#otp: pluto will always be a planet in my room
sk8terpercy · 6 years
Missing my endgame hours. I know I already asked about this but parallels?
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But also! The one where in “Shallow Boy” Topanga’s talking to the kid she was babysitting (I forget his name) and Cory’s making faces/mocking her while behind her and then in Girl Meets Sassy Haltertop when Farkle’s talking to the class and Riley was making faces/mocking him. That one’s funny.
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parkersharthook · 5 years
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Maya Hart Artwork
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kacie-ville · 6 years
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julibernardo · 7 years
I have a lot of feels about this.
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vierschanzentournee · 4 years
A lot of questions but I can't help it im curious: 4, 5, 15, 16, 20, 22, 25, 57, 65, 67!
awww thank you!!!!!
4. sunsets or sunrises?
sunsets, because if i’m awake in time for a sunrise then i’m probably ready to die. i know there’s a certain beauty in being awake before the rest of the world etc etc but that also comes with the pain of, yknow, being awake so it’s not really worth it for me
5. vanilla, chocolate or strawberry? 
vanilla!! i’m always a slut for vanilla, particularly when it comes to milkshakes and ice cream - i’ll choose it over pretty much anything else
15. who did you last hug?
hm i don’t know? i’m not really one for physical contact, but i guess probably my dad on thursday night because he was leaving for a few days?
16. who are your top 5 fictional characters?
are you aware of what you’ve just unleashed on the world?anyway, in no particular order, i’d say someeeething like:
Ferius Parfax from the Spellslinger series (yeah i’m literally NEVER gonna shut up about these books but like.... ferius in particular oh my god..... the way she loves kellen so fiercely??? the fact that she seems invulnerable in his eyes but it slowly becomes clear that she can and does get hurt????? the fact that she’s an absolute gay icon tm??????)
Kest Murrowson from the Greatcoats series (the key to my heart IS just sebastien de castell books i’m sorry!!! but kest!!! oh my god!!!! the fact that he could probably take over the whole goddamn world if he wanted to because he’s so skilled and smart but he doesn’t because he’s loyal to falcio before all else, the fact that he’s sacrificed everything for him, all the little details about his laugh and his singing voice???)
Locke Lamora from the Gentleman Bastard sequence (he’s so smart and yet so DUMB!! so good at being a thief and so bad at everything else!!!! he’s a little shit!!!! he really shouldn’t be!!!!!!! i haven’t finished the series yet and i’m very frightened by all the memes i’m seeing about his backstory!!!!)
Aramis from The Three Musketeers (kinda the BBC show version of him, because hey who doesn’t love a somewhat traumatised wisecracking sharpshooter/medic, but also the version from the original book, because lmao he was just funny as hell. the time that he went and hung out in a monastery for like six months and then was found by the others and he was like hey do you want to hear the poem i’ve been composing? and they were like hm no and he was like. well you’re going to anyway. was particularly iconic)
Vin from the Mistborn series (ok i’m only like 2/3 of the way through the first book BUT god i love her so much and i want the best for her and i want her to realise she can be soft and strong at the same time and that she can and should trust people and i want her to have the best father-daughter relationship with kelsier and help him heal too and i want kelsier to stop being a bitch about elend even though it’s kinda justified and UGH)
20. is your room messy or clean?
.... fairly messy! it’s not like, clothes lying in heaps on the floor messy, just... i have a lot of books and they have to go everywhere and my chest of drawers is broken af so all the draws are just hanging around in different areas of the room dfkgjdfkg
22. favourite scent?
i dunno really? vanilla? i like the smell of petrol too lmao
25. what do you like about yourself?
uhhhhhh i’m? good at schoolwork? and generally considered pretty booksmart? my hair is fun to play with?
57. what are your otps?
