#onto ulysses and charlie
monster-noises · 1 year
7. Favorite actor of the year?
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
From your 🎃
7: Oh, harvey guillen absolutely. Him or matt berry. But i side more with harvey cause.. it.. i just.. he........... v////v
25. i did! I did i did, plenty for Andromadis, my ttrpg campaign, many of whom I adore but would be kinda lost without context, and Montgomery but ya'll've heard at least a bit about him so.. hm.
I suppose this was the year that i really Solidified Charlie and Ulysses, who were just kinda floating around amorphous in the brain meats before hand, and i talk about them probably the least! So a Quick Introduction to my bad bad backwater cowboy cosmic horror boys! ( I know the ask is describe One but frankly they cannot be seperated v-v)
Ulysses is a very short and slender man, with close cut reddish hair, small wire glasses, and a clean face (he's trans but that's not really a big talking point here) at one point in time he desired to be a preist and a teacher, but somewhere along the way those dreams fell off. There's some rather... uncharitable rumours as to why but most just chalk it up to his short temper and unnerving disposition being not a good fit for the feild.
He disappeared from town some time ago, just walked into the brush and never came back. He found a book out there, A special book, A living book. A book that contained within its pages all time and all things and all possibilities, and it spoke to him, it called itself 'the fabric of time both woven and unravelled' he introduces it in his sermons as 'the book of ulysses'. He made a deal with the book, feed it; and it will grant you life and freedom and a peak into the unknowable.
So Ulysses marches out across the land, seeking out the smallest most isolated places, to speak the truth written in the books pages, and let it have the spoils of the congregation.
He is not sure if the deal he has made is in anyway a Good one.
Charlie is a ghost.
Kind of.
Charlie Was a man, this is certain, and that man Did die, but his spirit remains and so he must be a ghost? Right? But see, it is unclear if the spirit that takes his apperance and calls itself charlie is fully or even partially the man that once was or just a new unexpected extension of the eternal entity that contains itself within the book.
Charlie was the books previous owner, a tall and sturdy man with a thick beard and long black hair. He was a loner and a wanderer, with a cheerful and disarming personality, the kind of person you would trust at your campfire without really thinking about whether you Should. He remains the only of the only of the books acolytes to ever feed it with his own flesh and time. This caused something of a feedback loop, and resulted in his spirits long entrapment within the entity of the book, and his manifesting as a ghost after ulysses took over as the books keeper.
The two do not make fast friends, but they are coming along, dealing with the horrible business they must attended to definitely brings them together, and though neither would readily admit it, the company is nice to have....
Thank you pumpkin!!!
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reflectxons · 3 years
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charlie was finally living out his dream, well minus his dream guy which was to no ones fault but his own. anyways, he was excited for the season to finally be starting again so he could get back to doing what he loved journalism. walking onto the field,  a smile was plastered on his face. looking around, his eyes almost instantly saw another familiar face and his smile instantly dropped. it was a face that different from the rest of the familiar faces that were around. one that he had once loved. it was him. slowly he had his way over to the area where the other was. he stopped along the way to say hello to some of the athletes. thankfully by the time, he made it to ulysses they were alone. “what are you doing here?” maybe a little harsher than he had intended but he really wasn’t expecting to see the other ever again if he was being honest. || @cauticn​
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wintryethereal · 4 years
For Nothing
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Introduction + Hero Bios — A Fervid Greeting — For Nothing
Chapter Warnings: Graphic violence, swearing
Word Count: 5799
The corridor had white laminate specked with light beige and a tacky turquoise trim, the walls white and sparsely decorated. The doors were identical to the one that led into the area. There were no windows looking outside until the fourth door. The turquoise curtains were drawn open to view the snowy Ocean. Sometimes, while passing these first four rooms, the boys and officers peeked inside.
The first and second floor housed low and medium risk patients. Two patients were asleep, and a third was curled up in their bed, shaking and crying. The nurse seated beside them on the bed quietly soothed the patient, rubbing their back and singing. A fourth sat in bed, quietly reading a book with a nurse who sat on the bed with them. Changbin looked behind him and stretched his neck, stopping his progress through the hall as the group passed the third bedroom.
The police walked around Changbin, a couple glancing at him as they passed. Felix and Chris halted, seeing their friend had stopped moving. "I know it's our order to go as a group," Said Changbin. "But I can't help but think that the others might need us."
"It's unlikely, seeing as we're the ones going downstairs," Chris replied. "But I understand how you feel, Changbin."
Felix said, "They have their radios. If anything goes wrong, we'll know, all right?"
Changbin nodded. "Right. Sorry for holding us up, like this."
Chris patted his shoulder. "It's fine, mate. We understand. Come on, let's catch up." Changbin nodded again, then the three hustled to rejoin their group. After the first window was a long wall on the right hand side.
At the end of the corridor was a turquoise staircase, an elevator and a right turn. Five bedrooms were on the left side of the continued hallway, the nurse's station on the other side. Next to the door was a hallway and two more bedrooms. The hall ended with a vending machine. One of the officers had pressed the service button for the elevator. The group heard the machine climbing up the shaft.
Suddenly, Seungmin snapped his head up from his loitering stare at the floor to the elevator door. "Something is in the elevator." He said. "Get back, get back."
"Get away!" Echoed Blossom. They hurried to distance themselves from the door.
"I have no idea what's inside." Seungmin spat to the Kids.
"What does its energy feel like?" Hyunjin quickly asked.
