jxckyx3 · 10 months
I'm horrible at coming up with random names, so don't shit on me!!
Ship: Nogla x Brock & Jon
Top(s): Brock & Jon
Bottom: Nogla
AU: /
Setting: /
Type: Fluff
Warning ⚠️: The chapter that you're about to read contains swearing, slightly dark humor, mention of pedophilia and other mentions or situations that may disturb, trigger or offend the viewer. Reader's discretion is advised.
Third pov -
"Brock, I'm really fucking struggling right now."
Jon's voice was quick and urgent, static slightly sifting through his end and his voice was a little muffled due to his hand presumably being pressed up against the speaking end on his phone.
More signs of an obvious struggle.
"Jon- ugh, I'm kind of busy right now. What do you want?" Brock sighed, trying not to sound as frustrated as he was.
Jon had called him in the middle of putting Briana to sleep—and though he thought the name was stupid at first, having been named after one of his friends, it was a pretty cute name so he stuck with it— and how she was wide awake again from the sound of the ringtone that had blasted throughout the previously quiet room.
And hell, Brock was just about to get to bed.
"Sorry man, just- how exactly do ya put a fussy baby to bed even after you fed her, burped her, changed her diaper and even sang her a crappy lullaby? All while having a clingy toddler hanging on your leg?"
Brock froze, rather unamused as he gently nudged Briana back down into her bed. He was lucky his other child, Damien—that he refused to name after Brian again and give him the satisfaction— hadn't woken up yet. Brock was extra-lucky that he was a deep sleeper.
"You called me up, at ten at night, to ask me how to put your kids to sleep? After you just woke one of mine up by calling me?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Brock would happily curse Jon out right now, but his daughter was still watching him with curious eyes, and he didn't want to explain to her what the word 'dickface' meant.
"Shit, sorry dude. But I really need your help. You've done this longer than I have." Jon laughed sheepishly, though he didn't sound so apologetic.
"Wait- no don't touch that!" Brock sighed at the sound of something crashing on Jon's end, before a high pitched cry of a child followed after.
"Why are you crying? It didn't even hit you!" Jon exclaimed in disbelief. Brock would've laughed on any other occasion, but he knew the struggle. He knew how hard it was to deal with kids.
He felt sympathy for his friend. And he was tempted enough to go over to his house and help him. They had all moved pretty close to eachother to make vlogging and recoding with timezones more convenient, so they were all in driving distance.
Brock would have drove down to Jon's to help, but it was late at night and he knew that Briana would probably wake up again to nobody home. He didn't want to chance it.
"Dude, listen. Did you try tucking her in?" He finally asked, breaking the impatient bickering Jon was having with his daughter.
"Yes! I tried everything Brock! Sarah and Lilly won't go to sleep! It's killing me!" He exaggerated, groaning into the phone in defeat.
"Well what do you usually do that works?" Brock asked, carding his hands through Briana's hair to push her to sleep faster. And from the slight droop in her eyes, it was working.
"Who said anything ever works? I usually just run around with them all night arguing until they finally get exhausted and give in." He admitted, hissing slightly and muttering a small 'bad'.
He must've been bit. Jon's kids were always biters. Wasn't really a surprise considering who their father was.
Brock could still hear sniffling and whining through the phone, and it was starting to give him a migraine. He loved kids sure, but they had that draining effect on people.
"Okay, how about this. I have a really important appointment tomorrow. It helps single parents learn to raise kids properly. If you can manage tonight, then I can let you come with me in the morning. Sound good?" He asked, rather ready to just hang up and have Jon deal with it himself. But Brock wasn't that cruel.
"That...actually sounds nice, yeah. What is it?" Jon asked, sounding interested as he ignored his daughter's cries of wanting to play.
"It's like a class for adults. I haven't had the chance to go yet because I wasn't sure. But lately it's been getting harder so I decided to test it out tomorrow. I'm not even sure if it'll work or help at all, but it beats trying to cluelessly doing it all by myself." Brock mumbled, slowly retracting his hand as he heard Briana's little snores.
"Hmm...fuck- ok. I'll try to put them to bed. But- what about the kids? Don't we need a babysitter?" Jon asked, the whining of his kids seeming to simmer down a bit. Which was a huge relief for Brock's ears.
"Crap...I didn't think about that. Just- we'll figure it out tomorrow okay? The classes start a few hours after school starts, so we'll have a bit of time to hire a last minute nanny or something." He huffed, leaning back in his armchair as he ran a hand over his face.
Babysitter? Why didn't he think of that? It's just another problem in his way. He can hardly record with his kids constantly at his hip. He didn't mind, but he couldn't really do much with them always around when he was working. It was so much easier when Lauren was around.
He supposed Jon feels the same way about Liz.
"Sure. It's not the best option, but it's better than what we already have." Jon sighed, murmuring a few quiet curses on his end.
Brock didn't really blame him. The whole thing was a pain in the ass.
"Alright. I'll see you in the morning. Meet me by the school entrance after you drop your kids off." He then said, voice audibly tired.
"Yeah man. See you tomorrow. Goodnight." Brock replied. And with a goodnight in return from Jon, the two hung up.
Brock hunched in his chair, almost tired enough to just fall asleep right there. Almost. But he knew it would hurt like a bitch in the morning, so he forced himself up to head to his own room.
The hallway was quiet and dark. Something he still wasn't entirely used to. He stepped into his room, peeling off his shirt and pants to toss them in the hamper.
He sat down on his bed. His empty, cold bed.
It had been only a month since Lauren left him. Reasons unknown because she was too nervous to tell him. He was sure it was because she fell out of love with him. He couldn't blame her. After a good few years, the spark between them had died. Living with her was just like living with a close friend that you kissed every now and then.
Lauren is a nice woman, so he didn't blame her for leaving. In all honesty, if he wasn't a coward, he would've broke off the marriage ages ago. It wasn't that he didn't like her anymore. But there was clearly no more family love in the house other than for their children.
Which, kinda was the deal breaker for him, because though Lauren took care of the children when he would record, she never really loved them like he did. She took care of them, fed them, bathed them. But she never cared for them with the same love that Brock did. Never kissed them goodnight or read them bedtime stories.
He guesses it was because the unlove she was feeling for him, was rubbing off into the kids. To her, they were just another part of Brock. Another part of their broken relationship. A lie.
He didn't mind when she asked for divorce. He didn't even mind when she packed all her stuff and moved out. But he did mind, when she wanted no part custody of the kids.
What would they do without a mother? How was he ever supposed to explain that she didn't love him anymore without making them think it was their fault that she left?
He was glad they hadn't asked any questions about that yet. Briana seeing to just go with it, and Damien being too young to even understand.
Brock sighed, scrubbing his hands over his face. He lied back in bed, staring up at the grey ceiling as he pulled the blankets over his body.
They still smelled like honey and lavender. Like Lauren.
Fuck, he needed to buy new blankets.
"Wow, you must've been really tired." Brock snorted, watching as Jon drank his third cup of coffee. Not so carefully adding more red bull into it as if it was a secondary creamer.
"Bro, you don't even know. I love those kids but it's like hell with them." He huffed, shaking his head and taking a big gulp as he quickly scrolled through his phone.
For Jon, he had gone only a few weeks without Liz. She wanted to focus on herself, feeling as if she had nose-dived too early into creating a family. She wanted to get out, to see the world.
Jon thought it was a load of bullshit, but they were still friends. So he could just curse her out all he wanted. She didn't mind. She would just curse him right back, then the two would continue on being friends like nothing happened.
What was her logic? She wanted a life with him, so she got it. But now all of a sudden she wanted to get out and travel the fucking world? What was there to see? Skyscrapers and shitty landmarks? Jon didn't understand. But it was her decision, and he respected it. Even if he thought it was the stupidest thing he's ever heard.
The least she could've done was to take the kids every weekend or something. But nooo, she had to have all the alone time she wanted, he thought.
Jon knew he was taking it all a bit personally. Brock seemed fine on his own. A little stressed, but fine overall. He supposed that he should be the same, but he couldn't help but feel as if Liz abandoned them.
"You okay? You're dozing off again." Brock asked, drumming his fingers on the table to snap Jon out of his daze.
"Yeah, yeah. Just...there's no babysitters that look trusting enough." He used as an excuse, shifting his phone over to let Brock see his phone screen.
He scrolled through multiple babysitter profiles, none of which caught either of their eyes.
"They all look like Karen's, or pedos." Jon hissed, drawing a short laugh from the other.
"Not so loud, we're in a coffee shop." He reminded him. Jon glanced up, seeing a few eyes on them in annoyance.
