#ozamu tezuka
mondonguita · 5 months
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Belladonna of sadness (1973, Eiichi Yamamoto) by Mushi Production.
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I would love to make comics comics but like in a similar style to Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo, the Works of Ozamu Tezuka, Go Nagai's Devilman, and Paru Itagaki's Beastars.
I would probably focus on a protagonist inner thoughts or how the navigate a complex work. Maybe insert some personal experiences. Or to do fan comics
I want to work hard to achieve my dream, (tho a this point i aim to do this as a hobby). I have to admit I'm not at a level (I'm haven't tried yet) to make a comic that I would post onto here.
Some comic panels from the creators i mentioned below
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In Vol 4. BLACK JACK, a police chief gets Black Jack to sew back a pickpocket's fingers because he wants to have his arch-nemesis around
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It ends with the police and the pickpocket getting drinks to celebrate the latter's restored pickpocking. "One of these days, I'll nab you."
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danzigmcfly · 1 year
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la-hannya · 1 year
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Ashura/Asura (George Akiyama) 1971
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elosogudo · 1 year
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//Ami Kawashima// Sonará raro, pero dios no usa direccionales a veces también va viendo el celular mientras conduce no sabemos lo qué hará hasta el último momento y cuando por fin entendemos sus intenciones no hay otra opción que mirar.
Sonará imposible, pero alguna vez salí con la muchacha más guapa de Hermosillo se preguntarán cómo, lo mismo me preguntaba yo pensarán “¿Qué habrán hecho?” y a continuación les diré:
Nuestro amor duró lo que tardamos en terminar de ver un anime ella nunca había visto uno, era guapa de la vieja escuela so despreciaba a los otakus mientras le decía con voz spooky “después de ver esto dejarás de bañarte” puse el primer episodio.
Mi versión del guion era otra, no esperaba variaciones mucho menos un plot twist o universos paralelos siempre que me visitaba yo (inocente) elegía con cuidado algo para ver y en cuanto la programación daba inicio ella se volteaba a besarme con una desesperación perturbadora entonces pensé que no importaba podría poner cualquier cosa y solo sería ruido de fondo para nuestros caprichos arremolinados pensé en documentales de la segunda guerra o en la familia peluche, pensé en programas de cocina y al final encontré la respuesta más chistosa
tampoco fui un idiota, no puse Evangelion o algo así elegí una comedia romántica, algo de fácil acceso tal vez conservaba migajas de esperanza de que no pasara desapercibida tal vez en el fondo no quería cashoriar sino compartir algo
mi versión del guion era otra y no tenía expectativas muy altas es más móvil ni tenía expectativas solo quería, con un morbo infantil y por ende cruel, juntar esos dos contextos có(s)micamente lejanos
mientras yo esperaba adolescente mi chipi chipi de besitos estivales ya con los ojos cerrados y menta violenta en el aliento de pronto la escucho decir ‘Qué bonita’ y entreabro un ojo para ver los suyos clavados en la pantalla
(Nunca supe muchas cosas sobre ella no sabía, por ejemplo, sobre su difunta madre que una vez le confesó disfrutar de las películas raras de los chinos cuando una madrugada entró a su habitación buscando consuelo de una pesadilla y la descubrió viendo la Metrópolis de Ozamu Tezuka que pasaban por canal 5 no sabía que aunque almacenaba ese recuerdo entre relámpagos y materia gris, se  le había sumergido y era imposible evocarlo no sabía que aun así debido a ese insignificante suceso azul ella desarrolló una curiosidad inconsciente por los personajes de trazos redondeados y ojos grandes)
