#paper products dublin
anonaltd · 5 months
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gyudons · 1 year
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i’m sorry but this is the FUNNIEST THING i’ve ever read… a bunch of academics peering at this wooden dildo and having Intense Discussions about it
GUARDIAN - Archaeologists believe they may have found the only known lifesize Roman dildo, discovered in a ditch in what were the farthest northern fringes of the empire.
If it was not used as a sexual implement then the 2,000-year-old object may have been an erect penis-shaped pestle, or it could have been a feature from a statue that people touched for good luck.
What it definitely is not is what it was catalogued as after its discovery at the Roman fort of Vindolanda in Northumberland in 1992: a darning tool.
“I have to confess,” said Newcastle University archaeology senior lecturer Rob Collins, “part of me thinks it’s kind of self-evident that it is a penis. I don’t know who entered it into the catalogue. Maybe it was somebody uncomfortable with it or didn’t think the Romans would do such silly things.”
If they did think that, they could not be more wrong given that two- and three-dimensional representations of phalli were ubiquitous in the Roman world, whether in mosaics, frescoes, pot decoration or pendants worn around the neck.
The Vindolanda phallus is 16cm long but, researchers say, was probably larger because archaeological wood is prone to shrinkage and warping.
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It has been examined by researchers at Newcastle University and University College Dublin. The analysis has revealed it to be, at the very least, the first known example of a disembodied phallus made of wood recovered anywhere in the Roman world.
The phallus was found in a ditch along with dozens of shoes and dress accessories as well as craft waste products such as leather off-cuts and worked antler – perhaps one reason for it being seen as a darning tool.
“What makes this a first is that it is not a small, miniature phallus,” said Collins. “It’s lifesize. It’s also important because wood just doesn’t normally survive … we couldn’t find any parallels.”
The size and uncertainty of function was fascinating, he said. “Often in archaeology when we find an object we can tell what it was used for or deduce what it was used for. That wasn’t the case for this object. We have had to cast our nets wide in thinking what would a six-and-a-half-inch wooden carving of a phallus be used for.
“We had some very interesting discussions.”
Ancient phallic objects were often used for warding off evil. The analysis showed the Vindolanda phallus had notably smoother ends, indicating it was used for something over a period of time.
The team has alighted on three possible theories, all of which are outlined in a detailed discussion paper published in the journal Antiquity.
One theory is that it was used for sexual reasons. That could mean it was a sex toy although some caution is needed, said Collins.
“Sometimes they [dildos] weren’t always used for pleasure … they can be implements of torture so I’m very conscious of using the term sex toy. Hopefully that is what it was used for. That is the most exciting and intriguing possibility.
“If that is the case it would be, to our knowledge, the first Roman dildo that’s been encountered from archaeology. We know from Greek and Roman poetry and Greek and Roman art that they used dildos. But we haven’t had any archaeological examples found which is intriguing in itself.
“If it is that and it is found up here on the northern fringe of the empire and not down in the rich heartland of Roman Italy … it is kind of astounding.”
Theory two is that the object was used as a pestle, either for culinary purposes or to grind cosmetic or medicinal ingredients. Its size would have made it easy to use and the shape would have imbued the food or ingredients with perceived magical properties.
The third option is that it was meant to slot into a statue which passersby would touch for good luck or to absorb or activate protection from misfortune – which was common throughout the Roman empire.
If that was the case, the statue would probably have been located near the entrance to an important building but the evidence indicates that the phallus was either indoors or at least not in an exposed position outside for any length of time.
Researchers hope the Vindolanda phallus will prompt a search for similar objects in other collections. In the meantime it has gone on display at the Vindolanda museum.
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its-a-rat-trap · 29 days
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(via @/boomtownratsofficial on instagram)
The Boomtown Rats
"The Boomtown Rats are 1977 pop," quoted lead singer Bob Geldof, (left), in one of the band's early press releases. He was right! Now, two years later, the band have improved with age and are ready to conquer the world. At present, they're just finishing off their massive tour of America where they've been proving to folks that Ireland doesn't just produce leprechauns!