Seungmin closed his eyes. "Wait, there are two beings inside. They're giving off different but similar magic signatures. Guys, one of them is—!" The elevator arrived, and the doors opened with a chime. Some of the police and Kids gasped at the sight.
To the left was a frail bodied, white humanoid with the head, legs and folded wings of a bird. Its hands were human with talon-like digits, and its eyes were covered by a white lace blindfold. It was six feet tall and wore a white tunic with a golden rope that had an empty leather hook for a weapon. Its hands were locked with those of the black, muscular humanoid with the head, legs and tail of a bull. It was naked and a foot taller than the other creature, its skin was brittle and its knuckles and claws resembled those of a lacertelia.
Hearing the humans, the creatures paused and looked. Recognizing and remembering the bird from the party, the Kids traded quick glances with each other. 'Angel!' Seungmin mouthed to Hyunjin and Changbin, who nodded. The bull bellowed and broke its contact with the bird to charge at officer Lambert. Shouting in surprise, Portman, Bridges and Walker fired at it.
The bullets clanged against the demon's skin and were launched back into the nearby Lambert, Portman, Alley and Bridges. The officers shouted in pain as bullets penetrated their arms and legs. Walker was unfortunate enough to have a pair of bullets pass through his neck. The others were quick enough to cower and move before they could be injured by the returning fire. The elevator doors began to close. Nevada was closest to the elevator, so he slammed his hand on the button to keep the doors open.
Chris glanced at the angel, which held gave a coo of distress. The monster pounced on Lambert and bit into his left arm, tearing it off and devouring it. The man screamed in agony and dropped his gun. Gay and pointed their weapons at the white being, which held its hands by its head but kept looking to the demon.
Chris decided he needed to take the initiative and said to the angel, "Please, help us!" The bird gave a short coo, then rushed forward, grabbed the behemoth by its waist and heaved it away from Lambert as the bull dug its claws into his other arm. The angel threw itself onto its back, the beast hollering and thrashing. Changbin, Seungmin and the officers went further into the hallways as two men carefully removed Lambert from where he laid.
The bird slammed a hand onto the floor. With the bang of a rifle, a fiery magic circle that burned and frostbitten hands sprang from appeared beneath it. The bull broke free before its rival could reach its arm back around its hulking body. The bird gave a shrill cry and began to rise to its feet. The beast roared and lunged forward to attack the man he had been feasting on.
Seungmin stepped forward and reached out his arms. Five purple rings of light enveloped the monster's torso, humming emitting from the rings. Seungmin yanked his arms to his chest, and as the screaming demon whipped its arms to grasp something, it was pulled towards Seungmin in the air. The angel reached up and caught the bull's legs. The bird gave a call that sounded as much like a song as it did a war cry. Seungmin's eyes flew open, understanding the bird, and rested his arms to stop his powers.
The bird and bull were pulled into the circle, the bird giving a shout of triumph and the bull crying out in what sounded like pain as its body disintegrated. The circle disappeared with a bang, and the humans took a second to collect themselves. "We need to get you outside and to the hospital." Nevada said to Lambert, who nodded a little. He was evidently struggling to keep himself awake, much less from constantly crying in pain.
"I'll call us in." Said officer Gay. "Johnson and Ulysses have Alley and Bridges. I'll take Portman."
"We'll carry Walker out." Tailor said, he and Evelyn standing over the dead officer.
"Very well." Dance nodded, then the group hurried away.
"Holy shit." Said Fort, one of the remaining officers. "That was intense."
"That's eleven of us gone, already." Said the other, Captain Dance.
"We could wait here for those six," Said Hyunjin. "And then we'll only be four down."
"Good idea, Ghost." Fort replied.
"That's a hell of a way to confirm what we're dealing with, here." Said Dance.
"Charlie and David to Dispatch, Adam and Boy: the south wing of the facility is clear. Repeat: the south wing is clear. Over." Said a voice on the radio.
Chris gave a low whistle to call the boys in for a huddle. One of the officers was obligated to listen, standing outside of the circle. Fort filled in this position. "OK, so that was a taste of what's to come." Said Chris.
"Dispatch to Charlie and David, understood. Adam and Boy, what is your status? Over."
"We're in trouble." Said Felix.
"If we stick to our routines and work together, we should be all right." Said Changbin. The other boys nodded, but Seungmin was dormant.
Dance replied, "Adam and Boy to Dispatch: we have had contact with one hostile entity and one, uh..." He looked at Seungmin, who was looking around to sort his thoughts. Seungmin shrugged and looked at Chris, who shrugged to the officer in a more exaggerated fashion.
"You OK, Seungmin-ie?" Chris inquired.
"One other unknown, possibly friendly entity. Four of us are injured, one dead from ricocheted bullets. Six of us are coming out with the wounded and casualty as we speak. Over."
"I just have the worst feeling about all of this, Chan." Said Seungmin, his voice shaking. His body began to shiver. Chris pulled the boy in for a hug, and Seungmin was barely keeping himself from crying.
The police chief said, "Dispatch to Adam and Boy: where are you? And what happened? Over."
"Sh, Seungmin. I've got you." Chris whispered, patting the boys' head. Seungmin's body heaved. Hyunjin and Changbin came in to hug Seungmin, and so did Felix.
"Adam and Boy to Dispatch: we are at the northern wing, in front of the elevator..."
Seungmin nodded a little looked up into Chris' face. "You good, now?" He nodded again, this time more confidently. "Good. We'll do this together, all right?"
"Yeah. Right." Seungmin replied.
"Our experience means we aren't going in with our hands tied," Said Changbin. "But with what we just saw, we have no idea what else we're up against."
