#oooooh you wanna take my quiz
waitingforstars · 1 year
Sometimes you just make a uQuiz. I don’t know what to tell you
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Mishima brings Reverie to the fancy hotel buffet place so I'm like "idk man it seems a little pricy here" and he's like "well that's not very cashmoney of you as a thief"
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bro why the fuck would you do that
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bro if this is going where i think its goin
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I'm going to punt you so hard you are gonna Team Rocket blast off into the fucking sun
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oooooh my god i think i hate mishima? i think i might hate him. like, as a person who has had to swallow my shame to ask for help from strangers online, I am fucking galled at this little shit.
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yeah please close down your bootleg PleaseFundUs page to pay for your fancy dinners
you are the worst, I would take Adachi over you because at least Adachi realizes what he's doing is bad
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Next morning at the spring cleaning trip, Mishima tries to pull a "Hello Fellow Phantom Thieves" and Ryuji shuts him down so hard I literally went HA HA IDIOT out loud. Thanks, Ryuji, please keep it up.
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oh your hair is cute but your voice is so so so high oh god
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lmao The Student Called Yoshizawa comes to hang out and she seems nice albeit still extremely doormat-y.
She also sees a child letting go of a balloon and vaults up, leaps 4 feet in the air, and catches it in a perfect roll. ALRIGHT SURE. So Morgana is like "We need to learn how to do that bc wtf!" and I agree.
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Faith is apparently from an Old As Balls deck and I could only find images from museum websites.
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This thing is gilded as all hell, and it LOOKS like the central figure has a chalice and a long religious staff. They seem to be positioned over the King, who is hunched below them. So maybe a predecessor to the Hierophant, indicative of how the strict rule of law is superceded by spiritual systems like faith? Chalice wound indicate emotional truths and understanding. The staff could be a wand as well?
It's SO MUCH GOLD tho, wow.
The Persona version of the card is very different tho, the central figure has a leash around their throat and is being led by what looks like some demons. Which, this is the series that either has you treat gods like pokemon or uses them as final bosses, so that tracks.
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After, Reverie had a Really Big Burger.
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no no i wanna ask YOU something, WHY ARE YOU STALKING ME?! GET A HOBBY.
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A random aside from the TV, we know that Sojiro absolutely accepted money to be Reverie's probation officer, so I actually got this TV quiz wrong. So who the fuck paid Sojiro?
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wolfhertz · 3 years
30 Questions Quiz!!!
I think this is the first time I’ve ever done something like this, but I was tagged by @katninjagirl97​ and it looks like fun. Why not?
Name: Jillian...or Jill...or really anything of that variation. Hell, I’ll even answer to “hey you”. Though online I mostly go by “Wolf” or “Wolfheart”.
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: Like...5′2, 5′3. I did not inherit the gift of height like my siblings did.
Time: 2:50 am
Birthday: September 18th
Favorite Bands: Gosh that’s a hard question to answer....Does Broadway count? Most of my music is from musicals, movies, video games, etc. not gonna lie. If not, The Crane Wives are a recent find of mine that I absolutely love. Same with Hidden Citizens (very good for that intense, cinematic music).
Favorite Solo Artists: Tommee Profitt (also that sort of intense, cinematic, movie trailer-esque music, though a bit more orchestral) also, Karliene (she sings a lot of folk music and things like that. Definitely recommend looking her stuff up on Youtube 10/10).
Song Stuck In My Head: “Running with the Wolves” by AURORA (specifically the version from Wolfwalkers, which I haven’t watched yet but REALLY want to) It’s been in my head since I found it a few weeks ago, I swear.
Last Movie: Hmmm...I mean...I’m watching Troy (2004) as I write this for my Greek History class. Not finished yet tho. It’s kinda meh, but it’s mandatory.
Last Show: Gosh I haven’t sat down and watched an actual TV show in so long....This is gonna sound nerdy as hell, but my family and I watch Jeopardy during dinner most nights. Does that count???
When Did I Create This Blog: Late 2019, if I’m not mistaken. December or November, I think.
What Do I Post: My own art (which I haven’t done in MONTHS...Art block mixed with school is a deadly combo), other peoples’ lovely art and writing, and pretty much anything I find interesting, important, or funny. I also kinda use it to archive stuff I like in general, like drawing refs and tips.