man i don’t even know anymore? i guess i have a lot of sj ships that you know a lot about fgkdfk? and i think about falcio and kest from the Greatcoats series a lot (kest’s unrequited love kills meeee)? and honestly vin and elend from the Mistborn books are really growing on me?
65. if you had to pick a fictional universe to live in forever, which one would you pick and why?
ooh god i have no idea? all the worlds in the books i read sound like Not Great places to live most of the time??? but if i was pressed, i guess being a part of the demimonde/magic London from the Rivers of London books would be cool, bc you can still interact with the normal world etc but there’s magic too!
67. favourite planet?
look i’ll be honest, they all have some very cool features and i’m not sure i could choose. like? mercury? that cool little fucker right up there with the sun! venus? that horrifying toxic bitch! earth? holy shit too cool i can’t even name a feature! mars? red!!!!!! saturn? rings! jupiter? absolutely giant bastard! uranus? blue! neptune! other blue! pluto? baby! not a planet! but baby!
so uh moral of the story here is. don’t ask me to talk about my favourite characters. but thank u.
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whatsjungkooking · 6 years
all the asks ❤️
what’s your favourite memory? - i cant think of a specific memory but it most likely has lauren and jess in it
what song(s) describe your mood right now? - got me like by spencer ludwig
tea or coffee? - neither
sunsets or sunrises? - both!
vanilla, chocolate or strawberry? - in terms of ice cream, vanilla, in terms of cake, chocolate, in terms of flavour of sweets, strawberry
rain or sun? - sun definitely 
is your first language english? if not, what is it? - yas
do you like your ice crushed or in big blocks? - im not fussy
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? - c o n f i d e n c e
who are you closest to, your father or mother? - both
what time period would you like to live in other than your own? - hmmm im not too sure
is it hot or cold right now? - it looks kind of cold outside
what is your accent? - english
has anyone ever saved you from a situation? if so, what happened? - my friend zoe at work saves me from situations all the time to do with a guy that likes me lol
who did you last hug? - my dad
who are your top 5 fictional characters? - tris, tobias, juliette, warner, wonder woman 
how have you changed in the past year or two? - ive taken more risks and cared less about certain things
biggest regret(s)? - no ragrets
biggest fear(s)? - having no idea what to do with my life and death
is your room messy or clean? - inbetween
have you ever had a near death experience? - i dont think so
favourite scent? - coconut
would you survive a zombie apocalypse? - i reckon id do alright
what lyric(s) do you love? - tang tang tang fingertip
what do you like about yourself? - my eyes
what would you change about yourself? - in terms of appearance? ima roll with it and say nothing :))))
do you like your handwriting? - yes
how do you like to style your hair? - i usually like to have it up, out of my face, pony tail
what time is it? - 4:19pm
what time did you wake up today? - 8
what are your bad habits? - i say ill do something but i dont follow through, but ya girl is constantly improving 
what was your first fandom? - twilight?
burger or pizza? - pizza
do you have any unusual talents? - i can bend my fingers weirdly
when did you last feel infinite? - um?
when did you last cry? - a few weeks a go i think
who was the latest person to see you cry? - oh jeeeeeeeze i have no clue i usually am by myself
best movie? - mulan
best tv series? - greys anatomy
have you ever wrote fanfiction? - nope, actually maybe those lil paragraphs to jess and lauren HAHAHAAH
are you happy? - yes
do you really relate to your zodiac? - sometimes
what year was you born in? - do you know what im not even going to answer that “what year WAS you born in” jeeze louise sounding like coleford people right now 
do you often find yourself jealous? - nope
are you a fan of 80′s music?- yes
what has been your most vivid nightmare? - being in my primary school playground, a siren goes off and that flippin horrible bear from the teletubbies chases you until you can get to the safe zone which was the actual school, but i would be running so sLOW
what has been your most vivid dream? - ;)
have you ever had your first kiss? - yes
