#only doing the (current) main eight im sleeby
weekend-whip · 11 months
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Under what circumstances/what characters would this happen with (I’m a sucker for this thing)
In her youth, Nya's only ever felt comfortable falling asleep in the presence of her brother, especially when huddled under a blanket beside their workshop's hearth. But over time her body grows a tendency to fall weary while studying with Zane, sharing headphones with Cole, stealing a mid-class nap with Antonia, or in the throes of the past, when she and Olivia would spend school afternoons upon the rooftop where the clouds aimlessly drifted by just as their conversations did. Yet she needs no excuse to rest her head upon Jay's shoulder as he works himself into the night, knowing he'll carry her to bed, should he not fall asleep first.
Kai would never be so foolish as to let down his guard so vulnerably—he can't afford to—so it scares him at first when he jolts up from being against Cole as the Bounty lazily sails across the provinces, when he finds himself in Zane's lap as the Nindroid tends to a wound otherwise gone unnoticed, when Jay's got a supportive arm around him as he drags Kai's battle-weary body to safety. It takes months for the ingrained hesitation to chip away, to let his walls down brick by brick, to open up just enough to have his arms wide open when Skylor trips, stumbles, and crashes into his life, seeking a solace of her own.
Cole is the same way, mainly offering a shoulder for others yet rarely seeking a perch for himself—unless that perch is Zane, in which he embraces it readily and easily, until such a comfort is reserved for another. He hates to ask or assume otherwise for anyone else—tries to bury it out of his mind—too afraid of being seen as needy, clingy, constantly wanting that grounding physical contact—until he finds a familiar, comforting hand slipped into his, as it always has been, and something shifts. He falls under the magic of Jesse's presence; he lets go, head supported by the other's shorter stature, and sleeps.
Zane's guard does not drop readily for the sake of slumber—there's a time and place for resting, and alas, the demands of a ninja do not allow for many such moments. He also knows how... uncomfortable it might be to support a metal shell of a soul, or to be supported by such, and thus does not indulge often. It's only at times when his world is torn apart, or it is him that is rendered asunder, that his loved ones will pick his pieces off of concrete, desert, and city streets—and only then does he find himself cradled gently while in the midst of sleep mode.
Jay jokingly calls the others his "Starcatchers", for the only times when he's not sparking around the skies is when he's falling from them in exhaustion. He's no stranger to waking up being carried upon Cole or Zane's backs, or in Nya's arms, or strewn over Kai's shoulders like a sack of potatoes. When he's pushed to the limits of his electrical reserves, he'll keep staggering step after step, and it rarely matters who comes to bottle his lightning–he'll crash right into them unprompted, and pass out regardless.
Trust already does not come easily to Olivia, nor does she give it freely—only to those she deems worthy or have impressed her. Seldom may there be a moment where she isn't seeking opportunity or hitting the pavement anyway, but there's a few wisps of memories—when things were slightly more right in the world—when she spent an afternoon with her best friend out by the sea and found herself serenely at peace, enough to lay sprawled out on a beach using Nya's lap as her personal pillow. Day by day she dreads never being able to feel so free to feel free to do so ever again...but, "never" is a bold sentiment to cling to.
When the world is at its simplest and most predictable is when Jesse's eyelids will start to droop, his body will sink to the side, and he'll plop into the lap of another—as he sits with Miranda indulging in Saturday morning cartoons, as he curls around a bowl of popcorn on Antonia's couch for movie night, as Harumi calls him over to be reminded the world can't be as bad as she believes, as he shamelessly plunges into Cole's arms during another of their countless stolen moments and tells himself for the umpteenth time "Ah, maybe just this once"—and in slumber becomes unshackled from the threads of constant paranoia and anticipation and simply...lets the moment lie.
Lloyd Garmadon only ever finds peace in the presence of the Elements; in the warmth of a campfire, in the vastness of the ocean, in the spectacle of a stormy sky, in the comfort of a blanket of snow, in the foundation of the ground, in the creation of the universe, in the destructive heat death of it all, in the motherly absence of any Element at all, in the eternal churning of amber, in the neutralizing embrace of a crystal, and in the miracles brought upon by life itself, and they all will always welcome him with open arms should he seek solace—he need only ask. He rarely ever does, for energy does not rest; energy does not sleep. And, most certainly, the energy never dies.
Thus, inversely...no one can ever truly rest easy in the presence of Lloyd Garmadon.
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