve only seen bits and pieces but yeah it’s sickening and then right wing people are saying this is a witch hunt from the leftists because russell is speaking the truth 😬 ?????
also russell apparently dated peaches geldof when he was 29 and she was 16 🤮
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unquietspiritao3 · 8 months
follow-up on the Noel rumors
putting this under a cut bc i’m sure most of y’all don’t care but i did say i was going to do more digging into the rumors that Noel dated Pixie Geldof when she was 16 and i’ve found enough that i think it’s worth sharing? i’d say it’s all in Noel’s favor.
there are several quotes floating around of Noel denying this, but a couple seem to be missing context, so i wanted to share an excerpt from this article (can’t find the original source so you’ll have to scroll down a bit to find it) that i think gives the most complete version of his side of the story (from what i’ve gathered):
In tabloid world, Fielding is the new R*ssell Br*nd, more rock 'n' roll than most real rock stars; often photographed, or 'spotted', on the arm of this or that rock chick (Courtney Love, Kimberly Stewart, Pixie and Peaches Geldof). His life has been turned upside down. 
'These last two years have been the best of my life and also the worst. It's a nightmare at times. It's like, getting chatted up 1,000 times a year. Just weird. You know when a girl fancies you, or when you've got a chance with a girl, and to have that from so many girls, for not doing anything specific, so regularly - it's a bit of a head-f***k. Nothing really prepares you for that. And you wouldn't believe how blatant they are! I was never that blatant when I was their age.'
He has a girlfriend, too - the vocalist in the band Robots in Disguise, who goes by the stage-name Dee Plume. They've been a couple for 'about four years' and live together in Kentish Town. 
Poor old Dee, then. 'Yeah. I'd hate it .You have to be very careful. I'm not whiter than white, and if you're going to go out and get drunk and party, and get offered all these things, you have to make sure the boundaries don't get blurred. You have to be careful that you don't stop working, or hurt the people you love. 
'Dee calls me The Little Prince because I get everything I want, and it's a joke, but there's an element of truth to it. It's like it's my birthday every single day. All these people saying, 'Do you want drugs? Do you want girls?, Do you want drink?' Then there are all these famous people, and you think: oh that's quite interesting, I wonder what they're like, and you hang out with them. You know, you just want to have a look. The problem is, once you get famous too, and if you're quite naive like me, you don't realise that if you hang out with someone, and you're a boy and they're a girl, that's it. That's enough.' 
One story had Fielding and Love trashing a hotel room 'like wild animals'. 'Amazing! She smoked a couple of cigarettes and we had a cup of peppermint tea. I mean, that's what happened. We had tea.'
important note: he also, in this same interview, uses the word ‘raped’ in a very cavalier way, which is gross and i’m not going to defend it. it was wrong then and it’s wrong now and i hope he’s stopped doing that. it also doesn’t mean he’s an actual sexual predator. not thinking enough about your word choice (especially at a time when tons of people would have no problem using the same word in the same way so you might have never even questioned it—i mean, he said it and it got published in an article that takes a very positive view of him, without comment from the writer; this was the culture at the time, it was very fucked up) is obviously not the same as committing physical assault.
now for pixie’s side. i still cannot find a specific denial, but when she released an album in 2016 (which is really good btw; i hope James has given it a listen) she did do some interviews where she gave blanket-denials to everything the tabloids wrote about her when she was younger:
“When you’re trying to build who you are as a person and the Daily Mail are telling you you’re something else, it’s quite… odd. At a point it gets to you, when you realise you’re walking into adulthood being seen as a person who really doesn’t exist.”
How was she seen? “As a crazy party girl. This mad wild child. They made it sound like I was doing something wrong.”
“There was a vibe that the press got into their minds – something to do with the image of me and my sister, turning us into these wild children,” she says. “It’s hard to live a life when people are telling you what and who you are. I’m very lucky in that I don’t particularly care.”
finally, i found a few forum posts on a celebrity gossip site, so HUGE grain of salt with these, but the posters (looks like two separate people but one posted under a few different accounts because they accidentally revealed who they were) sound credible to me?