what has been your most intimate moment? - having deep conversations with lauren and jess
do you usually start conversations? - sometimes
are you superstitious? - sometimes
what do you believe in most, ghosts or aliens? - ghosts
what song(s) do you hate? - everything by justin bieber
turn ons? - smell nice, polite, honest, good sense of humour, nice smile always does it for me
turn offs? - dishonesty, no manners, general douchebag mannerisms 
are you comfortable with talking about your flaws? - yes
what are your otp’s? - JAUREN/LESS
do you have any bizarre experiences? - this man at work wanted a pork roll and i showed him sausage rolls bc thats a fudging pork roll mate and he got really iffy and was talking to me like i was stupid so i talked to him back in the same way, t’was bizarre
do you have a night/morning routine? - night, brush teeth, exercise and put my spot cream and lip balm on, morning, brush teeth, wash my face, warm water first then cold then moisturise 
do you have a bittersweet memory? - not that i can recall
are there any friends that you miss? - probably my old work friends
do you have an enemy? - no
are you a night owl or an early bird? - both
what is your dream job? - translator or athlete
if you had to pick a fictional universe to live in forever, which one would you pick and why? - i dont know of any that are actually nice or either too similar to the times now
do you know any form of self-defence? - some
favourite planet? - pLUTO fite me
do you consider yourself to be more masculine, feminine or a mixture? - a mixture but more feminine 
do you rely on others or do others rely on you? - a bit of both?
what do you think happens once someone dies? - i like to think they go to heaven, depending on who they are...
are you a leader? - no HAHA, maybe a support
what question do you hate answering? - any boys on the scene? I DONT GO ANYWHERE FOR THERE TO BE AIGHT
do you believe in guardian angels? - hmmmmmm yes 
how do you stay warm? - layers
do you want to be in a relationship? - i wouldnt mind 
how was your day? - it’s been okay thank you
are there any fictional universes you would not want to be in? - most of them HAHA 
what fictional character do you relate to the most? - tris from divergent
who hurt you last? - no idea
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kittykat-creations · 7 years
OTP and Kids Questions
All questions are from a post by @the-moon-dust-writings
I’l be using Bellan (with their kids Christine and Lee) and Fiddauthor (with their son Oxford) in my Relativity Falls AU.
Questions for Parents
- Where did they go on their honeymoon?
Bellan: Las Vegas! Where else?
Fiddauthor: They didn’t want to go far from Gravity Falls, so they stayed in Dan’s family’s cabin in the woods (and had fun dealing and getting rid of the ghosts)
- When did they decide to become parents?
Bellan: They decided that they wanted a kid soon after the Fourth of July. Bella wanted a little one to celebrate holidays with (and, of course, she really wanted to be a parent!)
Fiddauthor: They had Oxford two years after Lee was born. Fidds thought that they were ready for a kid, and Ford was nervous but agreed.
- How many kids do they want/have?
Bellan: They just have the two kids, Christine and Lee.
Fiddauthor: Just one, Oxford.
- Who is the responsible parent?
Bellan: Lmao neither of them. But Bella is a bit more responsible than Stan is.
Fiddauthor: I think Ford would be. He’d set more rules and boundaries, and while Fidds would set a few too, he’d also spoil the kid a bit.
- Where do they go for their date night?
Bellan: The diner most of the time. Sometimes the movies.
Fiddauthor: Probably somewhere sciencey, or maybe a nice restaurant every once in a while.
- Are they strict parents?
Bellan: Lmao no.
Fiddauthor: Not very.
- Do they go to parent teacher interviews?
Bellan: Of course! Stan is bored most of the time, but Bella drags him along.
Fiddauthor: Fiddleford usually does, and Ford comes along if he’s not busy.
- How do they react to their first child going to kindergarten?
Bellan: Bella is pretty excited but also nervous and parts with lots of kisses. Stan is actually kinda proud but won’t admit it.
Fiddauthor: They’re both proud and Fiddleford won’t stop reminding Oxford what to do. Ford is a bit nervous, since Oxford has six fingers just like him, but luckily he doesn’t get made fun of like Ford did.
- Where did they get married? 
