#or phillip celebrating a fullham win by just smootchig benoit and he does that every time do benny really hopes they win every game
spaceytrash · 1 year
In my mind Phillip is a big football fan and tries as much as he can to watch most of the Premier League, the champions- and other big leagues and all of the Fullham games, as they are his team (which Hugh Grant actually supports I think), live and gets really into the world/euro cups and all. So far as to maybe sharing a little tear when they lost against Italy in the euro cup final recently. All the while Benoit just doesn't get what's so interesting about it and loves to tease Phillip about it, especially about tearing up when England loose or when Fullham went down a league or smth (never in a bad way and he always soothes Phillip by giving him a kiss afterwards) but actually really finds it endearing because he loves to see Phillip be passionate about stuff
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