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i also looked for things to confirm the rumor, btw, and i couldn’t find anything other than the tabloids and people repeating what the tabloids said.
and that’s all i’ve got for now. again, make of it what you will, i totally respect differences of opinion, etc. etc.
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Por cierto..Paco CAMINO de 83 años nació en CAMAS como SERGIO RAMOS O el torero CURRO ROMERO..su hijo RAFI tuvo un extraño ROMANCE con SAMANTHA "FOX" y ANA OBREGON [cuyo AMOR DE SU VIDA o 1er español en NBA se mató con 27 años tras chocar con el marido de MILAGROS Romero que acababa de dar a LUZ pues cruzó sin control 8 carriles de M_30 o AVDA DE LA PAZ al incorporarse por el LIMITE del barrio SAN JUAN BAUTISTA] para luego tener un JODIDO DIVORCIO..es el 2do TORERO que más veces abrió la PUERTA GRANDE de LAS VENTAS con 12 veces..detrás del VITI con 14 que estuvo en la única corrida [BOGOTA] en la que los 3 TOREROS indultaron a 3 TOROS como también fue PALOMO "LINARES" [=LOCALIDAD donde nació VIRGINIA MAESTRO] que murió con 69 años tras liarse con una JUEZA porque quería su LIBERTAD de Marina DANKO
Francisco Almagro escribió la letra de S.M. El Viti; pasodoble torero cuya música fue compuesta por M. Villacañas y se publicó por la Unión Musical Española en 1965.[5]​ Señalar además el pasodoble Aquí está El Viti del autor Felipe Blanco Aguirre.
En cuanto al jazz, en 1960 Duke Ellington grabó los arreglos para piano de El Viti, canción del compositor y músico de jazz Gerald Wilson. En 1966 Jack Wilson (pianista de jazz) realizó una versión a la trompeta de la misma llamada The Matador, en homenaje al Viti, que es la única que ha grabado con la orquesta de Duke Ellington.[6]​ Paul Gonsalves, otro jazzista, grabó también con la orquesta de Duke Ellington otra versión en 1962 de El Matador: El Viti que fue publicado en el disco Jazz Masters (100 Ans de Jazz) de estilo Big Band, por el sello Record.
Palomo LINARES definió su matrimonio COMO UN MAL SUEÑO jaja..por cierto..fotografié en B_RIGHT_ON en sep2011 la revista HOLA con MARINA DANKO [que luego se lio con un MILLONARIO] hablando de su DIVORCIO tras fotografiarme en un ESCAPARATE con CDS como KICK de INXS bajo uno de ULTRAVOX! [VOZ DEL MAS ALLA] que fundó CHRIS CROSS tras TIGER LILY=hija de Suicidado con autoaxfisia erotica HUTCHENCE de INXS con la suicidada por sobredosis PAULA YATES madre de las 3 hijas de Bob Geldof como la muerta por SOBREDOSIS "PEACHES"
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sopolicegardener · 1 month
15 Up-and-Coming Trends About 69VN
Celebrities are not like everyday people. They have busy schedules, drive expensive cars, and wear jewelry that others can only dream of owning. Maybe it is because celebrities are so far removed from normal life that they often give their babies unusual names.
Some names are just a little different. John Travolta and Kelly Preston have two beautiful children. Their daughter’s name is Ella Bleu. Their son’s name is Jett. Jett is different, but anyone who knows anything about John Travolta knows he has a love for flying. Gwyneth Paltrow, pregnant again, came under scrutiny for naming her first child Apple. While Vpay88 it is unusual, it is somewhat cute, like in the “apple of their eye.” Chris Martin, her husband, tired of the controversy over the name Apple, has jokingly stated their second child, whether male or female, will be named Banana. Another cute name is Dandelion, the name of Keith Richards’ daughter. Julie Roberts recently gave birth to twins – a boy and a girl – and received flack over the names she chose. She received Royvin almost as much grief over the choice for her daughter’s name, Hazel, as she did the more eccentric choice of Phinnaeus for her son.