If you've seen the Rats on television, you'll understand why singer Geldof is known as the group's 'spokesman'. In fact, he's rarely seen with his mouth shut! But then, Bob's always been used to getting his own way and letting his words convince people that he knows best.
"When I was a kid back home, I used to have this treehouse in the back garden. My mates and I would spend lots of time up there, but our main occupation would be getting all the little girls to come up and play," confessed the Rat.
"In Ireland in those days, bubblegum was hard to come by, as it was a new product on the market. But my dad used to be able to get me huge supplies of the stuff on his travels as a salesman. So I'd use the bubble gum to tempt the girls into my tree!"
And where has Bob inherited all his Irish blarney from? His dad, Bob Geldof Senior.
"All our folks just love the success the Rats have had. My dad now keeps getting mail addressed to him to pass on to me. One time someone wrote asking for a signed pic of Bob Geldof. So dad played a smart one. He dug out a photo of himself in his youth, all browned with age (the photo, not dad!), signed the back with love and kisses, and posted it! But he did attach a little note to say, 'Think it's my son, Bob Junior, you were wanting a photo of.'"
In fact, all the Rats' families are keen followers of the group. And drummer Simon Crowe's granny lives next door to guitarist Gerry Cott's parents.
"Gran used to have her radio on all the time listening out for our records to be played," explained Simon. "If one would come on, she'd start rapping really hard on the adjoining wall to Gerry's parents to let them know to turn on the radio!" Keeping it in the family extends to the group itself, too. Pete Briquette and Johnnie Fingers are cousins.
It's amazing when you find out that the boys in The Rats hadn't played seriously with any other groups before joining up to form the Boomtowns.
"I used to be a freelance writer for a rock paper… their Dublin correspondent, no less!" explained Bob. "About the time the punk boom was beginning, we used to occasionally get the bands coming to Ireland to play. One time, we all went to see Eddie And The Hot Rods. Anyway, not one of us was very impressed with them. We though [sic] 'Well, if they can do it then so can we.' So we went out and got ourselves together as a band!"
Together with their manager, Fachtna O'Kelly, another old friend, they set out to conquer London's record companies with their demotapes. The Rats didn't have far to search as everybody was soon vying with each other to sign them. The Rats were also lucky that their first major tour in England was as support to American punk heroes, The Ramones. Another first major concert they played was as support to Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers at London's famous Rainbow Theatre. Press reports after that gig said that the Rats 'stole the show'. The whole band next moved to a house by Whipsnade Zoo, which they all still share when they're not on tour around the world.
If anyone should ask 'Has success changed the Boomtown Rats?' then the answer would be 'Johnnie Fingers still walks around in pyjamas and Bob Geldof is even more talkative than ever!' The group have always said that they're a band out to conquer people everywhere and they've always classed their music as pop. They admit they don't mind doing anything to get some publicity, from the time they drove down the Dublin streets in an open truck, loud music playing, getting arrested in the bargain, to Bob doing photo sessions that call for him to pose with girls for covers of teenage magazines. Or even to bend backwards and hang his head upside-down so the photographer could snap him, mouth agape and tongue hanging out! Yep, there's nothing they won't do if you ask 'em nicely.
And now they've conquered America! They've been knocking 'em in the aisles Stateside with all the old favourites like Rat Trap (their 'anthem' now after its terrific success in Britain last year), Like Clockwork, Do The Rat and all the others.
It would be nice to have a new single from them here, though, wouldn't it? Apparently, one was planned for this spring, but America beckoned, and there wasn't time to produce it - and the boyos weren't too keen on the alternative, lifting another track from Tonic For The Troops.
So for all you Rat fans - keep hoping!
