#or like anything thats not focused on drinking bc thats all this town cares about
coridallasmultipass · 5 months
Tales from an obnoxious ex-teen in the mid-late 2000s: I live in an area that gets a lot of tourists because my small hometown is themed like a European village (in rural-ass California). This was annoying as fuck to little metalhead me who has nothing better to do than walk around the touristy area of town and cause mild mischief (nothing illegal, we weren't jerks) because there is nothing for teens to do here. (There still is nothing for teens to do here.) Cue me and some friends, all dressed in full metalhead (me) and scenekid (friend) getup, walking around town shouting along to the lyrics of "Chop Suey!" while sharing ear buds and making it everyone's business, doing the absolute most cringe shit ever like making a sawing motion over our wrist at the word 'suicide' and acting out the words, and dropping to our knees, like we're performing Shakespeare or some shit before getting up and headbanging again, all in public with people walking around having a normal day.
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valkavavaart · 4 years
hi im bored so im doing an oc thing
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i decided i wannan do this w multiple soooo im going wwww ophelia, alice, and beatrice thats all bye
1. how easy is it to make them angry? do they show their anger or hide it?
ophelia - it's kinda easy to get under her skin, and she holds a grudge so if u piss her off then she won't forget it. but also she doesn't really ACT on grudges, she'll just be a little rude next time u talk to her. she doesnt really show much emotion but does kind of having a permanent :| or >:| on her face, so she'll look annoyed even if she isn't...
beatrice - generally just being rude or annoying will make her mad, but she gets over things within seconds and doesn't take people all that seriously to begin with, so it's not like pissing her off will do much. she'll be like pouty and tell u to knock it off, but she also doesnt rlly care
alice - it's difficult to make alice mad. like you have to be SO annoying or hurt him in such a drastic way for him to get pissed. usually when hes mad hes still all smiley and happy tho so he'd kinda just be >:)
2. do they believe in soulmates
ophelia - she believes in them in the sense that one person may have multiple people that can come into their lives and be considered a soulmate bc nothing is permanent and blah blah blah she doesnt rlly care tho
beatrice - she doesn't believe in soulmates but enjoys soulmate au fanfiction
alice - he definitely believes in soulmates and fate drawing people together, but is conistantly disappointed when he finds out people he like arent destined to stay with him
3. do they have any pet peeves?
ophelia - people with no concept of personal space (unless theyre like merrick or one of her close friends)
beatrice - ppl who eat w their mouth open
alice - the sound of violins
4. do they have a happy place? somewhere they go in their heads when they need to relax?
ophelia - oph just goes to the library man
beatrice - she doesnt need one bc shes always vibing
alice - when the man needs to relax hes either drunk as hell or hanging out with as many friends as he can get together, spending time alone with his thoughts is literally a nightmare for alice
5. at what stage of their life were they the happiest?
ophelia - the current stage of her life
beatrice - there hasnt been a stage where beatrice hasnt had fun :) she doesnt have anything to worry about!
alice - the current stage of his life
6. at what stage of their life were they the least happy
ophelia - the ages of 12-17
alice - any time he gets to the point in a relationship where he breaks up w someone and then he goes into "my life sucks wahhhh" mode for a few months
7. at a bar are they more likely to buy someone a drink, or have someone buy them a drink?
ophelia & beatrice - have someone else buy them a drink
alice - buy someone a drink
8. have they ever broken any bones? if yes, how?
ophelia - when her powers manifested at the age of 12, oph lost the ability to feel physical pain which lead to her straining herself more. she'd get into accidents or push herself too hard because she couldn't feel that it hurt and wold get injured through that (and she still does, but she has more knowledge of her limits now) so i guess she wouldve broken some bones through stuff thanks to that.
beatrice - never ever broken a bone!! she drinks a lot of milk to keep her bones STURDY :)
alice - has broken like his arm or fingers or just anything in that area due to a fight or something. he'll probably have broken a leg at some point too. again, probably in a fight. or maybe he fell out a tree. who knows.