He smiled apologetically, before dropping all his focus back down to his phone.
"I dunno Brock. I'm not so sure if I can trust a random stranger with our kids. We don't know what kind of people are on this." He said, gesturing to his phone with his other hand.
Brock hummed, taking the device from Jon's hands and looking himself as the latter took the chance to sip from his coffee.
"Well what about this guy?" He asked, pointing to a profile picture with a middle aged looking, scruffy man.
"No. I'm not letting a man babysit my daughter." He stated firmly. Brock shrugged, scrolling down a bit more before he stopped again.
"How about her-"
"She's too old. She won't be able to handle all four of them." He interrupted. Brock narrows his eyes at Jon, watching as the man glared down at his cup. A small sneer on his face.
"Okay..." He said, suspicious of Jon's suddenly firm attitude about this. But he continued on.
"Uh...well there's this woman. She's twenty three, willing to sit for cheap. She even has experience in working at a daycare." He offered. At that, Jon leaned over, swirling the cup in his hands as Brock tapped into her profile.
He went through her files, looking at a few of the ratings. Brock thought she was pretty decent. She just might be perfect to-
"No. She's too young. And she looks like the type to lock the kids in a room and invite her boyfriend over or something." Jon decided, turning away from the phone once more with more interest in his coffee.
Brock heaved a sigh, rolling his eyes.
"Jon, this isn't gonna work if you don't just pick someone. We can't sit here all day, we only have twenty minutes until the class starts." He huffed, setting the phone down onto the table.
Jon didn't respond, averting his gaze as he sipped on his coffee with a small pout. If Brock didn't know any better, he'd think that Jon was the child in all of this.
"Okay, what's your deal." He demanded for an awnser, leaning his elbow on the table as he looked over to his friend. Jon refused to speak again, but after a solid minute, he gave in.
"I don't even trust myself with my own kids. How am I gonna trust a stranger?" He asked, finally setting his mug down as he looked over to Brock.
The man stared back at his friend, pursing his lips in thought.
To be frank, he had wandered over the same thoughts. Sticking his kids with some rando and going on about his day was weird without worrying at least a little bit. Brock—just like Jon— had never left his kids with anyone else but his ex-wife. And worrying about the kids was a major step in moving on.
Not just moving on from Lauren, but moving on with his life. He had to try, but he couldn't always be by his son's and daughter's side to take care of them. He had a job, he had to pay bills, he had to run errands. And none of that was easy with two kids on his hip.
He felt for all the single parents in the world, because it was difficult. And he knew Jon was going through much worse, because he had babies.
But every now and then, they'd have to take a big leap. And if that meant leaving their kids with some random person while they took classes to raise them better, then so be it.
"Jon, I know. Okay? I understand what you're going through and how much you care about your kids. Same as me man. But if we're gonna get any better at this, we have to take those classes. Meaning, we need a babysitter." Brock reasoned, watching the gears in Jon's head turn.
He was back to staring down at his coffee, barely having even touched his breakfast. Brock didn't have much of an appetite either, but he was starving.
"Eat your food idiot." He mumbled, sliding Jon's plate to the edge of the table. The latter didn't respond, but obliged as he began to take small bites of his waffles. Mainly just eating the fruit and whipped cream that sat atop, but at least he was eating something.
"Can we ask one of our friends?" Jon finally asked, turning his phone off and setting it back into his pocket.
"What?" Brock asked, slightly taken aback.
"Our friends. Can't we ask one of them?" Jon repeated, looking up. Brock didn't say a word, his mouth left hanging open slightly as he stared at Jon.
The taller sighed, setting his fork down.
"You haven't even thought about that, have you." He raised a brow. Though, it was more an observation considering Brock's reaction.
"Crap I didn't even think that was an option." He groaned, thudding his head against the table as Jon laughed.
"I honestly don't blame you. I trust them more than a stranger, but I'm not sure if any of them has experience with kids." Jon shrugged, finally taking a bite of his waffles.
"True. But we could try. We just need to figure out who's worthy enough." Brock nodded, leaning back into the booth.
It was pretty early to be up. Even for him, seeing as he usually falls back to sleep after dropping his kids off at school. But the sun felt nice and warm along with the breezy chill of the morning. He quite liked it.
He mentally noted to start getting up earlier from now on.
"Not Evan. He doesn't know jack-shit about kids. I'm not even sure he likes them. Brian's a no. He and Lanai would probably do good, but I feel like Brian would try to teach them slurs." Jon started to list off, tapping his fork against his plate.
Which was very annoying, but Brock decided to cut him some slack.
"Or treat them like dogs." He added on, causing the two of them to laugh.
"Oh, he'd absolutely do that." Jon nodded in agreement. Brock hummed, mentally shuffling through the rest of his friends.
"Not Marcel. He's great with kids, but I don't want his ADHD to kick in and have him forgetting things. Scotty would be nice, but him and Chrissy are more like children than our own. Tyler is already a no, because he'd probably take them out and spoil them and have them turn against us. Lui is already a no, because of the allegations- no I'm just kidding." Brock quickly said with a wheeze, causing Jon to burst out cackling at the last part.
People were starting to stare, and Brock didn't really blame them.
"No, but he's cool. I just don't want him giving the kids candy, because I know he will. And he's been busy lately, so I don't wanna bother him too much." Brock finished out his thoughts.
Jon was too busy still coming down from his fit, wiping literal tears from his eyes.
"Okay, okay...ah, shit. Dude that was funny. But that only leaves Anthony, David and Cody." Jon sighed, recomposing himself so they could get back to the problem at hand.
Brock hummed in thought, rubbing his chin as he twiddled his thumbs.
Anthony was a great caretaker. If Chester and Bruce were anything to go by. He was great at watching out for any allergies and great at keeping his dogs occupied. But then again, the kids were more energetic, and Brock highly doubted Anthony had the patience for them.
Cody was a great choice. If Brock hadn't already considered it. Cody was cool, but he had so many damn cats. Those cats were his life, and one of the kids might actually hurt them. Jon's daughters, most likely, with all the biting. And Cody might get mad, and then the kids would get sad for being yelled at, and crying was a hard thing to stop a child from doing.
Now David...Brock hadn't really thought about that. In all honesty, he didn't think he'd need to go through all the pros and cons, because David was...well, David.
He was childlike himself, and energetic if he was in the right mood. Which...was probably good for the kids...to be honest.
But then again, David was dumb. Respectfully. He might lose the kids, or forget about them.
But he also had a kid of his own...and she seemed pretty great. She was like him. Obnoxious, unfiltered and outgoing. But also calm and relaxed when she needed to be.
He was even great when he played with Conner on Fortnite. He watched his language better than Tyler, Brian, and even Marcel.
And if anything, David had been doing this longer than both Jon and Brock. Aliyah had left him five months ago, having found her sexuality.
Brock didn't know much, other than she had been with him because she thought she loved him. She did love him, just not like how she thought she did. Only a month before they were gonna get engaged, she came out as gay, and David had supported her all the way.
She had gotten a new girlfriend that didn't want anything to do with David's daughter, so he kept full custody. But Aliyah still came around from time to time to hangout with the two.
Other than that, that's all Brock and the rest of them knew. David hadn't told them anything else. He seemed pretty cool about the whole thing, so that was all the reassurance they needed to not keep bothering him and asking if he was okay.
Actually, he probably took it the best out of all three of them. While Brock and Jon had been down in the dumps for a little, David had seemed completely fine.
Regardless of any of that, David raised Cathy pretty good. She was a kind, curious little girl. A little too curious and asking weird questions just as her father did at times, but she was alright.
"Ugh...I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but David seems like the most responsible for this." Brock said, finally making up his mind.
Jon started at him for a few seconds, mouth full of food. He narrowed his eyes. Trying to see if Brock was playing or not. But he wasn't. He was completely serious.
"Reasons being?" He asked through a muffled mouth, wiping away the jam that stuck on the corner of his lip.
"Well, take Catherine for example. She's smart, kind, surprisingly calm and collected when asked the first time, and she's respectful. David did that all by himself, and I know he only has one kid, but don't you think it would be great for our kids to spend some time with him? Just for this one day to see how it goes." Brock explained, spreading his arms out with the offer.
Jon stared at him, thinking it though thoroughly.
"If it doesn't go the way we planned, then we can always find another babysitter for next time. But for now, he's the best we got." He continued.
That seemed to be the breaker for it, because Jon sighed and nodded his head.
"Fine. But if he fucks up my kids, I'm blaming you." He said with an accusing finger pointed in the other man's direction.
Brock sighed, finally happy that this was all settled.
