#only his wife can make him pretend to be a fascist for her amusement
unpretty · 7 months
i do love the reveal that brennan lee mulligan, employed by comedy website dropout.tv to make comedy videos, spent four years keeping top secret from all his coworkers the fact that he had a trump impression
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softersinned-arc · 1 year
A reminder that Connor Roy was interested in politics at a very young age!
"That's the one who announced his campaign by inviting the government to arrest him, right?" (They melt into each other the way they always do, Astoria's hands on Baldwin's shoulders sliding down to rest against his chest while she leans forward to read over his shoulder.)
"His own family is endorsing an actual fascist over him." (Diana. New to the table. Here for the holiday. Trying not to talk about the elopement while Matthew drinks her coffee.) "I mean, that's got to say something about him."
"Besides that he's—" (Matthew is trying to be delicate, in a way he rarely is, no doubt for his new bride's benefit.) "—odd?"
"I believe the word you're looking for is insane." (Stasia, from across the dining room, peering out the window at a neighbor walking a new dog.)
"Family should support family even if they're insane." (Philippe, disapproving, in a way only Philippe can be.)
"Would you endorse me if I ran for president?" (Freyja, sitting on the table rather than at the table.)
(Verin, shoving her sister's leg with enough force to nearly send her toppling over:) "Fuck, no."
"Bitch." (Said without heat.)
"Fuckwit." (Said without malice.)
"Should we be getting involved at all? Making a donation?" (Matthew pretends he cares about the business, sometimes.)
"Why would our endorsement matter?" (Verin, scathing.) "We're not American."
"And we're forgetting the part where he's insane." (Stasia, given up on trying to get a better glimpse of the dog.)
"Given how Americans handle their own elections, perhaps they could use a better influence." (Ysabeau, dry, sipping her espresso.)
(Baldwin presses a kiss to his wife's wrist before allowing her to release him. Once she's sitting he's tugging her chair closer.) "I think that was the justification for inviting Russian—"
"—intervention?" (Philippe, amused, in a way only Philippe can be.)
"—sabotage?" (Diana, friendly neighborhood American.)
(Astoria leans into her husband again.) "We should look into making some discreet donations to whoever the Democratic nominee is."
"The liberals in that country are as bad as the conservatives." (Ysabeau's distinctly French disdain grows ever stronger. This may be aimed at the friendly neighborhood American, who is certainly too clever to rise to the bait.)
"Sure." (Scathing, dripping with venom: the friendly neighborhood American is neither too clever or all that friendly. Freyja suddenly looks interested in her new sister-in-law for the first time since being introduced.) "One party is actively trying to destroy any hint of human rights while the other is spineless and ineffective, but they're the same."
"Liberals care about the corporate bottom line as much as conservatives." (Verin sneaks a glance at Baldwin, forever prepared for their competitions, determined to win an endorsement of her own.) "Astoria might have a point."
"Practically speaking, our options are to hope for the best and then make a public statement on valuing freedom of the press in our American chapters when we've done nothing to protect it, or to get involved quietly enough that it doesn't draw too much attention, but loudly enough that we can prove it." (Astoria offers Verin a rare smile. She does have a point, thank you very much.)
"Can we go one meal without talking about the business?" (Is Matthew just sore that nobody's paying much attention to him?)
"Any blow to the Roys is worth pursuing." (Baldwin does what must be done: ignores his brother.)
"I don't see how you expect Mum or Verin or Astoria to girlboss under those conditions." (Freyja, bored again.) "And during Women's History Month, too. I thought you were a feminist, Matt."
"Text Alain. Have him look into our options. Find a liberal candidate who's friendly to businesses." (Philippe makes a valiant effort to put an end to it.)
"Has Connor Roy actually come out with a platform?" (Diana makes a valiant effort to get something useful out of the conversation.)
"Not being a fascist simply isn't enough?" (Ysabeau, still disdainful.)
"Mum, I don't see how you expect Diana to girlboss under these conditions." (Freyja, grinning.)
(Astoria catches Baldwin's hand in her own, raises a coffee cup with her other hand, inclines her head towards Diana.) "Welcome to the family."
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