#para 02
wmumase · 3 months
Mason was working in one of the sound studios when the blackout hit, cutting all of his progress short in one fell swoop. Mason rarely got mad - rarely ever rose his voice or swore, but the string of expletives that came out of him as the realization set in was lengthy. One of his project partners urged him that they had to head to the gymnasium, Mason's head hanging low.
He made his way into the place and let out a huff, his disappointment clear on his face if it could be seen in the light of flashlights. He made his way over to where the blankets sat and grabbed himself one, bundling up and seemingly trying to hide himself amongst the crowd. Something quite difficult to do when you were 6'4. He made his way over to a wall and slid himself down it, allowing himself to sulk.
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thelostfemur · 21 days
𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 .
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 : qualquer estabelecimento (go wild)
"Espera, mas se eu te dei 20 dinheiros-"
"Merlos." Corrigiu a vendedora com o dedo indicador levantado e um sorriso robótico.
"Tanto faz." Revirou os olhos com a crescente irritação. "Foram 20 merlos para pagar 3.30 então você tem que me voltar 17, 70."
"16,70 merlos." Corrigiu a vendedora novamente com um sorriso imbatível.
"16,70?" A conta não batia na cabeça de Nana, e aquelas notas eram estranhas demais. "Ugh, que saudades do meu cartão de crédito." Reclamou batendo o pé no chão tal qual uma criança. Ao ver que já não era mais a única na fila da loja, Nana tentou aliviar a carranca para uma expressão mais agradável. "Ainda estou me habituando a moeda desse mundo." Deu uma risadinha tampando a boca.
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anastasiabeiste · 7 months
It wasn't that Ana didn't like horror as a genre, she could appreciate the art behind it and that some people enjoyed the adrenaline that comes with being scared. On occasion, she's been known to watch a horror movie or two, although admittedly it was more of the 'campy' and family horror films like The Addams Family and Little Shop of Horrors. It was things like It and House of 1000 Corpses that were a bit more than she can handle, and it was those kinds of things she expected to be lurking in the haunted walkthrough. But she put on a brave face anyway, knowing this was absolutely something Teddy would get a thrill out of. And hey, maybe it wouldn't be any worse than the Halloween store! She was able to handle another trip there, she was sure she could get through this, too. "So, ready to be scared?"
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civilwar2024eeuu · 3 months
Derecha mexicana continúa guerra sucia en redes y la lleva a las calles | EN RED
#REZIZTEK,@REDrezizenCIA,#INFOWARSRZK,#REPORTEROGDL @GuerraCivil2024 #eeuu #texas,@arturoangel20 @penileyramirez @premioreutermx #ElGOLPISMO a favor del #IMPERIALISMO que practica @NYTimesPR @nytimes no es nuevo. Hicieron lo mismo cuando encarcelaron a #Lula, una #conspiración para abrir paso al #FASCISTA @jairbolsonaro https://guerracivil2024.blogspot.com/2024/02/httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv8vxzc1sj-u8.html Cártel de Sinaloa https://pic.twitter.com/qw9MzpZG
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🚨Para todos esos q están escandalizados porque #AMLO mostró el # de tel.🇮🇱🇺🇸De NatalieKitroeff,dejen de hacerle al pndejo,esa información esta en internet y es muy fácil obtener! 👀
👇 https://pic.twitter.com/8K0d0LPnCo @Raf4Tred
@diazbriseno @Reforma @MexicoToday @dw_espanol @Nataliekitro
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#PrensaSicariayGolpista,@JesicaZermeno @UnivisiOn @RompevientoTV @elnocturno #ElNarcoLORET🐷@CarlosLoret,utiliza🇺🇸@NYTimesPR🦎@nytimes y su chayotera para acosar a #AMLO2030 por que tiene miedo de ir pronto con su patrón #GarciaLuna @felipecalderon, https://pic.twitter.com/sFWAKeyws3 pic.twitter.com/hB6BfNB3ie