Last Thing I Googled: “How long did it take to send a letter from Europe to North America in the 1700s?”....I’m a history nerd, this shouldn’t be surprising. The thought just randomly struck me and I was curious. The answer is roughly 2-3 months, if you’re wondering.
Other Blogs: Nah, just this one.
Do I Get Asks: The odd time, but mostly only when I do prompts or art challenges.
Why I Chose This URL: Oh god....It’s the same as my DeviantART, and I created it when I was 11 or 12 during my Warriors phase. Don’t judge me. We all had one and some people still like it and there’s no shame in that. Though I have been thinking of changing it to something slightly different lately. Hmm....
Following: 124. They’re mostly other artists, fashion (both modern & historical), themed art blogs (tutorials, sci-fi, etc.), and just some funny ones (like...I follow one blog that specifically only posts funny medieval manuscript drawings of animals soooo....).
Followers: 283. I don’t know many of you guys, but I appreciate y’all very much!!!! ❤
Average Hours Of Sleep: Can be anywhere between 5 and 9. My sleep schedule is kinda a mess...
Lucky Number: 3 or 4
Instruments: I used to be able to play the flute, but I haven’t in years.
What I’m Wearing: A tank-top and jean shorts...Because you know, that’s a totally reasonable thing to wear in the middle of winter in Canada.
Dream Job: Hmm...Probably anything revolving around history or art. I’d love to teach history tbh, as a teacher or prof. idk yet. I used to want to be a Concept Artist, which is still definitely something I’d be open to!
Dream Trip: I’d love to do a tour of western Europe tbh. Like, England, Ireland, Scotland, etc. See all those old castles and everything. 😍
Favorite Food: Pretty much any seafood. Especially fish or shrimp. Love that stuff. Or any breakfast food really. I love that stuff.
Nationality: Canadian 🍁
Favorite Song: THAT’S EVEN HARDER TO ANSWER THAN THE FIRST MUSIC QUESTION....It changes depending on the day...If I had to say right now??? “Jenny of Oldstones” by Florence + the Machine (I haven’t watched Game of Thrones yet, but I really want to). It gives off good and sad vibes at the same time, idk how.
Last Book I Read: Hmm....I haven’t finished a book in a while, but I’ve been working my way through Assassin’s Creed: Forsaken by Oliver Bowden the past few months. Very good so far! But also very sad. Why do I always get attached to asshole characters with sad backstories that make me wanna cry???
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: Oooooh....Marvel is definitely one (get me some cool superpowers or magic, ya know?). Hmm....maybe something like Harry Potter (screw J.K Rowling tho, I just want magic powers). Aaaannd...maybe Skyrim? That could be cool!!! Ride around on dragons and shit, become badass warrior or mage, be a werewolf or vampire, so many options!!!
As for someone to tag....oof...Imma be honest I don’t know many people on this site. 😅 Maybe @bayheart​ if she’s feeling up to it since we’ve been chatting lately! No pressure though. 😄 And also anyone who would like to do it!
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: PMD Marathon
An RP thing me and @pika-ace did related to BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU where the main seven have a game marathon with the PMD series.
(Jeremy gets a Mudkip, Michael gets a Torchic, Eric gets a Pikachu, Jordan gets a Turtwig, Lin gets a Riolu, Post gets a Oshawott, and Joe gets a Piplup)
Jeremy: Okay, this might sound a BIT crazy, but.....let’s play the whole PMD series!
Michael: Whoa, really?! All of them???
Jeremy: Yeah all of them!
Michael: Are we gonna play them all in the row?
Jeremy: Well...I was thinking that we all play the games, like I would have Red Rescue Team, Michael would have Blue Rescue Team, etc etc
Michael: Ooooh gotcha
(Jeremy lays out a few DS and 3DS plus the PMD games on the table)
Jeremy: Alright, pick your poison, guys!
Michael: I'm going for Blue Rescue Team!
Jeremy: In that case, I'll take Red; it's been a while since I've played this one
Post: Hmmm..... *looks at the games* Umm.....that one? *points to Gates to Infinity*
Eric: Explorers of Time sounds interesting...
Jordan: I'll try Explorers of Darkness!
Lin: I'll take Explorers of Sky, that one sounds neat Joe: I suppose that leaves me with Super Mystery Dungeon
Jeremy: Oooooh, you have NO idea what's gonna hit ya Joe >:3c
(They all sit down and start playing)
Jordan: Wait, we gotta do a Personality Test first?