"Yeah," Felix said. "We do have a lot of advantages, but what's down there—" He looked over his right shoulder to the elevator. "—Is just so mysterious and dangerous. I feel what Seungmin is feeling." He wrapped his arms around himself and swept his eyes along the floor. "I hate this, already."
"I think we all hate this, Felix." Chris responded. "You're right, it's going to be scary, down there. Our job won't be easy. But we have our colleagues here to help us however they can."
He looked at the officers. They each gave a reassuring nod. Chris placed his hands on Felix's shoulders. "We will bring Minho and Jisung to justice, and Faith will be fine. Just like us, if we just don't panic."
"So, we just make sure our friends don't shoot at any more demons, and we'll be fine?" Said Changbin. Chris, Hyunjin and the nearby officer chuckled.
"Pretty much, yeah." Replied Chris.
"Is everyone feeling better, now?" Chris asked. "Ready for the big reveal?" All of the boys nodded.
"Good." Chris said, nodding. "Want to cheer for good measure?"
"Yeah." Answered Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix, Changbin nodding.
The five got into position, struck their pose and declared, "Step out! We are Stray Kids!" Then they applauded and hollered for themselves, high-fiving each other as the officers cheered, the energy of the boys contagious.
The female voice returned. "Dispatch to Adam, Boy, Charlie and David: please rendezvous at the elevator to the third level of Alicia to proceed with the men you sent our way with the injured. Over."
"Guess we'd better get back into formation." Said Felix, glancing at the officers in their area as marching steps came from the southern end of the corridor.
"Charlie and David to Dispatch: understood. We're on our way. Over."
"Yep yep." Replied Chris. They gathered with the officers in front of the elevator.
"Adam and Boy to Charlie, David and Dispatch: understood. Over." Said the officer. He blew air through his lips after releasing the button.
"You good, Captain?" Asked Chris.
He nodded. "Yeah, fine. Thanks, Chan."
Fort looked over the heroes. "They sure are coming in a hurry."
"All of them?" Dance questioned.
"Yeah: Charlie, David and our own guys."
"Good. We shouldn't waste any more time." Soon, the twelve members of Charlie and David and the six of Adam and Charlie joined the Kids and two officers. "Dispatch, this is Dance: all have arrived. Over."
"Dispatch to Dance: understood. Over." Changbin pressed the elevator service button. Moments later, the lift arrived, and the Kids, Captain Dance and Marley entered. Changbin hit the button inside the elevator, and the machine's doors shut. They descended, and the doors opened to view a small lobby.
The flooring was unpainted concrete, and the bare white drywall and trim added to the brightly lit atmosphere in a unfriendly manner. Two pairs of backless wooden benches were in front of a walled-in desk area with a long window that had a space for objects to be slid beneath. The hall attached to the room was south bound, and after the four doors before them was a crossroads. As they moved into the room, Dance spoke into his radio. "To all officers upstairs: the Stray Kids plus Dance and Marley have arrived at the lower floor. Area is clear. Over."
Looking ahead, Changbin and Chris gave each other faces of puzzlement. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Chris said.
"You mean the footprints burned into the floor?" Replied Changbin, nodding twice. "Yeah, I see them."
"Adam, Boy, Charlie and David to the boys downstairs: understood." Answered a male officer from the first floor.
"Wonder if they belong to a demon." Marley said to Changbin and Chris.
Changbin said, "No, they look human."
"They do, yeah." Chris replied. Within a minute, the remaining fifteen officers came to the basement.
"Adam, Boy, Charlie and David to Dispatch: all have arrived safely. Over." Said Captain Dance.
"Dispatch to Adam, Boy, Charlie and David: understood. Proceed to the intensive care unit. Take care down there. Over." The assembly advanced into the hallway. The officers in the row behind the boys who were closest to the wall peeked into the rooms as they passed them.
"Orval reporting: Kang Jongwoo is present in his cell and is laying on his back in his bed, reading his Bible. Over." The officer on the right radioed.
"They might be the prints of something that has human feet, or made their feet look human." Replied Seungmin.
"Weaver reporting: Chevy Mars is present in his cell and is humming to himself while sitting on his bed. Over." Said the other male officer.
"You make a good point, Seungmin-ie." Said Chris.
"Orval reporting: Spencer Hall is present in his cell, laying in his bed, doing nothing. He appears to be asleep. Over."
Jinyoung's voice was back on the radio. "Dispatch to Orval: please have one officer speak to Hall to confirm his activity. Over." Everyone paused. The Kids looked among the officers as they did themselves. The woman from the third row raised her hand.
"I'll stay." She said.
"Are you sure, Chance?" Replied Gay. Chance's surname tag was Reed.
She nodded. "I'm sure. It'll only take a moment, anyway."
"I'll stay outside in case you need help." He said. Chance nodded, then she and the other officer entered the bedroom.
A third officer said, "Dispatch, this is Jameson. Maxwell and Reed have followed orders to inspect Hall. Over."
The woman replied, "Dispatch to Jameson: understood. Over."
"Let's move!" Said Vale, a male officer from the fifth row. The twenty-three people continued.
Orval looked into the final room before the junction. "Orval reporting: Mitchell Schneider is present in his room, painting a... hold on. Kids, get a look at this." He said, and stepped closer to the window to view the mural on the left wall of the room. The group stopped, again. Mitchell's arm stroked the same place endlessly, his face inches away from the wall.
"Dispatch to Orval, what are you seeing? Over."
Orval stepped aside for Seungmin to see. "It appears to be a nude woman missing her jaw, and she's covered in blood."