Both couples got married at the Mystery Shack. Mabel pulled out all the stops for both weddings (and Bella made sure that Fidds and Ford’s wedding had a lot of rainbow).
- Where do they buy their ingredients?
...ingredients for what?
- What traditions did they make together?
Bellan: They mostly take a lot of traditions from Bella’s family, because hers has a lot. Opening one Christmas present on Christmas Eve, a special cookie recipe from her Nana, ect. They do, however, go to the Gravity Falls fair every single year.
Fiddauthor: They celebrate famous scientists' birthdays.
- How do they decorate their kids room?
Bellan: Bella always tries to make them very gender-neutral before the kids are old enough to decorate their own rooms. She includes a ten-gallon fish tank in each room with a couple goldfish in them. Stan helps the kids make a little blanket tent in each of their rooms.
Fiddauthor: A few science posters, a small fish tank, there’s a banjo in one corner (because Fidds teaches Oxford to play once he’s old enough) and a kid’s science set.
- What are the family secrets?
Weirdmageddon. They never mention it to any of their kids.
- What type of pet do they own? 
Bellan: They own some goldfish, a cat, and a goat (of course).
Fiddauthor: A couple strange fish, and a strange small alien that resembles a dog.
- Where do they take their kids on vacation?
Bellan: They visit the closest amusement park for a week.
Fiddauthor: They go with Bella and Stan.
Questions for your OTP’s kid(s)
- Who do they take after more?
Christine: Bella.
Lee: Stan.
Oxford: I think it’s a bit of an even match.
- What are their hobbies?
Christine: She enjoys reading and drawing. She likes sketching mythical creatures the most.
Lee: He boxes like Stan, and he’s also a bit of a major flirt.
Oxford: Building stuff, seeing how things work, and playing the banjo.
- What is their high school stereotype?
Christine: The quiet kid.
Lee: The popular boy.
Oxford: The nerd.
- Who do they look like? Are they a mix? Are they adopted?
Christine: She has Stan’s looks a bit more. His nose, dark brown hair (although it was blond when she was younger, just like Bella’s was), and the Pines family curls.
Lee: He has Bella’s nose and her hair color (lighter brown hair).
Oxford: He looks more like Ford than Fidds, mostly because Bella was the surrogate and Ford is the biological dad. That’s why Oxford has six fingers.
- When did they say their first swear?
Christine: Her first word was actually a swear because Bella and Stan swear so much. That’s when they realized they should probably try and censor themselves a bit.
Lee: When he was twelve. His parents never hear him until he’s sixteen, though. By then they don’t mind.
Oxford: Not until he’s an adult, and even then he uses Fiddleford’s replacement-swears more.
- What are thoughts on NASA? 
Christine: She thinks they’re interesting.
Lee: He doesn’t really care about them, but thinks they’re funny when he sees them on social media.
Oxford: He’s a big fan of space, so he’s a big fan of NASA.
- Do they know about Pluto?
Christine: She knows it, yes, and knows that it used to be considered a planet.
Lee: He only knows it as a dwarf planet.
Oxford: Of course. Space nerd, duh!
- Are they quiet when they go to the library?
Christine: Yup.
Lee: He doesn’t try and yell, but he doesn’t attempt to keep his voice down, either.
Oxford: Of course! He respects the library.
- Do they think their house is haunted?
Christine: She knows the house is haunted. They live in the house Bella grew up in, and her Nana and Papa’s ghosts are there. She really wants to communicate one day.
Lee: Yeah, he knows. Once he learned about it, he didn’t really mind except to yell around the house to stay out of his room.
Oxford: He wishes it was. He believes in ghosts (obviously) but doesn’t see and evidence of the house being haunted.
- What is their favourite band?
Not sure I’ll be able to answer this. I don’t know what bands will be around in the future, and they’re born in 2028, 2032, and 2034.
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
all (or just half if it's too long) of the parent questions w you and shiroe? and i kiiinda wanna read izzy's answers for the kids' questions :D
Heckk yeah let’s do this!! 💜
Questions for Parents
- Where did they go on their honeymoon?A secluded beach, kinda like a lounge place that was luckily not crowded. We were able to be alone and relax by the water. Which is my favorite thing to do!

