trillhouse-lh · 6 days
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Hongry fatties
Art by @patanu102
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sketchfanda · 1 year
Marcy and Rigs:Tales of a vampire queen and her trash boat
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(Pictures belongs to @patanu102​ who is also the mad man that came up with this insane crossover ship)
So what’s set to follow in this post is a random couple of one shot ficlets or whatever comes to mind as well as headcanons when it comes to the wild crack pairing of rigby from regular show and Marcelino from adventure time. The human versions pic is my main visual,course some chars in this setting will either be like they are in canon or human, it depends on the funny and what not XD. And may on occasion involve rigby with both marcy and Eileen because hey the guy deserves some love and even with this pair focus,I’m still a riflemen guy to my core. So yeah in this case the setting is akin to regular show canon; seemingly regular world where insane,random wild shit happens be it eldritch abominations showing up because of too many ties in a game of rock,paper scissors or future washed up rock stars coming back in time to kill you because you somehow stole their fame in the future. It just also happens to include anthropomorphic candies and other weird creatures up and to including our resident demon vampire queen.
So background wise marcy is much the same as canon,used to be a regular kid who just so happened to be the spawn of the satanstic archetype eldritch horror Hudson abedeer who at one point became a vampire of course. She’s got some issues of course especially what with a certain  ex of hers but she’s still got some friends that make life a bit easier for her to handle. Such as an antiques dealer by the name of Simon (don’t ask him about that crown he’s got kept under heavy lock and key or the voices Yiu might hear from it about the secrets of ice and snow,DO NOT ignore the signs Especislly the one that says “In the name of all thst is holy,do not touch this crown!”) and a godfather in skips (he’s been around a long time,and yeah him and a few others in the mystic immortals circle aren’t too fond of Hudson). Skips is one of the few adults she would genuinely admire and respect and the closest thing she has to a moral compass of course,and he’s she regularly rocks out with death and she’s nine too fond of his demonic little infant brat Thomas.
So of course it’d be Somethingmoike an open mic night or talent show at the coffee house one evening mordo and rigs in the crowd. And up steps marcy and her scream queens rocking the house with a couple of tunes and rigby is getting a major case of love at first sight bad,like in wayne’s world when the titular char first lays eyes on Cassandra,who also happened to be a kickass cool bass player. Coincidence? I think not,but of course rigby has the dignity and decency to not devolve into a simp,especially on mordecai’s level,that’s for sure!! it’s pretty much like of course they meet up and talk after the show,and before mordo knows it,the duo is a trio as marcy and rigby get along pretty well and share some similar tastes and interests. and like in canon before anyone notices or realises it,they’re dating!! with eileen too because that delightful quirky nerd is the balance to those 2 slackers!! oh sure rigby would love to rub it in mordecai’s face but eileen is the good conscience in this case...marcy though? she’s merciless. it’s a natural fact that from day 1,she’s ruthless when it comes to snarking and making snide remarks at mordo. the guy’s low hanging fruit just ripe for picking out for mockery.
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Now regular show being how and what it is,where something seemingly mundane can spiral out of control into mayhem involving space,time and tussling eith secret blonde cults and a giant coffee bean,one such incident being mordo calls Hudson from the nightosphere because of course thst damn simp would think marcy’s got commitment issues due to unresolved matters involving her dad. Only to realise too late Hudson is a soul sucking demon and his obtuse pushy nature in trying to get marcy to take over as his successor as ruler of the nightospehere. Marcy of course is livid to a point she goes full monster and is about ready to unleash the freakin’ apocalypse. Good thing rigby manages to intervene. Never underestimate a determined hamboning slacker raccoon who managed to graduate and get his highschool diploma boys and girls. And that’s a mark on marcy’s blacklist for mordo,among many he’s sure to rack up. Marcy:hey,okay punchies for it? mordo:tch,sure fine,can’t be any worse than rigby Marcy:*bulks uo hr arm muscles to Amazon preportions,windsup* Mordo:wait a-!!!*too late,pow!! Sent flying so hard he leaves a dent impression on the wall* rigby:ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!
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Rigby:oooh Uhm…listen I’m kind of a grower….*ziiiiiiiiiip,thud!!* marcy:……get on the bed And of course rigby woild be lying if he said he didn’t find marcy’s monster forms ultra hot..and yes they’d be very active and wild in the bedroom. Mordo still wonders why his bedsheets keep seeming all soaked up. He will never know,ever!! Highfives:Yiu uuuh..got some bug bites on your neck Eileen:eep!*she knew she should’ve told marcy to tone it down with the love bites!!* muscle man:huh,so does rigby..l Rigby:*gives marcy a deadpan look* Marcy:*blep* So yeah possibilities abound with the insanity here.
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a comm from a friend
Fire Lord Zuko and Ambassador Katara after a "meeting"
inspired by a Spider-Man panel
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art by @patanu102
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edgy-boi-elektrik · 2 months
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Thanks to @patanu102 for this lil drawing of my sin kid OC Laxx.
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364-wii · 2 years
Commission done by
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Making a new Loud House AU: Life is Better Loud So here's Lincoln and his brothers.
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sherikshows · 2 months
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@patanu102 first redesign of this artist's oc, I need to work on the hair lol
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honeykimono · 2 years
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Suprise Kiss! Hugh Jr and Lupa created by JumpJump ( its-jump-around-jumpjump on tumblr) Art by @patanu102
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Patanu102 is a better artist than you but your a better storyteller
He has talent. But he's a piece of shit.
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patanu102 · 3 years
Lord give her strength to deal with this pendulant child.
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jhony-loud · 4 years
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bueno aqui les muestro un dibujo de mis dos artistas favoritos espero que les guste / well here I show you a drawing of my two favorite artists I hope you like it
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thesinkids · 5 years
Lupa isnt very open with her feelings.
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By @patanu102
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trillhouse-lh · 2 years
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The beans enjoying some oldschool gaming.
Birthday art from @patanu102
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saiyanshredder · 6 years
Please help out my good friend before he becomes homeless.
My old college buddy @patanu102 is in a real tough financial spot rn and isn’t the best at asking others for help with this sort of thing. He’s a fantastic artist and is doing commissions if anyone is interested.
https://patanu102.tumblr.com/post/174743673888/digital-commissions-are-open And if anyone is feeling especially gracious they’re accepting small donations. I wouldn’t be making this post if I didn’t think they were in a really bad spot right now. Sharing this post or commissioning them goes a long way to keep them off the streets! Thank you so much.
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bladecom · 6 years
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Here we have a Commission I ordered from @patanu102 , a big contributor of the the Sin kids fandom (NSFW) for TLH. Really loved his style, and was always a big standout in 4chan draw threads, and knew I wanted something from him. I know my RS character isn’t something big on doing, or something people care to see, but I enjoy having a bunch of these bulked up for some sort of collage, and I really just want to support artists I like more then anything, I also want to bring them outside of their comfort zone to try something different then their usual affairs.
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edgy-boi-elektrik · 1 year
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Been a while since I’ve posted here, so here’s a Lyle (sketch by @patanu102)
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calsonesdefuego83 · 6 years
I do not have anything better to do
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