"It's Faith, again." Seungmin finished. Orval gave him an astonished look and subconsciously let go of the button on his radio. The three officers exited Hall's room. "Sorry to interrupt."
"Dispatch to Orval: was that one of the Kids, just now? Over." Jinyoung said.
"Orval to Dispatch: yes, that was Clover. Would you like him to describe the painting? Over."
"Dispatch to Orval: yes. Give radio access to Clover, please. Over." Said the chief. Officer Orval unhooked his radio from his pocket and gave it to Seungmin.
Seungmin pressed the button on the radio. "Clover to Dispatch: the woman is short, around four feet tall. Schneider didn't use any other colours than black, red, purple and a small amount of dark pink. Her torso, especially her chest and collar bones, are covered in blood. Her thighs are bruised, and, as Orval noted, her jaw is missing. Her eyes are blacked out. Over."
About fifteen seconds passed, then Jinyoung's voice returned. "Dispatch to Clover and Orval: Schneider was committed for schizophrenia. He may have been affected by what's going on. Over."
"Clover to Dispatch: I agree. I think Schneider might be trying to tell us what to expect, if our enemy succeeds. Over."
"Dispatch to Clover: Thank you. To all: Please move on and report on what else you find. Over."
"Thanks, Orval." Seungmin said with a smile.
"No problem, Clover." The officer smiled back.
"Oh, wait." Seungmin turned to Chris. "Should I tell Dispatch about the spider we encountered?"
"That's a good idea." Chris answered. "We'll go on a little further, without you. Check on the other patients."
Seungmin nodded, then said into the radio, "Dispatch, this is Clover. I'd like to report on something we found earlier but neglected to report on due to our mission priorities. Permission to debrief? Over." Hyunjin and Chris went down the left path with half of the officers, besides the one whose radio Seungmin was using, while Felix and Changbin went the other way.
The woman replied, "Dispatch to Clover: permission granted."
"Dispatch is busy with Seungmin," Said Hyunjin. "So we'll have to wait to report on what's down here."
"And for us to report on Hall." Said Jameson.
"How was he, by the way? Fine, right?"
Jameson nodded. "Yeah, he was sleeping."
"That's good." Chris commented. "Everyone seems fine this way."
"I'm impressed." Said officer Cruise. "I thought more of them would have reacted like Schneider."
"It's good that no one else has." Said Shorts.
Cruise said, "At least, on this end of the—"
"Everyone! Come and look! We found something!" Hyunjin called. Along with the group who had gone down the eastern way who turned around and hustled to join the others, Seungmin and Orval glanced and watched Russell, a male officer, and Vale enter the third door on the left.
"It was obvious the footprints came from here—" Said Maxwell.
"—Holy hell." Remarked Vale.
"—But we had to check the other rooms, anyway."
"We have casualties, here." Said Russell.
"Dispatch to Clover: understood. Thank you for your report. You are free to continue. Over." Said the woman. Dance entered the room, so Russell and Vale stepped aside.
The metal bed attached to the wall right of the door was scorched. The white mattress was blown to shreds, and a massive black ring was burned into the walls and floor near the left side of the bedding. Two nurses laid within the ring, their clothes and hair burned away and their skin pitch black. "Damn." Dance muttered. "If this is any kind of sign as to what's in the morgue..."
"There's no way we're ready for it." Said Tailor.
"You guys will be behind us," Said Changbin. "We'll get the worst of whatever's inside."
Maxwell said, "But if demons can make portals like that... angel could, they could come up from behind us."
"Jesus, Chance." Said Johnson.
"Sorry. It's just speculation so we aren't totally surprised."
"Maxwell has a point." Chris said. "There's a possibility that the back row will be ambushed. Maybe half of us Kids should go to the back."
"I like that idea." Dance said, nodding.
"I'd be willing to go in the back." Said Felix.
"Me too." Seungmin added.
Dance nodded more. "All right. Why don't you all go wait outside the morgue while I report this?" Some of the officers and Kids nodded, then they backtracked to the main direction of the hall. "Dance to Dispatch: we have found casualties in the residence of Yang Jeongin."
Chris halted abruptly and made eye contact with Gay, Island and Weaver, who were closest to him. "J-Jeongin? That was his room? I thought he was rooming upstairs." His eyes glossed over, on the brink of crying.
Blossom stepped closer, nodding as she raised her head. "His condition worsened. The doctors had to put him down here." The assembly came to a stop some ten feet away from the steel doors of the morgue. "You remember when you Kids set out to save Woojin from Minho, when all of this started?"
"Yeah." Chris whispered, breaking eye contact with Blossom.
"That was... the night that changed our lives." Mumbled Felix. He sniffled and shuffled around so he faced the wall. Changbin stepped close to him and rubbed his back.
"I thought Jeongin came out of the party powerless?" Said Hyunjin.
"Apparently he didn't." Blossom said. "I guess Minho and Jisung brought it out of Jeongin. I was saying that this might be connected to the party." Dance joined the group.
"It must be." Said Hyunjin. "The hosts were looking to summon demons 'cause they were nuts, and they succeeded."
Felix said, "Remember how after the angels helped us and gave us our powers, they said that if the demons came back, or if Minho became too much of a problem, they'd come to help?"
"Yeah, of course."
"I guess they held up on their promise." Said Chris.
"All right," Dance said. "Let's get into position, everyone." Several officers sniffled and coughed as the people moved around to reform the lines.
"It sure is quiet, in there." Said Addison.