entre sorprendido y no sé si decepcionado me acomodé a su lado y reíamos juntos y nos daba placa juntos y ella se enojaba porque a mí me daba pena ajena y le tenía que poner pausa a ciertas partes duramos toda la noche así eventualmente me dijo que nos fuéramos a dormir nunca se había quedado en mi casa y de pronto una lucecilla esperanzadora y medio psycho surgió entre la oscuridad de mis entrañas me sentí en una de esas historias de amor que todos juzgan de ridículas, pero secretamente quieren protagonizar y después me soñé casado casado con la muchacha más guapa de Hermosillo
cuando desperté ella estaba frente a la tele se había servido un plato de maizoro y siguió viendo el anime sin mí así fue como supe que nuestros días estaban contados
me le uní, la verdad no me importó el acto yo ya había visto Toradora! muchas veces prácticamente me la sabía de memoria, sin embargo fue una señal de que buscaba otra cosa y esa cosa no era yo y probablemente nada sobre esta tierra esta vez ella tenía el control remoto y nunca le puso pausa se reía gloriosamente y daba pequeñitos gritos ahogados ya rendida a la cursilería de las situaciones en ese punto apareció Ami Kawashima mi personaje favorito una chica propensa a las máscaras a los intercambios superficiales de amabilidad a buscar, sin saber por qué, atención y validación de terceros a tratar bien hasta a los que la tratan mal a nunca ser ella a plenitud a esconder su lado oscuro y cochambroso tras conocer a los otros personajes de la serie poco a poco reúne el valor para ser algo más que bonita y linda y amable se permite expresar con sinceridad sus sentimientos más atroces ser shitty, auténtica infantil, vulnerable admirarse en el espejo decir besen mi sombra, banquete celestial, defenderse a sí misma y dejarse defender por sus amigos encontrar un hogar encontrar el amor encontrar el amor encontrar el amor y verlo elegir a alguien más y aceptarlo y alegrarse por quienes ama sin importar su propia tristeza la versión final de su personaje es dolorosamente humano en ese mundo desmesurado y caricaturesco
ella se entendía con Ami Kawashima lo sé porque tenía una parte en secretamente triste, otra obviamente falsa y porque adentro de sus ojos se reunieron las nubes más oscuras y gordas amenazando con el diluvio cuando Ami Kawashima enfrenta su trágico y agridulce destino romántico pensé en decir algo (por ejemplo: hay un videojuego de la serie con finales alternativos donde puedes elegir a Ami Kawashima como depositaria de tu amor ESO NO IMPORTA DE TODOS MODOS porque uno no quiere elegir a Ami Kawashima sino que Ami Kawashima sea elegida por quien ama), callé, sabía que era inútil ella buscaba otra cosa otra cosa fuera de mi alcance, más allá de las palabras
el anime se terminó como a las 2pm yo preparé té, pero su taza se quedó ahí porque ya había llegado su Uber lo pidió sin decir nada se puso su pantalón y zapatos, pero se llevó puesta una camisa mía de Daniel Johnston el resto de su ropa la llevaba enrollada bajo el brazo izquierdo me abrazó y besó mi comisura dijo ‘nos vemos luego’ y todavía heladita por el minisplit atravesó la calle infernal y bachosa hasta el carro subió fresca todavía fresca para siempre dio las buenas tardes al conductor y cerró la puerta yo me paré al filo del sol esperando que volteara para decir adiós con mi mano, pero no volteó
naturalmente jamás la volví a ver, eso sí se burló de mí en unos tweets donde decía algo como que su jale le puso el Kokún cuando fue a visitarlo después del dolor y el arrepentimiento sonreí y agradecí haber presenciado ese momento algo había pasado algo que yo no podía terminar de entender solo ella solo ella y Ami Kawashima que a pesar de recorrer nuestro mismo camino andan siempre unos pasos más adelante Sonará raro, pero dios no usa direccionales a veces también va viendo el celular mientras conduce no supe lo que iba a pasar hasta el último momento él tampoco esperaba nada solo quería, con un morbo infantil y por ende cruel, juntar dos contextos có(s)micamente lejanos y no tuve otra opción que mirar cuando soltó los hilos.
