#or 3 by now.....i should have cooked more pasta or smth...well or anything
baekuras · 2 years
nothing like leaving your broken shower curtain to be a problem for later/the next day because after almost flooding your bathroom you didn’t want to deal with that as well only to come back to it halfspread across the room at 3am after having completely forgotten about that disaster
#txts#this also might turn into a tuesday problem#bc aside from work i also need to buy so many things tomorrow#i didnt go shopping the entire week so my reserves are p low#not gone gone but some craving staples need to return#and they prob would be gone gone if i had actually eaten healthily aka enough but i digress#i was sick i get a pass shush#no1 reason as to why i actually get angry whenever i dont eat and watch that like a hawk#is my mother having been worried that i was definitely totally having an eating disorder in school#when all that was was 'i can only eat during those times and i am NOT making this backpack even heavier nor paying for more food'#combined with also not needing more bc....its school its not like i was doing much bc bleh but thats another brain bullshit#anyhow i refuse to have any eating bs simply out of spite#even though i do acknowledge it probably at least edges onto SOMETHING for some reason bc like#yeah its nice to have lost some weight#and i didnt NEED the lunch every day because i was fine#which are 2 thoughts i immediately slam down bc just awake in bed bc sick isnt 'fine' and it could be better than fine#also weight=fat/muscle distribution fits how i like it so who cares about a kilo or two#or 3 by now.....i should have cooked more pasta or smth...well or anything#ANYHOW this is your 3am rant of the day this went totally away from me but also made me remember to renew my shopping list#and i have to get ready for work in 4 hours but my sleep schedule is shot so...oops and goodnight
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sept-dix · 7 years
college au! aron
summary: you and aron are uni roommates genre: fluff a/n: requested; i feel like i’m trying to singlehandedly end the aron drought here lol hope u enjoy!!
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yknow the myth about art students living off of virtually no sleep and no money is not entirely false
as a visual arts major who’s only still alive thanks to 20 cent instant ramen and the discovery of the red bull + coffee mixture, you would know
what you didn’t know was that journalism majors had it almost worse, bc with all news platforms having to publish their stuff at the break of dawn it was a given that they had to slave away while the rest of the world was asleep in order to even get something meaningful done during internship periods
the workload is also intense so even during non-internship periods they’re buried in work
you learnt this (and more) from aron
at the start of your second year in uni your existing roommate had dropped out of college, leaving you with an empty apartment which was both too big and too expensive 
and as you’d been aimlessly walking around your campus after school one day trying to think of possibilities for a better living arrangement, you’d fatefully come across an advertisement for someone looking for a roommate
the thing that had caught your eye was the shockingly low rent 
given the rlly cramped and small nature of the actual flat of course the rent wasn’t unexpected but you couldn’t care less about space at that moment
so yeah, you called and this guy called aron picked up and you two became roommates just like that
aron was so relieved and thankful when you called him and eventually became his roommate bc just like you, he was rlly tight on money
but let’s just say he just got even more thankful with time
when he first opened the door to you it would be an understatement to say that he was surprised
because well..,,, he looked at you once and got overwhelmed by how good looking you were
and you were moving in all your thousand of art supplies and the whole time you kept apologising bc you had to make so many trips and you kept getting in his way and he thought that was so cute
that first night you insisted that you make dinner as thanks for him letting you be his roommate
but he insisted that he make dinner as thanks for you wanting to be his roommate in the first place
so the both of you just ended up making dinner together 
it was nothing fancy you guys just made pasta lol
but you two had so much fun making it!!! 
you were exchanging pasta sauce recipes and tips with each other and aron tried so hard to stop himself but every now and then he kept finding himself thinking about how cute you were
somewhere in the back of his brain, there were warning sirens ringing trying to tell him that he shouldn’t be thinking like this about you because you were his roommate,,, it would mess things up big time
but what can i say aron ignored those sirens lol
both of you were naturally very sensitive of each other’s needs and preferences so it was almost too easy for you two to fall into a comfortable routine
like you’d wake him up before you left for your 9am class on tuesday because he had a 9.30 one
and he’d do the same for you on thursday when the situation was reversed
it just so happened that you came home earlier on 3 days of the week and he came home earlier on the rest of the days
so you’d cook the both of you dinner when you were back first and he’d do the same when he’s back first
and towards the end of the month there were always those few days when you guys had to make do with instant ramen lol rip
you two never rlly meant for this to happen but you guys ended up bonding a lot through these shared dinner times
admittedly it wasn’t too often that the two of you actually ate dinner at the same time 
but when those times did come, you two always ended up just talking or watching a tv show together
as it so happened you guys loved the same tv shows so that’s great
and he loved hearing about your art stuff bc well he’s an aspiring journalist and he loves to hear about everything
and you loved hearing about what he’s studying just bc you never really knew much about it before and he made it seem super interesting
you didn’t know this but during all those times aron was thinking to himself ok so not only are you super cute you are also interesting and ambitious and passionate and nice???? not fair 
but it wasn’t exactly that he had a crush on you or anything
lol jk he had a crush on you
a small teeny tiny one that grew concrete and huge over one fine weekend
which wasn’t so fine because well,, aron was sick
he was down with the flu and he had a high fever and he couldn’t even get out of bed
not only was he physically sick but yknow when people are sick and away from home they get extra homesick and emo
so yeah he was feeling like shit in all aspects of the word
and he had gotten sick when he was still living with his old roommate
that time he had just had a slight case of the flu he didn’t even have fever or anything
but his roommate had avoided him like he had the plague or something just bc he didn’t want it to spread to him
so naturally aron expected you to do the same and stay far away from you but what did you do instead?