"I'll open the doors with my powers." Seungmin stated, looking to Chris and Dance. They both nodded. Seungmin raised his arms at chest level, palms towards the doors. He pushed his arms forward and the doors opened one centimetre. They flung outwards as the area exploded in a flash of white heat.
Chris shut his eyes and groaned. His ears were blasted with wind and screams behind him that were cut short. He collapsed and blacked out. He opened his eyes some time later. His ears rang as he looked around him.
The officers were skeletons and scraps of clothing on the ground. Small parts of the floor of the basement were intact, but the building had been reduced to rubble that formed ugly obstacles in the crater. Chris distinguished the roofs of the other buildings and hoped the police chief and other officers weren't dead or injured. The ringing in his ears transitioned to the grunts and yells of Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix fighting, the screams of a young woman in pain, and of sirens in the distance. There were voices from behind a wall of rubble beside him, to the west. The police were picking away at the ruins. Chris then knew that some of the police were alive. He hoped Chief Park was with them.
Chris closed his eyes, too dazed to think of anything more. He let out a broken cry at the thought of how the officers and everyone in the buildings had been killed just like that. They had come for nothing. But killed by who? Jisung? Minho?
"No," His eyes peered open, not focusing on anything and recalling the burned footprints in the hallway. He cleaned his mouth with the back of one hand. "Jeongin. Jeongin was behind the door. He did this."
Chris wiped the moisture from his eyes with his other hand. Chris he felt a hand softly rest on his left shoulder. He swiveled his head and saw Changbin kneeling behind him. Changbin carefully looked into his leader's eyes. "Good to see you're up, Chan. We need your help."
"Sounds like it. How long was I out?"
"A little more than two minutes. You won't believe how many demons we had to dance around with to keep them from stepping on you. It was intense shit. I told the others to keep the last swarm of flies away from us so I could chat with you. We noticed that if we don't talk to Minho, he doesn't bring out more demons."
Chris glanced over Changbin's shoulder to watch. The dog sized flies demons with eyes the size of dodgeballs were disgusting to look at. There was a few more than a dozen of them. Hyunjin darted around, slashing several with his dan geum until they fell to the ground dead, and Felix kicked and back-handed one that lost flight moments later. Felix stomped the demon to death and made a noise of disgust at the thick red blood on his shoe. Seungmin was throwing flies at the western wall with his powers, keeping back five feet. One of the four he was playing with died while Chris watched.
"They're doing pretty good." Said Chris. "You feeling all right?" He pointed at Changbin's two foot long royal blue scepter with a gold speckled diamond the size of a plum core that Changbin loosely held in one hand. "I imagine you've used your beauty a lot, already."
Changbin frowned. "I'm feeling a bit faint, yeah. Nice thing about chatting with you is that my body gets a break. My water bottle was eaten by a demon after I summoned it, though."
"Oh no!" Chris laughed. Changbin laughed, too.
"Uh, what else... oh! Hyunjin used his invisibility, when Jeongin blew everything up, and he saw Jeongin sink into the floor in a fiery magic circle. When the light cleared, we saw the black dome Jisung and Faith are in. It was..." Changbin glanced aside for a moment. "Hard, watching them die. Seungmin and Felix threw up."
Chris clicked his tongue and pouted. "Aw, I need to give them a hug, when we get home. Need to give you all a hug." Changbin blew air from his nose with a little smile.
Minho said, "You guys are done with those, already? Want some more to play with?"
Chris exclaimed, "Wait, no!" Minho turned his palms down, and five magic circles appeared on the ground.
"I guess I'll explain the rest later." Changbin said. Chris laughed. "Let me help you up." Changbin rose to his feet and gave Chris his hand.
Chris was pulled to his feet, then he shook his head and huffed, bouncing in place and rolling his shoulders to warm up his joints. He felt better, even though the area stank of an oily aroma he could only assume was demon blood. He felt his powers swelling in his muscles. Chris met his friend's fearless eyes with his own. Changbin nodded, then ran to the other Kids with his scepter raised above his head.
"Shining Beat Beam!" The core heated up with white light, and Changbin lowered his arm and spun around towards the five demons the other Kids were fighting. A thick beam of light spewed from the scepter and burned into the furry skin of the two nearest demons, resembling black rams. The magic tore through their middles, sawing them in half. The top halves slid onto the ground and turned to ash, the lower halves disintegrating as the knees moved towards the ground like jello.
The other monsters gave war cries and turned to charge Changbin, who flew past them and took his place beside Hyunjin. Hyunjin threw his dan geum into the neck of the red and black hyena demon in front them. Its body shook while trying to grab the knife. Seungmin and Changbin each grabbed an arm of the two remaining demons and threw them as far away from Hyunjin as possible. The hyena was jumpy, likely because the weapon hit a nerve. Hyunjin sprang onto the demon, holding its fur, and jabbed the dan geum into different parts of the monster's flesh.
The demon's legs buckled, then Hyunjin tore his knife around its throat with such force that its head popped off and landed behind it. Hyunjin let go of the corpse and took a step back as it turned to ash. He looked to either side of him while catching his breath. Changbin and Felix stood by the disappearing pink and black leopard demon, a hole in its gut and its face an eyeless mess. Seungmin and Chris had dealt with the green and black tiger, its limbs grossly broken and its torso torn open like curtains.
"You guys are gross." Hyunjin said.
Felix replied, "Not our fault these guys are squishy on the inside."
"Done with those, too?" Minho said. "Jisung, do you need more time?" He looked at the dome for a second, then nodded with a hum.