"Sure thing. I'll take full responsibility." He said, crossing a hand over his heart. Jon rolled his eyes, but smiled anyways.
"So we thought you would be the perfect fit for it...that is, if ya can." Jon finished, glancing over at Brock. Who—despite saying he'll take full responsibility— hadn't said a single word other than 'hi' since David opened the door.
The Irishman stared at them, looking between a mix of surprise and confusion with his mouth slightly hanging open.
He was fully dressed and looked rather awake. Meaning he had been up since he dropped Catherine at school. Which was a sort of surprise to see him still up and not exhausted.
Probably one of the upside's of only having one kid.
"Yo-...ye want me ta babysit?" He finally asked. They had been his only words spoken since the two came knocking at his door. He hadn't even been able to greet them before Jon started to spout all their problems and plans.
Even going as far as repeating the joke Brock had made this morning about Lui. Which had been funny, but he was so confused that it was hard to process anything.
"Yes. That's exactly what we're asking for." Brock finally said, getting a small side eye from Jon.
David pursed his lips, looking down into the cup for tea he had been holding. It was probably cold by now.
"Lads, listen. Y'know I would say yes any day and any time but...are ye sure?" He asked, raising a brow at them. The question took them by surprise.
"What do you mean?" Jon asked, frowning a bit.
"Well, ye guys don't usually trust me with big responsibilities. Which- makes sense, considering I'm me. But kids? I mean, I'm great with kids, but your kids? You're trusting me with kids? All five, including mine? At once? Seems like a big responsibility for ole Nogla, no?" He asked, taking a small sip of his tea. Yup, definitely cold.
"Aww, now you're just being all smug and petty." Jon pouted, setting his hands on his hips. David smiled at that, narrowing his eyes.
"Nu-uh." He simply said. He was waiting for them to cave in. To admit they needed his help.
Which, they were desperate enough to do, but they'd have to murder him multiple times in game to get straight with him.
"Ugh, David we need you. We don't know how to raise our kids properly and we need to take these classes. Will you please babysit our kids. I'll even pay if that's what you want." Brock groaned, stepping forward and leaning an arm against the door and as he looked down at David pleadingly.
The Irishman simply took another sip, remaining eye contact as he smiled up at the other.
"Nope. That's all I needed. Just call the school and have t'em know I'll be picking up the kids. Call me when your classes are over." He said, pressing his fingers to Brock's chest to push him away gently, before closing the door as if nothing happened.
Jon and Brock stood there in confusion, blinking at the closed door.
"Well that was easier than I thought." Jon cracked a smile, chuckling lightly as Brock grumbled at him.
"He took my pride." He mumbled, though it was mostly a joke... mostly.
"Hey, it's for the kids!" Jon smiled, patting him in the back reassuringly as they headed down the steps.
"Yeah, yeah. For the damn kids." Brock huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"And now, we're gonna do a simple practice for those of you with newborn babies, or smaller babies. We're gonna show you exactly how to wrap up your child in this blanket. Like a baby burrito!" The woman said enthusiastically.
She had been speaking like this the whole time. Almost as if they were the children, or if she was the child herself. Maybe she used to be a kindergarten teacher.
Regardless of why she was speaking so happily, Brock and Jon were doing nothing but worrying. Well, mostly Brock.
They had been in this class for adults, for over three hours. Most of which had been practicing on how to properly speak to a child. The guys didn't understand it, they already knew how to talk to their kids. This was stupid.
However, there had been some things they learned. Like how not to raise your voice even if the child was talking back. Or how not to reward bad behavior.
Admittedly or not, there had been a lot of good tips they learned so far.
But it would be much easier to pay attention, if they weren't worrying about their kids so much.
School should have ended three hours ago, so they were fixed on wether David would be able to do this or not.
They hadn't really thought about it when he asked them specifically why they trusted him. But now they understood his hesitancy.
David was going to be watching all five kids, by himself, until these classes were over.
And before this all, the two fathers didn't think it would be a problem for their friend. He was a father himself, so he should know what he was doing. Brock had even thought the classes would be short, so they didn't have to worry too much about leaving the kids for too long.
But supposedly, due to more parents coming in, the lady the taught the adults, said that the class would go on for the whole day. Just to make sure- and in her words, 'so that parents would be able to go back home and know the basics on how to properly raise a child'.
And Brock was usually good at keeping his chill. He could keep his cool. Years of being with his friends taught him how.
But this was unbearable.
He kept glancing up at the clock, kept bouncing his knee. He was starting to gain some attention each time he tapped his pencil on the desk. And not the good kind of attention like the kind they got when stepping through and all those milf's looked at them seductively. But the kind of attention that was either annoyed by your anxiousness, or concerned.
Jon was on the concerned side.
"Yo, you good?" He whispered, flickering his eyes between Brock and the teacher. They were allowed to be seated wherever, and right now Brock was very grateful for that.
"Yeah just...I'm worried. Really worried." He admitted, keeping his eyes on the teacher to redirect his gaze from Jon's. Because one look at him, and Jon would know how scared he was.
He trusted David. He really did. But these were his kids. The only thing he had left besides his friends. He couldn't help but worry.
"Me too man- but, listen. This is David we're talking about. He knows what he's doing. I trust him. And I have a feeling that you do too." Jon said, lowering his voice even more so they didn't get caught.
Brock clentched his jaw, staring down at his wrapped up, stupid baby doll. He already know how to wrap a baby up.
"Look at Catherine. She's amazing. David's a great father. If he can handle us, he can handle them. Our kids aren't even as half as bad as we are. He's got this. He's great at what he does, dude." Jon went on. Trying to make sure Brock knew that they left their kids in good hands.
And it was definitely working. Jon did make a point.
"Yeah...he is great." He smiled a little. He was still a bit concerned, but he knew that David was trustworthy.
"I wonder what they're doing right now." He mumbled, earning a hum in agreement from Jon.
"Ah-! Sweetie no, don't touch that!" David called, trying to keep his voice gentle as he reached out for Sarah. She smiled brightly up at him as he grabbed the large kitchen knife from her hand.
It had a rubber cover on it, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
He returned her smile, trying not to be creeped out by her big blue eyes staring up at him.
Jon's kids were terrifying. Cute, but terrifying.
"Wait, wait, wait. Honey, where did you put the chocolate chips?" He asked nervously, glancing around the already destroyed kitchen to find the bag of chocolate.
"Lilly had them!" Briana said helpfully, looking rather proud as she mixed the overly chunky cookie dough.
"R-right." He laughed, using his thumb to wipe the flour from her nose before walking around the counter to find Lilly on the floor.
"Lilly, could I have those back?" He asked softly, crouching down to her level. She pouted with a mouth full of chocolate, rapidly shaking her head.
"Please? I'll give you all extra cookie brownies of ye give me the chocolate?" He offered. She seemed to hesitate a bit at that, pursing her lips before making up her mind and giving him the chocolate back.
"Thanks dear, I'll make sure ta make it extra chocolatey." He smiled, moving back over to set the bag down on the counter.
He sighed heavily, looking around at the mess.
He knew that this would be a challenge, but this was a tad bit harder than he intended. Of course, he should've seen this coming because of who their fathers were.
He had offered to make brownie cookies for the kids, and they had all willingly agreed. But they had looked rather bored just playing in the backyard. Mostly just sitting around and playing with the flowers, so he asked if they wanted to help.
If he had known their 'help' came along with three missing wooden spoons, a flour fight, stolen chocolate chips, knife hoarding, raw eggs thrown at his fridge and two broken bowls, then he would've come more prepared.
He didn't mind the mess. Yes, it was gonna be a pain in the ass to clean, but they were just kids. That what they did. In his mind, it was their way of expressing themselves. David hadn't ever had this much time with Brock's or Jon's kids, so this was sort of fun to him.
"Listen kids, how about you go wash up and watch some TV while I finish this. Hmm? Catherine can show ye guys how ta find the Cartoons." He said enthusiastically, hoping to have them mirror it.
"Yay! Cartoons!" Cathy grinned, already running for the bathroom with the line of kids behind her. David chuckled at their cuteness, sighing as he turned on the sink.
"Guess Jon wasn't lying. They are a handful." He laughed, reaching for a cleaning rag under the sink.
The brownie cookies had been devoured immediately after David finished making them. He was glad he made another secret batch and stored it in the fridge for later.
The kids liked them, and he was glad that they had the decency to thank him. Not like his friends ever would, so he was glad at least their kids did.
They watched TV for a bit before they had gotten hungry again. David didn't want to upset their stomachs with all that chocolate they ate beforehand, so he made them a healthier treat.