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#REZIZTEK,@REDrezizenCIA,#INFOWARSRZK,#REPORTEROGDL @GuerraCivil2024 ‼️@CarlosLoret👆#NALGAdeLaDEA #LORDMONTAJES🧐👆@latinus_us #GARCIALUNA‼️https://tmblr.co/ZzONDPfGT4CIua00
🚨🇮🇱🇺🇸 @Nataliekitro,dejen de hacerle al pendejo, esa información esta en internet y es muy fácil obtener! https://pic.twitter.com/uR4PA2Bh1H @nytimes @diazbriseno @Reforma @MexicoToday @dw_espanol https://pic.twitter.com/NBX3UMqsfb
y su chayotera para acosar a #AMLO2030 Xq tiene miedo de ir pronto con su patrón #GarciaLuna! #PrensaSicariayGolpista https://pic.twitter.com/yFI7s0Xu2J
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and his chayotera to harass #AMLO2030 Because he is afraid to go to his boss soon #GarciaLuna ! https://t.co/TgBluTJJE4 #PrensaSicariayGolpista
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mkultra2030 · 3 months
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😳 Probablemente para muchos esto es solo palabrerías y que todo son casualidades! Eso no es un juego... Nos quieren tontos y dormidos!👇🏻👁️ 🔥🔥al de la Matrix mental ahora⚡️👽https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3Qt8IPIix4/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== @teloocultaron 👁 @quaesitor_invictus😳https://www.tumblr.com/mkultra2030/742611144492089344/consulta-este-v%C3%ADdeo-de-instagram-de?source=share @INFORZK #GDL
@naasondelaplaza @naasoneslaplaza #REZIZTEK https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/117743856&color=%23131211&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true%3E%3C/iframe%3E%3Cdiv , @notimxm Mire Sr:PRESIDENTE🇲🇽@lopezobrador_👀👇 #GOLPISTASdeEEUU @DeniseDresserG @CarlosLoret @JJDiazMachuca https://pin.it/2LsUGJr08⚠️#GUERRACIVIL2024EEUU @ISRAEL🇬🇧@NETANYAHU🇮🇱🇺🇸@JOEBIDEN @kenialopezr @XochitlGalvez⚰️🤡👇 @ferbelaunzaran #NARCOPRESIDENTE @FELIPECALDERON https://pic.twitter.com/4lDF2Kl6Ys , https://mkultra2030.tumblr.com/post/742 , https://infowarsrzk2030.blogspot.com/2024/02/israel-netanyahujoebiden-hillaryclinton.html
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Hola, Jezuz Ykrizto:
Tras revisar tu contenido, hemos determinado que puede no ser adecuado para menores de 18 años, de acuerdo con nuestras Normas de la Comunidad. En consecuencia, hemos aplicado una restricción de edad al siguiente contenido:
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https://infowarsrzk2030.blogspot.com/2024/02/naasondelaplaza-naasoneslaplaza.html @naasondelaplaza @naasoneslaplaza
https://tumblr.com/mkultra2030/742745680262692864/redreziztencia?source=shareUNION DE AMERICA DEL NORTE @DAVOS #AGENDA2030@AxxlYoung
https://pic.twitter.com/7qkHhPXTgg ❗️⁉️#MareaRosa@ISRAEL @USAID🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇱@CLAUDIOXGG LISTO Pa‼️DECLARAR #FRAUDE2024 @Almagro_OEA2015 #GOLPISTAS👉@PabloHiriart @pedroferriz3 @laloespana @XochitlGalvez ‼️⁉️🚨#PlanC
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pic.twitter.com/6UmDPAqXGe , Recopilatorio de declaraciones de politicos, militares y medios de comunicación donde se evidencia la relación entre el terrorismo del ISIS/Al Qaeda y el apartheid sionista y su amo imperialista estadounidense. Hoy que se habla del yihadismo, conviene recordar quien lo financia. pic.twitter.com/6UmDPAqXGe — Daniel Mayakovski (@DaniMayakovski) October 17, 2023
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@naasondelaplaza @naasoneslaplaza https://tumblr.com/mkultra2030/742745680262692864/redreziztencia?source=share UNION DE AMERICA DEL NORTE @DAVOS #AGENDA2030 @AxxlYoung https://pic.twitter.com/7qkHhPXTgg
❗️⁉️#MareaRosa @ISRAEL @USAID🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇱@CLAUDIOXGG LISTO Pa‼️DECLARAR #FRAUDE2024 @Almagro_OEA2015 #GOLPISTAS👉@PabloHiriart @pedroferriz3 @laloespana @XochitlGalvez ‼️⁉️🚨 #PlanC
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infowarsrzk0 · 2 months
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balladetto · 5 months
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cont. from here / @legendarylullaby
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     The first time he understands touch as a language stolen from him is not the first time it burns him.