Chris said, "Minho, wait—"
Minho pouted. "Oh, but you look bored." He smirked. "Let me give you something bigger to chew on." He pivoted and placed his left palm on top of his right hand. "Brachyura, come play with us!"
A magic circle with a radius comparable to that of a monster truck's tire appeared on the ground behind Minho, to his left. A massive, dark red crab demon shot out of the circle high into the air. The rubble it landed on broke instantly. It loitered, its creepy eyes baring down on the kids.
"That thing's at least ten feet tall." Said Seungmin.
"It is," Minho yawned, not covering his mouth. "I'll let it target... two of you, and the rest it'll ignore. I'm tired, so that's the last freak you have to play with, for a while."
"What happens if we try to come close to you?" Chris asked.
"Did Changbin not tell you, while you were having your little chat?"
"No, you sent out more demons before he could finish explaining things."
"Well, if you come within five feet of me," Minho threw his arm to the side, and an iron device materialized in his hand. "I'll throw my favourite toy at you." Chris didn't need to ask if that was a Scavenger's Daughter. It looked like what Changbin had described, and he figured that if he asked, Minho would throw it at him.
How would they get it off, if they had no key for the locks? Would Changbin be able to break it with his scepter's beam? Or Seungmin, with his telekinesis? It was best to move on. "OK, fair enough. Give us a second to talk it over, please?"
"Sure. No time limit. I'm not that mean. I'll be talking with the angels, so don't worry about me overhearing or spying on you." Minho said. The Kids scrambled into a huddle.
"OK, that thing's gonna be fast." Said Chris. "Its shell is probably too strong for Hyunjin's dan geum, and it's going to be moving too fast for you, Seungmin, to seize with your telekinesis."
"It's a crab, so it oughta be weak to heat." Changbin moved the hand he held his scepter with.
"Probably. But it'll be moving too fast for you to get a good shot."
"Yeah. I might end up blasting into the crater or at the angels. So count me out."
"Guess that leaves you and me, Chan." Said Felix.
"Right." Chris said. "I doubt that we can outrun it, even if your power is about speed."
"If I try hard enough, I might keep pace with it."
"Yeah! So then," Chris drew a curve in the air with a finger. "You're going to lead Brach..." His eyes shifted to Seungmin. "Yura?"
"Yep," Seungmin nodded. "Brachyura'. It's the crustacean infraorder that crabs belong to." The Kids laughed a bit.
"OK. So you lead Brachyura around the dome to the west," Chris drew in the air with is finger again. "And when you come to a wall, climb up using whatever you can—" He grabbed the air with either hand.  "—And get on Brachyura."
"I'll run underneath or behind you, and when the crab comes to a wall, I'll try and swing up—" Chris swung his left arm down. "—Onto the crab with its legs. Then we'll pull off its legs," He 'squeezed' the air multiple times with his hands. "One by one. Eventually, it'll lose its balance, fall on its back," He flipped one hand open to show his palm "And then..." Chris paused, his eyes on Changbin. "Would he could call that cheating?"
Changbin raised his brows. "Oh, so you want me to deal the final blow with my scepter? Chan, that's so smart! But yeah," He peeked over Seungmin's head to see Minho. He didn't look his way. "He might. And then we'd be up against more demons. Or worse, more giant ones."
"Don't jinx it, man." Seungmin whined.
"What if, after Changbin kills Brachyura," Said Chris. "We come running over? Minho's demon obviously falls for temptation easily. Felix, you're going to run right past him, and that'll get him faced away from me so I can tackle him."
"Do you think you'll be strong enough to hold him down?" Asked Felix.
"I'll have to be. I wonder... if the demon isn't strong enough to fight with his fists, maybe that's why he uses a tool?"
"Seems like a valid reason." Seungmin said.
"Did the angels tell you how long they think it would take them to break the dome?"
"They said twenty minutes, since Minho's up and about."
"So if Minho can't do anything, do you think the angel's will suddenly break through?" Chris said. The others looked among themselves and at Chris with expressions of consideration and curiosity.
"You know what?" Hyunjin said. "That just might be our solution."
"It's still cheating." Changbin grimaced.
Chris raised his hands. "It's the only idea I've got. You with me?"
"Yeah, of course." Changbin nodded.
"Yeah." "Yeah!" The other boys chorused.
"OK, let's go." Chris said, then the boys broke up the circle. Noticing they weren't in a circle anymore, Minho trailed off his other sentence in Latin, said a little more to the angel, who bowed its head.
Minho asked, "You ready, now?"
"Yeah, we're ready." Chris answered.
"Who did you choose?"
"Me and Felix."
"OK." Minho chimed. "Brachyura," He pointed to Chris and Felix. "Those two. Kill."
The demon rushed forward at a terrifying pace, the ground trembling like God was unleashing a meteor shower onto the crater. Hyunjin, Seungmin and Changbin ducked so they wouldn't fall, and Felix and Chris sprinted southwards. Felix sprang over the pile of concrete and metal that he soon came in contact with. Chris took a sharp left around the same heap. Brachyura stepped around the other boys so closely that the wind whipped around them. Hyunjin flinched with a squeak because one leg slammed down in front of his face. One of the demon's swimming legs moved dangerously close between Changbin and Seungmin. Once it passed, they looked up to watch their friends race Brachyura to the south-facing wall.
Hyunjin sighed and made himself sit. "Shit." Seungmin and Changbin chortled and guffawed and sat down with Hyunjin, who laughed at himself.
