#osmir the god of magic and secrets
verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 1:48:25
Video Length: 2min. & 17sec.
Riz is the only one who can take stress for other people + Kristen rolling for popularity and academics (learning about Osmir) (Pt. 1 | ‣Pt. 2)
Brennan: "What is your first paper about?"
Ally: "I start trying to look up...Osmir."
Brennan: "Cool."
Ally: "The god of magic and secrets."
Brennan: "Yeah."
Ally: "But first I turn in a completely empty document and I go,"
Kristen: "What? The attachment didn't show up as anything? Are you serious? Oh, I will definitely check on that."
Ally: "And then, quickly, I start typing stuff up and I try to research Osmir like the most I can."
Brennan: "Hell yeah."
Ally: "But it's- it's not- It's a C. It's a C."
Brennan: "Osmir is a god that is not broadly worshipped, but whose worship exists everywhere. And it's an interesting thing for you to look at religions that survive not on this like- they're not evangelistic. It's a religion that has a deep and proud tradition that's not looking to bring a lot of other converts. And you are interested to see, very different from Helio. Helio's like, 'Get the tent bigger. Get more bodies in here.' But you realize- your first paper is about how the fact that worship is not just measured in numbers of adherence, but also in the strength and devotion of followers. Osmir has, like, abbeys and monasteries throughout Spyre where people live their entire life in devotion to, like, peering through the mysteries. It's sort of that thing of like, 'Well I don't have 100 people praying once a week, but I do have one person praying every day.' And this idea of people that are very devoted and it just, I think, lets you breathe a little bit more easily in the idea that there's more stuff open here. There's not-"
Ally: "Doesn't all have to be Moonsong."
Brennan: "It doesn't all have to- yes, it doesn't have to always be the way Tracker's doing it. It doesn't all have to be the way Buddy Dawn is doing it. There's lots of different traditions and practices that seem to thrive. Your vision of thriving is such like a garden that grows explosively in all directions and is flowering and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. But there's thriving like a tall and ancient tree. There's thriving like grass that's, like, omni- that is small and humble, but very- Like, there's a lot of different ways for this to look. Right?"
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 1:44:54
Video Length: 3min. & 31sec.
Riz is the only one who can take stress for other people + Kristen rolling for popularity and academics (learning about Osmir) (‣Pt. 1 | Pt. 2)
Brennan: "Kristen. We gotta figure...So, you rolled for your church. We gotta roll for Cleric stuff, as well."
Ally: "Oh, the biweekly essays."
Brennan: "Yes"
Ally: "Do I have to start that now or do I start that next...?"
Brennan: "You have to start that now. So it's happening in the same chunk of time."
Zac: "Can I do that later?" 😂💀
Brennan: *laughs* "Can I do that later? So, this is gonna be a Religion check, which you roll with advantage. But I'm gonna say that there's disadvantage 'cause you're not connected to a divinity right now. So you're just gonna roll straight."
Ally: "Okay. And what's the DC on this? Is this my second slot?"
Brennan: "This is now DC 10. So to get an A it's not a 17, it's a 22."
Ally: "Okay and what if I did Popularity first for the campaign?"
Brennan: "Go for it."
Siobhan: "omg."
Brennan: "Go for it. You wanna do Popularity for the campaign? Persuasion DC 10."
Ally: *rolls dice* "12."
Brennan: "12? Cool. You're hitting the bricks, you're shaking hands. It's not an outrageous success, but-"
Ally: "Oh, I still have Bardic! I haven't used yours[Fabian]."
Lou: "Don't throw it on there."
Siobhan: "Don't throw it on-"
Murph: "Don't throw it on."
Ally: "No?"
Murph: "Can I take a stress for Kristen? Just like going around trying to make Kristen cool?"
Brennan: "Yeah, you can allow for a re-roll here. So your campaign manager's just gonna take a stress token to give you. Riz is the only character allowed to take stress for other people. Okay? There we go."