He may eat like a dying man, but he wasn't gonna push that diet on them.
They didn't necessarily like the idea of salad and peanut butter celery sticks at first. But when he threw in some yogurt, they immediately caved in and ate all their salad like it was their favorite thing on the planet.
He knew they were just kissing ass to finally get their yogurt, but he didn't mind the smug, proud looks on their faces when they each got a stick of gogurt. He had to help Damien by handfeeding him in a small cup since he was too young, but he didn't mind.
He in fact liked it. It reminded him of when Cathy was still a baby and he had to learn it all from scratch. Now, he knew exactly what he was doing.
Later on, the kids wanted to play. He didn't have that many toys or choices to go by, because Catherine liked to watch cartoons more than play make believe. However, she was feeling rather adventurous today and wanted to play along to the tea party the other kids were having.
They asked David to play as well, and though he was an adult, he had the mind of a child and an imagination of one too. So he eagerly agreed.
It was funny to see the kids act out different scenarios and talk to Cathy's stuffed toys as if they were people.
And during the moment, David hadn't understood why Brock and Jon had been struggling with them. These kids were angels to him.
Until bath time.
Dinner had been rather peaceful. They chatted as they ate their spaghetti, and it seemed as if they were mature adults. Even if Briana got all technical like did Brock from time to time. But he liked it.
And then when he put them in the tub, all hell broke loose again. He didn't want them to feel uncomfortable, so he bathed them in pairs with their siblings. 
Catherine had been pretty tame. She loved baths, just like David. She especially liked the bubbles.
Briana and Damien had been a bit hard. Briana was worried that the drain would suck them up, but that's to be expected from a child with an overly active imagination. But her fear caused Damien to freak out a bit. He was still pretty young, so he didn't understand when David told him there was a plug. He though eventually got them to calm down with Cathy's bubble blower.
Sarah and Lilly though, were much harder. Sarah had wanted a bath bomb, something she said Jon gave them all the time. David wasn't sure those were ok for kids, so he mentally notes to talk to Jon about that. But he eased her pouting with a rubber ducky. Lilly had been crying about her dad.
Which, was totally understandable. He highly doubted that they had been away from their fathers much, so he didn't take it too personal when they both started to cry for Jon.
David didn't want to call Jon and bother him, so he had pulled up one of his music videos on his phone and let it play throughout the rest of the time he washed them. They had been dancing, so it was harder to clean them, but he was just glad that they weren't crying anymore.
He brushed their hair and their teeth, and they had been pretty cooperative. They still had tons of energy, so it did take longer than he intended, but that's expected.
When they were all cleaned up and ready for bed, he let them all squeeze on Cathy's bed. She had a pretty large one considering him and Aliyah had been too lazy to buy some expensive looking child's bed. Like the ones that are shaped into race cars and castles or some shit.
Sarah and Lilly were pretty small. As well as Damien, so he had them in the middle so that they wouldn't fall off in the middle of the night.
He was exhausted. Tired even. But he knew they still had energy left, and used the rest of his own to read them bedtime stories.
He hadn't ran around, and been occupied like this in forever. Catherine still had her moments of course, but she was pretty laid back when she wasn't on her sugar high. He was convinced to think she had ADHD like him.
The kids liked the way he read. Always laughing when he made funny voices and reacted to the book himself. They were ones he hadn't read in a while, so it was almost new to him and Cathy.
They were pretty drowsy by the fifth book, but didn't want him to go just yet.
"David, could you sing? Sometimes my daddy sings to us." Briana asked sleepily, barely being able to keep her eyes open, but was determined to hear the man sing for her.
"Oh. Uh, sure. What kind of songs do ye like?" He asked, looking between the children. Sarah and Catherine were on the brink of passing out, so he was mostly directing his question to the other three.
"I dunno. My daddy usually just shings twinkle twinkle little star, or that one 'bout a lady bug." Lilly mumbled with slurred words, slinging her arm around her sisters chest.
David snorted, setting his book down as he sat up a bit. Of course Jon wouldn't sing any other song than the two most repetitive nursery rhymes.
"Of course he does. Well...how about a real song? Have ye ever heard of Glimpse of Us?" He asked softly, keeping his voice low and above a whisper.
"No, what's that?" Briana asked. Damien was just as close to passing out as the other two, so he turned most of his attention to the other two girls.
"It's a song. Want me ta sing it? Probably the only PG song I know, ta be honest." He said, mumbling the last part to himself.
"Yes please." Sarah said with a yawn, causing a chain of four more yawns to rip from the kid's mouths. David laughed at them, yawning himself before he sat himself more comfortably.
He was sure this wouldn't be the only song he sang tonight, but yet again, he didn't mind. He just hoped the kids were satisfied.
"Brock, are you sure you called him?" Jon asked as he ran up the steps of the house. Brock quickly closed the car doors, shivering slightly from the chill of the night.
"Yes like, three times already." He said, showing his phone for proof. Jon huffed in impatience, raising his hand to bang on the door.
"Wait- don't do that!" Brock hissed, yanking his arm back.
"Why not? They could be in danger! Why else wouldn't he awnser his phone?" Jon asked in concern, about ready to yank his arm away and barge through the door.
"Well they could be sleeping or something." Brock tried to reason, but he himself was worried as well.
David specifically told them to call when their class was over. But the called him three times, and no awnser. Not even a text.
They know they could just be overreacting, but could you blame them?
"Just- fine. We'll go in ourselves then." Jon huffed, reaching under the welcome mat to find the spare key. Brock was tempted to stop Jon, thinking that this was a little intrusive; but he as well was eternally freaking out.
Millions of 'what ifs' running through his head.
He winced as the door made a small click when Jon turned the key, instantly placing it back under the rug before heading inside.
Brock followed close by, closing the door behind him gently. Because if there was some kind of murderer or kidnapper, they could very well still be in the house. And it would be better to find them first, then be the ones found.
Jon immediately went looking around. Starting from rhe living room, to the kitchen, to the guest room, and finally to the end of the hallway where Cathy's room was.
Their footsteps had been quick and quiet, trying to find their kids as fast as possible.
But once reaching the last door, all their worry washed away in a snap. David was sitting in a chair next to the big bed, that had all the kids cuddled up and warm under a large purple comforter.
He was leaning over and resting his elbow on the edge, placing his cheek on his palm. The other hand was playing with Catherine's curls, twirling it around his finger. David was singing softly, but the words came out more like hums or mumbles, though the pretty melody was still there.
Brock and Jon immediately untensed, letting out small sighs of relief as they exchanged a glance.
They really had been overreacting.
Jon leaned against the doorframe as Brock crossed his arms over his chest, fond smiles coming to their faces as David continued to sing them to sleep.
The sight was just too adorable, they didn't want to interrupt.
David was nodding off, clearly trying to keep himself awake as he shifted his feet on the ground to keep himself up. A small pink nightlight was on by the bedside lamp, and have an almost angelic glow to his already godly features.
"-and she...she...what was I singin'?" He mumbled, frowning slightly as he stilled his hand in Cathy's hair. He then shrugged and went on to humm a different song.
Brock couldn't help but snort at that, causing David to jump slightly and snap his head over to them with wide eyes.
He then sighed heavily, hunching over in the chair as he saw who they were.
"God, you two scared te shit outta me." He groaned, earning a few more quiet laughs in return.
"Yeah, sorry about breaking in. Brock was worried." Jon lied, getting an offended look from the other.
"I- wha- dude. You were the one that called him three times and you were the one to decide to use his spare key." Brock pointed out, making Jon glare at him, blushing in embarrassment and betrayal as David stood up.
"Ah, it's fine. I understand why ye got so scared. But, we're all fine. No need ta get all overprotective." He smiled lazily, stretching his arms over his head before turning back to the kids.
"Did they give you trouble?" Jon asked, though already expecting a certain awnser. What he didn't expect, was for David to say the opposite.
"Actually...they did pretty good. Had a bit ups and downs, but they listen pretty well." He explained, leaning over to give each of them a kiss on the nose.
Which was pretty cute in itself. Even more so when David turned to them and smiled all sleepy like.
"Come. Let's talk out here so we don't wake them." He whispered, nudging them out of the room so he could close it to a crack.
They followed mindlessly as he walked to his room, leaving the door open for them to enter.
"So did ye guys learn anything helpful?" He started conversation, talking normally as he moved to his dresser.
"Eh, something like that. Got a few good pointers, and learned how to quote on quote 'communicate', but other than that, it was mostly newborn baby stuff." Brock replied, instantly snapping his head away when David moved to take his shirt off and switch it out for a looser, bigger t-shirt. Jon didn't care to look away.