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ofburningblood · 6 years
Charlie and Max Carver + 👥
Send me a FC +👥 to see a character i’d play with that FC
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Full Name: Ulrich Edun                              Class: RogueNickname: Two-Headed Serpent               Alignment: Chaotic GoodAge: Twenty                                               Orientation: Homosexual
Strength: 4                                                     Wisdom: 6Dexterity: 7                                                     Intelligence: 7Constitution: 3                                               Charisma: 6
Full Name: Ulysses Edun                           Class: RogueNickname: Two-Headed Serpent               Alignment: Chaotic EvilAge: Twenty                                               Orientation: Homosexual
Strength: 8                                                     Wisdom: 6Dexterity: 4                                                     Intelligence: 4Constitution: 6                                               Charisma: 5
        Ulrich and Ulysses were born as twins. Being near identical, no one could tell the two apart physically, but both had very different personalities. Ulrich was more of the quiet child, calculated and focused, while Ulysses was the rowdier of the two, much more aggressive and athletic. Still, the two were stuck together like peas in a pod and benefited from each other well. Ulrich became the brains and Ulysses the brawn. It made their mischief making all the more successful.
          Their mischief making were often targeted at strangers when they were little kids, those who didn’t know they were twins. A simple act of confusion and deception as they seemed to pop up everywhere all at once. It was fun for the kids, but that slowly faded as they met fewer and fewer strangers. They became popular within their town and many tolerated their childishness for their age alone. It was lighthearted and fun, after all. Not many got to experience such a thing in Warfall.
          As the two got older, however, their craving for causing some trouble accelerated. Often, it was Ulysses that urged Ulrich onto little schemes and Ulrich attempting to steer his brother towards a more matured route, but it was difficult to deny family at times--especially if one was as close as the two were.
          With time, their tricks and antics turned to thievery. Often the two had the advantage; one would distract while the other snuck towards the intended target. It didn’t take long before they were one day garnering attention, but not from towns guards--but from the Black Rose. Ashe approached them in the midst of a heist of theirs, catching them in the act. She gave them two choices, to continue going down the path they were in now and one day getting caught and thrown in the slums or to join the guild and be somewhat protected under a family of thieves. Blood is thicker than water--but thieves were just as thick.
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jazzworldquest-blog · 5 years
USA: Jack Kleinsinger's Highlights In Jazz 46th Anniversary Gala Thursday, February 28, 2019 8 PM BMCC TRIBECA Performing Arts Center
Tickets & Info
Each year, savvy jazz fans look forward to the annual Highlights In Jazz series. For almost a half century, the Jack Kleinsinger-produced events have brought together a multitude of beloved jazz musicians spanning an eclectic mix of generations and styles. The 2019 season is no exception, with four stellar concerts featuring some of the brightest luminaries in jazz today. The new season gets off to a roaring start with the Highlights In Jazz 46th Anniversary Gala, featuring pianist/vocalist Daryl Sherman, saxophonist Houston Person, trumpeter Warren Vaché, clarinetist/saxophonist Ken Peplowski, pianist Norman Simmons, bassist Boots Maleson, and guitarist James Chirillo. And as always at Highlights In Jazz events, a special surprise guest will be on hand. Listeners will be treated to unforgettable performances as these seasoned jazz veterans mix it up together and make the magic happen. “Producing all-star jams is my stock in trade,” Kleinsinger notes. “What you’ll hear at these concerts is different from what you’d hear in a club. These great musicians get together here to play with people they don’t play with every night of the week.” A mainstay of the New York jazz scene, Daryl Sherman has built a devoted following with her talent and creativity as a pianist and singer, and her distinctive take on the Great American Songbook. A frequent guest on Marian McPartland’s “Piano Jazz,” Daryl presided over Cole Porter’s Steinway at the Waldorf-Astoria for 14 years, and was legendary bandleader Artie Shaw’s vocalist of choice. She’s appeared with Bucky and John Pizzarelli, Bob Dorough, Wycliffe Gordon, Dick Hyman, Dave McKenna, Jay Leonhart, Howard Alden, Joe Temperley, and Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks, to name just a few. Saxophonist Houston Person is among the most in-demand tenor players in New York today. He’s known for his affinity with singers, honed during his 20-plus years with vocalist Etta Jones. Besides releasing dozens of albums as a leader in the company of greats such as Ron Carter, Steve Nelson, Cedar Walton, Bill Charlap, Joey DeFrancesco, Bernard Purdie, Les McCann, Benny Green, Grady Tate, Curtis Fuller, and other notables, Person has appeared on scores more as a sideman. Is there anything trumpeter, cornetist, and flugelhornist Warren Vaché can’t do? The New Jersey-born brass star has made his mark from Broadway pit orchestras to big bands to free-wheeling jazz ensembles. He’s appeared in the company of Howard Alden, George Shearing, Bucky Pizzarelli, Bill Charlap and dozens of others. Vaché lists Louis Armstrong, Roy Eldridge, Bobby Hackett, Fats Navarro, Tom Harrell and Ruby Braff among his favorite trumpet players. Saxophonist/clarinetist Ken Peplowski was still in elementary school when he landed his first pro gig, playing