#otp: holy hand grenade
eeveevie · 5 years
"Oh my God. You're in love with her."
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*This proved to be popular!* 
from this list
Cullen x Aurelie Trevelyan 
790 words (under a cut) | Ao3
They had been in the war room for hours now, discussing theimpending trip to Halamshiral. Josephine had secured their invitations, but itwouldn’t be easy sneaking Inquisition soldiers into the Winter Palace. Theadvisors—the Inquisitor—they needed to make sure whatever plan they followedwas seamless. There was no room for error, not when of all of Orlais wasthreatened. While the discussion had been a long one, it had been productive.
As the talks turned to Leliana’s plans for her spies, Cullenglanced up across the table to find Aurelie was already looking at him. She hada small knowing smile that distracted him momentarily. Ever since he had kissedher that day on the battlements they had grown closer, developing their romanticrelationship slowly over the last few months. They had managed to keep itrelatively quiet, not needing their private affairs aired out to all ofSkyhold. If only anyone knew just how strongly he felt for the woman. Theycontinued to exchange silent expressions as Leliana talked, Cullen’s neckrunning hot when Aurelie winked.  
“If you two would like to continue speaking regarding mattersof subterfuge.” Josephine turned her attention to Aurelie, bringing them bothback to the moment. “May I steal our Inquisitor for more…delicate matters?”
“What is it?” she asked. There was a slight apprehension toher expression.  
The ambassador only grinned, but there was a definite hintof deviousness hidden there. “Why your costume for the ball, of course.”
Aurelie’s eyes had widened in shock, and she shook her handsin refusal. “I don’t need—”
“On the contrary, Inquisitor,” Josephine interrupted. “We’llneed you to be the center of attention.”
Aurelie’s eyes darted to Cullen again, brows furrowing as ifshe was desperate for him to say something, take her side. He only offered asmall smile, a little amused by the situation. He knew this was bound to happenwith the way his female colleagues had been giggling over their own dressplans. When he stayed silent, she mocked a pout.
“Come,” Josephine beckoned Aurelie to follow after her. “Weshould start looking at fabric swatches. Velvet? No that’s too heavy...”
The Inquisitor flashed a worried look his way before she wasushered through the war room doors. He watched, eyes lingering on where she hadbeen long after she left the room. Leliana cleared her throat. Cullenapprehensively looked at her, rolling his eyes at how amused she appeared.
“Don’t start,” he muttered. It was futile.
“It’s rather adorable,” she commented. “It’s about time thetwo of you—”
“What?” Cullen cut her off. He was used to her teasing abouttheir flirtations, or lingering looks, but he was certain that nobody in theinner circle knew their relationship had progressed. “How could you possibly—”
“I’d be a poor spymaster if I didn’t know what was happeningin everyone’s lives,” she explained. Cullen only groaned, turning away from heramused expression. He eyed the markers on the map that indicated their plans inOrlais.
“Will there be dancing at the Winter Palace?” he asked.
Leliana looked at him with absurdity. “But of course. It is a ball after all.”
Cullen pondered the next request for a long time, especiallyconsidering who he was talking to. But there was an amount of trust he had inthe spymaster, and had to wonder…
“Would you be willing…” he cleared his throat. “To teach me?I don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of—”
He stopped when he noticed Leliana was covering her mouthwith one hand, stifling her giggle. He huffed, frowning at her reaction. “Thisisn’t a joke!” he crossed his arms.
Leliana sighed, regrouping herself and shook her head athim. “It’s just that…I’ve seen this before.”  
“What—” Cullen cut himself off, more flustered than before.He regretted ever asking her for any type of advice. He thought about what shecould mean, thinking for a split second of her relationship to the King andQueen of Ferelden. He felt his face heat, and he rubbed at the back of hisneck.
“Maker,” Lelianalaughed again. “You’re in love with her!”
“I—” he stopped. She raised her brows at him and tilted herhead. She had cornered him, as if it was planned all along. The longer hissilence dragged on, the more conceited she seemed. It wasn’t a confession, butit wasn’t a denial either.
The word floated through his mind, echoing as he thoughtabout Aurelie. His chest tightened, but very quickly, he relaxed. It wasn’t afeeling he was used to, but it wasn’t unpleasant either. Love—he smiled to himself. He could definitely get used to love.
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jujywrites · 7 years
Multiplayer (Promptember 2015)
Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Pairing: Fitz x Simmons x DaisySkye
Prompt: (from @otpprompts) Imagine your OTP+ creating a Let’s Play together.
yeah so i was pulling out alll my OT3s for this fest :))) i should write more for this fandom
or keep reading
“Okay, guys, here we go.”