"Oh yeah? Sounds fun." He rolled his eyes, giggling with Brock groaned in exhaustion. It was anything but fun.
"Fun? Sure man. If getting hit on by all the milf's is considered 'fun', then yeah. We had a blast." Jon said jokingly, earning another laugh from the Irishman.
"Well I'm sure ye guys are tired. If you want, ye can leave ta kids here and pick them up in the mornin'. I don't mind it." He said, pulling his pants off and tossing them onto his dresser.
The two watched as David walked over to his bed, flopping down into the center and pulling the blankets over him.
"Or ye can sleep here wit' me. I don't care." He said with a yawn, snuggling into his bed like he didn't care they were still currently standing in his room. And honestly, he didn't.
They were adults. If they wanted to leave, they could leave. If they wanted to stay, they could stay.
"Uh...sure." Jon finally said, shrugging at Brock before he took his shirt and pants off. Leaving him in his boxers. Brock stared in confusion as Jon slipped into the bed. Immediately throwing his arm around David as if this was all natural to him.
Brock was confused why David didn't shift away or push jon and call him 'gay'. But he quickly realized why when soft snores were heard from him.
Jon smirked at him, wiggling his eyebrows as he pulled David closer, teasing him. Brock scoffed, rolling his eyes before following suit.
He stripped down to his boxers as well before finding rest on David's other side, but not touching him.
"Pussy." Jon whispered, earning a huff from Brock before he slung his own arm around David.
God, Jon was a manipulative asshole.
"Shut up, you like it." He chuckled, as if he could hear Brock's thoughts.
"Screw you. I'm not gay." He hissed back, regardless, tightening his grip around David.
"Uh-huh. And what were doing isn't gay?" Jon asked, raising a brow as Brock could only blush in embarrassment.
"Shut up dickhead." He sighed, getting another laugh, but Jon seemed to drop it and just go to sleep. Something Brock was very thankful about.
David shifted as the brightness of the sun shines through his eyelids, effectively edging him closer to wake. He whined in protest, attempting to turn over and rid of the bright light.
But he seemed to not move. Actually, he couldn't move. He shot his eyes open in a small state of panic, only to heavily sigh in relief when he realized it was just Jon and Brock trapping him in-between their chests...
He immediately sat up, wincing at the small groans he got from them in protest. But despite that, they didn't seem to be showing any signs of getting up just yet.
David sighed, looking down at his legs to see the reason for his immobility. But he couldn't be too mad when he saw the sight of all the kids surrounding their legs like animals. It was cute, really.
He giggled lightly, quick to cover his mouth when he saw the kids start to stir.
Sarah was the first to wake up, blinking around lazily before her eyes found him. She frowned up at him, as if trying to figure out who he was for a second.
"Mommy?" She eventually asked. Her voice thick and raspy. David choked at that, quickly shaking his head.
"Uh- n-no. I'm not your mommy. But you can call me Uncle David if ye want?" He quickly said, for some reason blushing at the thought of being the kids' mother. That would imply that he was dating their fathers and oh God- would that be embarrassing.
"Mom- mommy?" Lilly asked, waking up to the conversation. Sounding more confused than accusing than Sarah had. As if she was confused why her sister had called him mommy, but also didn't deny that it felt right to view him as such.
"No, girls-" David laughed, reaching a hand over to run his fingers through Sarah's hair.
"I'm not your mommy." He repeated softly, rather tired to actually go into full detail as to why.
"Mum!" Damien exclaimed, suddenly having this random burst of energy. David quickly shushed him, glancing back at Jon and Brock to make sure they weren't heading this.
Still sleeping, thank God.
"Guys can be mommies? Wow, I didn't know that. Does that make you my mommy?" Catherine spoke, shifting up from her spot asleep on the bed to sit up.
Why were kids so energetic in the morning?!
"W-well, not really." David replied, scratching his head in thought. Briana made a small noise of confusion, sitting up straight as Cathy had.
"But you act like a mama. You fed us, baked cookies with us, you played tea party with us. You even gave us baths and sang us to sleep." She lifted off, tapping each finger as she counted them off. The kids looked at him expectedly, waiting for more words of denial that they'd certainly overshadow again.
"Well...I'm not dating your daddies, which means I'm not your mommy." He offered, already feeling his face heat up more from this conversation.
Why was he discussing this with children? It was too early for this.
"That's it! All ya have to do is date our daddies! Then you can be our mommy, and we can all be one big happy family!" Lilly exclaimed, the rest of the kids cheering in agreement.
David laughed in embarrassment, hiding his red face into his palms.
"K-kids, quiet down yeah? W-we wouldn't want ta wake up these two okay? How about ye go brush yer teeth and then I'll meet ye in the kitchen ta make pancakes. Sound good?" He offered, and then just like that, the cheering was directed onto the idea of food, and the kids were spilling out the room faster than he'd ever seen toddlers and babies run.
David sighed heavily, giggling to himself as he ran a hand through his messy bed hair.
"Dear Lord please save me from this embarrassment, it's too early fer gay thoughts." He mumbled, sliding out of bed and heading over to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of knee highs socks and pulled them on, not caring to put on pants since his shirt was long enough anyways.
"Mommy. Psh, they called me mommy." He laughed to himself, yawning as he walked out of the room and into the empty hallway.
The room stayed quiet for some time, the district chatter from the kids in the kitchen being the only noise besides David speaking to them and the birds chirping outside.
"Hey Brock?" Jon eventually asked, opening his eyes from his fake-sleep and looking over to Brock. Who at being greeted, opened his own eyes. Both having an obvious blush on their faces.
"What?" Brock asked, tiredly blinking at the other.
"Do you think he'd let us, like...fuck him?" Jon asked, smirking when Brock sighed and pulled himself up.
"Yup. That's enough chit chat for me." He said, making the other laugh in amusement.
The two quickly got up from bed and pulled their pants on, heading straight for the kitchen where all the commotion was going on.
"Daddy!" Briana cheered, running over to greet her father.
"Hi! How are you?" He asked in a slightly higher pictured voice, bending over to pick his daughter up.
"Oh! Good morning." David greeted them, already grabbing two cups of coffee with one hand and heading in their direction.
"I usually put whipped cream for my own coffee, but te kid's decided ye guys weren't worthy enough fer it." He said. Almost sounding apologetic as he handed them their cups.
They couldn't help but to stare at him. With his messy unbrushed hair and his rosy cheeks from the cold of the morning. He was adorable.
"Aww, why not?" Jon asked, faking a pout as he looked at the kids. Who were seated on barstools and eating at the counter. Damien was resting in David's right arm, leaning his head on the man's chest. He seemed to still be slightly asleep, and David's slight bouncing wasn't helping him wake up any more than he was.
"Because, only pretty people can have whipped cream." Catherine said sassily, eyeing the two up and down as if she was judging them. Jon scoffed in fake offense at that, as David could only cover his face in embarrassment.
"Oh dear..." He muttered, shaking his head with a slight laugh.
"So David's pretty enough and we're not?" Brock asked, tilting his head at the kids to find their logic. Though he couldn't argue on the first part.
"Mommy David is way prettier." Lilly grinned, making Jon choke on his coffee as David was referred to as the M word again.
"Darling, everyone is at least a little pretty. Can't t'ey just have a bit? Just a tiny bit?" David asked, directing his gaze at the kids to change the subject already.
The kids all glanced between the three dads, seeming to be thinking hard.
"Hmm, fine. But only a little." Sarah huffed, playfully glaring at Brock and Jon as if it was their fault. David laughed at that, grabbing the can of whipped cream from the counter he used to put on the kids' pancakes to put some into their coffee.
Briana gasped as David made a more than 'a little' mountain in their cups, looking at him in betrayal.
"Hey! That's not a little!" She laughed, reaching over to steal some from Brock's cup with her finger.
"Whoops, my finger must've slipped." David laughed, moving over to set Damien down in the baby stool before walking towards the stove.
"Ye guys hungry?" He asked, looking over to the two of them. They just stared at him, feeling a weird warmth flooding in their chests.
It was like the first time they had met Liz and Lauren. A warm passion that took up their time and filled their heads with the need to be closer to the one they loved.
It was funny how easily David connected with the kids. Bickering playfully with them, playing into their chit chat and even calling eachother nicknames as if they were a family.
A real, loving family. They could get used to it.
"Yeah. I'm starving." Jon mumbled, him and Brock admiring the smile David sent them before he focused on the food.
Maybe they didn't have to the spend the rest of their lives alone. Maybe they already had a family. A complete, family.