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dfertrhgbv · 8 days
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fytrdrdrd · 8 days
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reghfffdfd · 8 days
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tyjkkvape · 8 days
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lettertecnotebooks · 2 months
Elevate Your Brand with Premium Custom Notebooks Suppliers
In today's competitive market, standing out is more important than ever. And what better way to make your brand memorable than through high-quality, personalized stationery? Enter custom notebooks suppliers - your go-to solution for branding that sticks. Among the myriad of options, one name stands out in Ireland for its commitment to quality, customization, and customer satisfaction: Lettertec Notebooks.
Why Choose Custom Notebook Supplier Ireland?
Lettertec Notebooks epitomizes excellence in notebook manufacturing. As a renowned custom notebook supplier Ireland, Lettertec is dedicated to providing products that are not just tools for writing but are a canvas for your brand's identity. With a proven track record in Cork and Dublin, they have established themselves as the supplier of choice for businesses looking to make a lasting impression.
The Cork Advantage: Custom Notebook Supplier Cork
Located in the heart of Cork, Lettertec boasts a state-of-the-art facility where creativity meets technology. Their team of skilled craftsmen ensures that each notebook is a masterpiece of quality and design. This custom notebook supplier Cork understands that a notebook is more than just paper and cover - it's an extension of your brand. With their "Guaranteed Irish" certification, you can rest assured that you're supporting local craftsmanship while receiving products that stand the test of time.
Dublin's Finest: Custom Notebook Supplier Dublin
Dublin, with its vibrant business scene, demands nothing but the best. Lettertec rises to the occasion by offering Dublin-based businesses custom notebooks that blend functionality with style. This custom notebook supplier Dublin makes it easy for companies to order bespoke notebooks that reflect their brand's ethos and message. Whether you're in tech, finance, or any industry in between, Lettertec's notebooks are designed to impress.
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What sets Lettertec apart is their commitment to personalization. Lettertec Notebooks aren't just custom-made; they're crafted to tell your brand's story. With options for complete customization, from the type of binding to the paper quality, every detail is considered. Plus, their eco-friendly approach means you're choosing a supplier that values sustainability as much as you do.
In a world where digital often dominates, traditional methods of brand promotion like custom notebooks, offer a tangible and lasting way to make an impression. Whether you're based in Cork, Dublin, or anywhere in Ireland, Lettertec Notebooks is your premier choice for custom notebook suppliers. Their commitment to quality, customization, and customer satisfaction ensures that your brand not only stands out but also resonates with your audience.
Elevate your brand today with Lettertec Notebooks - where your vision comes to life on the pages of a notebook.
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theohonohan · 7 months
The Creation of Quaternions
Growing up in Dublin, I was aware at an early age of talk of quaternions and pride in their discoverer William Rowan Hamilton. Unfortunately, this pride didn't translate into widely promulgated and accessible introductions to quaternions. There was instead a lot of insecure narcissistic celebration of the fame of quaternions (see this sort of thing). I can't blame Dubliners for feeling the need to bolster pride in Irish mathematical achievements, but it is all a bit empty without an insight into the mathematics itself.
I recently came across this introduction to the quaternion story in Stuart Hollingdale's Makers of Mathematics, a book I found on a reading list for prospective maths students. Here's the section about the discovery of quaternions. (Hollingdale does tell the Brougham Bridge part of the story, but I'm not including that.)
