breitzbachbea · 2 years
Ich muss grade zum ersten mal emilia galotti lesen und hab dabei deinen blog entdeckt und du hast so recht, du hast so recht seit 2019 bin ich der meinung dass eine homo Beziehung dieses buch retten kann danke
Ach, das freut mich so sehr! Ich habe Emilia Galotti damals im Deutsch Leistungskurs gelesen und mich sofort in das Stück verliebt. Ich finde, dafür dass es eben aus dem späten 18. Jahrhundert ist, lässt es sich super lesen und verstehen.
Und die Charaktere! Großer Fan von Marinelli und seiner schleimigen Inkompetenz, Emilia und ihre Familie finde ich super interessant (gerade mit dem Hintergrund Bürgertum vs. Adel) und in Gräfin Orsina hab ich mich einfach sofort verliebt. "Wer über gewisse Dinge den Verstand nicht verlieret, der hat keinen zu verlieren" und "Die Unglücklichen ketten sich so gern aneinander" sind zwei Zitate, an die ich sehr oft denke.
Also, freut mich, dass dir die Fanfictions so gut gefallen! Ich wollte mich damals einfach mehr mit den Themen und dem historischen Hintergrund beschäftigen und gleichzeitig einen moderneren, queeren Ansatz für das Ganze finden.
Hab als Bonus übrigens das Cover meines Reklamhefts, welches ich mir selber gekauft habe, nachdem ich aus der Schule raus bin:
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numinousnic · 2 years
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[IMAGE ID] A commissioned digital illustration of Orsina Pradova, the commissioner’s Ravnica character, by Kate @gay-constellation​.
Orsina is a human woman with pale, lightly freckled skin and green eyes. She has curly, chest-length red hair, worn half-up with braided sections pulled back into a bun adorned by a gold hairpiece in the shape of sun rays. She wears winged eyeliner, dark ruby lipstick, and red nail polish, as well as a golden ear cuff with a chain connected to a ruby stud in her left ear.
Orsina is wearing a full-length, backless dress with short, off-the-shoulder sleeves; a full, slashed skirt; and a gauzy black cape. The body of the dress is white, and the slashes in the skirt reveal a black underskirt decorated with golden swirls, suns, and swords. She also wears a gold belt with black- and red-jeweled chains extending down the back and sides, a gold cuff on her left wrist, and a gold ring on her middle left finger.
Orsina stands against a burgundy background streaked with bright red. In her left hand, she holds a jeweled gold goblet with her wrist tilted. In her right hand, she conceals a dagger with a black and gold hilt behind her back and under her cape. She looks sidelong over her left shoulder with an expression almost too bored to be disdainful. [END ID]
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WELL the stars aligned and @gay-constellation​ reopened commissions right before my birthday — and after Kate knocked it out of the park with Adalheid, I knew exactly who to turn to for the kickass portrait my other DnD #girlboss rogue deserves. 😍🖤
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italiangothicwriteblr · 4 months
For the alphabet soup: R, M, J, O
Hey! Thanks for the ask!
These are letters I don't get often!
R: Rodrigo
I haven't fleshed him out as much as I probably should but he's mostly important because he's Livia's dad. I do know that he's the epitome of "the best thing a male character can do is be insane and love his wife" because WOW does he do both of those things. The whole family is insane and he lives up to the example Calpurnia and Niccolo set. The concrete fact I know about him is his poison garden that he just. has at his house.
M: Martino
My BABY!! He's not super important to the story but he's important to ME. He has a sword and isn't afraid to use it. He's from abroad so he continuously rolls his eyes at weird-ass Circian politics. The fact that he hasn't murdered Enrico yet is nothing short of a miracle. He takes in stray children. He's been in love with the same guy for 20 years. I don't think this is something you can say about your own character but--Perfect man no notes
J: Julia
Livia's sister who used to have a much bigger part in the story. Now she mostly just serves as the archetypical dutiful aristocratic daughter who values advancement over morals--she's a potential character foil for Cloelia, who spends most of book 1 risking her life to avoid being forced onto the villain's side
O: Orsina
I create too many evil women I think. Orsina is one of the only surviving relatives of a dead man who everyone adored, and she consistently uses her family connection to dodge suspicion of her betrayal. As the king's heir, no one suspects her but she can do a lot of damage.
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umbriasud · 9 months
Torreorsina celebra il concittadino Aurelio De Felice
Aurelio De Felice Dal 2 settembre al 10 settembre Torreorsina tornerà a celebrare uno dei grandi protagonisti del Novecento, nativo di questi ameni luoghi, con una settimana di eventi dedicati al grande pubblico. Presso la Chiesa di Sant’Antonio sarà visitabile una mostra fotografica con immagini provenienti dall’archivio di Enrico Valentini. Le giornate dedicate all’artista Aurelio De Felice,…
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germanpostwarmodern · 1 month
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A hundred years ago the question of housing was as pressing as it is today: in view of the unbroken influx of people into the metropolitan areas housing construction is an issue cities, planners and architects intensely struggle with, especially because land costs and thus rents are constantly increasing as well. But the development of housing also is a story of innovation, imagination and progress: not so much in terms of extravaganza but in terms of models that others can build upon. This genealogy, at least in terms of Europe, has been comprehensively processed by Orsina Simona Pierini, Carmen Espegel, Dick van Gameren and Mark Swenarton in their weighty „Housing Atlas: Europe - 20th Century“, published late last year by Lund Humohries. In chronological order the atlas covers 87 projects ranging from Parker and Unwin’s Hampstead Garden Suburb in London to Herzog & De Meuron’s Rue des Suisses in Paris with each project being documented in a uniform set of plans and comprehensive illustrations. The dossiers are further contextualized by four essays penned by each of the contributing authors that address a wide range of topics related to housing in 20th century Europe, e.g. the relationship between the public and the private, the increasingly un-contextual designs of the postwar decades or the translation of past insights into new projects. To these more detailed essays Mark Swenarton provides a bracket by recounting the history of housing and by establishing a sequence of developments that facilitate the understanding of the projects featured.