9,460 words
Here ya go!
Sorry I haven't posted here in a while, stuffs been busy!
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay beautiful!
Until next time my loves!
Featured or mentioned characters:
Main -
Nogla - David
H2ODelirious - Jon
Moo - Brock
Featured -
VanossGaming - Evan
Terroriser - Brian
Ms.Vixen - Lanai
IAmWildcat - Tyler
LuiCalibre - Lui
Fourzeroseven - Scotty
Fissy - Chrissy
BigJigglyPanda - Anthony
BasicallyIDoWrk - Marcel
RacingCats - Cody
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jeawrites · 4 years
(i HAD A SUDDEN URGE TO WRITE FOR THE DERBY AU SO TAKE THIS IG-- its just a relationship test)
Ship: Nogla/Moo
Warnings: None
Word Count: 807
“Ye know,” David began, picking a fry off of Brock’s plate, “You coulda invited anyone else out and ye chose me? Why is that?” He plopped the fry in his mouth and watched in pure entertainment as Brock’s face turned a light shade of red.
“Well- er- I just wanted to- well,” he gestured roughly into the air. “Maybe I wanted to bond a bit,” he rolled his eyes and moved his plate towards him as David went to grab another fry. 
Which, in response, gained a pout. 
But, then David regained his smile and leaned back into his seat. “Well I’m glad you invited me,” he decided, reassuring in his tone and part of Brock did feel relieved by the confirmation.
“Is that so?” Brock asked, shoving a fry into his mouth after dipping it into some ketchup.
David nodded confidently. “Of course! It’s been really fun-- all things considered.”
Brock raised a brow. “All things considered?” he repeated.
David nodded again and took Brock’s moment of confusion to reach a long arm over and snatch another couple of fries, brushing his hand over Brock’s which caused the American to jump. 
Brock glared. “You shoulda just ordered your own!” he whined, but he wasn’t actually too mad about it.
“It wouldn’t be fun to steal fries off of my own plate,” David argued, winking teasingly at Brock.
“You’re unbearable,” Brock huffed, using his other hand to cover his face, but he also pushed the plate towards the middle of the table.
“Yet ye still invited me out,” David said as he reached for a fry in victory.
Brock smiled a tinge behind his hand, giving into his defeat. “Touche,” he said, “But, fuck you anyways.” 
The two shared a laugh and shared some fries.
The night was still young by the time they finished, but the diner didn’t close for a bit and Brock insisted that David tried a cookie.
“They literally make the best cookies here-- I promise you’ll love them!” he said, nearly bouncing in his seat which gained a fond smile from David.
“Okay- okay, I believe ye Brock,” he laughed, a tad awkward as he held his hands in front of his chest, surrendering. 
“Yes!” Brock grinned, waving down their waitress after kindly calling out her name. she happly took his order for half a dozen cookies- “John’s gonna want a few”- David didn’t complain much, instead became rather curious on just how much of a regular Brock is- he did know most of the staff.
“Did ye work here at one point?” he asked.
Brock blinked, calming down some with the question and shaking his head. “No,” he trailed off and then giggled. “I used to come here every weekend when I was younger so I’ve come to know the family that runs it,” he explained. 
“Oh,” David nodded. “So it’s family run still?” 
“Mostly,” Brock answered, “The man who opened this place- our waiters dad- is retired now, so the guy who owns it now is actually a close family friend, but they all get along.” 
David nodded again and then he grinned. “Why’d ye visit so frequently?” he asked.
Brock raised a brow, resting his arms on the table. “I came here with my family once and really liked it so I would just treat myself every weekend- if I didn’t have practice.” He paused then, and tilted his head. “Why are you so curious?”
David shrugged. “I like hearing ye talk, and I like learning about ye,” he said. 
He laughed. “Sorry, was that a weird thing to say?”
Brock shook his head quickly, chuckling a little. “No- no, it’s fine, just... not what I was expecting to hear,” he answered.
But, before David could ask, the waitress dropped off a box of cookies with a little wink and handed Brock the check before leaving. 
Brock paid and tipped before leading David out to the car. 
The ride to the apartment building was fun, mainly because Brock was right and David did love the cookies- “I told you so!” “Shut up- I’m trying to enjoy it!”- They soon did get back though and the night came to an end once they got to their floor. 
David stalled by Brock door, rubbing the back of his neck as he held a cookie in his hand. “Thanks for treating me, Brock,” he said with a smile. “I owe ye a dinner,” he added. 
Brock laughed. “I’ll hold you to that,” he said. “But, I’m glad you came. I hope you have a good night, David,” he gently patted his shoulder.
“Ye too, Brock,” he said. “I’ll see ya at practice tomorrow,” he added, before beginning down the hall. 
“Yeah, later,” Brock called, watching for a moment with a fond smile before he headed inside, locking the door behind him. 
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im just gonna list ships i like and you can pick and choose (please dont write all of these that is too much). moohmtoonz, pandaohmcat, jiggly noss, daithi de vanoss, moogla, vantoonz, pandacat
Do all of them you said? Okay >:)
-Buff, buff, n fluff. Brock and Luke are broad shouldered and big armed kinda dudes, and Ohm is very lucky for the eye candy and makes sure to tell all of their friends about it every single day
-Brock makes sure that there are fresh flowers on the table everyday, and Ohm doesn't have the heart to tell him that it makes his allergies kick up because the flowers make Brock so happy
-Ohm might not be the best cook, but he'll be damned if he can't be in the kitchen; he usually bakes bread, cakes and cookies and his boyfriends are all too happy to shower him with praise
-Luke usually sleeps in a separate room, since he knows how bad he can snore- but most mornings he wakes up with a boyfriend under each arm anyways, so maybe he doesn't snore as bad as he thinks
-Luther has to dress his boyfriends some days, it's not his fault they're both total dads and have not a lick of style between the two of them ("Ohm, those jeans make your ass look flatter than a pancake")
-Delirious can get pretty jealous that his best friend is busy with double the pretty boyfriends, so he usually ends up 4th wheeling on their dates
-Shoes. So many shoes. Between Ohm's boots and Anthony and Tyler's massive sneaker haul, there is no room in the house for anything
-In general, there's no room in the house for anything; there are dog toys, shoes, clothes, plants, figures, collectables, and posters everywhere. It's a very organized but still cluttered mess
-Ohm doesn't get why his boyfriends love cars so much either, but he still smiles when they gush about it and nods along as if he has any idea what they're talking about
-These three absolutely rock date night, and usually end up at their little local bowling alley or at a bar for some good wings and good beer
-Tyler gets a bit pouty when Anthony and Ohm play together all night, and usually ends up crashing one of their offices for some well needed kisses before bed
-Tyler's parents are more than happy that his son not only got one boyfriend but *two*; it just means Wilddad has more sons, and he pulls out the baby album everytime the trio come around for dinner
-The "we are never playing mario kart ever again" couple
-Anthony is absolutely astounded by Evan's music career, and more often than not he's in the studio with Evan just watching his boyfriend work and mix, and he finds something really beautiful about Evan's passion for his work
-Late at night (or early in the morning), Evan will stumble into their bedroom and wake Anthony up to have him listen to the latest edit of his song
-Evan isn't the biggest fan of crowds, and usually holds onto Anthony's hand or arm tight- Anthony always makes sure to give a reasurring squeeze or smile to calm him down
-No, Vanoss doesn't pay his gmod mapmaker to put in cute little love notes for Panda to find, that's ridiculous!