Skye bounced onto the couch between Jemma and Leo with a wide smile. “What’s up, everyone?” she said, waving at the camera. “I’m Skye, and this–” she slung an arm around each of them, “–is Fitzsimmons!”
“I’m Fitz.”
“I’m Simmons.”
“And we’re gonna play Apocalypse Heroes. Since Fitz here is bloodthirsty in competitive play…”
“Lies, such lies!”
…I chose a co-op game. So let’s get to it.”
They’d created their avatars beforehand; a wise decision, since it took about an hour. Beyond getting acquainted with the basic controls, they were going in blind, with Skye taking the lead to start.
“Please don’t have a long opening, please don’t–”
Two minutes later: “Please let me skip it, please let– damn it.”
Jemma shushed her. “They’re talking about the weapons.“
Skye fidgeted with her controller.
“I’m gonna grab all the long-range ones. Pick ‘em off from a distance,” Leo said. “Best strategy in this type of thing.”
“Look, there’s us!” Skye pointed to the screen as the in-game camera swooped over their avatars. “And we’ve got guns already, nice.”
“That’s a relief,” Jemma said. “I thought we’d start out empty-handed.”
After a brief area overview, the game settled into first-person. They were outside, in a ruined city full of the skeletons of skyscrapers, rubble everywhere. Skye immediately turned around and tried to go into the large building behind them, but the game wouldn’t let her. “Forward it is.”
Leo and Jemma hung back while she advanced past a slab of concrete.
“Perfect place for a holy shit.” She unleashed a hail of bullets on the monster leaping at her, felling it just in time. “Time to tag team, I guess.”
They moved in tandem, blasting away as more creatures came at them.
“Maybe we don’t get distance weapons in this one,” said Leo. “Jem, wait, that looks like a–” He winced as a ten-feet-tall humanoid picked Jemma up and threw her into a cracked wall. “–trap.”
“Am I dead?” Jemma shouted, mashing buttons.
“You might be stunned,“ Skye said. “I don't– Fitz, look out!”
“Got it.” The other two made appreciative sounds as he lobbed a grenade into a hulking beast’s mouth. He grinned. “Five to a pack. You girls haven’t kept your eyes peeled.”
Jemma’s avater had righted itself, standing awkwardly. “Fabulous, I’m alive.” She lifted her controller in triumph, then limped ahead. “Revenge! Ooh, and a healing item.” Picking up the med pack, she said, “There are more over here, hurry.”
Skye grabbed a few and followed, Fitz running past her. Together they entered a small, dilapidated building. The hard-driving music changed to something more ominous.
“I smell a boss fight,” Skye said, forehead crinkling. “This soon?”
“Can’t be. But something isn’t right.” Fitz prepped a grenade.
“Second wave,” Jemma said. Fitz and Skye looked at her in surprise. “What? That’s what my intuition’s saying.” As she moved further into the room, the largest creature creature yet dropped from the ceiling, announced itself with a screech and belched fire at all of them.
“And here come some more,” muttered Skye, running from the flames.
Fitz aimed his grenade for the oncoming crowd, and all hell broke loose. The creature caught the grenade and batted it back  with its huge clawed hands; it blew up in front of Jemma, killing her (but respawned instantly thanks to a special med pack); Fitz ran out of grenades and then ammo and had to run from a pack of “demonic monkeys!” while looking for fresh weapons; Skye realized she was on fire and out of med packs.
“What do I do?!”
“Stop, drop and roll?”
“It won’t let me!”
Adding insult to injury, the screecher grabbed Skye and flung her down, then crushed her. Her screen went black.
“Well, since I’m dead, I‘m getting junk food.” Dropping her controller with contempt, she got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen.
“I think we should edit that out later,” Leo called after her.
She returned minutes later with an armload of chips and pretzels. “Man, the difficulty curve on this is brutal.” She deposited her stash onto the coffee table and looked at the screen.
Fitz had also blacked out. Jemma sat on the edge of the couch, hammering at the buttons while she calmly mowed down enemies.
“For some people,” Skye said, deadpan. She took her place on the couch and grabbed a bag of pretzels. “Babe, what the fuck?”
“Definitely editing that out,” Leo said, taking a handful of pretzels as soon as Skye opened the bag.
“Seriously, she’s been holding out on us,” Skye said through a mouthful. “I’m impressed.”
“She got the screecher first.”
“Oh my god, how? I was gone for like two minutes!”