- When did they decide to become parents?It was actually a surprise. We didn’t really plan it, both children were surprises but the best surprise we could have gotten! We just weren’t expecting it to happen haha

- How many kids do they want/have?We wanted to have four, but our twins are probably going to be enough for us!

- Who is the responsible parent?We’re both responsible, but Shiroe’s probably more responsible than I am. It’s just in his nature to be more grounded than me. But this helps when I get overwhelmed. He helps balance me out!

- Where do they for their date night?Usually we go see a movie or to a nice restaurant. Or we stay in and just have Akatsuki or Marielle take the kids for a while. Marielle never complains, and she’s honestly always open to baby sit. So there’s no problem there haha

- Are they strict parents?Not really. Neither of us are very strict because we’re very understanding. If something is going on with our kids we’re quick to try and help rather than punish straight away. Since Shiroe is super patient, things are resolved rather easily. He takes time with them and I’m lucky to have him in that aspect.

- Do they go to parent teacher interviews?Yeah, of course. Shiroe wouldn’t miss those haha. Gotta get to know those who will be teaching our kids.

- How do they react to their first child going to kindergarten?I’m crying. Sobbing immensely. Shiroe’s excited mostly. Trying to calm me down while I’m a nervous wreck to see them go.

- Where did they get married? At a nice little outdoor area with some pretty flowers. The entire wedding was outdoors with a nice little canopy/tent for people to sit when the sun got too hot. Definitely an excuse for me to wear a pretty flower crown haha

- Where do they buy their ingredients?Local grocery store that’s near our house 💕

- What traditions did they make together?Every week we make it a point to go to the park as a family at least once. This stops kinda around the time the twins are 16. Maybe earlier. We also have a family game night twice a week. This doesn’t stop. Our kids love it, honestly. Especially since the whole family is competitive. Oh god haha

- How do they decorate their kids room?We kept it kind of neutral with colors, not wanting it too bright but also not dark either. Shiroe kind of wanted to incorporate some nice scenery and maybe a forest to make it look like another world when you walked in. He was really big on our kids having an imagination so that’s kinda where that stemmed from!

- What are the family secrets?We don’t really have any? Haha. Not that I can think of anyway

- What type of pet do they own?We own a cat named Luna 💜 eventually we get a dog but I’m not sure what they’re name is yet!

- Where do they take their kids on vacation?We took them to Disney one year. That was super fun. Usually we go places close by, unless we have the money to do an ice big trip. Shiroe wants them to see the world and usher them to want to see everything there is to see. Maybe go on a cruise? That sounds fun too 💜 god we have lots of ideas planned for them!
Questions for your OTP’s kid(s) - Here’s Izzy dear’s answers! ^0^
- Who do they take after more?“I think I take after mommy Asuna more when it comes to cuteness. I get that comment a lot from my mommies. But I also think that I’m like mommy Ashley too because she’s nice and sweet and likes to laugh really loud. And I love to laugh. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.”

- What are their hobbies?“I like to draw and sing! I also like to play piano. My favorite thing, though, is to cook with mommy! She doesn’t let me do much though. Because she doesn’t want me getting hurt. But I’m a big girl now.”
Ashley: “Yes, baby, you are such a big girl. But not big enough to be near the stove or a knife.” *pokes her nose*

- What is their high school stereotype?When she gets to high school, probably the preppy, prissy type bc she’s shy and keeps to herself. Not to mention she’s always wearing skirts and dresses and being her best, most adorable self!

- Who do they look like? Are they a mix? Are they adopted?“I’m adopted… :)”

- When did they say their first swear?“I don’t swear. That’s bad.” *smiles innocently*

- What are thoughts on NASA? *too complicated of a question, poor Izzy is lost on what to say*
“It’s cool, I guess! I used to want to be an astronaut when I grew up, but now I wanna be a pop star!”
Asuna: “It’s her new thing…” *ruffles Izzy’s hair and giggles*

- Do they know about Pluto?“That it’s not considered a planet anymore? Yeah? It’s kinda sad, though. I like Pluto. It’s cute!”

- Are they quiet when they go to the library?“Of course. It’d be super rude of me if I was anything but quiet. Both my mommy’s have always taught me to be polite in places like that.”

- Do they think their house is haunted?“…One time when I woke up to get a glass of milk in the middle of the night, I heard scratching at our front door. It really scared me.”
Asuna: “Izzy, honey, I think that was the neighbors cat.”
“Maybe… *whispers* it was totally a ghost.”

- What is their favourite band?“Right now, I really like listening to pop music. It’s my favorite to sing along too, and the songs are so catchy! I don’t remember the name of the songs that I listen to… but I know they’re really good!”
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kacie-ville · 6 years
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julibernardo · 7 years
I’m in love with this)
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kacie-ville · 7 years
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amie kaufman, illuminae
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kacie-ville · 7 years
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i always will. 
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kacie-ville · 7 years
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facial expressions
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kacie-ville · 7 years
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riarkle + being dorks about their teeth
      requested by anonymous
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kacie-ville · 7 years
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we always will be. 
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kacie-ville · 7 years
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1.13 /// 3.18
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