Many people speculated what Madonna would name her HUNO first child. Lourdes Maria seems a fitting name for child who’s mother’s name is Madonna, but she often goes by Lola. Her son is named Rocco, which sounds a bit like a cartoon character, but at least it is a tough sounding name. Actor Casey Affleck and fianc Summer Phoenix recently had a son named Indiana August, which leads one to wonder what state and month their son was conceived in. Toni Braxton has two sons, Denim and Diezel. While both useful products, they make somewhat strange names for children. Rob Marrow decided it would be cute if he named his daughter Tu Simone Ayer, calling her Tu Morrow. Wonder if she will think it is cute 20 years from now? Actor Jason Lee named his son Pilot Inspektor, but magician Penn Jillette may have topped them all. He named his daughter, Moxie Crimefighter, saying “because when xoso66 she’s pulled over for speeding she can say, `But officer, we’re on the same side, my middle name is CrimeFighter.”‘
If you think it is a new trend, think again. Back in 1971, David Bowie and his then wife Angela decided to name their son Duncan Zowie Heywood Jones. He soon became known as Zowie Bowie. Cher named her children Chastity Sun and Elijah Blue.
The Phoenix family is well known for their unusual choice of baby names. Summer Phoenix’s siblings are the late actor River Phoenix, actresses Rain and Liberty Phoenix and actor Joaquin Phoenix. Joaquin felt his name was so out of place with his siblings, that when he was four, he decided to change his name to Leaf. By the early 1990’s, he had reverted back to using his birth name. Another family infamous for their choices of baby names is the Zappa family. Frank’s children are Dweezil, Moon Unit, Ahmed Emuukha Rodan and Diva Muffin. While many people think that Dweezil is his given name, his birth name was originally Ian Donald Calvin Euclid Zappa because the hospital refused to register the name Dweezil. Always called Dweezil, when he was a child, he wanted to make the name official and his parents took him to have it changed legally. Paula Yates, former wife of Sir Bob Geldof and girlfriend of late rocker Michael Hutchence, also had a knack for giving her children unusual names. Among her brood are Fifi Trixibelle, Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa, Heavenly Hiraani Tigerlily, and Little Pixie.
Some celebrity baby names make sense if you know the story behind them. Eurythmic’s Dave Stewart named his son Django after jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. Stevie Wonder named his son Mandla Kadjaly Carl Stevland, however Mandla means “powerful” in Zulu and Kadjaly means “born from God” in Swahili. Helen Hunt just gave birth to a baby girl she named Makena’lei Gordon. The name Makena’lei is from a friend’s dream and means “many flowers of heaven.” Gordon, an unlikely girl’s name, was to honor of Helen’s father, television director Gordon Hunt. Nicolas Cage just named his new baby boy Kal-el. Because Nicolas took his stage name of Cage from comic book character Luke Cage, he decided to name his son Kal-el after one of his favorite comic book heroes. Kal-el is Superman’s kryptonian name.
So, do the children like these unconventional names given them by their parents? In some cases, they do. The Phoenix’s seem to love their nature-inspired names and the Zappa children seem to have had no ill effects from their eccentric names. However, some children tire of the peculiar names quickly. Zowie Bowie had had enough of his moniker by the time he was 12 and asked to be referred to as “Joey.” Although Dandelion Richards does not seem too bad, she has since started referring to herself as Angela. Recently, Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof has been the most outspoken about the odd choice her parents made in naming her. She has been quoted as saying, “I hate ridiculous names. My weird name has haunted me all my life.”
While having an unusual name might be difficult for any child, the celebrity of a child’s parents may enhance it even further. Thankfully, celebrity children who decide they don’t like their given names can switch to a nickname or even eventually have their names legally changed.
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