primordialdeathmommy · 4 months
i understand what the little scribbles mean but how do you read a book. like how do you sit there and read it. how do you go back to 3rd grade and tell yourself that ADHD isn't something for the "bad kids" and that you don't need to spend your life attempting to pathologize yourself in a way that puts the burden of your actions on yourself and if you aren't honest soon you'll have gone so far into your lies and insufficient coping mechanism that you'll spin out. like ther s so many pages lol I don't have time for this
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and-then-the-trash · 1 year
Back ow?
become egg 🥚
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kcowgill · 5 years
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More interviews today. Then instead of having lunch with the candidates (and the higher ups) I took a quick Uber to the sports chiropractor I saw a few times a few months ago; around the same time I was getting shockwaves shot into my right foot by the podiatrist, but before the lasers shot into both feet (again, by the podiatrist).
This guy (the chiro) has previously done a lot of soft tissue work including dry needling, manual tissue therapy (i.e. deep (and I mean DEEP) tissue massage), and my favorite - the Graston Technique.
Gosh Kent, what’s the Graston Technique? 
Well, you take one of these ridged stainless steel implements:
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... and rake it across any tight spots in your muscle/fascia until it feels like your skin is being removed. Repeatedly. I didn’t get a good look because of the tears streaming from my eyes, but I’m pretty sure he used ‘GT2′ today. I think it stands for “Grievous Tribulator v2″. A few hours later and I’ve got some nasty abrasions (pictured above) that will most likely develop into some bruising (in case you don’t recall me mentioning it, I don’t generally bruise very easily).
I limped back to the office and joined in the tail end of the Code Platoon post-interview de-brief where we all shared our opinions of the candidates. It’s always interesting to see when my interview team (looking for teamwork/culture qualities) has the opposite rating of a candidate looking for other attributes (e.g. technical aptitude, integrity, or problem solving). I recall a few that I thought had a great culture fit but I suspected they wouldn’t do well on the more technical interviews. I was usually right, but one candidate proved me wrong. Good for them, but they got nixed by a different team.
Quick 1x1 meeting with my supervisor and it was about time to head home - another day without the opportunity to hit the gym. Didn’t even have time for lunch :(
Taco Tuesday with Surprise Texas Tamales*. Lifted after the kids went down, finally making use of the leg curl/leg extension part of the new bench I got last week.
* I was shopping in my usual grocery store a week or so ago and they had someone handing out samples of tamales. “I’m sure they’re terrible” I thought as I accepted the nugget of tamale in a paper cup. But sure enough it was DELICIOUS. “Surely that wasn’t frozen!” “Au contraire mon frère!” (kidding, she didn’t bust out any french). I grabbed two bags on the spot and hid them away in my freezer until tonight. I cooked up 6 black bean 9not spicy) and 6 beef (a bit spicy!) tamales in addition to the usual Taco Tuesday selection. I loved them, the wife loved them, my daughter seemed OK with them (but the beef ones were too spicy for her) and my son even agreed to eat an ENTIRE black bean tamale**. Sadly I forgot to buy corn to make elotes (or at least, the version of elotes ‘recipe’*** I cobbled together that lets everyone in the family enjoy it).
** Extremely picky eater. Likely tied to his (high functioning) autism. We gave up on “no thank you” bites/portions/food haranguing/fighting and just make sure there’s something on the table he’ll eat****. Dinnertime harmony restored. It’s a huge deal when he tries something new AND LIKES IT. But in addition to withholding negative pressure (e.g. “EAT IT OR ELSE!”) we also avoid positive pressure to hopefully sidestep developing any other “performance related” anxiety.
*** I never looked up an actual recipe but I knew approximately what ought to be in it, and just modified heavily so that 1) my wife can eat it (i.e. dairy free) and 2) my son will eat it (no visible spice particles).
**** Division of responsibilities, as recommended in a book my step-mom sent me after seeing how awful and heartbreaking dinnertime was during an extended visit. I decide what goes on the table and when it goes on the table (keeping in mind I do my best to make sure there’s at least one thing on the table he’s almost guaranteed to eat). He decides what to eat and how much. No muss, no fuss, no fighting. Backfill any nutritional concerns with a superfood/meal replacement shake, since the pediatrician has been concerned about his lack of weight gain.
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kcowgill · 5 years
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8/10/2019 10.00 miles/16.09 kilometers Not bad, but later on: ugh. YTD: 505.73 miles
So, run .9, walk .1. I can do this. I think. Left foot soreness started thankfully at 5.5 miles. Hurt until I walked, then started up again at around 6.5ish. I kept pushing, but after my next walk interval shifted from my usual forefoot landing to more of a midfoot landing for the .9 mile. Mile 8 was back to my forefoot landing because maybe the midfoot landing was more like heel landing and my knees were speaking to me about the start of their displeasure. I forgot to take mental notes about foot pain for that .9 mile, but I decided I could go back to the midfoot landing for the last .9 mile.
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The other breaks were for waiting for crossing lights.
So about an hour and a half after my run as I write this, and my big toe metatarsal hurts. You know, the one where the dude sent shockwaves through my foot? So now I’m thinking the shockwaves were exactly as effective as the lasers.
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