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christinaklassen · 2 months
2/28 Blog
Ozamu Tezuka’s “Phoenix” volume 3 offers readers a deeper look into the complexities of human nature, morality, and the pursuit of immortality. Volume 3 has two distinct stories: Yamamoto and Space. In Yamamoto, Tezuka transports us to a time of warring kingdoms and personal struggles set during historical chaos. The story revolves around the king of Yamato's obsession with leaving behind a grand legacy, epitomized by his monumental tomb. King Yamamoto serves as a representation of many powerful figures in history who strive to immortalize their power and authority even after death. However, his fixation on immortality through great constructions stands in contrast to the protagonist, Oguna, who seeks to save lives rather than pursue personal glory. The dichotomy between Oguna's selfless motives and his father's self-serving pursuits serves as a central theme in the story. Oguna's journey challenges traditional notions of legacy and immortality, ultimately culminating in an important sacrifice aimed at stopping the king's inhumane practices. However, the narrative is not without its moral ambiguities. Oguna's decision to kill Takeru, although driven by a sense of duty to his kingdom, raises ethical questions about the justification of violence in the pursuit of noble goals. Tezuka confronts readers with the complexities of morality, highlighting the inherent tensions between loyalty, love, and personal integrity. Honestly, I didn’t understand Oguna’s motive of killing Takeru when he was defying King Yamamoto in the first place. I don’t see how killing Takeru was essential in the plan to save others especially since this is what king Yamamoto wanted. We’ve seen many characters in “Phoenix” and their quest for the phoenix blood for the wrong reasons, but now we are introduced to Oguna who does not seek the phoenix blood for his own gain. He talks with the phoenix, plays music for it, and because he is not searching for immortality, he gets the phoenix blood. This can be contrasted with his father’s attempt at immortality, not through the phoenix’s blood, but through the construction of his tomb. In the end, we see those who foolishly strive for immortality never achieve it and eventually die unhappy.
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erian1974 · 11 months
Ozamu Tezuka make me develop depression,traumas,low self-esteem,almost destroyed my dreams,almost ruined my life and my psychological
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hi l'm Erian l have autism and l want to show my talent express how l feel without fear and l wanna inspire people around the world and be respected
today was the day that i held a grudge the most and blamed Osamu Tezuka for the depression, psychological problems, and the low self-esteem that i am suffering he really almost ruined my life i can't believe that this Amazing author has became the villain of my history i can't believe that he ruined anything that i love in Black Jack and Pinoko i can't not believe that he is the reason why Black Jack started to treat Pinoko terribly and the reason why Pinoko and Black Jack became selfish'ignorant,rude,hypocrites,aggressive,handlers and the reason of my pain the reason of why i hear many voices in my head saying to me the same worlds that he made Black Jack and Pinoko say the voices say this ''Sh8t 9p!'' ''keep your mouth shut or i'll make you bite your tongue!'' ''you useless!!!'' ''you're a fart in my life!'' ''you dummy!'' ''you fool!'' you pig!!'' '' take care of this crazy!'' what he made i feel frustrated every day to think that because of him i became very sensible,traumatizated,insecure,spiteful,psychologically disturbed,a girl without suspicion he was the reason why i started to hate Black Jack and Pinoko my rage was so strong that i started to imagine terrible things against they i imagined myself talking rudely to Pinoko as she tried to ask me why i was acting that way to her i said ''get out of here you sl0t!! and she started to cry and she said to me '' you didn't know what you're doing Erian!!''i also imagined me saying to Black Jack that he wasn't my uncle anymore and i told him that meeting him was the worst mistake I've ever made in my life I remember he was horrified to hear me say those words he tried to approach me but I screamed at him not to come near me he screamed ''Erian!!!'' but he couldn't say anything else and he fell to his knees on the ground and began to cry out in sadness and started to cry put his hand on his face he cried with rage i remember that i also imagined me pushing Black Jack and Pinoko away a sword of fire I threatened them and if they tried to get close to me they would get burned I remember they looked at me very confused and very sad and then Pinoko started to cry Black Jack took her in his arms and hugged her and caressed her and also started to cry along with her and the two slowly walked away turning their backs to me and i also cried seeing they watching two people I loved walk away. i started to ignore Black Jack and existence for 13 weeks at this time i suffered to much cause they seemed death to me I started to feel like my dreams were dead... i tried to give up of they forever at other side i wanted to see they again but i never aloud myself to do this cause i only wanted to see they again when i was completely cured of this traumas and this depression while this time i had to pretend that they never existed in my life I couldn't even think about them for a second at this period i change completely my behavior but with the time i realized that doesn't make since Pinoko and Black Jack started to act so oposites of what they actually where before in conclusion to this i learned that just because an author make things in he's character's personality that doesn't means that this is who he really is and sometimes what we see is not always real or accurate authors can make mistakes and can lie without even know i and it's not a cultural case i'm not iluding myself with lies i'm not been egoist or being that guy that just want to believe in your own truths i just believe that in reality Black Jack and Pinoko wasn't the same this what they weren't the same as what they showed in the series and in the manga i learned that was just Tezuka's point of view and that just because the characters were made by him didn't mean they were the same as Tezuka i believe that every character can have your real version somewhere and yes there]s a real Black Jack and Pinoko.in addition to Osamu Tezuka being to blame for this depression and these traumas, he is also to blame for simply having almost destroyed my relationship with my family i almost had my dreams destroyed because of him...
