#or i might do something drastic
wondereternity · 1 year
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utilitycaster · 16 days
The thing about the argument that the sword makes Laudna uncomfortable is that it's valid if it does, but if you've been in any sort of organization that attempts to have an emotionally open dialogue in making decisions, and especially if you've been in any sort of leadership position within it, you will almost certainly encounter people who suddenly become uncomfortable when, as the meme goes, we are not about them. You encounter people who suddenly express discomfort - which should ideally be brought up early in the conversation since that alone may be a reason to blackball a decision - when multiple other arguments haven't worked (and during the ensuing argument this episode, you can easily watch Orym stick to the same exact story he's been saying for 50+ episodes and that he wants to reclaim this sword and use it to kill Ludinus while Laudna throws out multiple arguments, switching from one to the other as the rest of the party slowly realizes the sword isn't cursed and that this is Delilah's influence). You see this in internet spaces as well; people who do not draw a line between "trigger" and "squick" or "discomfort" and "dislike" even though that line very much exists.
Obviously you do have to still listen, because there are plenty of valid reasons to change a decision because someone involved is uncomfortable; but even a legitimately uncomfortable person does not automatically outweigh the needs of everyone else and you cannot please everyone at once. These decisions must be made contextually because otherwise "I'm uncomfortable with this" becomes a magic Uno Reverse card to hold the group decisions hostage. It's a factor, but ultimately, even if Delilah were in no way involved, if Laudna's the only person uncomfortable and this also means a lot to Orym, the solution is likely going to be either "keep it out of sight" or "give it to a member of the Accord". And yeah, as Imogen points out, if Laudna's genuinely uncomfortable with Orym having a sword with a dark history, absorbing it herself really undercuts that point.
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ashleyslorens · 9 months
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bandzboy · 15 days
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very much this... cr.
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beartitled · 2 months
why did you choose polar bear? 🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️
you look much cuter:³🩵🤍🩵🤍🩵
Oh hey that’s the question™️
(don’t get the second one tho)
Basically I watched one cartoon as a child (I was about 3 years old) and I kinda got a life long brainrot 🤷
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vigilskeep · 1 year
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ah. bonus:
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wizard0rbs · 6 months
logging on only to learn that nicole schott retired and that hk withdrew from gpf .... time to log off again
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romangf · 6 months
jeremy strong and kieran culkin should share the emmy award just like how their characters shared the temporary CEO position
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aloof-isayla · 4 months
My favorite artist (Cavetown) finally announced a concert near me, really close to my bday this year!!!
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willowycreature · 9 months
i kinda really need rickon to be king my feral baby who bites people 🫶🏽
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hechiima · 1 year
Do you think Phoenix ever trusted Kristoph?
I don't think so or at least not for any substantial period of time. Tbh I don't know how Phoenix could when he has the magatama.
Phoenix's nature is extremely trusting, almost to the point that it gets him killed or in serious trouble (see Dahlia/Matt Engarde). Left to his own devices, I think he might have trusted Kristoph, especially since Kristoph came to him at a time when he was extremely low and isolated. We obviously don't know the aftermath of Phoenix's last trial but I get the impression that he pushed everyone away b/c of his general inability to ask for help from anyone besides Mia.
But Phoenix also isn't stupid, is heavily dependent on the magatama, and I think by the end of the trilogy and certainly after his last trial, has been forced to become less trusting. He would have been suspicious of Klavier (how did Klavier immediately know to be suspicious of the diary page when Phoenix himself didn't know it was forged and only just got it?) and it would be foolish to not at least ask Kristoph a few questions, given his obvious and close ties to Klavier. Kristoph would lie to Phoenix - how would Phoenix know he was lying, after all - which would trigger the magatama. After that, ofc Phoenix would be suspicious of him.
Basically, I don't really see how Phoenix could have ever trusted Kristoph for any extended period of time unless like the magatama stopped working or something? And I think this interpretation is supported by the games. At some point in aa4 there's this conversation b/w Phoenix and Kristoph:
Phoenix: For seven years we've been friends and yet, I still don't understand you.
Kristoph: But Wright, your "friendship" towards me was never pure.
This could just be Kristoph speculating or being bitter in hindsight but I think the fact that even Kristoph picked up on the fact that Phoenix never actually trusted him is pretty telling. It's also interesting b/c Phoenix canonically has a good poker face so that means he either didn't care or deliberately wanted Kristoph to know that he didn't trust him. Given that Phoenix was probably trying to stay close to Kristoph to figure out what exactly was happening, you would think that would be the opposite of what Phoenix wanted. It would be easier to get Kristoph's guard down if he thought Phoenix trusted him, after all.
