#or not awkward but félszeg
invinciblerodent · 5 months
one of my very stupid and very specific little issues (that I don't know if other multilingual people experience) is that sometimes, I can only think of a word that feels perfect for what I want to say, in a language that isn't the one in which i'm currently writing. and it's almost never a word for which I just don't have a translation, or it's not like one of those "untranslatable" expressions/cultural phenomena/whatever, they're just... words. that have a vibe their equivalent in another language doesn't have the same exact way I want it.
like right now, I'm trying to write something in English. I'm trying to describe a character saying something quietly, and tenderly, but my brain is being very helpful by supplying me with only the Spanish phrase "al oído". Which has the perfect feel to it: it's soft, it's round, it essentially means "to the ear" or "by the hearing", and to say something al oído is... kind of to whisper in confidence so softly, that it can barely be heard. The words are more breath than sound, and you're saying it in private, for that specific person's hearing only. But that's just so many words, compared to saying that he whispered his agreement al oído.
or I want to say that someone is "szabadkozik", which is Hungarian for... kind of to make flustered excuses? Not really in a way that's reluctant necessarily, but it is to... kind of faff, and play at reluctance in a manner that may be slightly embarrassed, or just politely playing at embarrassment, being coy? And I could circumscribe it like that, I could say that he's excusing himself coyly or something, but my brain just keeps going "no, that's wrong, he's szabadkozik, you should say that". It's frustrating.
I kind of want to write a piece where I just... let myself code switch as many times as I want to. Just to see what it feels like to let my brain do its thing without trying to contain it. It would be fucking incomprehensible.
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csillagkep-stadt · 7 years
Hungarian Disney
Kincses bolygó - Mi vár még rám?                                                            Treasure Planet - What waits for me? (Jim’s Theme)
Úgy várja tőlem a Világ From me the world is waiting for Létezésem kulcsszavát The keywords to my existence De a választ ma még nem tudom But today I don’t yet know the answer
világ - world
létezés - existence
kulcs - key
szava - password
válasz - answer
tud - to know, to be able to
Nincs már az a félszeg fura srác There is no longer that shy, strange guy Akit bennem ma is látsz You already see the one inside of me Gondolj bármit csak ne mondd, hogy egészen más legyek én Think anything, just don’t tell me that I (should) be quite different
félszeg - shy, awkward
fura - strange
srác - guy
gondol - to think
bármit - anything, whatever
más - different, other
Ne szólj!  Ne is kérdezz!  Nézz reám! Don’t speak!  Don’t even ask!  Look at me! Akit itt látsz férfi már The one who you see here is already a man Komoly ember a lét talaján A serious man on the ground of existence
szól - to speak
kérdez - to ask
néz - to look, to watch
férfi - man
ember - person, man, woman (depends on context)
lét - existence
talaj - ground, soil
És fáj, hogy te nem láthatsz belém And it hurts that you don’t see me Egyedül vagy, ahogy én You’re alone, just like me Mégis mondd el, mi vár még rám? Yet tell me, what waits for me?
fáj - to hurt
lát - to see
egyedül - alone
mégis - still, yet
vár - to wait
mond - to say, to tell
Ha én ezt a percet elkapnám If I could catch this moment Akkor végre tudhatnám Then finally I would know Azt hogy élek, hogy szép a világ That I live, that the world is beautiful Ha én mások arcán láthatnám If I could see others’ faces Mások révén tudhatnám Through others I could know Mitől félek, s mi vár még rám What I’m afraid of, and what awaits me
perc - minute
elkap - to catch
végre - finally
szép - pretty, beautiful
arc - face
fél - to be afraid, to fear
Hát nézzed, s amit most látsz vidd tovább Well look, and what you see now take further Vedd el tőlem, érezd át Take it from me, feel it Engedd hinnem, hogy nincs semmi baj Let me believe that there is nothing wrong
visz - to carry, to take
tovább - further, onwards
enged - to allow
hinni - to believe
semmi - nothing
baj - problem, trouble
Vagy várj!  Annyi mindent tehetnék Or wait!  There is so much I could do Kicsit élni szeretnék!  Tudni mindent I want to live a little!  To know everything Mit nem tudok magamról még That I don’t know about myself
annyi - so much
kicsit - a bit
él - to live
szeret - to like, to love
minden - everything
magam - myself 
Sose féltem igazán I was never truly scared Aki másképpen lát One who sees differently Ki csak alszik az honnan is tudná, hogy álmodni jó? From where could one who only sleeps know that it’s good to dream? A sok suttogott hazugság között csak elvesz a szó… Among the many whispering lies the words are just lost...
igazán - truly, really
másképp - otherwise, differently
alszik - to sleep
almod - to dream
suttogott - whispering (adjective)
hazugság - lie
között - between
elvesz - to lose
szó - word
I’m starting off with this one because it’s one of my favorites in both English and Hungarian.  Feel free to send me requests for other songs, and please send me corrections if you notice any mistakes!
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