#palworld controversy
alyo · 4 months
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Here's pals! Some of my favorite or most memorable Pal designs from Palworld that I've seen.
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duchesscelestia · 4 months
this week's video discussing whether or not palworld stole pokemon's art style is now live!!
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missszena · 4 months
Hey y'all, I know a lot of us collectively don't like Palworld for a number of reasons. I personally cannot stand just how much they've blatantly copied from pokemon games without changing it at all (like one of the "pals" I've seen is just straight up a recolored Luxray).
But can we not send the devs death threats or general threats of harm to the team?
If it's gotten to the point where multiple sources are reporting people working on the game are receiving threatening private messages and emails that is a pretty big problem.
Death threats cross a major line. It's not ok to send people threatening messages over their shitty rip-off designs. I know some people get really heated when something they like gets ripped off, but crossing that line is not ok and won't get your critiques heard.
Palworld isn't even the only case of something ripping off designs or elements from pokemon either. It's what happens to any big property at some point. Nintendo doesn't need you riding into battle on their behalf to hurl abuse at the team of Palworld, they've made more than enough money with their property and something like Palworld isn't overthrowing the strangle hold a brand as huge as Pokemon has over pop culture anytime soon.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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rocinoncii · 4 months
Palworld Sucks?
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gamebyle · 4 months
Not a palworld fan myself but i heard they use AI and are accused of plagiarism 😭 hope they didn't steal the model/design from Yo-kai Watch (the Sheen one yk) even though they look very similar
i’ve never played Palworld either, but i think/really hope that the designs are just based on the same concept, and Palworld didn’t actually steal the design
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
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So today I gave Palworld a chance-
So far it's actually really cute and fun to play without the fly in my ear telling me it's a Pokemon copy
I mean
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This is fantastic, my baby looks so unbothered
(Side note i do help them with cooking and building tasks bc i dont want them feeling like they're doing all the work 💔💔💔)
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nameless-network · 4 months
so when PALWORLD rips off pokemon its an exciting new hit game but when YOKAI WATCH [i am dragged off the stage]
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dyketubbo · 4 months
seeing the palworld controversy from the sidelines is insane bc the ai claims dont seem to hold water and it truly does not matter that its a pokemon ripoff because big companies feelings dont matter AND PEOPLE JUST FAIL TO MENTION THAT THERES A SLAVERY MECHANIC WHERE YOU CAN HAVE HUMAN SLAVES? WHY IS THAT NOT WHAT PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT
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detectivenyx · 4 months
it's a little weird to see the website that usually goes 'FUCK CORPORATIONS PIRATE AND STEAL FROM THEM FOREVER', when faced with two games utilising AI media generators, completely ignore the one that's not attached to any property in any way except perhaps Bram Stoker's Dracula that actively advertises its usage of AI as a central game mechanic, while tearing into the one that looks like something a large and hostile gaming corporation put out primarily because of that surface level similarity and only using the fact another game of theirs uses AI image generators
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killerabbid · 5 months
the thing about palworld is a dont care if its fun or sticking it to pokemon bc the thing blatantly plagiarizes the work of pokemons hard working creative artists and multiple other games, the creator supports AI and made a game based around feeding into an AI art generator, and in general its the most edgy 2000s era dark humor game I've seen that wasn't from PETA
Like genuinely the game doesn't have one unique idea to it and everything in it has been done better before
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I went to see if PETA was going after Palworld yet and yeah they are. But honestly as someone who has yet to play the game… I don’t see what’s wrong with the game sharing some similarities with other games designs.
So the biggest argument that people have for Palworld being ‘a cash grab’ or ‘just Pokémon with guns’ is of course the many similarities between Palworlds mechanics and Pokémons, as well as some eerily familiar designs. To wit I say… Who honestly cares.
Again this is coming from someone who hasn’t played Palworld but has played almost all of the Pokémon games. Even most of the spinoffs. I know that there’s a Pal that’s basically grass type Cinderace, a big blue Furret and blatantly Salazzal in a next gen dress, but do you know what else? Something that people seem to be forgetting?
The Pokémon fanbase is growing up. The times are changing and even modern gamers who grew up playing Fortnight for fortnights have become distant from the sensibilities of those who grew up back in the 90’s.
The Pokémon fans want the Pokémon Company to grow and become more mature, but the Pokémon company is following the old addage ‘don’t fix what ain’t broke’.
I’m not trying to defend Palworld or Pokémon or whatever other creature catching games are out there. I’m also not trying to condemn them either.
I just want people to stop, look at what is and isn’t being said, and then stfu. I’m trying to sleep and yer racket is keeping the beauty sleep away.