     It's around the eighth, or the tenth, or some other approximate number he doesn't actually want to remember. Kakariko's well had been the last straw — or maybe just the biggest, in the sense that it was one of the biggest explosions of a loss he would feel before Navi.
     This is a wound that likes to reopen itself. Scar tissue pulling apart every time he's faced with the threat of a hand, no matter how gentle. He's come to tend to it himself over the years: stitching it closed with old threads and accepting it as some interminable hurt. Link can't erase it any more than he can perfectly speak.
     But he can go further than merely surviving it, and with someone like Zelda—
     There must be a word for the way her hand fits in his.
     Without the separation of gloves nor gauntlets, her warmth is felt in its almost heady entirety. If he focuses hard enough, he might be able to count the beats of her pulse against his palm, imagined as a match to the drum his own heart makes of itself in the wake of her skimming fingers. As she goes up, a river of sensation — soft and shivery and filling — cascades down. He squeezes: her hand on one side, his fist over his knee on the other. Her voice is such a sweet thing in the silence.
     In this unremarkable space of another campsite for another night, Link is remarkably loved.
     He holds onto this as she brushes along his hair. This, the weight of her care and all its reassurances: guiding his breaths past tight and quiet, gently smoothing over the stinging in his scalp, pulling him back from the edge of awful memories. His head dips an inch in relief, and when Zelda's hand trails down to hold the line of his jaw — fingers a tingling warmth — he has to laugh again. A little incredulous, a little shy, maybe even a little watery. Above all though, fond.
     So very, very fond.
     Words still lost to the intensity of everything he's feeling, he hums in reply. A nod follows, as sincere as the smile pushing at his cheeks, then he's opening his eyes to catch her gaze. Link lifts his free hand to rest it over the one cupping his jaw. Slowly, he traces the path her wrist makes to her elbow. To her shoulder. With how far they've now come, pushing and trusting and redefining the boundaries set on them by wills not their own, it's near impossible to look away.
     He strokes the back of curled fingers down her cheek, light and careful. When he turns his hand over, it's in a question that hovers a hair's breadth away from her cheek; a touch he wants to return. Can he...? Can I?
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infowarzrzk · 3 months
#redesrzk @RedesRZK ‼️https://guerracivil2024.blogspot.com/2024/02/httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv8vxzc1sj-u8.html https://youtube.com/watch?v=8vXzC1sj-U8 Desmontando la campaña digital fraudulenta contra AMLO @NYTimesPR @nytimes @DEA @CIA @JOEBIDEN @ISRAEL🇬🇧🇺🇸🇮🇱@MXvsCORRUPCION @ClaudioXGG @INEMexico @XochitlGalvez @XOCHITL2024
#REZIZTEK,@REDrezizenCIA,#INFOWARSRZK,#REPORTEROGDL @GuerraCivil2024 #eeuu #texas,@arturoangel20 @penileyramirez @premioreutermx #ElGOLPISMO a favor del #IMPERIALISMO que practica @NYTimesPR @nytimesno es nuevo. Hicieron lo mismo cuando encarcelaron a #Lula, una #conspiración para abrir paso al #FASCISTA @jairbolsonaro https://guerracivil2024.blogspot.com/2024/02/httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv8vxzc1sj-u8.html Cártel de Sinaloa https://pic.twitter.com/qw9MzpZGhttps://pin.it/2UckzNQ3r‼️https://fb.watch/qpr9VlBxw8/ #GDL https://pic.twitter.com/VPtdN8HpOg
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phoebehills · 4 months
Situationships - 17/02/2024
Throughout the whole wedding reception Phoebe had been watching Dylan. There were moments where they caught each others eyes, and part of her thought they'd be going back to one of their resort rooms by the end of the night. She knew that it was a dangerous game to be playing, there were eyes everywhere. The singer wasn't sure who started flirting with someone else, but seeing him chatting up another person frustrated her, so she did the same. It wasn't even the fact that Phoebe found the person attractive, in her slightly drunken state, she needed the distraction. Making sure that the actor was watching her, Phoebe went off with the guy.
