#opp: brooke maddox
sethcohen · 4 months
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hallowcked · 17 days
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sassy & sexy @soulcheri
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wildcherie · 1 year
closed starter for @tuserfox​ + jake fitzgerald
It didn’t take long for the two of them to eventually fall asleep. Brooke had been both physically and mentally drained from the previous night’s events that, she immediately crashed the second her head hit the pillow, only to wake up the next morning to find Jake snoring in her bed. Shirtless. But, with his pants still on.
Wiping the grogginess from her eyes, Brooke quietly snuck out of bed and into the kitchen where breakfast was already waiting. Quinn called it in and had it delivered just under an hour ago, while he and Tyler took a long drive elsewhere.
On the table, wedged between a stack of pancakes and fresh fruit was a note.
It read: Sorry I missed your call last night, kitten. I was all tied up. Took a drive this morning with a friend, we should be back home in time for lunch. Have a good day. Love U. - Dad.
Brooke crumpled the note and immediately whipped her head around when she heard the shuffling of someone’s footsteps behind her. “God dammit Jake! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” Using her left  hand, Brooke slapped Jake’s chest. “Daddy bought us breakfast. Help yourself, because I can’t eat.” She was still too stressed and worried about Tyler, that she had no appetite. “Afterwards, can you give me a lift to the studio? We have rehearsals today and Raquel will kill me if I’m late.”
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lostmorals · 2 years
if he had the money, tyler could have gotten into any school of his choosing. he had the grades, the potential—but all of it was squandered. he knew he couldn’t have what others had and so half the time, he doesn’t even try. self-sabotaging was easier. at least he knew the outcome of it: high on pills and beneath the hips of some insecure girl. it wasn’t much but it beat pretending that he could be a lawyer or doctor someday. guys like tyler o’neill are a cautionary tale; not a love story, not a book about overcoming adversity. that ink doesn’t stick to his pages. so like every other day tyler stuck to what he was good at: drinking at a party, wandering around, nicking things here and there. he knew certain rooms were reaping the benefits of the party: people fucking, doing drugs, most of the time both. what he wasn’t expecting though, was to hear a familiar voice talking on the phone; a voice saturated with sex. the distinct tone was clearly brooke maddox, but wasn’t her boyfriend jake fitzgerald down stairs playing beer pong? the devil was in his smile, leaning against the door as he listens in. oh, brooke, brooke, brooke. after a minute, he opened the door she forgot to lock, interrupting whatever the fuck she was doing. / @freakfangs​
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dcvilsnightmare · 3 years
It’s been a week since Tyler’s been at school. No one has seen or heard from him since he left the north side after his breakup with Brooke. Go be a normal teenager was the last thing he said before vanishing. Mostly because he knew he couldn’t (be a normal teenager). The Vipers had other plans for their little cobra. It was either he stay around town and watch them tear it apart, or he returns home to the southside where he belongs. 
While he couldn’t step a physical foot pass enemy lines, Tyler had been keeping a virtual finger on his twitter since he left. It was a way for him to keep in contact with Brooke without actually talking to her. He’d read her tweets, see what see’s up to, then move on. Somehow that was enough comfort to get him through his nights. But tonight things were different. Tyler couldn’t believe it when he read something about Quinn’s model homes being burned down. It had to be the Vipers, but why? “Did you guys go to the north side to start trouble anyway?” Tyler stood up from a bar stool, visibly angered by this. (feel free to respond as anyone you want: remy, nina, a viper, etc)
Across town, at school, Jake crept behind Brooke and laid a hand on her shoulder. He wanted to show some concern after seeing her family’s name trending. A lot of people were whispering around the hallway and courtyard and he could tell she wasn’t having the best day because of it.
“Yo, how you holdin’ up?” Jake was still pissed off about their abrupt breakup but what could he do about it? Stay mad forever? Technically, he did cheat on her (so it was deserving) but only because their relationship had been in ruins for way longer than his recent indiscretions. 
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murderselfies · 3 years
Tyler did what he could to keep the southside out of the northside, but some things were out of his control, while others, like hooking up with Remy, was, but he still succumbed to the dark impulses that latched onto him at an early age. Now he was back on the northside, while still unaware of his future and what’ll be waiting for him in the weeks to come. All he knows for sure is what he left behind while exploring the seedier side of town, which was Brooke. He knows he has to tell her what’s happening with him but at the same time, he doesn’t think he can tell her everything.