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lander64 · 5 months
Ngl I don’t get the hype around palworld. Ignoring the Ai stuff and the company’s controversies, the game does not look interesting. The concept is dumb, I thought we all agreed that ‘thing you liked as a kid but with guns and gore’ is incredibly low bar, but I guess not. It doesn’t even seem to do anything interesting with it, just has it for the shock of it. The designs are fine but nothing to write home about, and a few of them are way too close to their Pokemon inspirations. The gameplay just seems like a generic survival game to me. Not bad, just nothing new.
All I’m saying is that if I wanted to play a generic survival game that allows me to tame funny animals and also shoot them, I’d just play ARK.
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neressma · 4 months
Palworld arguments and how to deconstruct them (+ common misconceptions)
Instead of making call-out posts targeting specific people like an SJW tumblrina in need of attention, I will provide general counter-arguments everybody can use within the Palworld discourse. I am sick and tired of AI-art getting normalized, this issue is getting out of hand and we must spread awareness for the sake of artists everywhere.
Without further ado, here common arguments by Palworld fans and how you can deconstruct them.
1. "So you're defending a multibill. corp?!"
This is a common argument used by Palworld defenders. Within their narrative, Pokemon designs are a direct product of their Nintendo (the multibillion dollar company in question) and you're totally bootlicking them if you're pointing out the obvious plagiarism - as if the very heads of Nintendo were the ones creating the Pokemon designs... The truth, of course, is that individual artists provide these designs FOR Nintendo. Instead of "taking from the rich" like Palworld fans claim, their game actually steals from these artists. Hence, those who call out Palworld aren't die-hard Nintendo fans as much as they are people who simply call out plagiarism in defense of artists. I would even go as far as to add that people who defend PocketPair (the developers of Palworld) and those who buy the game just for the sake of controversy (yes, it's been done) are themselves adamant defenders of a corporation. Since they imagine others to be blindly defending Nintendo, it's bordering hypocrisy.
2. "It's not plagiarism"
If you show a Palworld defender one of Palworld's character designs and the Pokemon it's based on, they will in some cases start pointing out the differences between the two in order to claim there's no plagiarism involved. This is easy for them to do because the Palworld design you showed them isn't quite a rip-off of a Pokemon, no. It's actually the rip-off of TWO Pokemon. In fact, most Palworld designs tend to use the model of one Pokemon and some features of a other, along with some final alterations that are unique. Once you point this out, it's easy to notice on most if not nearly all Palworld designs. Here is an example that comes with a visual analysis, provided by @RaphDesLandes (a gamedev!) on X:
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3. "There's no proof of PocketPair using AI!"
Not only is there proof of it, but that same proof shows that the devs run servers for AI programs, the same which they use for their game "AI Impostor", a game in which the core mechanic is the use of an AI-image generator. Here is the most flagrant example (I hid the developer's name because I'm not that kinda guy).
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Of course, I don't blame people who didn't know this. It's far from being common knowledge amongst Palworld fans, after all. That's why it's important to spread the word though.
4. "Gamefreak should'a made better games!"
It's not a secret: Nintendo and GameFreak have been letting us down with the recent Pokemon games on the Nintendo Switch. From poor writing to bad graphics, many fans (myself included) are unsatisfied. Palworld players praise the games' quality, claiming that it's existance is justified by the fact it's programmed better than recent Pokemon games. While it's understandable that one would want to play games with superior programming, it doesn't justify plagiarism (they could've just made a Pokemon fangame or a mod), and, well... it's simply false and doesn't apply.
Here is a link to a tweet showing one of Palworld's game-breaking glitches.
Not only that, but Palworld is mostly made up of Unity Engine assets, and it's controls are wonky. They're reminiscent of Garry's mod, which came out in 2006, except Gmod is faster.
5. Bonuses
-evidence of PocketPair using Pokemon fans' art to model their characters after (post by @onion_mu on X)
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-every Palworld-Pokemon lookalike (source unknown but reposted by @hejibits on X)
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-and also: deconstructing the (partial) myth around Palworld's success on Steam
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Lastly, it's important that I point this out, even if it's unrelated: Pocket Pair devs have received death threats. This is unacceptable. I encourage everyone reading this to create an online-environment where people discuss and debate with rationality, rather than such shameful behaviour. To me, people who send others death threats are no better than thieves, so please stay respectful!
Thank you for reading 🖤 Please let me know if the link on 4. doesn't work or the post got taken down!
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spearxwind · 4 months
my controversial opinion on palworld is who the fuckkkk cares if they steal from pokemon. like honest to god who fucking cares its pokemon its the biggest franchise ever they can steal from nintendo as much as they want imo and if they get away with it thats even better i fully support that amen
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cubic-watermelon · 4 months
Ppl that know me, know I love Pokémon!
Knowing that, did I get Palworld?
Listen, Ark with Pokémon is something I didn’t know I wanted until I got it!
For everyone that say the designs are rip offs, maybe like 2 or 3 designs are a bit too similar but I just don’t see the reason for all this controversy - maybe I’m missing something.
I say, the more creature collectors out there, the better!
Here, have a work doodle of NOT eevee:
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