The Creation of Quaternions
The recognition that the real numbers can be interpreted as points along a line and the complex numbers as points in a plane led naturally to the search for ‘hypercomplex’ numbers that could be represented by points in three-dimensional space. In 1833 Hamilton read a paper to the Royal Irish Academy in which he pointed out that the plus sign in \(a + ib\) was a misnomer, as \(a\) and \(ib\) cannot be added arithmetically. Following Gauss, he proposed that a complex number should be regarded as an ordered pair of real numbers \((a, b)\) which obey certain operational rules, in particular \[ (a,b) + (c,d) = (a+c, b+d) \quad \text{(addition)} \] \[ (a,b).(c,d) = (ac - bd, ad + bc) \quad \text{(multiplication)} \] (Remember that \(i^2 = -1.\)) Hamilton then sought to extend this idea to ordered ‘number triples’, \((a, b, c)\), to be written as \(a + ib + jc\), where \(i\) and \(j\) are two distinct and independent square roots of \(-1\). The problem defeated him for many years: he could add and subtract his triples, but he could not multiply them. With hindsight, the source of the difficulty is not hard to pin down. The geometrical effect of multiplying one complex number by another is to change the length (or modulus) of the corresponding directed line (or vector) and to rotate it in the complex plane. In the polar coordinate representation of complex numbers, the ‘product’ of \((r_1 cos \theta, r_1 sin \theta)\) and \((r_2 cos \phi, r_2 sin \phi)\) is \[ (r_{1}r_{2}cos(\theta + \phi), r_{1}r_{2}sin(\theta + \phi)) \]
Since the direction of the axis of rotation is determined (it is normal to the complex plane), only one ‘length change’ and one rotational parameter are needed, i.e. two altogether. In three dimensions, however, we need two parameters to specify the direction of the axis of rotation, a third to determine the amount of rotation and a fourth to specify the change of length. The need to specify four parameters means that it is not possible to ‘multiply’ one ordered number triple by another. Hamilton knew, of course, that when a complex number \(a + ib\) is multiplied by its conjugate, \(a - ib\), the product is the positive real number \(a^2 + b^2\): the square of the modulus of either number. Let us consider the analogous operation for number triples. If we multiply \(a + ib + jc\) by \(a - ib - jc\), we find that most of the product terms cancel out and we are left with \[ a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - 2ijbc \]
Hamilton’s difficulty lay in the existence of the product term. Setting \(ij = 0\) will not do, because \(ij.ij = i^2.j^2 = (-1).(-1) = 1\), so we have a contradiction. After pondering the matter for many years, he noticed that the product term actually consists of two terms, namely \(-ijbc\) and \(-jibc\). If we assume that \(ij = -ji\), the unwanted term disappears. The crucial insight, which came to Hamilton in a sudden flash, as we shall see shortly, was the realization that he could break the commutative law of multiplication and still be left with a consistent mathematical structure. The next question is: what is \(ij\) itself? Now, \[ ij.ij = i(ji)j = - i(ij)j = -(i^2)(j^2) = -(-1)(-1) = -1 \] so it appears that \(ij\) is yet another independent square root of \(-1\); let us call it \(k\). As the product of two number triples will, in general, involve this new ‘imaginary’ number \(k\), we are led at once to the concept of ‘number quadruples’ \((a, b, c, d)\) of the form \(a + ib + jc + kd\), where \(i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = -1\). These three square roots of \(-1\) have a symmetrical relationship: \[ ij = k, jk = i, ki = j \quad \text{and} \quad ji = -k, kj = -i, ik = -j \] Since \(ij = k\), the result \(ijk = -1\) follows at once. Hamilton called these number quadruples quaternions. They obey all the fundamental laws of arithmetic with the single exception of the commutative law of multiplication. The operation of division can be defined by using the fact that \[(a + ib + jc + kd).(a - ib - jc - kd) = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 \] A quaternion can be used as an operator to change any directed line from the origin in three-dimensional dimensional space into any other such line. The four numbers \(a, b, c\) and \(d\) are sufficient for the purpose, whereas number triples are not.