9. do they have any memories/experiences they'd rather forget?
ophelia - she generally wants to brush most of her teen years away and forget things relating to her family, but also cant bring herself to hate them despite how garbage they are, so,
beatrice - there are probably a few conversations she's had with alice and percy that she's like to never remember ever again
alice - he cherishes all his memories, good or bad! he always thinks that he can learn from his mistakes and hardships! even though all he does is repeat the exact same things over and over and o
10. what is their favourite memory from their childhood?
ophelia - although her parents have always been cold to her, they used to go camping when she was about 9-10ish, and she always enjoyed spending time with her siblings around then.
beatrice - in the method she had been created she technically never was a child um. but in her early life, she enjoyed hanging out with levi! :D
alice - haha
11. do they have a "type" that they are usually attracted to?
ophelia - no
beatrice - bea will generally befriend anyone if theyre cute or theyre like her guy friends. as for a partner, she wants someone thats at LEAST a head taller than her normal form (her regular form is 5'5"), they need to be someone that likes hugs, someone who would coddle her, someone who would cosplay with/for her, someone who would buy her things..
alice - his "type" is just "someone interesting", but he thinks all people are interesting in their own right- you have to be SUUUUUUPER boring for him to not be into you in some way.
12. do they have any favourite possessions?
ophelia - ALL her alien plushies (most of which were gifts from merrick)
beatrice - everything inside her wardrobe
alice - cleaver
13. do they have any tattoos? if no, would they ever consider getting one?
ophelia - she doesn't have any, and doesn't really want one, but she's seen some real cool space ones, and--
beatrice - tattoos vanish when she changes her form unless she focuses REALLY hard on keeping it there, so she's given up on trying to get one to be permanent.
alice - he doesn't have any, but thinks that getting a sleeve would be cool. he doesn't have any idea for what he wants, though, so he hasn't bothered getting one. he also gets worried that if he gets one of his current aesthetic, he'll get bored of it and have to do something drastic to remove it.
14. do they have any piercings? if no, would they ever consider getting any?
ophelia - has her ears pierced
beatrice - doesn't want piercings, wears clip-on earrings
alice - wants a tongue piercing r belly-button piercing maybe.. and ear piercing might also be cool...
15. what is their dream house like?
ophelia - she'd like to live in a small town on the coast or something.. she doesn't really mind living in a small house since it'd just be her and merrick. but also if she had a house with an observatory, she'd love that a LOT. generally just wants somewhere nice and laid back.
beatrice - due to her void realm taking the form of whatever she wants, she has her dream home! it's literally just an apartment with a few rooms, but it has enough space for all the stuff she wants.
alice - he's in a similar position to Beatrice in that he already has his own dream place bc teehee void realm. He's a little more selfish in that he gave himself a big house with lots of space and rooms for him to fill with stuff- but also he wanted somewhere big so that all his friends could stay with him :)
16. what is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them?
ophelia - UHHH just how lazy she is, probably.. woman barely tolerates having to jog somewhere please let her sit down
beatrice - idk probably the fact she befriends murder boys like alice
alice - all the music he listens to is like crazy frog and caramelldansen
17. how good are they at choosing gifts for others?
ophelia - she'll either just outright ask you what you want, or she'll give you money or a gift card, she doesn't like having to guess for people
beatrice - she literally picks gifts for other people based on what SHE likes.. like she'll get u something cause she tinks it's cute it doesn't matter if u've ever mentioned it before
alice - if ur his friend then he will have a list of all ur interests in the back of his brain at all times and does a pretty good job picking out gifts thanks to that
18. do they have a certain skill that they're particularly proud of?
ophelia - she's very good at researching things and digging up information that a lot of people can't find so she thinks that's kind of epic for her
beatrice - she's good at dancing, video games, and memorizing things. she will show off these skills as much as she can.
alice - umm... eyeball removal...?
19. how would a stranger they just met describe them?
ophelia - UHHHH... she's just polite to strangers so i think she'd be described as just that?? she doesnt really leave lasting impressions on people
beatrice - cute, bubbly, maybe super annoying
alice - friendly? :D
20. how would a close friend they've known for a long time describe them?
ophelia - kinda stupid but really cute
beatrice - just a lil ray of sunshine :)
alice - if you're asking like.. kai or beatrice then it's "he's cute and fun and pretty and nice to hang out with!!" but if youre asking like percy or nero then its "hes creepy and gross and im gonna beat his ass"
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ohhcnnas · 5 years
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( benedetta gargari, female ) did you hear how HANNA RILEY is applying to columbia university as an ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES major ?! the 23 year old is living in the EAST CAMPUS. i heard that they got in because they are + BRAVE and + INDEPENDENT, but honestly i think SHE can be -RIGID and - SHORT TEMPERED. they’re a real STICK IN THE MUD. oh well, only time will tell if the SENIOR will make it til the end.  
about the mun !!
hi hello its sam again ! i also play lukas but i felt like bringing my fave lesbian to the table bc i havent played her in fuckin ages and i miss her
about hanna !!
