#or when the show kind of rehashed the exact same endgame for a kingdom multiple times in row doing nothing with it after
"Maybe showing more was not necessary"
Ten years.
Three continents
Three different kingdoms.
Nine Volumes
Multiple WoRs.
If the concepts like passage of time, mechanics behind grief and impact of local traditions upon character motivations or behaviour NEVER ever crossed writers minds then:
Very likely very few actually impactful things happened in the story somehow. Or got treated as such
Very likely very few characters actually got a character arc somehow or had to actually deal with either their surroundings or their emotions.
Very likely very few locations actually ended up feeling like real locations or mattered to the story being told.
Very likely more than a few characters outright fell through the earth because you just lost track of where and when which character should be.
Very likely more than a few characters pulled final season of game of thrones and ended up teleporting across the world more than once because you just lost track of when and where and what happened.
Very likely more than a few things ended up having happened "because magic"
It's just amazing how that insta-nails multiple severe issues with rwby writing huh.
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