#pasta surveyor
o5-10 · 12 days
IT WAS AN APOLOGY ANT YES!!!!! And I wonder too,,,I hope she is doing well!!!! - PS
I don't understand this, because I would never apologize to Insurgents, but I am glad to remembered correctly.
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Actually- I think I have already met my ant quota for today. Terribly sorry.
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o5-cowboy · 2 years
it is Good to be a headache sometimes....
Exactly, keeps everyone on their toes. Or as much as they can be.
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oc-siblings-bracket · 9 months
OC-Siblings-Bracket 1.5
info down there because these posts are long ↓
Tennent & Yvette von der Trost by @rauberrauber
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They're twins. I am an only child bit they make me want this relationship. They care about each other so much and take care of each other. They're both in the mob, Tennent is a mob boss and Yvette is essentially his second in command. Yvette definitely shouldve been the leader but yknow their mom kinda hated her lol (mom was former boss). These two and two other OCS i got have a sort of theme of how trauma effects you and the relationship you have with your family. With Yvette, she still really cared about Tennent despite their parents effectively putting them against each other, while the other OCS i have more resent each other due to their shared trauma with their family (i hope this makes sense dhehfjkabsja)
05-15 "Janus" & The Pasta Surveyor by @maltusianscientist & @hi-im-lugh
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Janus and The Pasta Surveyor are adoptive siblings living in two separate universes. Janus is a very cranky, very human, head of a shadow organization, while The Pasta Surveyor is in the custody of another universe's equivalent of said organization and is a young eldritch abomination who takes a humanoid form. Due to health conditions on Janus's part making them particularly affected by The Pasta Surveyor's eldritch nature, they do not spend much time together in person, however they video call regularly, where Janus will read to them. The Pasta Surveyor is very protective of Janus, and Janus has to do its best to keep them occupied or distracted. They also really look up to it and want to have the same job when they are fully grown.
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o5verthinking · 1 year
Awww, okay :( - The Pasta Surveyor!!!! (DONT WORRY!!!!! I KNOW ITS BAD TO NUKE UNIVERSES. WE SHOULD NOT DO THIS!!!)
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twofacedtrickery · 7 days
Pasta Surveyor is SILLAY!
They seem rude. He's not a shoe rack.
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charlesandmartine · 2 months
Saturday 13th April 2024
Another beautiful day so on good advice we made our way to the old harbour in time to see the fishing fleet return at 10.00am. Apparently when the boats arrive, 6 resident stingrays also appear. Huge they are: as tall as a man. Sadly there was no sign of either, so we followed the second bit of advice from our landlady and walked along firstly the boardwalk and then the beach for as far as our Start-Rite shoes would take us. The sun shone and the pastel colours of the beach and the sea were stunning. What a fantastic part of the world this is! An angling club was having a bit of a competition; rods and lines were everywhere. It seemed that most members were policemen so hopefully there was no crime in these parts today. Occasionally a cry went up and officials had to verify a catch. We witnessed a sand shark being landed. Wasn't huge, but apparently it counted. After a flap or two on the sand it was ceremoniously returned to its watery home. Also in abundance on the beach were an invasion of Portuguese Men of War left high and dry, marooned for all time by the receding tide. I might mention also the snake, but identification was difficult.
We checked again on return to the harbour for the presence of stingrays but once again we felt let down by their absence. I'm told the fishing fleet may not have gone out due to the turbulence at sea, therefore stingrays remained buried in the sand, as they do.
After luncheon, following yet further instructions from the landlady, we again put the VW through its paces with specific attention this time to suspension on unmade-up roads, and then in full Virginia Woolf fashion, 'To the Lighthouse'. We clambered up all 71 steps within it to view the light and walk the balcony, perhaps despite the concern of the girl in the ticket office who seemed to have doubts we might make it up and down safely. We could see she was much relieved when after 20 minutes or so her charges returned none the worse for wear despite the inclination of all the steps and ladders required to negotiate. Installed 1st March 1849, 31m high, at a cost of £15,871 with a 400W bulb that flashes every 5 secs, the lighthouse has a range of 31 nautical miles. It was esigned by Col.C Mitchell, Surveyor General of the Cape Colony in a style of the Pharos of Alexandria in Egypt. Well with a design of that provenance it should have fixed the problem for good, however on 16th November 1982 in a terrible storm, a 45m Japanese trawler, Meisho Maru No 38 hit rocks close to the lighthouse so hard it broke up and is still there. Well, I guess there's always one isn't there? All of this is bang on the Southern most point in Africa, named Ponts de Sao Brandao by Bartholomew Dias the well known Portuguese Mariner when he happened to pass by on 16th May 1488, and marks the official position where the Indian Ocean meets the Atlantic. Both sides look the same to me but I'm sure the fish know the difference. That name didn't stick too long because it was renamed in 1502, Capo Das Agulhas meaning 'Needles' after the sharp looking rocks nearby. Now since 1972 just called Cape Agulhas for short. The exact location has been a bit of a discussion issue since 1836, so recently the International Hydrographical Organisation waded in and said that's it, not discussing this any more it's slap bang on the longitudinal line 20°E. End of.... Oh ok then....