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anonaltd · 5 months
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discounttillrolls · 7 months
Maximize Savings and Efficiency with Discount Till Rolls in Dublin
Dublin businesses can maximize savings and operational efficiency by choosing Discount Till Rolls as their paper roll supplier. Our competitive prices and high-quality products ensure you get the best value for your money. Our commitment to quality, competitive pricing, and outstanding service sets us apart as the preferred choice for businesses in the Dublin area. We offer Dublin businesses an affordable and reliable solution for their till roll needs. Our products are designed to deliver accurate and efficient transactions, ensuring a seamless customer experience. For more information, visit us at: https://www.discounttillrolls.ie
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Accountant David Heath moved into the fintech area to arrange Circit, which streamlines the compliance course of for auditors. He talks to Nick Mulcahy concerning the firm’s plans and the way it overcame its funding dilemma. It’s typically mentioned that the very best new business ideas sort out and remedy a ache level, and all the higher if the problem is international. That method should you show the idea in a small market like Eire then funders will present the sources to take the enterprise abroad. David Heath’s Circit ticks all these bins, which is why in a interval of six years he went from begging for capital to having giant VCs competing to speculate. Folks outdoors the accounts audit sector have little concept of the massive paper path concerned in audit compliance. If an organization’s finish of yr accounts and even its financial institution assertion present €500,000 within the stability sheet, the auditor has to hunt affirmation of that quantity from the financial institution. Meaning drawing up letters for the consumer to signal, getting them again and forwarding them to the financial institution, which has a big division coping with lots of of hundreds of comparable requests. The process provides delay and trouble when paper goes lacking. David Heath, a category of 2007 B.Comm graduate from UCD, obtained to know this concern when ending his chartered accountancy coaching with Grant Thornton. In 2011, Heath (37) moved on to a smaller agency Somers Murphy & Earl for 3 years, after which spent a yr with AutoEntry earlier than stepping out for consultancy whereas he formulated the Circit blueprint. The Circit concept is to sit down in the midst of the compliance course of. By way of Circit, the auditor connects instantly into the financial institution for the affirmation it's looking for. Paper is totally faraway from the method, and in addition to banks the platform connects on to solicitors, brokers and funds firms for fast affirmation of firm checking account balances. To outsiders, Circit illustrates how the method works with its annual accounts submitting within the CRO. The ultimate web page of the ‘Certificates of Completion’ is a listing of requests to account signatories, with time and date and even IP tackle, and the timestamp for the signatures effected. On this method, the certificates particulars ‘Safety Occasions’ and a Consumer Audit Path. Ulster Financial institution was the primary financial institution in Eire to understand what Circit was as much as and work with the corporate in addition to putting in it in Dogpatch Labs, the Dublin accelerator. Circit Ltd was integrated in July 2015 and the product was launched in October 2017. Heath recollects that the toughest half at first was rounding up €150,000 from 5 particular person buyers to attract down matched funding from Enterprise Eire in 2016 and 2017. A significant fillip was Circit’s approval by the Central Financial institution in 2019 as the primary Account Data Providers Supplier (AISP) in Eire below the PSD2 regulation. “This accelerated Circit’s traction with direct integrations to banks throughout Europe and positioned us with a singular proposition because the verification layer for conventional monetary belongings and the following wave of Open Banking and decentralised finance,” Heath explains. Heath says that his conviction across the Circit proposition was his perception that guide compliance processes wouldn't proceed indefinitely. “If we didn’t remedy it, another person would, in some unspecified time in the future. It was a comparatively small drawback that might undoubtedly be mounted, and the answer has a world utility. That was the start line,” say Heath. “What we might see on the horizon was open banking turning into a regulation that may permit the connectivity to the backend of banking programs.” For Circit to progress, there needed to be buy-in from banks and auditors, and an inevitable rooster or egg state of affairs.