full name: hanna kate riley
nickname(s): han ?? idk hanna is technically already a nickname lmao
age: twenty three
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
hometown: north lake, wisconsin
date of birth: may 2nd
occupation: student ( ecology and environmental sciences, senior ), retail assistant at a reclaimed vintage store
relationship status: single but maybe dating some npc that doesnt go to columbia im still deciding lol
drink / smoke / drugs: rarely / no / no
faceclaim: benedetta gargari
positive traits: dedicated, brave, quick witted, protective, independent, organised
negative traits: stubborn, isolated, self doubting, lonely, short tempered, rigid, blunt
if he was in a hogwarts house: gryffindor
now some more dot points that are just me talking about hanna !!
growing up in small town wisconsin hanna didn’t ever really plan on going to a college like columbia. 
number one she doubted her own ability to get into an ivy league university, despite being heavily involved in extra curricular programs and having very good grades she never thought it was going to be enough to earn her a place in such a prestigious institution
number two she kind of always thought she’d stay closer to home, maybe the university of wisconsin or something in chicago. she’s incredibly close with her family, having grown up with most of her extended family living in her hometown or at least quite close to her hometown 
but all the same she applied, her driving motivation being columbia’s brilliant environmental science research programs. she’d been an avid environmentalist since she was a tween. a vegetarian since she was eleven, a vegan since she was fourteen, and even trying her best to live as waste free as possible from time to time ( senior year she’s not very focused on it because it takes a lot of time that she doesn’t have between study and work but she still tries a lil )
she’s a very old soul, heavily influenced by the fact that she grew up living with her grandparents. she loves reading, is always carrying a book in her bag if not several. she dresses pretty modestly but thats a comfort thing more than like a wanting to be modest thing lmao. big introvert but not shy, she will absolutely tell you to go fuck yourself if you’re annoying her even slightly
as you might have already put together she’s very passionate. being a gay environmentalist teenager in small town wisconsin she’s always felt the need to label herself and make sure she’s very strong in her opinions so no one questions her identity or tells her that its a phase and it will pass. she’s calmed down like, a little bit as she’s gotten older but she’s still very passionate about who she is and making sure people know what the fuck she’s about
she’s currently president of the lgbt club at columbia, vice president of feminist thought, a member of the outdoor orienteering club, and ex member of the student council. she “quit”/”was asked to leave” after getting into a v heated argument about something or other lmao
finally: she is a very nice and caring person. she likes to joke around, and really isn’t that tightly wound you just have to get past the hard shell asshole exterior and then she’ll be the gay mom of ur dreams
i just said finally but i want to include her aesthetic from the app bc it really just summarised her very well: recycled denim, thrifted sweaters, homemade rally signs, second hand books, x files on repeat, doc martens, liking plants more than people, carrying her bike upstairs so it doesn't get stolen, patches sown onto bags and jackets, pride pins, headphones in podcasts on, colour coded notes and a meticulously organised day planner, putting way too much soy milk in tea, looking forward to farmers markets
wanted connections babey !!
so with lukas i had a literal week to come up with some specific ones, i did not do that here so mainly will be looking at brainstorming but here’s some starting points
old roommates: maybe they got along, maybe they didn’t. hanna is a very neat person but she also needs everyone else to be neat as well, would definitely lose her shit about people leaving leftovers in the fridge until they stunk 
club members: this one is much more vague bc it’ll depend on what clubs, what their connection is to the club, give me some people that were on student council with her lmao
sorry i hit u with my bike but what the hell were u doing in the bike lane: it’d be funny give it to me pls 
live a little: someone that’s trying to break her out of her shell, it’s senior year and she’s probably only ever gone to a handful of parties, she hasn’t done a lot of stuff simply because she always felt she didn’t need to, but now she’s worried she’s missed out on some valuable college experience
cryptozoology enthusiasts: hanna loves weird stuff, she doesn’t really believe in everything but she thinks its fun to talk about cryptids like they could be real. her uncle goes to a mothman festival every year and brings her back a t shirt so she has an extensive collection now. she loves a good ghost adventures and roast zak bagans session. bonus points if this connection also includes a plan to go to vegas just to go to zak bagan’s haunted museum
hanna has probably pissed off a lot of people, feel free to hate her: thats it thats the connection ( im kidding pls lets plot it out and come up with something funny )
ben wyatt voice its about the found family:  found family pls like dont have to be gays but bonus points if they are but either way hanna is the mom thats just the facts
literally anything lets mcfreakin lose it
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