Joe: Huh. I don't have to. Jeremy: Yeah, they changed it
Post: I get to choose mine :/
Post: And AFTER I took a quiz...that seems pointless Michael: It's because so many people re-take the quizzes in the old ones if they didn't get the pokemon they wanted
Lin: Eh, i'll just wing with whoever i get :/ Eric: ......Is Pikachu playable in this game?
Jeremy: Hell yeah, he's playable in ALL the games
Eric: O_O *restarts the game after he gotten a Totodile*
Jeremy: Yeah, I had a feeling XD
Jordan: My peach just LOVES that little electric mouse! X3c
(They all pick their pokemon and their partners)
Jeremy: Now we can start the game!
Lin: Alright, let's do this!
(They start their games)
Jeremy: Ah, this takes me back...
Michael: Me too!
Jordan: Aww, Eric's a little scaredy cat in this game X3 Eric: Same goes for you in MY game, mister >:(
Post: I fell out of the sky O_O
Joe: I'm certainly glad I ran into this Nuzleaf to help me...
Lin: ......I'm still confused how and why i ended up on the beach.
Michael: All will be explained soon >:3c
Lin: Hopefully.
(They keep playing)
(A few minutes later...) Lin: Woah woah woah, why am I getting visions??? O_O
Eric: Forget the visions, a child just walked off with an outlaw!!
Jordan: Yeah! Who knows what the hell that bastard's gonna do to that kid?!
Joe: I"m in school...I didn't expect to be a child in this
Post: Gurdurr better build me that house! >:(
Jeremy: Woo! Mt Steel here we come!
Michael: Hell yeah! >:D
(A little while later...)
Eric: ......So we're stuck with a Bidoof for the whole trip? -_-
Jordan: I like him, he's a hard worker, I appreciate spirit like that
Lin: Yeah, and from that little Special Episode about him, i can agree!
Post: Why is Virizion so mean?? :(
Michael: Hey at least we're gonna save Metapod before Gangar and his pals do it!
Jeremy: I almost forgot about Metapod; poor thing
Michael: Yeah...
Joe: I must say, I'm enjoying these little excursions with my fellow students
Joe: But my poor partner...having to deal with such bullying...
Michael: Don't worry, you'll get 'em back
(A little while later...)
Eric: Who the hell does this Grovyle think he is?!
Jordan: Yeah! What the hell?! >:(
Lin: Yeah, why the HELL do wanna stop all time??? (Jeremy and Michael subtly exchange a look)
Joe: This Ampharos fellow seems....pleasant.
Post: Espeon and Umbreon are cute together, I like them :)
Jeremy: Yeah! Going up to Mt. Thunder! >:3
Michael: Woo!! We're coming Shiftry! (Later still...)
Jordan: Woah wait, we're in the future now?! 0_0
Lin: What the fuck Dusknoir?!
Eric: Yeah what the hell?! >:( Joe: Oh, more continents? Interesting...
Post: Oh my god, what's wrong with everyone?? Why can't they breathe?! No! Guys!
Jeremy: Oh boy, going up to Great Canyon...
Michael: It's about to get real...
(Later still...)
(After the you're grovyle's partner reveal) Eric: O_O Jordan: O_O Lin: O_O .......WHAT THE FUCK?!
Jordan: We were Grovyle's partner?!
Eric: Wha...but...we...HOW?! (Jeremy and Michael revel in the shock)
(Lin just stares at the screen, dumbfounded)
Post: WHA?! MUNNA WHY?! Joe: What?! NO! Nuzleaf, I-I TRUSTED YOU!!!!
Jeremy: Aaaaand the town wants to kill me
Michael: Fucking Gengar...never forgive
(Later still...) Lin: Oh! Another Special Episode! :D (Lin starts playing the special episode)
Eric: I never thought I'd be so happy to see the sun again...
Jordan: Me too...
Joe: I...how do you GO here by being turned to stone???
Michael: Don't mind me, just passing through Lapis Cave like a champ -w-
Jeremy: On to Mount Blaze!
Michael: Hell yeah! And it's gonna be easy for you Jere! X3c
Post: I gotta save my partner...I gotta save my partner!!!!
(Later still...)
Jeremy: Whew! That outlaw mission flew by! Almost time for Groudon!
Michael: Hell yeah! >:3
Joe: Oh thank god we're back! Espurr you poor poor thing...being left behind
Lin: Welp, done with that special episode! Now back to the game! *starts playing the main game*
Jordan: Alright, let's find that Hidden Land!