“Each financial institution would ask what number of auditors do you've, and each auditor would ask what number of banks? Nonetheless, we're an auditor first play when it comes to our technique. They're the paying prospects and we innovate for them within the first occasion. The extra quantity that got here from the auditors, the extra banks and regulation companies would enroll.” Whereas Heath had auditor area perception, he needed to brush up on the tech facet. He secured an internet applied sciences diploma qualification from Nationwide Faculty of Eire in 2013 and undertook a databases course at Stanford the identical yr. “That allowed me to know sufficient about what's potential and to information the tech crew in direction of the answer,” says Heath. “I've sat within the seat of the customers that we're promoting to, and I can bridge the hole to the code that must be constructed.” The AISP regulation piece meant that Circit might join into backend programs with out having to promote the product to particular person banks. The corporate took benefit of a regulation associated to funds, and it proved to be a “large accelerator”, in accordance with Heath. Scaling start-ups can burn by means of money, and Circit is a working example. On the finish of 2019, Circit had run up buying and selling losses of €560,000 on the again of €550,000 fairness invested and a €200,000 mortgage. Web present liabilities have been €30,000 and Heath was worrying about assembly payroll. “That Christmas I bear in mind being within the children' bed room and desirous about the €20,000 money we had left to pay eight people. We had been speaking to the Irish VCs on the time and turned down their supply due to the phrases. We have been seeking to the brand new yr, as our income will increase in January and February. So we determined to carry out, which appeared like a horrible choice when Covid hit in March 2020.” In reality Covid was nice for Circit, as everybody scrambled to automate and cease dealing with paper. Heath reached out to Cloudmover principal Harry Largey, and in June 2020 the ship was steadied with a €850,000 funding spherical. Largey invested €250,000 by means of Commodore Investments, with related quantities sourced type an Angels fund and Bob Energy and household. The money got here in useful as Circit expanded the crew and booked a lack of €530,000 for 2020. The Circit crew In 2021, headcount expanded from 14 to 24 people, Circit’s end-year tax liabilities rose to €440,000 from €100,000, and taxpayer funding by means of Enterprise Eire elevated to €500,000. Web loss for the yr was €960,000 and unfavorable internet value in December 2021 €660,000. The hat would undoubtedly should be handed round once more. Heath had discovered his lesson from the aborted pre-Covid fundraiser. He turned has consideration to VCs outdoors Eire, amongst them New York fintech buyers Aquiline, and Middlegame Ventures, primarily based in Luxembourg and with workplaces in London, Washington DC and Dublin. Heath’s pitch was that Circit was up and operating, and that as a regulated AISP the platform may very well be deployed throughout Europe, in addition to in Australia and the US. “We had prospects in all of these areas. We simply did not have the sources to fulfill the demand. The elevate was actually to rent the crew to assist us develop,” says Heath. Heath approached Aquiline instantly. “It is not so tough to get the primary assembly, nevertheless it's tough to make them excited on condition that they've loads of choices for investing their cash. We have been very eager on Aquiline due to their fintech experience and the potential partnerships they'll convey. “Middlegame share our imaginative and prescient about the way forward for digital belongings and prompt verification of these belongings. They're each nice companions and we did have competitors in that spherical. We made errors beforehand, as you want a number of affords to get the deal over the road.
“We discovered the laborious lesson the primary time round that should you solely discuss to 1 VC, they simply gradual play you for so long as they'll. The second time round we felt we did it proper, and it turned out the timing was good as properly.” In Could 2022, Aquiline and Middlegame every invested €2.5m in Circit Ltd, giving Heath the runway to rent further workers to propel quick development. Serving to him out are former Grant Thornton colleagues Clodagh Vance, COO, and John Behan, CFO, together with CTO Sean Kenny. VCs demand metrics going in a single path, and Heath describes the expertise as “very thrilling”. He provides that the various, close-knit crew is “loving the journey”, with the agency recruiting for software program engineers, in addition to gross sales and buyer success roles. Most well-liked hires embrace people with an accountancy background. “They perceive the issue and understand it properly, they usually can assist when it comes to product improvement and on the gross sales facet. For the accountant who desires a profession change, Circit is a pleasant hybrid the place they do not transfer away from accounting fully whereas buying an entire set a brand new expertise.” Picture: David Heath
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miclient · 1 year
How E-signer can increase your workflow tracking
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What is an e-signer?
E-signatures, also known as electronic signatures, are a fast and legitimate way to sign papers electronically. They provide a secure and reliable alternative to handwritten signatures and can be used in place of them in many processes. An electronic signature serves as a person's declaration that they agree with the information in the document or set of data that it relates to. It is a legal concept that expresses the signatory's desire to be bound by the provisions of the signed document.
There are many circumstances where the use of electronic signatures is necessary. Qualified electronic signatures can be used in any setting, including cross-border transactions, where handwritten signatures are required by law, as their legal effects are identical to those of handwritten signatures. Examples include;
Contracts (sales, employment, lease, insurance, etc.)