“Single use rocket launcher,” Jemma said, as she killed one last monster. Then she sat back with a sigh and proceeded to comb through the destruction. “Surely one of these infernal things coughed up something of use…”
“I cannot believe I missed a rocket launcher.” Skye gave Leo the pretzel bag, then laid her head on his shoulder, looking as dejected as possible. “How’d she get it?” she asked in a whine.
“There was a stash of weapons where you died.”
“Yeah, didn’t you see me running over there?” said Leo.
“Um, no. I was a little preoccupied with burning alive.”
“Oh, brilliant, Revivers!” Jemma gathered as many packs as she could hold, then dropped one each onto Skye and Leo; their screens came back on.
“You saved us oh my god thank you.” Skye threw her arms around Jemma and kissed her cheek. “You are the undisputed badass of this team.”
Fitz picked up his controller. “At least until somebody else gets a rocket launcher.”
Skye let go of Jemma and got her controller too. “Aah, I finally get to kick more ass!”
“Wait, you both need revivers, here.” Jemma handed off supplies. “They activate automatically, but you need to push this button to use the regular kind.”
Skye nodded. “I’ll remember that. If I don’t catch fire again. Now let’s get new guns and shit.”
“You know, editing out your mouth does take extra time,” Leo said.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” she replied, batting her eyelashes.
“You certainly will. You already owe me ten dollars.”
“Aw, I was hoping you’d forgotten about that.”
“My goodness, you two have been gambling?” Jemma tried to look affronted.
“We bet on who’d find the best weapon first,” Skye said. “I had too much faith in my own abilities.”
“You won me ten dollars, Jem.”
“I’m rather flattered–”
Suddenly Skye let out a whoop. “Holy shit, you guys, a flamethrower!”
Leo and Jemma looked at each other.
Jemma smiled slyly. “How about we bet on kill count instead?”
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eeveevie · 5 years
“Here take my sweater.”
(adapted) from this list 
Cullen x Aurelie Trevelyan
411 words | Ao3
“We can send the soldiers who volunteered to the Mire with Scout Harding,” Cullen was explaining, pointing to the map of Ferelden on the table before them. “The region is uncharted, so finding the missing will be difficult without your assistance.”
Aurelie tried to listen carefully to what Cullen was explaining to her…except it was so damn cold. She was used to this type of debriefing in the warmth of the Chantry, but it was currently being used by Josephine as she dealt with visiting dignitaries. Better the Herald stand outside in the cold than to offend some noble with deep pockets. She closed her eyes for a moment, envisioning warmer things; sunshine, hot tea…a bath.  
“Herald?” Cullen called her out of her daydream. She fluttered her eyes open and found him just staring at her, one brow perked up. How long had she drifted away for?  
“Forgive me,” she spoke. “Could you repeat that?”
Cullen’s expression turned even more curious. “Sure.”
“I’m just having a hard time concentrating in this cold,” Aurelie further explained, before he could continue. As if for emphasis, she rubbed her hands across her arms.
“They ought to give you a better coat,” he suggested. His eyes darted across her body for a moment, making her inherently nervous. They had been exchanging lingering looks a lot lately—but that was beside the point. She was in her ranger leathers—suitable for scouting the Hinterlands, but not for keeping warm in the snow-covered village of Haven.  
“I already tasked Harritt with fashioning me a new one,” Aurelie said. “Bear fur—will keep me nice and—”
A sudden breeze whisked by, blowing up snow and freezing air across her body. She sharply shrieked, a whole new level of embarrassment settling over her as she noted Cullen’s small amused smile. Maker.
“Here,” he called.
She watched him carefully as he rounded the table. Without prompting, and seemingly without thought he removed his fur coat, offering it to her. When she didn’t move right away to take it, he draped it across her shoulders. Now she was warm for an entirely different reason. She moved to wrap the fabric tightly around her, trying to use the fur collar to hide her blush.
“Thank you,” she mumbled.
Cullen only nodded, pleased with himself. “Of course.” He waved a hand over the map. “Shall we continue?”
Aurelie nodded, and moved to stand next to him, smiling when he didn’t move away.
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eeveevie · 5 years
Hai could I ask #9 on your print list? Thanks
from the prince list
“Purple electricity whenever our bodies touch” (Temptation) 
Cullen x Aurelie Trevelyan
502 words | Ao3
There was determination in the way Cullen walked as he madehis way to the war room that evening, his mind focused on only one thing.