that’s right
you made him soup
and you stuck a thermometer in his mouth
and you forced him to tell you any medical allergies he had so you could go out and buy him flu medicine
and then you came back with the medicine and forced him to eat it with soup and then stayed by his side for another 15 mins just to make sure he was okay
15 mins might seem like a short time but considering the huge assignment you had due in 2 days which you hadn’t even started on, 15 mins was as good as half a day
and i guess you could say that’s when aron knew he was in trouble
you’re cute and nice and interesting and everything but you’re also good at taking care of him
it’s all too much for him
so he decided to consult his bro minki on the situation
and minki being minki told aron to confess asap in the most corny and cringey and extravagant way
and aron wanted to follow that advice (at least a part of it) but when he got home that day and saw you smiling at your phone for god knows what reason
he realised that he knew all sorts of things about you but he didn’t know whether you had someone you liked or someone you were already dating or whatever
and of course he was too nervous to ask you about it at that moment bc you were already smiling at your phone meaning there was a high chance you were already being sent lovey dovey text messages from the love of your life
but you would have told him if you had a boyfriend right?
well idk but that’s all that went through aron’s mind that day
and he tried to look for more signs that you were already taken throughout the course of the next few days but he didn’t catch anything else except for that one smiling at your phone event
so he reported this back to minki and minki all but hit him 
“why tf you doing all this when i clearly told you to just conFESS??”
 so aron tried another time
this time, thankfully, you weren’t doing anything suspicious like smiling at your phone
you were just on the floor in your room working on a huge canvas painting for one of your classes
as soon as you noticed him walking in you asked him his opinion on the piece
“it’s supposed to be a study of movement, i’m not exactly sure if this is what my professor wants but what do you think?”
“oh well it’s great”
bc duh aron doesn’t know anything about how a proper study of movement should look lol
he just stood there watching you work for a little longer before you noticed him
“is there a reason why you’re just standing there looking at me, aron?”
“no! i mean well, yes, actually. yeah, i mean yes”
you chuckled at his clumsiness and that put him at ease for a moment
“ok then, what is it?”
he took a deep breath and
“i was just wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me this saturday?”
“.... aron are u ok we always have dinner together on saturdays unless one of us is busy or smth lol”
“yes but this wouldn’t be our usual dinner. i could bring you to that japanese place down the road from here and we could perhaps catch a movie afterwards?”
“... are you asking me out?”
“yeah i guess you could say that”
the few seconds you spent looking at him then almost made him pass out bc they convinced him you were going to say no but-
“sure, it’s a date!”
needless to say the date went great bc well,, it isn’t an unknown fact that you two match each other super well
in fact, it goes so well that one date turns into two, which turns into a few
and before you know it, you’ve been introduced to minki as the person aron’s in an actual relationship with
aron finds out months later that the moment you started falling for him had been the same one when he’d been so sick that he was out of his mind
and he had looked up at you and whined that “he would have really missed his mommy if you hadn’t been there to make him soup”
that’s so cute
soon you guys become one of the established College Couples in campus
with him walking you to your classes all the way in the arts building
and you hanging around in his editing studio while he types away about something or the other
and the both of you always grabbing dinner together at the end of the day
what can i say uni isn’t so bad when you’ve got someone like aron by your side hehe
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Do ALL the questions!!!! 😇
1. describe yourself.I hate to doing this because every time I have job interview they ask me pretty much the same :/ So yea, I’m not gonna do that sorry :c
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be?Bavarian Alpes 
3. do you have siblings?Yep, 7 years older sister
4. what is your favorite constellation, why?I don’t think I have one
5. favorite color.Black, red, green, purple
6. what kind of music do you listen to?Metal, classic rock, industrial, neo-folk, 80s pop, darkwave 
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)Tulip, forget-me-not
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn?Hmmm, first spell, probably the spell that would help me to learn all languages that I wanna learn
9. favorite childhood memory.Countless trips all around my hometown with my grandma
10. have you ever been cheated on?Yep
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be?Lots of posters on the walls, guitar in a corner, comfy bed, lots of CDs on the table. Idk, this sucks sorry
12. favorite animal.Wolves, big cats, horses
13. what was the last photo you took of?