My best guess here is that Phoenix realized that Kristoph was such an arrogant little shit that it didn't really matter if he knew or didn't know that Phoenix was suspicious. So why not be openly hostile? Given that Kristoph's elitism/arrogance plays so strongly into his own downfall, I think that could be a fun narrative beat.
lololol either way, they really have a fun dynamic to speculate about! Thanks for the ask anon <3
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nazumichi · 6 months
to be entirely honest i think choosing to rewatch trollhunters Now of all times would make me worse and have as many cons as pros. however
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 6 months
also if i’m right about secret life’s top three and impulse has a SECOND SEASON IN A ROW where he makes it to the top three with two people who he (and everyone else except the two people involved, frankly) completely believes would do anything for each other i might die. truly i might die.
furthermore i WILL die if he does what he did to martyn in liml again and offers one of them the chance to kill him in order to get ten extra hearts and win. i don’t even know which of those two i would want him to offer it too both of them would make me crazy.
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mimiatmidnight · 1 year
Will you be commenting on the Taylor drama?
I love the way this was worded, like I'm one of the siblings on Succession and the press has cornered me outside my penthouse to ask if I'll be releasing a statement on my family's latest scandal. Hehehe anyways.
Sorry but I just don't understand how anyone is shocked. Truly what has that woman ever done to successfully convince people that this is out of character for her. Like I don't want to diminish anyone's pain or anything but I see all these stans on here and over on Twitter in all this distress, having their very first epiphanies like "Hold on . . . does Taylor . . . suck??" And I kinda just have to chuckle at them cause like bless your hearts babes, but omg catch UP 😭
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Lol because 1) she is a severely emotionally stunted person who thinks edgy British "bad boys" are hot like she's 12 years old, 2) she has no true deeply-held moral principles outside of issues that directly affect herself, and 3) truthfully, she seems to be suffering from a serious crisis of identity after the end of the longest and most significant romantic relationship of her life, and in my opinion is pretty clearly desperate to prove something to the world/her ex/herself.
The first reason is cringe but not news to longtime viewers, the second reason is pathetic but also not news (to those who can be honest with themselves), and the third is . . . understandable in some sense, but not pitiable enough to make me willing to humor this insufferable little episode she's having. I wish her luck on this humiliating rebound journey, but she is gonna have to walk that road on her own.
Normally, I always roll my eyes when people make these kinds of jokes, but given the circumstances I feel justified in saying: I can't wait to hear the breakup song about him, sis 🤡
#the great thing about disliking your own fave is that they simply do not have the power to disappoint you lol#like her stans (at least those who arent complete sycophants—which sadly is not most) are breaking down over Babys 1st Cognitive Dissonance#meanwhile im just over here chilling lol#ive also just NEVER been particularly invested in her personal life anyways so im gucci on that front too#i didnt even realize specific songs were about specific celebrity exes until *several* years into listening to her music#thats how unplugged i am lol#she is unusually extremely visible in the collective conscious right now cause of the tour and this insufferable PR blitz#but the absolute best thing for me is when she disappears and i dont have to perceive her -- the actual person -- outside of her music#and then it can just be me and my lifelong companion the fictional character “taylor swift” (c)(r)(tm)#so personally the only real threat this hangs over my head is the thought she might put him on an album#like that does strike real terror in my heart im ngl#ESPECIALLY any of the rerecords oh my god#and given the way hes been tailing her in and out of that damn studio . . . its not looking good for me kids 🥴#i cant believe she would be that dumb after making the same mistake with joe on folklore#cause even tho now she has to suffer the indignity of sharing a grammy with her ex (LMAO)#at least we can understand that at the time she thought they were in it for life#but if she pulls that shit again with a REBOUND??? just to like stick it to joe or further delude herself or whatever?#idk im gonna need interpol or somebody to step in and do something drastic like this is a cry for help#did you guys see that euphoria meme someone made about her deranged “ive never been happier!!!!” speech the other day?#it was SO funny ill go find it
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cobrostarship · 8 months
if i remember correctly and u are in fact at wwwy... i hope u were there for gabilliam & snakes man u deserve it 🫶
I LOVE U UR SO SWEET its actually so tragic because im literally going TOMORROW im so sick over it. literally seeing everything just now
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pearwolf · 28 days
definitely posted something to this effect before but i just instinctively pulled a face irl at someone's modded astarion
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