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prontaentrega · 1 year
reading pluto i realized i consumed wayyy moreof ozamu tezukas work than i remember doing
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Form what I can gather Harazama Kuroo is a character created by Ozamu Tezuka. He is a genius surgeon who can diagnose an illness just by looking at a patient.
In my personal opinion, all of the doctors from Ex Aid shows traits similar is Kuroo.
Kuroo charges exorbitant prices but does surgeries for free is that people are kind or is struggling. (Hiiro)
Kuroo had his license revoked for not following procedures. He also has an adoptive daughter named Pinoko. (Taiga)
Kuroo is a skilled fighter and, at times, manipulate people for their own good. (Kiriya)
Kuroo gotten into an accident with an unexploded bomb that required a lot of surgeries and a skin graft. This is not helped by his mother dying due to her being in the same accident and his dad immediately going off to get married in China. That doctor who saved Kurro inspired him to become a surgeon. (Emu)
From what I can tell, it is a good series and has a transgender-coded character who Kuroo has shown romantic feelings for before and after he transitioned.
Oh, I see I see ^^
If it's a character by Tezuka-senshu I can see why it would be an inspiration for the doctor Riders. Iirc he was a senpai of Ishinomori-senshu as a mangaka, too
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makakiomi · 2 years
Thomas Astruc & The New Astro Boy Remake
Ñ: Astro Boy tendrá un NUEVO RAMAKE, y estará dirigido por el mismo Thomas Astruc. El creador de Miraculous Ladybug se Hizo con los derechos de Astro boy de Ozamu Tezuka. La Serie en CGI tendrá prácticamente el mismo estilo que Miraculous Ladybug. De momento seran adaptados todos los segmentos del Manga Original de Astro boy, para un total de 52 epidosios con duracion de media hora. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- English: Astro Boy will have a NEW RAMAKE, and will be directed by Thomas Astruc himself. The creator of Miraculous Ladybug got the rights to Ozamu Tezuka's Astro Boy. The CGI series will have virtually the same style as Miraculous Ladybug. At the moment, all the segments of the original Astro boy manga will be adapted, for a total of 52 half-hour episodes. Source: TheCriticSight Oficial
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usagirotten · 11 months
Black Jack of Osamu Tezuka Gets an AI Manga Makeover: ChatGPT-4 Collaboration!
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Hey there, manga aficionados! Gather 'round because we have some exciting news that will blow your mind and ignite your imagination. Osamu Tezuka's classic Black Jack series is getting a new manga co-produced by Tezuka Productions and artificial intelligence (AI). The new AI manga will launch in Akita Shoten's Weekly Shōnen Champion magazine this fall as part of the "TEZUKA2023" project and to commemorate Black Jack's 50th anniversary.. Brace yourselves because Black Jack of Osamu Tezuka Gets Manga Co-produced by AI, powered by the incredible ChatGPT-4, is hitting the shelves this fall! Now, I know what you're thinking. How in the world does an artificial intelligence system collaborate on creating a manga? It sounds like something straight out of a science fiction tale, right? Well, my friends, hold onto your hats because we're about to embark on an epic adventure that blurs the lines between human creativity and the limitless possibilities of AI. Imagine the vast world of Ozamu Tezuka's Black Jack, with its compelling characters, gripping medical dramas, and ethical dilemmas that tug at your heartstrings. Now, picture this world being infused with the sheer brilliance of ChatGPT-4, an AI language model that has revolutionized the way we interact with machines. The result? A mind-blowing synergy of human storytelling and AI innovation that will leave you spellbound!