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14. do you believe in soul mates?Yep
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under?Over
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there.Express pizza. Always ordering the spiciest pizza they have
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason?Kinda. Some things indeed happen for reason
18. guilty pressures?Idk if I even have them
19. favorite mythical creature, why?Dragons, because they are so damn awesome and powerful
20. something most people don’t know about you.People on tumblr probably know everything about me at this point lol. Idk, I guess some people don’t really know that 8 years ago I became a metalhead, but I discovered my first metal band 11 years ago
21. where did you grow up, what was it like?I grew up in the second biggest city in Lithuania - Kaunas. Idk, I barely remember things from my childhood 
22. do you believe aliens exist?Ayye
23. what was your last google search? “phantom of the opera“
24. what did your last relationship teach you?Perfect relationships exist. Also long distance relationships suck ass
25. would you relocate for love?It would depend, but I guess yea 
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy?It depends what that person has done to me
27. favorite book.LoTR trilogy and tbh every J.R.R. book, It by S. King, The name of the Rose byU. Eco and many more
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?Extrovert with some introvert traits
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now?I have kept it when I was a teen, now I only have travel journal
30. top 5 favorite movies.LoTR/The Hobbit trilogyAtomic BlondeKill BillAs above so belowInterstellar
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason?same question and same answer
32. what is your greatest fear?Spiders
33. favorite alcoholic beverage.Wine, beer, mead, whiskey 
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done.Wrote all those really creepy thirst tweets about Rammstein back when i had obsession over them
35. do you believe in ghosts?Yep
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality?Best - I’m out-going and I’m always ready to helpWorst - I can be really stubborn 
37. should you split the dinner bill?Idk, should you?
38. are you a good liar?I guess yea
39. what keeps you up at night?My mind and my love for night
40. would you rather go without your phone or music?Phone
41. do you believe in god?I believe in gods
42. how do you relax when frustrated?Well, it depends on how I’m frustrated, but I usually listen to music or watch some vids on youtube
43. what’s something that offends you?Sexism  
44. favorite foodPasta!
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be?I wanted to write a very specific person, but let’s leave that person for another time. I think it would be Tuomas Holopainen from Nightwish
46. when do you feel the most confident?When I’m with my favorite outfit, or when my makeup is cool, or when my mind let’s me feel confident, or when I’m wearing something sexy
47. what do you do on your free time?Listen to music, watching films/tv series, tumblr, sleeping, fangirling, going to concerts/fllm festivals, traveling, photography, being with friends, being in nauture
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respectYep
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?Yep, unfortunately 
50. did/do you play sports in school?I used to play sports in elementary school
51. when are you happiest?When I’m traveling or in a concert, or being with friends, or doing something creative, or being in nature
52. coffee or tea?Tea
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without?My camera (and my copy of Moonglow artbook)
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person?Their eyes, sometimes their hands
55. what is your favorite season, why?Autumn and winter. It’s just perfect weather and it makes me feel alive
56. what makes you laugh?Idk how to even answer this lol Good jokes, stupid/adorable things
57. are you a clean or messy person?Messy
58. what is important for a successful relationship?Trust, loyalty, being open and honest
59. what was your upcoming like?I don’t really understand the question tbh
60. favorite holiday?Christmas probably 
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?Buy all the stuff I need 
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination?Anything, as long as it is spicy 
63. favorite outdoor activity.Going around the city or being in nature
64. how are you? honestly.I dunno, kinda good but kinda bad
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort?Camping in the woods of course
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature?EVERYTHING! 
67. favorite type of candy?Chocolate lol
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title?“I need to read what the shit is this” - or smth stupid I said once lol
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases?I barely use them tbh, tho I do use “precious” a lot
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now?Being emo
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on?I honestly can’t remember 
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?Metal evolution 
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had?I suck at describing things but nooo, i’m not gonna post a picture even tho I think I have few, but let’s say it was pretty bad
74. what do you like to cook?Pasta or basically anything that I can or want at that moment
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild?Moose
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen?The Simpsons I guess
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head?Heart
78. what is your favorite quote? “Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. This is because most books on witchcraft are written by men.” - Good omens
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had?Idk, I don’t think I had any really weird crushes
80. what’s your love language?I actually went and did a test about this and so my love language is physical touch. I actually agree on this
81. do you ever feel alone?Almost always
82. ever been bullied?Yep
83. are you usually early or late?Sometimes bit early sometimes late
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most?Books, films, music, photography
85. what do you wish you knew more about?I wish I’d know more about filmmaking, photography
Thank you!!!! And sorry that my answers suck ass..
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