in a Polish polka band in his native Cleveland. From that moment, he knew the musical life was his destiny. Ken studied with Sonny Stitt, and played with classic bands like the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra and with Benny Goodman. He’s also collaborated with Mel Torme, Charlie Byrd, Peggy Lee, George Shearing, Hank Jones, Dave Frishberg, Rosemary Clooney, Tom Harrell, James Moody, Cedar Walton, and Bill Charlap. Ken has released several albums as a leader and appeared on more than 400 recordings as a sideman. Norman Simmons wears many hats, all of them gracefully: composer, arranger, pianist, educator, and more. In his native Chicago, he led the house band at one of the most renowned clubs of the era The Beehive, backing greats such as Wardell Gray, Lester Young, and Charlie Parker. Besides providing the arrangement for Ramsey Lewis’ hit “Wade in the Water,” Simmons is widely known for his work with legendary vocalists including Carmen McRae, Anita O’Day, Betty Carter, and Joe Williams, and for his special feel for the compositions of the great Duke Ellington. In-demand bassist Boots Maleson is a veteran of ensembles large and small, including the big bands of Harry James, Jimmy Dorsey, and Bob Alexander, the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, and the Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra. He has also accompanied Milt Jackson, Elvin Jones, Jaki Byard, Archie Shepp, Kenny Barron, Dexter Gordon, Stanley Cowell, Benny Carter, and Marlene Verplanck, and many others. Versatile guitarist James Chirillo has been heard with a spectrum of talent that spans Wynton Marsalis, Paquito D’Rivera, Wycliffe Gordon, Michael Feinstein, Tony Bennett, Joe Lovano, Marcus Roberts, Dick Hyman, Benny Goodman, Benny Carter, Eddie Durham, Eddie Barefield, Frank Wess, and Joe Wilder. The winner of a composition grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, James has also appeared on Broadway and movie soundtracks. With the Highlights In Jazz series nudging the half-century mark, Kleinsinger is justly proud of his ongoing legacy as a producer. Since the very first Highlights in Jazz event, “Every concert in the series has been integrated, has included a variety of younger artists and veterans, and has featured a renowned surprise guest. And every year we honor a living jazz great—let’s honor them while they can smell the roses,” he declares. This year’s honoree, Randy Brecker, will be feted at the May 16th concert. The HIJ series is a favorite destination for New York jazz fans and in-the-know out-of-towners. Besides the lineup of jazz icons onstage, there are often stars to be found in the audience as well—sports greats Venus Williams and Willie Randolph, actors Bette Midler and Alan Alda, and author Kurt Vonnegut, to name just a few. The secret to the longevity of the beloved Highlights In Jazz series? “We’re doing the concerts other producers don’t do,” Kleinsinger says, “and in the process we’ve outlasted everyone who’s ever done jazz concerts in the history of New York.” You won’t want to miss a single event in this new season of Highlights In Jazz!
Jack Kleinsinger’s HIGHLIGHTS IN JAZZ 2019 47th year Thursday, February 28, 2019 - 8 P.M.     •    Highlights In Jazz - 46th Anniversary Gala     •    Vocalist Daryl Sherman     •    Saxophonist Houston Person     •    Trumpeter Warren Vaché     •    Clarinetist/saxophonist Ken Peplowski     •    Pianist Norman Simmons     •    Bassist Boots Maleson     •    Guitarist James Chirillo Plus, surprise special guest!  Mark your calendar for other concerts scheduled for the 2019 Highlights In Jazz season: Thursday, March 28, 2019 - 8 P.M.     •    Satchmo & Sidney Revisited David Ostwald’s Louis Armstrong Eternity Band     •    Tubaist David Ostwald     •    Trumpeter Alphonso Horne     •    Saxophonist Adrian Cunningham     •    Trombonist Dion Tucker     •    Trombonist Dave Gibson Plus:     •    Bechet’s leading disciple Olivier Franc     •    Stride piano master Jean Baptiste Franc     •    Sidney Bechet’s son Daniel Bechet Produced in Association with the Sidney Bechet Society Along with surprise special guests! Thursday, May 16, 2019 – 8 P.M. Salute to Randy Brecker Jazz Millennials Saxophonists Peter & Will Anderson Singer Veronica Swift Plus: Jazz Masters Pianist George Cables Bassist Buster Williams Drummer Kenny Washington Guest of Honor: Trumpeter Randy Brecker and surprise special guest! Thursday, June 20, 2019 – 8 P.M. Remembering Erroll & Randy The Erroll Garner Project Pianist Christian Sands Drummer Ulysses Owens Bassist Luques Curtis A Randy Weston Tribute Saxophonist T.K. Blue and the Weston Alumni Band Bassist Alex Blake Percussionist Neil Clarke Special guest trombonist Steve Turre  and surprise special guest! All Shows At BMCC TRIBECA Performing Arts Center Borough of Manhattan Community College 199 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007 http://tribecapac.org By car take FDR Drive south to end, through underpass onto West Street, north to Chambers. By Subway take 1, 2, 3, 9, A, C, E, J or M train to Chambers or N, R to City Hall stop. Walk west on Chambers. Box Office 212-220-1460 Ticket Prices $50.00 $45.00 (student rate with valid ID) or by mail order. $180.00 per subscription Tickets can be purchased in advance at the box office. You are now able to use your credit card at the Tribeca PAC Box Office located on 199 Chambers Street, or by calling (212) 220-1460 and now online at Tickets.Tribecapac.org Please send a check made payable to: Highlights In Jazz Please mail orders to: Highlights In Jazz 7 Peter Cooper Road, Apt. 11E, New York, NY 10010 (Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope) http://www.highlightsinjazz.org , Highlights in Jazz Media Contact Jim Eigo Jazz Promo Services 272 State Route 94 South #1 Warwick, NY 10990-3363 Ph: 845-986-1677 / Fax: 845-986-1699 Cell / text: 917-755-8960 Skype: jazzpromo [email protected] www.jazzpromoservices.com
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