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An earlier project "TEZUKA2020" launched a manga titled "Paidon" in February 2020 that used AI to learn from and imitate Tezuka's style. Tezuka's original Black Jack manga centers on a brilliant maverick doctor who practices without a license. Tezuka published the manga in Akita Shoten's Weekly Shōnen Champion magazine from 1973 to 1984. The official Osamu Tezuka website describes the manga: This is a medical drama in which an unlicensed but gifted surgeon, Black Jack, is the main character. Endowed with excellent surgical technique, Black Jack always miraculously saves seriously ill patients and those on the verge of death. But he always claims an outrageous price for his surgery, which is why his presence is rejected in medical circles.Black Jack lives quietly in a clinic out in the deserted wilderness with his assistant, Pinoko, whose life he had saved. Patients whom other doctors have given up on come to see him every today; he represents their very last hope. With ChatGPT-4 at the helm, Black Jack's adventures take on a whole new dimension. You'll be immersed in captivating dialogues, thought-provoking exchanges, and witty banter that will make you feel like an active participant in the unfolding drama. It's an experience that blurs the boundaries between fiction and reality, transporting you into a realm where human and machine collaborate seamlessly. This fall, get ready to immerse yourself in a manga experience like never before. Black Jack of Osamu Tezuka Gets Manga Co-produced by AI, with the remarkable ChatGPT-4 leading the charge, is set to take you on a mind-bending journey through the depths of human ingenuity and the boundless potential of artificial intelligence. So, my dear manga enthusiasts, mark your calendars and prepare to witness the birth of a new era. As the pages turn and the story unfolds, let your imagination soar and your heart connect with Black Jack in ways you never thought possible. This groundbreaking collaboration is more than just a manga—it's a testament to the power of human-machine synergy, reminding us that the future is filled with endless possibilities. Are you excited? We sure are! Share your anticipation and thoughts about this AI-powered Black Jack adventure in the comments below. Let's embark on this incredible journey together and celebrate the fusion of art, technology, and the limitless imagination of Osamu Tezuka and ChatGPT-4! Stay tuned, fellow manga lovers, because this fall, Black Jack is about to enter a realm like never before, and you won't want to miss a single panel of this awe-inspiring collaboration! Read the full article
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I just remembered this Manga, Black Jack.
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He could have had a trans boyfriend but this had to be written in the 70's by a cis man.
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aivan-grandin · 1 year
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58) novembre 2022
crayon de papier, crayon de couleur
étude charadesign de AstroBoy, Ozamu Tezuka
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Naoki Urasawa, a mangaka genius
Naoki Urasawa was born on Fuchu, Tokyo 1960. He is one of the greatest mangaka in history. He graduated from Meisei University with a degree in economics and even teached classes of Manga in Nagoya University.
The first manga he ever worked on was Pineapple Army, by Kazuya Kudo, as an illustrator, and the first manga he ever wrote and illustrated was Yawara! a sports manga about a girl who does judo. He also illustrated for the Master Keaton manga. After that, Urasawa dedicated himself to create more manga of its own, creating all time clasics such as Monster, 20th Century Boys, Billy Bat (which was co-written by his editor, Takashi Nagasaki, who was at the time his editor), and Pluto. This last one is a re-imagination of Astro Boy, also known as Mighty Atom, by Ozamu Tetsuka. Tetsuka is one of the greatest inspirations for Urasawa and himself even saying that Tetsuka is the highest peak of manga. Many of his works take on the genres of suspense, thriller and mistery, making his storys an engaging roller coaster of emotions.
Naoki Urasawa has won many prices along his career, such as the Shogakukan Manga Award three times, the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize twice, and the Kodansha Manga Award once.
To this date, Urasawa´s been working on his latest ongoing manga Asadora! Which launched on 2018.
  Ignacio Letelier
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pojofi96 · 4 years
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So I started watching Black Jack
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