Lin: Wait, you guys are at Hidden Land?! I'm still at Chapter 17!
Eric: No, we're teaming up with the guild to look for it, we just told them what happened in the future
Lin: Oh, kinda misheard that XD
Post: Okay...Hydreigon's dead...but we're okay....
(Later still...)
Jeremy: Fuck you, Groudon!!
Michael: Yeah, fuck you! >:(
Lin: Oh COME ON!! Leave us alone Dusknoir!!
Jordan: Yeah, we just wanna save the world! >:(
Eric: What the hell is wrong with this guy!?
Lin: Just leave us be and restore all of time and space goddamn it! >:(
(Joe twitches in anger as he's having a hard time with a dungeon)
Joe: Even evolved this is trying my patience...!
Post: Uhh.....are you gonna be okay dad?
Joe: *tightly* I'll....be...fine....!
Post: Ooookay..... (Later still...)
Jeremy: C'mon Rayquayza, kill the giant comet!!
Michael: Yeah save the world!
Eric: Alright...I'm going to disappear...but we have to stop Dialga!
Jordan: Yeah, let's give it all we got against that guy! Lin: Yeah!
Post: You're going down Bittercold!! >:(
(Joe still twitches in anger as he's having a hard time with a dungeon)
Joe: I am getting back to that ball of darkness and beating it!!
(After several tries with a dungeon, getting angrier with every single lost, when he lost again, he took a shaky deep breath) Joe: .....Will you excuse me *leaves and goes into a nearby room*
Jeremy: Yeah...that game is hard as sin
(A few seconds later, they hear Joe screaming at the top of his lungs in anger)
Michael: Yep, that's about how I expected it to go
(They could hear him screaming and possibly punching something. And then after a few minutes, they heard a loud noise from the room and a few seconds later, Joe walks out of the room, breathing heavily)
Post: ......You okay Dad? O_O
Joe: ....I am.....now.....it's just....this game.....this damn game.....tested my patience for far too long.....
Jeremy: Yeah; we think that because Gates to Infinity is super easy, they upped the difficulty for that one. It's annoying as fuck -_-
Joe: I suppose so..... *sits down* .....and also.....please don't mind when you see.....a hole in the wall if you go to that room....
Michael: Dude! O_O
Jeremy: Holy crap Joe! O_O
Eric: Uh, let's just...finish the games
Lin: Yeah... (Later still..)
(They all manage to get to the goodbye scenes at the same time)
Post: Wha, i'm disappearing?!
Eric: Oh god...Jordan I'm so sorry... Jordan: Shit...Eric...I shoulda told you...
(Both Eric and Jordan start tearing up)
Lin: Nooooooo, god why?!
Joe: Wait, you're leaving?! Wha-why?!
Post: Nooooo! I don't wanna go!! I wanna stay!! Jeremy: God...it still hurts... :'(
Michael: Yeah... :'(
(Everyone cries for a bit as the credits roll)
(Eric and Jordan were crying the most out of everyone, not helped by the fact they nicknamed their partners after each other)
Michael: *whispers* Uh, they know they didn't actually lose each other...right?
Jeremy: *whispers* That's the power of the feels dude, they pretty much made it worse by nicknaming their partners after each other.
Jeremy: *to Eric and Jordan* Don't worry guys, it gets better, just watch!
Jordan: What the hell do you mean...?
Michael: Like he said, just watch, the game's not done yet
Eric: If you say so...
(They watch as the credits end and their characters return)
Jordan: *gasp* I’m back! :D
Eric: Oh thank god!! Jordan, I'm back! :D
Lin: Yay I’m back! :D
Jeremy: See? It's all good!
Michael: Yep!
Post: I'm gonna make myself come back! >:( Joe: I'm gonna get my partner back! >:(
Jeremy: Oh yeah, forgot about the post-game side quest for those games :/
Michael: They'll make it
Jeremy: Yeah
(A little while later) Post: YES!! I'm back!! Joe: Oh, my partner, I've missed you!!
Jeremy: See? They made it!
Lin: Well, that was a fun ride!
Joe: Indeed, inspite of some.... *glares at the game* issues along the way...
Eric: Yes, that was fun...and quite emotional
Jordan: Hell yeah it was.
Post: I hope they make more Michael: They BETTER make more!
Jeremy: Yeah! LOTS more!
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