She had returned from the Emerald Graves nearly an hourprior, and yet, had not come to see him. He knew their reunions were hardly themost important task for her, but he had not seen her in weeks, and the timeapart had worn him emotionally and physically.It was almost embarrassing, the way he felt—like a man starved. But that’s justhow much he was infatuated with her, how madly in love he was. So much that sometimes, it hurt.
Cullen walked briskly past Josephine in her office, wavingher off as she stood. “Do not disturb us.”
He didn’t linger to catch her shocked expression. Hecontinued to his goal, breathing a sigh of relief when he found Aureliestanding within the war room by herself. She turned as he closed the doorbehind him, snapping the metal lock into place.
“Cullen—” her surprise only increased as he cut her off witha searing kiss, wrapping his arms around her body to hold it close to his. Her shockmelted into delight as she smiled against his mouth, hands raising to frame hisface. Her touch only sparked something carnal from deep within. He nudged herbackwards until her hips were against the thick wood of the war table.
“Cullen, what’s—” she swallowed her gasp as he kissed heragain, silencing her for now.
He moved his hands, sliding them down her sides towards herlegs. With little effort he picked her up, swallowing her sharp yelp as he sather on the edge of the table. Her head turned at the noise of several wartokens falling to the floor, but he turned her face back to his, fingers lingeringto thread through her hair. Cullen didn’t dare to stop until his lungs wereburning, desperate for air. Aurelie tapped at his shoulder, and he finallypulled away—but not too far. She looked at him, clearly dazed.
“What’s this all about?” she asked, panting as she inhaled. “Notthat I particularly mind…”
Cullen shook his head, just as breathless. “I’ve beenthinking about you all day.”
Aurelie’s eyes shined over, her lips curling into a devious smirk.“All day?”
“Yes,” he answered quickly. “As soon as we received word youwere returning.” He didn’t hesitate to press his hips against hers, ensuringshe felt his arousal. “Not the purest of thoughts, I’ll admit.”
“There’s…nothing wrong with that,” she assured. Her armsslinked around his shoulders, and one leg hooked around his to keep him inplace. “A little lust never hurt anybody.”
Cullen nearly groaned at the passion laced in her tone. “Iwant you,” he whispered against her lips. He was barely holding back now. “Inthe worst way.”
Aurelie pulled away from him, only to lay back across thetable. She grinned.
“Then take me.”
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eeveevie · 5 years
A whisper in your ear for Cullen
from this list
The way you said “I love you”; as a whisper in your ear. 
Cullen x Aurelie Trevelyan 
480 words | Ao3
Cullen studied the horizon, unmoving from his spot on thebattlements. The sky was alight with red and green, the air thick with magic.In the distance, where the Temple of Sacred Ashes once stood, he knew a finalbattle between Corypheus and the Inquisitor was taking place.
The Inquisitor. Aurelie. HisAurelie.
It was a selfish thought, but he almost didn’t want to lether go, even if it meant the end of the world. But she had a duty—to theInquisition, to all of Thedas. That was more important than the love theyshared. Aurelie left Skyhold, her companions in tow, rushing towards the valleywhere Haven once stood. It was only after they left that Cullen’s panic set in.This was the end and…
Why hadn’t he gonewith her?
He shook the thought from his mind, pinching the bridge ofhis nose as the anxiety caused a headache to flare up. He gripped the stone infront of him, unable to do anything but watch the sky. Cullen wasn’t even surehow much time had passed, but as the full moon above him moved amongst thestars, his anxiety turned into outright fear.
He closed his eyes, and repeated a whispered prayer. “…nothingthat He has wrought shall be lost.”
Leliana’s voice startled him enough that he had to bracehimself against the rampart wall. He took in a shaky breath as he turned tolook at her, perplexed by the sight of her small smile. He was about to scoldher for such a mood when she nodded once and he knew.
“My scouts tell me the battle has been won. They shallreturn within the evening,” she explained.
“Everyone,”Leliana clarified.
Relief didn’t come until he actually saw Aurelie walkthrough the Skyhold courtyard, her armor covered in blood, face and hairstreaked with dirt and grime. Yet, it was the most beautiful thing he had everseen. She was alive, and home. He stood, nearly rocking on hisfeet as he waited for her to climb the steps towards the great hall,disregarding the way Leliana and Josephine were eyeing him with tiny, knowinggrins.
And then, Aurelie was there, within arm’s reach. Cullen onlyhesitated for a split second before moving towards her, wrapping his armstightly around her shoulders and waist. She hugged him in return, releasing adeep sigh as her body practically melted against his.