Ally: "Thank you, Riz." *rolls dice* "*** ******, it's worse."
Brennan: "Okay."
Murph: "I'll take another one please."
Ally: "No, no!"
Murph: "We got this!"
Brennan: "We got this. Okay, there you go, Riz." *evilly smiling* 😭✋
Ally: "We got it!" *rolls dice* "Come on, come on, come on. Okay! Okay!"
Murph: *happy claps*
Ally: "And that's for Persuasion?"
Brennan: "Persuasion."
Ally: "21."
Brennan: "21, you beat it by 10. You have advantage on Charisma checks for any kid that you're meeting at the school for the first time. And you have advantage on any other track check you roll in this period because your popularity helps you. People start supporting you. They know that Fabian's on the team. Honestly, all of this is Riz. It's all the weird clubs."
Ally: "Yeah, it's absolutely Riz."
Brennan: "The clubs are coming through to help you. It's all Riz."
Riz: "The freshman can vote! We don't need cool kids! We need a lot of dorks!"
Kristen: "Are you okay?"
Riz: "No, of course! I'm great!"
Brennan: "You're ****ing beltway guru."
Murph: "Yeah."
Ally: "You're listening to all these podcasts."
Riz: "Soil! It's all about the Soil Club!"
Brennan: "I'm on Crooked Media every day. Yeah." *laughs* "Great, so that's Popularity for you. Now go ahead. So, Kristen, against all odds, the godless Kristen Applebees... Kristen and Fabian vault to the top of popularity in the school, right?"
Ally: "That's right."
*Ally and Lou do cool handshake and pose*
Brennan: "Let's go baby. Let's go."
Lou: "Yes."
Brennan: "Kristen, go ahead and give me... you may roll... This, I will allow it to cancel the disadvantage 'cause of that popularity check. Go ahead and roll Religion with advantage. The DC for this is 15 gets you a D."
Ally: "I get a plus six."
Brennan: "Rolling with advantage."
Ally: *rolls dice* "Okay, 12. So that's an 18."
Brennan: "18, so that means you get a C."
Ally: "Oh and I can Bardic for this."
Brennan: "You can bardic for that."
Ally: "Okay, okay, okay." *rolls dice* "It's a two. Okay, so 20."
Brennan: "So that's 20 from 15. Okay, Kristen, you get a C in Religion. Give me one more Religion check, actually, just normal."
Ally: "Okay."
Lou: "Without a god, you know?"
Ally: *rolls dice* "It's a nat one."
Brennan: "Oh, you roll with advantage 'cause of your book."
Ally: "Thank ****ing God."
(Emily laughing)
Ally: "Okay, that's a 16."
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 00:48:29
Video Length: 5min.
Kristen talks to Yolanda about her Academics, Cassandra, and the Mysterious Voice she heard (‣Pt. 1 | Pt. 2)
Ally: "I think especially since Copperlilly made it really public that I don't have a god, I might do... I don't know which this would count for, like, goddess work. So, not really like Cleric."
Brennan: "You're not focusing on your classes, but actually doing the proselytizing."
Ally: "Like, can I try to check in with Cassandra? Can I say her name and see if she's responsive anywhere?"
Brennan: "Yeah, I think- Actually as this chapter is starting, 'cause you can't cast spells, it's unclear if you would even be able to complete your Cleric classes. I think you grab some office hours with Yolanda, the Cleric teacher."
Ally: "Oh cool."
Brennan: "Yolanda looks at you and says,"
Yolanda: "Ms. Applebees, it's come to my attention that you may have experienced the second deicide of your tenure."
Kristen: *holds up 3 fingers*
Yolanda: "Third?"
Kristen: "There are a couple iterations on the Yes."
Yolanda: "Oh, right. Yes, question mark. There was an addendum to the- yeah-"
Kristen: "I saw it dead. It slid out of a hole."