Coming back, not even fifteen minutes later (the guy was not good at what he was attempting to do.) The singer made her way over to Dylan, interrupting whoever he was talking to. "Hi, Dyl." The blonde said, a small laugh escaping her. Resting her hand on his chest, she turned to look at the other woman, her eyes narrowing, and a smirk playing on her lips as she left. Looking up at her friend, Phoebe wrapped her other arm around his neck. "Do you wanna dance? Or should we get outta here?" Glancing around - she hoped people weren't looking at the both of them, especially their mutual friends. She didn't want the questions. @obriiiens
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flockrest · 11 months
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♡ / @gloryseized
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     Blizzards. Hearing about the titan of Biron Snowshelf from scouts who managed to flee unharmed from it had already been plenty concerning, but actually seeing it with his own eyes? The rumours really don't do this thing justice, Tulin thinks as he takes the monster in: all huge heads and huge wings and huge everything of it.
     It's, uh. More than a little intimidating, 'specially when it does stupidly ridiculous stuff like warping the shape of the Windlines strong enough that he can feel it from all the way over here with a single flap of its stupidly huge wings — but! It's not the biggest thing he's ever seen; s'not even the biggest thing he's ever fought, and, most importantly — just like when he was battling the biggest thing he's ever fought — Tulin is very much not alone right now.
     It's why, with a hop-step-flip, his bow's drawn and ready as he slips into a hover — even though, technically, he's only s'posed to be a scout today. Another Rito who observes from afar, does not engage, and reports any "new developments" straight back to the Elder.
     "We can take 'em," he affirms, resolved in his friend's company and the ever burning desire to help. ( Honestly, he's not sure what Dad expected from him when he gave him the okay to be sent off with Link, of all people. ) "Ready when you are!"
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geekpopnews · 6 months
Digimon Adventure 02: O Início | O elenco original de dublagem retorna para novo filme
Digimon Adventure 02: O Início tem seu elenco de dublagem revelado e contará com algumas vozes do elenco original, que dublou o anime. Confira aqui: #DigimonAdventure02TheBeginning #DigimonAdventure02
Os Digiescolhidos e os Digimon terão as mesmas vozes do elenco que dublou o anime. Os atores e atrizes ainda estão na ativa, mas outros acabaram sendo substituídos. Confira aqui, o elenco de dublagem de Digimon Adventure 02: O Início. O Artworks Digital Studio divulgou a lista oficiais de dublagem do filme Digimon Adventure 02: O Início, que estreará nos cinemas brasileiros no dia 30 de…
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docpiplup · 1 year
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infowarsrzk · 1 year
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reeed zer · 🔴#UCRANIA EEUU @JoeBiden💥ZATAN💥@ZelenskyyUa #HAARP EN #Turquía🔴
#https://www.instagram.com/p/ColJekbjSN6/#EUROPEA (EISCAT) UTILIZARON ALTA TECNOLOGÍA PARA ATACAR A 🇹🇷TURQUÍA Y 🇸🇾SIRIA💥 @ZelenskyyUa @JoeBiden @BarackObama https://messiburdo2022ma#FALSAPANDEMIA C0VID#https://messiburdo2022mafiafifa.blogspot.com/2023/02/europea-eiscat-utilizaron-alta.html#Vale aclarar algunas cuestiones previas de los últimos días que incrementaron y tensaron aún más las relaciones entre Turquía y algunas pot#teorías#uno de los extraños hechos que se dio cuando en Suecia#a mediados de enero#un supuesto activista danés acusado de ultraderechista protestó en el exterior de la embajada turca en Estocolmo#donde quemó un libro sagrado del islam#el Corán#complicando así el proceso de ingreso del país a la OTAN.#Las repercusiones fueron de gravedad#generando protestas frente a las embajadas de Suecia en diversos países con creyentes musulmanes#ya sea Pakistán#Indonesia#la misma Turquía#etc. Y seguidamente a ello el día lunes 23 de enero el presidente de la misma Turquía#Recep Erdogan#en conferencia de prensa#dijo terminantemente que “Suecia no debe esperar un apoyo de nuestra parte a la oferta de la OTAN. Si ustedes no respetan las creencias rel#no recibirán ningún apoyo de nuestra parte” y acusó a la nación escandinava de «proteger a los enemigos del Islam».#Anteriormente el año pasado las complicaciones del apoyo de Turquía venían porque Suecia#en particular#da apoyo a militantes del proscrito Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK)#que se levantó en armas contra el Estado turco en 1984. El PKK está considerado grupo terrorista en Turquía#Suecia#EEUU y Europa.#Pero en lugar de calmar la tensión#fue incrementando. Días después
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ollieinoue · 2 years
"You can't go in there with that lit."