Transactions (e-commerce, online banking, etc.)
Administrative procedures (tax declarations, requests for birth certificates, etc.)
The E-Signature building block supports the use of cross-border interoperable electronic signatures in Europe. This means that a Greek entrepreneur can sign a permit application in Helsinki and expect it to be recognized by public authorities in Dublin. Electronic signatures that can be used internationally are supported by the E-Signature building block. This implies that a Greek businessman can sign a permission application in Helsinki and anticipate that Dublin's government will accept it.
What are the Benefits of E-signature?
Reliable: E-signatures are accepted and enforceable all over the world.
Convenient: The signing procedure will be streamlined by enabling electronic signatures from recipients. Time spent on transactions can be cut in half using contract MiCLIENT Signer.
Economical: Saving money and streamlining corporate processes are also benefits of using e-signatures. By using less paper using MiClient Sign, you can save a lot on each transaction.
What are electronic signatures used for?
Electronic signatures are utilized across a variety of industries and departments, providing numerous benefits such as increased efficiency and productivity. Here are some examples of how electronic signatures are used:
Electronic signatures remove the guesswork from signing NDAs and sales contracts, allowing sales teams to focus on selling. When a contract is received and opened, the team can quickly view it and, once signed, continue with the sales process.
Human Resource
With electronic signatures, employees can easily view and sign documents from anywhere, enhancing productivity and impressing job applicants. Onboarding can be streamlined by allowing new hires to sign all necessary documents at once.
Financial Services
Utilize seamless, paperless experiences to securely capture and distribute critical information that today's customers need. Your financial staff can use electronic signatures to authorize purchase orders, sign off on budgets, and approve invoices.
Information Technology
Digital and automated e-sign and approval workflows can be enabled for teams and departments throughout an organization.
Marketing teams quickly transition from idea to campaign by obtaining electronic signatures from executives both internally and externally through third-party agencies.
The legal department can benefit from using electronic signatures that adhere to industry standards for encryption and security. Nondisclosure agreements and other contracts that require signatures can be signed quickly and securely, freeing up legal team members to focus on more critical work.
Why an e-signature is more secure than a wet signature?
E-signatures are more secure than wet signatures. They have numerous layers of protection and verification built into them, as well as transaction proof that can be used in court. E-signature service providers can provide an electronic record that acts as an audit trail and verification of the transaction, unlike wet signatures. This audit trail can address any complaints if one of the signers questions the validity of their signature or if there are any doubts regarding the transaction.
In conclusion, electronic signatures can benefit almost every aspect of life. There are no restrictions on when and where you can use them, unless your country of residence specifies otherwise.
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libbyems · 1 year
First step: a thirty-six hour fast to clear my head. We begin around ten-forty tonight, though we count it as midnight to round out the numbers. This means no solid food from this moment until lunch the day after tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning I shall wake up, brush my teeth, wash the nightly products off of my face, then move my body according to the instructions of Chloe Ting. This will take approximately one hour. Afterwards, I shall shower, stretch, and make myself a cup of tea with a slice of lemon. This will take another hour.
We may feel the urge to entertain ourselves. Today is not a day for entertainment. We may watch television during the hour of our movement, but we do not indulge in hours of YouTube or social media. We respond swiftly and efficiently to our messages, but only when we are not working.
I shall return upstairs to gather my materials: my laptop and sleeve, large notebook, and pen. Small commonplace book and copies of Dubliners and Normal People. Keys, lip gloss, flat water bottle. Camera. These will accompany me to the Local, where I shall enjoy an espresso with my work. Today we focus on our game of Latin. We are researching previously unlearned adjectives and using them in sentences. We think 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' would be a clever sentence to form, though it will surely be too short without the English articles in play—so we may extend it: 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, but the dog becomes alert at the sound of the fox's landing', or something of the sort. This will involve a compound sentence, surely: but and at signify clauses, do they not? We may need to refresh our memory at that, and so will continue to refer back to the textbook. More adjectives shall be needed, and we will construct our sentences off of these findings.