The awesome caption team: (Lou chuckling)
Yolanda: "Kristen, um-"
Kristen: "Does that mean anything to you?"
Yolanda: "Well, it's not good. It slid out of a hole? How? Based on what? What was the context?"
Kristen: *tells Yolanda the whole story*
Brennan: "She becomes very interested in the voice that spoke to you. She's like,"
Yolanda: "Did you recognize the voice that was speaking to you? Was it, like, mocking you or something like that?"
Kristen: "Like, 'This is the god you deserve.'"
Yolanda: "The god you deserve. That's very interesting."
Kristen: "Why is that interesting?"
Yolanda: "Well there's something that had a personal, something that had a connection to you that was strong enough or powerful enough that it wanted mock you."
Kristen: "Do you think it was Cassandra? I think maybe she was really angry with the way that I treated her."
Yolanda: "Could well be. Kristen, if I'm going to make allowances for you to continue on in your Cleric classes without the ability to actually, meaningfully cast spells, where do you feel, if anything, a connection to the divine right now? Do you feel any connection to Cassandra still?"
Kristen: "Yeah, I think that was the ideal... I think embracing mystery and unknown is still... I mean the moon stuff is also pretty interesting, but I do think Cassandra made more sense to me."
Ally: Can I- Okay, you mentioned something. So I think Lydia Barkrock mentioned this or something. There was some sort of like god of the... What was her Cleric studying? Yeah, sorry, I made a note."
Emily: "I think they're asking what the Cleric in that party, what god the Cleric in that party."
Brennan: "Oh!"
Ally: "It was something like mystery and darkness. It was something really interesting."
Brennan: "Oh, Osmir. A god of magic. Osmir."
Ally: "Yes, Yes! Magic and secrets."
Brennan: "Magic and secrets."
Ally: "Yeah. Is there a way for me to do like a History check on that? Like in our library or with the teacher or...?"
Brennan: "Yeah. Yolanda looks at you and says,"
Yolanda: "I think the academic path that probably makes the most sense to save you from the academic probation you are in right now would be one of the two following. And honestly, perhaps a combination of both. Because you can't participate in practical classes, I'm gonna need a lot of extra theological work from you, the academic side of being a Cleric; religious treatises, research, all of that. If you wanna look up Osmir, if you wanna see anything about that, that you can, I think that's a very wise and prudent idea. And you should focus on that this semester. On a practical level, if you haven't regained your spells by the end of the fall semester, I'm gonna have to fail you no matter how many essays you turn in. So what I would say is if Cassandra is truly gone, something quite strange has happened. Because as long as you still believe in her, she should not be fully gone. Is there any part of her sort of remaining?"
Kristen: "Is there a way that you can-"
Brennan: "You remember those shards of twilight energy."
Ally: "Oh, yeah, yeah! I show her."
Brennan: "She[Yolanda] casts a Divination spell on them."
Yolanda: "Theological essays. I'm gonna ask for them biweekly, every two weeks."
Kristen: "Okay."
Yolanda: "And I think you need to perform a miracle."
Kristen: "Hm?"
Yolanda: "I think you need to perform a miracle. Clerics at their best represent an aspect of the divine truth and their work is to manifest that truth in the day-to-day lives of people who can benefit from the magic imparted by the gods. What is a miracle that doubt can make? What is a phenomenon that mystery can work upon the world? Cassandra's not here to work through you. So in all likelihood she needs you to work on her behalf."
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 6 "Party Politics"
Timestamp: 1:48:10
Video Length: 4min. & 27sec.
Learning about Bakur from Lydia (‣Pt. 1 | Pt. 2)
Lydia: "So, what's up? Ragh texted me to let me know that you kiddos had some questions about the gem. Happy to talk about it."
Riz: "Right. So we had a similar experience. There was a god who got really angry, and a bunch of red sort of orbs came out, and they took people over. And those people became consumed with rage and began trying to kill the god. And then one of the red orbs jumped into someone who looked at me and said, 'Ragh Barkrock.'"
