#or a lehenga is the true sign of how oppressed we are
mitskibf · 3 years
I've been thinking about this but I have literally never seen a brown lgbt character.
I've never seen a brown character in Western media who didn't have their whole arc based around their family being conservative and them wanting to liberate themselves from that by constantly rejecting everything about their culture (this is almost always with brown girls).
I haven't seen brown people who actually have stories that revolve around themselves and not them being brown. None of the brown characters I've seen are proud of their culture but instead literally tear down anyone else who enjoys it.
I've never seen a brown boy in Western media, maybe because it's harder for Hollywood to use the "hot white boy who will come save the brown person from their conservative family" trope. So many brown guys who are the leading brown girls love interest are villianized as someone who just wants to like marry the girl and then not let her be herself.
i can count the brown people in Hollywood on my fingers and it's starting to really annoy me. There's Dev Patel, Mindy Kaling (who still had to whitewash her actual name), Kumail Nanjiani, Riz Ahmed, Jameela Jamil, Hasan Minhaj and for the sake of argument Priyanka Chopra. now rinse and repeat these people into roles about how their parents control their lives, make them do a curry joke and absolutely whitewash their character names.
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