He pulled her tighter to him, burrowing his face into thecrook of her neck. She clung to him, whatever words she was speaking muffled bythe fur lining his armor. He had a sense of what she was saying, though andlifted his head so his lips hovered near her ear. Cullen whispered the onlywords that he hoped to repeat for the rest of his life.
“I love you.”
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eeveevie · 5 years
Cullen/inquisitor marriage proposal
from this list
I’ve written a few different proposals for these two, so I tried something a little different here. The letter referenced here by Eirlys is this.
Cullen x Aurelie Trevelyan 
792 words (under a cut) | Ao3
Lady InquisitorHerald of AndrasteAurelie Rutherford? Dearest Sister;
I suppose it is arelief to not have to carry around those numerous titles anymore. Word of theExalted Council reached the Free Marches long before your letter did. I have toadmit, I was fearful of your survival until I saw your signature with my owneyes. Considering the last letter I had received from you was about your marriage,you can understand the whirlwind of emotions I was going through. I may haveset a few barrels of hay on fire.
I am glad you aresafe.
I am also still indisbelief that you are a married woman. I’m sure Cullen has already shared theletter I sent him containing my congratulations and support. I understand thatit was an impromptu decision while in Orlais, but I am hoping that you’dconsider throwing a larger party. Not that I need an excuse to come see you,but considering I missed out on meeting all of your fabulous companions whilstthe Inquisition was active, I’d love a chance to see you surrounded by so manythat love you.
Consider this meinviting myself to whatever you decide to do.
Love, Eirlys
Aurelie smiled as she read over the letter again, thankfulher sister’s words had reached her. It had been addressed to Skyhold, but mostof the Inquisition had moved on over the last few months. It must have beenforwarded by whoever was watching over Leliana’s—Divine Victoria’s—ravens, ensuring that any correspondence was sentto the scattered former members. For Aurelie and Cullen, they were still inSouth Reach, visiting with his family who had taken them in with open arms. Miahad been adamant that they could stay as long as they needed, until the twocould find their own place to call home.
Her sister’s words resonated with her. She too, couldn’tbelieve that she and Cullen were married.It really was a spur of the moment thing, Cullen proposing in the middle of theWinter Palace. Aurelie really wouldn’t have had it any other way—a privateceremony that they would treasure forever. That being said, the events atHalamshiral tainted the happy memory.
As if on cue, her left arm radiated with pain, causing herto flex an invisible muscle. Aurelie glanced down to where her hand—the anchor—usedto be. She could still feel it, and yet, notfeel it at the same time. Dorian had explained it to her as a phantom pain that could linger for yearsto come. Unsettling, but a price she was willing to pay for her survival. Shewas alive, and content.
She shifted her attention to where Cullen was standing infront of Mia’s home, tossing a stick away from him so that their mabari, Scout,could fetch it. This is what her life would be like now, and she was gratefulfor it. As much as she missed the thrill of adventure, she would give up herdaggers forever if it meant living a quiet life with her husband until the end of their lives.
“Cullen,” she called out as she thought about the letteragain. Eirlys was right—they hadmissed out on an extravagant party to celebrate their union. Maybe it wasn’ttoo late. Then they could have theirquiet little life in a Ferelden cottage. She was already grinning just thinkingabout it.
“I know that look,” Cullen responded as he approached. Scouttrotted after him, stick in mouth. “What are you thinking about?”
Aurelie tilted her head up to look at his face from hersitting position. “Will you marry me?”
“What?” he responded, clearly surprised by her question. Heraised an eyebrow. “Aurelie, we already…”
“I know,” she laughed at his confusion. She reached out withher right hand to grab his left, her thumb brushing over the silver band he woresignifying just that. “I was thinking we could do it again.”
Cullen titled his head. “I’m afraid I’m not following yourtrain of thought here, dear.”
Aurelie softly chuckled, shaking her head in her own disbelief.She knew it sounded strange. “Let’s have a second wedding. With all our familyand friends.”
“Somewhere we both like?” Cullen asked, his lips twitchingup into a smile. Not a real answer, but Aurelie’s heart fluttered in excitement.She nodded.
“No stuffy Orlesians,” she agreed. “I can wear a dress thatwasn’t borrowed last minute.”
“That sounds…” Cullen let out a breathy laugh. “That soundswonderful.”
Aurelie was beaming, but still glanced up at himexpectantly. “You haven’t answered me, Cullen,” she reminded him. “Will youmarry me? Again?”
He didn’t hesitate, squeezing her hand tightly in his own. “Yes.”
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