Brennan: "She[Lydia] looks at her son. You see there's a sort of narrowing of her barbarian eyes as she scans her son to be like, 'Doppelganger?' You know, is there something? You know-"
Ragh: "What?"
Lydia: "That's my boy. Okay, who said Ragh's name?"
Riz: "Kalina"
Lydia: "This is the-"
Riz: "The Shadow Cat"
Lydia: "The Shadow Cat, Okay."
Adaine: "But she's not bad now, or not not good?"
Kristen: "She's a familiar to a god who's now died, so I don't really know what that makes her."
Adaine: "She did say, 'I preferred you when you were the Nightmare King,' which is..."
Riz: "After she was taken over."
Adaine: "... rough. Yeah, that's true."
Kristen: "When you, and stop me if this is too personal-"
Lydia: "It's all right."
Kristen: "Was your personality changed at all when you took an orb to the chest, or was your things different than this?"
Lydia: "No, I mean, I was, It was, you know? I have a relationship to my rage, my anger. The fiend that is in this gem knows my fury, and my anger keeps it at bay."
Fig: "Who's the fiend?"
Lydia: "The fiend was named Bakur."
Kristen: "And you know it's still in there? You can feel it?"
Lydia: "I can feel him. I'm hurting him constantly."
Kristen: "Oh, okay."
Lydia: "I am battling against him constantly."
Kristen: "Oh, okay."
Ally: "I give her the Help action." 😂
Lydia: "That's very sweet." 🥺
Kristen is rubbing Lydia's neck 😭✋
Lydia: "Okay." *Takes Kristen's hand off* 😭✋
Kristen: "Ah!"
Riz: "What is everyone doing?"
Kristen: "People don't touch each other's necks enough, really. You hold a lot of tension there, I think."
Lydia: "Mmm..."
Riz: "The god that was releasing this rage also said, 'I thought you were dead,' to whoever is involved with this."
Lydia: "Okay. Weird. Bakur was the right hand- was a pit fiend, was the right hand of a fallen god, a dead god."
Fig: "Who? What was their name?"
Lydia: "We don't know, they're fallen. They fell a long time ago."
Fig: "Do you have sort of a playful antagonism with Bakur? Sort of like, you know the TV show 'Luther'?
Kristen: "You think you could ask him?"
Fig: "You know Idris Elba and Ruth Wilson in 'Luther'?
Siobhan: "oh yeah."
Lydia: "Yeah, it's not exactly like Ruth Wilson. Umm..."
Murph: "Stop bringing up 'Luther'! 😂🤣💀😭✋
Fig: "Can you communicate with Bakur in any capacity? Can you intimidate Bakur into giving you a name or anything like that?"
Lydia: "I know that Bakur is not allowed to even say the name."
Fig: "Ah."
Lydia: "Listen, the sorcerer and the cleric that I traveled with in my party knew a lot about this kind of stuff, and I'm afraid that I ended up being the one who had to tie up all the loose ends, but it was not my bag, necessarily."
Kristen: "What was the cleric's name?"
Lydia: "Well..."
Brennan: "And here, all the talk about being personal, you see that she[Lydia] gets emotional."
Lydia: "Cormyr and Rana were my two...were my friends. Rana was a cleric of Osmir, who's a god of magic and secrets. Bakur could say the name of the god, but they could only say the name in certain instances or types of ways. And it had to do with the fact that gods... There's rules against loopholes, if that makes sense. That's one of the things that Bakur couldn't talk- like- Because the god was dead, Bakur can't talk about them, right, or something like that."
Fig: "Like if Bakur was to talk about them, then it would be resuscitating to the god?"
Lydia: "That's the idea, right?"
Fig: "Like what happened with the-"
Riz: "Yeah, the Night Yorb."
Gorgug: "But if the god's not dead-"
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