It’s only been a day, but he missed his morning job at Quinn’s construction site. Part of his probation was to work the weekends helping build a better community, now he’s suffering from a hangover and more guilt than he's used to. “Day’s over, kid,” an old, scratchy voice of a construction worker called out, his hair matted down with sweat as he holds a yellow helmet by his side, “Boss just left.”
Irritated, Tyler hops back onto his motorcycle and takes off. His foster parents weren’t home and it was Sunday afternoon so most people were attending church, which was a big deal apparently. This left the diner relatively quiet as Tyler takes a seat in one of their smooth, red velvet booths. Tapping silently on his phone over a cup of coffee, he texts Brooke to see if she’s around to meet up. @assnsass​
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viciouslcve · 2 years
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sethcohen · 2 months
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tuserfox · 2 years
        UNIVERSITY  ( @wildcherie​ )
       Jake was used to people loving him. He was the life of the party and would do anything to get people’s attention which made him a hallmark at George Washington High. College, however, was different. He had to start over, and was struggling. Getting into a fraternity was easier said than done, and there was this guy who had it out for him. Stavo Acosta. He was a popular athlete, head of a fraternity, and seemed to hate Jake’s guts. Therefore he aimed to ruined his life. Brooke seemed important to him, which is why he video taped one of her big college parties and made sure someone got hurt so he could pin it all on the beautifully brazen ballerina. After sending her the footage via email, he threatened to leak it if she doesn’t ice Jake out. When a couple of days went by without a response, he waited for her outside of the girls’ locker room. “Sup, princess.” He was going to play things by ear. There was no need to jump right into the threats. He was as calculative as he is cruel. “Get my email?” 
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hallowcked · 21 days
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wildcherie · 2 years
Brooke: hey, what are you doing?
Brooke: can you talk?
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lostmorals · 2 years
Seth Branson: Brooke? Brooke, can you hear me?
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murderselfies · 5 years
starter for: brooke maddox @wildfloweur
After being chased out of his house by his mother, Jake finally yelled back at her to CHILL OUT! But all that did was drive her to act even crazier, as she peeled her slipper off and then threw it at the back of her son’s head. It was well deserved, although Jake didn’t see it that way. He thought his parents were just hashing his mood. So he hasn’t done his homework in a few weeks? Big whoop.
Threatened to get tonight’s assignment off Brooke, Jake stumbled up her driveway and then knocked on the door. After not receiving an answer, he texted Brooke a bunch of times and even tried calling her. Still, no reply. “Dammit Brooke!” Jake was a second away from walking away when he tried the doorknob, and with a stroke of good luck, it turned all the way. “Well, well, well. Not very smart of you, Brookie.” Jake laughed, inviting himself in.
He sprinted his way up the stairs and then flung Brooke’s bedroom door open, hoping to catch her in an act. Whether that be, undressing or simply touching herself. 
But as Jake crossed the threshold, he was let down immensely. However his attention perked right back up when Brooke stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. Hubba, hubba! “You do realize this is how all horror movies start, right? Door is left unlocked, hot girl in the shower, and home alone...” Jake flicked his tongue against his mouth, as he backed her against the wall.
“My mom sent me over to see if you held onto your syllabus? Jakey may be missing a few crosses and dots on his T’s and I’s. I tried to tell her you’ve gone all Girl Interrupted on everyone, but she refuses to listen.”
Jake stepped aside, letting Brooke breathe a little. “Look, I get it. The bonfire was messed up. But you gotta snap out of it…” PJ was dead, Tyler was running scared, and Nina moved on to a new spunky, little blonde named Sarah Wilcox. Who by the way, should have been named Wontcox, on account of her being a total cock tease.  
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ssweeneys · 4 years
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sethcohen · 4 months
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brooke followed to NYC
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tuserfox · 2 years
HALLOWEEN . starter for @wildcherie​
     Frustrated by what Brooke told him, Jake searched the gym for Stavo. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find him, but stole his gym bag from the locker room and tossed it in the back of his truck before meeting Brooke outside her dormitory. After turning the music down, Jake pokes his head outside the window with a big grin plastered across his face. “Looking good, as always.” He didn’t mean that in response to the nude pictures but thought it might rub her the wrong way considering everything they discussed over text. “Hop in. I have a present for you in the back.” Maybe she’d be able to find some dirt on Stavo? Something she could hang over his head. Revenge was Jake’s middle name. He never lets anything slip and wasn’t planning on letting Stavo off the hook just because Tyler hacked him. “It’s the creep’s gym bag. You might be able to find something good. I know he’s using enhancers.” 
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