For lunchtime, that is, the break after our first block of work time, we take a stroll around the block. We take a route that lets us turn our gaze upwards at the majesty of the school's columns, which, when we attended, reminded us of a college. They still do, though our school now is more impressive at its oldest than even this neo-classical front.
After an additional two hours of work, wherein we finish our sentences and begin researching our new concept (and this time perhaps at Peets or the Library if the Local was not ideal atmosphere), we pack up our things in our backpack. Backpack, because a tote bag is too little weight distribution for a laptop. We walk to South Shore, headed for Sephora, to check their lip gloss selection. Last we recall, it was limited, but we are in the market for a good brand of clear lip gloss. Perhaps the Millie Bobby Brown one again. Then, we head to Daiso to purchase an ice-cold tea. The credit card comes in handy for this, because the store does not accept NFC payments.
We stop by Starbucks to say hello if our friend is working. If so, we may indulge in a Honey Almond milk Cold Brew or Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro. If not, we order one anyway and take a seat. Another period of work commences and we polish off our research section. We remain here until dark, settled with our headphones, laptop, pen-and-paper.
By now our fast has begun to sharpen our mind and our coffee has begun to tremble our nerves. We walk home, peering into warmly lit windows along the way, listening to the raw throats of academics unused to the spotlight discussing an event in history that caught our fancy on the episode title list. A wonderful day.
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factmrsposts · 1 year
Soy Chemicals Market Globally Expected to Drive Growth through 2032
The scope of the Soy Chemicals Market research report includes industry research, customer insights, market sizing & forecast, competitive analysis, market entry strategy, pricing trends, sustainability trends, innovation trends, technology evolution, and distribution channel assessment. This market report provides excellent business solutions with which many challenges of the business can be conquered. Market definition in the report gives the scope of a particular product with respect to the driving factors and restraints in the market. Market segmentation is performed in detail based on various parameters that include applications, verticals, deployment models, end users, and geography.
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It also includes strategic profiling of top players in the market, wide-ranging analysis of their core competencies, and their strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, and acquisitions that are applicable to the businesses. A thoughtful knowledge of industrial unanimity, market trends, and incredible techniques gives clients an upper hand in the market. Businesses can efficiently bring into play the data, statistics, research, and insights about the market included in the Soy Chemicals Market report to make decisions about business strategies and attain maximum return on investment (ROI).
To back its opinion, the research report covers all the factors and events such as mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, joint ventures, and strategic alliances. It also analyzes the entry barriers and overall intensity of the competition in the global Soy Chemicals Market.
Market Players :
BioBased Technologies LLC
Bunge Ltd.
The Dow Chemical Company
Cargill Inc.
Cara Plastics Inc.
Elevance Renewable Sciences Inc.
Griffin Industries Inc.
Soy Technologies LLC
Vitasoy USA Inc.
Soyaworld Inc.
Columbus Foods Co.
Chemtura Corp.
Key Segments Covered in Soy Chemicals Industry Research
Soy Chemicals Market by Type :
Soy Oil
Soy Wax Market
Fatty Acids
Soy Polyols
Soy Isoflavones
Soy Methyl Soyate
Other Types
Soy Chemicals Market by End Use :
Plastics & Polymers
Food & Beverages
Paper & Pulp
Other End Uses
Soy Chemicals Market by Region :
North America
Latin America
Regional Analysis :
The government of the United States is increasing its focus on bio-based products to achieve its sustainability goals, and this is expected to majorly propel soy chemical demand in the nation over the forecast period. The market for soy chemicals in the U.S. is projected to attain a value of US$ 15.82 billion by the end of 2032 while expanding at a CAGR of 7.4%.
China is a major manufacturing hub in the global landscape, and this is why it is a highly rewarding nation for several markets. Chemical manufacturing is a major industry in China, and with the increasing demand for renewable and bio-based chemicals, these industries have widened their manufacturing capabilities to accommodate the high demand.
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