With the present atlas the authors have written nothing less than a reference work on 20th century European housing: by establishing a canon of exemplary projects and supplementing them with excellent plan material the book qualifies for any professional’s library as a go-to source for inspirational housing designs. Highly recommended!
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abr · 1 year
la tiritera ripetuta di stocazzo di cambiamento climatico mi fa morire di noia. Dejà vu, é come la cosa del covid, per gli allocchi uguale.
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effiecalvin · 10 months
Hey! I recently started reading Daughter of the Sun (which I was told to read first, before the other books in the series) and - I'm not finished yet!! - I love it so far. Aelia and Orsina are awesome and I love reading their story ❤️
Thank you! Sorry for the slow reply, I'm not on tumblr much these days! I hope you are still enjoying it/finished it and enjoyed it/etc. Lots of people read the second one first, it's definitely stronger and I'd figured more stuff out by then. It looks like I have two messages in my inbox but this is the only one that's showing up for me? So if there was another message sent, it's gone invisible and I apologize.
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michaelppp · 1 year
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Orsina von Schulthess-Rechberg
Dan Levenson
Oil and graphite on linen
A3 format
16.5 × 11.75 in (41.91 × 29.84 cm)
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estomia · 2 years
Okay fickt es Emilia Galotti gender und sexuality hcs
Hettore Gonzaga  -Cis-Hetero weil, ich mag ihn nicht
Camillo Rota -Ftm Trans Het weil, weil, also, also, Lessing hätte das gewollt
Angelo -Schwul und vielleicht Trans, weil fühle ich grade
Conti -Er ist artist
Claudia Galotti -Cis Het, weil 
Graf Ap(bi)ani -Cis Bi-King
Marinelli -🌈 und Cis
der vaddah von der emilia -Cis Het
Gräfin Orsina Nonbinary Lesbe
Emilia Galotti -Cis Bi
Dazu muss noch gesagt werden dass Pirro und Angelo eachothers bodies explored haben!!  Jegliche andere Hcs sind mehr als erwünscht, da meine eben vor allem für meinen Trans-Schwulen Ass gemacht sind
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henrywaldvolker · 4 days
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Many think they know the Wee Beasties, but the truth is unclear. These creatures have dwelt in secrecy within the ancient forest for millennia, scarcely showing themselves to outsiders. Small as they may be, Wee Beasties are not without their means to protect their home. Learning of Mörken's evil, the shaman Saphyrus performs the awakening ritual to bring forth the stone demon Orsina. Legend says Orsina was one of the four makers of the world. It is said that the sound of his voice can shatter mountains. The Wee Beasties hope the demon can defeat the vile Troth and send the Dark One fleeing from the ancient forest.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Tell me about your favorite blorbo
Tough one! Tough one!!!
I guess my favourite blorbos ARE my OCs but there are too many to list. Tate once said so nicely the island of Sicily is one of my blorbos, which is so true. It's like a second home to me, maybe even a tad more than the rest of South Italy. The people, their art, the landscape, their food... Oh, I wouldn't know where to start.
Favourite fictional blorbo that isn't an OC though... I mean, I do have an insanely soft spot for some Hetalia characters, like Romano, Greece and Turkey. (Also Egypt!) Romano is mostly due to my aforementioned fondness for South Italy, though... He represents what I love so much, he is of the people who have given me so much joy in life & canon does him so dirty 😭
Also shoutout though to Emilia Galotti and Gräfin Orsina from Lessing's play Emilia Galotti, like idk how Lessing does it, but despite his characters being firmly grounded in the morals and mindsets of their times, they also feel so relevant still! They feel relateable and human! Emilia's tragedy is indeed tragic and yet, there is something heroic about her... she is a Lucretia figure, intentionally, and she has been so wronged. I should watch some stagings of that play. Oh yeah, and Orsina's drama queen attitude, her both camp and 'madness' and yet firm sensibility and compassion... oh, I am swooning when I only think of her.
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4eternal-life · 3 months
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Dan Levenson  (American, born 1972)
Orsina von Schulthess-Rechberg,  2022
Oil and graphite on linen A3 format
16.5 × 11.75 in (41.91 × 29.84 cm)
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italiangothicwriteblr · 11 months
Hey guys if you want to procrastinate assign each of your villains a Disney villain to match their vibes
Ottavio is Scar for obvious reasons
Ixia is Frollo
Orsina is the Evil Queen
Nero is Gaston
Cosimo is Lady Tremaine
Fiamma is Ursula
And I almost made Basilio Cruella de Vil but upon reflection he’s Jafar and Giacomo’s the genie
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umbriasud · 2 years
Proposta dei circoli Pd: valorizzare il corso del Nera dopo la Cascata
Proposta dei circoli Pd: valorizzare il corso del Nera dopo la Cascata
La ex centrale di Cervara I circoli del Partito Democratico di Papigno, Marmore, Collestatte e Torre Orsina considerano la questione non più rinviabile: si tratta di ripulire ed effettuare interventi di manutenzione e risanamento dell’alveo del Nera il cui corso, sostengono in un documento comune, subito a valle della Cascata delle Marmore non è più visibile a causa della vegetazione, ormai…
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noisynutcrusade · 7 months
Dear Orsina, the populists want the premiership
… Source link
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