im just gonna list ships i like and you can pick and choose (please dont write all of these that is too much). moohmtoonz, pandaohmcat, jiggly noss, daithi de vanoss, moogla, vantoonz, pandacat
Do all of them you said? Okay >:)
-Buff, buff, n fluff. Brock and Luke are broad shouldered and big armed kinda dudes, and Ohm is very lucky for the eye candy and makes sure to tell all of their friends about it every single day
-Brock makes sure that there are fresh flowers on the table everyday, and Ohm doesn't have the heart to tell him that it makes his allergies kick up because the flowers make Brock so happy
-Ohm might not be the best cook, but he'll be damned if he can't be in the kitchen; he usually bakes bread, cakes and cookies and his boyfriends are all too happy to shower him with praise
-Luke usually sleeps in a separate room, since he knows how bad he can snore- but most mornings he wakes up with a boyfriend under each arm anyways, so maybe he doesn't snore as bad as he thinks
-Luther has to dress his boyfriends some days, it's not his fault they're both total dads and have not a lick of style between the two of them ("Ohm, those jeans make your ass look flatter than a pancake")
-Delirious can get pretty jealous that his best friend is busy with double the pretty boyfriends, so he usually ends up 4th wheeling on their dates
-Shoes. So many shoes. Between Ohm's boots and Anthony and Tyler's massive sneaker haul, there is no room in the house for anything
-In general, there's no room in the house for anything; there are dog toys, shoes, clothes, plants, figures, collectables, and posters everywhere. It's a very organized but still cluttered mess
-Ohm doesn't get why his boyfriends love cars so much either, but he still smiles when they gush about it and nods along as if he has any idea what they're talking about
-These three absolutely rock date night, and usually end up at their little local bowling alley or at a bar for some good wings and good beer
-Tyler gets a bit pouty when Anthony and Ohm play together all night, and usually ends up crashing one of their offices for some well needed kisses before bed
-Tyler's parents are more than happy that his son not only got one boyfriend but *two*; it just means Wilddad has more sons, and he pulls out the baby album everytime the trio come around for dinner
-The "we are never playing mario kart ever again" couple
-Anthony is absolutely astounded by Evan's music career, and more often than not he's in the studio with Evan just watching his boyfriend work and mix, and he finds something really beautiful about Evan's passion for his work
-Late at night (or early in the morning), Evan will stumble into their bedroom and wake Anthony up to have him listen to the latest edit of his song
-Evan isn't the biggest fan of crowds, and usually holds onto Anthony's hand or arm tight- Anthony always makes sure to give a reasurring squeeze or smile to calm him down
-No, Vanoss doesn't pay his gmod mapmaker to put in cute little love notes for Panda to find, that's ridiculous!
-When they're not in the mood to cook, Anthony's go to is a peanut butter and jelly- Evan used to not even like the sandwiches till Anthony started making them for him
Daithi de vanoss
-They're little shits. They're the kinda couple who prank each other- like replacing the sugar caddy with salt, or putting saran wrap on the toilet bowl
-Nogla is the softer of the two and definitely more romantic; he likes to play silly love songs on his acoustic when it's a rainy day or when Evan's come back from tour, and it never fails to make him melt
-That being said, Evan wants to do a collab with his boyfriend bur Nogla always gets so shy, and mutters something about wanting to get better at singing before they work on music together
-They're definitely a sight to see in public or in cons; Evan's always dressed in black, with skinny jeans and designer shoes and his ever present baseball hat- while Nogla usually looks like he's rolled out of bed and threw on whatever wrinkled clothes were on the floor
-Evan does not like chocolate milk, but he drinks it because it's basically the only beverage in the house
-These two kiss in bed all the time- it's where Evan feels most comfortable with the whole affection thing, and let's Daithi kiss him breathless under the duvet and hold him close to his chest
-Brock kinda has a thing for being the 'housewife'- he likes cooking and cleaning and taking care of Daithi, and it never fails to make his chest swell with pride when Nogla tells him that the house looks nice, or that dinner was fantastic
-They probably only own comfy clothes, and only dress up for special occasions and anniversarys- and even then, Nogla always asks Moo if he can tie his tie (it's adorable everytime)
-If Nogla wants to hide a gift for Brock, he'll put it in the tallest cabinet or on top of the fridge; so far, Brock hasn't found out about his secret hiding spots
-They're both homebodies and would rather spend an evening in with each other than go out somewhere fancy
-Nogla loves taking Brock out to the fair however, and wins him the biggest prize he can everytime without fail. The collection they have in the house takes up a lot of space in the guest bedroom, but Brock insists they stay
-Oh these two sing Christmas songs together for sure, and they harmonize pretty well (even if David can get a little silly during the songs sometimes). It never fails to make Brock melt into a useless gay puddle when David sings to him
-These two are a very busy couple; merch, streams, tours, recording, sponserships; they're both usually up far past bedtime, but they make it work
-Evan calls Luke his "trophy husband" and Luke honorably takes the title- he likes dressing up and looking good for his man, what can he say?
-They are CAT DADS and spoil the ever living shit out of their kitties. Evan bought a 300 dollar cat tree that has never been used a day in their life (they liked the box better)
-The only thing that they ever argue about is pizza toppings; Luke likes hawaiian, and Evan thinks it's a disgrace to pizza everywhere (they usually end up getting supreme and calling it a day)
-Luke can get kinda clingy believe it or not, and if Evan's busy recording he'll just wrap his arms around Evan's waist and press little kisses to his hair
-Evan did not like the beard at first, but it grew on him- even if Cartoonz wakes up looking like a dirty old pirate most mornings
-Anthony shares his absolute delight over Pokémon (cards and games) with his boyfriend, who usually returns the enthusiasm. They both think that Charmander is the best starter, but they squabble on which pokemon type is the best
-They probably play football (the american one) with each other in the yard, and things can get pretty rough. Tyler once apologized for a good two hours straight after he accidentally elbowed Anthony in the eye (Panda just laughed and kissed him to shut him up)
-Gym dates, though Tyler really just watches Anthony work out while he just kinda jogs on the treadmill the whole time
-Tyler's a little on the chubby side, and Anthony's all for it- he likes making hearty dinners and loves when Tyler gets second helpings ("You like my cooking? I'm shook, babe")
-Kino is Anthony's son, and nothing in the world can change that.
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