#pablo screiber
tuppencetrinkets · 2 months
Sorted caps, S2E1 of Halo.
Pablo Schreiber - Master Chief 2489
Shabana Azmi - Admiral Parangosky 228
Natasha Culzac - Riz 46
Yerin Ha- Kwan Ha 232
Kate Kennedy - Kai 105
Charlie Murphy - Makee 8
Fion O'Shaughnessy - Laera 353
Tylan Bailey - Kessler 262
Joseph Morgan - James Ackerson 970
Cortana 175
Christina Rodlo - Talia Perez 123
Bokeem Woodbine - Soren 928
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summerspn · 6 years
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Skyscraper (2018)
Random Movie Review...
[Spoilers - ish]
This is another movie I heard wasn’t good. Some people were comparing it to Die Hard & apparently some random guy made a big fuss about the movie not using a real amputee for the main character.
That’s ridiculous.
This was very entertaining & fun. Aside from being an action movie involving a skyscraper & bad guys it’s not like Die Hard at all. The actors/acting were all great even the bit characters.
I do feel the trailers should have advertised more than just Dwayne Johnson though. Neve Campbell did a great job & still has a ton of fans from her past work. Pablo Screiber must have a following from his work though I remember him more from his television roles (American Gods, Orange is the New Black. White collar etc). And Chin Han has a diverse filmography with roles in Ghost in the Shell, Captain America: Soldier & the Marco Polo series.
Action on movies have a formula they always stick to but I appreciate that this movie did the following to differentiate themselves from other generic action flicks: 1) The police aren’t stupid, they’re cautious & thoughtful as they try to do their job. 2) The female character/love interest isn’t a shrieky moron. Quite the opposite. It was refreshing. 3) the children don’t simply sit in a corner and cry. They’re scared & in danger but it’s not like they’re crying and flipping out the entire time. They’re just small people trapped & try to do their best like the rest of the characters. 4)There’s real conflict for one of the bad guys. And 5) the businessman isn’t just about saving himself - movies often have this character as stepping on others to save himself & this movie doesn’t do that.
This movie is of course, as expected, an action film so there are many surreal elements. But I don’t want to see realism because if I did I’d have chosen a documentary. Some of the stunts were crazy & out of this world but in the best way. When we were watching it we were going to each other “oh yeah right!” And “what?! Oh no you’re NOT going to do that!” But we we’re chuckling & having fun. It was somewhat ridiculous where the stunts were involved but we didn’t care it was actually pretty great.
As for the press making headlines about a real life amputee getting upset that DJ was the central role & not someone like himself, I have to do the non-PC thing here & call BS on that. Yeah we want diversity & for people of all manners to be in all sorts of careers. However, from what I’ve heard there haven’t been any stunt people with an amputation try out for the role (if they even had a casting call for this- I’m not sure). And if they did I doubt they would bring in audiences like DJ does.
However, I would like to challenge & encourage people with amputations & disabilities to workout, join the acting field & work up to that level. Now more than ever people are willing to work with limitations. I’m sure stunt people would love the challenge of figuring out stunts to do with wheelchairs etc.
Some even would have experience already with extreme sports. I know someone who was a fighter pilot, is now in a wheelchair & has 2 Olympic medals since his injury. If he ever chose to do stunt work he’d probably excel.
DJ did a good job of showcasing the amputation as well. He was hiding it & it didn’t define his character. People around him don’t even mention it. It’s just a part of him. I think that’s great. Movies often use limitations like that to define people but this movie treated the amputation as just an every day thing. Get up, shave, put leg on, get dressed. This movie even did a cool thing by using the prosthetic leg in a stunt! Not going to give that away but it was pretty cool. I say he ‘tried to’ because he also co-produced this film & probably had some say in what he wanted to see done.
Dwayne Johnson did a lot of crazy things but they also showed he was tired & taking a few seconds the get his bearings. Which was nice, added a little dose of realism while doing insane stunts.
Heard multiple media outlets being ‘surprised’ at Neve Campbell being able to pull off being in an action movie. Why? She HAS been in a lot. The scream franchise had her running around & fighting bad guys. And she was a ballerina! They get up at like, 4am and train for six hours a day. Not to mention having the ability to stand on their toes (when I tried that I fell over). NC is an actor they take on different characters so those people in the media ‘surprised’ by this need their heads examined. She did good but I kinda wished she had more scenes where she kicked butt.
Special effects were all good. I couldn’t tell they used a green screen & when the camera panned down a few times my stomach dropped. It really felt like you were looking down from way up high from the building. Also the technology in the building has me wondering about the future of architecture. If this technology really exists (anti-fire systems etc) then buildings would be very safe. Though obviously this movie highlights what could go wrong.
There were a couple predictable areas with two bad guys. 1 random person st the start that does something stupid when he sees a crack forming in the wall. A bit unbelievable that no one died from smoke inhalation. Other than that I’ve no issues.
I heard some people gripe about subtitles used every so often in this. I just say ‘suck it up’! It takes place in CHINA so I liked they used Chinese actors. But there are still many uncultured apes in North America so I’m sure that’s why people weren’t as into this film as many other movies DJ was in.
Generally action movies are brainless but the creators here tried to think things through. Also, I don’t usually re-watch action movies but I wouldn’t mind seeing this again.
A very fun watch. Went with a small group & we all loved it.
5/5 🎥 🍿
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deathonyourtongue · 3 years
Hey there, since it's gonna be the birthday of Pablo Screiber, could you please update his list of musical taste ? Thank you !
That’s a good idea, nonny. I’ll have to check back. He hasn’t been playing a WHOLE lot of music recently, but I’m sure there’s  a few new tracks to add to the playlist. 
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octobersend · 7 years
5 / 14 / 20
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on.- well I flew out to finally meet this guy that i was talking online with for a while, we stayed at a hotel and went to dennys and took pictures. It was a series of dates but it felt like a fairytale :)
14.what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self - Demand the things you expect from those around you and dont comprimise
20.favourite gay ship (canon or not) - Shadow moon (Ricky Whittle) and Mad Sweeny (Pablo Screiber) 
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hollywoodnewssource · 8 years
Pablo Schreiber Cast In ‘American Gods’, Joins Indie ‘Thumper’
Pablo Screiber has been cast in American Gods and Thumper! Pablo Schreiber (The Brink, Orange Is the New Black) is set for the key role of Mad Sweeney in American Gods, Starz’s upcoming straight-to-series adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s acclaimed contemporary fantasy novel, which is filming in Toronto. Additionally, the Emmy-nominated actor is set for one of the leads in the indie…
Pablo Schreiber Cast In ‘American Gods’, Joins Indie ‘Thumper’ was originally published on Hollywood News Source
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sophiaisthatgirl · 9 years
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ok I need to fangirl about this cause I love them both & it makes me so happy that they're friends haha
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