-When they're not in the mood to cook, Anthony's go to is a peanut butter and jelly- Evan used to not even like the sandwiches till Anthony started making them for him
Daithi de vanoss
-They're little shits. They're the kinda couple who prank each other- like replacing the sugar caddy with salt, or putting saran wrap on the toilet bowl
-Nogla is the softer of the two and definitely more romantic; he likes to play silly love songs on his acoustic when it's a rainy day or when Evan's come back from tour, and it never fails to make him melt
-That being said, Evan wants to do a collab with his boyfriend bur Nogla always gets so shy, and mutters something about wanting to get better at singing before they work on music together
-They're definitely a sight to see in public or in cons; Evan's always dressed in black, with skinny jeans and designer shoes and his ever present baseball hat- while Nogla usually looks like he's rolled out of bed and threw on whatever wrinkled clothes were on the floor
-Evan does not like chocolate milk, but he drinks it because it's basically the only beverage in the house
-These two kiss in bed all the time- it's where Evan feels most comfortable with the whole affection thing, and let's Daithi kiss him breathless under the duvet and hold him close to his chest
-Brock kinda has a thing for being the 'housewife'- he likes cooking and cleaning and taking care of Daithi, and it never fails to make his chest swell with pride when Nogla tells him that the house looks nice, or that dinner was fantastic
-They probably only own comfy clothes, and only dress up for special occasions and anniversarys- and even then, Nogla always asks Moo if he can tie his tie (it's adorable everytime)
-If Nogla wants to hide a gift for Brock, he'll put it in the tallest cabinet or on top of the fridge; so far, Brock hasn't found out about his secret hiding spots
-They're both homebodies and would rather spend an evening in with each other than go out somewhere fancy
-Nogla loves taking Brock out to the fair however, and wins him the biggest prize he can everytime without fail. The collection they have in the house takes up a lot of space in the guest bedroom, but Brock insists they stay
-Oh these two sing Christmas songs together for sure, and they harmonize pretty well (even if David can get a little silly during the songs sometimes). It never fails to make Brock melt into a useless gay puddle when David sings to him
-These two are a very busy couple; merch, streams, tours, recording, sponserships; they're both usually up far past bedtime, but they make it work
-Evan calls Luke his "trophy husband" and Luke honorably takes the title- he likes dressing up and looking good for his man, what can he say?
-They are CAT DADS and spoil the ever living shit out of their kitties. Evan bought a 300 dollar cat tree that has never been used a day in their life (they liked the box better)
-The only thing that they ever argue about is pizza toppings; Luke likes hawaiian, and Evan thinks it's a disgrace to pizza everywhere (they usually end up getting supreme and calling it a day)
-Luke can get kinda clingy believe it or not, and if Evan's busy recording he'll just wrap his arms around Evan's waist and press little kisses to his hair
-Evan did not like the beard at first, but it grew on him- even if Cartoonz wakes up looking like a dirty old pirate most mornings
-Anthony shares his absolute delight over Pokémon (cards and games) with his boyfriend, who usually returns the enthusiasm. They both think that Charmander is the best starter, but they squabble on which pokemon type is the best
-They probably play football (the american one) with each other in the yard, and things can get pretty rough. Tyler once apologized for a good two hours straight after he accidentally elbowed Anthony in the eye (Panda just laughed and kissed him to shut him up)
-Gym dates, though Tyler really just watches Anthony work out while he just kinda jogs on the treadmill the whole time
-Tyler's a little on the chubby side, and Anthony's all for it- he likes making hearty dinners and loves when Tyler gets second helpings ("You like my cooking? I'm shook, babe")
-Kino is Anthony's son, and nothing in the world can change that.
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
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I fuckin blame @moonmist55 for this
(Yes my next project is BBS Doki Doki Literature Club AU shut up)
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dlotzikin-blog · 6 years
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Back again only to leave so here’s a sort of good art dump
(by the way the last one is a drawing of the twitter conversation Nogla had with Moo after he made him rage quit ^q^)
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vanogla · 6 years
i died laughing
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cooper-ation · 3 years
For research purposes: What’re y’all’s Nogla ships?
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soupuids · 3 years
Moo rarepair???!! Moo and Kryoz :)
im so sorry eden i would love to do hcs of them (it sounds like a good ship🥺) but i dont watch kryoz as much T__T
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toniesthoughts · 7 years
For the Multi Shipper.. Nogla?
DaithiDeLirious: not a super duper serious relationship, since neither of them are super duper serious people, but it makes them both happy. involves lots of Skype calls at odd hours of the morning, “good morning, asshole” texts at five in the afternoon, and quoted CAH cards. Nogla ends up being the hopeless romantic and (taking Luke’s advice) flying out to NC to meet in person for the first time.-“I can’t believe you’re actually fucking here,” Jonathan murmured. His voice was muted, muffled as Jon nuzzled further into Nogla’s chest.
Nogla hummed softly, and Jon squeezed him even tighter, feeling the gentle vibration in the hollow of his cheek. “Remind me to thank Luke when we see him tomorrow,” he replied quietly, using his free hand to tuck the bedsheets around Jonathan’s thin shoulders.
Jon mumbled something else, but his eyes were closing quickly, and his grip loosening. Nogla shifted a bit, dropping his head on top of Jonathan’s. A soft sigh passed his lips, ruffling Jon’s hair, but he wasn’t awake to see it.
Moogla: a v soft relationship, very stereotypically romantic. very serious, and they’ve both had bad experiences with long-distance so Daithi moved to Utah as soon as he felt it proper (six months in). there’s lots of rooms for the dogs to run and they take a lot of long walks in the national park a few miles behind Brock’s house. They’re both very touchy feely, and they’re almost always touching at least a little bit - at cons, they link pinkies to stay together.-“You’re not very good at this game…” Brock muttered. He was hugging Nogla from behind - arms loose around his waist, legs crossed across the taller man’s thighs, and head resting on his shoulder, breath hot on the shell of his ear.
“Well, it’s not my fault Brian’s a fucking god.” His voice rumbled through his body, and Brock smiled gently as he spread his fingers over Daithi’s chest.
Nogla cursed as he was shot again. Leaning back, he twisted to kiss Brock softly.
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hi yes I can ship Brock with anybody because I love him so much. he's pure and innocent and cute to ship with ANYBODY
Agreed! Hey other Brock shippers^!!!
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jenn-i-guess · 4 years
BBS Non-Rare Pairs and Rare Pairs ! !
So this is the list I’ve compiled so far :D
Non-Rare Pairs:
-H20Vanoss (Vanoss/Delirious)
-Ohmtoonz (Ohmwrecker/Cartoonz)
-Krii7y (Kryoz/Smii7y)
-BasicallyIDo407 (Basically/407)
-Terrormoo (Terroriser/Moo)
-Daithi de Calibre (Nogla/Lui Calibre)
Rare Pairs:
-Daithi de Wildcat (Nogla/Wildcat)
-Wildpanda or Pandacat (Wildcat/Jiggly)
-Vanogla (Vanoss/Nogla)
-Moohm (Moo/Ohmwrecker)
-Daithi de Terroriser (Nogla/Terroriser)
-Vanoo (Vanoss/Moo)
-Terrorcat (Terroriser/Wildcat)
-Terrorwrk (Terroriser/Basically)
-Tyvan or Vancat (Wildcat/Vanoss)
-Vanpanda (Vanoss/Panda)
-Wildcalibre (Wildcat/Lui Calibre)
-Moogla (Moo/Nogla)
-BasicallyIDoWildcat (Basically/Wildcat)
-Smiicat (Smii7y/Wildcat)
-Moo Calibre (Moo/Lui Calibre)
-Moocat (Moo/Wildcat)
-BasicallyIDoMoo (Basically/Moo)
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boredfaneliza · 5 years
yuki: technically, moo and nogla adopted the baby zombie together
me: yet nogla rather give the baby zombie to brock lol
yuki: bro, look, nogla notice that moo is happy with the baby zombie, so he gives it to him because he wants to see moo happy
me: ya just want moogla moments
yuki: can ya blame me?