Talking of fish, we then went to the Trattoria for a superb lemon sole fish supper. Well, I had that but Martine thought some form of pasta would be preferable. Very nice it was too. We had a bottle of SB on ice back at the motor pool to wash it down with. Great day. Tomorrow we move further along the Garden Route coast.
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I HOLD UP MY VOTE AND ALSO MY CHILD THE PASTA SURVEYOR. They are 9'8. May fae Hold the Amedeo like long cat?
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ough,,, am i correct in assuming this is your oc? cause hhholy shit. BIG fan of their design
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k05h3k · 7 months
Plot twist: Janus' meat suit is your little sister who gained sentience in a different reality. /j
Weird, pretty sure they've never mentioned any siblings? Besides Pasta Surveyor
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bitsinakaleidoscope · 5 years
So, I got the idea to rewrite the John Mulaney skit about a Horse Loose In A Hospital so it fit the happenings in the SCP Tumblrverse, specifically around the Insurgency, from the POV of one of my UIU Agents, Ishmael Blake. 
So I did it. Putting it under a cut because it’s pretty long, but here’s my goddamn magnum opus.
Keep in mind, everything makes more sense if you 1) know about Pasta Surveyor, 2) follow the Insurgency blog, and 3) if you’re in the O5verthinking discord
I never really cared about other Groups, never talked about em much. But then, this January, the strangest thing happened! Now, I don’t know if you’ve been following the news, but I’ve been keeping my ears open, and it seems like everyone, everywhere is super mad about everything all the time. I try to stay a little optimistic, even though I will admit, things are getting pretty sticky. Here’s how I try to look at it- and this is just me. These guys being a Group, it’s like there’s Insurgents loose in a taco shop. It’s like there’s Insurgents loose in a taco shop. I think eventually everything’s going to be okay, but I have no idea what’s gonna happen next. Neither do any of you! Neither do your parents! Cause there’s Insurgents loose in a taco shop, it’s never happened before, no one knows what the Insurgents are gonna do next, least of all the Insurgents. They’ve never been in a taco shop before! They’re as confused as you are! There’s no experts! They try to find experts on the communications, they’re like “We’re joined now by a man who once saw the Foundation in Three Portlands”. Get outta here with that shit, we’ve all seen the Foundation in Portlands, this is Insurgents loose in a taco shop!
When Insurgents are loose in a taco shop, you gotta stay updated. So all day long you ask around “Well what’d the Insurgents do, what’d the Insurgents do”. The updates, they’re not always bad, sometimes they’re just odd. It’ll be like, the Insurgents used the soda machine. I didn’t know they knew how to do that. The creepiest days are when you don’t hear from the Insurgents at all. You’re down in the office like “Hey, has anyone, uh… ... ... has anyone heard-” [Footstep noises]. Those are the quiet days when people like, “Looks like the Insurgents have finally calmed down” and then ten seconds later the Insurgents are like “I’m gonna run into the kitchen and choke one of the cooks, got a cool robot arm and a gun, I’m an Insurgent”, that’s what I’d thought you’d say you dumb fucking Insurgent!
Then, then, then you go on break with other agents and they’re like “There shouldn’t be Insurgents loose in a taco shop” and it’s like “We’re well past that”. Then other people are like, “If there’s gonna be Insurgents loose in a taco shop, I’m gonna yell specifically at the O5s” and- and like those don’t match up at all.
And then for a second, it seems like maybe we could survive the Insurgents and then over in some other construct, this eldritch being was like “I CAN MAKE TONS OF PASTA AND I’M GOING TO FLOOD THE TACO SHOP” and before anyone could do anything about it, the Insurgents were like “If you even fucking look at this taco shop, we’ll shoot you to death with our guns, we dare you to do it, we want you to do it, we want you- we want you to do it so we can shoot you to death with our guns, we’re fucking crazy”. “YOU THINK YOU’RE CRAZY, I’M AN ARCHON OF YALDABAOTH, I LIVE IN A CAVE NEXT TO A LAKE, I’M CRAZY”. All of us are like “Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay” like a poor Bright at one of their goddamn reunions, “Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay”.
And then for a second we were like “Maybe the Foundation can deal with the Insurgents” and then the Insurgents are like “We have assassinated one of the O5s” and like… they can do that?! That shouldn’t be possible no matter who the Insurgents are. I don’t remember this in the orientation…
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o5-10 · 4 months
OH I CAN HELP!!!! Outside of reality my form is like a mash of a house centipede and a person!!! Like a centaur!!! My big legs help me move around between universes, and I have a lot of extra eyes and mouths on the pede part too!!! The human part is mostly normal, but I have really long arms like I do on my humanoid form and my nails are really sharp and my hair is really long
Also I don't have a face. It's Just a big spiral of teeth:D - PS
Thank you, Surveyor.
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o5oflies · 5 years
Oh no! :( PaSu! Oh no!
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o5-cowboy · 2 years
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goc-assessment-758 · 5 years
...I think I fucked up
So I might of called a strike team on @pasta-surveyor prematurely
Look I was panicking ar the time it’s not everyday you learn a friendly entity is related to the FREAKING PATTERN SCREAMERS
It was like learning you we dragging the Trojan horse into you city.
But long live the fucking GOC I guess
I feel fucking awful
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o5verthinking · 1 year
You will never be Pasta Surveyor
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do Youlike cow naps?
Yeah, been a while, though, who're you?
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