"Come on, bro..." Ollie was fairly desensitized to horror, at best. You drop your fair share of acid and go on a few bad trips a haunted house isn't really going to terrify you all that much. So, the guy in charge of sending people in the front door dressed up as some sort of bloody ghost telling him to put out his joint for some reason was just not doing it for him. It could be the 'telling him to put out his joint' thing.
"Some of the residents that linger in this location are very old. We wouldn't want to set fire to their clothes, would we?"
He rolled his eyes, "yeah, yeah, I get it," Ollie muttered, reaching over and ashing out his joint on the side of the building. "Can I go now?"
"Do you want a bracelet?"
"Nah. Thanks, but I'm hoping someone kills me," Ollie said, holding his hand up and waving towards the guy over his shoulder as he made his way into the haunted house.
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The thing most people learned about Haunted Houses when they were younger was that the more scared you were, the more they were supposed to scare you. But if you didn't act scared at all, the more they were going to try to scare you. A lot of attempts were made as Ollie strolled through the darkened hallways, most at least elicited a flinch, and a laughed 'oh fuck you' reaction from him as he continued casually forward. He lingered in the weird chain hallway, hand reaching up and tugging on one of the chains, letting his fingers curl between the links before he was grabbed and tugged towards the wall. Some whispered threat of wrapping the chain around his neck gaining a lot more interest from him than it really should have. "Damn dude, what time do you get off work?" He heard a tsk in the back of the guy's throat, either in admonishment, or amusement Ollie didn't know, but he did let him go after that. Too bad.
After more casual wandering around the place, attempting to find his way out, Ollie eventually pulled his phone out, to use his flashlight. None of the spooky lighting really doing much for him, at least not doing much to help him find his way out. He was pretty sure he passed that creepy funhouse mirror shit at least three times. They really needed to take account of someone being stoned going through this place, it was like a maze. He'd have to complain to Mari about it, or something later. He made his way over towards a wall with a bunch of missing person's posters on it, he dragged his light along them with mild interest. How edgy. A thoughtful noise coming from his mouth before he turned his phone and took a selfie in front of them. "Nice..." Ollie laughed to himself as he continued onwards.
About ten minutes after that, Ollie was getting the feeling he was never going to get out of here, and resorted to opening every door he managed to come across in attempts to find the exit. Once again, with mild interest, his light dragged over the threatening 'ur next' (great movie) written on one of them, before he pushed it open to look inside.
"Would you like to give us a review?" Another bloody looking ghost asked as he exited the haunted house, about ten more minutes later. Ollie was already flicking his lighter on to light the joint he put back between his lips.
"Oh, yeah, sure," he said, taking one of the cards, "five out of five on yelp. Would recommend. Great job, and all of that. A little confusing to get through, but someone inside was nice enough to help me find the way out."  
"That's great, thanks for the feedback!" The spooky ghost called to his retreating back, as Ollie finally made his way into the party.
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civilwar2024eeuu · 3 months
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https://infowarsrzk2030.blogspot.com/2024/02/naasondelaplaza-naasoneslaplaza.html @naasondelaplaza @naasoneslaplaza https://tumblr.com/mkultra2030/742745680262692864/redreziztencia?source=share UNION DE AMERICA DEL NORTE @DAVOS #AGENDA2030 @AxxlYoung https://pic.twitter.com/7qkHhPXTgg
❗️⁉️#MareaRosa @ISRAEL @USAID🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇱@CLAUDIOXGG LISTO Pa‼️DECLARAR #FRAUDE2024 @Almagro_OEA2015 #GOLPISTAS👉@PabloHiriart @pedroferriz3 @laloespana @XochitlGalvez ‼️⁉️🚨 #PlanC
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mkultra2030 · 4 months
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@naasoneslaplaza @fernandeznorona :El "FrenteGuango" llevó a @XochitlGalvez a #EEUU ,para pedirles su injerencia el 2 de junio. pic.twitter.com/FBfm5RlhZ8 @JOEBIDEN infowarsrzk2030.blogspot.com/2024/02/kriztojavblogspotcom-infowarsrzk2030.html @cnn @bbc
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