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Rarepair HCs
1. TerrorOhm:  -Ohm uses "I'm gay" as an excuse not to do things such as the dishes or take out the trash -Brian likes cars, and Ohm gets hot and bothered every time he sees his hunk of Irishman trying to fix up an engine or a flat tire, usually shirtless and covered in oil -They definitely shower together and Brian will always shampoo and condition Ohm's hair which of course makes Ryan melt -Ohm gets great delight over making Brian rage in GTA, but revenge is sure and sweet during Mario Kart. They always laugh it off because they both cant sleep on the couch -Brian's nieces and nephews are in love with Uncle Ohm and Ohm will subject himself to tea parties, play doh, and legos for the kids sake (and because he's a kid at heart, dammit) -Ohm 'does the voice' whenever Brian is in a bad mood and it always works to cheer him up -They like watching sports together and will always over hype it because dorks. the both of em. -Brian thinks Ohm looks dashing overdressed in a suit and tie and Ohm in turn finds Brian far too sexy when he's lounging in sweats and a worn out tee 2. Krylirious: John gets Jonathan into fashion! Dresses his goth GF like a sexy motherfucker and paints his nails. Love's that Del has piercings- and they're the bejeweled boyfriends. They own too many plushies and John will spend hours trying to win Jon a cute plush from an arcade machine Ill make these cute dammit Jon doesn't vape but he loves the smell of watermelon and cotton candy that always lingers around his boyfriend 3. Moogla: This is a soft and sweet ass couple. Joe and Tony love Brock more than they love Nogla and dathi gets very jealous when the dogs snuggle up to him (not only because they're hogging brock but because they're traitors).  Brock learns bread recipes from Nogla's mum and surprises David one Christmas by making him Plum Pudding (and Nogla tears up a little and wraps him up in a tight hug). Nogla uses his height advantage to surprise Brock with kisses and hides things on the top shelf just so Brock will ask him to get them down 4. Wildwrecker: Tyler calls Ryan Bunny and can get pretty possessive about Ohm- because Ryan is gorgeous and Tyler thinks that guy can do way better than him, but there Ryan is every morning making coffee and breakfast for the two of them, with tiny and kino playing in the backyard. They kiss tyler tastes like minty toothpaste and ohm tastes like sugared down coffee but they don't care. Ohm and Tyler always play fight on sundays because Tyler has the football teams he likes and then there's Ohm, who has chicago blood through and through and will root for the Chicago Bears no matter how badly they play that season. They throw big super bowl parties and kiss outside during halftime 5. Mooeye Brock definitely has a slight Irishman kink, because the way Jack drawls his 'a's' and 'r's' and it melts him every time. They are the positive couple and are sunny as fuck, always complimenting each other and snagging kisses inbetween recording sessions. Jack stays up way too late recording and Brock always has to drag him to bed- pressing soft kisses to his neck and mumbling drowsily about how he needs a cuddle buddy. 6. Kryorisser: They! both! love! puzzles! Brian does crosswords in the morning and John does Sudoku puzzles on their back porch and John'll vape and steal sips of Brian's coffee and complain how its black but drinks it anyways John always rifles through Brian's wardrobe and has him looking like a GQ model in two minutes flat. Brian's happy to let his boyfriend do whatever- and his instagram is more popular than ever when John's dressing him.Brian helps John to learn how to play mario kart- and if he's having a  hard time Brian'll take over and kick their asses as John laughs himself silly 7. Tyvan: - "Evan please dont try to cook" is a common phrase said by Tyler - "Evan please dont order take out" is another one - Evan will sit on Tyler's lap mid game if he wants his boyfriends attention- no matter if hes playing a game or streaming - Evan will mom the fuck out of Tyler when he's sick; the american likes to try to push himself to edit even when he's bedridden, and Ev both loves and hates the stubbornness -Evan is a scaredy cat and will not watch a horror movie- and will always send Tyler out of bed in the middle of the night to check if there are any ghosts downstairs ("Evan baby I couldnt see a ghost even if it was there-" "YoURE MAKING ME SCARED") -Tyler will always finisg off Evan's food whether or not the man is done eating -Evan pretends to hate it 8. Gigglesworth Ohm and Anthony go on a beach date- and Anthony's feeling a bit more confident since he lost all that excess baby fat, strutting around with pride as he carries the cooler filled with cream soda and snacks. Ohm's got the towels and is wearing a cute translucent beach robe and a sun hat and they settle in a nice spot near the waves. Ohm makes sure they're both covered in sunscreen before they go out- and build a sandcastle along the shore. Anthony drags Ohm into the ocean kicking and screaming because Ohm is a baby and the water is too cold
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viobbs · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWzjeCnCXig)
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asahi-no-kagayaki · 6 years
Be Rough With Me
Wrote this days ago on my friend's dm. Literally self indulgent cuz i need bottom nogla contents. Sue me. 
Pairing: Moogla
Characters: Moo Snuckel, Daithi de Nogla
Rating: Explicit ya nasty!!!!
"I want ya to fuck me as hard as ye can, and i dont want ya t' stop, even if i tell ye to." Nogla said right before Moo’s going to give soft kisses on his neck, completely making him dumbfounded and frozen in place.
 Poor Moo looks off-guard from his request, but really, Nogla just need some excitement in their little sex life lately. I mean, sure they love each other and having sex with Moo is the best thing happened to him but Moo is just... too soft, too gentle, too... 'vanilla'.
 He's not masochist, you know. But Nogla just need Moo to stop being so soft and treat him like super-fragile glass and just going full alpha on him, fucking him against a wall, forcing him to deepthroat his (unexpectedly) huge dick, and pounding into him until he become a begging, drooling mess. But Moo's gentle personality is just in the way of that dream.
 "What?" the confusion coming from the American makes the Irish let out a deep sigh.
 "I... I want t' spice things up a lil, okay?" the taller man answered, only looking away in embarrasment while his boyfriend's face turned bright red.
 "Oh! I mean, okay. If you want it." Moo quickly nodded, rather awkwardly, which surprises Nogla a lil bit from how fast he obliged to his request. Hands that once rested on Nogla's waist is now running through his black hair. "I just don't want you to get hurt by me..."
 Hearing that, Nogla leans in, giving a quick peck on the lips as the back of his hand gently touched  Moo's face. "I trust you enough to not hurt me, stupid. If i'm sure ye will hurt me, i won't ask ye t' fuck me hard and rough."
 Moo stares at him for a moment, eyes looked unsure of Nogla's request. He took a sharp breath when Nogla's hand sneakily palmed his erection that’s still covered by the underwear he’s wearing.
 "Nogla..." he breathes out. "Don't... ah, don't regret it later, okay...?"
 "I won't."
 Nogla doesn't know whether he has to be grateful for Moo doing what he wanted him to do, or if he’s going to regret his decision asking Moo to be rough on him
 I mean, this is like... round three? round four? He can't remember exactly how much times had passed since he asked the American that request, because now all he can think is Moo's dick pounding his ass from behind.
 The room is filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin, bed creaking from how much Moo's going at it, and muffled moans coming from Nogla who's laying on his stomach, while biting and holding the pillow under him tightly. Everytime he took a breath, Moo would thrust hard, making him breathless and dizzy. The position also making him feel frictions between his sensitive dick and the sheets from the movement, causing him to shoot yet another load under.
 "B-Brock." It's getting hurt, getting too much. His ass and cock feels sore from overstimulation, and he needs the American to stop. "E-Enough, a-ah! I... I can't... ngghh!"
 "What was that?" Brock leans in, still pounding Nogla's ass without mercy. Mischievious grin that Nogla never seen before plastered across his face. "You said you wanted me to 'fuck as hard as I can', right?"
 "Y-Yeah, but-"
 "And you also said..." Moo paused his movement, completely pulling out before giving sharp thrust that makes Nogla's mouth open in silent scream. "That you don't want me to stop even if you tell me to, right?"
Nogla can't deny that. He's the one who asked for this, after all.  When he asked Moo to be rough, he didn't mean for him to be this much of a beast. It's all too much for him. He feels sore and hurt, but he can't deny that it feels so good and this side of Moo is really turning him on.
 Preoccupied by his mind, the Irish was surprised when his boyfriend yanked his hair, forcing those beautiful, erotic sounds out since he can't bite the pillow anymore to muffle his voice. It's getting worse when Moo bites his nape, his other hand moving to play with his nipple.
 "Don't... let me hear your voice..." Moo whispered between grunts and groans, licking the area he bite. "Beg for me... let me hear how much of a fucking slut you are, whore."
It doesn't take long for Nogla to comply, he just want this to be over quickly. Because while it feels really good to be pinned and marked by his usually-soft boyfriend, he just can’t come again. So before Moo could do more then he can endure, he begged between moans. "P-Pleashe... pleshe... c-come... com-aaah! C-Comeh inside... inside meh... f-filaaanhhh! F-Fill... Fill meeh...! Aaaah! J-Jus' feelll meh up!! B-Brock, p-pleashe!!!!"
 The scene of Nogla begging with tears, drools, and sweat brought Moo to his peak. With rough hands spreading the Irish's ass and one slow, but sharp thrust, he comes deep inside his lover.
 Both of them jolted and shivered from orgasm, Nogla had his tongue out and letting out a choked moans and gripping the sheets tight. His belly feels hot, feels so full that he's sure if he's a girl he would be pregnant right now from how much seeds Moo unloaded from all of their activities.
 Moo carefully pulled out. He looks at the state of his lover, wrecked and messed with comes dripping out from his twitching, abused gaping hole. And if he had more stamina, that scene would’ve instantly made him hard again but now he feels tired. He felt guilty, but then remembered that this was what Nogla wanted, so he technically isn't guilty... but all Moo wants now is to shower Nogla with kisses and praises, giving him gentle, loving gestures from enduring his 'alpha side'.
 And so he did. Thankfully they both have no works for tomorrow, so they can cozy up and rest in their bed as much as they like
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jiixjinx · 8 years
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@fluffinthepan gahh I’m sorry me and my friend took so long, she decided she wanted to redo the last two pics she had for you so this is one of them. MOOGLA <3 JOE and TONY <3 YAY!! PUDDING!!
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